Glad you enjoyed the episode (isn't it brilliant?) I missed the Rhyiona option, but in the end the fact that they go in the Vault together and share all those sweet words and looks with each other just makes my heart content... and melt in the end, so sweet ^-^
I just finished the episode.
Loaderbot as the stranger was great as was Rhys trying to be bad cop lmao. Final battle was the … moremost epic thing ever. Sasha getting saved by Felix's watch was the most ironic thing ever. Claptrap finally showed up which gave me some long awaited nerdgasm.
I'm kind of surprised that in the end only 0.5 percent of people only got the (kind of debatable but) Rhyiona ending. Well I mean I think my stats are a bit off, I hope.
Come on, why wouldn't you deserve it? You're one of the best people here!
I wouldn't mind, sure, but you deserve it way more, you know? Actually, there are so many people who would deserve it... eight is just not enough... but we have that astonishing drawing from @nohuhhuh , where a lot of people are immortalized, so I guess everything is great in the end anyway. ^-^
When I saw you tag me, I just felt like giving you something in return, ya know?...
When you tagged all those people, you have shown that you cared more about others that yourself, and that makes me respect you THAT much more.
Come on, why wouldn't you deserve it? You're one of the best people here!
I wouldn't mind, sure, but you deserve it way more, you know? … moreActually, there are so many people who would deserve it... eight is just not enough... but we have that astonishing drawing from @nohuhhuh , where a lot of people are immortalized, so I guess everything is great in the end anyway. ^-^
Nah man, I'm really happy that you read and commented on mine!
You and Kristi are both great writer's so hearing what you both have to say makes me so happy!!
It's just that several of us admitted they really wanted to read my fic when it was ready, but now it's like "Oh, ok then, I see how it is... Too long? Too complex? Not a one-shot?"
Nah man, I'm really happy that you read and commented on mine!
You and Kristi are both great writer's so hearing what you both have to s… moreay makes me so happy!!
It's just that several of us admitted they really wanted to read my fic when it was ready, but now it's like "Oh, ok then, I see how it is... Too long? Too complex? Not a one-shot?"
Hello everyone.
So yesterday I posted the first chapter of my Crossover fic, but I think it was missed by a lot of you cuz I spoiler tagg… moreed it under the impression that a spoiler tag was needed... However, I am gonna repost the first chapter shortly, WITHOUT A SPOILER TAG, for all of you to see!
I'm not sure how many people read it tbh. I have 3 comments from ABigBadWolf, GiggleBear and Kristi. And I have 10 Likes....
Even so, I know a couple of people missed it anyways (thank you Skype chat) so be ready for a repost!!! XD
Also, I'll try and write Chapter 2 tonight
I know eight is not enough, I really badly wish I could include every single person but it's quite time consuming and I'm just not sure if I… more will be able to pull off that many. I have to stick with 8 per team for now, but if I will have extra time to figure out a way to add a few more then I will do so. Thanks for the help!
Speaking of writing uh... I'm gonna be writing another story based around THE Rhyiona moment (I promise it won't be the same thing as yesterday's though!) but I would still appreciate some ideas or something because writing requests is always fun.
oh well, I've been doing horrible, thanks for asking ^^ this place was so freaking dull and boring, and HELL the teacher was annoying af! he was always talking shit and was watching at everything like he was superior, like he knew something we didn't! gosh I just wanted to shoot this selfish face with the conference call! and the other students...oh hell the other students! don't even get me started about these idiots! oh wait...TOO LATE. first lesson, everybody is wasted, vomiting, sleeping while looking like they're about to die (sadly, they were not), and then, sleeping in their own shit, they seriously asked me why I never go drinking with them!
I better stop now, this is not meant for this forum.
ehem I've been doing horrible, this week was a great big pain in the ass, but really, thanks for asking. I'm glad you noticed my gif-joke I really hoped that everybody would notice it and hey, I'm visiting this thread only on weekends most time, so don't feel bad about yourself :P
Hey, welcome back, Dracu! How've you been?
Damn, I should start visiting this place more often again... but at least I've seen your "leaving gif" and I remember it, so that's something, I guess!
Speaking of writing uh... I'm gonna be writing another story based around THE Rhyiona moment (I promise it won't be the same thing as yesterday's though!) but I would still appreciate some ideas or something because writing requests is always fun.
Yup, I've heard about it, and damn, that looks really awesome.
