Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Welcome aboard, AronDracula! ;)

    AronDracula posted: »

    I am one of you. Sasha is hot.

  • Welcome to the Telltale forums! Hope you like it here. :P

    TheGuy2015 posted: »

    I just made an account so I can join Rhysha hopefully it's not too late. I was a fan of Rhyona before but from this episode it doesn't look like it's gonna happen hopefully it's okay for me to jump ships.

  • Holy molly, 78.2% and 98%. That's some cool stuff.

    When I checked like an hour ago, these were the stats:

  • Of course! Anyone who ships Rhysha can join. :P Welcome, KLVGAMING!

    KLVGAMING posted: »

    Can I join the fandom? I love Rhysha!

  • I loved all the Rhysha scenes in episode 3. I choose every single nice romantic àction and there was plenty of them :). Seems this episode also converted alot of people to Rhysha as well :D

  • Welcome to the Rhysha thread, Frozen! :)

    Frozen posted: »

    I want to join Rhysha cult. Sasha is the best!

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    -Rhys- posted: »

    I JUST FINISHED EPSIODE 3, OMG Rhysha is SO CONFIRMED! bwhahahaha! finally!!!

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    -Rhys- posted: »

    I JUST FINISHED EPSIODE 3, OMG Rhysha is SO CONFIRMED! bwhahahaha! finally!!!

  • Yeah, me too. I did everything in my power to make it happen but then Jack came and messed it all up...

    I loved all the Rhysha scenes in episode 3. I choose every single nice romantic àction and there was plenty of them . Seems this episode also converted alot of people to Rhysha as well

  • I love Cry, he's an awesome dude :)

    mirashade posted: »

    Cry tweeted he'll probly stream episode 3 tomorrow. He's such a sap, he'll probably fall all over the Rhysha scenes. He might not, but I've

  • You're welcome !

    Dracu98 posted: »

    thanks man

  • What's your location ?

    -Rhys- posted: »

    Oh am not there in the map

  • Can't wait to see his playthrough :)

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    I love Cry, he's an awesome dude

  • My heart is still melted :3

  • Yeah he is! I fell in love with the game after watching his playthrough of episodes 1 and 2. Now I've actually played the game myself and I'm excited to see what he thinks of the new episode.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    I love Cry, he's an awesome dude

  • All the new members are beautiful, excellent work Grumps!


  • Maybe i'll need a bigger you have any idea? I don't think it's about the poster but where to place the different members.

    mirashade posted: »

    All the new members are beautiful, excellent work Grumps! "Soon"

  • Cry's always the first Youtuber that I watch play through Tales.

    He's just full of pure awesomeness.

    mirashade posted: »

    Cry tweeted he'll probly stream episode 3 tomorrow. He's such a sap, he'll probably fall all over the Rhysha scenes. He might not, but I've

  • mirashade posted: »

    Yeah he is! I fell in love with the game after watching his playthrough of episodes 1 and 2. Now I've actually played the game myself and I'm excited to see what he thinks of the new episode.

  • So, I finally played the episode. Was fun. The Jack scene wasn't as bad as I had thought. It's not like they can't make up. And come on, Jack was downright hilarious throughout the episode as always. I still don't regret my decision.

    Though I felt sorry for Vaughn. He definitely tries hard to stay a part of the group but gradually gets left in the dust by everyone else. Poor guy...

  • Wow. This is all moving so quickly. All of these members is glorious!

    We've hit over 70 likes and now have close to 65 members. That's insane!

    Welcome aboard everyone. Hopefully there's more to come.

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  • She didn't even flinch when catching Rhys!

    Epic reverse damsel scene is epic Also, Sasha is a LOT stronger than she looks O_O

  • If it's possible to move Rhys and Sasha down a little, you could line members up along the top. Then you can connect both sides. That'll fit at least 11 more members.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Maybe i'll need a bigger you have any idea? I don't think it's about the poster but where to place the different members.

  • We might actually have to remove Rhys and Sasha :( that or make it smaller like way smaller

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Maybe i'll need a bigger you have any idea? I don't think it's about the poster but where to place the different members.

  • Thanks for the reply guys. I think I'm just going to play Borderlands 2 first, since that was the first one to come out. And I heard it was the best one out of the series.

