1st off, glad you liked the story. 2nd, you are wise to not be too sure of what will take place. Gues you'll have to wait and see. And 3rd, DAFUQ, Jacob. DAFUQ. XD Least you didn't take one with my mouth open and drool everywhere. XD XD
“Fuck off” Etan told Fenrir, who have had enough of his grandson’s insolence. He reach over and grab Etan skull and glared at him furiously.
“This is going to hurt, a lot.”
Fenrir dove into his mind searching for a clue to where is Will is heading. The result was quite painful toward Etan, his nose began to bleed a lot and if Fenrir kept on doing, he would be dead in minutes due to his current powerless state. For forty straight second Fenrir explored the mind of his grandson viewing the memories and past memories until he finally came across what he was looking for.
“I have found you my Will. You put it in another wolf, Etan. Not so clever, I will find her and I will do to her what I did to the others. I will be whole, and fully powerful. Enough to return to Asgard, and seek my revenge..”
He let go of Etan stopping the bleeding from his nose. He order Hati and Skoll to come along, but Hati wasn’t leaving his son here to die.
“Hati, let’s go now.”
“I’m not leaving him father.”
“You dare defy me. your maker?”
Fenrir began to approach his son as if he were prepared to lay a hand on him. Skoll stepped in between the two and tried to calm them both down. Moment’s later, Fenrir allowed Hati and Skoll to stay behind with Etan while he go seek out his Will. He vanishes leaving the two behind.
Hati, heals him but he pushes his father away calling him a traitor for siding with that monster. He tries to reasons with his son but is ignored as Etan looks up into the sky disgusted by his betrayal.
“I know, what we have done, what I done is unforgivable. Son, I won’t waste your time telling you how sorry I am.”
“No need to explain your coherent betrayal father, I already know what the deal was.”
Skoll defends his brother from Etan’s harsh words, only to be silenced by Hati.
“Hate me if you will my son. But know this, while under the control of our father we still had our conscious. Which we we spared your and your friends their fate. We could of killed you, be we didn't, we would’nt.”
“But father, Fenrir did slaughter good soldiers, can you contemplate that, dad?”
“No, but I can help you avenge them. Me and your Uncle will help you. This time, for real. We will stop him, even if it kills us.”
Etan continues to stare up into the blue sky, trying to force his weak human body up from the ground. He takes a deep breaths and looks at his father.
“How do I know if you won’t go under his control again?”
“Fenrir can only control us in our human forms, if we remain in our moon and sun form, he influence can’t harm us. However we can’t retain those forms for too long.”
“We’ll end it before he can get his full form. Will the silver dust, we can poison him till he is weakened, then finish him off. You and Uncle will have to distract him.”
“Understood my son, shall we depart?”
Skoll takes one finally sip of his Vodka and tosses the empty bottle to the ground before the three return to the Mundy world. With Fenrir way ahead, it was up the the Fables Avengers to find the Will before he did. Time was running out, and another imminent bloodshed was at hand.
The Mundy World
Kieron, Nick, Tez, Gren and Dixa finally arrived on Ashlyn’s neighborhood, only a few house away from hers. Kieron scanned the area for any signs of Fenrir and his lackeys. There were none in sight, so they proceeded to make their way towards Ashlyn’s. Down the dark and quietly street with the twilight beaming down onto them.
“It’s too quiet…” Nick said.
“Everyone stay on your guard, this is the place.” Kieron as he walked through the fence and step on the porch of Ashlyn’s house. He began to ring the doorbell and after a few moment’s of waiting.. someone finally answered. It as Ashlyn’s aunt who was halfway tipsy. She immediately noticed Nick standing in the back of the ground looking away.
“Oh my goodness. Nick, darling..! Come here so I can see your Scottish charms!”
“Oh god..” Nick as he tried to back away as the drunken woman tries to jump on top of him and kiss him. The woman was from his past, who he had a one night stand with long ago. Everyone just stared at the strange sight until Kieron finally interrupted.
“Uh, I don’t what is going on but, is Ashlyn home? We have something important to discuss with if you don’t mind.”
“Oh yes, she’s over for the weekend! I’ll……… fetch her. ASHLYEEON, you have guess deary! Come along now.” As the woman entered the house was smiling back at Nick, Kieron asked about their past ‘acquaintances’.
“So Nick, you and her…”
“No Kieron, that is a story for another day…”
“If you insist, Nick…”
Ashlyn finally step outside on the porch and greeted The Avengers. Kieron could felt her wolfly presence, without a doubt she was carrying Fenrir’s Will. He went into the details about the current situation, expecting her to freak out.
“And that is how you ended up being the vessel of his Will, any questions?” As Kieron finished, Ashlyn had a perplexed look on her face after what Kieron told her. She let all of it sink in the shifts her sight to the strange man walking up to her house.
“I must thank for preparing her for me Kieron, you saved me a lot of trouble..”
Everyone turns around and she their villain, Fenrir casually approaching with his minions by his side. He really meant business, as the only piece to complete him was right in front of him. The only thing getting in his way was the Fable Avengers. A cold breeze blew by, like death whispering, the sun was already down and the mood was set for a showdown.
“Heed my warning, Fables. Give me my Will and I shall spare you a painfully death. I have a date with some Norse Fables, a bloody date, now if you don’t mind..”
Gren walks forward in his Grendel form stepping up towards Fenrir like a bad ass, he locked eyes with him and was ready to destroy him.
“Give me back my Emily you Scandinavian fuck!” Gren as grow angry by the second.
Fenrir looks at the Grendel and pushes him back a few feet.
“Kill them all, bring me the girl.”
