Why does it have to come to an end? Moriarty, Severus Snape, Sauron, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Hannibal Lecter, Lex Luther, The Joker. All bad guys that appeared over and over again in serial stories. A good villain or antagonist (not all antagonists have to be villains) can evolve and move along as the story moves along. As long as there are vault hunters there can be Jack. His role and effects on the story will change but he doesn't have to be killed off to keep a story going.
I would dare suggest that killing off a good villain is actually lazy and a simplistic story line. In the same way uncomplicated always good always bad can be.
Despite Jack being one of the most... loved? ... notorious? ... well-executed? ... villains I've ever encountered in a story, I feel they ar… moree going to have to move on eventually.
Tales already has him more as a... side... thing... than villain or major character so far (probably different if you trust him, but I couldn't do that having come from playing the other BL games). I'm not against cameos and references, but reusing characters can only work so many times (especially when they're dead).
That said, I hope when he does become a thing of the past, they do so in an appropriately glorious way.
(I also like the idea of potentially killing Jack again... Perhaps BL3 should have a way to make robotic Jacks with copies of the Jack AI that we can kill over and over and over...)
You know what I'd like even more
Jack trying to strangle someone while in control of Rhys, only to realize that he's limited by Rhys' ph… moreysical strength, which is so weak that he isn't able to do it
Then he gets really angry at Rhys and his body for sucking so bad that he can't even strangle someone
Imagine Jack going on an irritated tangent all like "You can't even open a freakin' ketchup packet with those hands, can you?"
just bought the set, and this head says "Rhys hatred". so...ya'll got any theories for that? my first thoughts were that rhys was once used as the doppelganger, but they somehow deleted it from his memories, but what was left was his obsession for jack. the jack-hologram only works for him because of memory-data-stuff. oh, I forgot to say that, when jack kills someone, a voice sometimes says "I'm sorry". I don't know how this vioce sounds in english, but maybe in english it's the same as rhys voice? on the echo the doppelganger has with him, they're using a voice modulator, and the doppelganger says, not in jacks voice: "I already regret this decision". so, that's all I know. any ideas?
just bought the set, and this head says "Rhys hatred". so...ya'll got any theories for that? my first thoughts were that rhys was once used … moreas the doppelganger, but they somehow deleted it from his memories, but what was left was his obsession for jack. the jack-hologram only works for him because of memory-data-stuff. oh, I forgot to say that, when jack kills someone, a voice sometimes says "I'm sorry". I don't know how this vioce sounds in english, but maybe in english it's the same as rhys voice? on the echo the doppelganger has with him, they're using a voice modulator, and the doppelganger says, not in jacks voice: "I already regret this decision". so, that's all I know. any ideas?
aw man and I thought I was up to something...btw, the doppelganger is awesome I was thinking that we maybe killed him instead of the real jack, but jack would've shown himself after the doppelganger was killed, so that's probably not an option. man I'm really sad because this is not "canon"
HOLD ON! I just noticed that the doppelganger is afraid of heights. and do you remember who else is afraid of heights? who almosted puked on sasha (thank god he didn't)? rhys. so, we already know the doppelganger is not a clone, but another person, and "rhys rage" is maybe called that because rhys is pissed since the voice modulator alone hurts him whenever he talks. so...this theory is not dead yet!
HOLD ON! I just noticed that the doppelganger is afraid of heights. and do you remember who else is afraid of heights? who almosted puked on… more sasha (thank god he didn't)? rhys. so, we already know the doppelganger is not a clone, but another person, and "rhys rage" is maybe called that because rhys is pissed since the voice modulator alone hurts him whenever he talks. so...this theory is not dead yet!
So I decided to ditch the waiting party since I was slowly losing my sanity and decided to come back after being gone for quite a while!
Still no news yet so I'm going to go cry for a week or two.
When you realize it's still gonna take a while.
