Hmm, Brannigan seemed rather forthcoming in her accusations. She barely knew anything of his involvement (which is none) amd she was already… more questioning him ferociously.
"Sorry, sometimes you have to shake the tree to see what falls out." - Cole Phelps, L.A.Noire.
Zylen's attitude towards eveyone is rather polite, in spite of his general disinterest. I have taken a liking to his character. I look forward to more.
Zylen stood in the back with his headphones on. He didn't much care to see how Bigby went about his interrogations. However whenever Zylen was a part of interrogations his real job beckoned to get out. Any other situation and he could care less. When he was younger and more human, he was beaten countless times a day. For some reason he correlated his beatings to interrogations, and it made him want payback... He watched as Bluebeard and Bigby fought with one another and Crane getting upset when Bigby shoved a picture of 'the dead snow white'. Zylen could hear the words Dum was letting out and it irritated him to no end. Bigby looked Zylens way, he noticed that there was something wrong with Zylen. Zylens chest began to feel hot and his 'heart' began to race, he had to do something. Bluebeard looked at Zylen.
"What can't handle it? I knew you weren't Fabletown material." Bluebeard said
This pushed Zylen to the limit. He calmly stood in front of the Bigby, Bluebeard and Crane. "Out." He said
"What!? Like hell I will!" Bluebeard said
Bigby knew exactly what was happening. He turned. "Guys we need to leave and get a breathe of fresh air."
"Bigby you were getting some information! We can't stop-" Crane was interrupted
"NOW" Bigby growled.
The three exited the room. Zylen turned to face Dum. Dum was scared shitless...
"Wha-wha-What the fuck do you want? Huh!? I-I-I was going to tell Bigby everything I swear!!!" Dum squirmed.
Zylen smiled. Not many people got to see him smile and live. There was only one, and that was his partner. Zylen put his hand on Dum face.
"We all have a side we don't want to show Dum. I hate letting Hades beckon me to do my job but...duty calls." Zylen said
A blue infernal flame began to go around Zylens body his skin began to melt away, piece by piece his skin hit the floor until he was nothing but a skeleton. A black flame climbed his skeleton and granted him his staff. Dum screamed in sheer terror.
"Please! Please no! I, I'll do anything jus-" He was cut off.
Zylen began to pull Dum soul out of his body, when he got the head out he opened Dums mouth and took a coin. Zylen looked at Dum soul.
"I sentence you and your brother to walk the sands of the underworld, you will not be allowed on the ferry until you find each other. I estimate that it'll take you one thousand years to do so as punishments for your actions..." He peered
"No please!!! I promise I'll, I'll do anything!!!" Dum pleaded.
Zylen didn't answer. He shoved Dums soul back into his body. Zylen could have killed him then but he decided he had other plans. With the coin in his hands, he took a deep breath and let the black flame take his staff and coin. Hades was pleased and granted him his skin and life on earth back.Zylen could hear banging he put the headphones on his chest and opened the door. He saw Snow at the door and she was not happy.
"What the hell do you think you're doing Zylen!?" Snow yelled.
Zylen took Dum out of his seat. "Sorry Miss White, I'm doing my job."
Dum was sobbing bloody murder at this point. Snow walked and pointed her finger. "I know you have your condition Zylen, but this is inhumane! We have a code we go by!" Snow said
Zylen began to walk forward. "I don't follow your rules, I follow what Hades tells me what I can and can't do."
Snow grunted. "We'll then don't expect-" She was cut off by Bigby.
"Snow we need him, if you want to kick him out of the woodlands afterwards then go ahead. He moves around a lot anyways." Bigby said
Snow shook her head. "I know that Bigby it's just...Grrr!" She stomped off.
Zylen looked back. "Is my suitcase in my room?"
Snow exhaled "Yup you have the room next to Crane." She said
Bigby stopped Zylen. "Zylen we have to let Dum go."
Zylen however was uninterested "Sorry Bigby, don't worry its for the investigation."
Zylen began to walk upstairs. Bigby huffed and got in the elevator with Snow who was also upset with Bigby.
Zylens apartment...
Zylen threw Dum into his room. He shut the door and grabbed his suitcase. He opened the contents and began unpacking.
"What the fuck do you want with me?" Dum said
Zylen didn't look at him. "Ransom and of course information." He said unpacking his clothes and someone else's clothes.
"You wear girls clothes asshole?" Dum said
Zylen opened up the secret compartment. "Good you've gained confidence. She'll like that." He said
"She?" Dum said
Zylen nodded "Yup." He said taking out weapon parts. He began to put the weapons together. There were four handguns, his partners favorite sub machine gun, and his favorite lever action shotgun.
"What...what do you plan on doing to me?"Dum said clearing his throat.
Zylen loaded to of his handguns he put them in holsters. He placed the other two handguns on the table and leaned the shotgun and submachine gun up against the dresser. "Giving you a taste of your own medicine while getting paid for that and of course shipping you off to your boss as ransom."
" wouldn't dare!" Dum said
Zylen tied Dum up to a chair. After that he began to head out. Zylen knew where his partner would be...
The Trip Trap...
Justine slammed her glass on the table. She shot a look at Woody, she noticed he had a beer she began to laugh histarically "You call yourself a man Woody!?" She continued to laugh "You can barely get buzzed off beer. A real man would drink straight rum. In fact why don't I put you in a dress and tie a bow on your fucking head so you can dance like the pansy you are!" She laughed
This upset Woody. "Who do you think you are Justine!?"
Justine had Holly pour her another full glass of rum. She downed the whole thing before putting down the glass. "I'm a lot better than your boring ass. Talk about dumb I thought you were fun when you were drunk..."
Woody got up "I'm the Woodsman! I combated the Big Bad Wolf!"
Justine pulled out her second pack of cigarettes and placed it on the top of her first she took out one and light the cigarette. She inhaled and blew out the smoke, she grinned, stood and slammed the cigarette bud into Woodies neck and kneed him in the groin. Gren began to laugh.
"Jesus Woody, you knew this would happen when she came back into town right?" He said
Justine sat back down. "Holly, I'll take your whole bottle." She said putting down a wad of cash.
Holly looked at her straight in the eye "No, I want you out of my bar Justine you're being nothing but trouble!" She said pointing to the door.
Justine huffed "Bitch..." and walked out the door. She saw Zylen outside.
"'Bout time you got here asshole." She said
Zylen handed her the apartment key. "You have a visitor do what you want, get information, have him call his boss and set up ransom money. We have to make sure we do this right." He said
Justines heart jumped in the air she gave him a hug. "You know I love you and this job!" She said
Zylen looked away "Sure you do Justine."
"Hey I'm serious you keep giving me fun shit to do and money then I will have no choice but to latch on romantically." She gave him a mischievous smile and began to walk away. He watched her walk away.
Justine has a slightly tan skin complexion, emerald eyes, and bright blonde hair. Her hair is upperback-length, short bangs that part at the middle and shoulder-length locks framing the sides of her face. Slender in frame with a slim waist, flared hips, Justine also has well-toned and lightly muscular build. At the same time, she has a curvaceous and developed figure. She wore a white tank top with maroon short shorts. She wore leather boots and black fingerless and knuckles gloves. Justine is very competitive, sarcastic, battle hardened, battle hungry, loud, psychotically humored, rude, easily-bored, and extremely ill-tempered. She only keeps a level head around him, and sometimes even then she will lash out if she is pushed far enough.
Zylen watched her leave the streets. Zylen watched Jack walk into the bar. And shortly after saw Bigby and Snow walk up. Snow crossed her arms.
"Care to join us and play by the rules now?" Snow said
Zylen nodded "Sorry I don't know what came over me." He lied.
The three began to walk into the bar...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! Hazza I don't know if you started watching Black Lagoon yet but if you did I have put a refrence in there for you. Also speaking of Black Lagoon Justines physical appearance, and personality is based on the main character Revy of said anime.
Eh, I was expecting you'd do more with Brannigan - but then again, this is only the first part. Fascinating to see how Zelyn was 'smart' abo… moreut saying no to her questions regardless. If it was your other Fables, they'd probably be revealing all sorts of answers to her the way I see it. :P
Even Nick gets confused in all the anger huh? Poor guy and poor Jayne! It's interesting to see that Death has now calmed down and is able and willing to help Nick as well! And I look forward to seeing Isaac next chapter!
I'm on a roll! Got another chapter written, this one is kinda graphic at the start, but at least I have the story planned out now (I think) … moreSo please enjoy!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 5 – We Have Work To Do
Nick felt his teeth with both his fingers and his tongue, even his eyes had turned back to their usual heterochromatic selves. He looked back at Jayne and marched towards her, Jayne froze a little “What are you-” she gasped as Nick grabbed her face and checked over her features. Her skin was still cold, her eyes were still a disgusting red, and her incisors were still sharper and longer than usual.
The morning sun began to peek through the apartment and Jayne used Nick’s body as a shield against it, the problem with Nick’s apartment was that its large city-view window was North facing, and as a result it caught most of the sun’s rays when it rose each morning in New York. Nick knew that Vampires burned in the sun and was willing t… [view original content]
Hey everyone, this'll be like my fourth post today, and I hope it's not my last...
Basically my laptop is acting REALLY weird, I cannot (… moreliterally cannot) search ANYTHING on AVG Secure Search, it all comes up with is 'we cannot find what you're looking for'. I managed to get back on this site by typing into the website search bar and choosing this part of the forum. Just in case my laptop does continue to fuck up, I may not be on for extended periods of time anymore, lord knows what the problem is
I also cannot 'backtrack' on my feed much, I can backtrack to like, the start of today and then it says 'No new notifications' but sometimes I cannot backtrack at all! I have no idea what is up with this piece of shit...
So if I disappear for a while, it isn't because I've left without saying goodbye or because I'm dead or whatever, it's my laptop being shit.
Hopefully I'll have another chapter up today, but we'll see.
Zylen and Bigby are quite the team. See and dum are idiots. I'm those monkey faced looking weirdos got what was coming to them. Damn! Bigby ain't playing around in this! 0.0 Zylen seems like the 'calm' one; Bigby is the bad cop and Zylen is the bad one. XD Justine sounds like an interesting character. You all are speaking highly of this anime, so I might give it a whirl. Not much for anime but I'd like to check it out. I was waiting for her and Gren to butt heads but I'll take Woody, too! Wonder what's going to happen when these 3 walk in....
Great chap, dude. Zylen, Bigby and Snow are quite the trio! -brofist- Look forward to more!
Smoke and Mirrors... Part: Two
Zylen stood in the back with his headphones on. He didn't much care to see how Bigby went about his interr… moreogations. However whenever Zylen was a part of interrogations his real job beckoned to get out. Any other situation and he could care less. When he was younger and more human, he was beaten countless times a day. For some reason he correlated his beatings to interrogations, and it made him want payback... He watched as Bluebeard and Bigby fought with one another and Crane getting upset when Bigby shoved a picture of 'the dead snow white'. Zylen could hear the words Dum was letting out and it irritated him to no end. Bigby looked Zylens way, he noticed that there was something wrong with Zylen. Zylens chest began to feel hot and his 'heart' began to race, he had to do something. Bluebeard looked at Zylen.
"What can't handle it? I knew you weren't Fabletown material." Bluebeard said
This pushed Zylen … [view original content]
LMAO the entire section with Damien and Penny made me laugh, especially with him trying to grab her awesome boobage. XD And she keeps slapping his hand, as if he's a kid trying to jack a cookie from the jar. XD Also, Damien calling them bunker busters. I might call my wife that but I'll get smacked. XD Nick scared the hell out of me in the beginning. I feel for Jayne but she's dipping into a world that is pretty out there.