His minions start to surround the house, while Gren fight of a few. Meanwhile Kieron, Tez and Dixa protects Ashlyn from these creatures trying to take her away. Fenrir observes patiently until he is approached by, Nick..
“So you are the fur ball they call ‘Fenrir’?”
“Only a fool would speak to me thusly.”
“Only a dork would say thusly.”
The wind focused on the two as they faced off against one another, waiting for one another to make a move. It was like a western cowboy movie feeling. Fenrir took a closer look at Nick, something about him seemed familiar to him, he asked who Nick was as he felt the strange power flowing from him.
“Wait a minute, you look familiar… there were four of you, maybe five?. Who are you?” Fenrir.
Nick begins to chuckle at Fenrir guesses, cracking his knuckles thinking to himself. “This should be fun..”
[Tell Fenrir who you are]
[Let him find out, the hard way]
The major fight is finally here, just getting started. Two big bosses are about to go at it! And as I draw towards the conclusion which is in a few chapters, I will write in something interesting for the finale.
Will of Fenrir
[Fuck off]
“Fuck off” Etan told Fenrir, who have had enough of his grandson’s insolence. He reach over and grab Etan sk… moreull and glared at him furiously.
“This is going to hurt, a lot.”
Fenrir dove into his mind searching for a clue to where is Will is heading. The result was quite painful toward Etan, his nose began to bleed a lot and if Fenrir kept on doing, he would be dead in minutes due to his current powerless state. For forty straight second Fenrir explored the mind of his grandson viewing the memories and past memories until he finally came across what he was looking for.
“I have found you my Will. You put it in another wolf, Etan. Not so clever, I will find her and I will do to her what I did to the others. I will be whole, and fully powerful. Enough to return to Asgard, and seek my revenge..”
He let go of Etan stopping the bleeding from his nose. He order Hati and Skoll to come along, but Hati wasn’t lea… [view original content]
Amazing chapter dude!
"Actually Azaria doesn't even know she's a goddess"
WHAT?! :O Well that was unexpected!!
Kieron's met… morehod was risky, but necessary, it would seem that he is a fine choice for a King...
And Nick, you sly bugger, course you weren't asleep! Nick is weird when it comes to sleep, he doesn't actually need it, but his body, even his Harbinger forms, do give him hints that sleep would be a nice idea at some point. But when Nick wakes up, he's awake
I await more dude! XD
Man I think we should of just told him, it almost cost Etan his life! Good thing he was able to forgive those two, but I have a strange feeling that they'll be taken over again but this time they won't be in the right mind.
Dang we were so close too! Lol Nick and Kieron are bros for life XD
“Give me back my Emily you Scandinavian fuck!” Gren as grow angry by the second.
This made me laugh way more than it should've :P
I think it's more of a Nick thing to tell them who he is and then outright taunt Fenrir which is then followed by an insult when Nick punches Fenrir across the globe XD
Will of Fenrir
[Fuck off]
“Fuck off” Etan told Fenrir, who have had enough of his grandson’s insolence. He reach over and grab Etan sk… moreull and glared at him furiously.
“This is going to hurt, a lot.”
Fenrir dove into his mind searching for a clue to where is Will is heading. The result was quite painful toward Etan, his nose began to bleed a lot and if Fenrir kept on doing, he would be dead in minutes due to his current powerless state. For forty straight second Fenrir explored the mind of his grandson viewing the memories and past memories until he finally came across what he was looking for.
“I have found you my Will. You put it in another wolf, Etan. Not so clever, I will find her and I will do to her what I did to the others. I will be whole, and fully powerful. Enough to return to Asgard, and seek my revenge..”
He let go of Etan stopping the bleeding from his nose. He order Hati and Skoll to come along, but Hati wasn’t lea… [view original content]
Chapter 16: Der Krieg begann. 1st of August, 1914.
“Remember how I once said you were resourceful when it came to certain customers?” asked Gertraud.
“I forgot to declare your suicidal recklessness.”
We were sitting on our poster bed. I had a knife slash across my face, which Gertraud was now in the process of treating with a rag soaked in whisky.
Earlier that day, a vagrant complained to Gertraud about a beer being served part full. Well, when I say complained, I mean he brought out a knife on her. I charged at him to stop him before he, or Gertraud rather, could hurt anyone. In surprise, he spun to meet me, slashing my check before I tackled him to the ground. I relieved him of his blade before threatening to kill him should he come back. We never heard of him again.
“Most people would thank the person who just saved them.” I countered.
“He was a drunken mundy with a pitiful pigsticker and I had a gun at the ready within my pocket.”
“Whatever, I know I shan’t win with you.” I sighed.
“But…….” she continued. “I do thank you. You may have proved an idiot if nothing else, but a brave one at that.”
The whisky-soaked rag was causing my cheek wound to scream in pain. I tensed and relaxed with each application of the rag across my cheek.
“You would have done the same thing in my position, or I hope you would have anyway.” I joked.
“I might have. I hope we do not have to find out.” she replied.
I hummed in agreement.
“Done.” she piped, removing the rag from my face and sitting it in her lap.
“Thank you, Traudl.” I said as I pecked her cheek with a brief kiss.
Gertraud sat the rag on the stool as her feet met the floor. Opening the top drawer of the dresser upon reaching it, she found and donned a red coat.
“Where are you-“
“Going?” she interrupted, “I am going to purchase some bread loafs. We are lacking enough to satiate our addiction. I also will retrieve a newspaper for you, maybe even a new coat from Tavish’s on the way back.”
Another coat?
“It is getting dark now; I must make haste if I am to succeed.” She turned on her heel before storming hurriedly out the door.
“I love you, Traudl.” I called.
“I think I do to!” she called back sarcastically.
To pass the time, I decided on resting my eyes. I woke to the sound of Gertraud rushing into the room.
