Walking Dead Season 1 also had a finale that showed scenes from the episode, and I'm not counting the Season 2 Finale trailer that was just a montage.
Prior to Walking Dead, Telltale's older games also had trailers for the finales.
Lol I could use the sleep. No one told me I'd be this sleep deprived at a year. That whole ' they start sleeping through the night at 6 months' is a LIE.
at points you actually feel sad for him, like when he was confused as to why a good person like vaughn was hurt and he didn't understand why the universe must punish the good
Coming from a male...
nah. I could speak on behalf of most male Tales players that loader bot isn't cute. But he is hilarious and awesome, I give him that.
just thought of something, I get that G is now a GIANT, but when it comes down to it, each vault is always guarded (or contains) an enormous monster, gortys is not something of eridian design, so the question is, will gortys fight a vault monster?
Lol I could use the sleep. No one told me I'd be this sleep deprived at a year. That whole ' they start sleeping through the night at 6 months' is a LIE.
Because then the game will be not so good because you will not have an need ...
I am sad too but i know one thing... No matter what we will comeback on Pandora
A trailer?!
Didn't think we'd be getting one...you know, because of the teaser. This is fantastic news!
I wonder when we'll see it...Friday? Monday...?
i don't recall a trailer for any of telltale's finales
Walking Dead Season 1 also had a finale that showed scenes from the episode, and I'm not counting the Season 2 Finale trailer that was just a montage.
Prior to Walking Dead, Telltale's older games also had trailers for the finales.
oh. ._.
well den
A Tales finale AND Life is Strange finale a few days before I go on vacation?
Oh sweet buttery Jesus...
Less than a week
haha, drawn together, hilarious show
enter link description here
Lol I could use the sleep. No one told me I'd be this sleep deprived at a year. That whole ' they start sleeping through the night at 6 months' is a LIE.
So, I bought my friend Tales from the Borderlands and...
little does your friend know...
(the huge gortys doesnt look too cuddly)
I told him. He lost his shit when I said it's coming out on Tuesday.
Oh you meant Giant Gortys. I didn't tell him that since I want to keep it a surprise.
To be fair, Loader Bots aren't supposed to be cuddly either and Rhy's Loader Bot is the cutest character next to Gortys.
Coming from a male...
nah. I could speak on behalf of most male Tales players that loader bot isn't cute. But he is hilarious and awesome, I give him that.
at points you actually feel sad for him, like when he was confused as to why a good person like vaughn was hurt and he didn't understand why the universe must punish the good
just thought of something, I get that G is now a GIANT, but when it comes down to it, each vault is always guarded (or contains) an enormous monster, gortys is not something of eridian design, so the question is, will gortys fight a vault monster?
haha well you took that the right way but I was implying that for the kid. (still just kidding)
i don't want to end.Hopefully we will get a season 2,right? Please Telltale and I hope the trailer comes out tomorrow I don't want to go in blind
Hopefully they are not tears of sadness
Tears? Oh god i hope those are from happines, this ride was so wild, but im glad i catched this last ride with you all
Wait, tears just from the TRAILER?!
Dear Lord, I'm not ready...
Can we expect close to a 3 hour finale?
Sadly, according to PuzzleBox it's about the average episode length for Tales. So like 2 hours.
Job just tweeted this
Me when Tales ends......
still the best doctor
XD I love that so much! I used to be really into the scary movies.
He's apparently literally THE MOST POPULAR doctor there is. Which... I don't get. I love him, but Smith, Baker, and Capaldi are my favorites.
I-it's been a helluva ride!...
Why all good things have to end...? ;-;
I don't even know if I can watch the trailer if he's crying just from that. But knowing me, I'd give in after 5 minutes of it being released.
Because then the game will be not so good because you will not have an need ...
I am sad too but i know one thing... No matter what we will comeback on Pandora
Yeah, I know... ;-;
Well, it was fun while it lasted </3 ;_;
A trailer?!
Didn't think we'd be getting one...you know, because of the teaser. This is fantastic news!
I wonder when we'll see it...Friday? Monday...?
I'm hoping Friday, but odds are they'll release it Monday
If it's Monday it'll be coming out the day before the episode itself releases.
Why must Xbox players wait an extra day! Ech Slumps over