Honestly, I'm actually a little worried about what the stranger's identity will be. There's no obvious answer, but at the same time, I'm worried they'll pull a character who hasn't been in Tales atall and make him/her (I think it's a he though) be the stranger, but that would probably make little sense. Likewise, any character who is in Tales who turns out to be stranger, while it could make sense, it might also be done in a way that goes against their character. Ha, I really hope it turns out to be a great reveal, because I honestly have no clue who it could be, and the few I suspect, I really don't think there is a character that is obvious.
the stranger is calm, while august has anger issues. plus his mommy is vallory xD lol.. she seems dominant in pandora. she has vault hunters working for her! why would he do such thing? maybe he escaped? nooticed a lot of tention between him and vallory..
I actually reckon it's August based on the stranger's mannerisms, no one else seems to talk like the stranger besides August, and he's of a … moresimilar height/build (maybe a little chubbier). He could be hiding his face over something to do with Vallory, but other than that I dunno...
i see your point. he/she obviously need them. thus he didnt kill them! but i am curious about his/her motives! and why stating to make a wager with fiona? hmmm.. i think he likes fiona more than rhys. which makes me think he/she is from pandora and not hyperian.
Honestly, I'm actually a little worried about what the stranger's identity will be. There's no obvious answer, but at the same time, I'm wor… moreried they'll pull a character who hasn't been in Tales atall and make him/her (I think it's a he though) be the stranger, but that would probably make little sense. Likewise, any character who is in Tales who turns out to be stranger, while it could make sense, it might also be done in a way that goes against their character. Ha, I really hope it turns out to be a great reveal, because I honestly have no clue who it could be, and the few I suspect, I really don't think there is a character that is obvious.
It has to be a Pandorian I would think. I doubt any Hyperion person would be able to have the confidence to trek through Pandora, while also lugging around 2 people. Not to mention, as Fiona points out, it basically has to be someone who is in some way connected to the plot, but again, noone is that obvious. It doesn't help we don't know what the time gap is between the flashbacks and present day, and what could of transpired by then. I think August is a good candidate, because as much as he is a douchey, somewhat immature idiot in the flashbacks, I could see a tragic event causing him to become far more mature and cynical in the present day after a few months.
i see your point. he/she obviously need them. thus he didnt kill them! but i am curious about his/her motives! and why stating to make a wag… moreer with fiona? hmmm.. i think he likes fiona more than rhys. which makes me think he/she is from pandora and not hyperian.
This is just my guess but I think Vaugh might turn into a psycho by the end of the series.
1. All psychos have great abs
2. vaughn in episode two showed a great excitement from danger and a near death experience.
3. him and Fiona having to wear a mask may have been foreshadowing of this future change.
4. He is called a psycho by Vallory when he jumped onto her.
5. His deep insecurities may drive him over the edge while also displaying a high dependency on Rhys so if separated he'll lose that anchor to his situation and sanity.
6. a possible reference is how he tells Rhy he's been remembering Rhy's speeches a prelude to voices inside his head psychos talk abou?
just throwing this out there seems like telltale have a special place for Vaughn to go
Good arguments. There is obviously something going on with Vaughn that the game is subtly drawing our attention to.
However, I believe al… morel the scenes with the Stranger must hold some clues about his(?) identity, and there were a few lines which stood out enough to seem like they were important, somehow - the 'do you care to make a wager' line, for one... Why would Vaughn put emphasis on that? Another line that sounded pointed to me was Gortys saying 'it could always be a she' when she was wondering who's been living in the Dome... Might have been an innocuous reference to gender equality, or it might have been a hint. Haha, idk, it's all speculation, and it's really fun for me. :P
yeah, telltale is sneaky like that lol.. i dont think we will know who the stranger is. until the last episode! i think episode 4 will give us more hints but not the answer! ..... PLUS regarding vaughni thinkhe made a deal with vallory. thus we didnt see him in the end, last time we saw him when he was with vallory alone! then pooooofff! he disappeared and vallory seems fine. i think he made a deal with her just like how he made one with vasquez behind our back, and ONLY telling us about it because he was caught selling us out! i could be wrong tho, but i ''recent'' scenes rhys seems more mature. like he's been thro shit lol. he and fiona, but i think its been hinted from episode 1 that our friendship will be tested, i think vaughn made a deal with vallory.... many people say that vaughn is the stranger, i could see that maybe vallory ditched him after he showed his true colours to fio/rhys.. then he went back to kidnaping them etc.... (i dont see him as the stranger) BUT,, its just another thing to think about....
