Well, with the past events. However, I think the "present" with Rhys and Fiona takes place after Athena`s capture. Therefore, I think TftB is the farthest in the Borderlands series!
I wonder if any of these screenshots are part of some embellishment from either Rhys or Fiona, like the episode 2 screenshot where everyone was covered in Rhys' blood.
I wonder if any of these screenshots are part of some embellishment from either Rhys or Fiona, like the episode 2 screenshot where everyone was covered in Rhys' blood.
We know where the main-game storyline of TPS fits into the timeline (AKA how Jack turns into Handsome Jack), but as for the scenes that book… moreend the game (where Athena is being interrogated by Lilith and the gang) it's never been specified where they fit into the series as a whole (including Tales).
Wat, I'm pretty sure Rhys will have a dad-son relationship with Gortys, just like Fiona will have mom-son
Unless there will some fucked up things going on XD
Does anyone else think the Loader Bot flying the whole gang to safety is a little bit on the nose?
* It's a peculiarly large spoiler fo… morer them to show
* It's just too... neat.
Methinks our unreliable narrators may be at it again (which might go back to the whole "don't make me wait" achievement - they tell The Stranger this story but then later on we find out what really went down).
Also, it's not the first time TT have included 'fake' plot points in their screen shots (remember the shot of everyone drenched in blood from Atlas Mugged?)
I'd like to believe that, but I just can't see them letting us kill anyone of real importance. I'd love to be able to help Jack get revenge on Moxxi or Lilith.
You know, Tales takes place AFTER Borderlands 2 and Anthony Burch is involved in the writing....so, I don't really think the original Borderlands characters are automatically safe...I mean Shade could die...soo
Man, looking at fuckin' Rhys though. I don't know if that's an embellishment or not, because he seemed pretty unsure and anxious when he let Jack take control at first; now he looks ready for some blood. Maybe he's lying in his rendition of the story to make himself seem more badass? Maybe the power is going to his head? Maybe Vaughn can die in this scene, and he's furious?
Well, with the past events. However, I think the "present" with Rhys and Fiona takes place after Athena`s capture. Therefore, I think TftB is the farthest in the Borderlands series!
Man, looking at fuckin' Rhys though. I don't know if that's an embellishment or not, because he seemed pretty unsure and anxious when he let… more Jack take control at first; now he looks ready for some blood. Maybe he's lying in his rendition of the story to make himself seem more badass? Maybe the power is going to his head? Maybe Vaughn can die in this scene, and he's furious?
You know, I don't really get that.
For someone to be the "Queenpin of Crime" that implies that there are things that are ILLEGAL on Pando… morera.
That there are ACTUAL LAWS.
Of which there aren't any.
Also, calling it: Fiona knocks Athena out in an attempt to placate Mordecai and Brick so they don't kill lump her in with the ex-assassin.
But maybe Athena works with them. It just kinda doesn't make sense for Brick and Mordecai trying to kill her since they know who she is already and what she's done. I can only see them fighting over Gortys, but why would they...
You know, I don't really get that.
For someone to be the "Queenpin of Crime" that implies that there are things that are ILLEGAL on Pando… morera.
That there are ACTUAL LAWS.
Of which there aren't any.
Also, calling it: Fiona knocks Athena out in an attempt to placate Mordecai and Brick so they don't kill lump her in with the ex-assassin.
In all fairness we don't officially know what Pandora's judicial proceedings are (despite how lawless it seems) - especially in somewhere new like Hollow Point.
We've had examples of laws/law enforcement in-game, though.
Jack obviously ruled Opportunity with an iron fist.
Then there was Nisha's role as the sheriff of Lynchwood.
And then Concordia had enforceable laws (the CU5TM-TP) and the Meriff.
Now all three of those aren't great examples because arguably they're due to Jack exerting his force, or are on a different planet, but we've also got Marshall Friedman who's basically Opportunity's sheriff, and who is shown to investigate crimes etc.
So maybe Hollow Point is the same?
I mean, who puts up the wanted posters/pays the bounty hunters if it's not some sort of law enforcement? In the past it was Hyperion/Jack (for the Vault Hunters), but I can't see them caring about some two-bit Pandoran con-artist like Fiona (until she screwed them over, of course)...
You know, I don't really get that.
For someone to be the "Queenpin of Crime" that implies that there are things that are ILLEGAL on Pando… morera.
That there are ACTUAL LAWS.
Of which there aren't any.
Also, calling it: Fiona knocks Athena out in an attempt to placate Mordecai and Brick so they don't kill lump her in with the ex-assassin.
But maybe Athena works with them. It just kinda doesn't make sense for Brick and Mordecai trying to kill her since they know who she is already and what she's done. I can only see them fighting over Gortys, but why would they...
I think that's why so many people think that this might be in the lead up to the interrogation narrative parts of TPS. Because we know that Mordi and Brick are the ones who bring Athena in (and that she kicks their butts)!
But maybe Athena works with them. It just kinda doesn't make sense for Brick and Mordecai trying to kill her since they know who she is already and what she's done. I can only see them fighting over Gortys, but why would they...
