I doubt it, the first episode was released on November 25th, over two months away, and we're currently getting updates in the Steam databases for episode 5, so it will probably be released around mid October.
The case copies just seem to be season passes in physical form (weird) - maybe so the kiddliewinks don't have to borrow their parent's credit cards/can use their pocket money?
To start the fall of game of thrones, September 29, tales from the borderlands October 6, and mine craft story mode, retail mine craft story mode, and November 6, michoone dlc
Thats still really close to a year, it almost makes me want a reference at the end of the game with Rhys and Fiona saying like they feel like they've been telling the story for almost a year now
I doubt it, the first episode was released on November 25th, over two months away, and we're currently getting updates in the Steam databases for episode 5, so it will probably be released around mid October.
Episode 6 isn't coming out the 29th (especially when they're still doing VA work). Tales from the borderlands hasn't even been classified yet, so October 6 could only happen if its rated by early next week at the latest. No idea about Michonne since the only info we have on it is late fall (fall ends late December).
To start the fall of game of thrones, September 29, tales from the borderlands October 6, and mine craft story mode, retail mine craft story mode, and November 6, michoone dlc
Episode 6 isn't coming out the 29th (especially when they're still doing VA work). Tales from the borderlands hasn't even been classified ye… moret, so October 6 could only happen if its rated by early next week at the latest. No idea about Michonne since the only info we have on it is late fall (fall ends late December).
Va work is said to be before. But vA work goes through development and i think goes until about a week and a half before the game, I think they are nearly done
The Australian classification normally comes out around 2 weeks prior to the episode release, and the week before the episode is usually full of publicity so them doing VA work a week and a half before is likely false.
Va work is said to be before. But vA work goes through development and i think goes until about a week and a half before the game, I think they are nearly done
Nope.By the steamdb the calculated release date,same i did for tales ep4,got ep5 and the release date was right.IS 13th October,it could happen as a surprise,but it could release 2 weeks later too.
Since it is in the steamdb it should release in 13 th October but that of course it won't happen,so two weeks later sounds good,like i did calculate the time between when ep4 of tales was added and the release date was right,and of got ep5 too.
Episode 6 isn't coming out the 29th (especially when they're still doing VA work). Tales from the borderlands hasn't even been classified ye… moret, so October 6 could only happen if its rated by early next week at the latest. No idea about Michonne since the only info we have on it is late fall (fall ends late December).
Maybe,can’t wait to see all those 9 yrs old swagfag kids overflow the Minecraft forum,I’m gonna have a fun time trolling them.
I'm not sure if you're joking or not but abuse/trolling towards the minecraft fanbase just because they like minecraft won't be tolerated, when Story Mode was announced minecraft fans did join the forums to ask questions but where instantly insulted for being "minecraft kids", the people who insulted them took a short vacation so please be respectful to them when they do join and if they cause problems use the "flag" button so a moderator can deal with it.
Nope.By the steamdb the calculated release date,same i did for tales ep4,got ep5 and the release date was right.IS 13th October,it could happen as a surprise,but it could release 2 weeks later too.
maybe so the kiddliewinks don't have to borrow their parent's credit cards/can use their pocket money?
Handsome Jack is love, Handsome Jack is life
InB4 you reply
Don't wet yourself kiddo
(?) Not Creepy at all
Marcus : and as the fans awaited the end of this tale, they would recall all the hard times they went through, from the time they were kept waiting, all the way to the cursed word SOON, and the fans would remember that they were never truly alone as long as they had each other
Claptrap : I LOVE YOU GUYS
Marcus : and then Claptrap said something annoying and ruined everything
Guys i dont think we will get TFTBL EP5 until AFTER minecraft story mode releases. which is mid-october. because they usually promote what's next, and they recently changed TFTBLEP4 with minecraft. thats a bummer. i thought they would release the finally then move on to new projects. but thats not the case here. so my guess that it will be late october or early november. thats all depend also on GOT finale release date hmm... long way ahead </3
Guys i dont think we will get TFTBL EP5 until AFTER minecraft story mode releases. which is mid-october. because they usually promote what'… mores next, and they recently changed TFTBLEP4 with minecraft. thats a bummer. i thought they would release the finally then move on to new projects. but thats not the case here. so my guess that it will be late october or early november. thats all depend also on GOT finale release date hmm... long way ahead </3
Actually, they changed it is at 15-th June in 'TWD.Michonne', and then a couple of days, it changed before the release of 'TFTB' episode 4.