Shame I'm not really a veteran, I'd love to be immortalized.
But I gu… moreess you could always add the regulars? (Don't mind the tags guys, it's only so he can easily find you if needed...)
@Green613 (already asked to be added, I see)
Damn, I could name at least twenty more people... Hazza, Joey, Rhonu, Wolfenus, Eryka, Marijaa, Poogers, Kruzii, Dracu, Twdgirl, Scrub, Kracmos, Clubremix, and on and on... can't you just raise the limit to thirty or something? Eight are just not enough, sorry...
Hello Rhyionas,
Some of you may have heard, some of you may not but I'm developing a Team Fortress 2 map with a little bit of Rhysha vs R… morehyiona flavor to it. I've been keeping it in the Rhysha thread for the past 2 weeks as only their part of the map was developed at the moment, but as I'm stepping into Rhyiona half I thought I could share a little bit of progress info with you.
So, in case you don't know the map is King of the Hill and it's much like another custom TF2 map, except I'm putting a bunch of Rhysha / Rhyiona references into it. Now, I'm going to require 8 mighty Rhyiona members (preferrably the veterans) in order to immortalize them via posters scattered around the map. I hope you'll help me choosing the mighty eight, I really wish I could include all awesome people from the forum but it might be a killer for me + subtle engine restrictions.
Anyway, a little glimpse:
Speaking of writing uh... I'm gonna be writing another story based around THE Rhyiona moment (I promise it won't be the same thing as yesterday's though!) but I would still appreciate some ideas or something because writing requests is always fun.
I want to write at least one more based on that scene because I know I made the last one a cheese fest so I'm gonna try something a little more light hearted because hey, that's their dynamic afterall .:D
Same for me. That moment, that last scene is so perfect that I can't get it out of my head.
I'm so Rhyiona-inspired I can't sleep, and I … morealready have a half a dozen ideas I'm planning on writing, but I'd love some prompts, too!
So, send some ideas over to your friendly neighborhood writers, everyone!
Awww you :')
No spoiler tags now. I knew it was a bad idea, but when you click that button and hit 'Post' then you can't get rid of the tag! >:(
Seeing as it's 2,000 words the chances of it being missed without a tag are slimmer
So this is that TWAU and TFTB Crossover fic I have been planning for a while now. It's here! Well, the first chapter is at least :P SO PLEASE ENJOY!!!
A Tale Never Told: Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
So, you want to hear this story? The story that that wretched man in the black coat never wanted me to tell anyone? Well, alright then, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me telling it to all of you… Just be weary that you better know of more than just this world when you embark on reading this epic adventure. It may confuse you at times, but pay attention, and you shall understand in time.
O Nick’s Apartment, July 20th 2013
“Nick honey, are you settled in?” Nick’s girlfriend, Jayne, called to him from the kitchen just across from the living room with that smooth American voice that made him feel special. He was perched lazily on the spacious couch as he awaited her return to him, hopefully with fewer clothes and 2 bottles of alcohol.
Nick was a brutish man standing at 6’3, with a very tough physique of tight and obvious muscles. He had shoulder length black hair and a goatee beard that was in need of trimming soon. He had an array of tribal tattoo’s covering both of his broad arms, and had 2 obvious scars on his face; a scar down his right eye from a sword, and a crow’s feet shaped scar on his right cheek from a branding iron. Both scars were fairly obvious but had clearly been acquired a long time ago, and in Nick’s case; this was near 300 years ago.
“Yeah yeah, I’m waiting for you, babe” Nick spoke back with a voice that was both deep and gravelly, and with a Scottish accent so thick you could never get rid of it. Jayne practically sashayed herself back to the couch with a bottle of salted whiskey in one hand, and a glass of red wine in the other. She was a tall woman at 5’10, with a voluptuous figure to kill for and hair like ebony. She was often described as the sultry version of Snow White herself, but Jayne was far from ‘easy’ and Nick knew this all too well…
She perched herself next to him with one leg crossed over the other, clinked her glass with Nick’s and then sipped slowly. This night was meant to be special, but a certain individual was about to ruin it all for them.
A whoosh of sand formed into a tall dark figure right in front of the TV and made himself known to the pair “I hope I’m not interrupting you, Son?” Nick glared at the figure in response “Hello, Death. Sorry… I mean, Father”
It was true. The Horseman Death was indeed Nick’s creator some 2,000 years ago, and in spite of creating Nick to be a servant, he came to view him as a Son. Largely because Death had spent enough time around ‘Mundane’ people to understand emotion and know of its true benefits.