It has to be a Pandorian I would think. I doubt any Hyperion person would be able to have the confidence to trek through Pandora, while also… more lugging around 2 people. Not to mention, as Fiona points out, it basically has to be someone who is in some way connected to the plot, but again, noone is that obvious. It doesn't help we don't know what the time gap is between the flashbacks and present day, and what could of transpired by then. I think August is a good candidate, because as much as he is a douchey, somewhat immature idiot in the flashbacks, I could see a tragic event causing him to become far more mature and cynical in the present day after a few months.
This is just my guess but I think Vaugh might turn into a psycho by the end of the series.
1. All psychos have great abs
2. vaughn in epis… moreode two showed a great excitement from danger and a near death experience.
3. him and Fiona having to wear a mask may have been foreshadowing of this future change.
4. He is called a psycho by Vallory when he jumped onto her.
5. His deep insecurities may drive him over the edge while also displaying a high dependency on Rhys so if separated he'll lose that anchor to his situation and sanity.
6. a possible reference is how he tells Rhy he's been remembering Rhy's speeches a prelude to voices inside his head psychos talk abou?
just throwing this out there seems like telltale have a special place for Vaughn to go
Felix will pull a "I got lucky, reaaaaal lucky".
If not Felix, then Vasquez (Which I doubt anyway).
No disrespect to the great lord Kenny, I'm just intending pun
Every Vault Hunter so far though is pretty quirky, so I'd have a hard time imagining any of them could pull it off, with maybe the exception of Athena or Timothy.
He / She can either be Athena, or Henderson, or...
Vasquez, Vaughn, Sasha, Zer0, August, Vallory, Past Rhys, Past Fiona, Loader Bot, Gortys, Yvette, Felix, Nakayama, Shade, Mordecai, Brick, HJ / John, Moxxi, Janey, Rudiger aka Grease Face, Finch, General Pollux, Prof. Penumbra, Dumpy, Marcus, Scooter, Bossanova, Kroger... But there's also the chance of this guy, girl, it! To be a new character.
Yeah, my theory is that its athena. she's the most awkward one.the stranger is pretty awkward when he talks. idk, but as far as timothy, i dont think thats the case. the stranger knew fiona and as with her in the dome. timothy would be out of place to be honest, lol. like if thats the stranger all along i would be like wtf, howwww? idk. hope episode 4 clears some of that up
Every Vault Hunter so far though is pretty quirky, so I'd have a hard time imagining any of them could pull it off, with maybe the exception of Athena or Timothy.
He / She can either be Athena, or Henderson, or...
Vasquez, Vaughn, Sasha, Zer0, August, Vallory, Past Rhys, Past Fiona, Loader Bot, Gort… moreys, Yvette, Felix, Nakayama, Shade, Mordecai, Brick, HJ / John, Moxxi, Janey, Rudiger aka Grease Face, Finch, General Pollux, Prof. Penumbra, Dumpy, Marcus, Scooter, Bossanova, Kroger... But there's also the chance of this guy, girl, it! To be a new character.
Every Vault Hunter so far though is pretty quirky, so I'd have a hard time imagining any of them could pull it off, with maybe the exception of Athena or Timothy.
Well, Vault Hunter is such a loose term, I was assuming when you meant a VH, you were meaning an existing character, not just someone new to the franchise.
it can be! but it would not surprise me if it was a character we dont know.. it would suprise me more if it was someone we knew all along.. ya know what i mean? but it could be as you said, a new character or a vaulthunter.. would you actually prefer it to be someone new to the BL world? i know i dont..
it can be! but it would not surprise me if it was a character we dont know.. it would suprise me more if it was someone we knew all along.. … moreya know what i mean? but it could be as you said, a new character or a vaulthunter.. would you actually prefer it to be someone new to the BL world? i know i dont..