“Hunter!” she exerted through heavy breathing.
I practically jumped from the bed. Rushing to her, I noticed she held nothing but a newspaper in her hand. What was so important that she brought back only a paper, forgetting the bread we loved o so much?
“Traudl! What is-“
“Read, now!” she demanded, holding the paper to my chest. I hastily took the paper from her hands. The Headline struck me like a freight of trains.
(Germany at war against Russia and Serbia)
AUTHOR’S NOTE: On August the 1st, Germany declared war on Russia, whom was mobilising against Germany’s ally, Austro-Hungary, to assist Serbia in its war against the Empire. The aforementioned war started with the assassination of Austro-Hungary’s throne’s heir, Franz Ferdinand, by a Serbian sympathiser.
This would trigger a chain of events leading to WW1.
Thanks man!
Kieron will become a man that does what needs to be done, it's fate playing it's hand.
That's interesting! Nick is way too awesome man XD
Excellent to know!
Man I think we should of just told him, it almost cost Etan his life! Good thing he was able to forgive those two, but I have a strange feel… moreing that they'll be taken over again but this time they won't be in the right mind.
Dang we were so close too! Lol Nick and Kieron are bros for life XD
“Give me back my Emily you Scandinavian fuck!” Gren as grow angry by the second.
This made me laugh way more than it should've :P
I think it's more of a Nick thing to tell them who he is and then outright taunt Fenrir which is then followed by an insult when Nick punches Fenrir across the globe XD
Will of Fenrir
[Fuck off]
“Fuck off” Etan told Fenrir, who have had enough of his grandson’s insolence. He reach over and grab Etan sk… moreull and glared at him furiously.
“This is going to hurt, a lot.”
Fenrir dove into his mind searching for a clue to where is Will is heading. The result was quite painful toward Etan, his nose began to bleed a lot and if Fenrir kept on doing, he would be dead in minutes due to his current powerless state. For forty straight second Fenrir explored the mind of his grandson viewing the memories and past memories until he finally came across what he was looking for.
“I have found you my Will. You put it in another wolf, Etan. Not so clever, I will find her and I will do to her what I did to the others. I will be whole, and fully powerful. Enough to return to Asgard, and seek my revenge..”
He let go of Etan stopping the bleeding from his nose. He order Hati and Skoll to come along, but Hati wasn’t lea… [view original content]
I love how these two care for one another in spite of them still being sarcastic and independent in their own way, and "Traudl" is quite a nickname for Gertraud :P
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Chapter 16: Der Krieg begann. 1st of August, 1914.
“Remember how I once said you were resourceful when it came … moreto certain customers?” asked Gertraud.
“I forgot to declare your suicidal recklessness.”
We were sitting on our poster bed. I had a knife slash across my face, which Gertraud was now in the process of treating with a rag soaked in whisky.
Earlier that day, a vagrant complained to Gertraud about a beer being served part full. Well, when I say complained, I mean he brought out a knife on her. I charged at him to stop him before he, or Gertraud rather, could hurt anyone. In surprise, he spun to meet me, slashing my check before I tackled him to the ground. I relieved him of his blade before threatening to kill him should he come back. We never heard of him again.
“Most people would thank the person who just saved them.” I countered.
“He was a drunken mundy with a pitiful pigsticker a… [view original content]
Their sarcasm is meant to be a reflection of my sense of humor. It also acts as a representation of their shared sense of humor. Gertraud is quite sarcastic as part of her feisty personality and Alfred had little personality due to his lack of human interaction. Being around Gertraud for so long has molded his previously flat personality into one bearing some similarities to Gertrauds yet different somewhat (Alfred is more impulsive for example).
So begins The Great War.
I love how these two care for one another in spite of them still being sarcastic and independent in their own way, and "Traudl" is quite a nickname for Gertraud :P
I'm interested to find out what happens next! XD
Their sarcasm is meant to be a reflection of my sense of humor. It also acts as a representation of their shared sense of humor. Gertraud is… more quite sarcastic as part of her feisty personality and Alfred had little personality due to his lack of human interaction. Being around Gertraud for so long has molded his previously flat personality into one bearing some similarities to Gertrauds yet different somewhat (Alfred is more impulsive for example).
Glad you enjoy it.
Nick in his true from could probably punch Fenrir through a house or two, I didn't make Nick super strong cuz that's too OP :P
Nick's bro-friend is already Damien, but Kieron can be as well!!! XD
It is I love how old it was, it was really cool, but the dust was horrendous. I don't know how the people who actually work there deal with… more it. I'm feeling better today than yesterday. Took a nap, as I've stated in previous comments, so I think it helped. I'm actually going to also go to bed early, which for once, I'm looking forward to, lol. Tim and Jason might get the picture one day XD
Yeah I also regret saying 'fuck off' now! Man, Etahn nearly lost his life! Fenrir is not playing around and it seems he's getting both stronger and more pissed off as the chapters go. That has to be a slap in the face though to Etan, seeing his family as such......
Hahaha that woman with Nick! XD Reminds me of my earlier college days! lmao Scottish Charms...XD XD
Gren walks forward in his Grendel form stepping up towards Fenrir like a bad ass
God Gren you are just awesome and go find your woman! >:D
“Give me back my Emily you Scandinavian fuck!” Gren as grow angry by the second.
Fight him! Rip Fenrir's ugly old head off but that would be too easy! I'm waiting for Kieron to have a secret plan in the making for the Fables and use it. I'd say it involves Ashlyn but you just never know!
Seeing as how Nick is the one before Fenrir at the end, shit, I'd say 'Let him find out the hard way' because its Nick and why the hell not! >:D Hopefully I don't regret this choice!
