Ep 5 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3 Oct 20, Xbox One/360 Oct 21, iOS/Amazon App/Android Oct 22



  • you're such a bully what did i ever do to you i'm gonna go cry now

    15 and a half Sorry, Green613. Didn't know those very same fan girls inhabited the Telltale forums.

  • I'm still salty about you dissing my RhoaderBot ship. You started this!

    [sticks out tongue]

    Green613 posted: »

    you're such a bully what did i ever do to you i'm gonna go cry now

  • I feel like people who gave her the flower should get the best goddamn romance conclusion ever but for people who don't even like her as a friend (I'm one of those) should have the right in a telltale game to choose someone else if they see fit. It's not seen as "denial" or "ship hating", just simple opinion.

    Was it worth the controversy? No.

    But that does not change the fact that there is a minority. And as a telltale game they have the right to be acknowledged.

    I mean, we're out of time anyway so it doesn't matter. Troy said decisions seem to accumulate in the final episode so I can't wait to see the effect my decisions have!

    I want episode to have at least some romance I mean if Sasha dies(I hope she doesn't I'm a rhysha fan)at least let be romantic At le

  • edited September 2015

    I just had a thought what would be the perfect ending.

    Fiona grabs the Conference Call, and fires. Rhys scrambles back to join Fiona following the distraction. Rhys breathes heavily from the exertion, "took... you... long enough." Fiona shoots him a sideways glance "Shut up, Rhys." keeping her gun aimed on the Stranger now standing up. "Surprising, but not unexpected. Fiona now it's time you know... I am..." and the stranger goes flying backwards as a rocket hits him square in the chest.

    Rhys' jaw dropped, "Uhh... that wasn't you was it?" Fiona with a similar expression shakes her head "...Nope" They hear a familiar voice in the distance and a shirtless Vaughn jumps down next to them, with a considerably buffer, more psycho like physique, "There you guys are, we've been looking for you for a while." sees the Stranger unmoving in the distance, "Who's that?"

    Rhys shrugs, and begins to say, "A psyyyyy-" but remembers that Vaughn is looking more... psycho like these days, "-rrazyy guy. Sasha with you?" desperate to change the subject

    "Who do you think made the shot?" said Vaughn cracking his knuckles, "I don't like guns" Fiona let's loose a derisive laugh, Rhys just shakes his head. Sasha soon throws down a line and descends to the landing that the other three are. She now sports her usual getup with a lot of... appropriated Hyperion gear from goggles to shields, to guns and weapons, "Can't leave you two alone for a minute can I"

    [Player choice for that interaction. EffectivelyRhyiona, or Rhysha]

    Sasha shakes her head, "So... who's the guy in the mask that had the shot gun on you?

    Rhys' eye flashes for a moment, "Hyperion has nothing on him. Fiona said she had an idea." The three look eagerly at Fiona who smiles sheepishly, "Yeah... I was bluffing... Had to buy time somehow. At least we found Gortys' last upgrade, but Rhys still won't cooperate"

    Vaughn facepalms and Sasha rolls her eyes. Sasha crosses her arms, "Really you two?"

    Fiona frowns, "This idiot still won't accept it."

    Rhys throws his hands up, "I don't care Fiona. If we go there I am not eating there. You with me Bro?"

    Vaughn gives a thumbs up {depending on if you are bros}, Sasha looks between them "Really... you guys can't agree on where to eat? Moxxi's it's obvious!"

    Rhys folds his arms, "I'd rather eat skag"

    Fiona mutters, "skag skewers ARE on the menu" Rhys looks over, "What was that?"

    "Nothing!" says Fiona. Look we better get going. This vault isn't going to find itself.

    Post Credit scene, also the trailer for Borderlands 3 opening

    Marcus: So the lesson of the story is... Don't dress up in a mask to con some conartists out of a vault, all you'll get is a bunch of medical bills.... Damn Vaulthunters

  • Really?Troy said that wow I can't for this episode to come and I hope we get news next week

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    I feel like people who gave her the flower should get the best goddamn romance conclusion ever but for people who don't even like her as a f

  • Why must all good things come to an end? But at least let there be tears of joy please, pretty please, my heart can't take a sad ending.

  • In the words of Death The Kid : "I'M WORRYING ABOUT IT !

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  • Still thinking that the release date is 13th October.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    I'm all about Minecraft for the next few weeks while we're out on press tour leading up to the season premiere on October 13th, but... man.

  • If someone from the main gang dies;

    enter image description here

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    ZapThroat posted: »

    Loaderbot is love..Loaderbot is life.

  • I might join in too. If Loader Bot dies, I'll cry myself to sleep. And next day cry some more.

    I'd like to join that boycott tho , Do you let Rhyiona shippers in? Absolutely! If Telltale dares lay so much as a finger on my belo

  • enter image description here

    15 and a half Sorry, Green613. Didn't know those very same fan girls inhabited the Telltale forums.

  • So many news lately!

    enter image description here

  • while i wait for this game enter image description here

  • edited September 2015

    i think if this happens he will go into the caravan and take whatever mask you chose in episode 1

    I bet at the end Vaughn becomes... A Psycho, he has the physique, and he definitely showed the moves against Vallory.

  • I'm with you man, Loader Bot must live, killing him would be unforgivable. UNFORGIVABLE!

