Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • This reminds me of an incredibly disturbing (though also amusing) Fanfiction, where Max is a psycho who takes pictures of Chloe's corpse whenever she dies.

  • edited July 2015

    It is concept art from xbox achievments.Plus that is so oooold.And why u don't comment on that guy screenshots?To put a spoiler tag?

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Nope. Just art Like you can see there different atmosphere.

  • Looks at Chloe's face. Blood pressure rises. Faints.

    Yamiro posted: »

    Few screenshoots

  • The artist did a very good job with the whole thing.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    .* _ *

  • New fanfic-ideas? :3

    Looks at Chloe's face. Blood pressure rises. Faints.

  • Nah. Just Chloe's too pretty for me to handle. haha -///-

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    New fanfic-ideas?

  • Sounds... interesting :Р

    I would like to see Chloe from yo ;)

    And I see I have made you blush again, so I run away!

    Nah. Just Chloe's too pretty for me to handle. haha -///-

  • I actually am making a Chloe drawing. Her tattoo is just difficult to do really.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Sounds... interesting :Р I would like to see Chloe from yo And I see I have made you blush again, so I run away!

  • Which character's do you feel like you can relate to by personality and/or situation(life style and events) wise?

    I feel like a mix of Max, Chloe, Daniel, Allissa, Warren, David, and Nathan (weird I know, hard to explain). I think that's everyone.

  • I hope you show us this something fabulous ;)

    I actually am making a Chloe drawing. Her tattoo is just difficult to do really.

  • I think Max.

    Which character's do you feel like you can relate to by personality and/or situation(life style and events) wise? I feel like a mix of Max, Chloe, Daniel, Allissa, Warren, David, and Nathan (weird I know, hard to explain). I think that's everyone.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Max, mostly because I still don't contact anyone I previously knew before a move.

    Warren, mostly for his sense of humor and his interests in movies/games.

    Which character's do you feel like you can relate to by personality and/or situation(life style and events) wise? I feel like a mix of Max, Chloe, Daniel, Allissa, Warren, David, and Nathan (weird I know, hard to explain). I think that's everyone.

  • edited July 2015

    The one with the most messed up life.

    Which character's do you feel like you can relate to by personality and/or situation(life style and events) wise? I feel like a mix of Max, Chloe, Daniel, Allissa, Warren, David, and Nathan (weird I know, hard to explain). I think that's everyone.

  • Alt text

  • I feel like in alot of ways I can relate to Max(being shy and quiet), Chloe(being a bit of an outcast and the feeling that people are abandoning me) Kate(being bullied), and Nathan(angers issues and some other stuff I don't want to get into) Each one of them have personalities that remind me of myself

    Which character's do you feel like you can relate to by personality and/or situation(life style and events) wise? I feel like a mix of Max, Chloe, Daniel, Allissa, Warren, David, and Nathan (weird I know, hard to explain). I think that's everyone.

  • Max; her awkwardness and shyness matches me perfectly.

    Which character's do you feel like you can relate to by personality and/or situation(life style and events) wise? I feel like a mix of Max, Chloe, Daniel, Allissa, Warren, David, and Nathan (weird I know, hard to explain). I think that's everyone.

  • Yes...just.. Yes so much yes.

  • Someones been learning from Telltale.

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  • No one ever suspects the Butterfly...

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    Original Link

  • Oh God, this got me good.

    Max: Because nobody ever suspects the butterfly.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    No one ever suspects the Butterfly... Original Link

  • Something is definitely delaying them..

  • I remember they said episode 4 was going to be released this month and if nothing has changed, it means that it may very well be released next week. Does anyone know if it is still the case ?

  • I feel bad for laughing. ;-; But I love dark humor, so....

  • Crossovergasm Overload! +_+

  • edited July 2015

    I wonder if it's tech related. Like one of the hardware broke down, or some of the files accidentally got deleted so they had to start over.

    Or the computer froze and shut down the program a staff member was working on before they saved the data, resulting in starting over. Happened to me once.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Something is definitely delaying them..

  • Pretty sure it will come out on the 28th (don't get your hopes up though). They've been saying it's coming soon since the start of this month lol.

    Mary5 posted: »

    I remember they said episode 4 was going to be released this month and if nothing has changed, it means that it may very well be released next week. Does anyone know if it is still the case ?

  • They keep saying "news is coming" and "finishing up touches" but I think right after they posted this something happened that caused them to delay further.. maybe they are unhappy about a choice in the episode.. maybe its technical.. who knows. But usually you would post something like that 2 days prior to releasing news... not almost a week.

    I wonder if it's tech related. Like one of the hardware broke down, or some of the files accidentally got deleted so they had to start over.

  • It's either the 28th or August 4th I'm sure.

    Pretty sure it will come out on the 28th (don't get your hopes up though). They've been saying it's coming soon since the start of this month lol.

  • Gotta let it sink in. Despite it being 2 months since the last episode it is still a shorter wait time than the Tales From The Borderlands episodes lol.

  • Have a morning spliff

    Thread: A Question About Life is Strange In episode 3 of Life is Strange after you go with Chloe to her house you and Chloe wake up and

  • Woops didn't realise I was on this page lmao

    Have a morning spliff

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Alt text

    Gotta let it sink in. Despite it being 2 months since the last episode it is still a shorter wait time than the Tales From The Borderlands episodes lol.

  • Well i did some more fanart for life is strange, i think it turned out okay

    Alt text
    Made with Sfm/Photoshop

  • I think that because episode this episode made the most ambitious so far. Lots of choices, and the consequences choices and branches!


    I wonder if it's tech related. Like one of the hardware broke down, or some of the files accidentally got deleted so they had to start over.

  • Hey, I saw that on deviantart this morning.

    Well i did some more fanart for life is strange, i think it turned out okay Made with Sfm/Photoshop

  • I have a whole brand of lucky charms now. So I'm prepared. B3

  • Pretty sure, if anyone, Chloe would be the butterfly, not Max.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    No one ever suspects the Butterfly... Original Link

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