Why does it have to come to an end? Moriarty, Severus Snape, Sauron, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Hannibal Lecter, Lex Luther, The Joker. All bad guys that appeared over and over again in serial stories. A good villain or antagonist (not all antagonists have to be villains) can evolve and move along as the story moves along. As long as there are vault hunters there can be Jack. His role and effects on the story will change but he doesn't have to be killed off to keep a story going.
I would dare suggest that killing off a good villain is actually lazy and a simplistic story line. In the same way uncomplicated always good always bad can be.
So we're about halfway through the wait now, yeah? Yeah, let's go with that.
I see you're back crazy InGen.
Amazing! ;^]
Perfect! And completely plausible. Love it Deltino!
It's glorious.
Sure buddy, whatever you say.
just bought the set, and this head says "Rhys hatred". so...ya'll got any theories for that? my first thoughts were that rhys was once used as the doppelganger, but they somehow deleted it from his memories, but what was left was his obsession for jack. the jack-hologram only works for him because of memory-data-stuff. oh, I forgot to say that, when jack kills someone, a voice sometimes says "I'm sorry". I don't know how this vioce sounds in english, but maybe in english it's the same as rhys voice? on the echo the doppelganger has with him, they're using a voice modulator, and the doppelganger says, not in jacks voice: "I already regret this decision". so, that's all I know. any ideas?
I think the original name is 'Rhys' Rage', and the Fiona head for Nisha is 'Fiona's Fury', so probably just some added alliterative appeal, tbh.
aw man
and I thought I was up to something...btw, the doppelganger is awesome
I was thinking that we maybe killed him instead of the real jack, but jack would've shown himself after the doppelganger was killed, so that's probably not an option. man I'm really sad because this is not "canon" 
Halfway? The real wait hasn't even started yet.
Heh, I remember when the version of this with Lee and Clem was created. Good times.
Still makes me just as depressed as it did back then
HOLD ON! I just noticed that the doppelganger is afraid of heights. and do you remember who else is afraid of heights? who almosted puked on sasha (thank god he didn't)? rhys. so, we already know the doppelganger is not a clone, but another person, and "rhys rage" is maybe called that because rhys is pissed since the voice modulator alone hurts him whenever he talks. so...this theory is not dead yet!
Hmm... That's a new one. I've always thought Timothy had the best chance of being the Stranger, but this is a new, if unlikely, scenario.
Don't worry guys just 3 more months till the next episode
Surprised all tales-exclusive fans aren't getting angry about the GoT screenshots :P
Only 3 weeks has passed since episode 3? It feels a lot more than that.. Why is it so damn hard to wait for this?
Just a reminder....
We've gotten used to GoT getting a ton of stuff way before we get news I guess.
Meanwhile, at Telltale
This wait makes me feel lonely, quiet and sad...
Watch videos by this man (totally not me) to pass the time
looks like the comments aren't coming as fast as in episode 2 or 3
Maybe we're just used to the waiting
Summertime, vacationtime - and theres happening a lot in the other threads. Lots of things to discuss now...
I am avoiding the GOT sub-forums, because the trailer has been released. Otherwise I would have loved to enjoy that bacon with you guys.
If GoT 6 comes out before TftB 4 I will be a sad panda
TellTale enjoying their time while we suffer :C
lol sad panda is sad.
You should then get ready to be a sad panda.
Dave, Dave, Dave. Come back to the Rhyiona thread, we've missed you
Although to be honest there's not much activity there either right now.
The internet that I am currently using cant handle the sheer size of Rhyiona. No worries I will come back tomorrow
So I decided to ditch the waiting party since I was slowly losing my sanity and decided to come back after being gone for quite a while!
Still no news yet so I'm going to go cry for a week or two.
Welcome back, pull up a chair and we'll lose the last remaining pieces of our sanity as we salt wounds and kill people until they die from it.
Pagan Min is way better than Vaas Montenegro
Ok, imma plan with Pagan Min the next civil war with genocide, mass strangulation, and yada yada.
Amateurs, if they wait long enough the wait will become the game.