“Nick, I need to talk with you privately. I do apologise by the way Jayne-” Jayne waved him off and went upstairs “It’s ok, I know what you 2 get up to. But Nick, can you please say goodbye to me this time?” Nick flashed his love a cheeky wink before she removed herself from the vicinity of the 2 men; she could’ve sworn the raw power they both emanated was giving her a bad headache already…
Death was also tall at 6’5, but his athletically muscled physique was exaggerated by a severe lack of body fat and cold grey skin. He was the embodiment of a living corpse, but his eyes were solid yellow, and Nick wished he didn’t know that everything on Death’s body still worked like it should. Even so, Death did possess a human appearance, but that was for public eyes only.
He spoke again to his Son in that deep hybrid accent of British/American “The Business Office has asked me, to ask you, if you will do a job for them?”
Nick stood up and walked over to his window-view of the city. Why have a penthouse apartment and not use the window? “Why do they need me? Can Sheriff Beast not handle this by himself? Why not bring the Wolf out of his cosy retirement for a change…”
Death narrowed his gaze “Because this job requires someone with a will strong enough to resist the effects of a certain item… And, it requires someone with the power to literally travel between universes”
Nick was interested now. He turned around and swigged his whiskey “What item are you referring to?”
Death was nearly expressionless “The Daemon’s ring”
Nick nearly dropped his bottle at hearing the name “That ring?! But it’s sealed away in the Business Office! I put it there myself!”
Death nodded slowly “Yes, and you know what power it contains… If someone else got a hold of it then who knows what they could accomplish?”
Nick had to sit down, for the first time ever he was nervous about a magical item “That thing makes the One Ring of Middle Earth look like a child’s toy! It took forever for me to control it, I nearly murdered Jayne when I came back!...”
Death gestured for Nick to calm down “Yes yes, I know. But this time, your goal is to destroy it. Bringing it back is no longer an option, Mayor Cole and Deputy Mayor Beauty have both deemed it too unsafe to even exist”
Nick looked up at his Father, and gave a reluctant nod “Ok, fine, I will do it… You know, it really sucks that Fate binds you the way it does”
Death shrugged “Trust me Son, I would deal with this matter myself. But if someone of my power meddled in the affairs of other’s… Well, we all remember what happened. I wiped out an entire world, everyone, and everything…”
The pair reflected for a moment, before Nick grabbed his signature coat: A long black leather trench coat with a black velvet hood, and used one of his many powers to teleport straight to the Business Office.
O The Business Office
Beauty was sat at the Deputy Mayor’s desk when her papers suddenly flew off the table, and she herself nearly fell out of her chair. Luckily Nick grabbed her just in time before her whole body collided with the floor.
“Well aren’t you a fine gentleman, Harbinger?” Nick smirked as he sat her back up and then collected the discarded papers from the floor, setting them back neatly on Beauty’s desk. Nick’s title was ‘Harbinger’, a moniker given to him by Death upon his creation. Nick was literally Death’s Harbinger of Doom, the one who would carry out any order for his Master. That was a few centuries ago now, but the truth could never be buried…
“Sorry milady, seems we teleported too close to your desk, we’ll try better next time” Death gave a mocking bow afterwards and then snapped his fingers at Nick “You, stand there”
Nick did as he was told, albeit with some colour in his eyes. Nick’s eyes changed colour to yellow as he got angrier, but it was also a reminder that his human form was his weakest, and that he had 2 other’s to choose from… Both monstrous forms, and both of them renowned for their Apex qualities.
Death was presently joined by an elderly looking woman from the shadows themselves, Frau Totenkinder; the leader of the 13th Floor Witches.
Nick was a little confused “Wait why do both of you need to be here?”
Frau smirked then “Because 2 is better than one in this case. We don’t know what universe we’re sending you to; we’re simply following the trail that the thief left behind. Also bear this in mind, we can tell you already that not all of your powers will be available to you in this universe. Some will be, but not all”
Nick readied himself. Death and Frau spread their arms forward and chanted some ancient tongue. Then he felt it, Nick felt himself disappearing, disappearing into nothing but air. It was a horrific feeling to suddenly become weightless, no longer needing to breath, then losing all sense of anything and everything around you…
“Good luck my Son”
O The strange world
Nick was falling, falling from what looked like space, given how he could clearly see a moon above him in spite of it being the middle of the day. He couldn’t do anything to control his descent as he suddenly realised that teleporting wasn’t option for him right now. He would just have to hope that he could survive the fall in one piece…
The landing in question was not on sand, but on a rocky outcrop. That had smashed Nick’s head into pieces. But Harbinger’s were not stopped so easily mind you… Nick’s head took only a minute to rebuild itself, though it certainly wasn’t a comfortable process.
