Yes. Tales ends with everyone going to Moxxi's bar, and drinking milkshakes, as Vallory and August stare into the window and look down at their sad bag of skittles.
Ha ha ha. Thats a good one! No cliff hangers around here! They will all go out and kill Vallory and her goons and then all go out for Milkshakes!
Well since school for me is starting on the last day of August I still have some time and me judging the Episode is gonna drop on 18th I wanted to know how you guys get through the wait and maybe how can I
I'm sorry, I really shouldn't be asking for details this important, who knows what would happen if you spoiled everyone's favorite flavor of milkshakes, way to spoiler-y, I really should ask for smaller teases like who lives and dies, y'know!?
Sometime between the wait of Episode 2 and 3, I bought all three Borderlands games (BL1, BL2, and BL: TPS) and all of the DLC's. These games have helped with the wait times. I've finished Borderlands 2 twice (both as Zer0, once in Normal and once in True Vault Hunter Mode, DLC's included), completed The Pre Sequel once and am currently playing again in True Vault Hunter Mode (as Wilhelm), and am playing Borderlands 1 with a few other people on the forums. Needless to say I've become somewhat addicted to Borderlands.
I'm sorry, I really shouldn't be asking for details this important, who knows what would happen if you spoiled everyone's favorite flavor of milkshakes, way to spoiler-y, I really should ask for smaller teases like who lives and dies, y'know!?
Thread: What Will Help You Wait For Episode 4?!
Well since school for me is starting on the last day of August I still have some time a… morend me judging the Episode is gonna drop on 18th I wanted to know how you guys get through the wait and maybe how can I
Sometime between the wait of Episode 2 and 3, I bought all three Borderlands games (BL1, BL2, and BL: TPS) and all of the DLC's. These games… more have helped with the wait times. I've finished Borderlands 2 twice (both as Zer0, once in Normal and once in True Vault Hunter Mode, DLC's included), completed The Pre Sequel once and am currently playing again in True Vault Hunter Mode (as Wilhelm), and am playing Borderlands 1 with a few other people on the forums. Needless to say I've become somewhat addicted to Borderlands.
Thread: What Will Help You Wait For Episode 4?!
Well since school for me is starting on the last day of August I still have some time a… morend me judging the Episode is gonna drop on 18th I wanted to know how you guys get through the wait and maybe how can I
Been collecting all the trophy of Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel! while studying. glad that made time go fast.........the trophy hunting not the studying that kill me
Like many others here I'm faffing about in BL2/TPS. Currently finishing the Holodome dlc, though to be honest it's kinda abysmally boring, being basically nothing but farming eridians and lost legion over and over.
I also randomly picked up Alpha Protocol, since that game is dirt cheap now and I've never played it before. An example of well done choice-effect mechanics, with choices that actually matter, unlike ehem, some other games I know , but the gameplay is... unpolished at best. And I suck at stealth games anyway.
Thread: What Will Help You Wait For Episode 4?!
Well since school for me is starting on the last day of August I still have some time a… morend me judging the Episode is gonna drop on 18th I wanted to know how you guys get through the wait and maybe how can I
Already beaten all 3 games and it DLC, finishing The Pre-Sequel! Trophy list since it the only one remaining to plat. Love the franchise so much
Borderlands- Mordecai was my main Vault Hunter,
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!- Wilhelm was my main one since i always wanted to play as a bad guy,
Borderlands 2- Krieg he is so far my favorite of all Vault Hunters in the series,
Sometime between the wait of Episode 2 and 3, I bought all three Borderlands games (BL1, BL2, and BL: TPS) and all of the DLC's. These games… more have helped with the wait times. I've finished Borderlands 2 twice (both as Zer0, once in Normal and once in True Vault Hunter Mode, DLC's included), completed The Pre Sequel once and am currently playing again in True Vault Hunter Mode (as Wilhelm), and am playing Borderlands 1 with a few other people on the forums. Needless to say I've become somewhat addicted to Borderlands.
Edit: Holy shit, whoever thought Ctrl + C was a good idea for new comment and not copy for the forum update really didnt know what they were… more thinking
YES, I HATE THIS! Now everytime I want to copy something, I have to right-click and then click copy. Come on Telltale, I'm too lazy for that! And I'm really used to Ctrl + C combo.
