I think I've officially snapped. I've played the first episode twice in the past two days... >_<
Yesterday I replayed it to refresh… more my memory in hopes of M10, but then I decided I wanted to do a silent run, so I played it again today!
The silent run was interesting, some parts were boring, but for others staying silent was surprisingly the most efficient option (like getting into The Purple Skag and not answering August's questions), it isn't always a valid option, though - it got me killed during the chariot race! Also, I was curious if you could stay quiet on Loaderbot's fate and he'd get killed by the bandits or evacuate/self-destruct himself, but you have to decide what to do, otherwise you just have to listen to him getting beat up on a loop - it was horrible...
I see a lot of people saying things like "I don't care how long I have to wait, so long as the content is good". But doesn't the constant delays in the release schedule affect the content? The promise of episodic gaming surely relies on the fact that there is a short enough gap between episodes that you can remain invested in and excited by the story. Waiting three months is pretty much guaranteed to disrupt that, isn't it? I mean I can easily wait for the new episode, but when I play episodes three months apart there is a lot of lost momentum.
1v1 me in club penguin m8 i rek you
I've finally lost my mind, haven't I...?
They totally became my favorite little brotp in Tales from the Borderlands for that T.T
On the 3rd day of Maaarch, Telltale gave to us:
Vaughn's VA glomped
Random panel stuff
And no news on Borderlaaaands!
I have a gif of the same guy in my phone XD
This is so beautiful I'm gonna cry...
Well, wait until you get like this. It's pretty fun.
I did it last week and yeah, staying silent is sometimes painful
Literally me right now
I see a lot of people saying things like "I don't care how long I have to wait, so long as the content is good". But doesn't the constant delays in the release schedule affect the content? The promise of episodic gaming surely relies on the fact that there is a short enough gap between episodes that you can remain invested in and excited by the story. Waiting three months is pretty much guaranteed to disrupt that, isn't it? I mean I can easily wait for the new episode, but when I play episodes three months apart there is a lot of lost momentum.
That'd be great. I can't picture Rhys in a romantic relationship tbh XD
Which woolworths?
It's heavily implied we might be seeing a video of some sort on the 8th, so it'll most likely be the trailer. (Hopefully.)
Better finish that milk off then Jack.
But it's so damn hot!
The one on Elpis, duh.
:shifty eyes:
Do it for M10 man!
Yeah, I think the trailer will be at March Eighth, since Telltale said they will maybe show a video on the panel.
Of course it's a tease and we should expect some sort of a video, it may be another clip but it may as well be the trailer.
So M10 is likely.
I'm dead again for the third time.
Ah.. Then I really really hope we don't have to wait much longer for the episode. M10 would be nice
I'm literally drinking a glass of milk, right now - goddam peer pressure!
Wow, you sure die a lot.
Kill Jack. Kill Jack. Kill Jack.
Kill Jack, a poem by Tiny Tina
Hahhahaha, I loved that line
Guys you're all thinking about waiting for episode 2... Just think about waiting for episode 3... That's even longer
Nah, it may be shorter for those 2 or 3 weeks.
Dr. House with that haircut, playing with gun and shit. What movie?