FINALLY IT'S DONE. The Part is finished . Sorry for the wait guys. I was finishing up school and that took sometime but its finally up. Sorry again for the wait. Hopefully that won't happen again. Anyway enjoy the update....eventhought the parts are preatty damn depressing.
Great that the new part is finally up and complete! Though I'm still quite pissed at the Nick choice a few people made last year, that led to this part. It was so obviously a bad choice to punch the guy with the gun that I can't even begin to imagine why anyone would deliberately choose it. Like, seriously? Punching the guy with the gun? You got to be kidding me, people. Though, while I can say that I utterly hated the Nick part, I really liked the other parts a lot! Can't wait for the next parts, I hope the wait won't be long
[Resist The Urge To Draw It]
It can't be a healthy thing to draw the crime scene. Leave that to mentally stable people from the police, not to a girl on the verge of a breakdown. This will only remind her of what she saw, which is definitely not a good thing.
Casey Miller
It was 8:00 when i woke up by the sound of the alarm clock. Originally it was supposed to be set to 6:00 but let's just say … moresomeone came into my room in the middle of the night and changed the settings because they wanted me to get a goodnight's rest. Sadly today was a day i REALLY did not want to wake up on. So when the clock started beeping i started blocking. But my brave efforts were for not since i suddenly faced an unstoppable threat. My roommate.
"Come on Casey its been 2 hours since you were supposed to be awake, were going to be late. I really, really, really don't want to miss this ok. This an opportunity will change our lives. Well it could. Might. Maybe. It could also be pointless. But i doubt it, i think." She paused suddenly and then went back to what she was doing "Anyway we have to go!"
That was my best friend and current roommate, Mary. And yes she was always like that, atleast for the 6 years i knew her… [view original content]
For a second, I thought I'd missed a part from almost a month ago. Gave me quite the scare :P Anyway, it's great to see it return!
As for the choice, I've chosen this hoping that someone will actually notice and get Riley the help she needs since it has clearly traumatized her into not talking about it, despite the unhealthy nature of drawing the crime scene.
Casey Miller
It was 8:00 when i woke up by the sound of the alarm clock. Originally it was supposed to be set to 6:00 but let's just say … moresomeone came into my room in the middle of the night and changed the settings because they wanted me to get a goodnight's rest. Sadly today was a day i REALLY did not want to wake up on. So when the clock started beeping i started blocking. But my brave efforts were for not since i suddenly faced an unstoppable threat. My roommate.
"Come on Casey its been 2 hours since you were supposed to be awake, were going to be late. I really, really, really don't want to miss this ok. This an opportunity will change our lives. Well it could. Might. Maybe. It could also be pointless. But i doubt it, i think." She paused suddenly and then went back to what she was doing "Anyway we have to go!"
That was my best friend and current roommate, Mary. And yes she was always like that, atleast for the 6 years i knew her… [view original content]
Casey Miller
It was 8:00 when i woke up by the sound of the alarm clock. Originally it was supposed to be set to 6:00 but let's just say … moresomeone came into my room in the middle of the night and changed the settings because they wanted me to get a goodnight's rest. Sadly today was a day i REALLY did not want to wake up on. So when the clock started beeping i started blocking. But my brave efforts were for not since i suddenly faced an unstoppable threat. My roommate.
"Come on Casey its been 2 hours since you were supposed to be awake, were going to be late. I really, really, really don't want to miss this ok. This an opportunity will change our lives. Well it could. Might. Maybe. It could also be pointless. But i doubt it, i think." She paused suddenly and then went back to what she was doing "Anyway we have to go!"
That was my best friend and current roommate, Mary. And yes she was always like that, atleast for the 6 years i knew her… [view original content]
[Resist The Urge To Draw It] She wants to feel happiness again but her first urge is to draw a violent crime scene. I dont want her to get so messed up that she associates this crime scene with happiness.