It's TWAU all over again! XD Great work, man! Can't wait for the next.
Will of Fenrir
[Fuck off]
“Fuck off” Etan told Fenrir, who have had enough of his grandson’s insolence. He reach over and grab Etan sk… moreull and glared at him furiously.
“This is going to hurt, a lot.”
Fenrir dove into his mind searching for a clue to where is Will is heading. The result was quite painful toward Etan, his nose began to bleed a lot and if Fenrir kept on doing, he would be dead in minutes due to his current powerless state. For forty straight second Fenrir explored the mind of his grandson viewing the memories and past memories until he finally came across what he was looking for.
“I have found you my Will. You put it in another wolf, Etan. Not so clever, I will find her and I will do to her what I did to the others. I will be whole, and fully powerful. Enough to return to Asgard, and seek my revenge..”
He let go of Etan stopping the bleeding from his nose. He order Hati and Skoll to come along, but Hati wasn’t lea… [view original content]
You may not live in the country at the moment, but the way you describe the scenes of nature in your chapters could honestly convince people otherwise. The touches here and there: the leaves in the wind or the shining moon; it paints a picture that I'd eagerly hang on my wall. Beautiful; and that beauty, of a slightly different sort, seemed to be present in the characters during this chapter. The healing words Dalhia gave to Gren, Emily and Gren's melding, Thomas' peaceful passing and the cries of support at the end; this is a very good chapter.
There are things here that I've missed - and I'd ask for clarification but honestly, I don't want to take up your time explaining what you've already written - however, I haven't missed Carla's downfall. And that right there is something to be happy about. XD
Also, 'Loons'. Had to look this up - for a second, thought there was a whole new species of animal out there! But it turns out they're just known as 'divers' over here. Kinda prefer loons. XD
Emily brewed some coffee for the guests now piled into her living room. The children, especailly Liam, were taken back by the majestic beaut… morey the creatures in their presence gave them. Liam seeked out one of the larger male Grendels and began head butting the arms of the massive creature. Clutching his tiny coffee cup, the male rolled his eyes and gently pushed the challenging boy to the side. The girls, however, were withdrawn to the beautiful women Elves and their many colored hairs.
Some had shades of blue, red, blonde and even green. Each had a specific body figure and apperance to them. Gren and Emily, however, were engrossed with the situation at hand. Last either had heard, Grendels and Wood Elves were swarn enemies.
The story remained the same through centuries of tales and warnings. Grendels and Wood Elves were sworn enemies since the day of the Homelands and possibly beyond. Last Gren knew, the creatures were split into two se… [view original content]
So much blood! Both brutal and gruesome, things have gotten very dark indeed. Kieron came out on top in the fight, at least, but clearly he's risking a great deal in his current endeavours!
Hans' searching is admirable though not healthy for him; is Nick Hazza's Nick?
*Where's your goddess now!? Part: Three *
Back in Wonderland...
Kieron and the others stood their ground when out of nowhere a burst o… moref wind came out of nowhere, Kieron stabbed his sword in the ground which barely kept him from blowing away, the others went flying back with the wind. Kieron stood up and in front of him stood an eight foot tall wolf shrouded in darkness, the wolf's eyes were crimson red and his body oozed darkness causing other shadows to form. Kieron lifted his sword preparing to fight, the wolf howled and ran towards him. Kieron side stepped the attack and swung causing a cut, but the cut was instantly healed. Kieron stepped back thinking he was out of range, the wolf slapped Kieron sending him flying backwards. He stood with the help of his sword, this time he was surrounded by a shadow army. He raised his sword once more and began to fight through the shadow forces to get back at the wolf. Azaria and the others would… [view original content]
So much blood! Both brutal and gruesome, things have gotten very dark indeed. Kieron came out on top in the fight, at least, but clearly he'… mores risking a great deal in his current endeavours!
Hans' searching is admirable though not healthy for him; is Nick Hazza's Nick?
Still good!
Man I think we should of just told him, it almost cost Etan his life! Good thing he was able to forgive those two, but I have a strange feel… moreing that they'll be taken over again but this time they won't be in the right mind.
Dang we were so close too! Lol Nick and Kieron are bros for life XD
“Give me back my Emily you Scandinavian fuck!” Gren as grow angry by the second.
This made me laugh way more than it should've :P
I think it's more of a Nick thing to tell them who he is and then outright taunt Fenrir which is then followed by an insult when Nick punches Fenrir across the globe XD
I love the country side so much, I guess I've painted an image in my head of what I'd eventually like. Glad it does work. I knw there are times I describe something and its not very clear. XD
Dahlia and the others are willing to put their past behind and help Gren and Emily and the others. Carla has become one mundy the Fables fear the most...if you'd like, I'd be more than happy to explain. Just let me know where you last stopped and I'll go from there. THINK it was a little before Emily announced she was pregnant a 2nd time but I could be wrong. :P Carla's moment is coming up soon! I want to get that in before Friday and this weekend.
Oh man! I always forget that certain words ONLY stick to certain countries. XD XD I bet you were picturing these insane escape patients running around in Gremily's back yard. XD XD But yes, divers. Loons does give it that little something.
You may not live in the country at the moment, but the way you describe the scenes of nature in your chapters could honestly convince people… more otherwise. The touches here and there: the leaves in the wind or the shining moon; it paints a picture that I'd eagerly hang on my wall. Beautiful; and that beauty, of a slightly different sort, seemed to be present in the characters during this chapter. The healing words Dalhia gave to Gren, Emily and Gren's melding, Thomas' peaceful passing and the cries of support at the end; this is a very good chapter.
