Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • 11/10 would crash Helios into Pandora

    ZapThroat posted: »

    would reject Hyperion again. enter link description here

  • Tbh, not surprising at all, when I think of situations like that I usually imagine Rhys breaking some stuff and then clumsily trying to hide it :D

    Plot twist: Rhys broke the vase

  • Is it completely lame that most of my decisions were based on this ship? Like every time something came up id think "Oh how would Sasha feel about that?" or "No I can't do that, Sasha will be mad at me!". Like I told her the truth about Jack in Eps 4 because i was all "Relationships are built on trust! And I can still apologize!". Does that make me a little obsessive? Yes? Okay. ^^;

  • edited October 2015


    Modern setting with kids -One of the vases is broken- Sasha: Okay, we can do this the easy way, just confess. Kids: -look down sh

  • You're not alone, I guess I did the same too. They were just too cute to let this relationship fall apart.

    Is it completely lame that most of my decisions were based on this ship? Like every time something came up id think "Oh how would Sasha feel



    Is it completely lame that most of my decisions were based on this ship? Like every time something came up id think "Oh how would Sasha feel

  • THE PAIN IS REAL. Oh man the effort makes it so much more satisfying, amiright?


  • Exactly! Glad I wasn't the only one >u< I just want these two to be together always!

    You're not alone, I guess I did the same too. They were just too cute to let this relationship fall apart.

  • Me too! :3 ヘ( ^o^)ノ\(^_^ )

    hope that Telltale will let us make our dreams come true in season 2

    Exactly! Glad I wasn't the only one >u< I just want these two to be together always!

  • Here is part 2 of fanfic we wrote some days ago @Toffe thanks for help :) Rhysha is life❤❤

    When he got to restaurant, he saw that Sasha where allready sitting. So he sat in front of her. They waited in awkward silent till waiter came. She looked like Sashas age, she had brown hair that was in ponytail. She plopped menu on the desk in front of them.
    ,,Wow that was rude" Sasha said when waiter walked away. They spent 5 minutes choosing what to eat. Then Rhys broke that awkward quiet.
    "OK what you gonna eat ma'a?" Rhys asked her playfully.
    "Uhm I think I will go with spaghetti and caramel mochiatto. What about you?" She said while not removing her eyes from menu paper.
    "I think I will go with Pesto pizza. It sounds delicious. And for drink I will take uhm latte. Oh I forgot about ice cream how I could go without them?" He smiled looking from menu at Sasha. She looked weirdly at him.
    "Strange choice. Are you sure you will be able eat everything?"
    "If I wont eat everything, I hope I will get help from you." he smiled and looked at her. She laughed. And he felt goosebumps all over his body.
    "Uhm S-Sasha..." He couldn't end his sentence because waiter came to their table.
    "Have you allready choose what you will have?" She asked with grumpiness in her voice. Thoug she was strangely looking at Rhys.
    "Actually yes miss grumpiness, I will have spaghetti and caramel mochiatto and my boyfriend, who sits in front of me, will have Pesto pizza, latte and ice cream." Sasha smiled angrily at waiter. Waiter looked angry at Sasha then turned at Rhys.
    "What ice cream flavour you will have?" Waiter with name tag Jessica smiled at Rhys. Rhys looked at Sasha. 'Did she just
    c-called me her boyfriend?' He thought in his head. He saw that Sasha was furious. He never seen her so angry. She was looking directly at him.
    "Rhys answer question!!" Sasha said angrily to Rhys.
    "Uhm I will have ice cream with chocolate, thank you very much." He smiled at the waiter. She smiled at him with soft smile too. When she walked away Sasha sighed. She was calm again. Strange how woman mood can change so fast.
    "You are sitting here with girl, and you are looking at others. How should I feel?" She said calmly.
    "Sorry but aren't you jealous?" Rhys asked with smirk on his face. Sasha looked away from him at passing people near their table. She said nothing.
    "I am sorry, I-I did nothing wrong, she was flirting with me." Rhys said lowering his eyes and scratching his head.
    "I just want that you would be happy. I don't wanna you to choose bad person to be with. Just as you can see she is flirting with others just like
    she did with you." She smiled while looking at other table, where the same waiter, Jessica, was flirting with other man more passionately than with Rhys. When Rhys looked at them he felt sorry for saying that Sasha was jellous.
    "Uhm sorry I didn't know what you ment by saying those words. It just souned like you meant real thing saying, there, tha-that I was your boyfriend." Rhys awkwardly scratched his head. Sasha couldn't replay, as same waiter brought their food to them. She smirked at Rhys and walked away. They started to eat in quiet. Rhys stopped eating and looked at Sasha. He saw how much she was enjoying the meal. As she ate she got some ketchup on her cheek. Rhys took napkin with his normal arm and got closer to her face. He just wanted to clean ketchup off her beautiful face, and those lips that he wanted to kiss so many times. His beloved girl got her
    eyes from the food, that she was eating not long time ago.
    "Uhm Rhys what's wrong?" She asked with confused face because the man in front of her is getting closer and closer. She closed her eyes as she felt soft napkin on her cheek. Girl opened her eyes only to see his smiling face in front of her eyes.
    "Uhm you g-got little ketchup on y-your cheek, so I umm kinda cleaned it. Sorry if it disturbed you, didn't ment to do something stupid." But what he saw shocked him. She was smiling. She touched his cheek, looked into his eyes. But then she suddenly stopped herself from doing, what looked for her as biggest mistake.
    "Thanks Rhys." That was all she said to him.
    ~skipped time~
    After they ate and Rhys payed for food they went again around the shops. But this time luckily he found what he
    wanted to wear at wedding.
    "We been at this shop 2 times and this is third time!! And only now..... I just have no words how angry I am. I wanna punch you for your dummnes." Sasha looked angry at Rhys. Nor he looked nice in this outfit.
    "Then punch me because of how dumb I am." Rhys was annoyed.  Because she didn't know why he was taking so long to choose what to wear.
    "Wh-what?" She looked confused. She didn't expected that those kind of words will escape from mens moth.
    "I said punch me. You still don't understand why it took so long to buy outfit for myself? I just wanted to spend time with you alone. It so hard to be alone with you, like you allways with Fiona and if you are alone Vaughn allways gonna interrupt my ideas." Rhys was outta control so he just bought his outfit and looked at Sasha one last time. "Goodbye"
    And he left. He left her standing with
    shocked expression on her face. She stood in the shop thirty seconds, after she realised that men has left the shop.
    "Rhys!!" She shouted as she ran out of the shop looking for him. But she couldn't see him. There were to many people around her and none of them looked like her beloved man. So she just stood there with tears runing down her cheeks. Only now she understood what she felt while looking at him. She loved him. And he loved her. Just she was too stupid to understand it. Sasha knew that she will have chance to make everything all right again. She will see him at wedding.....