However, looking around was a worse decision. Nick turned around to stare straight into the barrel of a shotgun, being wielded by a pasty man in a creepy mask; he was joined by at least 5-6 other men all like him, and all of them snarling and twitching. He gestured frantically for Nick to get up, and Nick complied.
He then spoke crazily “You are something new!! We want to eat you and get whatever it is that makes you strong! Eat you, eat you!!” Nick cracked out his neck, and responded back “Ok then, have a taste of my fist first”
Nick jabbed the Psycho in the face so hard that its nose was suddenly no longer a part of its anatomy. It turned around slowly then dropped dead before its companions. 2 other Psycho’s rushed Nick, one went in for a wild swing which Nick ducked, kicking him away afterwards as he grabbed the other Psycho by the throat and crushed it like a tin can. The Psycho from earlier punched Nick in the back of the head, but he didn’t even move from the attack!
The Psycho looked at his hand, and then hit Nick 3 more times in the torso upon him turning around. Nothing. Nick kicked his leg up in-between the Psycho’s legs and could’ve sworn the scream afterwards had damaged his ear drums. One other Psycho pulled out a knife and went in for a stab Nick parried the attack and forced the blade straight into the man’s throat, dragging it across afterwards and allowing the blood to spray out before dropping the corpse to the ground.
This was what Nick was good at, this is what he was made to do, this is what he loved doing… And he was enjoying it more and more, secretly wishing for more Psycho’s to appear.
There were 2 Psycho’s left now. A midget Psycho that Nick punted straight into the wall behind it with a satisfying crunch, and a Badass Psycho that was maybe more of a match for Nick than he initially thought. This one actually floored him with one lucky punch, but Nick got back up and jumped at the creature, throwing his fist straight into its throat.
He landed and stared at the Badass as it clutched at its neck for breath, till Nick placed his hands on either side of the creature’s face, and pushed them together. The blood splattering on Nick told the whole story of what just happened…
In the aftermath Nick had yellow eyes and a substantial amount of blood on him. Nothing to worry about for now, he had a ring to find. This was a mere bump in the road, and Nick had no issue with killing those who intended on killing him first. There was a secret to dealing with the Harbinger’s, but few knew of these methods.
Unfortunately for Nick, his little show of force hadn’t gone unnoticed. He had been watched from a hiding spot by a girl of about 7, wearing a white hat and with a red streak in her hair.
Her name, was Fiona.
A/N: So I finally bring you Chapter 1 of this!! This fic will have violence and swearing throughout, but each chapter is appropriate to be posted on this thread.
If you have ANY questions then ask me them, don't forget to Like and please leave a comment with your thoughts!
oh well, you know. that's how I roll.
When I see the number of people who comment on your works?...
Then they're either rude or lazy to not comment on mine :P
Glad you enjoyed the episode (isn't it brilliant?) I missed the Rhyiona option, but in the end the fact that they go in the Vault together and share all those sweet words and looks with each other just makes my heart content... and melt in the end, so sweet ^-^
Fair enough, sorry.
When I saw you tag me, I just felt like giving you something in return, ya know?...
When you tagged all those people, you have shown that you cared more about others that yourself, and that makes me respect you THAT much more.
Nah man, I'm really happy that you read and commented on mine!
You and Kristi are both great writer's so hearing what you both have to say makes me so happy!!
It's just that several of us admitted they really wanted to read my fic when it was ready, but now it's like "Oh, ok then, I see how it is... Too long? Too complex? Not a one-shot?"
Thanks buddy, I was excited for it!
Maybe it was the spoiler tag, who knows?
It's easy to scroll past it.
is it on cuz i can't find it there
I'm sure it will be hard to "pick" people so to say, but no matter what, I just wanted to say thank you for doing this for us.
You're da true MVP.
Page 1348.
tnx bra
Speaking of writing uh... I'm gonna be writing another story based around THE Rhyiona moment (I promise it won't be the same thing as yesterday's though!) but I would still appreciate some ideas or something because writing requests is always fun.
