Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



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    Hey guys. It's me again. I can't sleep tonight (it's almost 3 AM in Poland xD), so I, uugh... made a thing, I guess. But before I share this

  • Goddammit, y u must remind me.

    enter image description here

    Or Rakk Hive x Hyperion moonshot.

  • It was pretty much the same for me. :P

    Welcome aboard, territaylor_!

    So glad to know there are so many other RhysXSasha shippers like me... this thread is so beautiful.. happy tears -So happy I decided to beco

  • enter image description here

    Yes! Still one of the cutest moments of the game. You guys totally get it. Brofists all around

  • Aww, another amazing art.

    Made by leafpuppy.

  • You'll find out soon.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    What is this "soon" ?

  • edited October 2015

    President life, everybody!

  • Now, although I don't come on here often,I'd like to inform you all that the Borderlands subreddit, filled with Borderlands 2 veterans, has chosen Rhysha as the ship of their choice.

    You may celebrate now.

  • Hey, no worries. Glad I could help. :P

    Courtenay posted: »

    Hey, thanks a bunch for the plug Pipas! I had a small heart attack when I saw eleven notifications on my feed today. Glad it was from this and not some sort of comment war.

  • Yeah, just looked it up.

    enter image description here

    Eh... Looks kinda weird, I'm keeping the old one. :D

    Poogers555 posted: »

    He does, when they are all suggesting who they will select for Vault Hunters, Rhys says LB and loaderbot gives a thumbs up

  • I like being mysterious.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Dude why is your account private? :P

  • NeverForget :(

    Or Rakk Hive x Hyperion moonshot.

  • Ahhhh... The smell and the happy feelings when I come back to this thread :)

  • Not Rhysha related, but I found it hilarious.

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  • poor Rhys just wait till the VH caughts the wind of it that he took helios down with a stun Rod...

    Pipas posted: »

    Not Rhysha related, but I found it hilarious. Source

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    Guys I just noticed....looks at Athena's eyes when Cassious says that line...

    enter image description here

    Poor Rhys....

    here's a link start from 8:23 and look at Athena's eyes XD

    enter link description here

  • edited October 2015

    Uuuum..hello?I just finally got to play the episode last Friday and I must say..I'll never forget this :]

    So many things were going on in episode 5 that I don't even know where to start,from the party with Handsome Jack,to the ventilation room where you take down the power core,to the shootout scene with Finch and Kroger,the LB sacrifice scene,the intro where Helios blows up,the dramatic confrontation with Jack(which I confess,I cried in it,seeing HJ kneel on his knees like that was just 2much4me ;;),the moment where Vaughn was revealed to be alive and thriving,the mindblowing stranger reveal,the epic fight with The Traveller,and lastly that end scene were I thought we were gonna lose Sasha ;;(never troll me so hard like this again TT,please).All in all,it was a really awesome episode and I'm glad I've been a part of this community this beginning,and I'm more glad that I've been a part of such an amazing ship like Rhysha(even though I didn't get the hug with Rhys and Sasha,I still confessed as Rhys that I crushed on her,and made Fiona ship them both,I should never suck Jack's dick so hard like this again).In the end..

    enter image description here

    Thank You everyone <3

    Also,I capped my choices if anyone is interested

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    P.S. After seeing that last scene in the vault I must admit,Rhyiona turned out to be not so bad afterall,even if I don't ship it.

    Another P.S. Now,I see this game better than TWD itself(which I thought it could never be beaten by another game)

  • Athena be like

    enter image description here

    gg Rhys

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Guys I just noticed....looks at Athena's eyes when Cassious says that line... Poor Rhys.... here's a link start from 8:23 and look at Athena's eyes XD enter link description here

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited October 2015

    Yay present time Sasha!

    enter image description here

    and bit of past

    enter image description here

  • Just wanted to post this. :D Ah, whatevs. Here's one more present Sasha.

    enter image description here


    Leluch123 posted: »

    Yay present time Sasha! and bit of past

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited October 2015

    Hell the details of this game are amazing. I missed that first few times but damn such little things are satisfing

    Imagine that.

    Rhys: Hey Athena I heard that you have some money issues?

    Athena: Yes,

    Rhys: How about you do one simple job for me and I pay you shit load of cash

    Athena: I will never work for Atlas scum!

    Rhys: Oh come I just one simple job! It's for your wedding!

    Athena: Ok fine.

    Rhys secretly tricks Athena into killing Jaeny.

    Pipas posted: »

    Athena be like gg Rhys

  • I think now the discussions aobut her skin color will end

    Pipas posted: »

    Just wanted to post this. Ah, whatevs. Here's one more present Sasha. Source

  • Oh yeah, that was one of the most heartbreaking moments to me, I was like "NOO TELLTALE WHAT ARE YOU DOING" and I cried like a little girl, tbh.

    Legends say that if you listen closely you can hear my heart shattering in pieces and my gross sobbing in the distance

  • I guess the majority of players don't visit forums?

    Holy shit, it just keeps growing every single day, and yet here on the forums, we're still in the minority, how is that possible?

