I think that such a situation would be awesome as a way for Jack to be revealed to the rest of the group.
There could be some interesting reactions from Fiona, Sasha and Gortys if Jack pulls the "It's not chocking, what I'm doing is called strangulation." thing while in Rhys' body.
That would be awesome - I just pray he doesn't do it to someone we like!
How messed up would it be if Rhys suddenly turned on one of the group and started strangling them? I personally think Sasha got off easy with the butt slap (though it does seem like a quick whack to the head would be enough to bring Rhys back in control.)
I think that such a situation would be awesome as a way for Jack to be revealed to the rest of the group.
There could be some interesting r… moreeactions from Fiona, Sasha and Gortys if Jack pulls the "It's not chocking, what I'm doing is called strangulation." thing while in Rhys' body.
Jack trying to strangle someone while in control of Rhys, only to realize that he's limited by Rhys' physical strength, which is so weak that he isn't able to do it
Then he gets really angry at Rhys and his body for sucking so bad that he can't even strangle someone
Imagine Jack going on an irritated tangent all like "You can't even open a freakin' ketchup packet with those hands, can you?"
You know what I'd like even more
Jack trying to strangle someone while in control of Rhys, only to realize that he's limited by Rhys' ph… moreysical strength, which is so weak that he isn't able to do it
Then he gets really angry at Rhys and his body for sucking so bad that he can't even strangle someone
Imagine Jack going on an irritated tangent all like "You can't even open a freakin' ketchup packet with those hands, can you?"
Jack trying to strangle someone while in control of Rhys, only to realize that he's limited by Rhys' physical strength, which is so weak that he isn't able to do it
HAHAHA YES! I was thinking the exact same thing! XD Jack be all "Why is this body so puny!?"
You know what I'd like even more
Jack trying to strangle someone while in control of Rhys, only to realize that he's limited by Rhys' ph… moreysical strength, which is so weak that he isn't able to do it
Then he gets really angry at Rhys and his body for sucking so bad that he can't even strangle someone
Imagine Jack going on an irritated tangent all like "You can't even open a freakin' ketchup packet with those hands, can you?"
hope we get to kill more people seeing vasquez getting shot was awesome (I actually laughed at my screen. I'm kinda afraid of myself), but we sadly couldn't do it by ourselfes. but maybe we get the chance to kill kroger and the other dude. I already shot him with acid and fire, we'll probably get one more shot to try all three elemental-bullets, and he's gonna die. at least I hope so. BLOOD FOR THE BLOODGOD!
hope we get to kill more people seeing vasquez getting shot was awesome (I actually laughed at my screen. I'm kinda afraid of myself), but … morewe sadly couldn't do it by ourselfes. but maybe we get the chance to kill kroger and the other dude. I already shot him with acid and fire, we'll probably get one more shot to try all three elemental-bullets, and he's gonna die. at least I hope so. BLOOD FOR THE BLOODGOD!
Well, if you choose the right options, Fiona does sorta become a Vault Hunter near the end of Episode 3, when shes fighting Brick and Mordecai. She may not have been the strongest, but she held her own. If you ask me, Its possible for Fiona to be a playable character in BL3, if they decide to place that game after this one.
Worst case scenario... They pull a walking dead style tear jerker and kill someone off at the end.
Hopefully though in true Borderlands s… moretyle they will all become NPC's in BL3 along with all the current Vault Hunters... Imagine getting quests from Loaderbot... Or Vaughn... Or... Krieg... I think being able to play as them is asking a bit much in a shooter. Imagine their Vault Hunter abilities.
Fiona- ability: predict outcome. Kill everyone with a single button press.
Rhys- ability: running away. Losing his shoe. Hacking stuff badly
Sasha- ability: not much
Vaughn- ability: removes Shirt. Everyone cries a manly tear and dies of amazement.
Loaderbot- ability: being Loaderbot. Nuff said.
Yeah... Don't think it works. Besides you could have more conversations as NPC's.
It's how it usually is, in about a week or two we'll become a bit annoyed and start posting "soon" gifs everywhere, After another few weeks we'll become a lot more agitated and whine about the wait, if the wait continues longer than the normal 2 months for a Telltale episode, a figurehead who reminds me of himmatsj will rise to popularity just because they denounce the waits and condemn Telltale for it, citing some pretty paranoid things. Threads will be opened condemning the practices of episodic video games, despite the fact that they themselves bought it and either knew it would take this long or didn't do any research into it. We'll get more desperate as time goes on with several pages of this thread going by in a day until there's finally some info and we explode into joyous anticipation with people celebrating, we'll analyze screenshots and the trailer (if released on time), our hype will return in intense measures, then we'll discuss the episode for a week or two, the hype will settle down, and the circle goes round again.