I'm gonna repost it anyways brah :P
oh well, I've been doing horrible, thanks for asking ^^ this place was so freaking dull and boring, and HELL the teacher was annoying af! he was always talking shit and was watching at everything like he was superior, like he knew something we didn't! gosh I just wanted to shoot this selfish face with the conference call! and the other students...oh hell the other students! don't even get me started about these idiots! oh wait...TOO LATE. first lesson, everybody is wasted, vomiting, sleeping while looking like they're about to die (sadly, they were not), and then, sleeping in their own shit, they seriously asked me why I never go drinking with them!
I better stop now, this is not meant for this forum.
ehem I've been doing horrible, this week was a great big pain in the ass, but really, thanks for asking. I'm glad you noticed my gif-joke
I really hoped that everybody would notice it
and hey, I'm visiting this thread only on weekends most time, so don't feel bad about yourself :P
Nah nah nah, this fic is safe for the thread. So I'm posting it on the thread
... That work? Cuz that's all I needed to start TDAU believe it or not!!! (With Snigby instead of Rhyiona :P)
Well, I mean, that's what's behind every single Rhyiona story. :P
holy shit this is amazing
please keep this going, it's fantastic
Jacol is a dude. And a HUMONGOUS supporter of Snow White tricked ME?
this is not possible! this can't be happening! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!
I don't play TF2....
Least I was the first name in your mentions list! XP
Man, I've been here sense day one baby
Uh wouldn't that be against rhyiona or...
I'll try and write Chapter 2 tonight!
If I can keep this up then hopefully I'll get into a routine of writing a Chapter of one of my fics everyday
Haha, it is possible, bruh. ^-^
I tricked you, you fell for the trap. Deal with it
Same for me. That moment, that last scene is so perfect that I can't get it out of my head.
I'm so Rhyiona-inspired I can't sleep, and I already have a half a dozen ideas I'm planning on writing, but I'd love some prompts, too!
So, send some ideas over to your friendly neighborhood writers, everyone!
But then you make it better! XD
No. Letting Sasha pick the flower opens the Rhyiona dialogue in the end too. Can confirm because I didn't touch it.
I'll find something eventually. :P
Awww you :')
No spoiler tags now. I knew it was a bad idea, but when you click that button and hit 'Post' then you can't get rid of the tag! >:(
Seeing as it's 2,000 words the chances of it being missed without a tag are slimmer
I want to write at least one more based on that scene because I know I made the last one a cheese fest so I'm gonna try something a little more light hearted because hey, that's their dynamic afterall .:D
Guess who's back from the Banlands?
Yeah, that angers me too. Sometimes I'm on the tablet and I accidentally tap the spoiler box and then it's stuck there.
You gonna be a good boy this time round? :P
Glad to be of service ^^
Ayy, welcome back, Elliott! ^-^
Also, sorry that I didn't show you my drawing for your birthday. I had to study for many tests and I was really really tired
So this is that TWAU and TFTB Crossover fic I have been planning for a while now. It's here! Well, the first chapter is at least :P SO PLEASE ENJOY!!!
A Tale Never Told: Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
So, you want to hear this story? The story that that wretched man in the black coat never wanted me to tell anyone? Well, alright then, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me telling it to all of you… Just be weary that you better know of more than just this world when you embark on reading this epic adventure. It may confuse you at times, but pay attention, and you shall understand in time.
O Nick’s Apartment, July 20th 2013
“Nick honey, are you settled in?” Nick’s girlfriend, Jayne, called to him from the kitchen just across from the living room with that smooth American voice that made him feel special. He was perched lazily on the spacious couch as he awaited her return to him, hopefully with fewer clothes and 2 bottles of alcohol.
Nick was a brutish man standing at 6’3, with a very tough physique of tight and obvious muscles. He had shoulder length black hair and a goatee beard that was in need of trimming soon. He had an array of tribal tattoo’s covering both of his broad arms, and had 2 obvious scars on his face; a scar down his right eye from a sword, and a crow’s feet shaped scar on his right cheek from a branding iron. Both scars were fairly obvious but had clearly been acquired a long time ago, and in Nick’s case; this was near 300 years ago.