    Either is fine storywise, really. Play Borderlands 2 and you have a bit more understanding of the narration of TPS or play TPS and have a be

  • Because I love females. Fuck me, right? xD

    I also live for battle. Don't worry, I will kill femals as well as males equally. I don't differentiate on that regard.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Why do u want to stir stuff up? I mean we have a great peacefull relationship, why would u want to destroy that ? killing the female portion of my enemies. Ok? Why only female?

  • Behold the new gif in the OP!

  • Whoa! I remebered when we just occupied half of the poster...

    Now it's almost filled up!

    literally sips tea

    This is some good news :)

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited June 2015

    Dude I remeber when we occupied the left corner...

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    Whoa! I remebered when we just occupied half of the poster... Now it's almost filled up! literally sips tea This is some good news

  • "You spend a certain amount of time with someone, get to see a side of them you might not have been expecting." ~Sasha

    Anyone else get the feeling she's not just talking about August? :P

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    Pipas posted: »

    Behold the new gif in the OP!

  • Of course she's not.

    She even says how Rhys is not the usual Hyperion idiot she was expecting.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    "You spend a certain amount of time with someone, get to see a side of them you might not have been expecting." ~Sasha Anyone else get the feeling she's not just talking about August? :P

  • Makes me proud to be one of the first 8 :)

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    Leluch123 posted: »

    Dude I remeber when we occupied the left corner...

  • Memories. ;_;

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    Leluch123 posted: »

    Dude I remeber when we occupied the left corner...

  • Those were the times, we were few and constatly under attack with make shift gear and low supplies....sometimes I miss those days.

    Pipas posted: »

    Memories. ;_;

  • Well, duh, I know that. I was just messing around. Rhys and Sasha know what's up!

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    dpetersz posted: »

    Of course she's not. She even says how Rhys is not the usual Hyperion idiot she was expecting.

  • I'm still sad I didn't come to the TftB forums earlier so I could've joined Rhysha officially earlier :(

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Those were the times, we were few and constatly under attack with make shift gear and low supplies....sometimes I miss those days.

  • Crazy theory of mine, but hear me out:

    Okay. To start off, Tales from the Borderlands has a ton of foreshadowing if you look for it. One example I noticed is the parallel of getting Sasha off Pandora to, and please think hard on this, Vasquez's office.

    Crazy right? But listen:

    Sasha, as we all know, runs a pirate anti-hyperion propaganda radio station. Basically, she spews out daily hate against Hyperion. That's one of the many fun facts about her. Another fun fact; she really wants off Pandora. Depending on your choice of words in Atlas Mugged as Fiona, you promise that one day Sasha will one day "look down onto Pandora from space." Quite a beautiful scene between the two, but it has key wording in it.

    Now, lets focus on Vasquez's office. What exactly was Vasquez's job, the one he took from Rhys? It was the position of Senior Vice President of Securities Propaganda. Huh, look at that. Hyperion has there own propaganda too. Seems fitting, a corporation like that feeding their employees straight up propaganda and lies. But, going back to the office itself, Rhys compliments that it has a great view of Pandora. ("Why do all the biggest scumbags get the best view?) A very pretty view indeed...

    Let's return to Catch-a-ride, the current episode. If you did not trust Jack, aka trusting Fiona, Sasha stands alone at the weird sticky plant Vaughn wanted to touch if he wasn't paralyzed. When talking to her at this plant, she asks about the view of Pandora from Helios. This is your chance to tell her it's pretty. (or call her home planet lousy, but that's optional)

    Now, let's review things.

    • Sasha ran an anti-Hyperion propaganda radio station
    • Vasquez's job was a high position in securities propaganda
    • Fiona promised Sasha that one day she will looking down on Pandora from space
    • Vasquez's office has a beautiful view of Pandora

    In the upcoming episode, we know the gang is going to head up to Helios to get the Gortys upgrade. Maybe, just maybe, Sasha will visit that office, see the view, and become entranced. Maybe, she won't want to leave. We've seen her development, from first not trusting Hyperion to actually warming up to them through Rhys. Who knows, after learning about them, her opinion could change completely.

    Because of that I have a slight hunch that Sasha is going to be the new Senior Vice President of Securities Propaganda at Hyperion somehow.

    AKA Rhys' boss.

  • edited June 2015

    Anyone spotted this scene? Sasha already believes and trusts Rhys:

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