It's how it usually is, in about a week or two we'll become a bit annoyed and start posting "soon" gifs everywhere, After another few weeks … morewe'll become a lot more agitated and whine about the wait, if the wait continues longer than the normal 2 months for a Telltale episode, a figurehead who reminds me of himmatsj will rise to popularity just because they denounce the waits and condemn Telltale for it, citing some pretty paranoid things. Threads will be opened condemning the practices of episodic video games, despite the fact that they themselves bought it and either knew it would take this long or didn't do any research into it. We'll get more desperate as time goes on with several pages of this thread going by in a day until there's finally some info and we explode into joyous anticipation with people celebrating, we'll analyze screenshots and the trailer (if released on time), our hype will return in intense measures, then we'll discuss t… [view original content]
It's how it usually is, in about a week or two we'll become a bit annoyed and start posting "soon" gifs everywhere, After another few weeks … morewe'll become a lot more agitated and whine about the wait, if the wait continues longer than the normal 2 months for a Telltale episode, a figurehead who reminds me of himmatsj will rise to popularity just because they denounce the waits and condemn Telltale for it, citing some pretty paranoid things. Threads will be opened condemning the practices of episodic video games, despite the fact that they themselves bought it and either knew it would take this long or didn't do any research into it. We'll get more desperate as time goes on with several pages of this thread going by in a day until there's finally some info and we explode into joyous anticipation with people celebrating, we'll analyze screenshots and the trailer (if released on time), our hype will return in intense measures, then we'll discuss t… [view original content]
It's how it usually is, in about a week or two we'll become a bit annoyed and start posting "soon" gifs everywhere, After another few weeks … morewe'll become a lot more agitated and whine about the wait, if the wait continues longer than the normal 2 months for a Telltale episode, a figurehead who reminds me of himmatsj will rise to popularity just because they denounce the waits and condemn Telltale for it, citing some pretty paranoid things. Threads will be opened condemning the practices of episodic video games, despite the fact that they themselves bought it and either knew it would take this long or didn't do any research into it. We'll get more desperate as time goes on with several pages of this thread going by in a day until there's finally some info and we explode into joyous anticipation with people celebrating, we'll analyze screenshots and the trailer (if released on time), our hype will return in intense measures, then we'll discuss t… [view original content]
It's how it usually is, in about a week or two we'll become a bit annoyed and start posting "soon" gifs everywhere, After another few weeks … morewe'll become a lot more agitated and whine about the wait, if the wait continues longer than the normal 2 months for a Telltale episode, a figurehead who reminds me of himmatsj will rise to popularity just because they denounce the waits and condemn Telltale for it, citing some pretty paranoid things. Threads will be opened condemning the practices of episodic video games, despite the fact that they themselves bought it and either knew it would take this long or didn't do any research into it. We'll get more desperate as time goes on with several pages of this thread going by in a day until there's finally some info and we explode into joyous anticipation with people celebrating, we'll analyze screenshots and the trailer (if released on time), our hype will return in intense measures, then we'll discuss t… [view original content]
Well when i first played episode 1 in december, i didnt know anything about other telltalegames and i remember reading that they said until episode 2 you will likely have to wait 8 weeks but after that they plan to release the other episodes within 5 weeks. How naïve have i been...
It's how it usually is, in about a week or two we'll become a bit annoyed and start posting "soon" gifs everywhere, After another few weeks … morewe'll become a lot more agitated and whine about the wait, if the wait continues longer than the normal 2 months for a Telltale episode, a figurehead who reminds me of himmatsj will rise to popularity just because they denounce the waits and condemn Telltale for it, citing some pretty paranoid things. Threads will be opened condemning the practices of episodic video games, despite the fact that they themselves bought it and either knew it would take this long or didn't do any research into it. We'll get more desperate as time goes on with several pages of this thread going by in a day until there's finally some info and we explode into joyous anticipation with people celebrating, we'll analyze screenshots and the trailer (if released on time), our hype will return in intense measures, then we'll discuss t… [view original content]
Or strangulation...
and genocide.
It's eerie to see the same title on this thread as the one that stuck on the last one for like a month or so.
