Is Fiona seriously pointing that peashooter at a freakin' Vault Monster?
Girl, I don't care HOW many elements it has, that's not going to cut it...
She's really making me rethink her capabilities as a Vault Hunter.
I dunno...that line he said; "I do know you. Better now than I ever have." makes me think it might be Vaughn.
It just seemed like a personal line that someone who only knows them from the sidelines wouldn't say. No, this person knows them from a close proximity. Vaughn is the only one of the main cast to have missed so much going on around them (from being held captive or somewhere else) so he would have some questions.
Or it could be Felix since the stranger seems to be talking more towards Fiona than Rhys. But it would be quite an explanation he would need to have if you decided to let him get blown up.
I still think it's Vaughn though.
Or maybe that's what Telltale wants us to think...
I dunno...that line he said; "I do know you. Better now than I ever have." makes me think it might be Vaughn.
It just seemed like a persona… morel line that someone who only knows them from the sidelines wouldn't say. No, this person knows them from a close proximity. Vaughn is the only one of the main cast to have missed so much going on around them (from being held captive or somewhere else) so he would have some questions.
Or it could be Felix since the stranger seems to be talking more towards Fiona than Rhys. But it would be quite an explanation he would need to have if you decided to let him get blown up.
I still think it's Vaughn though.
Or maybe that's what Telltale wants us to think...
Actually it could be Vallory, since in an earlier clip there is a desert (a sandstorm looking background) when vallory goes to shoot Fiona and you see her go to kick Vallory in the face.
The second screenshot makes it look like something very inappropriate is happening to Rhys
Is... Is that an airlock?
Anybody notice the claw hand around 1:27? Probably a vault monster. Why is it always gotta be vault monsters?
nooo waay
I'm not going to make any assumptions... we'll see for ourselves so soon
Also, It kinda looks like Rhys is in a moonshot type thing, kinda like that green thing was saw earlier in the trailer
I think it might be some kind of escape pod
There's a shot of a small pod being shot back down to Pandora, and a shot of Fiona with the remains of one in the background
rip Vaughn
lmao jk
I took it more as Rhys was left behind on Helios while the others escaped.
Jack probably sent off a moonshot to Pandora and Rhys is worried it could of hit where Vaughn is...
Yeah I think so, I just uploaded another image, maybe he's getting shot away from his buddies ol pals.
Is Fiona seriously pointing that peashooter at a freakin' Vault Monster?
Girl, I don't care HOW many elements it has, that's not going to cut it...
She's really making me rethink her capabilities as a Vault Hunter.
Yeah, maybe it all depends on if you ruled or rejected, because that scene with the beacon made it look like Jack was locking him in or something
I think she might be pointing it at Zer0
I bet the scene with Rhys is what might happen I bet if u didn't side with him
tfw you then drop them and now realize you have no chicken nuggets
Did you see Fiona's face in the Vallory fight? And those moves! Gonna be an awesome fight!
That was one awesome trailer! I lost it when I saw Zer0 again. Only four more days!
It looks like Rhys is holding on to Zer0s sword.
I think that's the Warrior fam.
Well she looks more like she just saw him and doesnt know what to do.
Zer0 comes and saves the day confirmed.
Thats his stun button :P
I dunno...that line he said; "I do know you. Better now than I ever have." makes me think it might be Vaughn.
It just seemed like a personal line that someone who only knows them from the sidelines wouldn't say. No, this person knows them from a close proximity. Vaughn is the only one of the main cast to have missed so much going on around them (from being held captive or somewhere else) so he would have some questions.
Or it could be Felix since the stranger seems to be talking more towards Fiona than Rhys. But it would be quite an explanation he would need to have if you decided to let him get blown up.
I still think it's Vaughn though.
Or maybe that's what Telltale wants us to think...
I lost it when Loader Bot opened that friggin door. So epic
Jk, I also liked Zer0's return, I thought he was gonna be a one-time appeareance
that was the most amazing thing i have ever laid my eyes on O_O
Fuck. Such an epic trailer.
My favorite part is Fiona drop kicking Vallory in the face. UGGHH. Gonna be a crazy Wednesday (I have to study for an exam on Tuesday...)
enter link description here
This ^ I feel like I'm slightly going paranoid, hah.
I promised myself I wouldn't cry
Wow. You are late.
Why did the trailer make me cry?! ;__;
I'm definitely excite. Oh gosh, the Stranger, I can't wait to find out who he is!
Zer0 is coming back!!!!
My favourite Vault Hunter 
my strongest guess is vaughn
Actually it could be Vallory, since in an earlier clip there is a desert (a sandstorm looking background) when vallory goes to shoot Fiona and you see her go to kick Vallory in the face.
I forgot to refresh the page
Gortys: Or she. Could always be a she!
So, is the trailer spoilery or not, I need to know because I don't want to watch it if it is.
Not really.