Okay, I want to say that this game doesn't feel like Fallout to me. I know some people might be pissed off at me for saying this, but I want to say my honest opinion.
This game doesn't feel like Fallout. I dislike the downgraded dialogue. I don't like what our character say doesn't have a stronger influence on the people they are talking to or how they can solve quests with their wits and smarts. Most side-quests and quests are usually solved by shooting at people. Even if there is a charisma based dialogue option, it doesn't really do much except maybe additional information, extra xp and convince people to leave, ask for more money and sometimes peaceful solution. But the dialogue doesn't have that focus and it really annoys me. Also, our character can't have other dialogue option based on their other stats, such as intelligence or skill related.
I also didn't like the changes to perk chart. I don't feel my character is customized the way I wanted, like in Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas.
But I do like what Bethesda has done better. The companions are interested enough. I really like modifying my weapons and building a town. I also that the power armor is like an Iron Man suit. And I love the combat well enough. But I just feel like they have taken away what I personally felt made Fallout special.
This is just my opinion. If you love the game and have fun with it, I understand and respect that.
Well I personally wouldn't go that far. It's still Fallout to me... just not very good Fallout :P
I completed it last night. (Level 46!) I was just starting to get into the main quest, and begin to think it had actual potential, and then it just ended. And I was like "Oh... ok."
But I pretty much agree with you in all areas you've said. I hate the fact you have no idea what your character is going to say--not that it matters, since dialogue options make no difference. To either the story, or your relationships with the characters and world around you. The voice makes having any character than doesn't look close to the default one--sound odd. And while I think both voice actors did good jobs, the writing they're working with doesn't let them shine.
I just keep thinking about the memorable and awesome quests in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and when I try to think about some in Fallout 4, I can't really. And this is after a month of playing it straight. The combat is better, sure, obviously the graphics are. The building elements are nice, but get boring and limited very quickly. Why am I even doing this? you begin to wonder... and the game doesn't really have an answer for you.
I hated the fact skills were removed--but I tried to approach it with an open-mind, but I was right initially. It ruins customisation as you say. I always like to play as an intelligent, charismatic character whose super weak, but super skilled in science, lock picking and stealth. But any playstyle other than run-and-gun (which is pretty much all the quests, even worse than in Skyrim... or run-and-sword in that case?) just isn't rewarded or made very applicable, or fun.
Companions are awesome in this game, though, they finally did that right at least!
But the "cities" or "towns" in the game suck. You'd think since Bethesda have only done two--they'd be able to make them big and filled with content, two things they are certainly not. Sighs
It's sad after years of playing and adoring Morrowind and Oblivion and Fallout 3, to see the direction Bethesda are heading in with the likes of Skyrim and Fallout 4. Not that they are bad games. Of course they're not! They're just not the kind of RPG I can really enjoy, and they're certainly not an improvement in my eyes. So I'm glad to see you also feel Fallout 4 robs the special feeling that seemed to be apparent with 3 and New Vegas, and even Betheda's other games (in my opinion).
Okay, I want to say that this game doesn't feel like Fallout to me. I know some people might be pissed off at me for saying this, but I want… more to say my honest opinion.
This game doesn't feel like Fallout. I dislike the downgraded dialogue. I don't like what our character say doesn't have a stronger influence on the people they are talking to or how they can solve quests with their wits and smarts. Most side-quests and quests are usually solved by shooting at people. Even if there is a charisma based dialogue option, it doesn't really do much except maybe additional information, extra xp and convince people to leave, ask for more money and sometimes peaceful solution. But the dialogue doesn't have that focus and it really annoys me. Also, our character can't have other dialogue option based on their other stats, such as intelligence or skill related.
I also didn't like the changes to perk chart. I don't feel my character is customized the… [view original content]
Sigh It's all true. Fallout 4 is a very fun game, but it could have been so much better if only Bethesda implemented some core ideas from New Vegas and mods. It's fun, but it could have been exceptional.
this game doesn't feel like Fallout to me.
Well I personally wouldn't go that far. It's still Fallout to me... just not very good Fa… morellout :P
I completed it last night. (Level 46!) I was just starting to get into the main quest, and begin to think it had actual potential, and then it just ended. And I was like "Oh... ok."