  • Yeah, there's nothin' to be ashamed of. Keep drawin' dat good stuff.
    If anything I like traditional mediums of art as well as digital, but the roadblock I have is finding a scanner or good camera to get dat shizzle uploaded.
    Anyways... good stuff.
    enter image description here

    Ehh, I guess I should work on my self-confidence, or something. I start seeing that maybe I really shouldn't be ashamed of everything I make and hide it from the world... Thank you for kind words.

  • Thank you!

    And about scanners - I hate them. I scanned this piece but it looked way different and worse than in real, so I took a photo of it and it looks way better, though my phone camera is crappy. I dunno why is that, but really, scanners have been my enemies since forever and it's not gonna change, I guess.

    Yeah, there's nothin' to be ashamed of. Keep drawin' dat good stuff. If anything I like traditional mediums of art as well as digital, but the roadblock I have is finding a scanner or good camera to get dat shizzle uploaded. Anyways... good stuff.

  • edited October 2015

    My art teachers friggin hated me the last place I went. Now I'm at art college on the path to Uni.
    Some teachers can be mean, and some can just be crappy. But then there are good ones too. Shooting students down and saying you should go back to kindergarten is a pretty bad thing to do for a teacher. If they find fault they should 'teach' you how it should be done rather than insult your work.
    Anyways that's my tiny rant over. Keep drawing and stuff.
    Your art is fine as it is and on top of that, if you break out of your shell and keep drawing more and more... good things come to those who practice.

    You're serious? Well, drawing's been my complex (again not sure if it's the right word XD) since forever, so it's really surprising to me. O

  • Link so I can witness this victory.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Now, although I don't come on here often,I'd like to inform you all that the Borderlands subreddit, filled with Borderlands 2 veterans, has chosen Rhysha as the ship of their choice. You may celebrate now.

  • Rhys secretly tricks Athena into killing Jaeny.

    Whoa, that turned dark fast.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Hell the details of this game are amazing. I missed that first few times but damn such little things are satisfing Imagine that. Rhys:

  • edited October 2015

    Thank you for your opinion. Art school's been my dream since I was a child but the lower my self-confidence was, the stupider my dreams seemed to me, so I ended up in a regular crappy high school in my country (education here sucks, really), learning something I don't want to, without chances to change it now. I wish I could go back in time and practise instead of being depressed all the time. And I don't know what to do about it. I even thought that I may go abroad and start a new life in a college maybe, but I don't know if it's even a little possible. Man, it seems so hard. :c

    My art teachers friggin hated me the last place I went. Now I'm at art college on the path to Uni. Some teachers can be mean, and some can

  • Atlas man, Altlas

    Pipas posted: »

    Rhys secretly tricks Athena into killing Jaeny. Whoa, that turned dark fast.

  • If Rhys wasn't with her... I would still be single since I'm uglier than a rock but I can always come up with some crafty hookup lines.


    Damn right she does

  • Well, you'll have to wade through a ton of comments, but here's the link:

    Link so I can witness this victory.

  • At least Zer0 and Athena can save him if anything bad happens.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    poor Rhys just wait till the VH caughts the wind of it that he took helios down with a stun Rod...

  • Oh holy shit I'm in the 3 percent that let Yvette died.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Uuuum..hello?I just finally got to play the episode last Friday and I must say..I'll never forget this :] So many things were going on in

  • Me too. I guess I'm a bad person :<

    Oh holy shit I'm in the 3 percent that let Yvette died.

  • Me too bro

    Oh holy shit I'm in the 3 percent that let Yvette died.

  • Fretting about not practicing in the past is a trap. What's important is to practice now if you want to improve.
    The main thing colleges have over online tutorials and such is the mandatory classes (giving you incentive to practice, since you have to attend) and the facilities/equipment. Apart from that you can practice whenever you have free time. People doubt that just drawing over and over will lead to getting better since they're not suddenly increasingin quality and being taught by some art tutorr, but once you get into the habit of drawing you really find that you start to improve.
    I'm still a novice, but even I have noticed an increase in skill and accuracy over the last year or so from practicing.
    The hardest part of drawing, is starting.
    Oh and trust me it's natural for artists to hate their work. We'll always see people who are amazing and go cry in a corner about the difference in skill, but there's always someone better right around the corner.
    The best thing you'll find when you practice is that you'll be that guy around the corner, hence Pinky's lovely comment about wanting her art to be like yours.

    Anyway, that's enough rambling for me.

    Thank you for your opinion. Art school's been my dream since I was a child but the lower my self-confidence was, the stupider my dreams seem

  • Yeah, you're right. I should focus on doing something to fix my mistakes, not cry over them. But it's hard sometimes when you hear that what you're doing is useless and a waste of time, though... I guess I have to learn how to deal with the negativity around me and just do what I like... And that's the hardest part.

    Anyway, thank you so much for your advice, I am greatful. Really. You put some hope in me and that's a lot since I don't have faith in myself at all.

    Fretting about not practicing in the past is a trap. What's important is to practice now if you want to improve. The main thing colleges ha

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