Edit: Holy shit, whoever thought Ctrl + C was a good idea for new comment and not copy for the forum update really didnt know what they were… more thinking
YES, I HATE THIS! Now everytime I want to copy something, I have to right-click and then click copy. Come on Telltale, I'm too lazy for that! And I'm really used to Ctrl + C combo.
Cheesus i was kinda offline here because my PC broke. But well, I return to see nothing has changed.. Quite awesome waiting and hoping with you guys
Cheesus i was kinda offline here because my PC broke. But well, I return to see nothing has changed.. Quite awesome waiting and hoping with you guys
Thread: What Will Help You Wait For Episode 4?!
Well since school for me is starting on the last day of August I still have some time a… morend me judging the Episode is gonna drop on 18th I wanted to know how you guys get through the wait and maybe how can I
Thread: What Will Help You Wait For Episode 4?!
Well since school for me is starting on the last day of August I still have some time a… morend me judging the Episode is gonna drop on 18th I wanted to know how you guys get through the wait and maybe how can I
Moon rocks that are good for fricassee in a bag
Oh, well why didn't they just say so. embraces inner psycho "I want to rip out your intestines and wear them as a scarf!"
Dammit Poogs, it's like you've played it already!
Great! What flavor milkshake does everyone get!
Dude, you know I can't just hand out spoilers like that!
(Gortys likes sprinkles)
Thread: What Will Help You Wait For Episode 4?!
Well since school for me is starting on the last day of August I still have some time and me judging the Episode is gonna drop on 18th I wanted to know how you guys get through the wait and maybe how can I
I'm sorry, I really shouldn't be asking for details this important, who knows what would happen if you spoiled everyone's favorite flavor of milkshakes, way to spoiler-y, I really should ask for smaller teases like who lives and dies, y'know!?
Sometime between the wait of Episode 2 and 3, I bought all three Borderlands games (BL1, BL2, and BL: TPS) and all of the DLC's. These games have helped with the wait times. I've finished Borderlands 2 twice (both as Zer0, once in Normal and once in True Vault Hunter Mode, DLC's included), completed The Pre Sequel once and am currently playing again in True Vault Hunter Mode (as Wilhelm), and am playing Borderlands 1 with a few other people on the forums. Needless to say I've become somewhat addicted to Borderlands.
You know, they did a Walking Dead and Game of Thrones game...
If only.
Right right. Pfft. Who would care if we found out who died, riiight? Ehh? Ehhh..?
I got like a 300kb update o.O
TellTale presents:
Breaking Bad, Bitch.
Play as Jesse Pinkman, as he Breaks Bad again, and "Bitch" is a valid option!
Things are looking up for A18.That's good.
... ... ... WOOOOO!!!
Borderlands 2.
And homework.
what system do you play on? need more co op partners for the 1st lol
Gave up smoking this week too, so a lot of knitting and climbing the walls.
Been collecting all the trophy of Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel! while studying. glad that made time go fast.........the trophy hunting not the studying that kill me
Like many others here I'm faffing about in BL2/TPS. Currently finishing the Holodome dlc, though to be honest it's kinda abysmally boring, being basically nothing but farming eridians and lost legion over and over.
I also randomly picked up Alpha Protocol, since that game is dirt cheap now and I've never played it before. An example of well done choice-effect mechanics, with choices that actually matter, unlike ehem, some other games I know
, but the gameplay is... unpolished at best. And I suck at stealth games anyway.
Already beaten all 3 games and it DLC, finishing The Pre-Sequel! Trophy list since it the only one remaining to plat. Love the franchise so much
Borderlands- Mordecai was my main Vault Hunter,
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!- Wilhelm was my main one since i always wanted to play as a bad guy,
Borderlands 2- Krieg he is so far my favorite of all Vault Hunters in the series,
I also had this problem, i will point it out to the web team to see if they can change or remove the hot key.
Screenshots this week, trailer next week, realese date A25
I'm trying so hard not to set myself up for disappointment by telling myself it's A25, but damn if things aren't looking good for A18...
Maybe it's the same flavour Roland liked.
ahhh BL2 references
Hopefully A18 isn't new F17 or I'll flip...
Cheesus i was kinda offline here because my PC broke. But well, I return to see nothing has changed.. Quite awesome waiting and hoping with you guys
That'd mean that the episode would come one month later.
pls no
Laura Perusco came out of the Telltale closet
Episode 4 is still showing as "Encrypted" at the moment.
Once it gets decrypted it will likely be added to that sub.
Spending time with my cousins.
PC, bought it on Steam.
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture's helping.