But I pretty much agree with you in all areas you've said. I hate the fact you have no idea what your character is going to say--not that it matters, since dialogue options make no difference. To either the story, or your relationships with the characters and world around you. The voice makes having any character than doesn't look close to the default one--sound odd. And while I think both voice actors did good jobs, the writing they're working with doesn't let them shine.
I just keep thinking about the memorable and awesome quests in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and when I try to think about some in Fallout 4, I… [view original content]
Sigh It's all true. Fallout 4 is a very fun game, but it could have been so much better if only Bethesda implemented some core ideas from New Vegas and mods. It's fun, but it could have been exceptional.
Okay, maybe my statement was too harsh. I agree with that.
I always like to play as an intelligent, charismatic character whose super weak, but super skilled in science, lock picking and stealth
Exactly! When I initially got the game, I went that route, but only realized how difficult it made my playthrough and weak it made my character. Although I did level up pretty fast thanks to the bonus from intelligence, but then I was forced to use my points on the stats rather than the cool perks.
But like you said, I can't customize my character the way I wanted. And there aren't a lot of different playstyle because of it. You are always a fighter who need to kill a lot of stuff.
But the "cities" or "towns" in the game suck
Was there any other city besides Diamond City? I mean, all the farms or "towns" I encounters, are so simple. It doesn't look that inspiring and they usually consist of one building. But okay, we are allowed to customize and build the town and build shops, there is that.
this game doesn't feel like Fallout to me.
Well I personally wouldn't go that far. It's still Fallout to me... just not very good Fa… morellout :P
I completed it last night. (Level 46!) I was just starting to get into the main quest, and begin to think it had actual potential, and then it just ended. And I was like "Oh... ok."
But I pretty much agree with you in all areas you've said. I hate the fact you have no idea what your character is going to say--not that it matters, since dialogue options make no difference. To either the story, or your relationships with the characters and world around you. The voice makes having any character than doesn't look close to the default one--sound odd. And while I think both voice actors did good jobs, the writing they're working with doesn't let them shine.
I just keep thinking about the memorable and awesome quests in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and when I try to think about some in Fallout 4, I… [view original content]
But I think that's one of my main overall complaints, to be honest. But exactly like each other, we don't like being the brute force character who takes everything head-on. We like to talk our way out of situations, use stealth, OUR BRAIN etc. But Fallout 4 just doesn't let you. Even worse than Skyrim didn't let you. You will be a big, sword-swinging / gun-toting badass, or nothing, there are no in-betweens. That's Betheda's new prerogative and it saddens and infuriates me in equal measure
Was there any other city besides Diamond City?
It's still makes me chuckle in this day and age of gaming, we can call "Diamond City" a city. I mean, really, twenty people in a few huts? A city? But anyway, there is Goodneighbour to the east of it--which I suppose technically counts as a city. But other than them two (which I suppose are the equivalent of Rivet City and Megaton in Fallout 3, even though they were better designed) then no. There are no other cities.
Even all the little towns look exactly the same, with mindless, little incompetent farmers who send you off to kill raiders or make a rescue for the six-thousandth-time yet act like it's the first.
You're with the Minutemen RIGHT!?
"For fuck sake, Settler, I've been here and spoke to you fifty times now. All the dialogue options are greyed out because I've picked them all before. I've defended you from raiders and feral ghouls and super mutants. I've rescued your people, YOU INCLUDED, beyond counting. And me building up this town, and plopping a radio tower, is the only reason you ACTUALLY HAVE A TOWN! SO WHY DON'T YOU SHOW ME SOME RESPECT, GIVE ME MY MISSION, AND LET ME BE ON MY BLOODY WAY YOU WORTHLESS IDIOT!"
Okay, maybe my statement was too harsh. I agree with that.
I always like to play as an intelligent, charismatic character whose super … moreweak, but super skilled in science, lock picking and stealth
Exactly! When I initially got the game, I went that route, but only realized how difficult it made my playthrough and weak it made my character. Although I did level up pretty fast thanks to the bonus from intelligence, but then I was forced to use my points on the stats rather than the cool perks.