I think that such a situation would be awesome as a way for Jack to be revealed to the rest of the group.
There could be some interesting reactions from Fiona, Sasha and Gortys if Jack pulls the "It's not chocking, what I'm doing is called strangulation." thing while in Rhys' body.
That would be awesome - I just pray he doesn't do it to someone we like!
How messed up would it be if Rhys suddenly turned on one of the group and started strangling them? I personally think Sasha got off easy with the butt slap (though it does seem like a quick whack to the head would be enough to bring Rhys back in control.)
Let's hope it doesn't stay up there for quite as long as the ep 3 one did!
hopefully that means 8 weeks instead of 14 waiting, hoping one day the engine allows for 4 week turn around
You of all people would know the difference between choking and strangulation.
Im still waiting for this tweet. @Telltale please let this happen.
Totally not a photoshop by the way
and strangulation
You know what I'd like even more
Jack trying to strangle someone while in control of Rhys, only to realize that he's limited by Rhys' physical strength, which is so weak that he isn't able to do it
Then he gets really angry at Rhys and his body for sucking so bad that he can't even strangle someone
Imagine Jack going on an irritated tangent all like "You can't even open a freakin' ketchup packet with those hands, can you?"
or genocide by mass strangulation.
Ahaha, that would be great!
A lot like the Sasha fake out in Ep 3, the player could genuinely think Rhys/Jack was about to kill someone and then - NOPE - HILARITY!
I really want this to happen now...
Why hasn't this been added to the OP? It's clearly completely, utterly, 100% legit!
HAHAHA YES! I was thinking the exact same thing! XD Jack be all "Why is this body so puny!?"
hope we get to kill more people
seeing vasquez getting shot was awesome (I actually laughed at my screen. I'm kinda afraid of myself), but we sadly couldn't do it by ourselfes. but maybe we get the chance to kill kroger and the other dude. I already shot him with acid and fire, we'll probably get one more shot to try all three elemental-bullets, and he's gonna die. at least I hope so. BLOOD FOR THE BLOODGOD!
There will be a fistfight.
Probably with brainwashed Rhys.
Of course, it will always end with August getting punched across the room by Rhys.
I'm starting to worry about Vaughn. There are a lot of subtle and not so subtle hints of the possibility that he may become a psycho.
Well, if you choose the right options, Fiona does sorta become a Vault Hunter near the end of Episode 3, when shes fighting Brick and Mordecai. She may not have been the strongest, but she held her own. If you ask me, Its possible for Fiona to be a playable character in BL3, if they decide to place that game after this one.
Vaughn's gonna be the new Krieg.
The hype train has slowed down, hasn't it.
It's how it usually is, in about a week or two we'll become a bit annoyed and start posting "soon" gifs everywhere, After another few weeks we'll become a lot more agitated and whine about the wait, if the wait continues longer than the normal 2 months for a Telltale episode, a figurehead who reminds me of himmatsj will rise to popularity just because they denounce the waits and condemn Telltale for it, citing some pretty paranoid things. Threads will be opened condemning the practices of episodic video games, despite the fact that they themselves bought it and either knew it would take this long or didn't do any research into it. We'll get more desperate as time goes on with several pages of this thread going by in a day until there's finally some info and we explode into joyous anticipation with people celebrating, we'll analyze screenshots and the trailer (if released on time), our hype will return in intense measures, then we'll discuss the episode for a week or two, the hype will settle down, and the circle goes round again.
YES! Bravo dojo, a very good prediction...
Let the games begin!... ... ..soon.
I'm kind of shaking when I hear the word "soon"
In the dictionary next to "soon", they should put as one of the definitions: "a Telltale Games phrase" .
I'm tempted to put an Urban Dictionary definition of soon now....
Really? I was thinking they could just replace the word "soon" with "telltale" Its pretty much synonymous
Well when i first played episode 1 in december, i didnt know anything about other telltalegames and i remember reading that they said until episode 2 you will likely have to wait 8 weeks but after that they plan to release the other episodes within 5 weeks. How naïve have i been...
Welp. It's officially been 3 weeks since Ep3 released.
We're about a quarter of the way through waiting for Ep4... hopefully.
One sixteenth*
The truth... It hurts...
A sad attempt, I wish imgur would let me upload a higher quality one ;-;
Tragically beautiful.
Totally off topic, but in honor of Pluto, read this picture in Gortys' voice. It's worth it. Trust me.