  • I guess that makes sense. Again, it does make sense in how the plot works, plus the big time jump. It just feels like things were hotting up, and it never really gets any more than that past episode 4. But yeah, I can live with it, it's just a nitpick of mine.

    Same here, I'm gonna really miss them... seriously, it's really hard for me to pick even one character that I liked as much as them, from another game. A DLC would be such a nice xmas gift...

  • edited October 2015

    AYYYYYY! More Rhysha is Good Rhysha!
    One thing though. If I had to make a suggestion, I'd recommend minding the block text. Just seperate it out into paragraphs where you feel you've got a good place to break up the story and you're good to go.

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    Here is part 2 of fanfic we wrote some days ago @Toffe thanks for help Rhysha is life❤❤ When he got to restaurant, he saw that Sasha whe

  • Yes. You are, indeed.

    THE PAIN IS REAL. Oh man the effort makes it so much more satisfying, amiright?

    1. Sorry I was on phone it is lot harder post from phone correctly :/ f

    AYYYYYY! More Rhysha is Good Rhysha! One thing though. If I had to make a suggestion, I'd recommend minding the block text. Just seperate it out into paragraphs where you feel you've got a good place to break up the story and you're good to go.

  • edited October 2015

    Those darn phones. Mine is broken, which makes it even harder to post.
    No biggie, m8.

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    * Sorry I was on phone it is lot harder post from phone correctly f

  • I like it so much! Hope you'll write more :)

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    Here is part 2 of fanfic we wrote some days ago @Toffe thanks for help Rhysha is life❤❤ When he got to restaurant, he saw that Sasha whe

  • Omg, your phone actually lets you visiting the community? Because mine freezes all the time I try to load the website :/ and it's kinda sad because it wasn't like the cheapest phone. :c

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    * Sorry I was on phone it is lot harder post from phone correctly f

  • @KerTheIncredible I like just saw your icon and it made me laugh :D yeah I can go per phone but it is kinda stupid how it works on it. I am wiritng my whole work in phone it is easier for me bc ideas comes in mind like in the worst places you are and you allways have phone. And I will continue this and sorry for whole mess