In saying that, though - Finch also has a legendary weapon (an Unkempt Harold) - so in the Tales universe people other than Vault Hunters ob… moreviously have access to Legendaries.
As for my thoughts on who The Stranger is, episode three has me firmly back on the Vaughn bandwagon - I wrote this in another thread and still plan to expand on it at some point, but until then, this will do:
I just found that a lot of this episode focused on Vaughn's insecurities (much more obviously in the "choose Jack" playthrough - but enough to be a notable theme in both), and how he doesn't feel like a badass when compared to the people around him. He feels worthless in comparison, and he had that tiny glimpse of power in episode two before realising that even in the badass wasteland of Pandora everyone still sees him as a geeky sidekick. He may have felt more powerful than when he was tabulating figures on Helios, but no matter how many awesome things he do… [view original content]
But the Stranger is almost the same height as Rhys, maybe a bit taller, isn't he? Definitely MUCH taller than Vaughn. Do we ever see a clear side-by-side image of the Stranger standing by Rhys and Fiona? Because the Stranger is definitely does not come up to only Rhys's shoulders the same way Vaughn does.
I do like this theory, but the height alone proves it false.
I believe that The Stranger's height so far fits in with Vaughn's height against Fiona and Rhys...
I'm actually building on other's prior… more thoughts about The Stranger being Vaughn based on the costume design and a few other hints and subtle allusions (the transition shot in ep 1 being my personal fave).
@Dapnee summed it up best in this thread (unfortunately because it has a spoiler tag I can't link to the direct comment - but look for Dapnee's post on the second page).
Back then I really liked the theory/thought TT were geniuses if they managed to sneak in all these subtle clues - but I couldn't see how it worked within the story. It just didn't make sense to me... Until ep 3 came around, that is!
I'll include the screenshots Dapnee used in her post because they were my first 'aha' moment (note the yellow buckle on the shoulder of both designs and the armbands - sneaky, Telltale, sneaky!):
August seems like the type of guy that shows directly how he doesn't waste a single second. I learned this by failing as Fiona at the end of episode 2 to click the damn gortys half into the thing. "Come on are you stalling" .5 seconds after starting the point and click sequence like bruh chill out
I actually reckon it's August based on the stranger's mannerisms, no one else seems to talk like the stranger besides August, and he's of a … moresimilar height/build (maybe a little chubbier). He could be hiding his face over something to do with Vallory, but other than that I dunno...
He / She can either be Athena, or Henderson, or...
Vasquez, Vaughn, Sasha, Zer0, August, Vallory, Past Rhys, Past Fiona, Loader Bot, Gort… moreys, Yvette, Felix, Nakayama, Shade, Mordecai, Brick, HJ / John, Moxxi, Janey, Rudiger aka Grease Face, Finch, General Pollux, Prof. Penumbra, Dumpy, Marcus, Scooter, Bossanova, Kroger... But there's also the chance of this guy, girl, it! To be a new character.
and much fuller to say so.. yes he has abs, but he is not wide or shall i say, chubby as the stranger.. idk, people have their own theories and wonder what telltale come up with
But the Stranger is almost the same height as Rhys, maybe a bit taller, isn't he? Definitely MUCH taller than Vaughn. Do we ever see a clear… more side-by-side image of the Stranger standing by Rhys and Fiona? Because the Stranger is definitely does not come up to only Rhys's shoulders the same way Vaughn does.
I do like this theory, but the height alone proves it false.
yeah thats what i thought too. plus the stranger is more on the awkward side. at least thats how i saw him! he seem normal when you talk to him about the main subject which is the gortys project, but when you try to talk to him about random stuff, he is awkward.
August seems like the type of guy that shows directly how he doesn't waste a single second. I learned this by failing as Fiona at the end of… more episode 2 to click the damn gortys half into the thing. "Come on are you stalling" .5 seconds after starting the point and click sequence like bruh chill out
Yeah, I somehow convinced myself that we never got the chance to see Rhys and The Stranger directly next to each other, but this pic is pretty conclusive:
Especially when compared to this:
I think that it would be easy enough for The Stranger to add bulk to their frame to disguise themselves (the suit itself is pretty baggy), but he'd have to be wearing some serious shoe-lifts to gain that much height...