But like you said, I can't customize my character the way I wanted. And there aren't a lot of different playstyle because of it. You are always a fighter who need to kill a lot of stuff.
But the "cities" or "towns" in the game suck
Was there any other city besides Diamond City? I mean, all the farms or "towns" I encounters, are so simple. It doesn't look that inspiring and they usually consist of one building. But okay, we are allowed to customize and build the town and build shops, there is that.
Hell at least in Skyrim, there is some better variety of playstyle. You can play an Assassin, Mage or Warrior, or combine all of that. Still fighting of course, but at least it feels different.
LOL, I love what you said. You can at least show some respect by remembering me! I HAVE A NAME YOU KNOW!? DOES ANYBODY EXCEPT CODSWORTH KNOW HOW TO SAY MY BLOODY NAME!!!!?
Hey, it's cool
We're all just being honest here.
But I think that's one of my main overall complaints, to be honest. But exactly like… more each other, we don't like being the brute force character who takes everything head-on. We like to talk our way out of situations, use stealth, OUR BRAIN etc. But Fallout 4 just doesn't let you. Even worse than Skyrim didn't let you. You will be a big, sword-swinging / gun-toting badass, or nothing, there are no in-betweens. That's Betheda's new prerogative and it saddens and infuriates me in equal measure
Was there any other city besides Diamond City?
It's still makes me chuckle in this day and age of gaming, we can call "Diamond City" a city. I mean, really, twenty people in a few huts? A city? But anyway, there is Goodneighbour to the east of it--which I suppose technically counts as a city. But other than them two (which I suppose are the equivalent of Rivet City and Megaton in Fallout… [view original content]
That is very true, good point! And at least the guilds in Skyrim were very distinct and a lot of fun for the most part... unlike the "Brotherhood" or "Minutemen" or "Railroad" etc in Fallout 4.
And LOL! Why doesn't anyone but Codsworth know our name?
I specifically chose my characters name from that list, and I might as well not have bothered. (I've never even took HIM out on a mission anyway)
But yeah, it is pretty demoralising to be constantly helping out the people of the Commonwealth, when they act like I'm just some nobody the Minutemen sent... Like hello:
Hell at least in Skyrim, there is some better variety of playstyle. You can play an Assassin, Mage or Warrior, or combine all of that. Still… more fighting of course, but at least it feels different.
LOL, I love what you said. You can at least show some respect by remembering me! I HAVE A NAME YOU KNOW!? DOES ANYBODY EXCEPT CODSWORTH KNOW HOW TO SAY MY BLOODY NAME!!!!?
"Dude! Where is my respect!? I have slain raiders, super mutant, synth, bears. I HAVE SLAIN DEATHCLAWS AND BEHEMOTH. AND FREAKING ALIENS TOO! THE LEAST YOU CAN BLOODY DO IS TO SHOW ME SOME GODDAMN RESPECT!!!!
That is very true, good point! And at least the guilds in Skyrim were very distinct and a lot of fun for the most part... unlike the "Brothe… morerhood" or "Minutemen" or "Railroad" etc in Fallout 4.
And LOL! Why doesn't anyone but Codsworth know our name?
I specifically chose my characters name from that list, and I might as well not have bothered. (I've never even took HIM out on a mission anyway)
But yeah, it is pretty demoralising to be constantly helping out the people of the Commonwealth, when they act like I'm just some nobody the Minutemen sent... Like hello:
LOL I can just imagine our player characters shouting that while the AI towns people just watch, blank-faced and emotionless. Then when we finally pipe down...
One of them will just pop up like:
"So are you going to rescue Settler #14 or not?"
Then we'll all be like, with an icy cold voice:
"Fuck Settler #14 and fuck you, too!"
(Rather like Rodrik's line to Ludd. "Fuck your soldiers and fuck you, too")
"Dude! Where is my respect!? I have slain raiders, super mutant, synth, bears. I HAVE SLAIN DEATHCLAWS AND BEHEMOTH. AND FREAKING ALIENS TOO… more! THE LEAST YOU CAN BLOODY DO IS TO SHOW ME SOME GODDAMN RESPECT!!!!
