Ep 5 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3 Oct 20, Xbox One/360 Oct 21, iOS/Amazon App/Android Oct 22



  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    AWWW missed opportunity! Nice one Blind.

    *drops mic You should've said [drops the Mike]

  • ...thanks.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    oh yeah. mirashade. use this gif when we get actual news.

  • a gut punch of feels usually means deaths :/

    Poogers555 posted: »

    But... but I dont want, no one to die ;-;

  • or all 4 characters fight and break it off, all walking in different directions slowly contemplating their emotions as they walk off into certain death zones. blackscreen

    Llexis posted: »

    a gut punch of feels usually means deaths

  • what a good day to be alive. this makes me HAPPY!

    puzzlebox posted: »

    I'm all about Minecraft for the next few weeks while we're out on press tour leading up to the season premiere on October 13th, but... man.

  • Well I've become attached to pretty much all of the characters, if one does its going to suck..

  • loaderbot dying in Rhys lap, the most emotional scene of all Telltale, a griever father holding his dying son

    If nothing else, please answer the most important question of all: Does #LoaderBros have a shoutout in Episode 5?

  • What if they all split up in 4 different directs, walk around the world, and meet up again! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    or all 4 characters fight and break it off, all walking in different directions slowly contemplating their emotions as they walk off into certain death zones. blackscreen

  • I can already imagine Rhys Zig Zagging into the distance as the screen fades to black ...Beautiful

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    or all 4 characters fight and break it off, all walking in different directions slowly contemplating their emotions as they walk off into certain death zones. blackscreen

  • I'd be fucking pissed lmao

    How would you guys feel if you had to pay the stranger to take his mask off and you had to hoard all the money for it? XD

  • The closing scene will be, Rhys and Fiona walk out and say, war is coming, confirming borderlands 3

  • What if they're in a dark place and they all walk into the wall?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    What if they all split up in 4 different directs, walk around the world, and meet up again! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

  • Damn these TFTB episodes have been coming out quick (something I didn't think I would ever say. )

  • Vaughn jumps on Psychos backs, Sasha shoots everything, Fiona dodges many bullets.

    majestic as fuck

    I can already imagine Rhys Zig Zagging into the distance as the screen fades to black ...Beautiful

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2015
    • [affection not identified]
    • [infant please refrain from harming my current model]
    • [please refrain, going forward]
    Kaddicard posted: »

    all i want is for everybody to drive off into the sunset with magazines of famous people getting coffee and stuff

  • edited September 2015

    I know someone's probably posted this somewhere on this forum, it belongs here. This is how I feel with this ending approaching.

    Wish I had made this

  • enter image description here

    What if they're in a dark place and they all walk into the wall?

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    That was really touching, firehawk. Thanks for sharing!

    I know someone's probably posted this somewhere on this forum, it belongs here. This is how I feel with this ending approaching. Wish I had made this


    kenjisalk posted: »

    That was really touching, firehawk. Thanks for sharing!

  • right on point @OfficialSheriffMaybe


  • I so hope not. Com'mon now! At first the 'any character can die' idea was cool, but now the season ending with a massive blood bath of favorite characters is getting down right clique. The Walking Dead and Games of Thrones has done it to death (pardon the pun). Lets have something new and revolutionary...a frickin' happy ending.

    Llexis posted: »

    a gut punch of feels usually means deaths

  • edited September 2015

    Telltale's just following the source material. Death happens a lot in Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. Fans would be upset if no one died in those franchises, but I agree with you on a more "happy" ending. (not sunshine and rainbows but one where nobody has to die).

    I so hope not. Com'mon now! At first the 'any character can die' idea was cool, but now the season ending with a massive blood bath of favor

  • All i want is everyone alive yeah? And seeing Sasha and Vaughn in the future rescuing the guys from the Stranger, and then the whole squad getting ready to beat anyone in their way like this

    enter image description here

    But then Rhys falls to the ground

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2015

    My profile feed has been updating at a rapid fire pace all day (not that I mind any). :P

    Guess you guys get really excited when Laura and the others stop by to say hello.

  • Just imagine that Avengers scene being played out in a Telltale game...


    All i want is everyone alive yeah? And seeing Sasha and Vaughn in the future rescuing the guys from the Stranger, and then the whole squad getting ready to beat anyone in their way like this But then Rhys falls to the ground

  • Guess you guys get really excited

    Yea, especially with all the teasing going on

    My profile feed has been updating at a rapid fire pace all day (not that I mind any). :P Guess you guys get really excited when Laura and the others stop by to say hello.

