Well gosh, thanks! I had a blast being on the awesome team of TftBL writers and it's been so amazing to watch the fandom for it grow and expand since it premiered. Such an honor to have been a part of a game that people care about so much!
Timothy has 7 letters in it. Handsome Jack has 12. 12 - 7 = 5. There are 5 episodes in TftB. An episode is 2 hours long. 2. There are 2 play… moreable characters in Tales from the Borderlands, Rhys and Fiona. Their names together equal 9 letters. 9. There are 9 main characters on Helios (Rhys, Fiona, Sasha, Kroger, Finch, August, Gortys, Yvette, Jack). Helios. Helios is Hyperions command center. It has one eye. What else has one eye? Mike Wazowski. Mike has 4 letters in it. There have been 4 TftB episodes so far. There is only one episode not out yet. One. The illuminati symbol has one eye.
TftB is illuminati confirmed.
Someone's going to come in here because s/he saw all of these new comments and is going to be so disappointed because there's no news.
You should disable auto on your phone
Shhh.. We are soooo constructive
Oh, you guys are so funny!
Pretending you didn't know it was me!
I love you guys!
No no, I was just correcting your mistake!
You obviously didn't mean 'loser'!
Argh... aren't you dead yet ? For a couple minutes I really thought BNK3R would be back
Sure let's say that.
"Finally, they thought updates were coming up! And then Claptrap said something stupid and ruined everything."
Oh man, you minions really are the jokesters!
Yep, just happened to me...
Same here,brother..
Yes, thank you for writing a truely epic story and perfectly getting the Borderlands spirit!
Well, at least the comments were entertaining.
Just happened to me too....
But atleast the comments made me laugh!
you guys are awesome
Ha the comments worked.
All according to the plan...
enter link description here
I think this might have been my favorite string of comments ever. :P
(Also, I am going to be extremely sad if Claptrap doesn't show up.)
Thanks bruh :>
@OfficialSheriffMaybe (I Only referred myself in Third-Person for testing)
(Apparently you can't notify urself)
The moment we get a release date, I am going to replay every episodes again.
Tales From The Illuminati
and blind
Just peeking to see if there's any news
Just think of all the things that we can do to pass the time
"Look at him. Watching me."
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ok I'll go now
I got a better one..
I was trying to find the transparent one but I said
"Fuck it"
So I posted the shit one instead.
Now thanks to you I have it for future references.
You’re welcome
BTW,it’s in the stickers section at GIPHY.com,there are a lot of useful ones there other than that one.
Thx bruh
This has been a wonderful thread.
And digistructive.