Its only been 3 days since i last wrote, but it seems like longer. I found on of my fathers letters. Im sitting in a tunnel to keep myself protected from the rain.
My dear son, you found this letter, i don't know how, but that means you are looking for Ep. 3. I've found
something for you, but its in my office. The one i took you to last spring. Before you leave, clean my history.
I mean, deep clean it. Don't let anyone see it. Love, dad.
I went to his office downtown. His old, dusty laptop on his desk. I place my hand one it, and take a deep breath.
I opened it, and put the password in, "May the grease be with you". It worked. I smile. The icon on the computer
was labeled EP. 3 Trailer. I opened it, i saw it. My eyes burned as i saw the beautiful video. I crouch in the corner and
cried. It was finally here. Once i got up, i felt the need to share my discovery, even though the end was corrupted
and i couldnt see the release date, the community should know. I tried to upload, but the estimated time ranged form 4 days to
98 soons. I was crestfallen, but it was all i could do. The best i could do. When i left there were people following me, maybe
they were TFTBL fans like me. If you were wondering why i had to write more narrowly, parts of this page was ripped, wait, know that now i am writing on the un ripped part just thought you would like to know that.
Telltale, please. I'm begging you. Like, at least post a REALLY pixelated pic of something. 10x10 resolution, maybe. I don't give a shit. I need my fix.
Thanks so much Quiff, i wanted this specific Broccoli since i was a child. I will hold it dear to me. I keep it for my meeting for people wh… moreo need councileing (is that how you spell it?) because of there dark past. Mine is waiting for TFTBL. I cant remember what those types of programs are called.
So, it's been seven weeks since Ep2, huh? Time sure flies fast. I'm not that desperate yet as I was with Ep2.... But slowly, even the strongest ones will give up. I hope the third episode will be releasde June 2nd (my birthday) or earlier. M19 is still possible. So.... GOTTA BELIEVE IN M19!
So, it's been seven weeks since Ep2, huh? Time sure flies fast. I'm not that desperate yet as I was with Ep2.... But slowly, even the strong… moreest ones will give up. I hope the third episode will be releasde June 2nd (my birthday) or earlier. M19 is still possible. So.... GOTTA BELIEVE IN M19!
Yeah, I don't watch the show but I play the game. I know a few landmarks and characters, only through pictures or clips however, but you don't need to know that much about the show, you just play it and figure it out as you go... (which seems like a bad way to experience it but it can still be fun.) That way, if a character from the show appears, you don't know if he's good or evil. Mwahahahaha!!!
Dairy entry No. 5
Dear Dairy,
Its only been 3 days since i last wrote, but it seems like longer. I found on of my fathers letters. Im sitting in a tunnel to keep myself protected from the rain.
I went to his office downtown. His old, dusty laptop on his desk. I place my hand one it, and take a deep breath.
I opened it, and put the password in, "May the grease be with you". It worked. I smile. The icon on the computer
was labeled EP. 3 Trailer. I opened it, i saw it. My eyes burned as i saw the beautiful video. I crouch in the corner and
cried. It was finally here. Once i got up, i felt the need to share my discovery, even though the end was corrupted
and i couldnt see the release date, the community should know. I tried to upload, but the estimated time ranged form 4 days to
98 soons. I was crestfallen, but it was all i could do. The best i could do. When i left there were people following me, maybe
they were TFTBL fans like me. If you were wondering why i had to write more narrowly, parts of this page was ripped, wait, know that now i am writing on the un ripped part just thought you would like to know that.
The one who breathes,
Going so crazy for the episode you're asking Telltale to do things they're already doing?
no widzisz leluch
szczerze, to myślałam, że jestem sama 
No news...
I'm not playing GoT yet (I haven't got round to watching the show), so no - not really.
I know this is a time of dryness and despair, but this is soo cute.
Write a dairy entry. Also take this broccoli .gif to guide you.
Lost in the network.
Greasy Broccoli,
It pleases me to see how much you enjoyed the broccoli I gave you.
I believe 'counselling courses' is the term that you are looking for.
Again I wish you the best in your life and I hope you get better,
W sumie to też tak myślałem, szkoda tylko że tutaj stoimy po przeciwnych stronach barykady
Everyone is looking at something in the distance...
He;s just pissed off that he's going to die in next episode
That's awesome xD
Is that image of Fiona taken from immediately after the "Bro bro bro" scene and it cuts back to the "present" ?
I believe it is.
Sasha looks so cute in that picture xD
She's cute in every picture.
So, it's been seven weeks since Ep2, huh? Time sure flies fast. I'm not that desperate yet as I was with Ep2.... But slowly, even the strongest ones will give up. I hope the third episode will be releasde June 2nd (my birthday) or earlier. M19 is still possible. So.... GOTTA BELIEVE IN M19!
Well, it would be a nice birthday for you if the episode comes out on June 2nd.
It's something to due with animation, so I have no idea what it means.
Yeah, me too xD
no szkoda, ale dobre i to, że nie jest już tak źle jak wcześniej i nie walczymy ze sobą
Okay bye xD
Coraz więcej nas się robi
No początki były dość intensywne hahaha, ale teraz już w sume nerwowe oczekiwanie na następny epizod
errr... please more news..... need more info after the cliff-hanger.
naprawdę nie chce mi się już dłużej czekać na 3 epizod, lepiej żeby pojawił się jeszcze w maju
Bez kitu ile można? Ale w sumie to i tak nic w porównaniu z przerwą między poprzednimi
But, that's the thing. No news = no spoilers as to what happened after the cliffhanger. Cliffhanger waits are the worst!
LIKE THIS POST if you want to see more Handsome Jack in episode 3
Liked. 2 boyeee.
Who wouldn't want to see more Handsome Jack?
Yeah, I don't watch the show but I play the game. I know a few landmarks and characters, only through pictures or clips however, but you don't need to know that much about the show, you just play it and figure it out as you go... (which seems like a bad way to experience it but it can still be fun.) That way, if a character from the show appears, you don't know if he's good or evil. Mwahahahaha!!!
you have a point
A new tweet from Telltale"s CEO. Maybe about Tales from the Borderlands?
The tweet can be see here:
(Well, with the pig thing, it's probably about GoT. But whatever xD)
How could I not!