Really Telltale? Really? So this isn't a joke?



  • edited March 2015

    You people act like Minecraft is actually supposed to be fun when you're playing by yourself. It's better when you're playing with friends.

  • Has anyone considered the fact that maybe they're doing this because they though of a really cool story for it? It's not always about the money people. Yes sure they are a company trying to make money, but that's all companies. I don't think this is just some "cash-grab" I honestly think that they thought of a cool story for it. Otherwise I doubt they would be doing it.

  • Story Mode will happen so the fact this thread is on the top of the forum won't change anything.

    That's not what I meant. I just really enjoy this thread.

    Please try not to instantly hate any mincraft fan as soon as they join the forum.

    Well everyone gets a chance. I don't see why anyone would act as an asshole towards new members if they didn't do anything wrong.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Keep it up guys. I don't really get what you mean by this, Story Mode will happen so the fact this thread is on the top of the forum

  • edited March 2015

    Ha, based on these animated videos by some YouTuber?

    MC:SM will most likely be bought by meincraft fans, but we don't know how good it will be yet.

    ualexen92 posted: » so there will be perfect game and perfect plot !!!

  • Well if you have watched fallen kingdom and take back the night thats a prime example of a good minecraft story and the story in those 2 music videos was told greatly and fully within 10-20 minutes max

    zeebo30 posted: »

    Has anyone considered the fact that maybe they're doing this because they though of a really cool story for it? It's not always about the mo

  • It's fun by yourself if you are creative.

    You people act like Minecraft is actually supposed to be fun when you're playing by yourself. It's better when you're playing with friends.

  • The Walking dead, borderlands, Game of thrones, the wolf among us etc, all have a strong universe built around them that is rich with content and stories to tell.

    People were saying the same thing about Borderlands then that they are saying about Minecraft now. Turns out that people took on quite the liking to Tales from the Borderlands despite what people initially said. Perhaps history could repeat itself? ;)

    Revec posted: »

    So you've just answered your own question. Also, no where in my last post did it indicate that's all minecraft was. You were just assumin

  • Is this real? Man i never thought they would be THIS stupid. Well, i knew that TTG was not gonna be good forever but this soon...

    I gotta to admit, I was just as surprised as you when I first heard they were making a minecraft based game, even though I didn't participate in any discussion regarding this subject. Still, Telltale has yet to prove me wrong regarding the way they write their games. Both Got and TFTB turned out to be a whole better than I actually expected them to be,especially Borderlands. I say let's be patient and try not to make hasty assumptions about how this game will be a total abomination and failure.

    This forum also will turn into a COD forum with ages from 6 to 12.

    People said the same thing around the time Borderlands was announced. From what I've seen, the forums are just fine. No "raging 12 year old fps kids" or anything of this sort. As I'm sure a lot of people said before me, let's wait for something more than just an announcement before jumping to conclusions.

  • objective of story will be mining and finding diamond after we finally found the pickaxe will be broken and we will lose diamonds but after a few episode we have new pickaxe and we will find new diamonds, build sword after we find the pattern but in last few episode we troll with sword and kill any think alive... welcome to Minecraft Story Mod.

    Ha, based on these animated videos by some YouTuber? MC:SM will most likely be bought by meincraft fans, but we don't know how good it will be yet.

  • You know why this thread makes me laugh?

    Because months down the road when it comes out I'm going to see a flood of some of the same people complaining that their decisions in Minecraft: Story Mode don't feel impactful enough from a sandbox game's setting, and that the sword shouldn't have been abandoned off screen in episode 3 just because it was determinant and that its such lazy writing that it was. #TeamBringBackSword

    Personally I'm hoping it has the same charm as the Legos-series games, preferably with VAs though instead of pure silence.

  • TELLTALE STOP STOP BEFORE IT'S TO LATE THINK ABOUT YOUR FANS. Well that aren't kids. Telltale ruined there reputation.

  • The fanbase for this is probably going to be horrible. People were needlessly worried about the community for Borderlands, sure, but this game is notorious for having a large child fanbase.

  • edited April 2015

    I think a large amount of Minecrafts fanbase arent kids

    Piggs posted: »

    The fanbase for this is probably going to be horrible. People were needlessly worried about the community for Borderlands, sure, but this game is notorious for having a large child fanbase.

  • edited April 2015

    I think if you can have a Lego Movie. You can have a minecraft game with a story.

  • edited April 2015

    I defend MC: SM but i gotta accept that a good fanbase is not one of Minecraft's virtues

    But the whole fanbase can't be kids right? i mean the mature players have to be somewhere

    Piggs posted: »

    The fanbase for this is probably going to be horrible. People were needlessly worried about the community for Borderlands, sure, but this game is notorious for having a large child fanbase.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    That video seems to cherry pick the stereotypical minecraft players, there are probably young players who aren't like that and there are lots of mature adult players if you look on Twitch and YouTube.