Sorry, having way to much fun with this.
Alrighty. I have finally picked up Fallout 4. I can say this surely from the 30 hours I have spent thus far; it is a good game, but it falls short of what I expect from Fallout.
For one, the erasing of the skills system is a bit of a loss, but I quickly forgot that and got used to the perk tree. To summerise, I was alright with the special system.
Secondly, the role playing aspect has taken a massive hit. In Fallout 3, they allowed you to develop your own character with a moral compass made from fresh clay, waiting to be moulded. In New Vegas, you were told that you were a courier and very little was elaborated beyond that and the rest was left for you. Here, it has established that I am a veteran of the US army, have a wife and son and that was that. Firstly, it left very little open to interpretation, and thus diminished from the role playing aspect. Secondly, it was handled and introduced so callously and hurridly that I had no reason to care for these people. At best, I was interested in what happened, and even then I got sidetracked so humiliatingly easily when Preston had me dealing with the settlements. Also, the choices feel too fixed for Fallout. Your options are oft restricted to go here and kill these scrubs, or talk to me for extra information and then kill these assigned scrubs. This also brings me to the ultimate let-down for me: the Dialogue system. Where previously, I could resolve many situations without having to fire a bullet and could work my way around things with my well-treated and polished silver tongue and thus resolve things peacefully, now, I can only coherce extra information in most cases, and will still have to kill assigned targets in the end. Furthermore, the options presented are done in a way that is very vague and sometimes misled me in what I thought it meant or that it simply had me saying something that I would not necessarily say. The system was already very good and deep, and still they managed to completely change ot for the worst. What the hell?
This out of the way, it is a very good game and I will be playing it for a while yet. I just feel that this is something of a mistep for a series like Fallout.
Telling someone not to think about their decision, in a game where thinking about who you want to side with is a large point, is a bit odd don't you think?
Telling someone not to think about their decision, in a game where thinking about who you want to side with is a large point, is a bit odd don't you think?
Why should she not think about her decision?
Alrighty. I have finally picked up Fallout 4. I can say this surely from the 30 hours I have spent thus far; it is a good game, but it falls… more short of what I expect from Fallout.
For one, the erasing of the skills system is a bit of a loss, but I quickly forgot that and got used to the perk tree. To summerise, I was alright with the special system.
Secondly, the role playing aspect has taken a massive hit. In Fallout 3, they allowed you to develop your own character with a moral compass made from fresh clay, waiting to be moulded. In New Vegas, you were told that you were a courier and very little was elaborated beyond that and the rest was left for you. Here, it has established that I am a veteran of the US army, have a wife and son and that was that. Firstly, it left very little open to interpretation, and thus diminished from the role playing aspect. Secondly, it was handled and introduced so callously and hurridly that I had no reas… [view original content]
The Brotherhood of Steel felt like a boring choice in my opinion. Been there done that in Fallout 3, and I'd hate to go with those soldier boys again. I had no respect for most of the members, unlike Elder Lyons. I so miss them.
The Brotherhood of Steel felt like a boring choice in my opinion. Been there done that in Fallout 3, and I'd hate to go with those soldier boys again. I had no respect for most of the members, unlike Elder Lyons. I so miss them.
In the finale of the railroad ending they evacuate all non-hostile institute employees - wondering if this happens in the BoS route? It's a big plus for siding with the railroad imo since highly skilled (and mainly good intentioned) scientists will be around the wastes.
All factions can choose whether or not to evacuate.
I didn't order the evacuation on my BoS play through though. It's out of character, as the Brotherhood advocates total war.
Overall Fallout 4 was pretty disappointing and falls behind it's predecessors. Companions are all good and we'll leave you if you do anything a survivor would do. There are no opportunities to be an evil monster (which worked well in the previous games). And the story is just a dull, generic campaign imo. And another thing, where the hell is the Enclave?
