EP4 SPOILERS = The Stranger's Identity? (UPDATED)



  • probably timmy I know where youre coming from

    blue_pen posted: »

    I love reading everyone's Stranger theories! I hope it's a bloody Eridian, and we will all be WTF-ing. Meanwhile, the psychedelic cat rainbo

  • yeah i actually like this idea more than it being vaughn..

    blue_pen posted: »

    I love reading everyone's Stranger theories! I hope it's a bloody Eridian, and we will all be WTF-ing. Meanwhile, the psychedelic cat rainbo

  • edited July 2015

    Alt text
    A height chart to help you all with your speculating. Original post here.

    Edit: More charts

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  • Ah, this is perfect thank you!

    Damn, The Stranger is tall... I think this blows the Vaughn theories out of the water (unless he's standing on a psycho's shoulders).

    This has just added more fuel to the Timothy theory's flame, though (and August, I suppose, but #SaveTimothy and all...)

    A height chart to help you all with your speculating. Original post here. Edit: More charts Source Source All Links

  • I think this is precisely the reason why Timothy would work so well - it's sort of a double twist for those who don't know the series.

    Their instant reaction will be that Jack's somehow alive, which would be shocking, but then, nope - tricked you!

    I guess it is someone that no one would ever guess im going to say lee but a borderlands parody that would be funny but being serious its p

  • There was a great thread speculating Timmy was The Stranger all the way back in December, that raised similar points to yours and that pops back up every now and again.


    I agreed then and I agree now (but I do fear it's wishful thinking on my part)!

    blue_pen posted: »

    I love reading everyone's Stranger theories! I hope it's a bloody Eridian, and we will all be WTF-ing. Meanwhile, the psychedelic cat rainbo

  • not quite

    TK is dead

  • edited July 2015

    yeahh, but whyyyy tho. what would timothy want with fiona or rhys, i think that question would be easily answered, but timothy have a different aura about him. he's funny, sarcastic and kinda loooooonyyy lol. the stranger is more awkward and kinda stiff.. plus he favours fiona, which means he has a hate thing for either rhys or what he represent = hyperian.! but i like the idea tho, its just bizzare for people like me who know so much about borderlands, for new players to the series they may be surprise or even like the idea, but for me, timothy is not at all like the stranger but to each their own..

    I think this is precisely the reason why Timothy would work so well - it's sort of a double twist for those who don't know the series. Their instant reaction will be that Jack's somehow alive, which would be shocking, but then, nope - tricked you!

  • Damn, The Stranger is tall...

    yuuupppppp... you see where i'm coming from? lol.. i told ya he was way too tall to be vaughn. plus he's chubbier.. :)

    Ah, this is perfect thank you! Damn, The Stranger is tall... I think this blows the Vaughn theories out of the water (unless he's standin

  • As much as I'd like for Tims to make an appearance, and how odd it seems to me he's the only VH not accounted for atm, I have to admit the Stranger doesn't give out a Timothy vibe at all for me. And I guess it could be justified by claiming 'he's been through shit and it changed his personality', but that'd feel really cheep imo.

    The way I see it, while the Stranger may be a bit awkward at times, he(?) still seems very much in control, and overall acts rather self-assured and threatening, something Tim never managed to do in any circumstance. Tims was a miserable guy in a bad situation just trying to get by - that never changed. I kinda feel like making him the Stranger would be a violation of his character in a way...

    That said, I do hope he'll make an appearance, if not in TFTB than in BL3, honestly it would be weird if they included everyone, even Aurelia, but not Tim.

    Mercyva posted: »

    yeahh, but whyyyy tho. what would timothy want with fiona or rhys, i think that question would be easily answered, but timothy have a differ

  • i love Aurelia, even tho she's not everyone's cup of tea, she's hilarious. i loved playing as her :)

    As much as I'd like for Tims to make an appearance, and how odd it seems to me he's the only VH not accounted for atm, I have to admit the S

  • I always thought he could have bulked up by wearing more layers - but unless he's wearing stilts that much height would be very difficult to achieve.

    I'm kind of relieved, I hated my reasons for Vaughn's (potential) transformation - I just want to be bros, bro!

    Mercyva posted: »

    Damn, The Stranger is tall... yuuupppppp... you see where i'm coming from? lol.. i told ya he was way too tall to be vaughn. plus he's chubbier..

  • It's either August or Timothy. My money on both.



    I always thought he could have bulked up by wearing more layers - but unless he's wearing stilts that much height would be very difficult to

  • yeah i understand! also the stranger seem to favour fiona more than rhys, my bet is that he/she is a pandoran. meaning he/she either dislike rhys OR what he represent = hyperian.. just a thought..

    I always thought he could have bulked up by wearing more layers - but unless he's wearing stilts that much height would be very difficult to

  • Well, whoever it is I really hope it's someone from TFTBL. As someone that hasn't actually played any other Borderland games it'd be pretty disappointing to learn it's just some random character I don't know.

