Ep 4 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PSN EU/NA/Xbox/iOS/Android Out Now



  • He is, in a form of this lovely psycho mask. (speculation)

    Hate to be a party pooper, but did anyone else realize that Vaughn is not in any of the screen shots? even the one with everyone walking towards the camera?

  • some are speculating that that psycho's mask is Vaugh's face.... D:

  • Wait, since the cover in the menu features 2 Loader Bots fighting and one of htme is our Loader bot almost for sure, what if he gets upgraded with the guns he didn't get in episode 1? Like, if in EP1 he was given the Machine Gun and Rockets, in here he'll get the Shield and the Grenades and vice versa

  • Whoever forgot to feed her is going to be thankful Jack no longer has strangling capabilities (unless he uses Rhys' puny arms)...

    Holy shit it's Butt Stalion, I kind of want to see what Handsome Jack's reaction will be upon seeing his pony stuffed.

  • I'll make a bet that episode will end with either the Stranger revealing himself as Timmothy.
    Or, the more far fetched... Jack takes over Rhys body and we find out he's been trying to act like Rhys the whole in the present scenes. I mean it would explain why in present scenes some of his dialogue options are quite different from rhys in the past

  • Fuck, I remember that Episode. Good times.

    The picture of Rhys punching out the psycho reminded me of this

  • enter image description here

    Crips posted: »

    You don't know of Butt Stallion...? @HandsomeJack solve this

  • living unicorn made entirely of diamonds

    Pandoracorn - note the dual horn.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    what the hell is going on with that unicorn? You haven't heard of Buttstalion? Handsome Jack's living unicorn made entirely of diamonds?

  • He announced it over the ECHOnet numerous times after her death (when he rescinded the bounty on the Vault Hunters saying he wanted to kill them himself).

    AChicken posted: »

    I feel like the whole gang will "find out" about Angel. I don't think any of them knows he had a daughter.

  • Me finding out about the new screenshots: The Handsome Jack cult is real. Hyperion makes eridium sacrifices to their Buttstalion idol awaiting the return of their leader. One day he will be ressurected. The day is coming.

  • I definitely see boots more than Rhys' arm - they do kinda look Hyperion Yellow©, though - maybe part of a loader?

    shioku posted: »

    I just discovered (ty Lilacsbloom) that on top of the image to cult of buttstalion, hides something else. This is Rhy's robotic arm! jajajaja He must be stuck between the horns or the crown, or perhaps falling from somewhere.

  • Dat swagger, tho...

    enter image description here

    Since Jack was missing from the epic strut, and No one puts Baby..er Jack..in the corner!

  • Ugh, I do too - but after frickin' Felicity and our Loader Bot I find myself apologising every time I pull the trigger on one.

    Actually, the same can be said about psychos and bandits -I'VE KILLED SO MANY MEAT BUDDIES, FORGIVE ME!!!

    Goddammit, TT, stop humanising the canon fodder...

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Well, he's only seen fighting another loader in the title card, who is probably this douchenozzle. God, I hate these. Plus BUL Loader

  • @Handsomejack looks like we are going to find about what happen to your pet.

    If they add a reference to Timothy and Angel on top of Butt Stallion, I will honestly spend the entire episode squealing (which considering the episodes release late at night in my timezone, and my apartment has paper-thin walls, my neighbours are not going to be as happy as I am)!

    Oh awesome we have a release date and pictures. @Handsomejack looks like we are going to find about what happen to your pet.

  • F17

    Melonman978 posted: »

    You did. Now tell me when episode 5 is coming.


    shioku posted: »

    I had to create an account FINALLY! hello to everyone! (the first thing is that I'm from Spain and maybe I make a few mistakes when writing

  • Damn, for a sec I thought this was legit. :D

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Early Ign review everyone

  • I dunno the chin looks kinda weird, maybe it had to be shaved off in the mask-ifcation process.

    Nah, there's no way it's Vaughn. There's no way...

    hemserreh posted: »


  • :P That would be golden

    @Handsomejack looks like we are going to find about what happen to your pet. If they add a reference to Timothy and Angel on top of

  • I speculated that at the end of ep 3:

    I just found that a lot of this episode focused on Vaughn's insecurities (much more obviously in the "choose Jack" playthrough - but enough to be a notable theme in both), and how he doesn't feel like a badass when compared to the people around him. He feels worthless in comparison, and he had that tiny glimpse of power in episode two before realising that even in the badass wasteland of Pandora everyone still sees him as a geeky sidekick. He may have felt more powerful than when he was tabulating figures on Helios, but no matter how many awesome things he does on Pandora he still plays second fiddle to everyone else (hell, people think the two robots are more capable than him)!

    I think he wants to make a power play to prove that he's smarter, stronger and tougher than all of them combined - and the only way for him to do that is to conceal his appearance (which he speaks about a lot in the Jack playthrough - noting that Rhys is every bit as nerdy as him, but gets away with it because of the way he looks/his confidence). Like everyone else on Helios, his role model is Handsome Jack - and what does Handsome Jack's story tell you? Put on a mask, act confident and you'll rule the galaxy (or die trying). Isn't that exactly what The Stranger is doing?

