I know, right.
I want to be able to control what "I" say. It's frustrating when the game where we're suppose to have a choice forces it's point of view no matter what.
any minute now,
before long,
by and by,
coming down the pike,
ere long,
in a little while,
in a minute,
in a second,
in a short time,
in due time,
in short order,
in time,
on time,
Any of those words would be appreciated more than "soon" at this point.
I know - I can't believe Rhys stood up to him like that!
I'm ridiculously keen to see their interactions...
I need that Loader Bot shot.
I wonder, if it's the players choice what he said or is it scripted.
Because up until now I though he's fan through and through.
well...can't say I'm surprised...
oh well...here's another week of waiting...I feel like punching something right now :S
I need to see that fucking trailer again.... Refreshes TT's youtube page Where is it??!!
I hope Loaderbot isn't on the back of the Caravan when half of it goes missing :<
I'm still high on that trailer... godamn that was epic!
Job obviously didn't tell Nick about the "Telltale 'S-word' Thesaurus" :P
One more week... Then I'll finally be able to hold a conversation with Handsome Jack.
Can't wait for him to act like a total ass nonstop!
It'll be on Youtube soon.
I think it's a dialogue choice.
Yeah the trademark of the devil xD
I didn't see the trailer...
I hope so.
That Trailer was rad, but Nick Herman saying SOON over and over drove me CRAZY! I had to set in alarm for this on a SUNDAY! Bleh...
That better be a player choice, 'cause I definitely want to make my Rhys a Jack fanboy. :P
Trailer is on the archive if anyone wants to watch it again http://www.twitch.tv/pax/b/634308206?t=41m01s
Im probably gonna die watching people talking about how epic it is before they upload it...
I came here and i heard everyone talking about ep 2 trailer.Where is it ?
Lol, dancing Claptrap.
Dayum, Nisha's got some moves!
Check out OzzyUK's comment above you.
On PAX stream archive.
Looks like Roscoe from the Borderlands 2 DLC that Shade also came from.
What the hell was that giant thing in the trailer.......?
I know, right.
I want to be able to control what "I" say. It's frustrating when the game where we're suppose to have a choice forces it's point of view no matter what.
This word shoul be banned here. >_<
If I heard glasses guy right, he just said that we'll be getting the episode ON the 17th.
''I never felt so alive!'' ~Vaughn, being on Pandora, giving a sad speech about brains coming out from people's noses in EP1.
You know, he's sitting on the mirror table from the caravan. You can even seen Sasha, Fiona, and Felix's picture on it.
Didn't even notice that I wrote that word.
Synonyms for "soon":
Any of those words would be appreciated more than "soon" at this point.
Fiona was in the interior of the caravan.
Doesn't look so good for the vehicle.