So @kenjisalk, will all our questions be answered? Things like Rhys' new arm, Rhys' tatoo, Fiona and Rhys' new outfit, the stranger's identity, is that general from episode 1 alive, why Sasha likes to fry an egg ON TOP of a sandwich? Stuff like that.
Well i think that we will have Borderlands 3 after TFTBL EP5. Telltale working with Gearbox so it's the same like Game of Thrones, Season 5 should start after Telltale finish final episode of GoT but telltale episodic releasing is very slow so they must start with Season 5 TV Show quickly.
I dont think comparing gearbox borderlands to telltale's fair. game development take a long time, i dont think borderlands 3 will be out at least in 2 years.
Well i think that we will have Borderlands 3 after TFTBL EP5. Telltale working with Gearbox so it's the same like Game of Thrones, Season 5 … moreshould start after Telltale finish final episode of GoT but telltale episodic releasing is very slow so they must start with Season 5 TV Show quickly.
All i want is everyone alive yeah? And seeing Sasha and Vaughn in the future rescuing the guys from the Stranger, and then the whole squad getting ready to beat anyone in their way like this
All i want is everyone alive yeah? And seeing Sasha and Vaughn in the future rescuing the guys from the Stranger, and then the whole squad g… moreetting ready to beat anyone in their way like this
Something like this?
All i want is everyone alive yeah? And seeing Sasha and Vaughn in the future rescuing the guys from the Stranger, and then the whole squad g… moreetting ready to beat anyone in their way like this
Something like this?
And everyone fits, too. A sad lack of the obvious Captain Athena, but she's a little too kidnapped so we've got brave little Gortys stepping up. This is awesome.
All i want is everyone alive yeah? And seeing Sasha and Vaughn in the future rescuing the guys from the Stranger, and then the whole squad g… moreetting ready to beat anyone in their way like this
Something like this?
Laura Perusco - Tales from the Borderlands' finale punched me in the heart repeatedly.
Maester InfernoKun - @lauraperusco in a good way r… moreight .-.
Laura Perusco - @InfernoKun Uhh... sure...
I have this horrible feeling that somebody is going to die ;_;
All i want is everyone alive yeah? And seeing Sasha and Vaughn in the future rescuing the guys from the Stranger, and then the whole squad g… moreetting ready to beat anyone in their way like this
Something like this?
All i want is everyone alive yeah? And seeing Sasha and Vaughn in the future rescuing the guys from the Stranger, and then the whole squad g… moreetting ready to beat anyone in their way like this
Something like this?
All i want is everyone alive yeah? And seeing Sasha and Vaughn in the future rescuing the guys from the Stranger, and then the whole squad g… moreetting ready to beat anyone in their way like this
Something like this?
Tweet from Laura: 'Tales from the Borderlands' finale punched me in the heart repeatedly.
Tweet from Nathan (kenjisalk): So just wrapped Tales From The @.borderlands finale, and I don't know what to do with myself. ;_; So many emotions I can't even.
Tweet from Job: Late night playtest of 'Tales from the @.Borderlands' finale w/ @.kenjisalk & @.lauraperusco. Holy-freakin-crap! #TheTruth
Saw those... a trailer would be nice maybe like the walking dead season 2 finale trailer. shows story so far then cuts to a young Rhys playing in his treehouse :P
All i want is everyone alive yeah? And seeing Sasha and Vaughn in the future rescuing the guys from the Stranger, and then the whole squad g… moreetting ready to beat anyone in their way like this
Something like this?
Saw those... a trailer would be nice maybe like the walking dead season 2 finale trailer. shows story so far then cuts to a young Rhys playing in his treehouse :P
All i want is everyone alive yeah? And seeing Sasha and Vaughn in the future rescuing the guys from the Stranger, and then the whole squad g… moreetting ready to beat anyone in their way like this
Something like this?
Tweet from Laura: 'Tales from the Borderlands' finale punched me in the heart repeatedly.
Tweet from Nathan (kenjisalk): So just wrapped Tales From The @.borderlands finale, and I don't know what to do with myself. ;_; So many emotions I can't even.
Tweet from Job: Late night playtest of 'Tales from the @.Borderlands' finale w/ @.kenjisalk & @.lauraperusco. Holy-freakin-crap! #TheTruth
Pipas you're amazing.
And everyone fits, too. A sad lack of the obvious Captain Athena, but she's a little too kidnapped so we've got brave little Gortys stepping up. This is awesome.
i think i'm the only one that kinda doesn't want episode five to come out. we're in a good place as-is! mostly everyone is alive! let's not soil this moment of sanctitude.
So @kenjisalk, will all our questions be answered? Things like Rhys' new arm, Rhys' tatoo, Fiona and Rhys' new outfit, the stranger's identity, is that general from episode 1 alive, why Sasha likes to fry an egg ON TOP of a sandwich? Stuff like that.
Well i think that we will have Borderlands 3 after TFTBL EP5. Telltale working with Gearbox so it's the same like Game of Thrones, Season 5 should start after Telltale finish final episode of GoT but telltale episodic releasing is very slow so they must start with Season 5 TV Show quickly.
You know what'd be really funny? If one of the psychos quoted Shakespeare..................
I dont think comparing gearbox borderlands to telltale's fair. game development take a long time, i dont think borderlands 3 will be out at least in 2 years.
Something like this?
I absolutely love how Vaughn is Hulk there.
I want this XD
Pipas you're amazing.
And everyone fits, too. A sad lack of the obvious Captain Athena, but she's a little too kidnapped so we've got brave little Gortys stepping up. This is awesome.
ooh noooooo. this isnt twd dont make it sad borderlands is happy right?
Ahaha perfect!! I love this GIF! :']
I really hope that something like this happens!
Clearly she is a mad scientist doing slag experiments!
Anybody got any news? even the slightest bit of news will be enough to keep me going ;/
Tweet from Nathan (kenjisalk): So just wrapped Tales From The @.borderlands finale, and I don't know what to do with myself. ;_; So many emotions I can't even.
Tweet from Job: Late night playtest of 'Tales from the @.Borderlands' finale w/ @.kenjisalk & @.lauraperusco. Holy-freakin-crap! #TheTruth
Saw those... a trailer would be nice
maybe like the walking dead season 2 finale trailer. shows story so far then cuts to a young Rhys playing in his treehouse :P
Rhys as iron man.
The snark and robo-parts fit.
*A young Rhys making his own business cards.
enter link description here
Tell that to Scooter.
Now, I aint saying that there will be a classification tomorrow, but there will be a classification tomorrow. Have faith in me!
Poogers if you are right I'm prepared to give you my soul.
I expect it to be shipped in pink polka dot wrapping paper tomorrow :]
You better be right or I will eat your babies.
You had to remind me
enter link description here
Well Athena could be someone who rhymes with Shamptan of Shamerica
If your wrong I know the perfect place to kick you...
Tales confirmed coming after Minecraft.
enter link description here
g̶o̶o̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶i̶m̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶g̶a̶m̶b̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶m̶a̶n̶ < I'll uncross this out if I end up being wrong
Well my friend you might be right I asked Job on Twitter and he said very soon right after minecrafts release
So, October 20th maybe.
Asked Job about the release for Tales and he said October, JUST LIKE WE EXPECTED!
tfw job says look forward for tons of updates this week
i think i'm the only one that kinda doesn't want episode five to come out. we're in a good place as-is! mostly everyone is alive! let's not soil this moment of sanctitude.