There are things here that I've missed - and I'd ask for clarification but honestly, I don't want to take up your time explaining what you've already written - however, I haven't missed Carla's downfall. And that right there is something to be happy about. XD
Also, 'Loons'. Had to look this up - for a second, thought there was a whole new species of animal out there! But it turns out they're just known as 'divers' over here. Kinda prefer loons. XD
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!! XD This chapter was amazing, Stone!
Who is Ashlyn's aunt anyways? That was so funny though :P
Nick squaring … moreup to Fenrir like that... oh dear, stuff is gonna get broken
Now, Nick would tell his enemies who he is if they asked, he's too proud of himself that way. So Nick should Tell Fenrir who he his
I await more with bated breath! XD
Haha, I try! I wanted to use the Telltale format earlier but decided to save it for this. The finale is going to be something out of the blue, I don't think anyone will see it coming, not even Gren, but Gremily will be united a gain.
Yeah I also regret saying 'fuck off' now! Man, Etahn nearly lost his life! Fenrir is not playing around and it seems he's getting both stron… moreger and more pissed off as the chapters go. That has to be a slap in the face though to Etan, seeing his family as such......
Hahaha that woman with Nick! XD Reminds me of my earlier college days! lmao Scottish Charms...XD XD
Gren walks forward in his Grendel form stepping up towards Fenrir like a bad ass
God Gren you are just awesome and go find your woman! >:D
“Give me back my Emily you Scandinavian fuck!” Gren as grow angry by the second.
Fight him! Rip Fenrir's ugly old head off but that would be too easy! I'm waiting for Kieron to have a secret plan in the making for the Fables and use it. I'd say it involves Ashlyn but you just never know!
Seeing as how Nick is the one before Fenrir at the end, shit, I'd say 'Let him find out the hard way' because its Nick and wh… [view original content]
You've done wonderful and I like those endings we never saw coming and leave you going 'DAFUQ.....' I've really enjoyed the approach you've taken, what with the Telltale format and all. Think Gremily need a vaca after this and a new ship you say...:D
Haha, I try! I wanted to use the Telltale format earlier but decided to save it for this. The finale is going to be something out of the blu… moree, I don't think anyone will see it coming, not even Gren, but Gremily will be united a gain.
We may even see a new ship..
So much blood! Both brutal and gruesome, things have gotten very dark indeed. Kieron came out on top in the fight, at least, but clearly he'… mores risking a great deal in his current endeavours!
Hans' searching is admirable though not healthy for him; is Nick Hazza's Nick?
Still good!
It seems everyone else would go with that option too. When this is complete I will list the results of the alternate options and thier outco… moremes.
I showed some details about Kieron and Nick's broship in this chapter to hopefully relate to your current story.
It's really nice to imagine what you describe. XD Can't say as I've ever particularly noticed any unclarity, or disclarity or whatever the word is that means the opposite of clear. :P
Both the Elves and Grendels are better off for putting the feuding behind them. Think it was sometime around that point; I'll go back to then and catch-up as I can. Appreciate the offer of your explanation but I really don't want to take up more of your time! If there's something specific, I'll be sure to ask though. It's like a season finale or something. XD
That image did cross my mind - seemed strange that insane people would be as much a part of the landscape as crickets, but it all makes sense now. XD Enjoy finding out the different words though! I'll probably just think of them as Diving Loons from now on. :P
I love the country side so much, I guess I've painted an image in my head of what I'd eventually like. Glad it does work. I knw there are t… moreimes I describe something and its not very clear. XD
Dahlia and the others are willing to put their past behind and help Gren and Emily and the others. Carla has become one mundy the Fables fear the most...if you'd like, I'd be more than happy to explain. Just let me know where you last stopped and I'll go from there. THINK it was a little before Emily announced she was pregnant a 2nd time but I could be wrong. :P Carla's moment is coming up soon! I want to get that in before Friday and this weekend.
Oh man! I always forget that certain words ONLY stick to certain countries. XD XD I bet you were picturing these insane escape patients running around in Gremily's back yard. XD XD But yes, divers. Loons does give it that little something.
Etan and Hati's relationship is understandably very strained; hard to accept Hati's seeming treachery. Interesting to see how things remain after the dust settles. Meanwhile, Ashlyn has taken the news very well! And Fenrir is going to have one tough fight on his hands! Tempted to go for the 'let him find out the hard way option', but Nick seems like could tell Fenrir who they are in a really sweet way - if only because of the Scottish accent XD - so I'll pick that one!
I've been very much behind but I'm incredibly happy to see Dixa as part of the Avengers! Strapped in for the rest of this tale - the way you write everyone's characters and your own is entertaining to behold, Stone!
Will of Fenrir
[Fuck off]
“Fuck off” Etan told Fenrir, who have had enough of his grandson’s insolence. He reach over and grab Etan sk… moreull and glared at him furiously.
“This is going to hurt, a lot.”
Fenrir dove into his mind searching for a clue to where is Will is heading. The result was quite painful toward Etan, his nose began to bleed a lot and if Fenrir kept on doing, he would be dead in minutes due to his current powerless state. For forty straight second Fenrir explored the mind of his grandson viewing the memories and past memories until he finally came across what he was looking for.
“I have found you my Will. You put it in another wolf, Etan. Not so clever, I will find her and I will do to her what I did to the others. I will be whole, and fully powerful. Enough to return to Asgard, and seek my revenge..”
He let go of Etan stopping the bleeding from his nose. He order Hati and Skoll to come along, but Hati wasn’t lea… [view original content]
......you love me, though! XD.....
Will of Fenrir
[Fuck off]
“Fuck off” Etan told Fenrir, who have had enough of his grandson’s insolence. He reach over and grab Etan skull and glared at him furiously.
“This is going to hurt, a lot.”
