Meh, you didn't miss much really. People arguing and GoldenPaladin yelling at everyone for complaining too much about the time that's taking Telltale to release the episode. But oh look, my name's in your pic
So, the Episode 2 size in the database is about 2.31GB. Do you guys think it will actually mean a longer episode than episode 1? I mean, I thought episode 1 was large!
So, the Episode 2 size in the database is about 2.31GB. Do you guys think it will actually mean a longer episode than episode 1? I mean, I thought episode 1 was large!
So, the Episode 2 size in the database is about 2.31GB. Do you guys think it will actually mean a longer episode than episode 1? I mean, I thought episode 1 was large!
I know, with Episode 1, I kept expecting it to end, but it just kept going-- that was great! With the size of Episode 2, there must be a lot in the episode it it's that size! I doubt nearly half of a GB is just random files that aren't part of the episode. We can hope! I'm fine with this wait if the episode really is as big as it seems.
I know, with Episode 1, I kept expecting it to end, but it just kept going-- that was great! With the size of Episode 2, there must be a lot… more in the episode it it's that size! I doubt nearly half of a GB is just random files that aren't part of the episode. We can hope! I'm fine with this wait if the episode really is as big as it seems.
This is a message to all the phony Jack's out there, (mockingly) “the so called wannabe Jacks.” Pandora as you knew it -- the chaos, the ban… moredits -- that time has passed. If you let it, this could be an era of order -- of peace! Just turn yourselves in, and I promise: your deaths will be quick.
Oh and one more thing You’re bandits. You’re the bad guys. And the goddamn HERO. Just play n' with y'all kiddos! LOL!
I love watching everyone. Who seriously still thought it would come out today?
This is stupid that everyone is still whining, people need… more to calm down and wait, it's not hard.
Hell if Telltale doesn't try to calm people down, all these angry people might storm Telltale...And....Do nothing, because there is nothing to do but wait.
You know...One of the user posted the video of Spoon killer. It got me thinking. Now every time I hear the word "Soon." it is going to feel like getting a spoon slapped at my face.
I hope. Episode 4 most likely will have Loaderbot-style fights, if the preview screen is anything to go by. Though, I wouldn't count on it, seeing as they're not always accurate. Still..!
The file size is encouraging, but the episodes, once they're not encrypted, can go down in file size. So, while I don't want to be the bearer of potentially bad news, just know it might be lower than 2.31gb at release.
The question, really, is how much the file size tends to drop if anyone can remember.
I know, with Episode 1, I kept expecting it to end, but it just kept going-- that was great! With the size of Episode 2, there must be a lot… more in the episode it it's that size! I doubt nearly half of a GB is just random files that aren't part of the episode. We can hope! I'm fine with this wait if the episode really is as big as it seems.
Telltale base: San Rafael, California
Time in California: 8:09 am, February 17th.
I've had anywhere from 20 to 100 notifications every few hours coming mostly from this thread. You guys really like to post a lot to take your mind off of idly waiting, don't you?
I heard from a very reliable source that telltale staff got infected by the ebola virus...they only have 7 days to finish the game
More like 7 delays am i right?...
That's what I was thinking about. Though, does anyone know of any other episodes that dropped significantly in file size? It would be interesting to know.
The file size is encouraging, but the episodes, once they're not encrypted, can go down in file size. So, while I don't want to be the beare… morer of potentially bad news, just know it might be lower than 2.31gb at release.
The question, really, is how much the file size tends to drop if anyone can remember.
And chemistry puns! Don't forget the chemistry puns!
So, the Episode 2 size in the database is about 2.31GB. Do you guys think it will actually mean a longer episode than episode 1? I mean, I thought episode 1 was large!
Oh yeah, I really enjoyed your last one actually
Honestly I'd be really happy if ep2 would be the same length as ep1 considering GOT ep2
I hope so, the first one felt like it would never end and for me, that was great.
need more comments !
I know, with Episode 1, I kept expecting it to end, but it just kept going-- that was great! With the size of Episode 2, there must be a lot in the episode it it's that size! I doubt nearly half of a GB is just random files that aren't part of the episode. We can hope! I'm fine with this wait if the episode really is as big as it seems.
Maybe more hubs.
Hey, you can never have enough hubs! They could do great things with hubs in the Borderlands Universe.
Do you know what more hubs mean?
More places to find cash.
And hopefully more things for Rhys to scan.
Zdravím dalšího Čecha!
They all bond very well.
Are people commenting on here more than usual cause they expect the episode to be released today or hear some news? It's so damn active.
Why do you have Rhys as your profile picture if you're Handsome Jack? Just curious xD
RememberRememberThe17thOf February
I think a lot of the comments are people unhappy with the idea of the episode not being released today.
I think an orphan just died from that pun
More cameos too! I hope we see Zer0 again somewhere down the line. He's always been my favorite.
Now I'm excited.
Man, PotC was great.
That was me xD
Seriously, the word 'soon' is a terrible word. It just frustrates you.
I personally hate bananas, with or without peel (never tasted it with the peel though...)
I may not have episode 2, but at least I have this wondrous jar of dirt!
Hubs, money, scannables..
Yes please.
Maybe more fps style scenes like the loaderbot one?
May I have that jar of dirt?
I hope. Episode 4 most likely will have Loaderbot-style fights, if the preview screen is anything to go by. Though, I wouldn't count on it, seeing as they're not always accurate. Still..!
My reaction to episode 2 delays:

The file size is encouraging, but the episodes, once they're not encrypted, can go down in file size. So, while I don't want to be the bearer of potentially bad news, just know it might be lower than 2.31gb at release.
The question, really, is how much the file size tends to drop if anyone can remember.
Could anybody explain what's going on with February 17th
Is that any special day? Or now we start screaming FEBRUARY 18TH and so on? lol
People thought it would be the release date.
I heard from a very reliable source that telltale staff got infected by the ebola virus...they only have 7 days to finish the game
More like 7 delays am i right?...
I've had anywhere from 20 to 100 notifications every few hours coming mostly from this thread. You guys really like to post a lot to take your mind off of idly waiting, don't you?
That movie seriously scared the Hell out of me as a kid.
That's what I was thinking about. Though, does anyone know of any other episodes that dropped significantly in file size? It would be interesting to know.