In saying that, though, then there's times like this where the height difference isn't as pronounced (Vaughn must be standing on his tip-toes!):
But that's technically a fantasy sequence, I guess?
But the Stranger is almost the same height as Rhys, maybe a bit taller, isn't he? Definitely MUCH taller than Vaughn. Do we ever see a clear… more side-by-side image of the Stranger standing by Rhys and Fiona? Because the Stranger is definitely does not come up to only Rhys's shoulders the same way Vaughn does.
I do like this theory, but the height alone proves it false.
so after al the hight difference you still think its vaughn? i think its all there, story-wise we are un-sure as to WHY would vaughn do this, i dont know.. it will be a '' lackluster reveal for me '' ..it would be kinda ''Mehh'' reaction if that was the case, i think telltale can be more creative here. plus i hope telltale handles the ''stranger'' plot and put more thought into that.. because in GoT they had a similar situation, and i was so disappointed in how they handled that.. so i hope they dont rush or at least make sense when they rap up that part of the story, again this is just my personal thoughts and i respect yours! its just i would be like '' really, telltale? '' because vaughn already betrayed us once, so i would be more pissed than surprised at that point.. so in my own thoughts, i would be pretty disappointed in rapping that plot-line with the stranger for it to only be that its vaughn... kinda mehh
Yeah, I somehow convinced myself that we never got the chance to see Rhys and The Stranger directly next to each other, but this pic is pret… morety conclusive:
Especially when compared to this:
I think that it would be easy enough for The Stranger to add bulk to their frame to disguise themselves (the suit itself is pretty baggy), but he'd have to be wearing some serious shoe-lifts to gain that much height...
In saying that, though, then there's times like this where the height difference isn't as pronounced (Vaughn must be standing on his tip-toes!):
But that's technically a fantasy sequence, I guess?
I love reading everyone's Stranger theories! I hope it's a bloody Eridian, and we will all be WTF-ing. Meanwhile, the psychedelic cat rainbow-ing above me as I type this message is entrancing.
I'm in the Timothy camp! (I know a lot of people have mentioned these reasons before.)
We don't know what state Rhys will end TftB in - we could very well have Troy Baker now playing Handsome Jack in a form. I can't imagine Gearbox would want to lose Dameon Clarke, so it'd be a way to keep both. (Or Jack could end up in Tim's body, argh, that would be horrible.)
Timothy's at the right height. I think the model is taller than Rhys when Stranger's not slouching, which is Jack-height.
As people have previously said, the Conference Call ties into Tim's skill tree.
When the Stranger asks about Jack in Ep. 2 he sounds particularly angry when it comes to Jack's name. (Admittedly a lot of people would feel similarly!)
The Stranger has interesting scenes in Ep. 3. If Rhys goes to Hollow Point, and talks about moving up the Hyperion ladder, the Stranger 'we all have our reasons, I suppose yours is good enough.' Meanwhile, if Rhys goes to Old Haven, you see the more awkward side to the Stranger (apologising, zoning out and not listening), which is a bit more up Tim's alley.
Timothy is really the only character in the entire series that has an extremely, extremely good reason to have both his face and voice completely hidden. To be honest, anyone else it'd be a bit of anti-climax for!
Tales has made such an effort to tie in plot/characters from the Pre-Sequel, Tim would just be another one.
I guess it is someone that no one would ever guess im going to say lee but a borderlands parody that would be funny but being serious its probably Timothy due to the gun he has Hyperion And his voice is disguised I am going to laugh if he removes his mask and they all say JACK?!? and he goes no no im Timothy
Relating onto August probably being the Stranger, all the berserker classes so far are good to awesome with shotguns (like Brick.)
So, I now want to see August as the Berserker class if he joins the Vault Hunters, with him being extremely buff and all.
And yes, Vaughn has Clark Kent's abs/Vin Diesel's arms, but he doesn't seem to have the action skill for it yet.
