Dr. Kevan Marlone
I waited for a response. It was more pathetic than i expected.
"Do it or i swear i will help Emma with her project"
… more
I laughed at his comment.
"How? will you somehow make it work or make its past history look better?"
"I'll think of something..."
"Yes of course. Great. Now kindly leave me alone"
"This isn't over you hear me we will have a VERY serious disscussion about this, mark my words" he said walking away.
Nobody was saving Emma. It was her humiliation. Her fall. Just like she had ruined me i would ruin her. Only she wouden't rise like a phoenix from the ashes. Just burn away till there was nothing left. ....... Oh yes he still needs work. Well then back to it.
Dr. Emma Archer
I felt so sad. So hopeless. Like the whole world had just fallen on me. It wasen't so mutch what Marlone said but the fact that i had thought the same thing. But luckly i can always count on my friends to help me wh… [view original content]
I have returned from the land of ancient gods and unspecable beuty........well BOTH of them and i was in a new york airport for like 3 hours on the way back. But anyway i have returned and i will write either today or tommorow (depends on stuff). But either way next part is soon.
I was reading the newspaper while drinking some coffe. It was a slow news day nothing big. There was even a funny one about that millionare Otranto. She apparently talked 6 hours in a conference about how guns were bad. And the funny thing is she litteraly meant JUST guns. Nothing else. It drove people nuts. I keep laughing so much i actually felt kinda bad for her. But at least it was that better news story than last weeks " Mechatech refuses press coverage. Claims it doesn't want students to feel harassed ". Yeah i get it, it would have been big but they did'nt need to be assholes about it.
I was calmly taking a sip when my phone rang again. And because im an idiot who wants his morning to be ruined i answered again.
"Hello?" I asked
"Hi Mr. Pierce" said a kind female voice.
I immediately recognized who it was. It was Eden McCoy. Another student...
"Oh hi Eden. I see you're quite the morning person"
"Yeah sorry it's just i wanted to..... know how you're doing"
"Well im fine. Im just drinking a cup of coffe. Relaxing a bit. Im gonna need that for today."
"Oh yeah about that...umm....is everything set?"
"What do you mean?"
"I just wanted to make sure........You know what im sorry i just did'nt want to directly ask you but....have you called the buss driver yet."
My eyes bulged open.
"Eden it's 6:48. I would think you of all people would......"
"No, I understand. Im so sorry. But its just that i promised Charlie that i would make sure the buss was ready by seven at the latest"
My mouth flew open. I stood in silence.
"Mr. Pierce. Are you there?"
I calmed down a bit to answer.
"Then im sorry Eden but the buss driver hasent been called and the buss isn't ready"
"Oh okay" she said in a weirdly accepting tone
Then i waited for her to end the call. But yet again that didn't happen. After some silence she spoke.
"So are you going to do it?" She asked.
"Do what?.."
"Call the driver"
I couldn't believe this.
"Eden I can't....."
"Im sorry Mr. Pierce but i made a promise and im not leaving this call till i make sure you called the buss driver"
I was enraged. But i was doing my best to control it. I stood up.
"Eden PLEASE understand i...." I almost managed to say. But then the coffe mug spilled on my lap. Still...burning...hot.
"Mr. Pierce im not breaking my promise to Charlie hes a good friend and...." Thats all i heard. All the world went quiet.
There was no way to control it now. This insane rage. I was about to lose it. I only had enough time to determine what i direct it to.
[Direct it to Eden]
[End call and just let it out]
[End call and call Chalie, direct it to him]
Zach Sheen
Woke up at ....7 am. YEAH super early. And today was the big day. This was one trip i was pumped for. Ok now first things first.
[Make sure the trip bag's ready]
[Make sure mom and dad are awake]
[See if the others answered your texts]
[Make sure to wake one of the others up.....your way]
Valentino Drake
Then.....Godangit i was still bummed. I tried cheering up but nothing would do it. Not even that story about Isabel Otranto speech made me crack a smile and it was hilarious. I knew i needed to do something to cheer myself up. I could go and trash sis's room but then when i comeback she would be pissed. I could also try to play that new game app but i don't know if that would work. Then again i could try and call Sadie. She did say she would be there when i needed her. Then a very dark thought entered my mind. I could follow my sisters footsteps and pick on Xavier. It did seem to make her happy when she picked on me so maybe....no it was wrong......but...... I just wasn't sure. But I though about it and chose....
