Ep 4 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PSN EU/NA/Xbox/iOS/Android Out Now



  • No seriously,this guy is a fuckin’ shaman.He knows exactly when to say these words.Don’t challenge him.

  • edited August 2015

    wow he he yelled at her?that's totally in line with her spitting in his face and hitting him.

    Mercyva posted: »

    IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO!! Well. we have huge gaps between where we see fiona in the past, and where she and rhys are now. why judge her whe


    Mercyva posted: »

    heyyy! welcome!

  • edited August 2015

    Why is your automatic assumption when Fiona is angry at Rhys 'Oh wow what a fucking bitch' rather than 'Wow I wonder what Rhys did..'?

    why would anyone hate her? because she acts like a complete bitch to rhys in the present?

  • edited August 2015

    Because i can see Fiona being a bitch and id have to assume Rhys did something to deserve her anger.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Why is your automatic assumption when Fiona is angry at Rhys 'Oh wow what a fucking bitch' rather than 'Wow I wonder what Rhys did..'?

  • My favorite unique shotgun would have to be the Casual Swordsplosion in the tiny tina dlc.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Oh Yeah THAT Mission was ONE of the reasons why i Hate this Dlc. It could've been so Awesome to Go hunting with sir Hammerlock. But there Ar

  • then how do they block shotgun blasts at point blank range, don't try and defend what cannot be defended

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I think that kinetic barriers don't work at point blank range

  • why they're cute!

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Flog61 posted: »


  • edited August 2015

    At the time she was yelling at Rhys you didn't know anything about her, so basically you assumed she was a bitch because she was a woman who disliked the male protagonist.

    Because i can see Fiona being a bitch and id have to assume Rhys did something to deserve her anger.

  • edited August 2015

    When did is say she was a bitch for yelling at Rhys?or that i even had any negative opinion of her that early on.

    Flog61 posted: »

    At the time she was yelling at Rhys you didn't know anything about her, so basically you assumed she was a bitch because she was a woman who disliked the male protagonist.

  • edited August 2015

    "she acts like a complete bitch to rhys in the present" <= quote from you, above.

    When did is say she was a bitch for yelling at Rhys?or that i even had any negative opinion of her that early on.

  • edited August 2015

    Again in what one of my post do i call her a bitch for simply yelling at Rhys.

    "At the time she was yelling at Rhys you didn't know anything about her"

    wells its a good thing i didn't pass judgement until episode 3

    Flog61 posted: »

    "she acts like a complete bitch to rhys in the present" <= quote from you, above.

  • All hail the great Poogs \o/

    ZapThroat posted: »

    No seriously,this guy is a fuckin’ shaman.He knows exactly when to say these words.Don’t challenge him.

  • edited August 2015

    Guys check out this interview with randy pitchford yesterday, promoting Battleborn, at 8:25 he talks about TFTBL EPISODE 4! OMG THE HYYPPPEEE! :D

    enter link description here

  • enter image description here

    Mercyva posted: »

    Guys check out this interview with randy pitchford yesterday, promoting Battleborn, at 8:25 he talks about TFTBL EPISODE 4! OMG THE HYYPPPEEE! enter link description here

  • that gif is actually a recording of HyperionTrash

  • Yes, because gender matters soooo much in this topic.

    I'm pretty sure OP would feel the same way if it was the other way around and Rhys yelling at Fiona.

    Flog61 posted: »

    At the time she was yelling at Rhys you didn't know anything about her, so basically you assumed she was a bitch because she was a woman who disliked the male protagonist.

  • Roland likely took a lot of shots during the Angel battle. What's to say his shield wasn't depleted and didn't have time to recharge?

    then how do they block shotgun blasts at point blank range, don't try and defend what cannot be defended

  • Welcome to the wonderful world of forums!

    Mercyva posted: »

    why they're cute!

  • They're right. It is me.

    that gif is actually a recording of HyperionTrash

  • I'm surprised how hyped this made me for Battleborn - Randy's enthusiasm is always so goddamn contagious!

    (and of course Tales, too - everything seems to be pointing to the fact that this is the episode where SHIT. GOES. DOWN. Gah, I need a hint at a release date so badly!)

    Mercyva posted: »

    Guys check out this interview with randy pitchford yesterday, promoting Battleborn, at 8:25 he talks about TFTBL EPISODE 4! OMG THE HYYPPPEEE! enter link description here

  • it takes like 4 seconds before shields recharge, there was more than enough time, and I don't care what type of gun handy J had, it would not be enough to kill a vault hunter in that speed

    Roland likely took a lot of shots during the Angel battle. What's to say his shield wasn't depleted and didn't have time to recharge?