Fenrir dove into his mind searching for a clue to where is Will is heading. The result was quite painful toward Etan, his nose began to bleed a lot and if Fenrir kept on doing, he would be dead in minutes due to his current powerless state. For forty straight second Fenrir explored the mind of his grandson viewing the memories and past memories until he finally came across what he was looking for.
“I have found you my Will. You put it in another wolf, Etan. Not so clever, I will find her and I will do to her what I did to the others. I will be whole, and fully powerful. Enough to return to Asgard, and seek my revenge..”
He let go of Etan stopping the bleeding from his nose. He order Hati and Skoll to come along, but Hati wasn’t leaving his son here to die.
“Hati, let’s go now.”
“I’m not leaving him father.”
“You dare defy me. your maker?”
Fenrir began to approach his son as if he were prepared to lay a hand on him. Skoll stepped in between the two and tried to calm them both down. Moment’s later, Fenrir allowed Hati and Skoll to stay behind with Etan while he go seek out his Will. He vanishes leaving the two behind.
Hati, heals him but he pushes his father away calling him a traitor for siding with that monster. He tries to reasons with his son but is ignored as Etan looks up into the sky disgusted by his betrayal.
“I know, what we have done, what I done is unforgivable. Son, I won’t waste your time telling you how sorry I am.”
“No need to explain your coherent betrayal father, I already know what the deal was.”
Skoll defends his brother from Etan’s harsh words, only to be silenced by Hati.
“Hate me if you will my son. But know this, while under the control of our father we still had our conscious. Which we we spared your and your friends their fate. We could of killed you, be we didn't, we would’nt.”
“But father, Fenrir did slaughter good soldiers, can you contemplate that, dad?”
“No, but I can help you avenge them. Me and your Uncle will help you. This time, for real. We will stop him, even if it kills us.”
Etan continues to stare up into the blue sky, trying to force his weak human body up from the ground. He takes a deep breaths and looks at his father.
“How do I know if you won’t go under his control again?”
“Fenrir can only control us in our human forms, if we remain in our moon and sun form, he influence can’t harm us. However we can’t retain those forms for too long.”
“We’ll end it before he can get his full form. Will the silver dust, we can poison him till he is weakened, then finish him off. You and Uncle will have to distract him.”
“Understood my son, shall we depart?”
Skoll takes one finally sip of his Vodka and tosses the empty bottle to the ground before the three return to the Mundy world. With Fenrir way ahead, it was up the the Fables Avengers to find the Will before he did. Time was running out, and another imminent bloodshed was at hand.
The Mundy World
Kieron, Nick, Tez, Gren and Dixa finally arrived on Ashlyn’s neighborhood, only a few house away from hers. Kieron scanned the area for any signs of Fenrir and his lackeys. There were none in sight, so they proceeded to make their way towards Ashlyn’s. Down the dark and quietly street with the twilight beaming down onto them.
“It’s too quiet…” Nick said.
“Everyone stay on your guard, this is the place.” Kieron as he walked through the fence and step on the porch of Ashlyn’s house. He began to ring the doorbell and after a few moment’s of waiting.. someone finally answered. It as Ashlyn’s aunt who was halfway tipsy. She immediately noticed Nick standing in the back of the ground looking away.
“Oh my goodness. Nick, darling..! Come here so I can see your Scottish charms!”
“Oh god..” Nick as he tried to back away as the drunken woman tries to jump on top of him and kiss him. The woman was from his past, who he had a one night stand with long ago. Everyone just stared at the strange sight until Kieron finally interrupted.
“Uh, I don’t what is going on but, is Ashlyn home? We have something important to discuss with if you don’t mind.”
“Oh yes, she’s over for the weekend! I’ll……… fetch her. ASHLYEEON, you have guess deary! Come along now.” As the woman entered the house was smiling back at Nick, Kieron asked about their past ‘acquaintances’.
“So Nick, you and her…”
“No Kieron, that is a story for another day…”
“If you insist, Nick…”
Ashlyn finally step outside on the porch and greeted The Avengers. Kieron could felt her wolfly presence, without a doubt she was carrying Fenrir’s Will. He went into the details about the current situation, expecting her to freak out.
“And that is how you ended up being the vessel of his Will, any questions?” As Kieron finished, Ashlyn had a perplexed look on her face after what Kieron told her. She let all of it sink in the shifts her sight to the strange man walking up to her house.
“I must thank for preparing her for me Kieron, you saved me a lot of trouble..”
Everyone turns around and she their villain, Fenrir casually approaching with his minions by his side. He really meant business, as the only piece to complete him was right in front of him. The only thing getting in his way was the Fable Avengers. A cold breeze blew by, like death whispering, the sun was already down and the mood was set for a showdown.
“Heed my warning, Fables. Give me my Will and I shall spare you a painfully death. I have a date with some Norse Fables, a bloody date, now if you don’t mind..”
Gren walks forward in his Grendel form stepping up towards Fenrir like a bad ass, he locked eyes with him and was ready to destroy him.
“Give me back my Emily you Scandinavian fuck!” Gren as grow angry by the second.
Fenrir looks at the Grendel and pushes him back a few feet.
“Kill them all, bring me the girl.”
His minions start to surround the house, while Gren fight of a few. Meanwhile Kieron, Tez and Dixa protects Ashlyn from these creatures trying to take her away. Fenrir observes patiently until he is approached by, Nick..
“So you are the fur ball they call ‘Fenrir’?”
“Only a fool would speak to me thusly.”
“Only a dork would say thusly.”
The wind focused on the two as they faced off against one another, waiting for one another to make a move. It was like a western cowboy movie feeling. Fenrir took a closer look at Nick, something about him seemed familiar to him, he asked who Nick was as he felt the strange power flowing from him.
