Yeah, it baffles me that most reviewers didn't give that episode good scores, yet all the fans ADORE episode 4. It truly is the pinnacle of the series... So, I wonder what will happen next...
Wait, do you mean the plan when they are breaking into the bandit base? or the one at the VERY BEGINNING of the game. If it is the latter, I don't remember it at ALL.
Okay, the Twitter replies helped a bit. One person said: "I hope this is a Dr Strangelove reference". So, I searched up [Dr Strangelove step 3] and it gave me (in the description of a website): " (3) shoot first and ask questions later.
In terms of borderlands, this makes a lot of sense.
Okay, the Twitter replies helped a bit. One person said: "I hope this is a Dr Strangelove reference". So, I searched up [Dr Strangelove step… more 3] and it gave me (in the description of a website): " (3) shoot first and ask questions later.
In terms of borderlands, this makes a lot of sense.
Yeah, it baffles me that most reviewers didn't give that episode good scores, yet all the fans ADORE episode 4. It truly is the pinnacle of the series... So, I wonder what will happen next...
I had to create an account FINALLY! hello to everyone!
(the first thing is that I'm from Spain and maybe I make a few mistakes when writing… more. Sorry in advance)
soo, that's the point. I'm the only one who is worrying like hell for this capture?
Those eyebrows are from Vaughn?
i mean, at first sight appear yours :S maybe it's just a silly thought. I'm just too hyped to think clearly
Hate to be a party pooper, but did anyone else realize that Vaughn is not in any of the screen shots? even the one with everyone walking towards the camera?
Well, he's only seen fighting another loader in the title card, who is probably this douchenozzle.
God, I hate these. Plus BUL Loaders (except Loader Bot, of course), ION Loaders, RPG Loaders, Badass Loaders and EXP LOADERS. FUCK EXP LOADERS. FUCK. THEM.
You guys... I freakin LOVE seeing the excitement for this episode, it's so contagious that I'm desperate for it to come out too just so I can hear your thoughts!
You guys... I freakin LOVE seeing the excitement for this episode, it's so contagious that I'm desperate for it to come out too just so I can hear your thoughts!
You guys... I freakin LOVE seeing the excitement for this episode, it's so contagious that I'm desperate for it to come out too just so I can hear your thoughts!
Buttstallion was in the release pictures. hitting the episode will be heavey based on Handsome Jack. people love HJ they love his humour I don't think anyone will hate this episode
You guys... I freakin LOVE seeing the excitement for this episode, it's so contagious that I'm desperate for it to come out too just so I can hear your thoughts!
You guys... I freakin LOVE seeing the excitement for this episode, it's so contagious that I'm desperate for it to come out too just so I can hear your thoughts!
To ign
Yeah, it baffles me that most reviewers didn't give that episode good scores, yet all the fans ADORE episode 4. It truly is the pinnacle of the series... So, I wonder what will happen next...
Wait, do you mean the plan when they are breaking into the bandit base? or the one at the VERY BEGINNING of the game. If it is the latter, I don't remember it at ALL.
Edit: Never mind, look at my reply down below
Hail to the King!
Oh my god! Butt Stallion!
Okay, the Twitter replies helped a bit. One person said: "I hope this is a Dr Strangelove reference". So, I searched up [Dr Strangelove step 3] and it gave me (in the description of a website): " (3) shoot first and ask questions later.
In terms of borderlands, this makes a lot of sense.
Right on my Birthday
Ahh we're on to sumfin
Even I thought Episode 4 of Life is Strange was great, and I've probably been one of the series' biggest detractors.
It just came to me, but I remembered that Loader Bot is actually supposed to die in this episode. :,(
When I look closer at the image it actually looks like a psycho cut vaughn's face off and stapled it to his mask!
Look at the mouth and the eyes and it kinda looks like parts of the mask underneath.
Maybe its all just reused/bad texturing.
Hate to be a party pooper, but did anyone else realize that Vaughn is not in any of the screen shots? even the one with everyone walking towards the camera?
Maybe 38%
Vaughn is going to make it onto Helios and get fucking caught trying to steal some food.
I whant... Timothy... please T^T
Oh awesome we have a release date and pictures. @Handsomejack looks like we are going to find about what happen to your pet.
And then the heist turns into "We got the piece but we need to save this guy's mighty abs and his life ASAP."
(Assuming he still looks like that.)
Well, he's only seen fighting another loader in the title card, who is probably this douchenozzle.
God, I hate these. Plus BUL Loaders (except Loader Bot, of course), ION Loaders, RPG Loaders, Badass Loaders and EXP LOADERS. FUCK EXP LOADERS. FUCK. THEM.
That Job, always with the spoilers!!!
... But seriously, Step Three.
August 19th
You guys... I freakin LOVE seeing the excitement for this episode, it's so contagious that I'm desperate for it to come out too just so I can hear your thoughts!
i guess my time on this forum is up then PEACE
EDIT: forgot the most important question though
what is step 3
Well, step one is collect underpants.
Step 3 is profit. Or if they went dark with it, step 3 is the needle.
I don't think anyone would be angry if it leaked a lil early
Hint I'm on xbox
You just wait. This forum is gonna explode on A18
Hopefully not with hate...
You should have added this :P
-Too much space
Buttstallion was in the release pictures. hitting the episode will be heavey based on Handsome Jack. people love HJ they love his humour I don't think anyone will hate this episode
Same here, mate. This forum will go nuts in 5 days.
Too Much Talking. 6/10
I've been checking tales on Xbox everyday hoping it leaks early lol
The picture of Rhys punching out the psycho reminded me of this
Joker just got pwned by Shaggy.
Well, you can't spell Ignorant without IGN
You can pull a Scott Cawthon and release it today, no one would mind :P