Moderators are not Telltale staff so we don't know exactly how the rating process works or what state the game is in but staff members have said that they can send unfinished games to be rated to make the whole process slightly quicker as the rating bodies don't need a completely finished game to rate it.
Moderators are not Telltale staff so we don't know exactly how the rating process works or what state the game is in but staff members have … moresaid that they can send unfinished games to be rated to make the whole process slightly quicker as the rating bodies don't need a completely finished game to rate it.
I think you misunderstood the content of Ozzy's post. His first part was just to make sure that people knew that he wasn't an official source of information (since people have mistaken moderators as such in the past).
As Ozzy said, members of Telltale staff has said that they can send incomplete games to ratings boards (functionally incomplete games, but not content incomplete games), so it's not an indication that the game is finished. However, since the ratings boards require at least all content to be in the game before it can be classified, it at least means that the final release is close.
it will be good, even if it sucks. we are fanboys, we will love it, even if it turns out to be the worst sh*t (of course I don't think it will, just wanted to share that thought. the only thought of mine which is not about blood and sex. be thankful!)
it will be good, even if it sucks. we are fanboys, we will love it, even if it turns out to be the worst sh*t (of course I don't think it w… moreill, just wanted to share that thought. the only thought of mine which is not about blood and sex. be thankful!)
I'm 16 years old and into GoT and borderlands, what did you expect? ponys? well, ok, I like those ponys from mlp. I mean, they once took a lasso and catched the moon with it to get the moon closer to them. THAT'S badass. but still, what did'ya expect?
So, is anyone else hyped for Telltale to leak ep 4 and have a bunch of people have it before the release date so we all need to run away from spoilers like the past 3 Telltale episodes?!
I hope this episode lasts a little bit longer than the regular TT's episodes. That 4 hours new episode of LiS? That should set a new standard for episodic story-based games. I know it was just one episode of that game, but still.
Then again, that's just wishful thinking of me, considering it's Telltale after all.
So, is anyone else hyped for Telltale to leak ep 4 and have a bunch of people have it before the release date so we all need to run away from spoilers like the past 3 Telltale episodes?!
I hope this episode lasts a little bit longer than the regular TT's episodes. That 4 hours new episode of LiS? That should set a new standar… mored for episodic story-based games. I know it was just one episode of that game, but still.
Then again, that's just wishful thinking of me, considering it's Telltale after all.
I hope this episode lasts a little bit longer than the regular TT's episodes. That 4 hours new episode of LiS? That should set a new standar… mored for episodic story-based games. I know it was just one episode of that game, but still.
Then again, that's just wishful thinking of me, considering it's Telltale after all.
Ep 3 got the NZ classification on May 27th, Aussie classification on June 2nd, PEGI June 3rd, and released June 23rd. We've still got a bit before an August release is out of the question
Ep 3 got the NZ classification on May 27th, Aussie classification on June 2nd, PEGI June 3rd, and released June 23rd. We've still got a bit before an August release is out of the question
just wanna ask, i know the episode is rated, but does that mean its finished if it does? or how the rating process go?
Moderators are not Telltale staff so we don't know exactly how the rating process works or what state the game is in but staff members have said that they can send unfinished games to be rated to make the whole process slightly quicker as the rating bodies don't need a completely finished game to rate it.
too good to be true
ummm.. i know? i was just asking !!
I think you misunderstood the content of Ozzy's post. His first part was just to make sure that people knew that he wasn't an official source of information (since people have mistaken moderators as such in the past).
As Ozzy said, members of Telltale staff has said that they can send incomplete games to ratings boards (functionally incomplete games, but not content incomplete games), so it's not an indication that the game is finished. However, since the ratings boards require at least all content to be in the game before it can be classified, it at least means that the final release is close.
thanks wolf, now I have a reason to replay it all again
I don't recognize him. Who is he?
He makes the trailers
this is going too fast. somethings fishy here...
I hope if it's another 70 minute episode it'll be good again
it will be good, even if it sucks. we are fanboys, we will love it, even if it turns out to be the worst sh*t
(of course I don't think it will, just wanted to share that thought. the only thought of mine which is not about blood and sex. be thankful!)
Shaun will make the trailer only about him and how he helped choreograph the upside down Fiona fight.
I'm 16 years old and into GoT and borderlands, what did you expect? ponys? well, ok, I like those ponys from mlp. I mean, they once took a lasso and catched the moon with it to get the moon closer to them. THAT'S badass. but still, what did'ya expect?
So, is anyone else hyped for Telltale to leak ep 4 and have a bunch of people have it before the release date so we all need to run away from spoilers like the past 3 Telltale episodes?!
I hope this episode lasts a little bit longer than the regular TT's episodes. That 4 hours new episode of LiS? That should set a new standard for episodic story-based games. I know it was just one episode of that game, but still.
Then again, that's just wishful thinking of me, considering it's Telltale after all.
Expect a 90 minute episode or your going to be disappointed. MAYBE 2 hours, but anything longer is pushing it.
Four hours would be a bit of a trough for people who play through from start to finish.
hey hey, episode 4 got its pegi rating
Anyone else think we'll get it in August now?
So the episode is actually, for once,....soon.
Error. Error. This does not compute.
Nope, Im feeling August, remember last time? It was classified the 6th of June but it didnt show up on the site till like the 12th
Let's see the PEGI for Episode 3 was announced at 5/29/14 and the episode came out 6/23/15 so it's a possibilty...
Ep 3 got the NZ classification on May 27th, Aussie classification on June 2nd, PEGI June 3rd, and released June 23rd. We've still got a bit before an August release is out of the question
Episode 4 contains 'extreme violence'
Well, it's official, Rhys' head is going to be used as a punching bag again! =D
It's a sign of the apocalypse, start running.
I want my arm ripping AND I WANT IT NOW
Oh jeez, I wonder who asked that...>_>;;;; [whistles innocently]
Another episode so soon?
Something ain't right, the four horsemen must be coming.
Actually cut a week down from that because E3 got in the way
Added that update to the main post. It truly looks like we are getting this Episode sooner than later!
Don't worry, those waffles will be zooming out of an airlock into space and suffocating. No bodies of water anywhere.