“Wait a minute, you look familiar… there were four of you, maybe five?. Who are you?” Fenrir.
Nick begins to chuckle at Fenrir guesses, cracking his knuckles thinking to himself. “This should be fun..”
[Tell Fenrir who you are]
[Let him find out, the hard way]
The major fight is finally here, just getting started. Two big bosses are about to go at it! And as I draw towards the conclusion which is in a few chapters, I will write in something interesting for the finale.
Guess who. lol
Thanks man!
Kieron will become a man that does what needs to be done, it's fate playing it's hand.
That's interesting! Nick is way too awesome man XD
Excellent to know!
Man I think we should of just told him, it almost cost Etan his life! Good thing he was able to forgive those two, but I have a strange feeling that they'll be taken over again but this time they won't be in the right mind.
Dang we were so close too! Lol Nick and Kieron are bros for life XD
This made me laugh way more than it should've :P
I think it's more of a Nick thing to tell them who he is and then outright taunt Fenrir which is then followed by an insult when Nick punches Fenrir across the globe XD
If that wolf is Fenrir there may be a need for jolly cooperation when it comes to attacking!
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Chapter 16: Der Krieg begann. 1st of August, 1914.
“Remember how I once said you were resourceful when it came to certain customers?” asked Gertraud.
“I forgot to declare your suicidal recklessness.”
We were sitting on our poster bed. I had a knife slash across my face, which Gertraud was now in the process of treating with a rag soaked in whisky.
Earlier that day, a vagrant complained to Gertraud about a beer being served part full. Well, when I say complained, I mean he brought out a knife on her. I charged at him to stop him before he, or Gertraud rather, could hurt anyone. In surprise, he spun to meet me, slashing my check before I tackled him to the ground. I relieved him of his blade before threatening to kill him should he come back. We never heard of him again.
“Most people would thank the person who just saved them.” I countered.
“He was a drunken mundy with a pitiful pigsticker and I had a gun at the ready within my pocket.”
“Whatever, I know I shan’t win with you.” I sighed.
“But…….” she continued. “I do thank you. You may have proved an idiot if nothing else, but a brave one at that.”
The whisky-soaked rag was causing my cheek wound to scream in pain. I tensed and relaxed with each application of the rag across my cheek.
“You would have done the same thing in my position, or I hope you would have anyway.” I joked.
“I might have. I hope we do not have to find out.” she replied.
I hummed in agreement.
“Done.” she piped, removing the rag from my face and sitting it in her lap.
“Thank you, Traudl.” I said as I pecked her cheek with a brief kiss.
Gertraud sat the rag on the stool as her feet met the floor. Opening the top drawer of the dresser upon reaching it, she found and donned a red coat.
“Where are you-“
“Going?” she interrupted, “I am going to purchase some bread loafs. We are lacking enough to satiate our addiction. I also will retrieve a newspaper for you, maybe even a new coat from Tavish’s on the way back.”
Another coat?
“It is getting dark now; I must make haste if I am to succeed.” She turned on her heel before storming hurriedly out the door.
“I love you, Traudl.” I called.
“I think I do to!” she called back sarcastically.
To pass the time, I decided on resting my eyes. I woke to the sound of Gertraud rushing into the room.
“Hunter!” she exerted through heavy breathing.
I practically jumped from the bed. Rushing to her, I noticed she held nothing but a newspaper in her hand. What was so important that she brought back only a paper, forgetting the bread we loved o so much?
“Traudl! What is-“
“Read, now!” she demanded, holding the paper to my chest. I hastily took the paper from her hands. The Headline struck me like a freight of trains.
(Germany at war against Russia and Serbia)
AUTHOR’S NOTE: On August the 1st, Germany declared war on Russia, whom was mobilising against Germany’s ally, Austro-Hungary, to assist Serbia in its war against the Empire. The aforementioned war started with the assassination of Austro-Hungary’s throne’s heir, Franz Ferdinand, by a Serbian sympathiser.
This would trigger a chain of events leading to WW1.
I apologise deeply for the brief hiatus.
Fate can suck it big in Fables... That's why I didn't have the Horsemen or the Harbinger's be tied to them
Nick is OP, but I also try and find ways to give him weaknesses of sorts. Freshwater is a pretty big weakness though :P
Jesus dude, Nick isn't THAT strong! XP
Nick would love that
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!! XD This chapter was amazing, Stone!
Who is Ashlyn's aunt anyways? That was so funny though :P
Nick squaring up to Fenrir like that... oh dear, stuff is gonna get broken
Now, Nick would tell his enemies who he is if they asked, he's too proud of himself that way. So Nick should Tell Fenrir who he his
I await more with bated breath! XD
So begins The Great War.
I love how these two care for one another in spite of them still being sarcastic and independent in their own way, and "Traudl" is quite a nickname for Gertraud :P
I'm interested to find out what happens next! XD
Their sarcasm is meant to be a reflection of my sense of humor. It also acts as a representation of their shared sense of humor. Gertraud is quite sarcastic as part of her feisty personality and Alfred had little personality due to his lack of human interaction. Being around Gertraud for so long has molded his previously flat personality into one bearing some similarities to Gertrauds yet different somewhat (Alfred is more impulsive for example).
Glad you enjoy it.
It was more of an exaggeration, but I'm sure if Nick tried hard enough he could.
Nick shall have a bro friend and it will be Kieron!
At least they love each other so
Nick in his true from could probably punch Fenrir through a house or two, I didn't make Nick super strong cuz that's too OP :P
Nick's bro-friend is already Damien, but Kieron can be as well!!! XD
Amour, amour am ende (love, love in the end) - Amour, Rammstein.
My feelsiest Rammstein song is Roter Sand
I would have to agree with you on that.
