I sure hope this episode isn't as serious as the trailer makes it seem. I mean -- I'm not complaining but one of the things that I really loved about the first episode was the cleverly written humor and I'm pretty sure that'll be back in Ep2
after waiting 4 month ... its kinda hard to be excited about ep2
Job teasing us like....yo I played episode 2 oh oh and I can't wait for you to play it too .. ohohohoh
where were you when we needed you the most?
I just watched Cryaotic playing the first episode, and during the scene with Shade in the air vent, I just thought about making a meme about it :P
I mean.. "No, I'm looking for the girl with no hair! Duh!"
So i've been reading every page of this thread since .. very long.. sooo i decided to partecipate to share the last week before relese exitement with you all! wooo
So i've been reading every page of this thread since .. very long.. sooo i decided to partecipate to share the last week before relese exitement with you all! wooo
Last days the most painful, is not it?
You said it xD
I know what you mean about the tone of the trailer, but as you say, I'm sure that the full episode will be just as funny and stupid as the first.
Oh seems like we got a release date. I am not really hyped tho. Too much time has passed. Need to replay episode 1 on monday to get hyped.
It's weird how hard it is to wait 6 more days even if we just passed 4 months of misery.
for me are the most faster days
This guy knows.
Hello and welcome!
Hi! And welcome to the dark side!
We have cookies!
Aaaah, ah-ah! The last days are the easiest!
I'm.. totally... keeping.. my COOL..
sees the previous tweet from Stauffer
''Continue Episode 2''
Cruelest words I have heard for a long time.
Still no news on the console release dates, huh? I really hope it's the 17th for the PS4 as well, like it was with the first episode.
New screenshot - Looks like we'll be picking up exactly where we left off!
Where did you get that, Mr Handsome? :>
Telltale's Twitter ^_^
From their Twitter! Loving that new and improved Jack AI model.
Aw yiss.
Though it's only logical cause in the trailer everyone was looking on the map and our badass hero was talking to Hj at the time so. Yep.
(Damnit I was about to post it XD)
after waiting 4 month ... its kinda hard to be excited about ep2
Job teasing us like....yo I played episode 2 oh oh and I can't wait for you to play it too .. ohohohoh
where were you when we needed you the most?
Why does that guy look like a fat Vaughn XD
Yup, this teasing is evil and cruel.. He doesn't have an idea how much I'd love to play this episode already.
You on crack patrick?
I think this guy really wants to drive us crazy.
Ahahahaha - you crack me up, Kiddo!
Freakin HYPE
Dat gif... the sass is real XD
Oh come on, just look at this face - that's the face of a real winner! You can't argue with that face.
It's so weird to see that gif because it’s from an old finnish comedyshow..
Oh those days..
I just watched Cryaotic playing the first episode, and during the scene with Shade in the air vent, I just thought about making a meme about it :P

I mean.. "No, I'm looking for the girl with no hair! Duh!"
Lol, that Fiona screen tho
Yeah, I'm so good at editing, I know. Took a lot of time to do it, but it was totally worth it!
He is, and it's called TFTB. Dangerous stuff x)
So i've been reading every page of this thread since .. very long.. sooo i decided to partecipate to share the last week before relese exitement with you all! wooo
Between this, GoT and Life is strange, We've got A LOT of good episodic games this year, and I so overwelmed with all this hype!