Death surprised me, too. He seems like he's trying to understand but is hesitating at the same time. At least we know a bit more about Isaac and he's a Daywalker. Man....Nick has his hands full with this guy. He's going to be going to a club with a fuck ton of Vamps. Reminds me of Blade. XD And damn. A 2,000 year old grudge...shoot. I'd say the hell with it and just go to that club and dance the night away but that's just me. XD
Great chap, dude. Glad to see you got your spark back. Can't wait for more
I'm on a roll! Got another chapter written, this one is kinda graphic at the start, but at least I have the story planned out now (I think) … moreSo please enjoy!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 5 – We Have Work To Do
Nick felt his teeth with both his fingers and his tongue, even his eyes had turned back to their usual heterochromatic selves. He looked back at Jayne and marched towards her, Jayne froze a little “What are you-” she gasped as Nick grabbed her face and checked over her features. Her skin was still cold, her eyes were still a disgusting red, and her incisors were still sharper and longer than usual.
The morning sun began to peek through the apartment and Jayne used Nick’s body as a shield against it, the problem with Nick’s apartment was that its large city-view window was North facing, and as a result it caught most of the sun’s rays when it rose each morning in New York. Nick knew that Vampires burned in the sun and was willing t… [view original content]
Nick, please guilt trip Jayne as much as you can. Those poor hobos didn't deserve it. But unfortunately, it's what the hunger does to vampi… moreres, especially those that are like Nick.
Nice touch with the Damien and Penny ship, wasn't expecting that at all and I agree that they're a good couple! Johann is Penny's husband in pie's earlier stories if you didn't know already.
Oh this was really awesome man!
Even Nick gets confused in all the anger huh? Poor guy and poor Jayne! It's interesting to see that Deat… moreh has now calmed down and is able and willing to help Nick as well! And I look forward to seeing Isaac next chapter!
Awesome stuff man!
Damien can be like a little kid with Penny, but she knows he's just messing with her and she finds it funny at times, but other times he just plain deserves a slap in the face :P
Also, Damien calling them bunker busters. I might call my wife that but I'll get smacked.
If you tell her you got it from me then she might not slap you at all! XP
Nick was just pissed, it happens, Jayne knows this. At the very least she knows he didn't do it because he wanted to like her ex-boyfriend.
I revealed Isaac was a Daywalker in the first chapter lol That grudge is worth waiting for, you'll see...
LMAO the entire section with Damien and Penny made me laugh, especially with him trying to grab her awesome boobage. XD And she keeps slappi… moreng his hand, as if he's a kid trying to jack a cookie from the jar. XD Also, Damien calling them bunker busters. I might call my wife that but I'll get smacked. XD Nick scared the hell out of me in the beginning. I feel for Jayne but she's dipping into a world that is pretty out there.
Death surprised me, too. He seems like he's trying to understand but is hesitating at the same time. At least we know a bit more about Isaac and he's a Daywalker. Man....Nick has his hands full with this guy. He's going to be going to a club with a fuck ton of Vamps. Reminds me of Blade. XD And damn. A 2,000 year old grudge...shoot. I'd say the hell with it and just go to that club and dance the night away but that's just me. XD
Great chap, dude. Glad to see you got your spark back. Can't wait for more
Yup yup! But expect them to have a strained relationship in the future Oh they'll get what they deserve most certainly! Nope, I'm taking an aggressive Bigby in this story Zylen does have his moments XD Glad you like her so far! Sadly I can't go all out with the character since the forum will not allow a lot of foul language in one sentence XD. I haven't watched much of it either but I definitely recommend it if you like a really foul mouthed, badass, even more psychotic woman than bloody mary XD. Justine will make fun of anyone she sees first, if she saw Gren first she probably would've made fun of him as well XD The Possibilities are endless!
Thanks man! These three will accomplish great things! Brofist Awesome
Zylen and Bigby are quite the team. See and dum are idiots. I'm those monkey faced looking weirdos got what was coming to them. Damn! Bigby … moreain't playing around in this! 0.0 Zylen seems like the 'calm' one; Bigby is the bad cop and Zylen is the bad one. XD Justine sounds like an interesting character. You all are speaking highly of this anime, so I might give it a whirl. Not much for anime but I'd like to check it out. I was waiting for her and Gren to butt heads but I'll take Woody, too! Wonder what's going to happen when these 3 walk in....
Great chap, dude. Zylen, Bigby and Snow are quite the trio! -brofist- Look forward to more!
"Everything happens for a reason, even if you are not yet wise enough to see it. People change so you can learn to let go and sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together." -Unknown
Fabletown. Some time ago....
Gren could feel his heart beating faster, as he stepped out of his apartment and into the streets. Handcuffed, the Sheriff walked him to the end of the sidewalk. The two Fables stayed away from prying eyes; Bigby leaned against a light pole, took out a cigarette and offered one to Gren. Shaking his head, Gren remained still and alarmed. He had no idea where these accusations came from or why. He had NEVER done something so vile.
Snow had to keep Georgie back, as he screamed into the afternoon. It was rather warm for an October day but the gentle, caressing wind made it easier for those caught in the sudden heat wave. Bigby watched as Lyla pulls her husband back; the Fable screams, his heavy British accent smothering the heat wave with angry words.
"YA' BASTARD! WE TRUSTED YA'!" Georgie tries to pull away from Lyla. "YA' FOOKIN' SICK PRICK!"
"Georgie, calm down!" Both Snow and Lyla speak. "You need to remain calm and focus on the-"
"He TOUCHED my baby, ya' fookin' sick fook! I'm gunna' ripe ya' damn dick off and shove it down ya' throat!"
"I didn't TOUCH her, Georgie!" Gren screams through tears. "That's fucking sick! You KNOW me better then this! I ain't no fucking little kid toucher!" Gren glares up at Bigby, tears streaming from his eyes. "Bigby, please! You fucking know this! I NEVER touched no fucking little kid! You know this!"
Bigby exhales. He looked concerned. "These are serious accusations, Gren. You've been accused of touching a minor."
"I never TOUCHED Emily Porgie!" Gren presses himself against the wall, heavily weeping. "I did not touch her! Bigby, fuck! You know this!"
"I'm sorry, Grendel but we have to look into this. This is SERIOUS. You've been accused of touching a child inappropriatly, Gren."
"NO!" Gren pounds the back of his head into the wall. "NO, no, no! I did NOT fuck her! That's sick!"
"You're fookin' sick! I trusted ya' around my family and now, ya' gone and touched my baby!"
"Georgie, I didn't do it!" Gren tilts forward. "PLEASE! Lyla! Georgie! I didn't touch Emily!"
It was a slap to the face. Gren had no idea where this was coming from. He loved Emily and never laid a hand on her. He, like all the other Fables in this town, could not stand people that touched children. He wanted to kill those people that dared think of something so hideous. All he knew was the thundering knock on his door and there was Bigby and Snow White. Shrieking down the hall, fists clentched, was Georgie. Right behind, Lyla.
She begged her husband to 'relax' and 'wait' to see what the Sheriff found out. She did not believe it. Not for a second. Lyla trusted Grendel with not just Emily but all her children. He LOVED those babies as if they were his own. According to Bigby, an anonymous caller left a message about Gren. There was only one person both Gren and Lyla thought could have possibly started this lie. Carla.
She had this nonsense thrown around for years now and use to threaten Gren with it. It was Carla's only way of truly hurting Gren, for she already knew what was in store. As Gren slams his fist into Carla's face, blood pouring from her nose, he now knew this. It was her way of
controlling Gren. Breaking him down, piece by piece, hoping to seperate the two. Fabletown would have burned his body at the stake. Emily would be nothing and Carla would have the bow in plain sight. Like always, had her secret plans for the family.
"Gren, stop." Bigby grabs both his shoulders. "You NEED to relax and talk to me. This is something that I'd never list under your file. Vicious, yes. An asshole? 100%. Anger issues? Probably but not a child rapist. Now, look at me, Gren-DID you touch Emily Porgie in an inappropriate
fashion-yes or no?"
"No Bigby." No hesitation and Bigby could feel the genuine emotions. "I didn't....touch her. have to fucking believe me! I love that little girl but NOT like that. You fucking KNOW ME! Please...."
Bigby sighs, as Georgie continues to scream just a few feet from him. Lyla was having a difficult time controlling the rage he felt. These were serious charges that were made on Gren but even he knew the beast was not capable of harming Emily or any child. He'd seen how he reacted around the Georgie look-alike. Not an ounce of fear or remorse. Happiness. Devotion and dedication. Gren treasured their friendship and had respect for the Porgie family. Even Bigby felt like the person reporting this mess, was only there to harm. He knew of Carla and Gren's horrible 'marriage' and found this to be of coincidence.
Gren pauses to look into the eyes of the woman whom felt the need to control him. Create misery and broken dreams for the Fable. To ripe apart his world and take away the one thing that brought him joy. Besides his children, Emily was the only person in the entire world that could ease the beast out of an angry state. Assure him the world wasn't so bad and created a smile that Gren so long held back. She, unlike Carla, gave him hope. Love and a chance. Carla spits up blood, just long enough for Gren to slam his fist one last time into Carla's face.
That afternoon and the years to follow drove the hate inside to fuel this fight. He was on watch for years; Georgie would not allow him to be alone anymore with his children and it pierced Gren's heart. Bigby, followed by Beauty and Beast after taking their places, had to carefully watch Gren. Carla, however, never seemed 'moved' or concerned that her then husband was accused of such horrific acts. She seemed more vexed that he was still alive and given a chance to prove. Takes tests, that he easily passed with flying colors. Still remained as one with Emily, the two people who alone could bring her down...
Both began to view the same thing; Emily was confused as to why Gren had to be watched when he was with her. She prayed she'd wake up and this would all be a dream. The news that he was not the biological father to either child. Magic concealed their apperance and made Gren believe they were his own blood. All the lies Carla created that left so many lives a mess. Ruined so many and she could still look in the mirror at her hideous reflection. Emily pictured Gren, an emotional wreck, working on his fifth bottle of the night. Drowing in a sea of sorrow. Searching for the strength to carry on.
The vines pierced Carla's flesh, causing more blood to pour from her wounds. Gren, seeing his beloved Emily slumped over with a needle in her arm, slams his fist into Carla's chest. How Carla WANTED his precious Emily to die in the gutters. Become just a name...the tears he'd shed, as her brown eyes haunted his thoughts.
Carla was losing her ability to control Gren or Emily. It had come true. Her world was slipping away. Nothing would work now. No longer did they believe in her lies. This began to cause her powers to weaken. None of them feared her. And she knew this.
Artemis' bow was meant to protect. Hunt. Emily had her prey right before her eyes. Little did Carla know the babies she carried inside represented past, present and future. Emily smiles, as she sends one final arrow into Carla's head. Three, enormous vines circle the item and enter Carla's mind. With every vine, the babies send every vile thing she's done in the past, at the current moment and what lies ahead. Carla screams in agony, as her mind is consumed with all the emotions she gave to the family. The pain she created in her life. All the people she affected and the souls lost by her hands. These begin to eat away at Carla's concious.