    I also think that this very likely means that he's set himself up a nice little deal with Vallory - and perhaps that there was more to Vasquez's deal than meets the eye (what if he had something really dodgy set up with Vasquez and now that he's dead he's screwed and needs to do something drastic?)

    And I kind of sympathise with him. I made sure to be super nice and promise him that I wouldn't leave him - and then literally the next scene I'm (admittedly forced) to ditch him and go make kissy faces at Sasha - that actually disappointed me a bit, I made a promise and the game forced me to rescind that promise - not cool.

    Sadly, I think the height discrepancy between the two disproves it, though...

    Wigams posted: »

    It'd be funny if the stranger is Vaughn and he feels really betrayed by us. (he gets left behind either way)

  • Vaughn is not going to turn into a Psycho...He's not a Psycho...He's fin-

    enter image description here

    Crips posted: »

    He is, in a form of this lovely psycho mask. (speculation)

  • The Handsome Jack cult is real.

    @The_Greasy_Broccoli is going to be pissed that he and Ted have competition...

    mirashade posted: »

    Me finding out about the new screenshots: The Handsome Jack cult is real. Hyperion makes eridium sacrifices to their Buttstalion idol awaiting the return of their leader. One day he will be ressurected. The day is coming.

  • Don't we normally have a hint about the episode length by now?

    :unsubtly stares at @puzzlebox:



  • Also, the screencap itself can be seen as a reference to Dr Strangelove's most (in)famous scene:

    enter image description here

    AChicken posted: »

    Okay, the Twitter replies helped a bit. One person said: "I hope this is a Dr Strangelove reference". So, I searched up [Dr Strangelove step

  • We would be even more excited if someone at TT would ,,accidentally" push the release button ;)

    puzzlebox posted: »

    You guys... I freakin LOVE seeing the excitement for this episode, it's so contagious that I'm desperate for it to come out too just so I can hear your thoughts!

  • Really He's always been the greater cult, it's just that His followers never truly realized where they belonged until this moment. It has now been revealed to all the Handsome Jack fans that He is not only deserving of love, but is truly a god worthy of worship. Hail to His Handsomeness! Hail!

    *cough cough * Or at least that's how I imagine HJ fans would react. If I were one. But I hate him. What a... horrible guy. Yep.

    The Handsome Jack cult is real. @The_Greasy_Broccoli is going to be pissed that he and Ted have competition...

  • FUCK D: the face on the psycho's mask looks a lot like Vaughn

  • WoW I knew It iOS Should Take 2 Days To Be Available... ;-;

  • It doesn't exactly look like him.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    some are speculating that that psycho's mask is Vaugh's face....

  • I have beaten so many Engineers, LWT Loaders, Combat Engineers forced into battle and Midgets to death that I feel kinda bad.

    Then I remember that they were trying to kill me.

    Ugh, I do too - but after frickin' Felicity and our Loader Bot I find myself apologising every time I pull the trigger on one. Actually,

  • You can usually get it a day earlier on Android, not sure about ios.

    Bounphitak posted: »

    WoW I knew It iOS Should Take 2 Days To Be Available... ;-;

  • Ah shit. Now we're gonna have to deal with a Gang War between the cults. Just what Rhys and co needed-to be caught up in the middle of a nasty turf war.

    The Handsome Jack cult is real. @The_Greasy_Broccoli is going to be pissed that he and Ted have competition...

  • Perhaps, for the creepiness factor, there would be a plaque going "In loving memory..", accompanied by a portrait of Angel and...uh...her open casket.

    As for Timothy, how about Wanted posters of him everywhere, or past propaganda posters featuring him that have graffiti scrawled all over them and words like "TRAITOR", "TREASON", "COWARD" and "UGLY."

    @Handsomejack looks like we are going to find about what happen to your pet. If they add a reference to Timothy and Angel on top of

  • Both of those are so awesome (and so messed up)!

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Perhaps, for the creepiness factor, there would be a plaque going "In loving memory..", accompanied by a portrait of Angel and...uh...her op

  • I was right too.I predicted that like 4 days ago.I got right episode 2-4 the release date.


  • try this: http://agar.io/ or you could start watching my little pony. just an idea.

    I'm so bored I'm doing another playthrough of Watch Dogs.

  • not...quite. even if it would be vaughns face, rhys wouldn't smile in such a way

    AstroZombie posted: »

    FUCK the face on the psycho's mask looks a lot like Vaughn

  • edited August 2015

    The thing that would make me literally geek out is if that Helios is FILLED with 1984 references.

    BL2 already has a crapton o' references to the book, and Jack's pretty similar to an (egotistic) Big Brother. But IMAGINE. THE POSTERS! THE SECURITY CAMERAS! RANDOM WORKERS GETTING MURDERED FOR NO REASON!

    Both of those are so awesome (and so messed up)!

  • Please tell me the episode isn't drastically cut down in length because of the shorter release date D:

    puzzlebox posted: »

    You guys... I freakin LOVE seeing the excitement for this episode, it's so contagious that I'm desperate for it to come out too just so I can hear your thoughts!

  • edited August 2015

    He actually made a joke about accidentally releasing FNAF 4 real early. Again.

    Luckily, he also had the Halloween DLC as his Plan B for once.

    Crips posted: »

    You can pull a Scott Cawthon and release it today, no one would mind :P

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