Honestly, I'm actually a little worried about what the stranger's identity will be. There's no obvious answer, but at the same time, I'm worried they'll pull a character who hasn't been in Tales atall and make him/her (I think it's a he though) be the stranger, but that would probably make little sense. Likewise, any character who is in Tales who turns out to be stranger, while it could make sense, it might also be done in a way that goes against their character. Ha, I really hope it turns out to be a great reveal, because I honestly have no clue who it could be, and the few I suspect, I really don't think there is a character that is obvious.
marcus will not be pleased about this xD
the stranger is calm, while august has anger issues. plus his mommy is vallory xD lol.. she seems dominant in pandora. she has vault hunters working for her! why would he do such thing? maybe he escaped? nooticed a lot of tention between him and vallory..
i see your point. he/she obviously need them. thus he didnt kill them! but i am curious about his/her motives! and why stating to make a wager with fiona? hmmm.. i think he likes fiona more than rhys. which makes me think he/she is from pandora and not hyperian.
It has to be a Pandorian I would think. I doubt any Hyperion person would be able to have the confidence to trek through Pandora, while also lugging around 2 people. Not to mention, as Fiona points out, it basically has to be someone who is in some way connected to the plot, but again, noone is that obvious. It doesn't help we don't know what the time gap is between the flashbacks and present day, and what could of transpired by then. I think August is a good candidate, because as much as he is a douchey, somewhat immature idiot in the flashbacks, I could see a tragic event causing him to become far more mature and cynical in the present day after a few months.
This is just my guess but I think Vaugh might turn into a psycho by the end of the series.
1. All psychos have great abs
2. vaughn in episode two showed a great excitement from danger and a near death experience.
3. him and Fiona having to wear a mask may have been foreshadowing of this future change.
4. He is called a psycho by Vallory when he jumped onto her.
5. His deep insecurities may drive him over the edge while also displaying a high dependency on Rhys so if separated he'll lose that anchor to his situation and sanity.
6. a possible reference is how he tells Rhy he's been remembering Rhy's speeches a prelude to voices inside his head psychos talk abou?
just throwing this out there seems like telltale have a special place for Vaughn to go
yeah, telltale is sneaky like that lol.. i dont think we will know who the stranger is. until the last episode! i think episode 4 will give us more hints but not the answer! ..... PLUS regarding vaughn i think he made a deal with vallory. thus we didnt see him in the end, last time we saw him when he was with vallory alone! then pooooofff! he disappeared and vallory seems fine. i think he made a deal with her just like how he made one with vasquez behind our back, and ONLY telling us about it because he was caught selling us out! i could be wrong tho, but i ''recent'' scenes rhys seems more mature. like he's been thro shit lol. he and fiona, but i think its been hinted from episode 1 that our friendship will be tested, i think vaughn made a deal with vallory.... many people say that vaughn is the stranger, i could see that maybe vallory ditched him after he showed his true colours to fio/rhys.. then he went back to kidnaping them etc.... (i dont see him as the stranger) BUT,, its just another thing to think about....
i think the sky is yellow. so is vaughn. yellow and pink.
Felix will pull a "I got lucky, reaaaaal lucky".
If not Felix, then Vasquez (Which I doubt anyway).
No disrespect to the great lord Kenny, I'm just intending pun
That guy's hair looks like a Colonel's hat..
bu...but he was shot to death. unless he's kenny. then he got reaaal lucky.
duuuude... no lol. dont pull the lucky card xD
hahaha xD
You stole the joke I was going to make.: P
sharing is caring in my book lol xD
My reason on why the stranger could be a vault hunter is all the vault hunters that appeared so far has grey text and the stranger has gray text
Too tall to be Vaughn
Every Vault Hunter so far though is pretty quirky, so I'd have a hard time imagining any of them could pull it off, with maybe the exception of Athena or Timothy.
He / She can either be Athena, or Henderson, or...
Vasquez, Vaughn, Sasha, Zer0, August, Vallory, Past Rhys, Past Fiona, Loader Bot, Gortys, Yvette, Felix, Nakayama, Shade, Mordecai, Brick, HJ / John, Moxxi, Janey, Rudiger aka Grease Face, Finch, General Pollux, Prof. Penumbra, Dumpy, Marcus, Scooter, Bossanova, Kroger... But there's also the chance of this guy, girl, it! To be a new character.