Overall Fallout 4 was pretty disappointing and falls behind it's predecessors. Companions are all good and we'll leave you if you do anythin… moreg a survivor would do. There are no opportunities to be an evil monster (which worked well in the previous games). And the story is just a dull, generic campaign imo. And another thing, where the hell is the Enclave?
Overall Fallout 4 was pretty disappointing and falls behind it's predecessors. Companions are all good and we'll leave you if you do anythin… moreg a survivor would do. There are no opportunities to be an evil monster (which worked well in the previous games). And the story is just a dull, generic campaign imo. And another thing, where the hell is the Enclave?
Overall Fallout 4 was pretty disappointing and falls behind it's predecessors. Companions are all good and we'll leave you if you do anythin… moreg a survivor would do. There are no opportunities to be an evil monster (which worked well in the previous games). And the story is just a dull, generic campaign imo. And another thing, where the hell is the Enclave?
I was a dick to Nick...
Something I found today on FB
Seeing as I was speaking English and not Danish...
Nope, she's not shit.
Okay, I want to say that this game doesn't feel like Fallout to me. I know some people might be pissed off at me for saying this, but I want to say my honest opinion.
This game doesn't feel like Fallout. I dislike the downgraded dialogue. I don't like what our character say doesn't have a stronger influence on the people they are talking to or how they can solve quests with their wits and smarts. Most side-quests and quests are usually solved by shooting at people. Even if there is a charisma based dialogue option, it doesn't really do much except maybe additional information, extra xp and convince people to leave, ask for more money and sometimes peaceful solution. But the dialogue doesn't have that focus and it really annoys me. Also, our character can't have other dialogue option based on their other stats, such as intelligence or skill related.
I also didn't like the changes to perk chart. I don't feel my character is customized the way I wanted, like in Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas.
But I do like what Bethesda has done better. The companions are interested enough. I really like modifying my weapons and building a town. I also that the power armor is like an Iron Man suit. And I love the combat well enough. But I just feel like they have taken away what I personally felt made Fallout special.
This is just my opinion. If you love the game and have fun with it, I understand and respect that.
Well I personally wouldn't go that far. It's still Fallout to me... just not very good Fallout :P
I completed it last night. (Level 46!) I was just starting to get into the main quest, and begin to think it had actual potential, and then it just ended. And I was like "Oh... ok."
But I pretty much agree with you in all areas you've said. I hate the fact you have no idea what your character is going to say--not that it matters, since dialogue options make no difference. To either the story, or your relationships with the characters and world around you. The voice makes having any character than doesn't look close to the default one--sound odd. And while I think both voice actors did good jobs, the writing they're working with doesn't let them shine.
I just keep thinking about the memorable and awesome quests in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and when I try to think about some in Fallout 4, I can't really. And this is after a month of playing it straight. The combat is better, sure, obviously the graphics are. The building elements are nice, but get boring and limited very quickly. Why am I even doing this? you begin to wonder... and the game doesn't really have an answer for you.
I hated the fact skills were removed--but I tried to approach it with an open-mind, but I was right initially. It ruins customisation as you say. I always like to play as an intelligent, charismatic character whose super weak, but super skilled in science, lock picking and stealth. But any playstyle other than run-and-gun (which is pretty much all the quests, even worse than in Skyrim... or run-and-sword in that case?) just isn't rewarded or made very applicable, or fun.
Companions are awesome in this game, though, they finally did that right at least!
But the "cities" or "towns" in the game suck. You'd think since Bethesda have only done two--they'd be able to make them big and filled with content, two things they are certainly not. Sighs
It's sad after years of playing and adoring Morrowind and Oblivion and Fallout 3, to see the direction Bethesda are heading in with the likes of Skyrim and Fallout 4. Not that they are bad games. Of course they're not! They're just not the kind of RPG I can really enjoy, and they're certainly not an improvement in my eyes. So I'm glad to see you also feel Fallout 4 robs the special feeling that seemed to be apparent with 3 and New Vegas, and even Betheda's other games (in my opinion).
Sigh It's all true. Fallout 4 is a very fun game, but it could have been so much better if only Bethesda implemented some core ideas from New Vegas and mods. It's fun, but it could have been exceptional.