Emily, eyes black, allows her powers to continue. "Ya' caused so much in this life, Carla. Feel the pain ya' caused us. The actions ya' alone created. Ya' black soul will foreva' be eaten away. BIT by fookin' BIT, ya' will become nuthin'. But I'll make ya' suffer, like ya' made US. Gren is a GOOD man. My father made mistakes but he's a good man. My mum a loving woman, who loved ALL her children. Her sisters. Parents. Ya' think we are fook trash but ya' be the one in the gutta's now, Carla. Ya' own daughter hates. Ya' thought ya' won, Carla...."
Emily grabs her face and compresses. "....But ya' were wrong, love. OH so very wrong...."
Carla's powers are drained from her body and leave behind a mundy. Weak and vulnerable, as she always was. Coughing, she tries to attack Emily. Three more arrows fly into Carla's chest. This time, the pain was real. She no longer had the magic or Hecate to protect. No more excuses to hide behind or blame another living soul. Carla was fighting her own battle created.
The vines entwined around her body, as she looked over. Rosie held a box and stood beside Gren. It was Pandora's box, the very thing that held the most wrteched souls known to man kind. This was going to be Carla's final resting place. Now that she was weak, Gren stands before Carla. The woman that made his life hell. There was one final step he needed to do. A gift his mother use to have and was only used for removing atrocious souls from this world. Gren grabs both of Carla's eyes; Emily's vines pin the woman to a tree and continue filling her mind with disgusting memories. Gren closes his eyes and sinks his fingers into her sockets. Carla screams in agony but Gren did not care. Neither did Emily or the many others looking on. Even Rosie stood proud of her father...
Gren sucks the soul right out of her body and transfers it to the box. Her body, now lifeless, collaspes onto the floor. Emily casts another set of vines laced with thorns around the body. Each of the quads add their final touch before creating a coffin of eternity for Carla.
Liam drowns her corpse in water. With this, Seraphina grows plants to devour her body. With her metal element, Viviana creates a metal box to hold the body; Chloe uses her fire element to burn both the corpse and box into a pile of mush. Rosie completes this with her Wood element; she turns the pile of mush into a single bare tree. No life shall ever grow on the wretched, twisted branches or the beauty of sunlight to ever touch it.
Rosie, along with Gren, move the tree far into the woods were it remains alone, away from love and life. Woody follows behind Rosie, Emily and Gren. In his hand, his axe. Rosie and Gren stand back, as they watch Woody slice into the tree.
With each fallen piece of wood, Gren grabs it; Rosie watches her father close his eyes and burn it as he transfers the ashes to Emily. Eyes still black, she clutches the mas of black in her hands and beams.
"Little by little, ya' will fall apart, as we did fa' years...."
Rosie, still holding Pandora's Box, hands it Emily and Gren.
"Ya' alright, Rosie?" Emily touches her face. "I mean, with all of this?"
Rosie smiles, handing Gren the box. "I'm fucking"
Emily wraps her arms around Rosie and gently kisses her cheeks. Gren gives Viviana the box. The little girl now had her blonde curls back and a radiant smile across her chubby cheeks. Around her neck, the ribbon, purple like before.
"You know what to do with this, right baby?"
"I do, daddy." Viviana embraces her father. "It's good to see you again, daddy. You did saved us all...."
Gren holds his daughter tightly; the others join their father and soon, Emily is beside her family. This moment, right here, was well worth the pain Gren endured for centuries. Kissing each of his children, Gren smiles.
"No one will ever hurt us again, baby. I promise."
"I know..." Viviana creates a portal. An entrance to the Underworld. "It's going to be okay now. I'll be right back. I missed Hades, too...."
"He missed ya' more, love." Emily rubs her daughter's head. "Now, get that ta' him, alright?"
Viviana salutes before entering the portal. She passes the many souls along the way. All those, remaining in limbo, bow to the little blonde girl. Men remove their hats, children smile and women wave. Each whispering but all smiling. Proud, Viviana clutches the box to her chest. There, standing with his arms out, is Hades. She hands him the box, for there was one final step to Carla's demise. That would be left to Michelle and Erica, who stand proudly beside Hades. Michelle knew of what Ethan had done for this family and was more then willing to finish Carla for the family.
"You did good, Vivi." Hades kneels before the little girl. "I promise, Carla will be taken care of. You should be proud of your mommy and daddy. And you four, too."
"Am I going to stay here forever now? I know why I have this ribbon. Why I change....why you've been following me. I'm not afraid of you, Hades. I never was..."
"I know you were not, Viviana. Carla wanted me to be a mean person but I knew in here, I couldn't do that. You are to remain forever with your family. I want to see YOU happy. When you wish to visit, I shall be here. You do not have to make a choice. Be with your family, Viviana. I think the Underworld is a better place now."
Viviana would someday return. She knew this was her fate but with her final embrace, it was enough for Hades, too. Viviana watches Michelle enter the box, Erica still holding it in her hands.
The final step....
Any questions, you know the drill. LOVE this rain!
I think I remember reading that first part of the chapter, why Carla would go to such lengths is beyond me! Luckily Gren wasn't comepletely broken and helpless. He stuck with it and here he is! >:D And Emily with those arrows, she is definitely a true force to not be reckoned with! o.o And I definitely pictured Gren as Dante from Devil May Cry 4 swinging Pandora box over his shoulder, slamming it down on the ground, opening the box while taking Carlas soul, and then kicking it closed and kicking it back in his hand like a badass XD The whole process for Carla...she deserved every bit of it. And yay, little Viviana has her blonde hair back! Cool to see Hades act like such a nice guy Now it's up to Michelle and Erica for the final step! They got this! Especially since Erica can Mortal Kombat Fatility people lmao! XD
This was awesome man as always! I wish it would rain here too much humidity! XD Looking forward to the final step! Brofist
The war of Fabletown part 5
"Everything happens for a reason, even if you are not yet wise enough to see it. People change so you can lea… morern to let go and sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together." -Unknown
Fabletown. Some time ago....
Gren could feel his heart beating faster, as he stepped out of his apartment and into the streets. Handcuffed, the Sheriff walked him to the end of the sidewalk. The two Fables stayed away from prying eyes; Bigby leaned against a light pole, took out a cigarette and offered one to Gren. Shaking his head, Gren remained still and alarmed. He had no idea where these accusations came from or why. He had NEVER done something so vile.
Snow had to keep Georgie back, as he screamed into the afternoon. It was rather warm for an October day but the gentle, caressing wind made it easier for those caught in the sudden heat wave. Bigby watched as Lyla pulls her husband back; the Fable … [view original content]
That was Carla's method of seperating the two. She picked the most pathetic, disgusting excuse. >:( But even through that, she never could have seperated them or break Gren down. You can't break what's been set in stone and in the works for centuries. :') OMG right! That would be an awesome picture to doodle now. Badass Gren with Pandora's Box and his little wifey. Speaking of, Emily is indeed something. XD
It does not seem much, what they did with Carla but its the meaning behind it and what will happen to her soul for all eternity. Death is too easy for Carla's soul....let her live for all eternity with what she's done. Haunt her. All the pain she created, from the past and present, will follow her well into the future. And Viviana is nothing without her blonde. Hades aodres that little girl. And now, Michelle! >:D Haha Erica is a badass now! XD
Thanks, my good man! That humidity would kill me! XD Hate all that! :P -brofist-
I think I remember reading that first part of the chapter, why Carla would go to such lengths is beyond me! Luckily Gren wasn't comepletely … morebroken and helpless. He stuck with it and here he is! >:D And Emily with those arrows, she is definitely a true force to not be reckoned with! o.o And I definitely pictured Gren as Dante from Devil May Cry 4 swinging Pandora box over his shoulder, slamming it down on the ground, opening the box while taking Carlas soul, and then kicking it closed and kicking it back in his hand like a badass XD The whole process for Carla...she deserved every bit of it. And yay, little Viviana has her blonde hair back! Cool to see Hades act like such a nice guy Now it's up to Michelle and Erica for the final step! They got this! Especially since Erica can Mortal Kombat Fatility people lmao! XD
This was awesome man as always! I wish it would rain here too much humidity! XD Looking forward to the final step! Brofist
Damn shame this forum is so strict about language and what not because I'd love to see Justine speak like a fowl mouth phrat boy on a Friday night in this. It fits the current situation. Bigby and his partner in crime are indeed a team but it's sad knowing they will be drifted apart in time. hopefully, for all the right reasons. I too, was waiting to see if Justine would piss off that greasey husband of mine but I'll take Woody, too. XD She's awesome! I too am trying to figure out everything and pece together!
Smoke and Mirrors... Part: Two
Zylen stood in the back with his headphones on. He didn't much care to see how Bigby went about his interr… moreogations. However whenever Zylen was a part of interrogations his real job beckoned to get out. Any other situation and he could care less. When he was younger and more human, he was beaten countless times a day. For some reason he correlated his beatings to interrogations, and it made him want payback... He watched as Bluebeard and Bigby fought with one another and Crane getting upset when Bigby shoved a picture of 'the dead snow white'. Zylen could hear the words Dum was letting out and it irritated him to no end. Bigby looked Zylens way, he noticed that there was something wrong with Zylen. Zylens chest began to feel hot and his 'heart' began to race, he had to do something. Bluebeard looked at Zylen.
"What can't handle it? I knew you weren't Fabletown material." Bluebeard said
This pushed Zylen … [view original content]
I was listeing to Dr. Dre ft. Eminem and there is a section in the song where he and Dre burned down this house and I replaced their names with Emily and Gren:
"Emily and Gren stood next to a burned down house. With a can full of gas, hands full of matches but they still were never found out...."
They are the duo of the thread I'd never want to piss off. Carla is so stupid and cruel! That was a dirty trick, to accuse Gren of molesting Emily! >:0 god I hate her so much! I was disgusted after reading that part and recall you mentioning this awhile ago that did this frequently...
I thought Carla was handled beautifully. Death is indeed too easy for her. Fill her soul with everything she's done. The family's pain and heartache. The memories. Emily is a badass now! And Gren! :0 That was too neat. Just sucks her soul right out and you brought back Pandora's Box!!! VERY fitting for her! I loved what they did with her body, too. REVENGE!!! I can't wait to see the final step! Also, Viviana is too freaking cute with her blonde hair!! Can't wait for more like always! Sad to see the finale, though but its been one hell of a ride.
The war of Fabletown part 5
"Everything happens for a reason, even if you are not yet wise enough to see it. People change so you can lea… morern to let go and sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together." -Unknown
Fabletown. Some time ago....
Gren could feel his heart beating faster, as he stepped out of his apartment and into the streets. Handcuffed, the Sheriff walked him to the end of the sidewalk. The two Fables stayed away from prying eyes; Bigby leaned against a light pole, took out a cigarette and offered one to Gren. Shaking his head, Gren remained still and alarmed. He had no idea where these accusations came from or why. He had NEVER done something so vile.
Snow had to keep Georgie back, as he screamed into the afternoon. It was rather warm for an October day but the gentle, caressing wind made it easier for those caught in the sudden heat wave. Bigby watched as Lyla pulls her husband back; the Fable … [view original content]
It truly is a shame! I'll try my best to make due with what I have though! XD They will butt heads due to their morales and Zylens way of life. If Gren had been sitting next to her with a beer she would have done the same thing to him but for now I wanted to keep her introduction small for she has a big role in this story! Glad you like her!
Damn shame this forum is so strict about language and what not because I'd love to see Justine speak like a fowl mouth phrat boy on a Friday… more night in this. It fits the current situation. Bigby and his partner in crime are indeed a team but it's sad knowing they will be drifted apart in time. hopefully, for all the right reasons. I too, was waiting to see if Justine would piss off that greasey husband of mine but I'll take Woody, too. XD She's awesome! I too am trying to figure out everything and pece together!
