[slides telltale five bucks] So are we getting to see Mr. Blake, or no? He def deserves to be the new CEO, and [slides another five] should have his old voice actor from BL1.
The problem with Borderlands is when the outsource things. Pre-Sequel, for example, was a big letdown after BL2. The Claptrap DLC was made in-house, so it was way better. BL2 was in-house, and so was the Tiny Tina DLC. The Hammerlock DLC was outsourced, hence why it was so shit. I think I've shown the theme here.
The torque dlc was ok, but it pissed me off that we couldn't use the cobra sniper, since the odds of getting it were like 1 in 10000, that i… mores absolutely ridiculous.
The enemies in the torque dlc were just reskinned enemies from the main game, the boss fights were easy (not talking raid bosses), except for the fight against the badassasaurus at the end, which was just way OP, resistant to pretty much everything and did those annoying novas that you can't even avoid or anything, I just wasn't really a fan, don't get me wrong, mr torque is one of my favorite characters but the torque dlc was just a bit boring, even the headhunter packs were more entertaining, especially the son of crawmerax one, that one was brilliant.
Play through then go for Youtube, you will spend a lot of time running around trying to find way-points Who knew that Claptrap's brain was a chaotic maze in three dimensions? It did make me feel bad for ole Claptrap.
I've heard it was good, the only thing is that I had the ending for me spoiled, so I already kind of knows what happens sadly, but yes it do… morees have many feels. I'll think about it, but for now, I just want to finish uploading what I have on to Youtube.
woah. I left the internet alone for a few days, and suddenly, BOOM, news, b*tch! this month, eh? well that's awesome, wouldn't have time for it after this month can't wait! where's the hype train? can I still jump up, or did it already left?
I wouldn't say it was a let down, it just wasn't as good, but it was still a good game with interesting mechanics and I loved the cryo ammo,and the lasers, with the lasers though I only like the beam types, like the vibra-pulse, huge amounts of electric damage and it heals you, massively useful against guardians
The problem with Borderlands is when the outsource things. Pre-Sequel, for example, was a big letdown after BL2. The Claptrap DLC was made i… moren-house, so it was way better. BL2 was in-house, and so was the Tiny Tina DLC. The Hammerlock DLC was outsourced, hence why it was so shit. I think I've shown the theme here.
The problem with Borderlands is when the outsource things. Pre-Sequel, for example, was a big letdown after BL2. The Claptrap DLC was made i… moren-house, so it was way better. BL2 was in-house, and so was the Tiny Tina DLC. The Hammerlock DLC was outsourced, hence why it was so shit. I think I've shown the theme here.
But seriously, I stared at that for about 90 seconds thinking you were a crazy person and then suddenly it just clicked (like a magic eye painting) - It does kinda look like Clappy!
(also where the hell did I get the idea Rhys was there? I don't think he's any of those blobs...)
Is... Is that Claptrap in the center? I'm seeing something that looks yellow and rectangular with a glowing blue eye.
Maybe I'm just hallucinating due to how much I want him to show up, though. ;_;
Here's a thought, y'know how tales from the borderlands comes from the borderlands series, what other GAME series would you most like to see be made into a telltale game?
I'd go with alien vs predator, there could be tons of potential with that, I loved the AVP 2010 game and I liked the aliens colonial marines game as well, despite how short it was.
The Xenomorphs (aliens) are awesome, it could show us as a group of people trying to hide and escape from them, kinda like the walking dead only without terrible endings with no real choice (kill kenny or kill jane)
Here's a thought, y'know how tales from the borderlands comes from the borderlands series, what other GAME series would you most like to see… more be made into a telltale game?
I'd go with alien vs predator, there could be tons of potential with that, I loved the AVP 2010 game and I liked the aliens colonial marines game as well, despite how short it was.
The Xenomorphs (aliens) are awesome, it could show us as a group of people trying to hide and escape from them, kinda like the walking dead only without terrible endings with no real choice (kill kenny or kill jane)
Is... Is that Claptrap in the center? I'm seeing something that looks yellow and rectangular with a glowing blue eye.