So... there still hope
Guys i dont think we will get TFTBL EP5 until AFTER minecraft story mode releases. which is mid-october. because they usually promote what'… mores next, and they recently changed TFTBLEP4 with minecraft. thats a bummer. i thought they would release the finally then move on to new projects. but thats not the case here. so my guess that it will be late october or early november. thats all depend also on GOT finale release date hmm... long way ahead </3
I doubt it, the first episode was released on November 25th, over two months away, and we're currently getting updates in the Steam databases for episode 5, so it will probably be released around mid October.
Educate yourself on the ways of the Haddaway! Then play Saints Row 4 for the most Epic realization of Haddawayisim.
enter link description here
my guess is minecraft ep 1, borderlands ep 5, and game of thrones ep 6 will all be released in october.
Damn, I played Saints Row 3 instead of 4 when they were free for 2 days on Steam......
So you know the way of the Haddaway you have been enlightened.
Handsome Jack has officially fallen to the latest forum meme. We're doomed.
We’re all doomed together.
Spooky scary telltale games.
Looks like September 22, 29, and October 6 are the release dates assuming MC:SM will let the other to finish.
Handsome Jack is love, Handsome Jack is life
InB4 you reply
Don't wet yourself kiddo
(?) Not Creepy at all
EXCITED clicks on blogpost MINECRAFT
I know you’re a mod now and all but still,a meme is a meme.
a gif is a gif*
To start the fall of game of thrones, September 29, tales from the borderlands October 6, and mine craft story mode, retail mine craft story mode, and November 6, michoone dlc
Thats still really close to a year, it almost makes me want a reference at the end of the game with Rhys and Fiona saying like they feel like they've been telling the story for almost a year now
Episode 6 isn't coming out the 29th (especially when they're still doing VA work). Tales from the borderlands hasn't even been classified yet, so October 6 could only happen if its rated by early next week at the latest. No idea about Michonne since the only info we have on it is late fall (fall ends late December).
they're seriously still doing VA work?
Va work is said to be before. But vA work goes through development and i think goes until about a week and a half before the game, I think they are nearly done
The Australian classification normally comes out around 2 weeks prior to the episode release, and the week before the episode is usually full of publicity so them doing VA work a week and a half before is likely false.
Nope.By the steamdb the calculated release date,same i did for tales ep4,got ep5 and the release date was right.IS 13th October,it could happen as a surprise,but it could release 2 weeks later too.
Since it is in the steamdb it should release in 13 th October but that of course it won't happen,so two weeks later sounds good,like i did calculate the time between when ep4 of tales was added and the release date was right,and of got ep5 too.
I'm not sure if you're joking or not but abuse/trolling towards the minecraft fanbase just because they like minecraft won't be tolerated, when Story Mode was announced minecraft fans did join the forums to ask questions but where instantly insulted for being "minecraft kids", the people who insulted them took a short vacation so please be respectful to them when they do join and if they cause problems use the "flag" button so a moderator can deal with it.
We got another one still stuck in the episode 2 waiting era....
Ha, you forgot one!
Marcus : and as the fans awaited the end of this tale, they would recall all the hard times they went through, from the time they were kept waiting, all the way to the cursed word SOON, and the fans would remember that they were never truly alone as long as they had each other
Claptrap : I LOVE YOU GUYS
Marcus : and then Claptrap said something annoying and ruined everything
There's more activity in the SteamDB
Lel,if it is like that,sorry ttg for screwing your surprise xD.I screwed life is strange surprise too.
Guys i dont think we will get TFTBL EP5 until AFTER minecraft story mode releases. which is mid-october.
because they usually promote what's next, and they recently changed TFTBLEP4 with minecraft. thats a bummer. i thought they would release the finally then move on to new projects. but thats not the case here. so my guess that it will be late october or early november. thats all depend also on GOT finale release date
hmm... long way ahead </3
Actually, they changed it is at 15-th June in 'TWD.Michonne', and then a couple of days, it changed before the release of 'TFTB' episode 4.
So... there still hope
we all know that michonne is due ''LATE THIS FALL'' so it could never release now.
its just a hype thing. while minecraft has already a release date.
I need this episode really bad.
Everyone waiting for this episode...
It could be man,but we'll see,if it isn't 2 weeks delay tho.