Awesome so far, dude! Keep going!
Ok Zylen and Justine both scare the shit out of me! They're both freakin' badasses, but they're also both crazy psycho's!!! :O
Zylen working for Hades is a nice touch, a slave to his Master, yet a fair Master he has it would seem. And I know exactly what Justine's first words were in reference to! XP
That's when Revy accuses Rock of being a girl cuz he's drinking Beer (no different from piss) and he challenges her to a drinking contest with ALL of the Bacardi rum in the bar, they draw and then a gunfight ensues >:D
Smoke and Mirrors... Part: Two
Zylen stood in the back with his headphones on. He didn't much care to see how Bigby went about his interr… moreogations. However whenever Zylen was a part of interrogations his real job beckoned to get out. Any other situation and he could care less. When he was younger and more human, he was beaten countless times a day. For some reason he correlated his beatings to interrogations, and it made him want payback... He watched as Bluebeard and Bigby fought with one another and Crane getting upset when Bigby shoved a picture of 'the dead snow white'. Zylen could hear the words Dum was letting out and it irritated him to no end. Bigby looked Zylens way, he noticed that there was something wrong with Zylen. Zylens chest began to feel hot and his 'heart' began to race, he had to do something. Bluebeard looked at Zylen.
"What can't handle it? I knew you weren't Fabletown material." Bluebeard said
This pushed Zylen … [view original content]
It truly is a shame! I'll try my best to make due with what I have though! XD They will butt heads due to their morales and Zylens way of li… morefe. If Gren had been sitting next to her with a beer she would have done the same thing to him but for now I wanted to keep her introduction small for she has a big role in this story! Glad you like her!
Thanks man I appreciate it!
So Carla tried to have Gren labelled as a paedophile? Damn woman, you must really hate someone to label them as such >:(
That kill on Carla though, GOOD FUCKING LORD DUDE!!! I was actually gaping and thinking "Jesus, when does it end for her?!" XP I'm not saying she didn't deserve it, but daaaaaaammn :P
I look forward to this 'final step' and for whatever comes afterwards, I realise that the end is near, but I'm happy that it's being given an ending it deserves :')
The war of Fabletown part 5
"Everything happens for a reason, even if you are not yet wise enough to see it. People change so you can lea… morern to let go and sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together." -Unknown
Fabletown. Some time ago....
Gren could feel his heart beating faster, as he stepped out of his apartment and into the streets. Handcuffed, the Sheriff walked him to the end of the sidewalk. The two Fables stayed away from prying eyes; Bigby leaned against a light pole, took out a cigarette and offered one to Gren. Shaking his head, Gren remained still and alarmed. He had no idea where these accusations came from or why. He had NEVER done something so vile.
Snow had to keep Georgie back, as he screamed into the afternoon. It was rather warm for an October day but the gentle, caressing wind made it easier for those caught in the sudden heat wave. Bigby watched as Lyla pulls her husband back; the Fable … [view original content]
Lmao!!! XD They both have their reasons for the way they act and what they do
As long as Zylen provides in his job he keeps his skin and time on earth if he doesn't however when he takes off his 'glamour' he loses his job and his soul is long gone sadly
Yes! I'm glad you got the refrence! It was probably one of the funniest lines I've heard in the show so far! XD But I only made it to episode ten and it's been nothing but laughs and badassery. Revy is my favorite followed by Roberta then Dutch and then Benny. Rock is last not because he's a bad character but because I like him the least out of the group XD The show is all around really good so I thank you for reminding me of that anime! XD
Ok Zylen and Justine both scare the shit out of me! They're both freakin' badasses, but they're also both crazy psycho's!!! :O
Zylen work… moreing for Hades is a nice touch, a slave to his Master, yet a fair Master he has it would seem. And I know exactly what Justine's first words were in reference to! XP
That's when Revy accuses Rock of being a girl cuz he's drinking Beer (no different from piss) and he challenges her to a drinking contest with ALL of the Bacardi rum in the bar, they draw and then a gunfight ensues >:D
I can't wait for more! XD
Edit: This is what it says on forum guidelines:Use swear words if you like, but sparingly. There are no swear filters on this forum. Try to not make us regret this.
Yes there is, I apologize XD
Edit: This is what it says on forum guidelines:Use swear words if you like, but sparingly. There are no swear filters on this forum. Try to not make us regret this.
Roberta has her own OVA set after the second season of the anime, she is a crazy psycho bitch believe you me dude I need to get back into it myself, glad I was able to help you as well dude!
Lmao!!! XD They both have their reasons for the way they act and what they do
As long as Zylen provides in his job he keeps his skin and… more time on earth if he doesn't however when he takes off his 'glamour' he loses his job and his soul is long gone sadly
Yes! I'm glad you got the refrence! It was probably one of the funniest lines I've heard in the show so far! XD But I only made it to episode ten and it's been nothing but laughs and badassery. Revy is my favorite followed by Roberta then Dutch and then Benny. Rock is last not because he's a bad character but because I like him the least out of the group XD The show is all around really good so I thank you for reminding me of that anime! XD
Yup. She went as far as to pull the Gren touched little girls card in hopes of removing him....:'(
Well, she deserved it. Slow and painful. After all she'd done, death was too easy for Carla. Told you all Emily and Gren were going to end Carla's life and we are just getting started.
The final step will be marvelous. I'm sad this is the end but the Porgie clan will never die. :') I'll wrap everything up and any questions still left.
So Carla tried to have Gren labelled as a paedophile? Damn woman, you must really hate someone to label them as such >:(
That kill on … moreCarla though, GOOD FUCKING LORD DUDE!!! I was actually gaping and thinking "Jesus, when does it end for her?!" XP I'm not saying she didn't deserve it, but daaaaaaammn :P
I look forward to this 'final step' and for whatever comes afterwards, I realise that the end is near, but I'm happy that it's being given an ending it deserves :')
I await more! XD
Ok so Blind told me that the rule applies to General Discussions, we can curse as much as we want to In our stories
Smut is still a no-no obviously (just be careful with how you describe certain scenes) and violence is fine :P
Here's another one! I think my spark is back, but I don't want to jinx myself so I'm not gonna say it truly is back just yet :P I intend to write one chapter everyday now, and I had a lot of fun writing this one, so please enjoy!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 6 – What Happened Before...
O 2,000 years ago in the Homelands
Isaac was once a knight of King Arthur’s Court, he wasn’t a member of the round table, but he was well on his way to becoming the General of the King’s Army, already holding a veteran position as a Captain. One day whilst training with his men, Isaac caught sight of a beautiful young maiden walking the training grounds, delivering water to Knight’s in need of rehydration. She walked over to the Captain, his face showing signs of exhaustion from the daily training.
She offered him a refill to his porcelain cup and he gave her a nod in agreement, she shot him a sweet smile as she walked away, and in that moment Isaac knew that he had to have this woman as his own. He courted the girl for many months, her name was Maria and she was the daughter of the King’s blacksmith, though she preferred working as a maid in the Castle to helping her Father in his forge. Maria was younger than Isaac, he was about 33 and she was barely 21, but she could say with confidence that she loved him as he did her, the blacksmith new Isaac to be a respectable man with nothing but honour to his name.
King Arthur himself approved of the match... but sadly there was an issue. Isaac’s Father was a greedy man who saw nothing but money and property when it came to marriage; he cared not for love and had married strategically all his life. He had promised Isaac to the daughter of a wealthy nobleman in a neighbouring land, the nobleman’s daughter, was best described as a bitch and a harlot. Isaac made it obvious that he disliked her, and she in turn despised him, but neither of their Father’s could care less.
Maria was heartbroken to hear of the news and was ready to give up on Isaac, until Merlin told Isaac of a ‘trial’ that would prove his worth as a man and ensure that he would no longer be bound to rights by his Father.
Isaac could’ve just killed his Father and forgotten about him, he was not a pleasant man and had abused Isaac in his youth, all for the purposes of making him into a ‘real man’. But Isaac was better than his shithead Father, and he promised Maria that he would complete this task by himself to prove his worth to her. The task sounded simple enough: Go to the Black cave on the High Mountain and kill the Vampire that lurked there... Sadly, it was not meant to be.
The Vampire in question was Algol, and Isaac was hideously underprepared for the conflict. He had armed himself with a stake of silver, blessed by a Holy Priest as well, but entering the cave was the first of Isaac’s steps into a downfall. Algol came to Isaac as a Vampire seemingly starved of any blood for years, he was so skinny and weak, he could barely raise his arm; yet when Isaac edged closer, he let his guard down, and Algol rushed him.
He sunk his teeth into Isaac’s neck and infected him with his venom, the ‘starved’ appearance was just a ruse to fool Isaac (and countless other’s judging by the collection of rotting corpses and skeletons) into a false sense of security so the Vampire could feed to his heart’s desire. Isaac felt the change within him, and emerged into the midday sun feeling more empowered than before.
Algol had Isaac in his grasp and ordered him to seek the vengeance he always wanted against his Father and that harlot of a bride he was promised to. Isaac butchered them both later that same day as they slept (in the same bed no less) and was discovered by one of the servant girls.
Isaac fled back to Camelot, but the hunt was already on for him. Maria found Isaac in the courtyard, ready to take on the very men he trained and fought alongside, and she performed an ancient sacrifice: Her soul for Isaac’s freedom. It worked, as Algol took the girl’s soul into his own personal form of Limbo, and Isaac regained his control, but he was still a Daywalker Vampire...
Isaac fled Camelot and ran, as far away as he could. He found work as a mercenary for the highest bidder; he was one of the best fighters in Camelot and his Vampiric powers granted him an even greater edge over his opponents. Eventually when the Exodus happened, Isaac fled into the Mundane World. He refused to sign the Fabletown contract however and opted to live elsewhere in New Amsterdam; he cared not for Fabletown’s laws or their lapdog Sheriff the Big Bad Wolf, he was just an annoyance from time to time.
Isaac went underground at the turn of the 19th century, and no one heard from him until he resurfaced in New York in 1994, being a prime suspect in the murder of 3 Vampires and 2 Mundy’s; Bigby could not find Isaac however, his heritage as a servant of the Prince himself granted Isaac a unique immunity to the senses of Wolves and their counterparts. Isaac didn’t go out much during the day, preferring to sleep while the sun was up and being awake while it was down.
O Present day, Isaac’s apartment
Isaac grabbed all of his equipment from last night and put what he needed into his backpack before setting off. Stepping out into the hallway however he was greeted by an unpleasant sight, the couple that had been arguing upstairs had taken their business to Isaac’s hallway, he stepped out to see the man march up behind the woman and pull her back, forcing her against the wall by her neck and smacking her hard across the face. He continued to scream abuse at her as she tearfully crawled away, but the man was ready to drag her back and hit her again, and he did.
Normally Isaac didn’t care for Mundy’s or their problems, but he wasn’t devoid of emotion, and this fucker was gonna get what was coming to him. Just as the man raised his hand to slap the woman again, Isaac grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie and threw him down the flight of stairs that lead to the second floor; Isaac walked down as the agitated man got to his feet “What the fuck?!” Isaac kicked the man backwards and he stumbled to the ground, Isaac just stood there as the burly (and quite possibly drunk) man got to his feet once more “Oh so you wanna play do ya’? Alright ya’ stupid cunt, let’s play!”
