Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • Geez, don't spoil the ending.

    Onmens posted: »

    Nah, she's going to focus on the drawing Daniel made of her and ends up in an alternative reality where everybody is drawn, like in that A-H

  • Maybe not this one specifically but in general yes, I have the feeling that my choices in Life is Strange matter more than in Telltale games. For example: in Game of Thrones it doesn't matter if you send Malcolm or not to Essos, he'll go anyway, it doesn't matter if you loose the betrothal, you'll still have the chance to flirt/kiss/sleep with Elaena, it doesn't matter if you bring the Glenmore army with you in Highpoint, the destiny of a certain character (I'm trying not to spoil anything) is still the same, and it won't probably matter if you stood up to Gryff or submitted to him for the entire game. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy every TTG game and I'll always support them, but we need to be honest here, and those lack of plots and unmeaningful choices are getting a bit annoying.

    Deltino posted: »

    While this is a pretty impressive and insightful web of consequences, I really have to ask: do these consequences honestly amount to all tha

  • I dont like that word. No offence. ;)

    That's hella good.

  • ^-^

    At least you like Emoji's.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    I dont like that word. No offence.

  • There's an article on Chloe's bed in episode 4 about native american groups protesting against Pan Estates because it will destroy their tribal grounds. Or something along those lines.

    I've recently just came up with this new theory. Since we're so focused on the characters being connected to the strange occurances and stor

  • Fuck, i would go Straight for both of them

    Amaze-balls! This is amazing! O_O

  • Considering that Rachel Amber is Max from a different timeline, we'll just end up with this being the alternate timeline where Max gets out of trouble instead of dying as Rachel did.

  • What? No one has ever had any proof Rachel Amber is Max from a different timeline.

    DAISHI posted: »

    Considering that Rachel Amber is Max from a different timeline, we'll just end up with this being the alternate timeline where Max gets out of trouble instead of dying as Rachel did.

  • If Max is Rachel Amber, how come Chloe knows Rachel's parents?

    DAISHI posted: »

    Considering that Rachel Amber is Max from a different timeline, we'll just end up with this being the alternate timeline where Max gets out of trouble instead of dying as Rachel did.

  • The timelines are collapsing. Everything's getting mixed into one. Just like there were two moons present in one timeline when there should have only been one.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    If Max is Rachel Amber, how come Chloe knows Rachel's parents?

  • But wouldn't Chloe have recognized Max's parents?

    DAISHI posted: »

    The timelines are collapsing. Everything's getting mixed into one. Just like there were two moons present in one timeline when there should have only been one.

  • Max is in the reflection of the bucket in the butterfly pic.

    derrickd95 posted: »

    Max wasn't in the butterfly photo, so she can't go back to the bathroom with that. Warren's photo on the other hand...

  • If she goes back to that point it's to let Chloe die in the bathroom or take the bullet for her.

    Thread: Life is Strange theory My theory is that Max will use the butterfly photo to go back in time and she will bring Chloe back and

  • Where's Chloe's bindi?

    Amaze-balls! This is amazing! O_O

  • From what we've seen, she can go back through photos that she is physically present in, and a reflection is not being physically present

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    Max is in the reflection of the bucket in the butterfly pic.

  • Why not? That has never been established.

    derrickd95 posted: »

    From what we've seen, she can go back through photos that she is physically present in, and a reflection is not being physically present

  • I don't think she ever had a bindi. :P

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    Where's Chloe's bindi?

  • Is the Max from Tom's recent comics a Max from an alternate universe? It doesn't look like she's a psycopath anymore.

  • The last episode should be longer.

    Episode 4 is surprisingly long, over three hours. I personally love the length. What do you guys think? Should the last episode be just as long? And should all episodic games be over three hours?

  • I don't complain. That version of Max was supremely creepy.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Is the Max from Tom's recent comics a Max from an alternate universe? It doesn't look like she's a psycopath anymore.

  • I'm not complaining either. If game!Max was like that, I don't think I'd be able to play it. Instead, we have manly Chloe now! :D

    I don't complain. That version of Max was supremely creepy.

  • The answer is HOT DOG MAN

    enter image description here

  • Depends on how the timeline's set up. What do we really know about Rachel Amber's parents in comparison to Max's?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    But wouldn't Chloe have recognized Max's parents?

  • I guess it could happen, it just doesn't make sense from the rules we've seen IMO

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    Why not? That has never been established.