Casey Miller
It was 8:00 when i woke up by the sound of the alarm clock. Originally it was supposed to be set to 6:00 but let's just say … moresomeone came into my room in the middle of the night and changed the settings because they wanted me to get a goodnight's rest. Sadly today was a day i REALLY did not want to wake up on. So when the clock started beeping i started blocking. But my brave efforts were for not since i suddenly faced an unstoppable threat. My roommate.
"Come on Casey its been 2 hours since you were supposed to be awake, were going to be late. I really, really, really don't want to miss this ok. This an opportunity will change our lives. Well it could. Might. Maybe. It could also be pointless. But i doubt it, i think." She paused suddenly and then went back to what she was doing "Anyway we have to go!"
That was my best friend and current roommate, Mary. And yes she was always like that, atleast for the 6 years i knew her… [view original content]
Casey Miller
It was 8:00 when i woke up by the sound of the alarm clock. Originally it was supposed to be set to 6:00 but let's just say … moresomeone came into my room in the middle of the night and changed the settings because they wanted me to get a goodnight's rest. Sadly today was a day i REALLY did not want to wake up on. So when the clock started beeping i started blocking. But my brave efforts were for not since i suddenly faced an unstoppable threat. My roommate.
"Come on Casey its been 2 hours since you were supposed to be awake, were going to be late. I really, really, really don't want to miss this ok. This an opportunity will change our lives. Well it could. Might. Maybe. It could also be pointless. But i doubt it, i think." She paused suddenly and then went back to what she was doing "Anyway we have to go!"
That was my best friend and current roommate, Mary. And yes she was always like that, atleast for the 6 years i knew her… [view original content]
Casey Miller
It was 8:00 when i woke up by the sound of the alarm clock. Originally it was supposed to be set to 6:00 but let's just say … moresomeone came into my room in the middle of the night and changed the settings because they wanted me to get a goodnight's rest. Sadly today was a day i REALLY did not want to wake up on. So when the clock started beeping i started blocking. But my brave efforts were for not since i suddenly faced an unstoppable threat. My roommate.
"Come on Casey its been 2 hours since you were supposed to be awake, were going to be late. I really, really, really don't want to miss this ok. This an opportunity will change our lives. Well it could. Might. Maybe. It could also be pointless. But i doubt it, i think." She paused suddenly and then went back to what she was doing "Anyway we have to go!"
That was my best friend and current roommate, Mary. And yes she was always like that, atleast for the 6 years i knew her… [view original content]
Casey Miller
It was 8:00 when i woke up by the sound of the alarm clock. Originally it was supposed to be set to 6:00 but let's just say … moresomeone came into my room in the middle of the night and changed the settings because they wanted me to get a goodnight's rest. Sadly today was a day i REALLY did not want to wake up on. So when the clock started beeping i started blocking. But my brave efforts were for not since i suddenly faced an unstoppable threat. My roommate.
"Come on Casey its been 2 hours since you were supposed to be awake, were going to be late. I really, really, really don't want to miss this ok. This an opportunity will change our lives. Well it could. Might. Maybe. It could also be pointless. But i doubt it, i think." She paused suddenly and then went back to what she was doing "Anyway we have to go!"
That was my best friend and current roommate, Mary. And yes she was always like that, atleast for the 6 years i knew her… [view original content]
FINALLY IT'S DONE. The Part is finished . Sorry for the wait guys. I was finishing up school and that took sometime but its finally up. Sorr… morey again for the wait. Hopefully that won't happen again. Anyway enjoy the update....eventhought the parts are preatty damn depressing.
Ok so i was about to say voting was closed but it appears we have a tie. Lucky for you guys the next part (which might be out TODAY) didn't need to have her. The next Part will have atleast 4 P.O.V's but i can currently only confirm Zack and Eden as 100% going to appear. I will also confirm that Samuel will finally return but not as a P.o.v
Now im going to take a page from Forum Of Thrones to remind you guys what has happened to the P.O.V's. Zack had just recently decided not to to to Sadies house and attack her. Afterwords he came across his older brother and his gang. His brothers girlfriend decided to beate him up because she's evil and sadistic. You guys voted for him to try and fight back. Meanwhile Eden was having an argument with her sister Alex about how they should treat their father after he got out of jail. Most of you voted for Eden to convince her sister that they should give him a chance to be their father again.
