Yeah, I'll probably survive, and watching the EP3 trailer spoiled lots of stuff. Athena is your mentor, part of the opening credits, some of the reappearing characters, stuff from the end, so I knew, "Hey, I've seen almost everything in the trailer, the episode must be almost over." Among other things...
It's just this series is so good! Unlike other Telltale games, this one has the most killer waits... But I can do it!. I BELIEVE!!
...But the trailer did not stop me from adoring Gortys though.
you can do it! tbh i have never watched a trailer before playing the actual episode. they are well done, but watching the trailer for EP3 no… morew, i'm glad that i did not watch it back then!. because otherwise i would not be surprised about gortys being a robot, when the AI or whatever said ''Happy Birthday'' i was like WTTFF is this.. xD then it was the cute robot gortys, i was like ===
things like that that makes it worth the extra wait! i'll support you if you want to wait like me xD
I really liked TPS, but I felt like they could have done a lot more. Also, the australian gearbox put huge ass plot holes everywhere, many parts of their story were completely contradictory to what was already canon in BL2 and BL1.
I personally thought the story and characters were the best parts of TPS. Borderlands 2 had better gameplay, but the only character whose 'story' I actually cared about was Handsome Jack.
Not sure why anyone would be angry with any release in August. It is a month early compared to other episodes and what we would expect. Before or after crowd play, it's still a fast turn over that I'm happy about.
Alright, just a quick a list of our waiting, Ahem.
Forever Waiting
Using Memes
Angry comments about waiting
Rage Again
You and I waiting again
1 False hope
7 Months of waiting
Yeah, I'll probably survive, and watching the EP3 trailer spoiled lots of stuff. Athena is your mentor, part of the opening credits, some of… more the reappearing characters, stuff from the end, so I knew, "Hey, I've seen almost everything in the trailer, the episode must be almost over." Among other things...
It's just this series is so good! Unlike other Telltale games, this one has the most killer waits... But I can do it!. I BELIEVE!!
...But the trailer did not stop me from adoring Gortys though.
I agree. Like what they did for LIS.. I'm not one to be angry about review scores because not everyone likes what i like, but something about that score felt unfair.
Alright, just a quick a list of our waiting, Ahem.
Forever Waiting
Using Memes
Angry comments about waiting
Rage Again
You and I waiting again
1 False hope
7 Months of waiting
Hello there, I managed to make an account today. I love TFTB and I'm reaaaly hyped for EP4. If someone didn't post it earlier; I found Ep4 chapter list
• Chapter 1: Ain’t Got Time To Bleed
• Chapter 2: Alive And Not Afraid
• Chapter 3: Ain’t My First Rodeo
• Chapter 4: It’s Not The Years, It’s The Mileage
• Chapter 5: Light This Candle
• Chapter 6: No Matter Where You Go…
• Chapter 7: …There You Are
and I here is the comment I leave in a thread I follow about every third day just so I don't have to scroll so much next time. don't mind this comment sir, nothing to see her, just continue scrolling...
I silently have faith for A23 because is my birthdayy
So many people want the ep as a birthday gift!
Yeah, I'll probably survive, and watching the EP3 trailer spoiled lots of stuff. Athena is your mentor, part of the opening credits, some of the reappearing characters, stuff from the end, so I knew, "Hey, I've seen almost everything in the trailer, the episode must be almost over." Among other things...
It's just this series is so good! Unlike other Telltale games, this one has the most killer waits... But I can do it!. I BELIEVE!!
...But the trailer did not stop me from adoring Gortys though.
Where are you at?
I dont think it's much but..
IGN TFTBL Episode 4
Nah, they have one for ep 5 aswell.
Plus its IGN, they probably already gave it a 6 before they even played it.
Sooo, no news today. But tomorrow for sure. Right? Yeeeee, im right. This one is going to be the one!
Still 40 minutes here where I'm at for news. Yeah I'm going to bed now ._.
I mean you're just an obvious troll at this point
I really liked TPS, but I felt like they could have done a lot more. Also, the australian gearbox put huge ass plot holes everywhere, many parts of their story were completely contradictory to what was already canon in BL2 and BL1.
Not sure why anyone would be angry with any release in August. It is a month early compared to other episodes and what we would expect. Before or after crowd play, it's still a fast turn over that I'm happy about.
Oh god..I see the message!
Tomorrow for sure...
Yep Thinking that punching someone goes far beyond yelling at them makes me a troll
Last year i got episode 5 of twd s2 so
Hah.I got it right in a way,that we will get stuff on 11th August
Yes. I agree again on the athena part, i was surprised when she showed up! But like you said, if i had watched the trailer i wouldn't have
I agree. Like what they did for LIS.. I'm not one to be angry about review scores because not everyone likes what i like, but something about that score felt unfair.
Goodmorning all! Just woke up
hope we get something today!
We got,lel,it is the news that the press was given out.
Just thought of something, can you imagine if Rhys or Vaughn ran into Krieg the psycho!
here is a map for the games from then and now
No logic time
This is so sad, yet beautiful! #Neverforget
Hello there, I managed to make an account today. I love TFTB and I'm reaaaly hyped for EP4. If someone didn't post it earlier; I found Ep4 chapter list
• Chapter 1: Ain’t Got Time To Bleed
• Chapter 2: Alive And Not Afraid
• Chapter 3: Ain’t My First Rodeo
• Chapter 4: It’s Not The Years, It’s The Mileage
• Chapter 5: Light This Candle
• Chapter 6: No Matter Where You Go…
• Chapter 7: …There You Are
No news today?:(
yeah i know. i dont think its a spoiler tho? we have those achievements on steam way back when ep1 was released.. oh well
and I here is the comment I leave in a thread I follow about every third day just so I don't have to scroll so much next time. don't mind this comment sir, nothing to see her, just continue scrolling...
Totally called it guis.
August 18th release date most likely and an announcement of a season 2. I'm like 15% sure
we should have faith in your dates more xD
You goofed once but you made up for it