As I stated due to her dying or if you save her. Kate was written out of the story and since some people killed her and others saved her it would make sense if in that timeline she doesn't even go to blackwell and some other school. The other timeline is the alternate universe of the one we are used to.(I won't say original timeline because the original timeline is the very beginning of the game when Max watches Chloe get shot. She then changes time and stops her death which changes everything.) so it makes some sense.
Why do you say she never went to Blackwell at all? AFAIK, Kate and Max didn't know each other before Blackwell, so I don't see why Max being a Vortex Club girl = Kate randomly not going to Blackwell.
Another thing to consider is that we haven't seen Joyce yet. She could also be dead. Since it's fairly likely that we will have to go back t… moreo the original timeline (in order to make our previous choices to matter), I'm guessing that there will be at least something like this in order to logically force Max to go back to the original timeline. So..... yeah, doesn't look good for either Kate or Joyce.
With the upcoming release of Ep. 4 coming ASAP or "Soon..." I'd like to bring up something. Chloe seems more calm and more at peace in the t… moreimeline at the end of Ep. 3 despite being crippled. If given the choice to change, would you stay in the current timeline if that meant Chloe's happiness? Keep in mind that William is also alive in the new timeline. It comes down to either being crippled with William alive, or being physically fine and William dead (and we've already seen how that Chloe is like.)
I personally would. I don't mind that Max is buddy buddy with the Vortex Club people. The deciding factor for me oddly is whatever's going on with Kate. Is she dead or alive? Did Max play a role in her death? Questions...questions...
Guyyyz cx. It's very possible we might get GOT and Life is Strange on the same day. If it was released on the 21st it would feel like the biggest fuck you ever
Guyyyz cx. It's very possible we might get GOT and Life is Strange on the same day. If it was released on the 21st it would feel like the biggest fuck you ever
Guyyyz cx. It's very possible we might get GOT and Life is Strange on the same day. If it was released on the 21st it would feel like the biggest fuck you ever
Square Enix (I believe, although it might've been Dontnod or the LiS Twitter, I'm not sure) tweeted that it will not be out next week (i. e. The week of the 21st) back around Monday or so. We're sadly not getting it until at least the 28th, unless they go back on their word.
Guyyyz cx. It's very possible we might get GOT and Life is Strange on the same day. If it was released on the 21st it would feel like the biggest fuck you ever
I think you're right. I doubt Monday though seeing as how all the episodes to the best of my knowledge have been released on a Tuesday (correct me if I'm wrong)
Square Enix (I believe, although it might've been Dontnod or the LiS Twitter, I'm not sure) tweeted that it will not be out next week (i. e.… more The week of the 21st) back around Monday or so. We're sadly not getting it until at least the 28th, unless they go back on their word.
I think you're right. I doubt Monday though seeing as how all the episodes to the best of my knowledge have been released on a Tuesday (correct me if I'm wrong)
Well August 4th is only 2 and a half weeks away and if they are putting the final touches on the episode then that means it isn't in certification yet and certification takes a couple weeks usually.
This happened to me as well. Purely by accident, though. I wasn't too good at the whole "Rewind to the right moment" thing yet.
I learned how to because of this, though. It gave me a loooot of practice.
Anyway, I also picked the bumper on my first playthrough. I felt SO bad for picking that and seeing Chloe accidentally shoot herself. Which is why I will never pick that as a target ever again.
Wow. That is just cruel and unusual.
Anyway, I also picked the bumper on my first playthrough. I felt SO bad for picking that and seeing Chloe accidentally shoot herself. Which is why I will never pick that as a target ever again.
As I stated due to her dying or if you save her. Kate was written out of the story and since some people killed her and others saved her it would make sense if in that timeline she doesn't even go to blackwell and some other school. The other timeline is the alternate universe of the one we are used to.(I won't say original timeline because the original timeline is the very beginning of the game when Max watches Chloe get shot. She then changes time and stops her death which changes everything.) so it makes some sense.
I would choose the one we are used to since im happy with my choices. But if I do second playthrough i'd stay in other universe.
I need this game now. It's starting to drive me insane, especially when the official Twitter hasn't posted in 27 hours.
Slight updates/Patches for Episode 4 and 5.
I would chose the new one
But I doubt we will even have a choice :P
Dropping in to say that there will be news shortly! (Release date)
Y3y, J28 confirmed?
The released date will be announced when the episode is 100% "final" in terms of finishing touches.
Ik, it was just a prediction and a wish :P
How do you know so much information? You are their secret tester? :Р
Uhh no duh? Lol
Guyyyz cx. It's very possible we might get GOT and Life is Strange on the same day. If it was released on the 21st it would feel like the biggest fuck you ever
i very much doubt it.
you know this how, exactly?
edit: nevermind, saw the tweet
July 28th or August 4th seems much more likely.
Why well past August? They said they were finishing the final touches days ago
Square Enix (I believe, although it might've been Dontnod or the LiS Twitter, I'm not sure) tweeted that it will not be out next week (i. e. The week of the 21st) back around Monday or so. We're sadly not getting it until at least the 28th, unless they go back on their word.
I think you're right. I doubt Monday though seeing as how all the episodes to the best of my knowledge have been released on a Tuesday (correct me if I'm wrong)
With the exception of episode 1, that is correct. Feels like they're trying to keep it to Tuesdays, like Telltale.
Well August 4th is only 2 and a half weeks away and if they are putting the final touches on the episode then that means it isn't in certification yet and certification takes a couple weeks usually.
Guilty as charged.
This happened to me as well. Purely by accident, though. I wasn't too good at the whole "Rewind to the right moment" thing yet.
I learned how to because of this, though. It gave me a loooot of practice.
Yeah, whenever you rewind you see this spiral thing on the top left.
You'll have to go pack to that circle in the spiral to change/stop the choice.
This made me laugh more than it should.
And thanks to Chloe, I now know that.
Wow. That is just cruel and unusual.
Anyway, I also picked the bumper on my first playthrough. I felt SO bad for picking that and seeing Chloe accidentally shoot herself. Which is why I will never pick that as a target ever again.
Chloe derped and shot the bumper anyways :P
Max's face is what got me.
It's like she's determined to die. I'm surprised we didn't have to save her from drowning in the pool during Episode 3.
Meh. That's what the devs/writers want to make you think :P
.* _ *
?? Is that concept art??
Just art
Like you can see there different atmosphere.
Did you make this? because its pretty good
No, It's not mine