I would also like to remind you that Samuel nearly got beaten to death by two psychotic teenagers who also gained the location of the research facility. Before being scared by a couple of cop cars they swore they would go there and torture and kill everyone. Sam opted to keep quiet and reveal it to the others in the buss.
I couldn't just sit there and get beaten. I had to show them that they were messing with the wrong kid. I forward and saw Sara with her right fist clenched and a sick smile on her face.
"Open up" she said as her fist raced for my mouth. To her surprise i doged it and gave her one right in the chest. "Why you little..." she tried to finish but i gave her another one right in the face. With that she fell down. It felt good teaching her a leason. I guess mom was wrong about hitting girls.
I instantly regretted that thought as one of the guys hit me square in the face. Before i turned to see who it was another punch came out of nowhere. It was about a minute tilll i realized they were all ganging up on me. After a few minutes the puncing stopped and i realized that only Sara was still hitting me. Then she started kicking me like a football, over and over again. I felt like i was going to pass out before i heard a car coming down street.
"Fuck!!!" my brother screamed as he and all his 'friends' started running. Sara was again the last one. "I'll be seeing you kid. And next time, ill take it all the way" with that she kicked me agan and ran off.
I stayed there, lying in the street. Just...thinking. It was a few minutes till i realized they almost killed me or atleast tried to. My own damn brother wanted to see me dead because i pissed off his girlfriend. After a few minutes i got up, looking at myself i didn't really look that bruised. The kicks had made a few noticable hits on my chest but that was it. I think i also had a black eye but i didn't realize it was there. I really just wanted to get this done with, so i just waited for the buss.....
Aiden Pierce
Well the rest of the morning was bery uneventfull. I stayed sitting down watching as we came along. After Mike the first one was Sadie Robbins. She was a good kid, she had decent grades and she was very good at solving problems. Right now she was lisening to something on her earphones so i doubt she could hear me.
"Good day Mr. Pierce!" She said louder than necesary. I would have said the same but again she wouldn't have heard me so i remained silent. Next was Samuel. He seemed......odd. First thing was the fact he wore his hoodie like he was hidding something. Next was the fact he was acting disstant, almost apprehensive. Then he walked past me like i wasn't there.
"Samuel" i said as he walked past. "Are you ok?"
His response seemed very forced "I'm fine Mr.Pierce" i was about to question it but he moved to the back. I decide that i would question him about it later. For now he just looked like he wanted some space. Next up was...............Zach. That irritating, abusive kid. I knew exactly what he would do. He would do his best to seem remorseful and sad, but i knew that kid wasn't going to change. He was very slowly becoming like his brother and god help me if i could stop another Scott Sheen i would have done the world a favor. As he went up the stairs i avoided looking at him. To my irritation he stoped to talk to me.
"Good morning Mr. Pier..."
"Good morning Mr. Sheen. Please join your fellow students in the back of the buss" i responded.
He stood there for a second before walking off and sitting down. 'Good' i thought 'on to the next student'
Eden McCoy
"I think we should give him a chance" i said.
"Eden, i just......."
"No i reallly think that it's not fair that he hasn't been out a day and were already judging him." I answered quickly "We can't treat him like this, he deserves to atleast try"
My siseter took a deep breath and then her eyes turned towards her pancakes. "You know what i've always admired about you sis?" She said turning back to me. "The way you always look for the best in people. Even after all these years you still haven't lost that." She looked at me straight in the eye. "Promise me you'll never change".
"I promise" i said as i hugged her. Then i finished my breakfest, went outside and waited for the buss.
Ellie Miller
The Commander walked forward and looked at Archer in the face. "Archer, explain yourself. Now!!!"
Archer clumsily stood forward and turned to the commanders face. The fear on his eyes clearer that the moon on a starless night. "Sir, squad member Kerrick was threatning the others with extreme force..."
"So you decided to make certain he was dealt with in the most risky way possible." He said as he walked to his side. "You surprise me, boy. A move this rash and thoughtless is unlike you. Hopefully this will be the last time you EVER do anything of the sort."