    With all this talk of feels and heart-strings being pulled, I suspect something bad is going to happen to some of the characters. If Sash

  • However, if LoaderBot dies, I'll cry harder then other people cried at the end of Walking Dead: Season 1.

    Loader Bot's death would be the most tragic Telltale moment since Lee's death ;-;

    enter image description here

    small disclaimer, i know some people do take the "if x dies we riot" seriously but this is just a joke :P

    With all this talk of feels and heart-strings being pulled, I suspect something bad is going to happen to some of the characters. If Sash

  • By the last news, oh god, I'm too scared D:

  • Look Telltale, I'll make a deal with you. You keep Vaughn alive and safe and happy all the way through the closing credits, and you can push back the release date to October of next year for all I care. That's the most important thing to me and all these "oh god my feels" comments from the Telltale staff have me worried beyond belief.

  • My guess about mission casualties mentioned by Fiona: Gortys - Rhys and Fiona found her piece in ep3, maybe she'll explode in space or some other thing. Loaderbot - sacrifices himself, everyone is sad, LB is a hero. Finch/Kroger - because they wont be really missed, and maybe we'll get a chance to shoot Finch for the third time (all 3 elements in Fiona's pistol). August - same. Everyone else is unlikely to die.

  • Fuck no. One of the lovable character dies and everything gets very emotional, and we were made a FINAL CHOICE. [Go into the vault yourself] or [Go with the gang]. Which is made by Rhys/Fiona (Fiona would die if you trusted Handsome Jack, and Rhys would die if you trusted Fiona. The reason? idk, leave it to telltale.) And everyone cries, and finds the masked man, and you have a choice whether to kill him or let him go (Not a major choice) then the season will endwith showing "Tales From The Borderlands Season 2! COMING SOON!!"

    I just had a thought what would be the perfect ending. Fiona grabs the Conference Call, and fires. Rhys scrambles back to join Fiona foll

  • With Borderlands they can go in a different direction. It would be a nice change.

    Telltale's just following the source material. Death happens a lot in Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. Fans would be upset if no one di

  • I'm thinking Jack might die for real this time. That would be a total bummer but I am starting to think he will. Gortys and Loaderbot too.

  • They don't seem to mention the death of anyone in particular, though we know that someone else is going to die on the mission...something IS going to happen to Gortys, and both Vaughn and Sasha (and to an extent, Loaderbot) might be targeted.

    Worst case scenarios that have already been alluded to? Gortys dies, Loader Bot dies a heroes death, or betrays Rhys...Sasha is killed in action, Vaughn loses his sanity and becomes a psycho, Fiona becomes a heartless Vault Hunter, and Rhys becomes a tyrannical Hyperion leader.

    HOWEVER...let's say our choices can prevent these things...I'd say that August, who still has mixed feelings towards Sasha, may sacrifice himself to prevent her death, if Fiona convinced him to clear the air...if you were loyal to Vaughn and spared Cassius, the two of them survive...Felix catches up with the group if he was spared...Athena and Janey join up with them prior to finding The Vault...Loader Bot and Gortys can be re-assembled...and (this is very unlikely) Scooter survived his descent because his rocket was intercepted before impact...

    But the emotional finale is most likely going to be with Handsome Jack...who I think is going to undergo a massive shock to his character.

  • edited September 2015

    this thread in a nutshell:

    enter image description here

  • All men must die, fanboys and girls.

  • So, if I remember correctly

    Teasing->Classification->Screenshots->Release Date->Trailer


  • It's usually that, or classification first.

    TheTP87 posted: »

    So, if I remember correctly Teasing->Classification->Screenshots->Release Date->Trailer Right?

  • Wrong thread, buddy. :)

    Demarcoa posted: »

    All men must die, fanboys and girls.

  • no classification yet?:( then i think we will most likely get the episode mid/late october.

  • So, anyone else wondering what "TheTruth" means from Job's tweet?

  • Either the Vault of the Travelers or the true secret behind Vaughn's abs. I don't want to speculate too much. I like to be surprised.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So, anyone else wondering what "TheTruth" means from Job's tweet?

  • edited September 2015

    Omg I can not wait to play this episode, even if it is the end and my life is going to lose is meaning when it finished, but I need it now.

    enter image description here

  • Man,Steamdb 12-25 days later ----> teasers -----> Classification (maybe,it might not be just like twd s2 ep5) ----> News ------>Released.

    TheTP87 posted: »

    So, if I remember correctly Teasing->Classification->Screenshots->Release Date->Trailer Right?

  • edited September 2015

    Nope,REMINDER,twd s2 ep5 it didn't had a classification when release date was officialy released.

    Mercyva posted: »

    no classification yet?:( then i think we will most likely get the episode mid/late october.

  • Or Stranger's true identity.

    Either the Vault of the Travelers or the true secret behind Vaughn's abs. I don't want to speculate too much. I like to be surprised.

  • Or the whole story they've been telling the stranger being a big horse shit. They never did those things, they just made everything up, that they are actually conmen trying to find vaults and make money. The first scene of Rhys is him tracking something on a radar......if that really happens I'm gonna slap a bitch and throw shit all over the place....and probably die of being mindblowned....yeah

    Pipas posted: »

    Or Stranger's true identity.

  • It be hilarious if it was just a psycho who wanted to be funny.

    FetchWalker posted: »

    Or the whole story they've been telling the stranger being a big horse shit. They never did those things, they just made everything up, that

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