The man went to tackle Isaac but he merely stepped to the side and allowed the man to hit the wall behind him headfirst, Isaac then kicked out the man’s knee and broke his neck backwards, the man fell dead and Isaac went about his business. He didn’t care if anyone reported this incident; it wasn’t like they could identify his fingerprints anyways...
Isaac stepped outside and threw up his hood, the night was colder than usual because of how hot the day had been, but the cold wasn’t much of a bother to Isaac really, he could wear his hoodie/jacket combo in the middle of a boiling summer and he wouldn’t feel any different, but appearance was everything with the Fables, and Isaac really didn’t need Bigby fucking Wolf looking for him. The last time he and the Wolf had spoken was back in 1994; of course Isaac had killed those Vampires, and he did drain one of the Mundy’s of their blood, but there was no need for Bigby to punch him in the face.
The two fought for a bit until they fell out of a 2-story window, Isaac managed to grab a lamppost on the way down and stopped his descent, but Bigby collided with the solid concrete ground; Isaac had enough of a heart to check Bigby was still alive, and when he confirmed that he was he ran off into the night, leaving the Sheriff more pissed off than anything else. Isaac did chuckle at the memory, and of how the Sheriff was so blatantly attracted to the Deputy Mayor, Snow White.
Isaac had witnessed the two walking together in the street a few times, always on some form of business of course, never anything personal, yet he always noticed the subtle glances they both gave each other, almost like they wanted to just hold each other and say “I love you” until the end of time, but it never happened.
“If he doesn’t say it in the next 10 years then he never will...” Isaac smiled at the thought as he passed by a small group of 5 men; all of them eyed up the hooded stranger but paid no attention to him, as a more appealing prize was walking in their direction.
O Nick’s Apartment, 1 hour before sundown
After forming a plan of action with Jayne and discovering the most likely places to find Vampires in a city like New York from both Penelope and Damien, Nick set off to his destination: a heavy metal bar called The Gas Works. Although Damien and Penelope followed the 2 Vampire Fledgling’s, they were to not stick around once the sun had settled, for Nick wouldn’t be able to control himself and wouldn’t be able to live with himself if they got hurt by him.
The club was only a 20 minute walk at best however, and the group were making good time, until they came across the same group of 5 men that Isaac had passed by only minutes ago. 3 of the men were bigger than the other 2, and these 3 had spotted Jayne from a mile off; they wolf-whistled in her direction as one of them yelled “Hey sweetheart, ditch the limp dick, I’ll show you what a real man looks like!” Jayne flipped the guy off and held Nick’s hand, the group ignored Nick and Jayne and turned their attentions to the unlikelier couple behind them, Penny and Damien.
The two were also walking hand in hand, and giggling about something stupid, when the group stopped them in their tracks. “Hello, what’s a pretty girl like you doing with a badger’s ass like him?” Penny tried to shove through the men but they wouldn’t budge, so Damien stepped up “Hey dudes, come on, you’re scaring my girl” The group gave a collective “Ooooohhhhh” as one of them shoved Damien’s shoulder a little “What’re you gonna do? Bore me to death?”
Damien smiled and pulled out a coin, he showed it to the biggest male of the group, the obvious leader, and spoke “Heads, you can punch me in the face. Tails, you can kick me in the nuts, sound good?” The men all laughed but Damien’s face didn’t change, the bigger man nodded “Alright, then I’ll get your bitch as well” Damien just shrugged “Whatever, just keep an eye on the coin yeah?” Damien flipped the coin high into the air, and just like the stupid fool the man was, he kept his eye on it, as did the others in his group.
In a flash, Damien kicked the man hard in his groin, dropping him instantly to his knees, and then punched him hard across the face afterwards; the man fell to the floor unconscious, as the coin landed back in Damien’s palm. He closed his hand around the coin and pocketed it as the group spread to the sides to allow him and Penny to pass, they switched between looking at Damien and their unconscious friend as he continued to walk down the street.
Penny gave Damien a long kiss on his cheek as she clutched his arm and beamed “Thank you my hero” Damien smirked as he patted her hand, Penny spoke again “Which side did it land on?” Damien grinned at her “Heads, it’s a trick coin, the idiot didn’t notice” Penny gave Damien’s chest a small slap in response; Nick and Jayne had just continued walking, they couldn’t afford to waste anymore time.
To be continued...
Got a big fight planned for the next chapter, at least that is the intention, you never know with me So, please Like, leave your comments/questions below, and I'll see you all tomorrow! XD
I was wondering if anyone has used Tommy Sharp (the Mundy who thought the Fables were vampires) in their Vampire Writing Challenge. I don't actively read the stories here, and you seemed like the best person to ask. I'm interested in possibly participating in the challenge and have been spit-balling ideas, some involving Tommy, but I don't want to copy someone if it's already been done.
Isaacs background is very cool how he was apart of King Arthurs army, but it was sad to read the rest Poor Maria too. I am really interested in Isaacs part he's definitely mysterious and that makes me want to know more about him! The part where dudes would try to hit on Jayne made me laugh, they actually think they're going to take her? And even then they think they can deal with Nick! Lmao they'd be dead! XD I'm also really liking Damien as well, to me I see him as comical relief in the story! XD
Here's another one! I think my spark is back, but I don't want to jinx myself so I'm not gonna say it truly is back just yet :P I intend to … morewrite one chapter everyday now, and I had a lot of fun writing this one, so please enjoy!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 6 – What Happened Before...
O 2,000 years ago in the Homelands
Isaac was once a knight of King Arthur’s Court, he wasn’t a member of the round table, but he was well on his way to becoming the General of the King’s Army, already holding a veteran position as a Captain. One day whilst training with his men, Isaac caught sight of a beautiful young maiden walking the training grounds, delivering water to Knight’s in need of rehydration. She walked over to the Captain, his face showing signs of exhaustion from the daily training.
She offered him a refill to his porcelain cup and he gave her a nod in agreement, she shot him a sweet smile as she walked away, and in that moment Isaac k… [view original content]
I was wondering if anyone has used Tommy Sharp (the Mundy who thought the Fables were vampires) in their Vampire Writing Ch… moreallenge. I don't actively read the stories here, and you seemed like the best person to ask. I'm interested in possibly participating in the challenge and have been spit-balling ideas, some involving Tommy, but I don't want to copy someone if it's already been done.
Thanks in advance!
Lol oh L.A Noir that was a pretty good game! And to her accusations yes she does seem a bit irritated. Let's hope she does not remember Zylens face
Glad you like him and the story so far man!
Smoke and Mirrors... Part: Two
Zylen stood in the back with his headphones on. He didn't much care to see how Bigby went about his interrogations. However whenever Zylen was a part of interrogations his real job beckoned to get out. Any other situation and he could care less. When he was younger and more human, he was beaten countless times a day. For some reason he correlated his beatings to interrogations, and it made him want payback... He watched as Bluebeard and Bigby fought with one another and Crane getting upset when Bigby shoved a picture of 'the dead snow white'. Zylen could hear the words Dum was letting out and it irritated him to no end. Bigby looked Zylens way, he noticed that there was something wrong with Zylen. Zylens chest began to feel hot and his 'heart' began to race, he had to do something. Bluebeard looked at Zylen.
"What can't handle it? I knew you weren't Fabletown material." Bluebeard said
This pushed Zylen to the limit. He calmly stood in front of the Bigby, Bluebeard and Crane. "Out." He said
"What!? Like hell I will!" Bluebeard said
Bigby knew exactly what was happening. He turned. "Guys we need to leave and get a breathe of fresh air."
"Bigby you were getting some information! We can't stop-" Crane was interrupted
"NOW" Bigby growled.
The three exited the room. Zylen turned to face Dum. Dum was scared shitless...
"Wha-wha-What the fuck do you want? Huh!? I-I-I was going to tell Bigby everything I swear!!!" Dum squirmed.
Zylen smiled. Not many people got to see him smile and live. There was only one, and that was his partner. Zylen put his hand on Dum face.
"We all have a side we don't want to show Dum. I hate letting Hades beckon me to do my job but...duty calls." Zylen said
A blue infernal flame began to go around Zylens body his skin began to melt away, piece by piece his skin hit the floor until he was nothing but a skeleton. A black flame climbed his skeleton and granted him his staff. Dum screamed in sheer terror.
"Please! Please no! I, I'll do anything jus-" He was cut off.
Zylen began to pull Dum soul out of his body, when he got the head out he opened Dums mouth and took a coin. Zylen looked at Dum soul.
"I sentence you and your brother to walk the sands of the underworld, you will not be allowed on the ferry until you find each other. I estimate that it'll take you one thousand years to do so as punishments for your actions..." He peered
"No please!!! I promise I'll, I'll do anything!!!" Dum pleaded.
Zylen didn't answer. He shoved Dums soul back into his body. Zylen could have killed him then but he decided he had other plans. With the coin in his hands, he took a deep breath and let the black flame take his staff and coin. Hades was pleased and granted him his skin and life on earth back.Zylen could hear banging he put the headphones on his chest and opened the door. He saw Snow at the door and she was not happy.
"What the hell do you think you're doing Zylen!?" Snow yelled.
Zylen took Dum out of his seat. "Sorry Miss White, I'm doing my job."
Dum was sobbing bloody murder at this point. Snow walked and pointed her finger. "I know you have your condition Zylen, but this is inhumane! We have a code we go by!" Snow said
Zylen began to walk forward. "I don't follow your rules, I follow what Hades tells me what I can and can't do."
Snow grunted. "We'll then don't expect-" She was cut off by Bigby.
"Snow we need him, if you want to kick him out of the woodlands afterwards then go ahead. He moves around a lot anyways." Bigby said
Snow shook her head. "I know that Bigby it's just...Grrr!" She stomped off.
Zylen looked back. "Is my suitcase in my room?"
Snow exhaled "Yup you have the room next to Crane." She said
Bigby stopped Zylen. "Zylen we have to let Dum go."
Zylen however was uninterested "Sorry Bigby, don't worry its for the investigation."
Zylen began to walk upstairs. Bigby huffed and got in the elevator with Snow who was also upset with Bigby.
Zylens apartment...
Zylen threw Dum into his room. He shut the door and grabbed his suitcase. He opened the contents and began unpacking.
"What the fuck do you want with me?" Dum said
Zylen didn't look at him. "Ransom and of course information." He said unpacking his clothes and someone else's clothes.
"You wear girls clothes asshole?" Dum said
Zylen opened up the secret compartment. "Good you've gained confidence. She'll like that." He said
"She?" Dum said
Zylen nodded "Yup." He said taking out weapon parts. He began to put the weapons together. There were four handguns, his partners favorite sub machine gun, and his favorite lever action shotgun.
"What...what do you plan on doing to me?"Dum said clearing his throat.
Zylen loaded to of his handguns he put them in holsters. He placed the other two handguns on the table and leaned the shotgun and submachine gun up against the dresser. "Giving you a taste of your own medicine while getting paid for that and of course shipping you off to your boss as ransom."
" wouldn't dare!" Dum said
Zylen tied Dum up to a chair. After that he began to head out. Zylen knew where his partner would be...
The Trip Trap...
Justine slammed her glass on the table. She shot a look at Woody, she noticed he had a beer she began to laugh histarically "You call yourself a man Woody!?" She continued to laugh "You can barely get buzzed off beer. A real man would drink straight rum. In fact why don't I put you in a dress and tie a bow on your fucking head so you can dance like the pansy you are!" She laughed
This upset Woody. "Who do you think you are Justine!?"
Justine had Holly pour her another full glass of rum. She downed the whole thing before putting down the glass. "I'm a lot better than your boring ass. Talk about dumb I thought you were fun when you were drunk..."