Adam Pierce
I was reading the newspaper while drinking some coffe. It was a slow news day nothing big. There was even a funny one about t… morehat millionare Otranto. She apparently talked 6 hours in a conference about how guns were bad. And the funny thing is she litteraly meant JUST guns. Nothing else. It drove people nuts. I keep laughing so much i actually felt kinda bad for her. But at least it was that better news story than last weeks " Mechatech refuses press coverage. Claims it doesn't want students to feel harassed ". Yeah i get it, it would have been big but they did'nt need to be assholes about it.
I was calmly taking a sip when my phone rang again. And because im an idiot who wants his morning to be ruined i answered again.
"Hello?" I asked
"Hi Mr. Pierce" said a kind female voice.
I immediately recognized who it was. It was Eden McCoy. Another student...
"Oh hi Eden. I see you're quite the morning person"
"Yeah s… [view original content]
[End call and just let it out]
Let's try to not get fired.
[Make sure the trip bag's ready]
Gotta be prepared.
[To play Children of the Cataclysm: Darker Times]
I got a few questions, is Charlie=Charles?
But its cool that you pointed it out. Atleast i have the comfort of knowing that when the characters DO act out of place i have a bro brave enough to tell me and help me fix it. I really appreciate it golden thanks
But its cool that you pointed it out. Atleast i have the comfort of knowing that when the characters DO act out of place i have a bro brave enough to tell me and help me fix it. I really appreciate it golden thanks
Adam Pierce
I was reading the newspaper while drinking some coffe. It was a slow news day nothing big. There was even a funny one about t… morehat millionare Otranto. She apparently talked 6 hours in a conference about how guns were bad. And the funny thing is she litteraly meant JUST guns. Nothing else. It drove people nuts. I keep laughing so much i actually felt kinda bad for her. But at least it was that better news story than last weeks " Mechatech refuses press coverage. Claims it doesn't want students to feel harassed ". Yeah i get it, it would have been big but they did'nt need to be assholes about it.
I was calmly taking a sip when my phone rang again. And because im an idiot who wants his morning to be ruined i answered again.
"Hello?" I asked
"Hi Mr. Pierce" said a kind female voice.
I immediately recognized who it was. It was Eden McCoy. Another student...
"Oh hi Eden. I see you're quite the morning person"
"Yeah s… [view original content]
But then the coffe mug spilled on my lap. Still...burning...hot.
Dat feel...Hate that....
End call and just let it out
See if … morethe others answered your texts
Why not.
To call Sadie
Tempted to go for the Golden reference, or trashing one but ill choose the talking one.
I'm picking that one solely for the Golden reference.
Talking about references... I think I found a second one. The millionaire Isabel Otranto, who was mentioned in Adam's and Valentino's part and somehow managed to talk for hours about how bad guns are, she seems to be a reference to my character in Salt's Dark Angels 2. Since the Dark Angels' version of her is a complete gun freak, I guess this is an alternate universe version of her
Adam Pierce
I was reading the newspaper while drinking some coffe. It was a slow news day nothing big. There was even a funny one about t… morehat millionare Otranto. She apparently talked 6 hours in a conference about how guns were bad. And the funny thing is she litteraly meant JUST guns. Nothing else. It drove people nuts. I keep laughing so much i actually felt kinda bad for her. But at least it was that better news story than last weeks " Mechatech refuses press coverage. Claims it doesn't want students to feel harassed ". Yeah i get it, it would have been big but they did'nt need to be assholes about it.
I was calmly taking a sip when my phone rang again. And because im an idiot who wants his morning to be ruined i answered again.
"Hello?" I asked
"Hi Mr. Pierce" said a kind female voice.
I immediately recognized who it was. It was Eden McCoy. Another student...
