I expect new song and the intro scene for the final episode to completely utterly destroy my mind and fill my soul with its absolute perfection, epicness, the most amazing magnificence and wake up some new unexpected bittersweet feelings in my heart.
Beating 'To the top' and 'Kiss the sky' will be so difficult. Oh boy, I'm excited c:
I doubt they will release one of their most anticipated finals along with a season premier on the same day, they will want to hype both of them but having both release on the same day could cause some overshadowing problems.
There is not much I would not sacrifice to keep Vaughn safe. I would hurt players from other games to keep him safe. Push Tom the coal boy off a roof to protect Vaughn? YUP.
Yeah with all the news on Tales and minecraft im kind of expecting both of them to release before GoT. GoT late October release is what im going to guess now
So does this most likely mean we are getting Tales before GoT? Because I was really hoping to save my more favorite series for last.
Either way I won't complain, a Telltale finale is as good as it gets!
Uh... ;-;
You'll have a hell of a day
I'd do that but I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeeeah, exactly! :DDD
So does this most likely mean we are getting Tales before GoT? Because I was really hoping to save my more favorite series for last.
Either way I won't complain, a Telltale finale is as good as it gets!
Since nobody posted it yet, Imma do it first
Oh my god... Borderlands... Game of Thrones... Minecraft... Life is Strange... Michonne... What if we get all of them the same month...
Wrong gif, m8.
not bad m8
I was right with tales ep5 mwhahaha. No classification,like twd s2 ep5
The release date should be 13th October.
Soo...Two Telltale Games on the same day?
I expect new song and the intro scene for the final episode to completely utterly destroy my mind and fill my soul with its absolute perfection, epicness, the most amazing magnificence and wake up some new unexpected bittersweet feelings in my heart.
Beating 'To the top' and 'Kiss the sky' will be so difficult. Oh boy, I'm excited c:
I doubt they will release one of their most anticipated finals along with a season premier on the same day, they will want to hype both of them but having both release on the same day could cause some overshadowing problems.
I said it before and I'll say it now "TTG hates me",they never release news till I'm out for me to come back very late and see them.Anyways
I don't expect Michonne to come until November or December, since Telltale said it comes out "late Fall."
News? Emotions??
For the first time in forever I went to bed early, and I MISS NEWS. I feel betrayed by the circadian rhythm.
Please don't hurt my Vaughn ç-ç
They already did:
Looks like it hurts
There is not much I would not sacrifice to keep Vaughn safe. I would hurt players from other games to keep him safe. Push Tom the coal boy off a roof to protect Vaughn? YUP.
waiting for that trailer like
If anybody from telltale says ''Soon'' one more time, im calling in Loaderbot to mess them up!!!
I'd tell you what I think the release date will be, but I'm late for bassoon practice. (Does that count?)
Greatest reply in history!
Lots of Telltale Staff commenting....I take it as a very strong sign that the episode is coming....
Yeah with all the news on Tales and minecraft im kind of expecting both of them to release before GoT. GoT late October release is what im going to guess now
Pipas you just became my favorite person for this gif.
haha this was a great replay. Soon my friends, soon!
Mike just #rekt us all...
Well played, sir. Well played.
I'll buy it. I accept that response.
tfw its yours
I can't believe it, the last episode is nearly here. It feels like the end of a really fun journey...
Please don't put any lakes in it ;_;
Oh, that gif's not mine, all credit goes to @Poogers555.
Sorry poogers, you are now my favorite
when you find news and rush to get it on the forum
October 6, they are testing running it, it is coming any day now, we will get the conformation a day before and it will release at 12:00 am
If this doesn't happen I'm suing you
That typically isn't how things work for Telltale.
I love that Gif.