Agreed. Fallout 4 is a good game, as is Skyrim.
But from the makers of Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout 3?
I expected a lot more.
I fear what they will do with the next Elder Scrolls, to be honest. Shudders
Okay, maybe my statement was too harsh. I agree with that.
Exactly! When I initially got the game, I went that route, but only realized how difficult it made my playthrough and weak it made my character. Although I did level up pretty fast thanks to the bonus from intelligence, but then I was forced to use my points on the stats rather than the cool perks.
But like you said, I can't customize my character the way I wanted. And there aren't a lot of different playstyle because of it. You are always a fighter who need to kill a lot of stuff.
Was there any other city besides Diamond City? I mean, all the farms or "towns" I encounters, are so simple. It doesn't look that inspiring and they usually consist of one building. But okay, we are allowed to customize and build the town and build shops, there is that.
Hey, it's cool
We're all just being honest here.
But I think that's one of my main overall complaints, to be honest. But exactly like each other, we don't like being the brute force character who takes everything head-on. We like to talk our way out of situations, use stealth, OUR BRAIN etc. But Fallout 4 just doesn't let you. Even worse than Skyrim didn't let you. You will be a big, sword-swinging / gun-toting badass, or nothing, there are no in-betweens. That's Betheda's new prerogative and it saddens and infuriates me in equal measure
It's still makes me chuckle in this day and age of gaming, we can call "Diamond City" a city. I mean, really, twenty people in a few huts? A city? But anyway, there is Goodneighbour to the east of it--which I suppose technically counts as a city. But other than them two (which I suppose are the equivalent of Rivet City and Megaton in Fallout 3, even though they were better designed) then no. There are no other cities.
Even all the little towns look exactly the same, with mindless, little incompetent farmers who send you off to kill raiders or make a rescue for the six-thousandth-time yet act like it's the first.
You're with the Minutemen RIGHT!?
"For fuck sake, Settler, I've been here and spoke to you fifty times now. All the dialogue options are greyed out because I've picked them all before. I've defended you from raiders and feral ghouls and super mutants. I've rescued your people, YOU INCLUDED, beyond counting. And me building up this town, and plopping a radio tower, is the only reason you ACTUALLY HAVE A TOWN! SO WHY DON'T YOU SHOW ME SOME RESPECT, GIVE ME MY MISSION, AND LET ME BE ON MY BLOODY WAY YOU WORTHLESS IDIOT!"
Soo... yeah
Hell at least in Skyrim, there is some better variety of playstyle. You can play an Assassin, Mage or Warrior, or combine all of that. Still fighting of course, but at least it feels different.
LOL, I love what you said. You can at least show some respect by remembering me! I HAVE A NAME YOU KNOW!? DOES ANYBODY EXCEPT CODSWORTH KNOW HOW TO SAY MY BLOODY NAME!!!!?
That is very true, good point! And at least the guilds in Skyrim were very distinct and a lot of fun for the most part... unlike the "Brotherhood" or "Minutemen" or "Railroad" etc in Fallout 4.
And LOL! Why doesn't anyone but Codsworth know our name?
I specifically chose my characters name from that list, and I might as well not have bothered. (I've never even took HIM out on a mission anyway)
But yeah, it is pretty demoralising to be constantly helping out the people of the Commonwealth, when they act like I'm just some nobody the Minutemen sent... Like hello:
"Dude! Where is my respect!? I have slain raiders, super mutant, synth, bears. I HAVE SLAIN DEATHCLAWS AND BEHEMOTH. AND FREAKING ALIENS TOO! THE LEAST YOU CAN BLOODY DO IS TO SHOW ME SOME GODDAMN RESPECT!!!!
Sorry, having way to much fun with this.
LOL I can just imagine our player characters shouting that while the AI towns people just watch, blank-faced and emotionless. Then when we finally pipe down...
One of them will just pop up like:
Then we'll all be like, with an icy cold voice:
"Fuck Settler #14 and fuck you, too!"
And lol me too
Alrighty. I have finally picked up Fallout 4. I can say this surely from the 30 hours I have spent thus far; it is a good game, but it falls short of what I expect from Fallout.