Aw man, that would've been hilarious! Oh well I guess Nick can punch him through houses for a couple days XD
Yes! Hey Kieron! You have friends now! XP
Lol, just one punch and it's over :P
Kieron and Nick bromance!!!! XD
Maybe they take pills or something for it? Either way, sleep cures just about all. XD
Yeah I also regret saying 'fuck off' now! Man, Etahn nearly lost his life! Fenrir is not playing around and it seems he's getting both stronger and more pissed off as the chapters go. That has to be a slap in the face though to Etan, seeing his family as such......
Hahaha that woman with Nick! XD Reminds me of my earlier college days! lmao Scottish Charms...XD XD
God Gren you are just awesome and go find your woman! >:D
Fight him! Rip Fenrir's ugly old head off but that would be too easy! I'm waiting for Kieron to have a secret plan in the making for the Fables and use it. I'd say it involves Ashlyn but you just never know!
Seeing as how Nick is the one before Fenrir at the end, shit, I'd say 'Let him find out the hard way' because its Nick and why the hell not! >:D Hopefully I don't regret this choice!
It's TWAU all over again! XD Great work, man! Can't wait for the next.
You may not live in the country at the moment, but the way you describe the scenes of nature in your chapters could honestly convince people otherwise. The touches here and there: the leaves in the wind or the shining moon; it paints a picture that I'd eagerly hang on my wall. Beautiful; and that beauty, of a slightly different sort, seemed to be present in the characters during this chapter. The healing words Dalhia gave to Gren, Emily and Gren's melding, Thomas' peaceful passing and the cries of support at the end; this is a very good chapter.
There are things here that I've missed - and I'd ask for clarification but honestly, I don't want to take up your time explaining what you've already written - however, I haven't missed Carla's downfall. And that right there is something to be happy about. XD
Also, 'Loons'. Had to look this up - for a second, thought there was a whole new species of animal out there! But it turns out they're just known as 'divers' over here. Kinda prefer loons. XD
So much blood! Both brutal and gruesome, things have gotten very dark indeed. Kieron came out on top in the fight, at least, but clearly he's risking a great deal in his current endeavours!
Hans' searching is admirable though not healthy for him; is Nick Hazza's Nick?
Still good!
It is, and the man supposed to be Nick.
Yeah it's my Nick
That guy's supposed to be Nick?! XD
Wow... :O
It seems everyone else would go with that option too. When this is complete I will list the results of the alternate options and thier outcomes.
I showed some details about Kieron and Nick's broship in this chapter to hopefully relate to your current story.
I love the country side so much, I guess I've painted an image in my head of what I'd eventually like. Glad it does work.
I knw there are times I describe something and its not very clear. XD
Dahlia and the others are willing to put their past behind and help Gren and Emily and the others. Carla has become one mundy the Fables fear the most...if you'd like, I'd be more than happy to explain. Just let me know where you last stopped and I'll go from there. THINK it was a little before Emily announced she was pregnant a 2nd time but I could be wrong. :P Carla's moment is coming up soon!
I want to get that in before Friday and this weekend.
Oh man! I always forget that certain words ONLY stick to certain countries. XD XD I bet you were picturing these insane escape patients running around in Gremily's back yard. XD XD But yes, divers. Loons does give it that little something.
Since Ashlyn is EMMYPESS OC, if I read her bio right... her aunt is... Bloody Mary.
Haha, I try! I wanted to use the Telltale format earlier but decided to save it for this. The finale is going to be something out of the blue, I don't think anyone will see it coming, not even Gren, but Gremily will be united a gain.
We may even see a new ship..
You've done wonderful and I like those endings we never saw coming and leave you going 'DAFUQ.....' I've really enjoyed the approach you've taken, what with the Telltale format and all.
Think Gremily need a vaca after this and a new ship you say...:D
Well, I sit back and wait in anticipation!
Yep, just as Thor and this other brother faced him in the mythology, Nick shall do the same.
Oh damn, Nick fighting Fenrir is gonna cause SO much damage!!! XD
I should've known that, I have that bio :P
Bloody Mary loves her Nick, but soon that will be replaced by Jayne
There is a lot of battles going on and they won't stop till the very end!
He is willing to risk absolutely everything for his friends!
Its not healthy for anybody!
And like Hazza stated yes it is his Nick.
Thanks man!
That's pretty awesome!
Ah yes they will become true friends and allies in my story soon enough!
That's so badass! I'm sure Nick has this in the bag!
It's really nice to imagine what you describe. XD Can't say as I've ever particularly noticed any unclarity, or disclarity or whatever the word is that means the opposite of clear. :P
Both the Elves and Grendels are better off for putting the feuding behind them. Think it was sometime around that point; I'll go back to then and catch-up as I can. Appreciate the offer of your explanation but I really don't want to take up more of your time! If there's something specific, I'll be sure to ask though.
It's like a season finale or something. XD
That image did cross my mind - seemed strange that insane people would be as much a part of the landscape as crickets, but it all makes sense now. XD Enjoy finding out the different words though! I'll probably just think of them as Diving Loons from now on. :P
Etan and Hati's relationship is understandably very strained; hard to accept Hati's seeming treachery. Interesting to see how things remain after the dust settles. Meanwhile, Ashlyn has taken the news very well! And Fenrir is going to have one tough fight on his hands! Tempted to go for the 'let him find out the hard way option', but Nick seems like could tell Fenrir who they are in a really sweet way - if only because of the Scottish accent XD - so I'll pick that one!
I've been very much behind but I'm incredibly happy to see Dixa as part of the Avengers! Strapped in for the rest of this tale - the way you write everyone's characters and your own is entertaining to behold, Stone!