    Omg, your phone actually lets you visiting the community? Because mine freezes all the time I try to load the website and it's kinda sad because it wasn't like the cheapest phone. :c

  • Hey, no need to apologise buddy :D hah, seems like I'm not the only one that has brilliant ideas in weird circumstances, I used to write things on my phone also, but then it suddenly disappeared from my sd card and I got mad... so be sure to have an online cloud enabled, it can save you a lot of nerves:D btw, about my phone, everything seems to be fine, but when it comes to visiting Telltale my phone acts like it's drunk or something XD


    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    @KerTheIncredible I like just saw your icon and it made me laugh yeah I can go per phone but it is kinda stupid how it works on it. I am wi

  • Is it completely lame that most of my decisions were based on this ship?

    That's what the Rhysha does to you.

    And we musn't fight it.

    We must embrace it.

    Is it completely lame that most of my decisions were based on this ship? Like every time something came up id think "Oh how would Sasha feel

  • Thanks phone for being amazing :D no but for real best ideas comes in craziests places :D

    Hey, no need to apologise buddy hah, seems like I'm not the only one that has brilliant ideas in weird circumstances, I used to write thing

  • Didn't read. You need to edit that thing so it's easier to read ! English isn't my first language, i could die if i read that thing like that.

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    Here is part 2 of fanfic we wrote some days ago @Toffe thanks for help Rhysha is life❤❤ When he got to restaurant, he saw that Sasha whe

  • Yeah, I agree, but... what about a toilet? Some awesome ideas come to a lot of people right there, so does it mean that toilets are one of the craziest places, too?
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    Thanks phone for being amazing no but for real best ideas comes in craziests places

  • xDDD

    IRunts posted: »

    Alright @InGen_Nate_Kenny here it is: enter link description here

  • GrumpyDof posted: »

    Didn't read. You need to edit that thing so it's easier to read ! English isn't my first language, i could die if i read that thing like that.