For one, the erasing of the skills system is a bit of a loss, but I quickly forgot that and got used to the perk tree. To summerise, I was alright with the special system.
Secondly, the role playing aspect has taken a massive hit. In Fallout 3, they allowed you to develop your own character with a moral compass made from fresh clay, waiting to be moulded. In New Vegas, you were told that you were a courier and very little was elaborated beyond that and the rest was left for you. Here, it has established that I am a veteran of the US army, have a wife and son and that was that. Firstly, it left very little open to interpretation, and thus diminished from the role playing aspect. Secondly, it was handled and introduced so callously and hurridly that I had no reason to care for these people. At best, I was interested in what happened, and even then I got sidetracked so humiliatingly easily when Preston had me dealing with the settlements. Also, the choices feel too fixed for Fallout. Your options are oft restricted to go here and kill these scrubs, or talk to me for extra information and then kill these assigned scrubs. This also brings me to the ultimate let-down for me: the Dialogue system. Where previously, I could resolve many situations without having to fire a bullet and could work my way around things with my well-treated and polished silver tongue and thus resolve things peacefully, now, I can only coherce extra information in most cases, and will still have to kill assigned targets in the end. Furthermore, the options presented are done in a way that is very vague and sometimes misled me in what I thought it meant or that it simply had me saying something that I would not necessarily say. The system was already very good and deep, and still they managed to completely change ot for the worst. What the hell?
This out of the way, it is a very good game and I will be playing it for a while yet. I just feel that this is something of a mistep for a series like Fallout.
Oh, and P.S. Nick, Piper and Dogmeat are da best!
Damnit ..... i don't know who to side with._
Don't think. Just do it.
Telling someone not to think about their decision, in a game where thinking about who you want to side with is a large point, is a bit odd don't you think?
Why should she not think about her decision?
Because the BoS are right, soldier. Save your thinking for how you're going to take out these ghouls, and let the top brass decide the rest for you.
Railroad / Minutemen alliance.
Mutual aid, synth liberation, no feudal overlords or shadow governments.
Yep, that's Brotherhood dogma in five words.
Don't think, just blindly follow Chairman Maxson.
Sir, yes sir!
Thinking is dangerous. Studies show that 100% of people who do it, wind up dead!
Well I like to live dangerously.
Also, a hint - don't believe a word I say
Furthermore, studies also show that 100% of people that affiliate with anything at all in any way, shape or form die.
I'm sure Bethesda will be able to learn from their mistakes.
Paradox! UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Brotherhood of Steel felt like a boring choice in my opinion. Been there done that in Fallout 3, and I'd hate to go with those soldier boys again. I had no respect for most of the members, unlike Elder Lyons. I so miss them.
Same feelings here. Sign me up for the crazy Synth SJW's and post-apocolyptic Tea Party.
In the finale of the railroad ending they evacuate all non-hostile institute employees - wondering if this happens in the BoS route? It's a big plus for siding with the railroad imo since highly skilled (and mainly good intentioned) scientists will be around the wastes.
All factions can choose whether or not to evacuate.
I didn't order the evacuation on my BoS play through though. It's out of character, as the Brotherhood advocates total war.
Um, game, this is a rock...
Hm I can't remember it being a choice, thought Des just ordered it? Might be misremembering.
Hmmm, maybe it's not a choice for Railroad. In the Minutemen, you can also choose whether or no to evacuate, but Preston HATES it if you don't.
Overall Fallout 4 was pretty disappointing and falls behind it's predecessors. Companions are all good and we'll leave you if you do anything a survivor would do. There are no opportunities to be an evil monster (which worked well in the previous games). And the story is just a dull, generic campaign imo. And another thing, where the hell is the Enclave?
The Enclave got mostly wiped out
Not in Bethesda's eyes.
No it's a fucking Mister Handy and you will accept that.
Fallout 4 is still good, but definitely didn't live up to the hype for me. Fallout 3 is still my favourite Fallout game.
R.I.P. Enclave, nobody will miss you.
Have you tried using Strong? (Or even hancock?)
Arguably the institute android companion is morally dubious.