Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • If we only had a gif of that....still it was the moment I thought our ship is going to sink.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I gotchu, bro

  • if I knew how to gif it I would :L

    Leluch123 posted: »

    If we only had a gif of that....still it was the moment I thought our ship is going to sink.

  • edited October 2015

    Poor August...

    enter image description here

    By kingarthursart

  • I don't know, I didn't think you would hate it as a regular fan but a Rhysha fan I figured maybe you would have been disappointed if you chose to rule Hyperion and see the results in Ep.5 as Sasha hugs Vaughn instead of Rhys. I got that on my first playthrough of the episode and it kind of burned me inside but I was okay with it afterwards. But I'm glad there's at least a scene where Sasha hugs Rhys.

    Pipas posted: »

    Lol, why would you think I'd hate it.

  • Thanks, but I will never understand why people think I'm awesome because I'm not even close :d

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    I will never understand how awesome you are

  • Yeah, I didn't choose to rule Hyperion, so I was pretty happy with the result. ;)

    J-Master posted: »

    I don't know, I didn't think you would hate it as a regular fan but a Rhysha fan I figured maybe you would have been disappointed if you cho

  • Hey hey,

    I know you’re all still experiencing the aftermath of the last episode, but I think you shouldn’t miss this. :P @Courtenay started an interactive sidestory of TftB with pictures and all. :D Here’s the short summary:

    The scenario is simple: Rhys and Fiona wake up in the middle of the night to discover that the Stranger is not around. What happens from there on out is up to you.

    Unfortunately, the thread is in the "Forum games" section of forums, which is pretty much dead, so it escaped many people’s attention and no one commented. :( I hope after this advertisement, some of you will at least check it out. :P

    You can find it HERE.

  • enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey hey, I know you’re all still experiencing the aftermath of the last episode, but I think you shouldn’t miss this. :P @Courtenay start

  • Commented!

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey hey, I know you’re all still experiencing the aftermath of the last episode, but I think you shouldn’t miss this. :P @Courtenay start

  • So I guess we're not having an event?

  • Here's a quick link : Kotaku

  • This reviewer knows what's up. ;)

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Here's a quick link : Kotaku

  • Wow even Kotaku top editors ship my otp(and Nathan of all people).

    Rhysha is too mainstream plz nerf.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Here's a quick link : Kotaku

  • image





    Found on tumblr, if this is what you wanted. C:

    Leluch123 posted: »

    If we only had a gif of that....still it was the moment I thought our ship is going to sink.

  • Damn it that was so emotional! That and when I made Fiona say she loved her.-_-

    Leluch123 posted: »

    The one where she wipe his tears that one is stronger than any other

  • He has good taste. Respect.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Here's a quick link : Kotaku

  • Yeah I noticed that too! I think just about everyone like Rhys and Sasha together. Except for what, that 0.9 percent If remember lol.

    UmbraCode posted: »

    Wow even Kotaku top editors ship my otp(and Nathan of all people). Rhysha is too mainstream plz nerf.

  • The percentage of Rhysha shippers is still growing I believe. Anyone have an updated percentage chart?

    Enigma12 posted: »

    Yeah I noticed that too! I think just about everyone like Rhys and Sasha together. Except for what, that 0.9 percent If remember lol.

  • edited October 2015

    Just made this gif with my shoddy shop works.

    enter image description here
    Could be better version but dat wink though. Post a better version if you guys find any please.

  • I'm more concerned about this gracious jakobs-sniper. jakobs and vladof really make the best snipers arou- oh wait, there IS a vladof-sniper in your lucky son of a bitch...

    Look what gun I just got after killing the Warrior.

  • not to mention that a little part of me died during that scene. I really thought sasha would die there. speaking of it, what was that healing-thingy felix gave her? and WHY did he gave it to her? he couldn't have possibly known what was going to happen

    UmbraCode posted: »

    Just made this gif with my shoddy shop works. Could be better version but dat wink though. Post a better version if you guys find any please.

  • I always keep a set of corrosive weapons in my backpack for when I have to face off against Loader Bots and other armored enemies, regular bullets just don't do the damage I need them to. I used the Jakobs for regular enemies and the Vladof for armored enemies. I've never actually been that much of a fan of Vladof snipers, I love their assault rifles and their pistols, but not that big on sniper rifles. Most of the time, it's always either Jakobs or Hyperion snipers.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    I'm more concerned about this gracious jakobs-sniper. jakobs and vladof really make the best snipers arou- oh wait, there IS a vladof-sniper in your lucky son of a bitch...