“Yeah yeah, I’m waiting for you, babe” Nick spoke back with a voice that was both deep and gravelly, and with a Scottish accent so thick you could never get rid of it. Jayne practically sashayed herself back to the couch with a bottle of salted whiskey in one hand, and a glass of red wine in the other. She was a tall woman at 5’10, with a voluptuous figure to kill for and hair like ebony. She was often described as the sultry version of Snow White herself, but Jayne was far from ‘easy’ and Nick knew this all too well…
She perched herself next to him with one leg crossed over the other, clinked her glass with Nick’s and then sipped slowly. This night was meant to be special, but a certain individual was about to ruin it all for them.
A whoosh of sand formed into a tall dark figure right in front of the TV and made himself known to the pair “I hope I’m not interrupting you, Son?” Nick glared at the figure in response “Hello, Death. Sorry… I mean, Father”
It was true. The Horseman Death was indeed Nick’s creator some 2,000 years ago, and in spite of creating Nick to be a servant, he came to view him as a Son. Largely because Death had spent enough time around ‘Mundane’ people to understand emotion and know of its true benefits.
“Nick, I need to talk with you privately. I do apologise by the way Jayne-” Jayne waved him off and went upstairs “It’s ok, I know what you 2 get up to. But Nick, can you please say goodbye to me this time?” Nick flashed his love a cheeky wink before she removed herself from the vicinity of the 2 men; she could’ve sworn the raw power they both emanated was giving her a bad headache already…
Death was also tall at 6’5, but his athletically muscled physique was exaggerated by a severe lack of body fat and cold grey skin. He was the embodiment of a living corpse, but his eyes were solid yellow, and Nick wished he didn’t know that everything on Death’s body still worked like it should. Even so, Death did possess a human appearance, but that was for public eyes only.
He spoke again to his Son in that deep hybrid accent of British/American “The Business Office has asked me, to ask you, if you will do a job for them?”
Nick stood up and walked over to his window-view of the city. Why have a penthouse apartment and not use the window? “Why do they need me? Can Sheriff Beast not handle this by himself? Why not bring the Wolf out of his cosy retirement for a change…”
Death narrowed his gaze “Because this job requires someone with a will strong enough to resist the effects of a certain item… And, it requires someone with the power to literally travel between universes”
Nick was interested now. He turned around and swigged his whiskey “What item are you referring to?”
Death was nearly expressionless “The Daemon’s ring”
Nick nearly dropped his bottle at hearing the name “That ring?! But it’s sealed away in the Business Office! I put it there myself!”
Death nodded slowly “Yes, and you know what power it contains… If someone else got a hold of it then who knows what they could accomplish?”
Nick had to sit down, for the first time ever he was nervous about a magical item “That thing makes the One Ring of Middle Earth look like a child’s toy! It took forever for me to control it, I nearly murdered Jayne when I came back!...”
Death gestured for Nick to calm down “Yes yes, I know. But this time, your goal is to destroy it. Bringing it back is no longer an option, Mayor Cole and Deputy Mayor Beauty have both deemed it too unsafe to even exist”
Nick looked up at his Father, and gave a reluctant nod “Ok, fine, I will do it… You know, it really sucks that Fate binds you the way it does”
Death shrugged “Trust me Son, I would deal with this matter myself. But if someone of my power meddled in the affairs of other’s… Well, we all remember what happened. I wiped out an entire world, everyone, and everything…”
The pair reflected for a moment, before Nick grabbed his signature coat: A long black leather trench coat with a black velvet hood, and used one of his many powers to teleport straight to the Business Office.
O The Business Office
Beauty was sat at the Deputy Mayor’s desk when her papers suddenly flew off the table, and she herself nearly fell out of her chair. Luckily Nick grabbed her just in time before her whole body collided with the floor.
“Well aren’t you a fine gentleman, Harbinger?” Nick smirked as he sat her back up and then collected the discarded papers from the floor, setting them back neatly on Beauty’s desk. Nick’s title was ‘Harbinger’, a moniker given to him by Death upon his creation. Nick was literally Death’s Harbinger of Doom, the one who would carry out any order for his Master. That was a few centuries ago now, but the truth could never be buried…
“Sorry milady, seems we teleported too close to your desk, we’ll try better next time” Death gave a mocking bow afterwards and then snapped his fingers at Nick “You, stand there”
Nick did as he was told, albeit with some colour in his eyes. Nick’s eyes changed colour to yellow as he got angrier, but it was also a reminder that his human form was his weakest, and that he had 2 other’s to choose from… Both monstrous forms, and both of them renowned for their Apex qualities.