Woody got up "I'm the Woodsman! I combated the Big Bad Wolf!"
Justine pulled out her second pack of cigarettes and placed it on the top of her first she took out one and light the cigarette. She inhaled and blew out the smoke, she grinned, stood and slammed the cigarette bud into Woodies neck and kneed him in the groin. Gren began to laugh.
"Jesus Woody, you knew this would happen when she came back into town right?" He said
Justine sat back down. "Holly, I'll take your whole bottle." She said putting down a wad of cash.
Holly looked at her straight in the eye "No, I want you out of my bar Justine you're being nothing but trouble!" She said pointing to the door.
Justine huffed "Bitch..." and walked out the door. She saw Zylen outside.
"'Bout time you got here asshole." She said
Zylen handed her the apartment key. "You have a visitor do what you want, get information, have him call his boss and set up ransom money. We have to make sure we do this right." He said
Justines heart jumped in the air she gave him a hug. "You know I love you and this job!" She said
Zylen looked away "Sure you do Justine."
"Hey I'm serious you keep giving me fun shit to do and money then I will have no choice but to latch on romantically." She gave him a mischievous smile and began to walk away. He watched her walk away.
Justine has a slightly tan skin complexion, emerald eyes, and bright blonde hair. Her hair is upperback-length, short bangs that part at the middle and shoulder-length locks framing the sides of her face. Slender in frame with a slim waist, flared hips, Justine also has well-toned and lightly muscular build. At the same time, she has a curvaceous and developed figure. She wore a white tank top with maroon short shorts. She wore leather boots and black fingerless and knuckles gloves. Justine is very competitive, sarcastic, battle hardened, battle hungry, loud, psychotically humored, rude, easily-bored, and extremely ill-tempered. She only keeps a level head around him, and sometimes even then she will lash out if she is pushed far enough.
Zylen watched her leave the streets. Zylen watched Jack walk into the bar. And shortly after saw Bigby and Snow walk up. Snow crossed her arms.
"Care to join us and play by the rules now?" Snow said
Zylen nodded "Sorry I don't know what came over me." He lied.
The three began to walk into the bar...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Hazza I don't know if you started watching Black Lagoon yet but if you did I have put a refrence in there for you. Also speaking of Black Lagoon Justines physical appearance, and personality is based on the main character Revy of said anime.
Don't worry I plan to have her more involved.
Zelyn I'd say is more smart in different ways from my other OCs XD
Oh this was really awesome man!
Even Nick gets confused in all the anger huh? Poor guy and poor Jayne! It's interesting to see that Death has now calmed down and is able and willing to help Nick as well! And I look forward to seeing Isaac next chapter!
Awesome stuff man!
Maybe you should try using a different internet browser? Never heard of AVG secure search, anyway.
Zylen and Bigby are quite the team. See and dum are idiots. I'm those monkey faced looking weirdos got what was coming to them. Damn! Bigby ain't playing around in this! 0.0 Zylen seems like the 'calm' one; Bigby is the bad cop and Zylen is the bad one. XD Justine sounds like an interesting character. You all are speaking highly of this anime, so I might give it a whirl. Not much for anime but I'd like to check it out. I was waiting for her and Gren to butt heads but I'll take Woody, too!
Wonder what's going to happen when these 3 walk in....
Great chap, dude. Zylen, Bigby and Snow are quite the trio!
-brofist- Look forward to more!
LMAO the entire section with Damien and Penny made me laugh, especially with him trying to grab her awesome boobage. XD And she keeps slapping his hand, as if he's a kid trying to jack a cookie from the jar. XD Also, Damien calling them bunker busters. I might call my wife that but I'll get smacked. XD Nick scared the hell out of me in the beginning. I feel for Jayne but she's dipping into a world that is pretty out there.
Death surprised me, too. He seems like he's trying to understand but is hesitating at the same time. At least we know a bit more about Isaac and he's a Daywalker. Man....Nick has his hands full with this guy. He's going to be going to a club with a fuck ton of Vamps. Reminds me of Blade. XD And damn. A 2,000 year old grudge...shoot. I'd say the hell with it and just go to that club and dance the night away but that's just me. XD
Great chap, dude. Glad to see you got your spark back. Can't wait for more
Oh he guilt trips her, maybe a little too far in the next chapter...
I did know that, me and Pie have come to an agreement with DamienxPenny, so everything has been cleared
It's a very 'badass' anime, you know with intense gunfights, lots of blood and gore, women with boobs and attitudes lol, and A LOT of swearing! >:D
Death needed to calm down, as did Nick, they both have violent tempers if you recall me mentioning :P
Isaac is back for the next chapter!
Damien can be like a little kid with Penny, but she knows he's just messing with her and she finds it funny at times, but other times he just plain deserves a slap in the face :P
If you tell her you got it from me then she might not slap you at all! XP
Nick was just pissed, it happens, Jayne knows this. At the very least she knows he didn't do it because he wanted to like her ex-boyfriend.
I revealed Isaac was a Daywalker in the first chapter lol
That grudge is worth waiting for, you'll see...
Awesome dude! -broshake-
Yup yup! But expect them to have a strained relationship in the future
Oh they'll get what they deserve most certainly! Nope, I'm taking an aggressive Bigby in this story
Zylen does have his moments XD Glad you like her so far! Sadly I can't go all out with the character since the forum will not allow a lot of foul language in one sentence XD. I haven't watched much of it either but I definitely recommend it if you like a really foul mouthed, badass, even more psychotic woman than bloody mary XD. Justine will make fun of anyone she sees first, if she saw Gren first she probably would've made fun of him as well XD The Possibilities are endless! 
Thanks man!
These three will accomplish great things!
Brofist Awesome
AVG is my anti-virus software, it's also my search provider on Google Chrome.
The war of Fabletown part 5
"Everything happens for a reason, even if you are not yet wise enough to see it. People change so you can learn to let go and sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together." -Unknown
Fabletown. Some time ago....
Gren could feel his heart beating faster, as he stepped out of his apartment and into the streets. Handcuffed, the Sheriff walked him to the end of the sidewalk. The two Fables stayed away from prying eyes; Bigby leaned against a light pole, took out a cigarette and offered one to Gren. Shaking his head, Gren remained still and alarmed. He had no idea where these accusations came from or why. He had NEVER done something so vile.
Snow had to keep Georgie back, as he screamed into the afternoon. It was rather warm for an October day but the gentle, caressing wind made it easier for those caught in the sudden heat wave. Bigby watched as Lyla pulls her husband back; the Fable screams, his heavy British accent smothering the heat wave with angry words.
"YA' BASTARD! WE TRUSTED YA'!" Georgie tries to pull away from Lyla. "YA' FOOKIN' SICK PRICK!"
"Georgie, calm down!" Both Snow and Lyla speak. "You need to remain calm and focus on the-"
"He TOUCHED my baby, ya' fookin' sick fook! I'm gunna' ripe ya' damn dick off and shove it down ya' throat!"
"I didn't TOUCH her, Georgie!" Gren screams through tears. "That's fucking sick! You KNOW me better then this! I ain't no fucking little kid toucher!" Gren glares up at Bigby, tears streaming from his eyes. "Bigby, please! You fucking know this! I NEVER touched no fucking little kid! You know this!"
Bigby exhales. He looked concerned. "These are serious accusations, Gren. You've been accused of touching a minor."
"I never TOUCHED Emily Porgie!" Gren presses himself against the wall, heavily weeping. "I did not touch her! Bigby, fuck! You know this!"
"I'm sorry, Grendel but we have to look into this. This is SERIOUS. You've been accused of touching a child inappropriatly, Gren."
"NO!" Gren pounds the back of his head into the wall. "NO, no, no! I did NOT fuck her! That's sick!"
"You're fookin' sick! I trusted ya' around my family and now, ya' gone and touched my baby!"
"Georgie, I didn't do it!" Gren tilts forward. "PLEASE! Lyla! Georgie! I didn't touch Emily!"
It was a slap to the face. Gren had no idea where this was coming from. He loved Emily and never laid a hand on her. He, like all the other Fables in this town, could not stand people that touched children. He wanted to kill those people that dared think of something so hideous. All he knew was the thundering knock on his door and there was Bigby and Snow White. Shrieking down the hall, fists clentched, was Georgie. Right behind, Lyla.
She begged her husband to 'relax' and 'wait' to see what the Sheriff found out. She did not believe it. Not for a second. Lyla trusted Grendel with not just Emily but all her children. He LOVED those babies as if they were his own. According to Bigby, an anonymous caller left a message about Gren. There was only one person both Gren and Lyla thought could have possibly started this lie. Carla.
She had this nonsense thrown around for years now and use to threaten Gren with it. It was Carla's only way of truly hurting Gren, for she already knew what was in store. As Gren slams his fist into Carla's face, blood pouring from her nose, he now knew this. It was her way of
controlling Gren. Breaking him down, piece by piece, hoping to seperate the two. Fabletown would have burned his body at the stake. Emily would be nothing and Carla would have the bow in plain sight. Like always, had her secret plans for the family.
"Gren, stop." Bigby grabs both his shoulders. "You NEED to relax and talk to me. This is something that I'd never list under your file. Vicious, yes. An asshole? 100%. Anger issues? Probably but not a child rapist. Now, look at me, Gren-DID you touch Emily Porgie in an inappropriate
fashion-yes or no?"
"No Bigby." No hesitation and Bigby could feel the genuine emotions. "I didn't....touch her. have to fucking believe me! I love that little girl but NOT like that. You fucking KNOW ME! Please...."
Bigby sighs, as Georgie continues to scream just a few feet from him. Lyla was having a difficult time controlling the rage he felt. These were serious charges that were made on Gren but even he knew the beast was not capable of harming Emily or any child. He'd seen how he reacted around the Georgie look-alike. Not an ounce of fear or remorse. Happiness. Devotion and dedication. Gren treasured their friendship and had respect for the Porgie family. Even Bigby felt like the person reporting this mess, was only there to harm. He knew of Carla and Gren's horrible 'marriage' and found this to be of coincidence.
Gren pauses to look into the eyes of the woman whom felt the need to control him. Create misery and broken dreams for the Fable. To ripe apart his world and take away the one thing that brought him joy. Besides his children, Emily was the only person in the entire world that could ease the beast out of an angry state. Assure him the world wasn't so bad and created a smile that Gren so long held back. She, unlike Carla, gave him hope. Love and a chance. Carla spits up blood, just long enough for Gren to slam his fist one last time into Carla's face.
That afternoon and the years to follow drove the hate inside to fuel this fight. He was on watch for years; Georgie would not allow him to be alone anymore with his children and it pierced Gren's heart. Bigby, followed by Beauty and Beast after taking their places, had to carefully watch Gren. Carla, however, never seemed 'moved' or concerned that her then husband was accused of such horrific acts. She seemed more vexed that he was still alive and given a chance to prove. Takes tests, that he easily passed with flying colors. Still remained as one with Emily, the two people who alone could bring her down...
Both began to view the same thing; Emily was confused as to why Gren had to be watched when he was with her. She prayed she'd wake up and this would all be a dream. The news that he was not the biological father to either child. Magic concealed their apperance and made Gren believe they were his own blood. All the lies Carla created that left so many lives a mess. Ruined so many and she could still look in the mirror at her hideous reflection. Emily pictured Gren, an emotional wreck, working on his fifth bottle of the night. Drowing in a sea of sorrow. Searching for the strength to carry on.
