I just had the dumbest thought.
You know how they tweeted that there's going to be a special thing for people who've been saving their money, and that vault hunters don't come cheap?
...What if you can hire Tector with his machine gun?
I can still remember the days when so many people were talking about episode 1. Everyone was so enthusiastic, excited, and seemed like they … morewere having fun pointing out the funniest jokes or the best moments in the episode. God, that was such a great time on the forums and now it's coming to an end...
I just had the dumbest thought.
You know how they tweeted that there's going to be a special thing for people who've been saving their mone… morey, and that vault hunters don't come cheap?
...What if you can hire Tector with his machine gun?
(Okay, I know he's not a vault hunter, but-)
I just had the dumbest thought.
You know how they tweeted that there's going to be a special thing for people who've been saving their mone… morey, and that vault hunters don't come cheap?
...What if you can hire Tector with his machine gun?
(Okay, I know he's not a vault hunter, but-)
Well it's almost that time again. Almost time to avoid the internet like I avoid my crazy ex girlfriend. Hope you all enjoy the finale!! It's going to be great.
Well it's almost that time again. Almost time to avoid the internet like I avoid my crazy ex girlfriend. Hope you all enjoy the finale!! It's going to be great.
O HELL NO if i have to be the one to break it to her i am going to strait up lie to her, the character's have enough on there plate they don't need to add Moxxi of all people into the mix.
Welp, my guess is that it wont matter, I know they showed reject hyperion in the trailer, but what he was actually saying was probably if you rule, Jack is basically telling Rhys, Man you love me so much that your gonna give me your body! For good!
I feel like Vaughn has been robbed from me, I love him so much but I never get to see him. How was I suppose to know trusting Fiona would get him rekt and not killing Cassius would mean Id never get to see him ;-;
Maybe, I just want to see my bro ;-;
I feel like Vaughn has been robbed from me, I love him so much but I never get to see him. How was I… more suppose to know trusting Fiona would get him rekt and not killing Cassius would mean Id never get to see him ;-;
Screenshot No. 5: The Cavalry is here! And August seems to have actually gone over to their side! YOU MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE, MERASMUS!
Screenshot No. 2: I have a suggestion.
Don't worry, bruh. The trailer is not that spoilery unlike the key art
But it's up to you if you should watch it or not.
I just had the dumbest thought.
You know how they tweeted that there's going to be a special thing for people who've been saving their money, and that vault hunters don't come cheap?
...What if you can hire Tector with his machine gun?
(Okay, I know he's not a vault hunter, but-)
The good news is that many BL fans were hesistant to play this, as they wanted to pick up the game once all episodes were released.
Now, a lot of them are hyped to see what the fuss was all about, and I guarantee you that the forums will explode again.
Or August will just tip him and boom! Tector is here!
That would be the funniest thing ever.
Tuesday seems so far,
yet so close ; _ ;
Waiting for October 20th like
I know its not exact but shhhhh :U
tfw you're expecting to get a good scene with Vaughn but you wont because some choice that you had no idea would effect Vaughn
I think I'm gonna EXPLODE with HYPE!!!
When Telltale hasnt changed their twitter yet
Come on Telltale, I need my hype at all times!
Will we get to see Moxxi? I'm still not over that tease in episode 1.
It would be interesting especially after Scooter's death.
More so, if you exchanged hats with him.
So Jack's closing line....Warning or threat?
I think so, Zer0 is returning who was talking to Moxxi, now with Scooters death, I feel like it has to happen
What if it wasn't Jack who said it.
A man can dream.
If so, then i'm REALLY not prepared to break the bad news to Moxxi.
I keep going back to the last episode and redoing my choice with Jack. I CAN'T CHOOSE BECAUSE OF THE TRAILER
Plot twist: August said it
Well it's almost that time again. Almost time to avoid the internet like I avoid my crazy ex girlfriend. Hope you all enjoy the finale!! It's going to be great.
Yup, Tomorrow night its, lights out, offline on steam, sit a corner and pray a pigeon doesnt come in the window with spoilers.
I wonder if me letting shade get killed will be a big deal haha
IF the Felix got " lucky" i will never believe in any death in the history of telltale
Lucky Bullet question mark?
Oh my lawd.
I am slightly terrified... THAT THERE WON'T BE EXPLOSIONS!!!!

The Details thread is going to be busy for a while.
Dojo's feed gonna have him like
If Shade appears I will do a dance.
Fucking FINALLY that Tediore Shield will be worth something.
O HELL NO if i have to be the one to break it to her i am going to strait up lie to her, the character's have enough on there plate they don't need to add Moxxi of all people into the mix.
Welp, my guess is that it wont matter, I know they showed reject hyperion in the trailer, but what he was actually saying was probably if you rule, Jack is basically telling Rhys, Man you love me so much that your gonna give me your body! For good!
Except Rhys seemed to lost it in Ep 4
tfw Shade is the masked stranger who is pissed off at Rhys and Fiona for smacking him and (possibly) nearly getting him killed.
He got lucky, real lucky.
And now Rhys and Fiona will be the next displays in his museum.
He gave it to his broest bro obvs.
Maybe, I just want to see my bro ;-;
I feel like Vaughn has been robbed from me, I love him so much but I never get to see him. How was I suppose to know trusting Fiona would get him rekt and not killing Cassius would mean Id never get to see him ;-;
That's life. You do one thing and something seemingly unrelated happens.