  • I wont dismiss any fan who have not played borderlands even tho its a great shooter, but i'd rather have it be someone that shocks me in a good way rather than it being vaughn lets say, just because people who only played tftbl know.. i'd say all my favourite characters are not even on tftbl! so imagine all those cool people for them to be the stranger.. again, i dont disregard your comment, but i'd rather to be shocked in a good way rather than it being someone lame or lackluster is the word... they (telltale) build up the mystery behind the stranger, i dont want that mystery to be revield for it to be a disappointment. :)

    Well, whoever it is I really hope it's someone from TFTBL. As someone that hasn't actually played any other Borderland games it'd be pretty disappointing to learn it's just some random character I don't know.

  • True, though there are some select exceptions to this.

    What you just said is 99% correct!

    But a man named Tim makes up the 1%...

    Well, whoever it is I really hope it's someone from TFTBL. As someone that hasn't actually played any other Borderland games it'd be pretty disappointing to learn it's just some random character I don't know.

  • oh, Tim...... glad you agree :D

    True, though there are some select exceptions to this. What you just said is 99% correct! But a man named Tim makes up the 1%...

  • The stranger cant be one of the people who were with Rhys and Fiona. because he seems oblivious to every part of the story. Maybe he's a vault hunter. I just hope they dont do a GoT episode 5 scenario again like with the traitor thing.

  • i agree with you... the traitor thing was badly handled in GoT. i really hope they dont go there... and yes, i do believe that its someone who was with them. especially the whole dome part.

    The stranger cant be one of the people who were with Rhys and Fiona. because he seems oblivious to every part of the story. Maybe he's a vault hunter. I just hope they dont do a GoT episode 5 scenario again like with the traitor thing.

  • Praise be unto him.

    Felix will pull a "I got lucky, reaaaaal lucky". If not Felix, then Vasquez (Which I doubt anyway). No disrespect to the great lord Kenny, I'm just intending pun

  • I feel it's either Tim or Vaughn. Most likely Vaughn as I don't think TellTale would make it someone from outside the game and if Vaughn isn't in episode 4, it's pretty much confirmed, but the similarities ti Timothy uncanny.

    blue_pen posted: »

    I love reading everyone's Stranger theories! I hope it's a bloody Eridian, and we will all be WTF-ing. Meanwhile, the psychedelic cat rainbo

  • Welcome

    Mercyva posted: »

    aw thanks! The_Zombie_killa_52 many seem to disagree and thats okay, curious to think what people theories are

  • The Stranger is Gared Tuttle.

    The North Grove is a Vault.

  • I think the strenger is actually Marcus. Because he tells the Tale in the First Place because Rhys and Fiona Told him the Story. He tells the Story probably to the Orphan Army.

  • edited August 2015

    Good thinking!! :) ... but the way the stranger talks, interact, plus marcus is RICH! i dont think he ''do'' stuff, just like moxxi, they prefer to hire up vaulthunters to do their dirty work. marcus can actually pay up vaulthunters... i can see your point, but i dont believe that marcus would actually kidnap fiona/rhys n' stuff, he's too lazy/rich for that xD but you have a good point!

    GSSalvador posted: »

    I think the strenger is actually Marcus. Because he tells the Tale in the First Place because Rhys and Fiona Told him the Story. He tells the Story probably to the Orphan Army.

  • no

    enter image description here

    The Stranger is Gared Tuttle. The North Grove is a Vault.

  • i do agree, that the stranger is either someone we know FROM Tales cast that we've seen or heard of already ONLY, OR it could be someone they have created..... but i dont think its vaughn or timothy..

    I feel it's either Tim or Vaughn. Most likely Vaughn as I don't think TellTale would make it someone from outside the game and if Vaughn isn't in episode 4, it's pretty much confirmed, but the similarities ti Timothy uncanny.

  • Well he is Not Really Rich because Hyperion kicked him out of Business. But it would Match His character. And the Body size Matches too. And through His Voice modulator he doesnt Sound like he does. Because everybody would recognize him due His Accent.

    Mercyva posted: »

    Good thinking!! ... but the way the stranger talks, interact, plus marcus is RICH! i dont think he ''do'' stuff, just like moxxi, they pref

  • And the Body size Matches too.

    I'm not sure about that. Marcus has quite the beer gut:

    enter image description here

    Maybe he got really into Zumba + The Paleo Diet post-BL2, though...?

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Well he is Not Really Rich because Hyperion kicked him out of Business. But it would Match His character. And the Body size Matches too. And

  • Plus infinity points for use of Douglas Reynholm/Matt Berry gif.

    enter image description here

    Mercyva posted: »


  • no... you didn't. lol

    enter image description here

    Plus infinity points for use of Douglas Reynholm/Matt Berry gif.

