I forgot what they called them when I wrote that and I wasn't going to look it up since I was just going to bed a second later. (Speaking of which, I really want to replay the last season of Sam and Max now.)
But yeah, grab your toys.
I've managed a sort of solution - I realized that the internal fan isn't turning on. I tested out a temporary hack today (basically pointing a TON of fans at the console) and it managed to last for the entire first episode of Life is Strange without overheating and shutting down on me (previously it could only be on for around 25 minutes and then would beep, shut down, and wouldn't turn on again for 24 hours). Luckily the console is still under warranty, so with my hack, I should be able to play episode 2 before I send it in to get fixed. /fingers crossed
For people who like them, anyways. Mods are cool, but I don't personally like PC gaming (I own a few PC games), and finding a machine that can handle certain games runs pretty expensive.
Watching Telltale's SXSW panel right now and they're done talking about Tales. All they said was the 17th for PC, didn't say anything about console release dates. I'm starting to get worried. :I
The Illuminati was a group founded in 1766 at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria (now part of Germany). They wanted to remove religious, social and national barriers (potentially replacing it with their own power). They managed to do quite well for themselves as they infiltrated various other groups – primarily freemasons. However, the Catholic church found out and since they didn't want anyone breaking down religious borders in particular the group was soon squashed.
That much of the story is true. Then enter the conspiracy theorists. The symbol of the Illuminati was an eye in a pyramid (something that's been used even bore that to represent god – an all-seeing eye in a triangle representing the trinity) – a symbol found in other places (again, because it used to be a common symbol). For instance it's on US dollar bills along with "novous ordo seclorum" (new world order). And some of the founding fathers were freemasons. And if you squint your eyes George Washington sort of looked like Adam Weishaubt who founded the Illuminati. Therefore the Illuminati is still around and controlling everything from behind the scenes. Clearly.
I don't know if this has been asked, but how do I update the client if we have a non-steam version of the game? Do I have to re-download the game and copy over the save file?
e: Or is it not even out yet and I'm being retarded?
They're trying to get us hyped, eh? xD
They're called the toys of power
Every time theres a new tweet im like:
Yeah they sorta did that with Lost Lords and now with this episode. I hope they do it every time, it builds the hype for some people.
For you PC users. Telltale should announce the console release dates soon (key word - soon)
PC is better than consoles lol ^^
I've managed a sort of solution - I realized that the internal fan isn't turning on. I tested out a temporary hack today (basically pointing a TON of fans at the console) and it managed to last for the entire first episode of Life is Strange without overheating and shutting down on me (previously it could only be on for around 25 minutes and then would beep, shut down, and wouldn't turn on again for 24 hours). Luckily the console is still under warranty, so with my hack, I should be able to play episode 2 before I send it in to get fixed. /fingers crossed
Thank you, though!
For people who like them, anyways. Mods are cool, but I don't personally like PC gaming (I own a few PC games), and finding a machine that can handle certain games runs pretty expensive.
Anyone got a link to the SXSW panel stream?
Awesome, thanks!
Starts in 20 minutes
Down there
Sc███ this, telltale is more better than ███████
Watching Telltale's SXSW panel right now and they're done talking about Tales. All they said was the 17th for PC, didn't say anything about console release dates. I'm starting to get worried. :I
Don't be that person
Dis stream so gud
When is TWD S3 coming? Telltale:
Every time I hear that word it's a like a spider crawled inside my ear.
I have arachnophobia so you know... thanks for planting that image in my head...
Almost there... Almost there...
^^ You're welcome! ^^
Get hype ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yes! My new gaming pc will be here tuesday so i can play ep 2 in a smooth buttery framerate
The Illuminati was a group founded in 1766 at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria (now part of Germany). They wanted to remove religious, social and national barriers (potentially replacing it with their own power). They managed to do quite well for themselves as they infiltrated various other groups – primarily freemasons. However, the Catholic church found out and since they didn't want anyone breaking down religious borders in particular the group was soon squashed.
That much of the story is true. Then enter the conspiracy theorists. The symbol of the Illuminati was an eye in a pyramid (something that's been used even bore that to represent god – an all-seeing eye in a triangle representing the trinity) – a symbol found in other places (again, because it used to be a common symbol). For instance it's on US dollar bills along with "novous ordo seclorum" (new world order). And some of the founding fathers were freemasons. And if you squint your eyes George Washington sort of looked like Adam Weishaubt who founded the Illuminati. Therefore the Illuminati is still around and controlling everything from behind the scenes. Clearly.
Nice, I still have to put up with my 6 or something year old laptop for a couple of months until I can get a new one.
I don't know if this has been asked, but how do I update the client if we have a non-steam version of the game? Do I have to re-download the game and copy over the save file?
e: Or is it not even out yet and I'm being retarded?
e: "March 17th" FU-
So were we given any specific release date or is it just some time this week?
Tomorrow, guys...
Hopefully it'll release for consoles tomorrow as well!
Is there a countdown on steam page yet?
Steam don't add countdowns for individual episodes but they normally release around 10 AM PDT.
Thanks. I though I was just blind and missed it for a moment, but then I remembered it must be different for episodic games.
Depends, if you're PC/Mac it is the 17th.
Can't wait
. Gonna be the perfect thing to get me hyped for the borderlands collection. Really dig the borderlands universe.