The vines pierced Carla's flesh, causing more blood to pour from her wounds. Gren, seeing his beloved Emily slumped over with a needle in her arm, slams his fist into Carla's chest. How Carla WANTED his precious Emily to die in the gutters. Become just a name...the tears he'd shed, as her brown eyes haunted his thoughts.
Carla was losing her ability to control Gren or Emily. It had come true. Her world was slipping away. Nothing would work now. No longer did they believe in her lies. This began to cause her powers to weaken. None of them feared her. And she knew this.
Artemis' bow was meant to protect. Hunt. Emily had her prey right before her eyes. Little did Carla know the babies she carried inside represented past, present and future. Emily smiles, as she sends one final arrow into Carla's head. Three, enormous vines circle the item and enter Carla's mind. With every vine, the babies send every vile thing she's done in the past, at the current moment and what lies ahead. Carla screams in agony, as her mind is consumed with all the emotions she gave to the family. The pain she created in her life. All the people she affected and the souls lost by her hands. These begin to eat away at Carla's concious.
Emily, eyes black, allows her powers to continue. "Ya' caused so much in this life, Carla. Feel the pain ya' caused us. The actions ya' alone created. Ya' black soul will foreva' be eaten away. BIT by fookin' BIT, ya' will become nuthin'. But I'll make ya' suffer, like ya' made US. Gren is a GOOD man. My father made mistakes but he's a good man. My mum a loving woman, who loved ALL her children. Her sisters. Parents. Ya' think we are fook trash but ya' be the one in the gutta's now, Carla. Ya' own daughter hates. Ya' thought ya' won, Carla...."
Emily grabs her face and compresses. "....But ya' were wrong, love. OH so very wrong...."
Carla's powers are drained from her body and leave behind a mundy. Weak and vulnerable, as she always was. Coughing, she tries to attack Emily. Three more arrows fly into Carla's chest. This time, the pain was real. She no longer had the magic or Hecate to protect. No more excuses to hide behind or blame another living soul. Carla was fighting her own battle created.
The vines entwined around her body, as she looked over. Rosie held a box and stood beside Gren. It was Pandora's box, the very thing that held the most wrteched souls known to man kind. This was going to be Carla's final resting place. Now that she was weak, Gren stands before Carla. The woman that made his life hell. There was one final step he needed to do. A gift his mother use to have and was only used for removing atrocious souls from this world. Gren grabs both of Carla's eyes; Emily's vines pin the woman to a tree and continue filling her mind with disgusting memories. Gren closes his eyes and sinks his fingers into her sockets. Carla screams in agony but Gren did not care. Neither did Emily or the many others looking on. Even Rosie stood proud of her father...
Gren sucks the soul right out of her body and transfers it to the box. Her body, now lifeless, collaspes onto the floor. Emily casts another set of vines laced with thorns around the body. Each of the quads add their final touch before creating a coffin of eternity for Carla.
Liam drowns her corpse in water. With this, Seraphina grows plants to devour her body. With her metal element, Viviana creates a metal box to hold the body; Chloe uses her fire element to burn both the corpse and box into a pile of mush. Rosie completes this with her Wood element; she turns the pile of mush into a single bare tree. No life shall ever grow on the wretched, twisted branches or the beauty of sunlight to ever touch it.
Rosie, along with Gren, move the tree far into the woods were it remains alone, away from love and life. Woody follows behind Rosie, Emily and Gren. In his hand, his axe. Rosie and Gren stand back, as they watch Woody slice into the tree.
With each fallen piece of wood, Gren grabs it; Rosie watches her father close his eyes and burn it as he transfers the ashes to Emily. Eyes still black, she clutches the mas of black in her hands and beams.
"Little by little, ya' will fall apart, as we did fa' years...."
Rosie, still holding Pandora's Box, hands it Emily and Gren.
"Ya' alright, Rosie?" Emily touches her face. "I mean, with all of this?"
Rosie smiles, handing Gren the box. "I'm fucking"
Emily wraps her arms around Rosie and gently kisses her cheeks. Gren gives Viviana the box. The little girl now had her blonde curls back and a radiant smile across her chubby cheeks. Around her neck, the ribbon, purple like before.
"You know what to do with this, right baby?"
"I do, daddy." Viviana embraces her father. "It's good to see you again, daddy. You did saved us all...."
Gren holds his daughter tightly; the others join their father and soon, Emily is beside her family. This moment, right here, was well worth the pain Gren endured for centuries. Kissing each of his children, Gren smiles.
"No one will ever hurt us again, baby. I promise."
"I know..." Viviana creates a portal. An entrance to the Underworld. "It's going to be okay now. I'll be right back. I missed Hades, too...."
"He missed ya' more, love." Emily rubs her daughter's head. "Now, get that ta' him, alright?"
Viviana salutes before entering the portal. She passes the many souls along the way. All those, remaining in limbo, bow to the little blonde girl. Men remove their hats, children smile and women wave. Each whispering but all smiling. Proud, Viviana clutches the box to her chest. There, standing with his arms out, is Hades. She hands him the box, for there was one final step to Carla's demise. That would be left to Michelle and Erica, who stand proudly beside Hades. Michelle knew of what Ethan had done for this family and was more then willing to finish Carla for the family.
"You did good, Vivi." Hades kneels before the little girl. "I promise, Carla will be taken care of. You should be proud of your mommy and daddy. And you four, too."
"Am I going to stay here forever now? I know why I have this ribbon. Why I change....why you've been following me. I'm not afraid of you, Hades. I never was..."
"I know you were not, Viviana. Carla wanted me to be a mean person but I knew in here, I couldn't do that. You are to remain forever with your family. I want to see YOU happy. When you wish to visit, I shall be here. You do not have to make a choice. Be with your family, Viviana. I think the Underworld is a better place now."
Viviana would someday return. She knew this was her fate but with her final embrace, it was enough for Hades, too. Viviana watches Michelle enter the box, Erica still holding it in her hands.
The final step....
Any questions, you know the drill. LOVE this rain!
I think I remember reading that first part of the chapter, why Carla would go to such lengths is beyond me! Luckily Gren wasn't comepletely broken and helpless. He stuck with it and here he is! >:D And Emily with those arrows, she is definitely a true force to not be reckoned with! o.o And I definitely pictured Gren as Dante from Devil May Cry 4 swinging Pandora box over his shoulder, slamming it down on the ground, opening the box while taking Carlas soul, and then kicking it closed and kicking it back in his hand like a badass XD The whole process for Carla...she deserved every bit of it. And yay, little Viviana has her blonde hair back!
Cool to see Hades act like such a nice guy
Now it's up to Michelle and Erica for the final step! They got this! Especially since Erica can Mortal Kombat Fatility people lmao! XD
This was awesome man as always! I wish it would rain here too much humidity! XD Looking forward to the final step!
That was Carla's method of seperating the two. She picked the most pathetic, disgusting excuse. >:( But even through that, she never could have seperated them or break Gren down. You can't break what's been set in stone and in the works for centuries. :') OMG right! That would be an awesome picture to doodle now. Badass Gren with Pandora's Box and his little wifey.
Speaking of, Emily is indeed something. XD
It does not seem much, what they did with Carla but its the meaning behind it and what will happen to her soul for all eternity. Death is too easy for Carla's soul....let her live for all eternity with what she's done. Haunt her. All the pain she created, from the past and present, will follow her well into the future.
And Viviana is nothing without her blonde.
Hades aodres that little girl.
And now, Michelle! >:D Haha Erica is a badass now! XD
Thanks, my good man! That humidity would kill me! XD Hate all that! :P -brofist-
Damn shame this forum is so strict about language and what not because I'd love to see Justine speak like a fowl mouth phrat boy on a Friday night in this. It fits the current situation. Bigby and his partner in crime are indeed a team but it's sad knowing they will be drifted apart in time. hopefully, for all the right reasons. I too, was waiting to see if Justine would piss off that greasey husband of mine but I'll take Woody, too. XD She's awesome! I too am trying to figure out everything and pece together!
Awesome so far, dude! Keep going!
I was listeing to Dr. Dre ft. Eminem and there is a section in the song where he and Dre burned down this house and I replaced their names with Emily and Gren:
"Emily and Gren stood next to a burned down house. With a can full of gas, hands full of matches but they still were never found out...."
They are the duo of the thread I'd never want to piss off. Carla is so stupid and cruel! That was a dirty trick, to accuse Gren of molesting Emily! >:0 god I hate her so much! I was disgusted after reading that part and recall you mentioning this awhile ago that did this frequently...
I thought Carla was handled beautifully. Death is indeed too easy for her. Fill her soul with everything she's done. The family's pain and heartache. The memories. Emily is a badass now! And Gren! :0 That was too neat. Just sucks her soul right out and you brought back Pandora's Box!!!
VERY fitting for her! I loved what they did with her body, too. REVENGE!!! I can't wait to see the final step! Also, Viviana is too freaking cute with her blonde hair!! Can't wait for more like always! Sad to see the finale, though but its been one hell of a ride.
It truly is a shame! I'll try my best to make due with what I have though! XD They will butt heads due to their morales and Zylens way of life. If Gren had been sitting next to her with a beer she would have done the same thing to him but for now I wanted to keep her introduction small for she has a big role in this story!
Glad you like her! 
Thanks man I appreciate it!
Ok Zylen and Justine both scare the shit out of me! They're both freakin' badasses, but they're also both crazy psycho's!!! :O
Zylen working for Hades is a nice touch, a slave to his Master, yet a fair Master he has it would seem. And I know exactly what Justine's first words were in reference to! XP
That's when Revy accuses Rock of being a girl cuz he's drinking Beer (no different from piss) and he challenges her to a drinking contest with ALL of the Bacardi rum in the bar, they draw and then a gunfight ensues >:D
I can't wait for more! XD
Wait, there's a restriction on language for this fanthread?
So Carla tried to have Gren labelled as a paedophile? Damn woman, you must really hate someone to label them as such >:(
That kill on Carla though, GOOD FUCKING LORD DUDE!!! I was actually gaping and thinking "Jesus, when does it end for her?!" XP I'm not saying she didn't deserve it, but daaaaaaammn :P
I look forward to this 'final step' and for whatever comes afterwards, I realise that the end is near, but I'm happy that it's being given an ending it deserves :')
I await more! XD
Not on the fan thread no but the actual forum rules do not allow excessive foul language sadly or else oh man this part would have been rediculous! XD
So there is a restriction on language then? Cuz your sentence just contradicted itself
Lmao!!! XD They both have their reasons for the way they act and what they do
As long as Zylen provides in his job he keeps his skin and time on earth if he doesn't however when he takes off his 'glamour' he loses his job and his soul is long gone sadly
Yes! I'm glad you got the refrence! It was probably one of the funniest lines I've heard in the show so far! XD But I only made it to episode ten and it's been nothing but laughs and badassery. Revy is my favorite followed by Roberta then Dutch and then Benny. Rock is last not because he's a bad character but because I like him the least out of the group XD The show is all around really good so I thank you for reminding me of that anime! XD
Awesome!
Yes there is, I apologize XD
Edit: This is what it says on forum guidelines:Use swear words if you like, but sparingly. There are no swear filters on this forum. Try to not make us regret this.
This is a fanfiction thread though, surely we're allowed SOME leeway for our stories?
I don't know I'd rather not test it though XD
I'm sure they do :P
I see...
Roberta has her own OVA set after the second season of the anime, she is a crazy psycho bitch believe you me dude
I need to get back into it myself, glad I was able to help you as well dude! 
