I feel like this ship should be made up of laughs, memes, and provocative images. At least, that's what I've seen so far.
Also, instead of ships, replace them with Rakk Hives. See, because it rhymes with Rhack.
Been taking some screenshots while playing through the Handsome Collection and thought this one was kinda funny. I went into the inventory/p… moreause menu while the Handsome Jack double was punching me, and it kinda looks like he's trying to aggressively hug me or something. :P
And here's Claptrap tagging Hyperion property.
Please don't think that I meant that as a criticism!
I think it really adds to it, and I can picture this exact scenario happening in-game with Jack being like, "ahahaha, it's too much - I'm crying, Wait am I crying? I don't even know any more, man - ahahah, good times. YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN HER FACE WHEN IT EXPLODED!!!"
It seems like a very Borderlands-y thing - like Claptraps psychosomatic need for oxygen on Elpis. ^_^
I didn't exactly took it as criticism I took it just like an interesting remark (did my answer sound too defensive?._.). On the other hand, feel free to criticize my work, without criticism there is not gonna be any improvement so if it isn't an outright hate I think I can take it.
Please don't think that I meant that as a criticism!
I think it really adds to it, and I can picture this exact scenario happening in-gam… moree with Jack being like, "ahahaha, it's too much - I'm crying, Wait am I crying? I don't even know any more, man - ahahah, good times. YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN HER FACE WHEN IT EXPLODED!!!"
It seems like a very Borderlands-y thing - like Claptraps psychosomatic need for oxygen on Elpis. ^_^
This fucking trailer. Lmao
Guys, I found what the link leads to!
I found this on tumblr:
I found these, and they are the best thing to ever happen.
August is so NOT enjoying it.
Move along, folks, keep scrolling - nothing to see here...
(stupid double posts)
Oh you talented people... how do you make such beautiful gifs?
But wait, there's more! (thanks to erase--myself for the funny screenshots!)
Rhack confirmed! Step aside, Rhyiona and Rhysha! :P
Omfg I'm dieing XD
Oh my God, I'm crying - these are too good!
Rhack > all other ships
Oh hey I made those. Glad you liked them!
I'm not the only one who ships this. I HAVE FOUND MY PEOPLE.
I feel like this ship should be made up of laughs, memes, and provocative images. At least, that's what I've seen so far.
Also, instead of ships, replace them with Rakk Hives. See, because it rhymes with Rhack.
What has been see...
(?) papai46 will try to forget that.
I do! They're so funny! ^_______^
Oh, those Handsome Hyperion bosses!
Poor Axton, the text goes over his face.
I didn't notice that, makes it even funnier.
Probably derping here a little but... that's Gaige on the first screenshot? Why's that she looks so small?
Vaughn though.....
Dat last one tho.....
Man, this dance and their bodies makes me uncomfortable...o-o
I love that he's wiping invisible tears away - I mean, can an AI actually cry?
That actually never crossed my mind... it could be old habit I guess, I mean he didn't even know he's dead.
I can't stop laughing but I don't understand wth is going on
Please don't think that I meant that as a criticism!
I think it really adds to it, and I can picture this exact scenario happening in-game with Jack being like, "ahahaha, it's too much - I'm crying, Wait am I crying? I don't even know any more, man - ahahah, good times. YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN HER FACE WHEN IT EXPLODED!!!"
It seems like a very Borderlands-y thing - like Claptraps psychosomatic need for oxygen on Elpis. ^_^
So I found this video, and I thought it was cool. Haven't seen any Tales music videos yet besides this one
I didn't exactly took it as criticism
I took it just like an interesting remark (did my answer sound too defensive?._.). On the other hand, feel free to criticize my work, without criticism there is not gonna be any improvement
so if it isn't an outright hate I think I can take it.