  • You're right. She did rip it apart. But she also took a selfie in Mr Jefferson's class in episode 1, before that. So what if she uses that photo to get back to the memory of Jefferson's class, so she can then jump into the unripped 'Everyday Heroes' photo memory. INCEPTION.

    I don't know about you guys, but I feel that the photo that Max was suppose to give to Jefferson in episode 1, will play a role. But then again, she ripped that photo apart. This photo.

  • She's only done it with one photo before. No rule has been established.

    derrickd95 posted: »

    I guess it could happen, it just doesn't make sense from the rules we've seen IMO

  • edited August 2015

    Think he means her bullet hole.... :'(

    I don't think she ever had a bindi. :P

  • Why does Rachel look nothing like Max if they're the same person?

    DAISHI posted: »

    Considering that Rachel Amber is Max from a different timeline, we'll just end up with this being the alternate timeline where Max gets out of trouble instead of dying as Rachel did.

  • Both of you are going straight to the Emoji jail.

    ^-^ At least you like Emoji's.

  • Nothing other than Chloe having met them.

    DAISHI posted: »

    Depends on how the timeline's set up. What do we really know about Rachel Amber's parents in comparison to Max's?

  • Drugs.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Why does Rachel look nothing like Max if they're the same person?

  • I've played all the episodes but im still not satisfied. The diaoluges are terrible and so is the voice acting. They seriously need to fix the lip synching and the face expressions. The story is kinda boring and the fact that you can rewind and change your choice takes away all the excitement and fear of making a bad choice. It takes away all the "What have I done?! This choice will screw me in the future" TellTale games feeling. 7/10

  • edited August 2015


  • the fact that you can rewind and change your choice takes away all the excitement and fear of making a bad choice

    Except that most of the time we don't really know if our decisions will result in bad consequences.

    Tolispro posted: »

    I've played all the episodes but im still not satisfied. The diaoluges are terrible and so is the voice acting. They seriously need to fix t

  • I've played all the episodes but im still not satisfied.

    You haven't played them all. ;P

    The diaoluges are terrible and so is the voice acting.

    The dialogue can be bad at times but I disagree with the voice acting, it is done fairly well.

    They seriously need to fix the lip synching and the face expressions.

    I agree with the lip synching (Which has gotten somewhat better) and the facial expressions are good, could be improved.

    The story is kinda boring

    Major opinion. In fact, many people would disagree with you. It has an extremely interesting story with many subplots along with the main one allowing you to know that most characters aren't just a bland archetype.

    the fact that you can rewind and change your choice takes away all the excitement and fear of making a bad choice. It takes away all the "What have I done?! This choice will screw me in the future"

    Does it though? Let's look at the facts here, you're looking at the choices wrong. First off, Telltale's system is making brash choices in the middle of a tough and stressful situation allowing you to act on instincts alone and then see the immediate consequences of the choice. LiS on the other hand, has choices based off the system of regret, they want you to make a decision from the best of your abilities and live with what happens. Let's look at a few major choices, one of the first: "Blame Nathan or Keep quiet", this choice makes you decide from two situations that will have bad consequences that you don't know of, blaming Nathan could cause him to hate you and target you, while keeping quiet can endanger yourself and your chances at this prestigious school. Max herself has the "What have I done? This will screw me in one way or another" thoughts after the choice allowing players to choose what they think are best and live with what happens.

    Another choice: "Shoot Frank or don't" in Episode 2...Is one that is based on fear. You can either try and shoot Frank which endangers yourself but allows you to keep the gun...or don't and have the gun in the dangerous drug dealers hands but have chloe hate you. Another choice: "Steal the money or not"...This choice is one based on thoughts, should you steal the handicapped fund which may or may not be used on that and also risk not paying Frank.

    The choices are based on making you regret your choices and think through the possibilities and dangers. Of course, why have a time travel mechanic in a choice based game if you're not going to use it in the choices?

    TellTale games feeling.

    Comparing two different types of narratives and game companies based on the little fact of them both making choice based games. Review Sins: +1

    Seriously though, you can't compare these two game companies, as others have said on these Forums. Unless, of course, you want to have a double standard.

    Tolispro posted: »

    I've played all the episodes but im still not satisfied. The diaoluges are terrible and so is the voice acting. They seriously need to fix t

  • edited August 2015
  • I'd choose manly Chloe over psycho Max any day. ._.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'm not complaining either. If game!Max was like that, I don't think I'd be able to play it. Instead, we have manly Chloe now!

  • Well, I just finished episode 4 recently, and was blown away by the ending. I'm still in shock lol


    Amaze-balls! This is amazing! O_O

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