    I have been looking on the minecraft forums and i found a post called "Why being young isn't fun :(" and it's interesting to read as the minecraft fanbase also seems divided by mature and immature players, there are some young users posting there who don't seem too bad and it seems a lot of them are stigmatised because of the young players who do cause problems.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    I defend MC: SM but i gotta accept that a good fanbase is not one of Minecraft's virtues But the whole fanbase can't be kids right? i mean the mature players have to be somewhere

  • edited April 2015

    Yeah i've met some people In the MC forums and they are not like the kids in the vídeo, also i think i'll check out that topic, it sounds interesting

    OzzyUK posted: »

    That video seems to cherry pick the stereotypical minecraft players, there are probably young players who aren't like that and there are lot

  • Telltale ruined there reputation.

    No they didn't.

    W4LKER573 posted: »

    TELLTALE STOP STOP BEFORE IT'S TO LATE THINK ABOUT YOUR FANS. Well that aren't kids. Telltale ruined there reputation.

  • And? What does that have anything to do with what I said?

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Well if you have watched fallen kingdom and take back the night thats a prime example of a good minecraft story and the story in those 2 music videos was told greatly and fully within 10-20 minutes max

  • Absolutely nothing! :P

    zeebo30 posted: »

    And? What does that have anything to do with what I said?

  • edited April 2015

    But honestly i heard you think they could make a good story i agree i was just saying a prime example of a minecraft story done right since telltale has more time then a music video to establish the plot they can do it a longer better plot setup sorta like how fallen kingdom and take back the night music videos handled the plot only telltale would have more time and different and unique storyline and plot

    zeebo30 posted: »

    And? What does that have anything to do with what I said?

  • Oh god its the worst youtube ever

    ualexen92 posted: » so there will be perfect game and perfect plot !!!

  • I'm 19 and I still play Minecraft :P

    OzzyUK posted: »

    That video seems to cherry pick the stereotypical minecraft players, there are probably young players who aren't like that and there are lot

  • Yep pretty much....

    W4LKER573 posted: »

    TELLTALE STOP STOP BEFORE IT'S TO LATE THINK ABOUT YOUR FANS. Well that aren't kids. Telltale ruined there reputation.

  • Seriously?.....why?

    I'm 19 and I still play Minecraft :P

  • I only play it on Livestreams with friend Etc. Usually when I want to build something really cool

    Cope49 posted: »


  • Minecraft is a really good game, but created by telltale games, this will be a disaster, i don't think that minecraft can be created by telltale...

  • You're right. Making a branch of a game that sold 34 million copies and is the 7th most purchased game in the entire world is IDIOTIC. What were they thinking?!

  • Minecraft.... of all the possible franchises.... they chose to make a game based off Minecraft....

    So instead of making the much deserved sequel to the Wolf Among Us.... they capitalize on the popularity of Minecraft....

    Other much for suitable franchises they could have taken up, such as Breaking Bad, or Star Wars or even Assassins Creed... but they took up Minecraft...

    The move doesn't even feel creative, it feels like Telltale is only doing it for the money, just like they failed (several aspects of, including Clem's characterization, Pete dying instead of Nick, and a unrealistic baby you had no choice but to care for) Season 2 of the TWD...

    I mean, Minecraft... seriously....? Making an interactive story game based off Minecraft?

  • Boo hoo. Don't get it if you don't like the idea.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Minecraft.... of all the possible franchises.... they chose to make a game based off Minecraft.... So instead of making the much deserved

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I don't think you should discourage him, he may not like the idea now, but maybe when we begin to see more of it people will warm up to the idea.

    Boo hoo. Don't get it if you don't like the idea.

  • I just noticed minecraft has a background.... huh I never realised the background changes depending which section your in. I probably should have but the rest look simaler

  • That's exactly what's going to happen, too. People are gonna be like "Oh, this isn't so bad..." when it comes out. The fact people are being so harsh on something before it comes out is annoying.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I don't think you should discourage him, he may not like the idea now, but maybe when we begin to see more of it people will warm up to the idea.

  • Yeah I'm always so use to Clem and Lee just staring back at me, constantly judging me, that you just get use to it and never notice the other forum backgrounds.

    I just noticed minecraft has a background.... huh I never realised the background changes depending which section your in. I probably should have but the rest look simaler

  • I don't know why they don't update the newer forums (Wolf Among Us, Game of Thrones, Borderlands, Minecraft) to do this, but the forums for Walking Dead and all the older titles also have special fonts when you are in a thread and reading the thread's title depending on what section you are in.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Yeah I'm always so use to Clem and Lee just staring back at me, constantly judging me, that you just get use to it and never notice the other forum backgrounds.

  • I can't believe this whole argument is still going.

  • Thread: Why minecraft why

    Minecraft is a bit to boring to be honest and don't want to wait for tales from the borderlands and game of thrones or The walking dead season 3 and I will not wait for sencuarys for these 3 awesome games so why minecraft?

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