Why not ask one of the Mods? Blind Sniper is on right now... Or maybe I'll ask him instead?
You can if you want man!
I just have, will come back to you with the info shortly, trying to write another chapter atm as well :P
Yup. She went as far as to pull the Gren touched little girls card in hopes of removing him....:'(
Well, she deserved it. Slow and painful. After all she'd done, death was too easy for Carla.
Told you all Emily and Gren were going to end Carla's life and we are just getting started.
The final step will be marvelous. I'm sad this is the end but the Porgie clan will never die. :') I'll wrap everything up and any questions still left.
Ok so Blind told me that the rule applies to General Discussions, we can curse as much as we want to In our stories
Smut is still a no-no obviously (just be careful with how you describe certain scenes) and violence is fine :P
Ok dude don't go ridiculous, Revy is rude yes, but she doesn't curse like a trooper all the time :P
YES!!! Oh man time to have fun!
Here's another one! I think my spark is back, but I don't want to jinx myself so I'm not gonna say it truly is back just yet :P I intend to write one chapter everyday now, and I had a lot of fun writing this one, so please enjoy!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 6 – What Happened Before...
O 2,000 years ago in the Homelands
Isaac was once a knight of King Arthur’s Court, he wasn’t a member of the round table, but he was well on his way to becoming the General of the King’s Army, already holding a veteran position as a Captain. One day whilst training with his men, Isaac caught sight of a beautiful young maiden walking the training grounds, delivering water to Knight’s in need of rehydration. She walked over to the Captain, his face showing signs of exhaustion from the daily training.
She offered him a refill to his porcelain cup and he gave her a nod in agreement, she shot him a sweet smile as she walked away, and in that moment Isaac knew that he had to have this woman as his own. He courted the girl for many months, her name was Maria and she was the daughter of the King’s blacksmith, though she preferred working as a maid in the Castle to helping her Father in his forge. Maria was younger than Isaac, he was about 33 and she was barely 21, but she could say with confidence that she loved him as he did her, the blacksmith new Isaac to be a respectable man with nothing but honour to his name.
King Arthur himself approved of the match... but sadly there was an issue. Isaac’s Father was a greedy man who saw nothing but money and property when it came to marriage; he cared not for love and had married strategically all his life. He had promised Isaac to the daughter of a wealthy nobleman in a neighbouring land, the nobleman’s daughter, was best described as a bitch and a harlot. Isaac made it obvious that he disliked her, and she in turn despised him, but neither of their Father’s could care less.
Maria was heartbroken to hear of the news and was ready to give up on Isaac, until Merlin told Isaac of a ‘trial’ that would prove his worth as a man and ensure that he would no longer be bound to rights by his Father.
Isaac could’ve just killed his Father and forgotten about him, he was not a pleasant man and had abused Isaac in his youth, all for the purposes of making him into a ‘real man’. But Isaac was better than his shithead Father, and he promised Maria that he would complete this task by himself to prove his worth to her. The task sounded simple enough: Go to the Black cave on the High Mountain and kill the Vampire that lurked there... Sadly, it was not meant to be.
The Vampire in question was Algol, and Isaac was hideously underprepared for the conflict. He had armed himself with a stake of silver, blessed by a Holy Priest as well, but entering the cave was the first of Isaac’s steps into a downfall. Algol came to Isaac as a Vampire seemingly starved of any blood for years, he was so skinny and weak, he could barely raise his arm; yet when Isaac edged closer, he let his guard down, and Algol rushed him.
He sunk his teeth into Isaac’s neck and infected him with his venom, the ‘starved’ appearance was just a ruse to fool Isaac (and countless other’s judging by the collection of rotting corpses and skeletons) into a false sense of security so the Vampire could feed to his heart’s desire. Isaac felt the change within him, and emerged into the midday sun feeling more empowered than before.
Algol had Isaac in his grasp and ordered him to seek the vengeance he always wanted against his Father and that harlot of a bride he was promised to. Isaac butchered them both later that same day as they slept (in the same bed no less) and was discovered by one of the servant girls.
Isaac fled back to Camelot, but the hunt was already on for him. Maria found Isaac in the courtyard, ready to take on the very men he trained and fought alongside, and she performed an ancient sacrifice: Her soul for Isaac’s freedom. It worked, as Algol took the girl’s soul into his own personal form of Limbo, and Isaac regained his control, but he was still a Daywalker Vampire...
Isaac fled Camelot and ran, as far away as he could. He found work as a mercenary for the highest bidder; he was one of the best fighters in Camelot and his Vampiric powers granted him an even greater edge over his opponents. Eventually when the Exodus happened, Isaac fled into the Mundane World. He refused to sign the Fabletown contract however and opted to live elsewhere in New Amsterdam; he cared not for Fabletown’s laws or their lapdog Sheriff the Big Bad Wolf, he was just an annoyance from time to time.
Isaac went underground at the turn of the 19th century, and no one heard from him until he resurfaced in New York in 1994, being a prime suspect in the murder of 3 Vampires and 2 Mundy’s; Bigby could not find Isaac however, his heritage as a servant of the Prince himself granted Isaac a unique immunity to the senses of Wolves and their counterparts. Isaac didn’t go out much during the day, preferring to sleep while the sun was up and being awake while it was down.
O Present day, Isaac’s apartment
Isaac grabbed all of his equipment from last night and put what he needed into his backpack before setting off. Stepping out into the hallway however he was greeted by an unpleasant sight, the couple that had been arguing upstairs had taken their business to Isaac’s hallway, he stepped out to see the man march up behind the woman and pull her back, forcing her against the wall by her neck and smacking her hard across the face. He continued to scream abuse at her as she tearfully crawled away, but the man was ready to drag her back and hit her again, and he did.
Normally Isaac didn’t care for Mundy’s or their problems, but he wasn’t devoid of emotion, and this fucker was gonna get what was coming to him. Just as the man raised his hand to slap the woman again, Isaac grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie and threw him down the flight of stairs that lead to the second floor; Isaac walked down as the agitated man got to his feet “What the fuck?!” Isaac kicked the man backwards and he stumbled to the ground, Isaac just stood there as the burly (and quite possibly drunk) man got to his feet once more “Oh so you wanna play do ya’? Alright ya’ stupid cunt, let’s play!”
The man went to tackle Isaac but he merely stepped to the side and allowed the man to hit the wall behind him headfirst, Isaac then kicked out the man’s knee and broke his neck backwards, the man fell dead and Isaac went about his business. He didn’t care if anyone reported this incident; it wasn’t like they could identify his fingerprints anyways...
Isaac stepped outside and threw up his hood, the night was colder than usual because of how hot the day had been, but the cold wasn’t much of a bother to Isaac really, he could wear his hoodie/jacket combo in the middle of a boiling summer and he wouldn’t feel any different, but appearance was everything with the Fables, and Isaac really didn’t need Bigby fucking Wolf looking for him. The last time he and the Wolf had spoken was back in 1994; of course Isaac had killed those Vampires, and he did drain one of the Mundy’s of their blood, but there was no need for Bigby to punch him in the face.
The two fought for a bit until they fell out of a 2-story window, Isaac managed to grab a lamppost on the way down and stopped his descent, but Bigby collided with the solid concrete ground; Isaac had enough of a heart to check Bigby was still alive, and when he confirmed that he was he ran off into the night, leaving the Sheriff more pissed off than anything else. Isaac did chuckle at the memory, and of how the Sheriff was so blatantly attracted to the Deputy Mayor, Snow White.
Isaac had witnessed the two walking together in the street a few times, always on some form of business of course, never anything personal, yet he always noticed the subtle glances they both gave each other, almost like they wanted to just hold each other and say “I love you” until the end of time, but it never happened.
“If he doesn’t say it in the next 10 years then he never will...” Isaac smiled at the thought as he passed by a small group of 5 men; all of them eyed up the hooded stranger but paid no attention to him, as a more appealing prize was walking in their direction.
O Nick’s Apartment, 1 hour before sundown
After forming a plan of action with Jayne and discovering the most likely places to find Vampires in a city like New York from both Penelope and Damien, Nick set off to his destination: a heavy metal bar called The Gas Works. Although Damien and Penelope followed the 2 Vampire Fledgling’s, they were to not stick around once the sun had settled, for Nick wouldn’t be able to control himself and wouldn’t be able to live with himself if they got hurt by him.
The club was only a 20 minute walk at best however, and the group were making good time, until they came across the same group of 5 men that Isaac had passed by only minutes ago. 3 of the men were bigger than the other 2, and these 3 had spotted Jayne from a mile off; they wolf-whistled in her direction as one of them yelled “Hey sweetheart, ditch the limp dick, I’ll show you what a real man looks like!” Jayne flipped the guy off and held Nick’s hand, the group ignored Nick and Jayne and turned their attentions to the unlikelier couple behind them, Penny and Damien.
The two were also walking hand in hand, and giggling about something stupid, when the group stopped them in their tracks. “Hello, what’s a pretty girl like you doing with a badger’s ass like him?” Penny tried to shove through the men but they wouldn’t budge, so Damien stepped up “Hey dudes, come on, you’re scaring my girl” The group gave a collective “Ooooohhhhh” as one of them shoved Damien’s shoulder a little “What’re you gonna do? Bore me to death?”
Damien smiled and pulled out a coin, he showed it to the biggest male of the group, the obvious leader, and spoke “Heads, you can punch me in the face. Tails, you can kick me in the nuts, sound good?” The men all laughed but Damien’s face didn’t change, the bigger man nodded “Alright, then I’ll get your bitch as well” Damien just shrugged “Whatever, just keep an eye on the coin yeah?” Damien flipped the coin high into the air, and just like the stupid fool the man was, he kept his eye on it, as did the others in his group.
In a flash, Damien kicked the man hard in his groin, dropping him instantly to his knees, and then punched him hard across the face afterwards; the man fell to the floor unconscious, as the coin landed back in Damien’s palm. He closed his hand around the coin and pocketed it as the group spread to the sides to allow him and Penny to pass, they switched between looking at Damien and their unconscious friend as he continued to walk down the street.
Penny gave Damien a long kiss on his cheek as she clutched his arm and beamed “Thank you my hero” Damien smirked as he patted her hand, Penny spoke again “Which side did it land on?” Damien grinned at her “Heads, it’s a trick coin, the idiot didn’t notice” Penny gave Damien’s chest a small slap in response; Nick and Jayne had just continued walking, they couldn’t afford to waste anymore time.
To be continued...
Got a big fight planned for the next chapter, at least that is the intention, you never know with me
So, please Like, leave your comments/questions below, and I'll see you all tomorrow! XD
I was wondering if anyone has used Tommy Sharp (the Mundy who thought the Fables were vampires) in their Vampire Writing Challenge. I don't actively read the stories here, and you seemed like the best person to ask. I'm interested in possibly participating in the challenge and have been spit-balling ideas, some involving Tommy, but I don't want to copy someone if it's already been done.
Thanks in advance!
Isaacs background is very cool how he was apart of King Arthurs army, but it was sad to read the rest
Poor Maria too. I am really interested in Isaacs part he's definitely mysterious and that makes me want to know more about him!
The part where dudes would try to hit on Jayne made me laugh, they actually think they're going to take her? And even then they think they can deal with Nick! Lmao they'd be dead! XD I'm also really liking Damien as well, to me I see him as comical relief in the story! XD
Awesome stuff man! I look forward to more!
I'm not Dragon, but so far no one has used him, and I've been keeping up-to-date