"Oh hi Eden. I see you're quite the morning person"
"Yeah s… [view original content]
Adam Pierce
I was reading the newspaper while drinking some coffe. It was a slow news day nothing big. There was even a funny one about t… morehat millionare Otranto. She apparently talked 6 hours in a conference about how guns were bad. And the funny thing is she litteraly meant JUST guns. Nothing else. It drove people nuts. I keep laughing so much i actually felt kinda bad for her. But at least it was that better news story than last weeks " Mechatech refuses press coverage. Claims it doesn't want students to feel harassed ". Yeah i get it, it would have been big but they did'nt need to be assholes about it.
I was calmly taking a sip when my phone rang again. And because im an idiot who wants his morning to be ruined i answered again.
"Hello?" I asked
"Hi Mr. Pierce" said a kind female voice.
I immediately recognized who it was. It was Eden McCoy. Another student...
"Oh hi Eden. I see you're quite the morning person"
"Yeah s… [view original content]
[End call and just let it out]
[Make sure the trip bag's ready]
[To play Children of the Cataclysm: Darker Times]
I'm picking that … moreone solely for the Golden reference.
Talking about references... I think I found a second one. The millionaire Isabel Otranto, who was mentioned in Adam's and Valentino's part and somehow managed to talk for hours about how bad guns are, she seems to be a reference to my character in Salt's Dark Angels 2. Since the Dark Angels' version of her is a complete gun freak, I guess this is an alternate universe version of her
[End call and just let it out]
[Make sure the trip bag's ready]
[To play Children of the Cataclysm: Darker Times]
I'm picking that … moreone solely for the Golden reference.
Talking about references... I think I found a second one. The millionaire Isabel Otranto, who was mentioned in Adam's and Valentino's part and somehow managed to talk for hours about how bad guns are, she seems to be a reference to my character in Salt's Dark Angels 2. Since the Dark Angels' version of her is a complete gun freak, I guess this is an alternate universe version of her
Wow if you guys hate Marlone THIS mutch im scarred to know how you'll react to........other adversaries.
Trust me some of them make Marlone look like Emma (When shes being nice)
And I'm caught up
Interesting...Guess we'll have to find out what Emma did to Marlone
I have returned from the land of ancient gods and unspecable beuty........well BOTH of them and i was in a new york airport for like 3 hours on the way back. But anyway i have returned and i will write either today or tommorow (depends on stuff). But either way next part is soon.
I still have no idea what you meant bro
Adam Pierce
I was reading the newspaper while drinking some coffe. It was a slow news day nothing big. There was even a funny one about that millionare Otranto. She apparently talked 6 hours in a conference about how guns were bad. And the funny thing is she litteraly meant JUST guns. Nothing else. It drove people nuts. I keep laughing so much i actually felt kinda bad for her. But at least it was that better news story than last weeks " Mechatech refuses press coverage. Claims it doesn't want students to feel harassed ". Yeah i get it, it would have been big but they did'nt need to be assholes about it.
I was calmly taking a sip when my phone rang again. And because im an idiot who wants his morning to be ruined i answered again.
"Hello?" I asked
"Hi Mr. Pierce" said a kind female voice.
I immediately recognized who it was. It was Eden McCoy. Another student...
"Oh hi Eden. I see you're quite the morning person"
"Yeah sorry it's just i wanted to..... know how you're doing"
"Well im fine. Im just drinking a cup of coffe. Relaxing a bit. Im gonna need that for today."
"Oh yeah about that...umm....is everything set?"
"What do you mean?"
"I just wanted to make sure........You know what im sorry i just did'nt want to directly ask you but....have you called the buss driver yet."
My eyes bulged open.
"Eden it's 6:48. I would think you of all people would......"
"No, I understand. Im so sorry. But its just that i promised Charlie that i would make sure the buss was ready by seven at the latest"
My mouth flew open. I stood in silence.
"Mr. Pierce. Are you there?"
I calmed down a bit to answer.
"Then im sorry Eden but the buss driver hasent been called and the buss isn't ready"
"Oh okay" she said in a weirdly accepting tone
Then i waited for her to end the call. But yet again that didn't happen. After some silence she spoke.