  • edited October 2015

    Maybe he thought sasha was the more "go in guns blazing type" and was more likely to get hurt? I dunno still glad she didn't die though :)

    Dracu98 posted: »

    not to mention that a little part of me died during that scene. I really thought sasha would die there. speaking of it, what was that healin

  • part one is done :) I hope you will like it. And again thanks all who helped me.

  • way to go, but isn't your inventory always full then? I always use a non-elemental sniper as main-weapon (slag-sniper since I entered the ultimate vault hunter-mode), a smg with the elemental to fight the main-enemies (at the beginning, you have to fight bandits, but later it's mainly loader bots), and a pistol with...well, the other kind of elemental damage. for example, when fighting loaderbots, I carry a corrosive smg and a fire-pistol. but still, the sniper is my weapon of choice since none of the loaders and only a few hyperion-soldiers have precise weapons. I's hyperion, duh. they are hard to use, especially for beginners. if an enemie has shields, my action skill takes perfect care of it. Zer0's hologram makes electrical damage, plus the kunais to a very good job slagging the enemy. but how can you not love vladof-snipers? they are precise and can fire very fast. what's not to like about them?

    I always keep a set of corrosive weapons in my backpack for when I have to face off against Loader Bots and other armored enemies, regular b

  • edited October 2015

    way to go, but isn't your inventory always full then?

    Nope, I bought a lot of backpack upgrades with Eridium (as you can see, I have 33 slots), plus it's only an additional 2-3 weapons most of the time, so it's not a big deal.

    Hyperion snipers are a little tricky in the beginning, but once you get the feel of them, they're really good, Hyperion makes some great weaponry I have to admit. It's not that I don't like Vladof snipers, but it's just that they almost never seem to do enough damage. Hell, shortly after picking up that Vladof, I found a Maliwan that did way more damage and had a higher corrosive damage per second rate. I love Vladof weapons for their fire rate, but hate that they're so weak compared to other manufacturers.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    way to go, but isn't your inventory always full then? I always use a non-elemental sniper as main-weapon (slag-sniper since I entered the ul

  • He kinda did, actually. He made it really clear that some very dangerous people (Vallory and her goons) were coming for Sasha and Fiona. A healing device was the most basic of precautions, to be honest.

    It still doesn't explain why he didn't give one to Fiona as well. Unless he thought Fiona could handle herself better than Sasha, which... still makes no sense when Sasha is portrayed as the more adept gunman and Fiona as the "less-fighting-more-talking" type.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    not to mention that a little part of me died during that scene. I really thought sasha would die there. speaking of it, what was that healin

  • That one's cute :')

    UnicornsFTW posted: » part one is done I hope you will like it. And again thanks all who helped me.

  • I got all the backpack-upgrades too, but I still run out of space all the time, and it hurts to leave a weapon behind, even if it's just white crap.

    I love hyperions smg's. it just feels good to use them, and, even if it's only for a short time, they are more precise than any other smg out there. same goes for snipers. I love that they have no repulsion, after a few missed shots (if you're not used to them, as you said) you can headshot everything and everybody that stands in your way. and well, the almighty chest brought me some awesome vladof-snipers time by time :3 kinda sad that I don't play borderlands anymore. hell, I was looking after golden key-keys multiple times a day XD

    way to go, but isn't your inventory always full then? Nope, I bought a lot of backpack upgrades with Eridium (as you can see, I have

  • edited October 2015

    Yeah, my reaction when she looked at the detanator and made a face, I knew what she was thinking and I was like...

    Don't you do this to me TELLTALE!!!!!!!!

    And then when she was by the exit of the vehicle and ready to go I was like...


    I thought her body wouldn't be found, in which case I'd be even more annoyed that she'd die without any final words of moments other than a wink to Fiona and killing herself just so Loaderbot could stick his usb in Gortys' port.
    Luckily Telltale were just trolling.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    not to mention that a little part of me died during that scene. I really thought sasha would die there. speaking of it, what was that healin

  • enter image description here

    The only thing cuter than this picture is your fanfic. Loved it!

    UnicornsFTW posted: » part one is done I hope you will like it. And again thanks all who helped me.

  • maybe he thought a gun for fiona and a healing-thingy for sasha would be more...balanced since sasha already own some weapons?

    He kinda did, actually. He made it really clear that some very dangerous people (Vallory and her goons) were coming for Sasha and Fiona. A h

  • Hyperion and Tediore, they make the best SMG's. I wasn't that big into them before, but I've taken a liking to Dahl's SMG's lately, that burst of fire it awesome.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    I got all the backpack-upgrades too, but I still run out of space all the time, and it hurts to leave a weapon behind, even if it's just whi

  • it says I need to sing in to read... aint nobody got time fo dat! D:

    UnicornsFTW posted: » part one is done I hope you will like it. And again thanks all who helped me.