Yeah, my theory is that its athena. she's the most awkward one.the stranger is pretty awkward when he talks. idk, but as far as timothy, i dont think thats the case. the stranger knew fiona and as with her in the dome. timothy would be out of place to be honest, lol. like if thats the stranger all along i would be like wtf, howwww? idk. hope episode 4 clears some of that up
i was really interested, theeeeeeen you lost me.
What if its a vault hunter we never met yet?
Well, Vault Hunter is such a loose term, I was assuming when you meant a VH, you were meaning an existing character, not just someone new to the franchise.
it can be! but it would not surprise me if it was a character we dont know.. it would suprise me more if it was someone we knew all along.. ya know what i mean? but it could be as you said, a new character or a vaulthunter.. would you actually prefer it to be someone new to the BL world? i know i dont..
Kinda, maybe some stalker of Rhys and Fiona, he knows so much and knows about the vault keys are
This is good. I've been thinking that it might be Vaughn, and this is very detailed and in depth. Good job.
But the Stranger is almost the same height as Rhys, maybe a bit taller, isn't he? Definitely MUCH taller than Vaughn. Do we ever see a clear side-by-side image of the Stranger standing by Rhys and Fiona? Because the Stranger is definitely does not come up to only Rhys's shoulders the same way Vaughn does.
I do like this theory, but the height alone proves it false.
August seems like the type of guy that shows directly how he doesn't waste a single second. I learned this by failing as Fiona at the end of episode 2 to click the damn gortys half into the thing. "Come on are you stalling" .5 seconds after starting the point and click sequence like bruh chill out
Bossanova's dead though. HJ is dead. Vasquez is dead. Felix is determinant. Nakayama's dead. Penumbra's dead.
aw thanks! The_Zombie_killa_52
many seem to disagree and thats okay, curious to think what people theories are 
and much fuller to say so.. yes he has abs, but he is not wide or shall i say, chubby as the stranger.. idk, people have their own theories and wonder what telltale come up with
yeah thats what i thought too. plus the stranger is more on the awkward side. at least thats how i saw him! he seem normal when you talk to him about the main subject which is the gortys project, but when you try to talk to him about random stuff, he is awkward.
Then, Krieg, Gaige, Timothy, Claptrap, Aurelia, Dr. Zed, T.K. Baha... Or a bunch of psychos.
That's one of my secret powers.
Yeah, I somehow convinced myself that we never got the chance to see Rhys and The Stranger directly next to each other, but this pic is pretty conclusive:
Especially when compared to this:
I think that it would be easy enough for The Stranger to add bulk to their frame to disguise themselves (the suit itself is pretty baggy), but he'd have to be wearing some serious shoe-lifts to gain that much height...
In saying that, though, then there's times like this where the height difference isn't as pronounced (Vaughn must be standing on his tip-toes!):
But that's technically a fantasy sequence, I guess?
so after al the hight difference you still think its vaughn? i think its all there, story-wise we are un-sure as to WHY would vaughn do this, i dont know.. it will be a '' lackluster reveal for me '' ..it would be kinda ''Mehh'' reaction if that was the case, i think telltale can be more creative here. plus i hope telltale handles the ''stranger'' plot and put more thought into that.. because in GoT they had a similar situation, and i was so disappointed in how they handled that.. so i hope they dont rush or at least make sense when they rap up that part of the story, again this is just my personal thoughts and i respect yours! its just i would be like '' really, telltale? '' because vaughn already betrayed us once, so i would be more pissed than surprised at that point.. so in my own thoughts, i would be pretty disappointed in rapping that plot-line with the stranger for it to only be that its vaughn... kinda mehh
I love reading everyone's Stranger theories! I hope it's a bloody Eridian, and we will all be WTF-ing. Meanwhile, the psychedelic cat rainbow-ing above me as I type this message is entrancing.
I'm in the Timothy camp! (I know a lot of people have mentioned these reasons before.)
Regardless, can't wait to see who it is!
I guess it is someone that no one would ever guess im going to say lee but a borderlands parody that would be funny but being serious its probably Timothy due to the gun he has Hyperion And his voice is disguised I am going to laugh if he removes his mask and they all say JACK?!? and he goes no no im Timothy
TK is dead