  • When he got to restaurant, he saw that Sasha where allready sitting. So he sat in front of her. They waited in awkward silent till waiter came. She looked like Sashas age, she had brown hair that was in ponytail. She plopped menu on the desk in front of them.
    ,,Wow that was rude" Sasha said when waiter walked away. They spent 5 minutes choosing what to eat. Then Rhys broke that awkward quiet.
    "OK what you gonna eat ma'a?" Rhys asked her playfully.
    "Uhm I think I will go with spaghetti and caramel mochiatto. What about you?" She said while not removing her eyes from menu paper.
    "I think I will go with Pesto pizza. It sounds delicious. And for drink I will take uhm latte. Oh I forgot about ice cream how I could go without them?" He smiled looking from menu at Sasha. She looked weirdly at him.
    "Strange choice. Are you sure you will be able eat everything?"
    "If I wont eat everything, I hope I will get help from you." he smiled and looked at her. She laughed. And he felt goosebumps all over his body.
    "Uhm S-Sasha..." He couldn't end his sentence because waiter came to their table.
    "Have you allready choose what you will have?" She asked with grumpiness in her voice. Thoug she was strangely looking at Rhys.
    "Actually yes miss grumpiness, I will have spaghetti and caramel mochiatto and my boyfriend, who sits in front of me, will have Pesto pizza, latte and ice cream." Sasha smiled angrily at waiter. Waiter looked angry at Sasha then turned at Rhys.
    "What ice cream flavour you will have?" Waiter with name tag Jessica smiled at Rhys. Rhys looked at Sasha. 'Did she just c-called me her boyfriend?' He thought in his head. He saw that Sasha was furious. He never seen her so angry. She was looking directly at him.
    "Rhys answer question!!" Sasha said angrily to Rhys.
    "Uhm I will have ice cream with chocolate, thank you very much." He smiled at the waiter. She smiled at him with soft smile too. When she walked away Sasha sighed. She was calm again. Strange how woman mood can change so fast.
    "You are sitting here with girl, and you are looking at others. How should I feel?" She said calmly.
    "Sorry but aren't you jealous?" Rhys asked with smirk on his face. Sasha looked away from him at passing people near their table. She said nothing.
    "I am sorry, I-I did nothing wrong, she was flirting with me." Rhys said lowering his eyes and scratching his head.
    "I just want that you would be happy. I don't wanna you to choose bad person to be with. Just as you can see she is flirting with others just like she did with you." She smiled while looking at other table, where the same waiter, Jessica, was flirting with other man more passionately than with Rhys. When Rhys looked at them he felt sorry for saying that Sasha was jellous.
    "Uhm sorry I didn't know what you ment by saying those words. It just souned like you meant real thing saying, there, tha-that I was your boyfriend." Rhys awkwardly scratched his head. Sasha couldn't replay, as same waiter brought their food to them. She smirked at Rhys and walked away. They started to eat in quiet. Rhys stopped eating and looked at Sasha. He saw how much she was enjoying the meal. As she ate she got some ketchup on her cheek. Rhys took napkin with his normal arm and got closer to her face. He just wanted to clean ketchup off her beautiful face, and those lips that he wanted to kiss so many times. His beloved girl got her eyes from the food, that she was eating not long time ago.
    "Uhm Rhys what's wrong?" She asked with confused face because the man in front of her is getting closer and closer. She closed her eyes as she felt soft napkin on her cheek. Girl opened her eyes only to see his smiling face in front of her eyes.
    "Uhm you g-got little ketchup on y-your cheek, so I umm kinda cleaned it. Sorry if it disturbed you, didn't ment to do something stupid." But what he saw shocked him. She was smiling. She touched his cheek, looked into his eyes. But then she suddenly stopped herself from doing, what looked for her as biggest mistake.
    "Thanks Rhys." That was all she said to him.
    ~skipped time~ After they ate and Rhys payed for food they went again around the shops. But this time luckily he found what he wanted to wear at wedding.
    "We been at this shop 2 times and this is third time!! And only now..... I just have no words how angry I am. I wanna punch you for your dummnes." Sasha looked angry at Rhys. Nor he looked nice in this outfit.
    "Then punch me because of how dumb I am." Rhys was annoyed. Because she didn't know why he was taking so long to choose what to wear.
    "Wh-what?" She looked confused. She didn't expected that those kind of words will escape from mens moth.
    "I said punch me. You still don't understand why it took so long to buy outfit for myself? I just wanted to spend time with you alone. It so hard to be alone with you, like you allways with Fiona and if you are alone Vaughn allways gonna interrupt my ideas." Rhys was outta control so he just bought his outfit and looked at Sasha one last time. "Goodbye" And he left. He left her standing with shocked expression on her face. She stood in the shop thirty seconds, after she realised that men has left the shop.
    "Rhys!!" She shouted as she ran out of the shop looking for him. But she couldn't see him. There were to many people around her and none of them looked like her beloved man. So she just stood there with tears runing down her cheeks. Only now she understood what she felt while looking at him. She loved him. And he loved her. Just she was too stupid to understand it. Sasha knew that she will have chance to make everything all right again. She will see him at wedding.....

    Huh sorry hope it is better now :( sorry

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Didn't read. You need to edit that thing so it's easier to read ! English isn't my first language, i could die if i read that thing like that.

  • I cant edit tried but I cant sorry :( I am so sorry :'(

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Didn't read. You need to edit that thing so it's easier to read ! English isn't my first language, i could die if i read that thing like that.



  • Yes it is :D

    Yeah, I agree, but... what about a toilet? Some awesome ideas come to a lot of people right there, so does it mean that toilets are one of the craziest places, too? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • You need to press enter DOUBLE idk why but you just must do it ...

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    I cant edit tried but I cant sorry I am so sorry

  • Thoug it doesnt work for me no matter how many times I press enter :/ next part wont poste here :D

    SzymeG posted: »

    You need to press enter DOUBLE idk why but you just must do it ...

  • Really? And I just kept on typing <br> over and over...

    SzymeG posted: »

    You need to press enter DOUBLE idk why but you just must do it ...

  • Btw thanks for the help :)

    SzymeG posted: »

    You need to press enter DOUBLE idk why but you just must do it ...

  • enter image description here enter image description here

    Modern setting with kids -One of the vases is broken- Sasha: Okay, we can do this the easy way, just confess. Kids: -look down sh

  • Rhysha is love, Rhysha is life...

    Is it completely lame that most of my decisions were based on this ship? That's what the Rhysha does to you. And we musn't fight it. We must embrace it.

  • Hmmmmmmmm...


  • enter image description here

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    Here is part 2 of fanfic we wrote some days ago @Toffe thanks for help Rhysha is life❤❤ When he got to restaurant, he saw that Sasha whe

  • Whoa, that's really messed up. :D

    Hey, no need to apologise buddy hah, seems like I'm not the only one that has brilliant ideas in weird circumstances, I used to write thing

  • Spammmmmm ?

    Pipas posted: »


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