Episode 3 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS4&3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • I will let others come to their own opinions as so few have been able to play it and I don't want to overhype it (but it's so hard!) - but I will say that I'm very, very happy with it, and I imagine that will only get better as I discover more and more awesome things in my different playthroughs.

    Everyone from TT was right - your choices definitely matter.

    AwkwardAlex posted: »

    Is it better than Atlas Mugged? I doubt that anything can beat that intro.

  • Oh... I guess the episode'll be 18:00 again on Steam.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    The countdown is for the trailer.

  • Definitely. :)

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    is it over 1 GB of awesomeness?

  • I wont be playing it for a while, too busy, but im curious, did they hit three for three as far as the opening song?

  • I just LOVED this bro-talk with jack. I laughed a lot when we talked about the funny noises the bandits made when they died. I feel like we'll be some cool killer-bros someday. well, if I continue echo-scanning mushrooms, he'll probably just leave and leave me alone...but I wanted to know about these mushrooms! anyways, this scene was awesome and I can't wait for more. where can I freeze myself for four month?

  • where can I freeze myself for four month?

    I think there's a new vacancy at the abandoned Atlas facility... Just don't grow too attached to your eyeball(s).

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    long forgotten siblings?

  • Gortys is infinitely more adorable, though.

    Seriously, I can't think of a more adorable robot - she is the cutest thing in the world!

    Dracu98 posted: »

    long forgotten siblings?

  • Is it bad that I'm still kind of looking forward to the trailer? There might be more epic music!

    I got my times mixed up and expected it to drop a few minutes ago, so I think I'm going to start my second playthrough in the meantime - I'm not rubbing it in, I swear!

  • Back from work and downloading rn... I'm actually going into CaR with my Nice Fiona/Douche Rhys save, with all the waaahmbulances and brotrayal that entails, so this should be interesting.

  • oh god I am so pumped, do you think episode 4 is going to take another 4 months? why can't it be 6 episodes like game of HBO cash in?

  • as you say comrade

    Mistercrit posted: »

    I think I'm gonna pass out... Wake me up for Ep. 3

  • if I could use this, it would mean I'm already on pandora, and then I wouldn't have to wait for the new episode since I'm already living the episode! I mean, ok, I would be dead in, like, ten or twenty seconds...but it would be some awesome seconds on pandora...also, you can't get out of this thing by yourself, and I've seen enough final destination to know where such things are going. so: thanks, no.

    where can I freeze myself for four month? I think there's a new vacancy at the abandoned Atlas facility... Just don't grow too attached to your eyeball(s).

  • edited June 2015

    I can't download episode 3! Is the psn down for anybody else? I can't log into the store... (grumble, grumble)

    i'm going out to get Arkham Knight, so hopefully when I return it fixes itself. (I've got to stop coming here till im done the episode, I really don't want to see a spoiler...)

  • edited June 2015

    Thanks for the fuck you to Xbox and ios/android customers...glad to see our exact same cash we pay means Jack shit to TTG.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It's not Telltales fault, Microsoft, Apple and the Android store set the dates which Telltale don't have much control over.

    Thanks for the fuck you to Xbox and ios/android customers...glad to see our exact same cash we pay means Jack shit to TTG.

  • Even though I already played the episode, I'm still excited for the trailer. Is it weird?

  • Also , ep.2 for Tales was released for xbox and pc the first day and ps4 the next. And then the ios and android versions take longer to optimize(to make work properly)

    Thanks for the fuck you to Xbox and ios/android customers...glad to see our exact same cash we pay means Jack shit to TTG.

  • Goodness, its only one more day

    Thanks for the fuck you to Xbox and ios/android customers...glad to see our exact same cash we pay means Jack shit to TTG.

  • edited June 2015

    I'm not sure if I should even watch the trailer since the Episode will be out 2/3 hours later...GAH!

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  • edited June 2015


  • So how long till it's out for steam?

  • Too long

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    So how long till it's out for steam?

  • Once again they nailed the music, so much HYPE!

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwiEKpLuCbU&feature=youtu.be

  • IMO that trailer is a bit spoilery. Just hang in there for a while, you can do this!

    I'm not sure if I should even watch the trailer since the Episode will be out 2/3 hours later...GAH!

  • I need to know how long. I'm staying up for this episode. I'm tiiiireeeeedddd

    Gapaot posted: »

    Too long

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    Gary-Oak posted: »

    So how long till it's out for steam?

  • 2/3 hours most likely....I know IT SUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKSSSSS

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    So how long till it's out for steam?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    About two hours I'd say.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I need to know how long. I'm staying up for this episode. I'm tiiiireeeeedddd

  • Is it very spoilery (if you've played the episode, or just your opinion if you haven't)?

    Once again they nailed the music, so much HYPE!


    dojo32161 posted: »

    About two hours I'd say.

  • Fuck that then, I'm going to bed.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    About two hours I'd say.

  • edited June 2015

    Ten mins past 8, I'm on PS4, still says "coming soon". I'm so impatient! /restarts app for nth time /cries

  • The web browser store is working fine for me, however it won't update with the new episode until around Noon Pacific time.

    AChicken posted: »

    I can't download episode 3! Is the psn down for anybody else? I can't log into the store... (grumble, grumble) i'm going out to get Arkha

  • I watched a playthrough of the first half of it, but haven't played it myself. I would say it is pretty spoilery unfortunately. But with the exception of one scene it only shows stuff from the first half, if it's any consolation.

    Is it very spoilery (if you've played the episode, or just your opinion if you haven't)?

  • Ehhh, I'll probably wait then if it's only 2 hours. But thanks for the info :)

    I watched a playthrough of the first half of it, but haven't played it myself. I would say it is pretty spoilery unfortunately. But with the exception of one scene it only shows stuff from the first half, if it's any consolation.

  • Yeah, I agree with @Pipas - it's pretty spoilery, probably best to give it a miss for now.

    It was actually really cool going in to an episode blind - so many unexpected twists and turns.

    I'm not sure if I should even watch the trailer since the Episode will be out 2/3 hours later...GAH!

  • That's a wise choice. I just didn't have the self-restraint to wait.

    Ehhh, I'll probably wait then if it's only 2 hours. But thanks for the info

  • umm . i'm half way through the episode on ps4

    nursethalia posted: »

    Ten mins past 8, I'm on PS4, still says "coming soon". I'm so impatient! /restarts app for nth time /cries

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