  • edited August 2015

    marcus is considered rich, considering the majority of pandora's population xD ... plus moxxi was his ex wife! and you know that bxtch dont marry just anyone (jk love ya moxx) xD LOL

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Well he is Not Really Rich because Hyperion kicked him out of Business. But it would Match His character. And the Body size Matches too. And

  • Marcus has quite the beer gut

    enter image description here

    And the Body size Matches too. I'm not sure about that. Marcus has quite the beer gut: Maybe he got really into Zumba + The Paleo Diet post-BL2, though...?

  • He's actually cool with being fat. According to the Mercenary Day DLC, he deliberately got fat to look ruthless.

    Mercyva posted: »

    Marcus has quite the beer gut

  • Anyway, I'm equally hoping it's August or Timothy. Both are cool and likeable.

    Mercyva posted: »

    yeah i understand! also the stranger seem to favour fiona more than rhys, my bet is that he/she is a pandoran. meaning he/she either dislike rhys OR what he represent = hyperian.. just a thought..

  • Oh, man, that release date! So close!

    I started a replay (yet another, damn you, Telltale!), and was going back and forth with the identity of the Stranger again. Whilst I really like the idea of it being Marcus, I would be surprised if it is him, as there would have been no reason to hide his identity in the first place. Marcus kidnapping Rhys/Fiona and making them tell their stories/Gortys would have worked well enough as a compelling storytelling device without needing to hide his identity. That could have been really entertaining, actually!

    Even from the beginning, when Fiona complains that she's been there for hours and why didn't the Stranger get her to tell her story first, the Stranger's reply is a hilariously awkward. August would have justification for not asking her first (he already knows a lot of Fiona's story), and if the Stranger is Timothy, he's never been very good at improvisation and staying 100% in character. (I'm assuming it'd be his first time he's ever kidnapped anyone, it'd be easy to make mistakes.)

    I know this has been talked about, too, but it's interesting that the Stranger seems more companionable with Fiona over the episodes than with Rhys. August was on speaking terms with Fiona, but as of Episode 3, he still seems to hold a pretty strong grudge over what Fiona/Sasha did - I would have thought he'd be more likely to side with Rhys instead. (Unless Rhys screws them all over in the next two episodes.) For me it makes a bit more sense that Timothy would be against Rhys, for bringing back and/or helping Handsome Jack. Or possibly now running Hyperion! Bring on the next two episodes.

    The character itself is interesting (as people were discussing above) because the Stranger is fairly cold and straightforward, albeit quite awkward at times. These things are fairly in line with August's character. It's not too out of the realm of possibility for Timothy either, as since the events of the Pre-Sequel he's probably spent his time on Pandora, trying to keep on the down-low as much as possible. Pandora's not the kindest of places, and becoming a bit more hardened is fairly natural projection for Timothy's character considering the circumstances.

    Depending on which skill-trees you go with too, Timothy's in-game shout outs can change a bit in the TPS. The Hero of the Story tree keeps his shout outs more silly and awkward, but if you select skills from the Greater Good/Free Enterprise tree, he becomes a lot more confident and cocky, more in line with Jack.

    PRE-RELEASE EPISODE 4 SCREENSHOT MENTION: To be honest, I actually went back to Tim as the Stranger again a bit after seeing the pre-release screenshots for Episode 4. All the Handsome Jack masks/cult(?)/propaganda, plus a psycho wearing someone's face on top of its mask. It'd be an interesting contrast to have all these employees trying to emulate and worship Handsome Jack (Rhys included), but then the one person who is the closest thing to a living Handsome Jack doesn't want anything to do with it, and keeps his voice and face hidden. As a nice little metaphor, poor Timothy is basically wearing two layers of masks, like the psycho.

    To be honest, the main thing going against Timothy for me is a bit of character/brand dilution - it's a bit harder to advertise for both TftB/BL3 - 'this is the guy who looks exactly like Handsome Jack but isn't Jack at all!' But, hey, Anthony Burch said Timothy can still grow a beard post Jack-surgery, so some interesting things could be done with character design to separate him from Jack. If we're going to end up with Rhys/Jack/Rhys-Jack-hybrid with Troy Baker's voice, it'd be such a shame to lose Dameon Clarke from the franchise.

    ...there's probably some lovely Telltale staffer having a giggle that the Stranger isn't Timothy or August at all. Damn you and your sexy intrigue, Telltale! You have me hooked!

  • edited August 2015

    Z is a killing machine who's pretty arrogant, but yes, he is way nicer.

    And has 20000% more Metal Gear references.

    The_Duck posted: »

    Zer0 seems a LOT nicer than the Stranger.

  • i dont like august that much, if if the stranger was august, i would be like... ummmmmmmm... ok..... now fxck off xD

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Anyway, I'm equally hoping it's August or Timothy. Both are cool and likeable.

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