Maybe I'm just hallucinating due to how much I want him to show up, though. ;_;
I knew the caravan was going to be an awesome vehicle.
[slides telltale five bucks] So are we getting to see Mr. Blake, or no? He def deserves to be the new CEO, and [slides another five] should have his old voice actor from BL1.
There was, posted a few hours before the release but I guess it's the same :P
It makes me sad that after Episode 4 releases, we'll be waiting for a final episode
I'm gone a month for a vacation and Telltale gives a release date? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS!?!?!
I think it's Finch rather than FIona
There, there, we'll be in this together.
Yvette is driving
Here's hoping this is just the first of many seasons to come.
Hopefully TFTB doesn't turn out to have only 1 season like TWAU.
The problem with Borderlands is when the outsource things. Pre-Sequel, for example, was a big letdown after BL2. The Claptrap DLC was made in-house, so it was way better. BL2 was in-house, and so was the Tiny Tina DLC. The Hammerlock DLC was outsourced, hence why it was so shit. I think I've shown the theme here.
Play through then go for Youtube, you will spend a lot of time running around trying to find way-points Who knew that Claptrap's brain was a chaotic maze in three dimensions? It did make me feel bad for ole Claptrap.
People are predicting A18 for the release, but I go away for three weeks on A17 D,:
Make that three of us
but by the time anyone realized the trailer was out the game was already here, and that close to the release, who even looks at the trailer
omg so very unlucky
I predict 25th for release, I hope for the 18th, I BELIEVE IN THE 11TH
woah. I left the internet alone for a few days, and suddenly, BOOM, news, b*tch! this month, eh? well that's awesome, wouldn't have time for it after this month
can't wait! where's the hype train? can I still jump up, or did it already left?
Can Someone Give Me A Fake Release Date? Like Aug 18. Idk It Bring Me Some Hype
aww what a cute dog
I wouldn't say it was a let down, it just wasn't as good, but it was still a good game with interesting mechanics and I loved the cryo ammo,and the lasers, with the lasers though I only like the beam types, like the vibra-pulse, huge amounts of electric damage and it heals you, massively useful against guardians
August Eleventh.
Just FYI, it's a common misconception that Gearbox did the Claptrap DLC, but it was actually pretty much entirely 2KAus.
Oh God, now I want that to be true!
Hmm, the vesty-thing does look like his, but I assumed it was a harness as the person has thinner and paler arms.
Is... Is that Claptrap in the center? I'm seeing something that looks yellow and rectangular with a glowing blue eye.
Maybe I'm just hallucinating due to how much I want him to show up, though. ;_;
But seriously, I stared at that for about 90 seconds thinking you were a crazy person and then suddenly it just clicked (like a magic eye painting) - It does kinda look like Clappy!
(also where the hell did I get the idea Rhys was there? I don't think he's any of those blobs...)
It feels strange...It has only been one month and we are already getting news and key art before we become insane due to the waiting.
We only got to the page 37, it's eerie... But then again we waited long enough last time, it pays off.
Aye, mate! About time we get rewarded for enduring so much wait.
Ahh ha! My 30% guarantee that minecraft was going to be the crowd play was 100% wrong about being guaranteed about being 30%
Here's a thought, y'know how tales from the borderlands comes from the borderlands series, what other GAME series would you most like to see be made into a telltale game?
I'd go with alien vs predator, there could be tons of potential with that, I loved the AVP 2010 game and I liked the aliens colonial marines game as well, despite how short it was.
The Xenomorphs (aliens) are awesome, it could show us as a group of people trying to hide and escape from them, kinda like the walking dead only without terrible endings with no real choice (kill kenny or kill jane)
Witcher series! That would be guarantee hit!
I Dont think poor clappy would ever want to go to helios ever again! lol
I'm all for that.
Maybe then Telltale would be encouraged enough to make an actual sex scene.