Ep 2 Waiting Thread - Now available. Trouble downloading Ep 2? First post shows where to get help.



  • Wait, so if the episode is available to download this week, what day is it releasing on? Today?

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    It should be releasing digitally on all platforms today in North America and Europe, as well as on disc at retail in North America. The disc then releases in Europe on Friday October 30th.

  • Today. It is Tuesday today.

    Green613 posted: »

    Wait, so if the episode is available to download this week, what day is it releasing on? Today?

  • enter image description here

    Today. It is Tuesday today.

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni
  • I had read somewhere that the digital download wouldn't be available in Europe till Friday, guessing that was just a misunderstanding from their side?

  • I think it's a shame they're always using the same Jesse in the advertising of the game.

  • Someone else asked about that on Twitter, and Job said it was a misunderstanding. The episode should be out in US and EU starting today. Idk about Xbox and mobile platforms, but they will probably follow the usual pattern as well.

    Trboskucub posted: »

    I had read somewhere that the digital download wouldn't be available in Europe till Friday, guessing that was just a misunderstanding from their side?

  • Fast, but cool!

    kenjisalk posted: »


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It appears to be available to purchase from the UK Xbox store so i guess it's available for some platforms already.

    enter image description here

    Someone else asked about that on Twitter, and Job said it was a misunderstanding. The episode should be out in US and EU starting today. Idk about Xbox and mobile platforms, but they will probably follow the usual pattern as well.

  • Hey guys. Remember what i said yesterday "Man what's next? Telltale pulling a Scott Cawthon move and releasing episode 2 tomorrow morning?" And they did it... :/

  • Wowser, officially the fastest episode telltale has ever put out, hope it's good!

  • edited October 2015

    Thanks you my friend as i was getting into the game lol

  • While you're predicting the future, can you tell me tomorrow's lottery numbers.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Hey guys. Remember what i said yesterday "Man what's next? Telltale pulling a Scott Cawthon move and releasing episode 2 tomorrow morning?" And they did it...

  • Holy crap, it's out already??

    Were there even any "soon" comment chains made yet??

  • I don't think so. More like "Too Soon" :)

    Slyboyseth posted: »

    Holy crap, it's out already?? Were there even any "soon" comment chains made yet??

  • No, we haven't even made it to page 20, this is so weird for us. Hell, no one even got the chance to start posting gifs or memes about how long the wait was.

    Slyboyseth posted: »

    Holy crap, it's out already?? Were there even any "soon" comment chains made yet??

  • It feels like a our way of living has been broken...

    No, we haven't even made it to page 20, this is so weird for us. Hell, no one even got the chance to start posting gifs or memes about how long the wait was.

  • Then why don't you put gifs of how FAST the wait was?

    No, we haven't even made it to page 20, this is so weird for us. Hell, no one even got the chance to start posting gifs or memes about how long the wait was.

  • Holy shit this series is coming out fast. That's good though, because now telltale can start working on The Wolf Among Us Season 2 sooner!


  • Thread: steam minecraft telltale

    steam wont let me have episode 2 of minecraft story mode. it just says coming soon. but mojang says its available. help meeee

  • Any idea what time today the episode will be released (telltale store version)?

  • edited October 2015

    I'm confused, it's worldwide today or only North America/Europe?

  • The episode should be out sometime today into the afternoon for Telltale's timezone. Steam usually updates at 10 am PT (which we are currently past), but I can't imagine Steam users will be waiting too terribly long. I am only a volunteer Moderator and not a Telltale Staff member, so I don't personally know for certain myself.

    JIMMYSONG posted: »

    Thread: steam minecraft telltale steam wont let me have episode 2 of minecraft story mode. it just says coming soon. but mojang says its available. help meeee

  • Soon.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Any idea what time today the episode will be released (telltale store version)?

  • The TTG twitter said worldwide, so that should be the case.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    I'm confused, it's worldwide today or only North America/Europe?

  • We've never had to do that, this is all so new to us that we're still trying to wrap our heads around this.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Then why don't you put gifs of how FAST the wait was?

  • Even when the episode is released two weeks later, we just can't help but use that word.

    HiroVoid posted: »


  • Wonder when we'll get memes based on "too soon". XD

    I don't think so. More like "Too Soon"

  • That is freaky.

    No, we haven't even made it to page 20, this is so weird for us. Hell, no one even got the chance to start posting gifs or memes about how long the wait was.

  • This is interesting. Seems the two week gap might potentially be a one off deal.

    User asks:
    Remaining question, is the two week episode gap going to continue to future episodes in this series, or just for this episode?

    Job responds:
    Likely just for this Ep. It really feels like part 2 of a 2-part opener. VERY different depending on Ep 1 paths! Ep 3 this year!

  • Ok... ._.

    We've never had to do that, this is all so new to us that we're still trying to wrap our heads around this.

  • So we will have the first 3 episodes done before the end of the year. Even if it doesn't keep up like this, it should still be over by March or April I'd say.

    This is interesting. Seems the two week gap might potentially be a one off deal. https://twitter.com/jobjstauffer/status/6590248306965585

  • Dafq, one year to complete Tales From B. and Game of Thrones, 4-5 months to complete Minecraft xD

  • I JUST WOKE UP! GUYS!!! HOLY FUCK! Did they say when it's out on Steam?

  • edited October 2015

    I was wondering why Minecraft: Story Mode isn't downloading on my steam yet, since it is usually happens at 7.PM for me, then I realized we switched to Winter Time not so long ago. :)

  • I suspect in about 20 minutes. If I am wrong, I am giving you a cookie. :)

    I JUST WOKE UP! GUYS!!! HOLY FUCK! Did they say when it's out on Steam?

  • So in about 19 minutes it's going to be released on Steam?

    I was wondering why Minecraft: Story Mode isn't downloading on my steam yet, since it is usually happens at 7.PM for me, then I realized we switched to Winter Time not so long ago.

  • Oh good point! I was wondering about that as well since it happens at 6pm for me and it's nearly 7pm :o

    I was wondering why Minecraft: Story Mode isn't downloading on my steam yet, since it is usually happens at 7.PM for me, then I realized we switched to Winter Time not so long ago.

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