"So are you going to do it?" She asked.
"Do what?.."
"Call the driver"
I couldn't believe this.
"Eden I can't....."
"Im sorry Mr. Pierce but i made a promise and im not leaving this call till i make sure you called the buss driver"
I was enraged. But i was doing my best to control it. I stood up.
"Eden PLEASE understand i...." I almost managed to say. But then the coffe mug spilled on my lap. Still...burning...hot.
"Mr. Pierce im not breaking my promise to Charlie hes a good friend and...." Thats all i heard. All the world went quiet.
There was no way to control it now. This insane rage. I was about to lose it. I only had enough time to determine what i direct it to.
[Direct it to Eden]
[End call and just let it out]
[End call and call Chalie, direct it to him]
Zach Sheen
Woke up at ....7 am. YEAH super early. And today was the big day. This was one trip i was pumped for. Ok now first things first.
[Make sure the trip bag's ready]
[Make sure mom and dad are awake]
[See if the others answered your texts]
[Make sure to wake one of the others up.....your way]
Valentino Drake
Then.....Godangit i was still bummed. I tried cheering up but nothing would do it. Not even that story about Isabel Otranto speech made me crack a smile and it was hilarious. I knew i needed to do something to cheer myself up. I could go and trash sis's room but then when i comeback she would be pissed. I could also try to play that new game app but i don't know if that would work. Then again i could try and call Sadie. She did say she would be there when i needed her. Then a very dark thought entered my mind. I could follow my sisters footsteps and pick on Xavier. It did seem to make her happy when she picked on me so maybe....no it was wrong......but...... I just wasn't sure. But I though about it and chose....
[To trash Julias room]
[To play Children of the Cataclysm: Darker Times]
[To call Sadie]
[To pick on Xavier]
Charles Sparks
...........Still waiting.................................................................................
[End call and just let it out]
Let's try to not get fired.
[Make sure the trip bag's ready]
Gotta be prepared.
[To play Children of the Cataclysm: Darker Times]
I got a few questions, is Charlie=Charles?
Yep. Any others?
This whole anger thing from Adam seems...a bit out of character.
He just dropped coffe on his chest you sure?
Edit: Not only that he didn't sleep at all and has been nervous about this whole thing for weeks
Also i misstyped its Aiden not Adam
Edit: Adam not Aiden

Ah, alright, I just didn't see him as someone easily angered like that.
He wasent trust me its just a bunch of stuff he brushed aside finally got to him
Ah, alright.
But its cool that you pointed it out. Atleast i have the comfort of knowing that when the characters DO act out of place i have a bro brave enough to tell me and help me fix it. I really appreciate it golden thanks
Just like...Ayyy thanks.
Then cool
Dat feel...Hate that....
End call and just let it out
See if the others answered your texts
Why not.
To call Sadie
Tempted to go for the Golden reference, or trashing one but ill choose the talking one.
Nice to see you saltbro
Nice to see you too
Oh and do you have anymore questions?
Ok thanks again for being an awesome friend
No. Thank you.
[End call and just let it out]
[Make sure the trip bag's ready]
[To play Children of the Cataclysm: Darker Times]
I'm picking that one solely for the Golden reference.
Talking about references... I think I found a second one. The millionaire Isabel Otranto, who was mentioned in Adam's and Valentino's part and somehow managed to talk for hours about how bad guns are, she seems to be a reference to my character in Salt's Dark Angels 2. Since the Dark Angels' version of her is a complete gun freak, I guess this is an alternate universe version of her
[Direct it to Eden] You've come to the wrong place.
[See if the others answered your texts]
[To trash Julia's room]
[End call and just let it out]
Seems like a good idea.
[See if the others answered your texts]
[To call Sadie]
Yep you found them both congrats
Huh, I recognized the name and stuff but I didn't think that Lord would make a reference to DA2 yet, hmmmm guess ill have to be more alert next time
Yep and there's a few more coming so look out for them
Guys i can't decide wether to close the vote and start the next part or wait for the others. What do you think?
You sure?
Close if that's what you want. Keep it open if that's what you need.