  • I CLAIM THEM AS MY OWN!!!!!!!!!

    The only thing cuter than this picture is your fanfic. Loved it!

  • edited October 2015

    My first accidental doublepost!

    The only thing cuter than this picture is your fanfic. Loved it!

  • oh yeah, tediore's are really awesome. but I also love dahl's snipers, they are really useful when combined with elemental damage, even in ultimate vault hunter mode

    Hyperion and Tediore, they make the best SMG's. I wasn't that big into them before, but I've taken a liking to Dahl's SMG's lately, that burst of fire it awesome.

  • sasha getting healed, then breaking her arm ("yep, that's broken"), telltale be like "problem, player?"

    Yeah, my reaction when she looked at the detanator and made a face, I knew what she was thinking and I was like... Don't you do this to m

  • Hopefully they're done with throwing her around like a gmod ragdoll now.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    sasha getting healed, then breaking her arm ("yep, that's broken"), telltale be like "problem, player?"

  • Here ya go :P

    Rhys was sitting at the bench near the girls toilet. He was dreaming about tomorrows evening. How they all would be at Athena's and Springs wedding and he would have a chance finally to get to the Sasha. He had made plan already. He will....

    ,,Ahh!!!" Rhys screamd, when he felt cold wet hands on his cheeks.

    ,,Aww baby got scared of two wet hands on his cheeks?" Sasha said laughing while Rhys glanced at her with a furious look. Some people walking not far from them looked at Rhys while he was screaming.

    ,, I was not scared, I just wa-as not expected that to happen" He mumbled a little under his breath. He felt his cheeks becoming red because of embarrassment. She smiled once more sheepishly and continued walking through shops. Though they had spent 2 hours already walking at the shops.

    Sasha already bought the dress she was going to wear at the wedding. But Rhys didn't find anything that would fit.

    ,, Seriously you guys only need one costume which you can take to any occasion. What is wrong with you?" She looked at him annoyed. He could see how tired she was.

    ,, Ok I will go toilet, can you wait for me, I will be back in 5 minutes, you can sit on the bench and think about life..."

    " I get it just shut up and go." She sat down on the bench glancing and him ,,Why are you still here? Go!!". Rhys started to run towards the restroom. But he didn't have to take a leak, he walked up to the mirror and looked at his reflection.

    ,, Ok Rhys, now you will have to ask her for dinner. It is just dinner nothing more. But it is dinner with Sasha, with the woman I love. So technically it will be a date for me. So maybe later she will agree to go to my place and later into my bed..." He stopped as he imagined about all of the lewd things they could do.

    ,, Hey is everything OK you were staring at the mirror for almost 5 minutes. And you were mumbling something about a girl tying you to the bed while holding a whip. It sounded perverted, and this I..."

    A random man started to complain. Rhys quickly shuffled out of restroom. He looked at the bench were he left Sasha but she wasn't there anymore. He looked around people where she was. But he couldn't see her. soon he saw her standing by a jewelry shop. She was looking at a beautiful necklace. Rhys came behind her and looked at the necklace. It was a green hummingbird. She took her gaze off the necklace and looked at Rhys.

    "It looks beautiful. Doesn't it?" Sasha said looking at Rhys.

    "not as beautiful as you " He muttered under his breath.

    "Rhys, what did you said? You were mumbling and I couldn't hear you." Sasha started to walk away from the jewelry shop.

    "N-no-nothing, I said that it looks really beautiful." She looked at him like she didn't believe what he said.

    "That was not what you said. I can hear really well, you should know it by now. It isn't first time that you said something quirky around me. But thanks I suppose . . . It was a sweet thing to say." she said as looked at him while smirking.

    "Uhmm you're welcome I guess. Hey we have already been walking around those markets for like 2 hours, so uhm maybe you uhm wanna have d-di-nner with me? It won't be like date. Just I am hungry and I-I think that you are hungry as well. So it would be-be nice to-to have lunch sorry meant dinner." he said while scratching the back of his head. He felt butterflies flying in his stomach while he

    was asking his crush to have dinner.

    " Yeah OK I am dying of hunger. By the way you're paying for dinner." She looked at him and hugged his arm playfully. He looked at her and smiled.

    "Don't worry I'm paying" he said while smiling. And then she suddenly hugged him. Rhys was astonished. She buried her face in Rhys neck, he put his head on her dreads. He could smell her shampoo. Then the hug suddenly broke, when Sasha pulled away from it.

    "So lets go eat?" She asked and sprinted towards the restaurant. She left Rhys with burning cheeks and butterflies flying in his stomach. He looked after her and started to walk towards restaurant..

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    it says I need to sing in to read... aint nobody got time fo dat!

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