He turned to Archer again. I could see the kid was already pissing his pants. "No, sir. Never again will i..."
"Good, because in your next assingment mistakes wont be risked .....or tolerated. Jeff could you please conduct the breifing"
Just then Mervis interupted. "And what about him Sir?" He said pointing at the uncouncious squadmate Kerrick.
"Take him to the infirmery. Then send out a comm for a code 369. Watch him till the one doctors gets there."
"Aye, Sir" he responded and after saluting carried our fallen commarade towards the building. After he left Squadmate leader Jeff walked to the center where everyone else was looking.
"As you are most likely are aware this facility will now be housing an inmate. You are to intercept his transport at the desingnated drop point and bring him here to test out a new unescapable containment unit. What you may or my not now is that this individual is none other that your former Squadmate, Sparker....." As soon as he finished that sentece the atmosphere dropped. Suddenly i forgot why i was mad at Archer or that he even existed. Luckly the commander took control of the the room before it got out of hand.
"I suppose you should then be fully awere of what this individual is capable of. You are the only ones qualified to detain him and if absolutely necesary.......execute him"
Jeff immediatelly interupted. "But the PRIORITY is to bring him here unharmed and alive. It doesn't matter who he is or what he did you can't let your emotions get out of hand..."
"And i have full trust they wont." The Commander interupt again "Which is why today i would like to reward you for your competency. After the objective is incarcerated i will chose two of you based on your performance records. Those two individuals will accompany me and Jeff to a private hearing where the four of us will determine which research projects shall be funded and which will be...terminated. Now i would like to state that you ALL have equal state in the matter..."
Instantly we all looked at Nick. It seemed one of us was already nearly out of the running. Not that it was any of my consern, that idiot earned it pulling a stunt like that.
"In any regards the trasports drop location should be arriving in you coded comunication devices, now." As he said this is reached out and saw the coodinates for the drop off. "Report to to once the inmate reaches the facility. You have been briefed" he said walking off, Jeff closely behind him. I quickly went over to my bag and checked my weaponry. I made sure all were loaded with non-lethal ammunition. The others did the same after which we all went inside our covert vehicles and drove off to the designated location.
Charles Sparks
"And i am being serious. He just drove off. He really just stopped to tell me i was an idiot." Valentino continued.
"Well" Sadie interrupted. "What did you expect from Donnie's dad?"
"I don't know...maturity? I was just kidding about his cars front bumper sticker. I knew it was a panda..."
"Then why did ask him why he painted a polar bear?"
"Because i thought it was funny," he said "A painted polar bear, come on it's comedy gold"
"Yeah more like copper" she answered annoyed.
As they kept talking i looked at Mike a few seats away. He seemed.......weird like he was mad about something. And that something must have been Valentino since he was looking straight at him. I heard rumors that Mike wanted payback for something or other Valentino did, but i didn't think it was this serious. He looked like he was going to attack him right there. I almost said something till Valentino spoke up.
"Hey Wayne, what do you have there?" He was looking at that jerk Wayne Dellard who was holding something i couldn't see. He was asshole to me earlier but had been quiet for a while now.
"This, my dear friend, is my ticket to hooking up with Zoey Smith...."
"THE Zoey Smith." Valentino answered in shock. "Better be careful there Wayne. Charlie here also has his eyes set on her"
What the fuck? Why would he say that? I was about to deny it when Wayne started laughting.
"Hahahahaha. You, with a girl like Smith. Hahahaahah. She too high class for your ilk."
"Oh, yeah." I answere tired of this guy pissing me off "I didn't know you were a millionare. It kinda takes me off when your dad drives a used truck."
"It doesn't matter. Because i hold right here the key to her heart. You see all these rich girls are pampered to the point in which they only care about the value of things and not their purpase. Behold" he said as he raised a necklace up. "Two million dollars!!!"
The necklace was made out of what looked like solid gold. It was embroidered with several decorations and even had some jewles encrusted in it.
"Are you insane?!" Valentino yelled. "How the hell did you get two million dollars?!!!!!"