Gah, I keep missing your posts by seconds and end up posting the identical thing - sorry, I'm not ignoring your points or think they bear repeating - I'm just slow! >_<
Gah, I keep missing your posts by seconds and end up posting the identical thing - sorry, I'm not ignoring your points or think they bear repeating - I'm just slow! >_<
Are you guys ready for Tales from the Borderlands Episode 3: Everybody Loves Gortys and Claptrap hates that and him with all of his being because of that?
The description Telltale provided for the one with Rhys, Sasha and Loader Bot Is interesting:
Hold on a second, look at Gortys
Now look here
My god...
Well, with the past events. However, I think the "present" with Rhys and Fiona takes place after Athena`s capture. Therefore, I think TftB is the farthest in the Borderlands series!
Off-topic, but I love your new avatar. :P
Thanks ;3 yours too!
Where's Vaughn and Handsome jack?
I wonder if any of these screenshots are part of some embellishment from either Rhys or Fiona, like the episode 2 screenshot where everyone was covered in Rhys' blood.
Same here...

We know this means we'll see the beginning of Fiona and Rhys and their sexual tension. Oh, yeah.
Maybe the loadbot scene doesnt go as smoothly as it looks
Looks like the bot's about to stick a finger up stick up her butt's butt.
The interrogation definitely takes place after Borderlands 2, since Sanctuary is in the air.
Yes, this is what i think too.
Rhys and Fiona are Gortys' 'parents'.
Hail to the kind or to the king?
I heard it might be after. As in Athena escaped, and they're trying to get her back
Looks like he's in the mud...
So the epic Rhys shot could be embellishment! At least it'll be cool
I'd like to believe that, but I just can't see them letting us kill anyone of real importance. I'd love to be able to help Jack get revenge on Moxxi or Lilith.
nice screenshots but the one with loader bot and the whole gang is spoilery, we now know everyone survives the gortys facility.
Man, looking at fuckin' Rhys though. I don't know if that's an embellishment or not, because he seemed pretty unsure and anxious when he let Jack take control at first; now he looks ready for some blood. Maybe he's lying in his rendition of the story to make himself seem more badass? Maybe the power is going to his head? Maybe Vaughn can die in this scene, and he's furious?
Exercising, duh.
I see what you did there
Ooh, good point!
Unused dialogue suggested the 'present' scenes take place a year after the main Fiona + Rhys storyline, so that's probably right.
I swear I read that 10 times and still didn't notice...
Too much hype/sleep depravity! >_<
Yes, forgot to mention that - we know it takes place after BL2, but as for where it fits into Tales ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Or that could be how Rhys looks/acts once Jack's fully taken over (hence the general badassery).
You know, I don't really get that.
For someone to be the "Queenpin of Crime" that implies that there are things that are ILLEGAL on Pandora.
That there are ACTUAL LAWS.
Of which there aren't any.
Also, calling it: Fiona knocks Athena out in an attempt to placate Mordecai and Brick so they don't kill lump her in with the ex-assassin.
Well it looks like Athena doesn't want to kill Fiona so maybe a choice to turn on Athena or help her when Brick and Mordecai show up
But maybe Athena works with them. It just kinda doesn't make sense for Brick and Mordecai trying to kill her since they know who she is already and what she's done. I can only see them fighting over Gortys, but why would they...
In all fairness we don't officially know what Pandora's judicial proceedings are (despite how lawless it seems) - especially in somewhere new like Hollow Point.
We've had examples of laws/law enforcement in-game, though.
Jack obviously ruled Opportunity with an iron fist.
Then there was Nisha's role as the sheriff of Lynchwood.
And then Concordia had enforceable laws (the CU5TM-TP) and the Meriff.
Now all three of those aren't great examples because arguably they're due to Jack exerting his force, or are on a different planet, but we've also got Marshall Friedman who's basically Opportunity's sheriff, and who is shown to investigate crimes etc.
So maybe Hollow Point is the same?
I mean, who puts up the wanted posters/pays the bounty hunters if it's not some sort of law enforcement? In the past it was Hyperion/Jack (for the Vault Hunters), but I can't see them caring about some two-bit Pandoran con-artist like Fiona (until she screwed them over, of course)...
Lilith could still want Athena for the Pre-Sequel interrogation though.
I think that's why so many people think that this might be in the lead up to the interrogation narrative parts of TPS. Because we know that Mordi and Brick are the ones who bring Athena in (and that she kicks their butts)!
Those phoenetics, tho.
Gah, I keep missing your posts by seconds and end up posting the identical thing - sorry, I'm not ignoring your points or think they bear repeating - I'm just slow! >_<
Mortici and Brik, two very famous renaissance artists.
Am I the only person who was straight-up terrified of ET as a child?
It still creeps me out TBH...
Are you guys ready for Tales from the Borderlands Episode 3: Everybody Loves Gortys and Claptrap hates that and him with all of his being because of that?
I suppose. I always need to remind myself that even though TftB happened after BL2 and TPS but BL2's intro and ending happened who-knows-when.