I figure something about Tales requires them to spend lots of extra time with it. Remember how when it was first announced they said we would be seeing it by the end of Summer 2014 and we ended up getting it during Thanksgiving week? I just hope this isn't something that remains consistent throughout the rest of the series.
I actually dreamt that ep 2 was released last night - that is how much Telltale have got their hooks into my psyche...
Also, they officially changed the release schedule to 9 weeks (which would have meant that it came out a fortnight ago!)
I actually dreamt that ep 2 was released last night - that is how much Telltale have got their hooks into my psyche...
Also, they officially changed the release schedule to 9 weeks (which would have meant that it came out a fortnight ago!)
If they've finished the voice acting and the rest of it all that's left is certification and reaching a release agreement with the three platforms, hopefully we will see it within the next two weeks
If they've finished the voice acting and the rest of it all that's left is certification and reaching a release agreement with the three platforms, hopefully we will see it within the next two weeks
I've been stalking it and I've got this little feeling that the game just happens to be bigger at this point and when it's released it will be about the same size as the first episode. OR Ep2 is either longer or has a lot of nice stuff in it. Only time will tell...
But it's really relieving to see that they are almost daily updating it! SOON...
Yet they can afford big named actors, hot licenses by TV studios etc and have 4 games running at the same time. (Minecraft, original IP, GoT and TftB).
I'm fine with episodic releases, but the gap between each one is currently ridiculous.
honestly you can't even compare square enix a AAA publisher to telltale who while they have made a lot of money in the past 2-3 years are still not that big
Does anyone have any general idea how Telltale operates with their games? like do they do animation and modeling first and what not, and then get VAing out the way? or do they sort out VAing.. story planning and what have you first and then do everything else? cause we maybe able to guess how close we actually are..
Well, all at the same time of course or they wouldn't be done in this (relatively) short period of time.
One team works on the animations, the composer works on the score, a few people overview the voiceacting...
That all happens at the same time, only the writers are likely done with the script for the next Episode before the previous one releases, and they reuse assets like movements etc.
Even if the wait feels long, we must realize that they are still producing 90-130 minutes of content in 2 months. That is not that much time.
Does anyone have any general idea how Telltale operates with their games? like do they do animation and modeling first and what not, and the… moren get VAing out the way? or do they sort out VAing.. story planning and what have you first and then do everything else? cause we maybe able to guess how close we actually are..
Ooh, that looks promising. It'll be great if it's the same length as the first ep (or even longer!), I kind of just automatically assumed it'd be shorter...
Apparently VAing is towards the very end - but then they've got to submit the completed episode for certification via the various platforms which can take a little while to gain approval.
Does anyone have any general idea how Telltale operates with their games? like do they do animation and modeling first and what not, and the… moren get VAing out the way? or do they sort out VAing.. story planning and what have you first and then do everything else? cause we maybe able to guess how close we actually are..
Okay. Thanks you two. And when does the "Press Review Copy" come into play? cause thats a sign we're really close, right? or is that the certification thing?
Apparently VAing is towards the very end - but then they've got to submit the completed episode for certification via the various platforms which can take a little while to gain approval.
I'm pretty sure the Press Review Copies come out in the time between a trailer being released and the actual episode launched. So we'll probably see a trailer before we see them uploaded.
Okay. Thanks you two. And when does the "Press Review Copy" come into play? cause thats a sign we're really close, right? or is that the certification thing?
Gotcha.. well here's to hoping the trailer comes out soon... I mean, hopefully Telltale are doing what they did with WD S1, and focusing on their own narrative, rather than focusing on collecting fan suggestions to incorporate into the episodes, y'know? While that's cool. I'd rather see their skill at work..
I'm pretty sure the Press Review Copies come out in the time between a trailer being released and the actual episode launched. So we'll probably see a trailer before we see them uploaded.
Gotcha.. well here's to hoping the trailer comes out soon... I mean, hopefully Telltale are doing what they did with WD S1, and focusing on … moretheir own narrative, rather than focusing on collecting fan suggestions to incorporate into the episodes, y'know? While that's cool. I'd rather see their skill at work..
Thank ya, my little favourite user on this site
I think Handsome Jack is starting to become one of my fav users on this forum :0
Though he will not be the best, since I have my favourites, he's close XD
Welp. I think it's safe to say F10 isn't happening at this point. ;_;
When I get home from work this evening, I think I'll go ahead and use up my fourth save slot for a "silent" playthrough. Never tried one of those before and Tales seems like it would offer some funny dialog for staying silent.
Though I fear I'm not living up to the legacy of my username - Pretty sure I'll have to strangle someone's beloved family pet or something to make up for it...
Oh stop it, you guys!
Though I fear I'm not living up to the legacy of my username - Pretty sure I'll have to strangle someone's beloved family pet or something to make up for it...
So yeah, watch out, Kiddos.