  • ''They're about to release it''

    August 11th????? :(

    Mercyva posted: »

    Guys check out this interview with randy pitchford yesterday, promoting Battleborn, at 8:25 he talks about TFTBL EPISODE 4! OMG THE HYYPPPEEE! enter link description here

  • edited August 2015

    i would agree!! happy that battleborn will be released early next year instead of this year. because too many games!! i will surely get battleborn when it comes out! meanwhile tales EP4.. i hope it will be the longest.. since we will go to a completely new region! THE MOON/elpis. i hope we spend more time there. plus i hope we can wrap up certain plotlines.. and not leave it all to the finale.. like the stranger plotline, i want it to wrap up in EP4, and in the finale we go beyond that. like WHY he wanted us? will we go to sanctuary to meet the vaulthunters? i want the bigger picture in the finale. i hope tho :)

    I'm surprised how hyped this made me for Battleborn - Randy's enthusiasm is always so goddamn contagious! (and of course Tales, too - eve

  • his statement was too vague to be anything than it is. he just meant that what telltale already told us, sometime this month.. :)

    side note : i dont think it will be the 11th. i'm thinkiing the last week of this month which is the 25th. :) since the ''live play'' is only a few days later. so that would make sense :)

    Crips posted: »

    ''They're about to release it'' August 11th?????

  • A25? V_V

    Close to A26 this way, if you know what I talking about.

  • edited August 2015

    Yes, I know I would. It doesn't really matter what Rhys did or didn't do, sucker punching and spitting is childish behavior. As is constantly insulting someone. I would feel the same about it no matter what the gender, it's an issue of maturity and personal conduct. An adult understands that you might not be able to control how you feel about someone, but you can control how you act out your anger.
    If someone cuts me off in traffic I can chose to chase them down and punch them in the face at the next red light. I can lean on my horn and flip them the bird. Or, I can be mature and let up on the gas a little so I avoid the person and get on with my day. Fiona is choosing the first two options and she is rightfully being judged by her actions.

    Yes, because gender matters soooo much in this topic. I'm pretty sure OP would feel the same way if it was the other way around and Rhys yelling at Fiona.

  • Not to worry, I had a puppy who had the same problem. Hands you some paper towels

    They're right. It is me.

  • edited August 2015

    Take a break from preparing for Med school (to become a real (surgeron) Dr. Ted.), and come back to this. Ted blessed me.

  • It's nice to see they're actually doing something with Yvette. She just kind of appeared in the first game as a means to get on Pandora, then disappeared, only occasionally calling Rhys for 30 seconds per episode.

  • Um, I don't think they're going on Elpis, just Helios

    Mercyva posted: »

    i would agree!! happy that battleborn will be released early next year instead of this year. because too many games!! i will surely get batt

  • Yeah, I know, jk, I just want it to be released ASAP :P

    Mercyva posted: »

    his statement was too vague to be anything than it is. he just meant that what telltale already told us, sometime this month.. side note

  • as long as you're not making Skrakks and Spychos I'm fine

    Take a break from preparing for Med school (to become a real (surgeron) Dr. Ted.), and come back to this. Ted blessed me.

  • i know. i'm just hoping here. lol

    Crips posted: »

    Yeah, I know, jk, I just want it to be released ASAP :P

  • edited August 2015

    Finally someone with sense, its insane how you cant criticize a female character without someone claiming sexism

    Yes, because gender matters soooo much in this topic. I'm pretty sure OP would feel the same way if it was the other way around and Rhys yelling at Fiona.

  • He's also connected to the network. He would have to be in order to contact people via his arm, in fact, it would have to be a two way connection. Which makes me ponder what Jack is doing when he suddenly disappears. He would know the systems of Hyperion like no other and is savvy enough to have a couple of back doors in the programming that no one but he knows about.

    my thoughts on how hyperion keeps finding rhys, simple, they probably have a tracker inside that ROBOT ARM

  • This is great going to Helios. Rhys place of business, Handsome Jack's home/throne, the next piece of the Gorty's project, loader bots galore, Yvette will be there, so much more hijinks. I really hope it'll be a good damn episode.

  • Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. Its OK, I understand what you mean and I agree with you.

    Finally someone with sense, its insane how you cant criticize a female character without someone claiming sexism

  • Whatever the Pre Sequel lacked in story, it made up for its insanely cool settings. Not just Helios, but Elpis as well

    Mercyva posted: »

    i agree! that's why i loved TPS.

  • It made me want to know more about Jack before the vaults and his spiral into chaos. I wish the story had touched on that more. But the setting was awesome the combat was fun and I love the character interactions. Personally I find the game a lot more repayable than Borderlands 2.

    Whatever the Pre Sequel lacked in story, it made up for its insanely cool settings. Not just Helios, but Elpis as well

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