  • With all this talk of feels and heart-strings being pulled, I suspect something bad is going to happen to some of the characters.

    If Sasha, Fiona, or Rhys die, I'm going to go to their respective shipping threads with a barrel of Popcorn and laugh (after I'm done having my own feels about the game).

    However, if LoaderBot dies, I'll cry harder then other people cried at the end of Walking Dead: Season 1. Oh, and I'll also organize a world-wide boycott of all things Telltale. ;)

    Guess you guys get really excited Yea, especially with all the teasing going on

  • hnng

    enter image description here

    Just imagine that Avengers scene being played out in a Telltale game... [drools]

  • Fiona, or Rhys die, I'm going to go to their respective shipping threads with a barrel of Popcorn and laugh (after I'm done having my own feels about the game).

    oh :'(

    I'd like to join that boycott tho ;), Do you let Rhyiona shippers in?

    With all this talk of feels and heart-strings being pulled, I suspect something bad is going to happen to some of the characters. If Sash

  • edited September 2015

    I hope this episode at least has humor i just don't want just be emotional in this finale of tales from the borderlands I mean I do just not too emotional,you know just please tell us their will be humor in it not just sadness

    kenjisalk posted: »

    That was really touching, firehawk. Thanks for sharing!

  • I'd like to join that boycott tho ;), Do you let Rhyiona shippers in?

    Absolutely! If Telltale dares lay so much as a finger on my beloved Loaderbot with their giant quill pen they write episodes with, anybody and everybody is welcome to join in my protest. We'll put those 14 year old girls and neglected housewives from the Twilight fanbase to shame and show Telltale who the real crazy fanatics are!

    Fiona, or Rhys die, I'm going to go to their respective shipping threads with a barrel of Popcorn and laugh (after I'm done having my own feels about the game). oh I'd like to join that boycott tho , Do you let Rhyiona shippers in?

  • We'll put those 14 year old girls a

    15 and a half

    I'd like to join that boycott tho , Do you let Rhyiona shippers in? Absolutely! If Telltale dares lay so much as a finger on my belo

  • Well I will definitely cry if loaderbro dies or Gortys or Sasha I want episode to have at least some romance I mean if Sasha dies(I hope she doesn't I'm a rhysha fan)at least let be romantic or if she is dying and Rhys tells her he loves her and they kiss and WHOEVER kills Sasha either it's Finch,Korger,August,or Handsome Jack(I hope it's not him,I mean I chose to Rule Hyperion with him)I will destroy them and cry soooooo much please I hope she doesn't die

    With all this talk of feels and heart-strings being pulled, I suspect something bad is going to happen to some of the characters. If Sash

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2015

    15 and a half

    Sorry, Green613. Didn't know those very same fan girls inhabited the Telltale forums. ;)

    enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    We'll put those 14 year old girls a 15 and a half

  • strwar3, come on, it's Borderlands. Of course you're going to be laughing. Have faith

    strwar3 posted: »

    I hope this episode at least has humor i just don't want just be emotional in this finale of tales from the borderlands I mean I do just not too emotional,you know just please tell us their will be humor in it not just sadness

  • I want episode to have at least some romance I mean if Sasha dies(I hope she doesn't I'm a rhysha fan)at least let be romantic

    At least your ship gets recognition from Telltale. I'm still waiting for Telltale to accommodate us RhoaderBot shippers.

    strwar3 posted: »

    Well I will definitely cry if loaderbro dies or Gortys or Sasha I want episode to have at least some romance I mean if Sasha dies(I hope she

  • LMAO

    15 and a half Sorry, Green613. Didn't know those very same fan girls inhabited the Telltale forums.

  • I'm also a RhoaderBot shipper too I mean it's more like LoaderBros and I don't want Loaderbot to die either


    I want episode to have at least some romance I mean if Sasha dies(I hope she doesn't I'm a rhysha fan)at least let be romantic At le

  • Oh snap lol

    15 and a half Sorry, Green613. Didn't know those very same fan girls inhabited the Telltale forums.

  • I bet at the end Vaughn becomes... A Psycho, he has the physique, and he definitely showed the moves against Vallory.

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