Death was presently joined by an elderly looking woman from the shadows themselves, Frau Totenkinder; the leader of the 13th Floor Witches.
Nick was a little confused “Wait why do both of you need to be here?”
Frau smirked then “Because 2 is better than one in this case. We don’t know what universe we’re sending you to; we’re simply following the trail that the thief left behind. Also bear this in mind, we can tell you already that not all of your powers will be available to you in this universe. Some will be, but not all”
Nick readied himself. Death and Frau spread their arms forward and chanted some ancient tongue. Then he felt it, Nick felt himself disappearing, disappearing into nothing but air. It was a horrific feeling to suddenly become weightless, no longer needing to breath, then losing all sense of anything and everything around you…
“Good luck my Son”
O The strange world
Nick was falling, falling from what looked like space, given how he could clearly see a moon above him in spite of it being the middle of the day. He couldn’t do anything to control his descent as he suddenly realised that teleporting wasn’t option for him right now. He would just have to hope that he could survive the fall in one piece…
The landing in question was not on sand, but on a rocky outcrop. That had smashed Nick’s head into pieces. But Harbinger’s were not stopped so easily mind you… Nick’s head took only a minute to rebuild itself, though it certainly wasn’t a comfortable process.
However, looking around was a worse decision. Nick turned around to stare straight into the barrel of a shotgun, being wielded by a pasty man in a creepy mask; he was joined by at least 5-6 other men all like him, and all of them snarling and twitching. He gestured frantically for Nick to get up, and Nick complied.
He then spoke crazily “You are something new!! We want to eat you and get whatever it is that makes you strong! Eat you, eat you!!” Nick cracked out his neck, and responded back “Ok then, have a taste of my fist first”
Nick jabbed the Psycho in the face so hard that its nose was suddenly no longer a part of its anatomy. It turned around slowly then dropped dead before its companions. 2 other Psycho’s rushed Nick, one went in for a wild swing which Nick ducked, kicking him away afterwards as he grabbed the other Psycho by the throat and crushed it like a tin can. The Psycho from earlier punched Nick in the back of the head, but he didn’t even move from the attack!
The Psycho looked at his hand, and then hit Nick 3 more times in the torso upon him turning around. Nothing. Nick kicked his leg up in-between the Psycho’s legs and could’ve sworn the scream afterwards had damaged his ear drums. One other Psycho pulled out a knife and went in for a stab Nick parried the attack and forced the blade straight into the man’s throat, dragging it across afterwards and allowing the blood to spray out before dropping the corpse to the ground.
This was what Nick was good at, this is what he was made to do, this is what he loved doing… And he was enjoying it more and more, secretly wishing for more Psycho’s to appear.
There were 2 Psycho’s left now. A midget Psycho that Nick punted straight into the wall behind it with a satisfying crunch, and a Badass Psycho that was maybe more of a match for Nick than he initially thought. This one actually floored him with one lucky punch, but Nick got back up and jumped at the creature, throwing his fist straight into its throat.
He landed and stared at the Badass as it clutched at its neck for breath, till Nick placed his hands on either side of the creature’s face, and pushed them together. The blood splattering on Nick told the whole story of what just happened…
In the aftermath Nick had yellow eyes and a substantial amount of blood on him. Nothing to worry about for now, he had a ring to find. This was a mere bump in the road, and Nick had no issue with killing those who intended on killing him first. There was a secret to dealing with the Harbinger’s, but few knew of these methods.
Unfortunately for Nick, his little show of force hadn’t gone unnoticed. He had been watched from a hiding spot by a girl of about 7, wearing a white hat and with a red streak in her hair.
Her name, was Fiona.
A/N: So I finally bring you Chapter 1 of this!! This fic will have violence and swearing throughout, but each chapter is appropriate to be posted on this thread.
If you have ANY questions then ask me them, don't forget to Like and please leave a comment with your thoughts!
Bye for now my fellow Rhyionas!!! XD
Thanks, I really feel heartbroken about the limit. I will do my best to figure a way out to include more peeps! I might be able to double the limit. For now, you're in and so is @HellFish @SirScrubbington @kristi78968 @ABigBadWolf @Green613 @John_Smith13 @buntingsir @Eryka @MarijaaNo7 @Wolfenus57 @nohuhhuh @Dracu98 @DaveTheArakin @Kawaiii and my old forum bros @Hazzatheman and @Poogers555
Have a good day folks!