Welp. I think it's safe to say F10 isn't happening at this point. ;_;
When I get home from work this evening, I think I'll go ahead and u… morese up my fourth save slot for a "silent" playthrough. Never tried one of those before and Tales seems like it would offer some funny dialog for staying silent.
Welp. I think it's safe to say F10 isn't happening at this point. ;_;
When I get home from work this evening, I think I'll go ahead and u… morese up my fourth save slot for a "silent" playthrough. Never tried one of those before and Tales seems like it would offer some funny dialog for staying silent.
Ooh, that looks promising. It'll be great if it's the same length as the first ep (or even longer!), I kind of just automatically assumed it'd be shorter...
Sure, also the three word name nickname club!
"The Great LeoDio" (close enough)
please release it soon?
It's taking so long, I feel like face mcshooty!!
Just so people can see your image:
Yes! My new Rhys friend! We need a posse name now.
I actually dreamt that ep 2 was released last night - that is how much Telltale have got their hooks into my psyche...
Also, they officially changed the release schedule to 9 weeks (which would have meant that it came out a fortnight ago!)
I figure something about Tales requires them to spend lots of extra time with it. Remember how when it was first announced they said we would be seeing it by the end of Summer 2014 and we ended up getting it during Thanksgiving week? I just hope this isn't something that remains consistent throughout the rest of the series.
Dang thing never works on my phone...wish TTG had an app.
Everytime I check for news here, I see posts from you everywhere haha, yea I'd say you're pretty hooked.
Ahaha, yeah this is the first Telltale game I've played 'live', the forums are the only thing keeping me (marginally) sane!
Sanity is overrated!
Welcome buddy! Are we recruiting an army?
I thought nothing keeps Handsome Jack sane
If they've finished the voice acting and the rest of it all that's left is certification and reaching a release agreement with the three platforms, hopefully we will see it within the next two weeks
same here. But hey sanity is overrated anyway..
Dammit I should have read your comment before posting my "Sanity is overrated" comment. Now I feel stupid.. xD
If we don't see it in the next week Loader Bot will be angry!
It does work, you just didn't get the image by itself.
Huh, interesting.
I think they're still working on it, according to SteamDB episode 2 is like 2.11GB now while it was 1.60GB?

I've been stalking it and I've got this little feeling that the game just happens to be bigger at this point and when it's released it will be about the same size as the first episode. OR Ep2 is either longer or has a lot of nice stuff in it. Only time will tell...
But it's really relieving to see that they are almost daily updating it! SOON...
Yet they can afford big named actors, hot licenses by TV studios etc and have 4 games running at the same time. (Minecraft, original IP, GoT and TftB).
I'm fine with episodic releases, but the gap between each one is currently ridiculous.
Does anyone have any general idea how Telltale operates with their games? like do they do animation and modeling first and what not, and then get VAing out the way? or do they sort out VAing.. story planning and what have you first and then do everything else? cause we maybe able to guess how close we actually are..
Well, all at the same time of course or they wouldn't be done in this (relatively) short period of time.
One team works on the animations, the composer works on the score, a few people overview the voiceacting...
That all happens at the same time, only the writers are likely done with the script for the next Episode before the previous one releases, and they reuse assets like movements etc.
Even if the wait feels long, we must realize that they are still producing 90-130 minutes of content in 2 months. That is not that much time.
Ooh, that looks promising. It'll be great if it's the same length as the first ep (or even longer!), I kind of just automatically assumed it'd be shorter...
Apparently VAing is towards the very end - but then they've got to submit the completed episode for certification via the various platforms which can take a little while to gain approval.
Okay. Thanks you two. And when does the "Press Review Copy" come into play? cause thats a sign we're really close, right? or is that the certification thing?
I'm pretty sure the Press Review Copies come out in the time between a trailer being released and the actual episode launched. So we'll probably see a trailer before we see them uploaded.
got to wait another 9 weeks hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng
Gotcha.. well here's to hoping the trailer comes out soon... I mean, hopefully Telltale are doing what they did with WD S1, and focusing on their own narrative, rather than focusing on collecting fan suggestions to incorporate into the episodes, y'know? While that's cool. I'd rather see their skill at work..
Thank ya, my little favourite user on this site
I think Handsome Jack is starting to become one of my fav users on this forum :0
Though he will not be the best, since I have my favourites, he's close XD
He's infectious! run!... P-.... PUMPKIN
Welp. I think it's safe to say F10 isn't happening at this point. ;_;
When I get home from work this evening, I think I'll go ahead and use up my fourth save slot for a "silent" playthrough. Never tried one of those before and Tales seems like it would offer some funny dialog for staying silent.
Oh stop it, you guys!
Though I fear I'm not living up to the legacy of my username - Pretty sure I'll have to strangle someone's beloved family pet or something to make up for it...
So yeah, watch out, Kiddos.
Cant you settle for strangling someones beloved "Bandit" ?
Well, silence is a valid option...
I did, too, but it would be a very nice surprise for all the fans if it were just as long!