"Its a family heirloom. One of many i'm entiteled to by birth right. You see 'Charlie' it won't matter who i am, what i look like or even how i treat her. As long as i can provide her with what her inner selfiness craves she'll treat me like i'm her god"
"YOU'RE INSANE!!!!!" I screamed almost killing my lungs. "I refuse to belive anyone ESPECIALLY Zoey is that shallow"
Wayne looked at me and smilled. "Are you willing to bet on it?"
"What?" I said confused.
"Are You. Willing. To. Bet. On. It?" he said with a smile "If you really believe you know her so well then lets make a gentelmans bet. If she refuses my gift then i will leave her to you and give YOU the necklace. If she accepts i KEEP Miss Smith free from your intervention .....and you give me two million dollars"
"You're crazy!!" Sadie yelled. "How could you even think of doing something like that? Who the hell would be willing to risk that much money?"
He ignored her and looked to me "Then again...thats if you really think you know her at all......"
Zach Sheen
I couldn't just sit there and get beaten. I had to show them that they were messing with the wrong kid. I forward and saw Sara… more with her right fist clenched and a sick smile on her face.
"Open up" she said as her fist raced for my mouth. To her surprise i doged it and gave her one right in the chest. "Why you little..." she tried to finish but i gave her another one right in the face. With that she fell down. It felt good teaching her a leason. I guess mom was wrong about hitting girls.
I instantly regretted that thought as one of the guys hit me square in the face. Before i turned to see who it was another punch came out of nowhere. It was about a minute tilll i realized they were all ganging up on me. After a few minutes the puncing stopped and i realized that only Sara was still hitting me. Then she started kicking me like a football, over and over again. I felt like i was going to pass out before i heard a car coming do… [view original content]
Zach Sheen
I couldn't just sit there and get beaten. I had to show them that they were messing with the wrong kid. I forward and saw Sara… more with her right fist clenched and a sick smile on her face.
"Open up" she said as her fist raced for my mouth. To her surprise i doged it and gave her one right in the chest. "Why you little..." she tried to finish but i gave her another one right in the face. With that she fell down. It felt good teaching her a leason. I guess mom was wrong about hitting girls.
I instantly regretted that thought as one of the guys hit me square in the face. Before i turned to see who it was another punch came out of nowhere. It was about a minute tilll i realized they were all ganging up on me. After a few minutes the puncing stopped and i realized that only Sara was still hitting me. Then she started kicking me like a football, over and over again. I felt like i was going to pass out before i heard a car coming do… [view original content]
Zach Sheen
I couldn't just sit there and get beaten. I had to show them that they were messing with the wrong kid. I forward and saw Sara… more with her right fist clenched and a sick smile on her face.
"Open up" she said as her fist raced for my mouth. To her surprise i doged it and gave her one right in the chest. "Why you little..." she tried to finish but i gave her another one right in the face. With that she fell down. It felt good teaching her a leason. I guess mom was wrong about hitting girls.
I instantly regretted that thought as one of the guys hit me square in the face. Before i turned to see who it was another punch came out of nowhere. It was about a minute tilll i realized they were all ganging up on me. After a few minutes the puncing stopped and i realized that only Sara was still hitting me. Then she started kicking me like a football, over and over again. I felt like i was going to pass out before i heard a car coming do… [view original content]
Well, that might backfire but then again, it's a bet between two kids who are not even legally allowed to make business deals yet, especially not deals like this. What is Wayne going to do if Charles won't give him the money, huh? Sue him, over a legally not binding contract between two minors that has never been written down?
Zach Sheen
I couldn't just sit there and get beaten. I had to show them that they were messing with the wrong kid. I forward and saw Sara… more with her right fist clenched and a sick smile on her face.
"Open up" she said as her fist raced for my mouth. To her surprise i doged it and gave her one right in the chest. "Why you little..." she tried to finish but i gave her another one right in the face. With that she fell down. It felt good teaching her a leason. I guess mom was wrong about hitting girls.
I instantly regretted that thought as one of the guys hit me square in the face. Before i turned to see who it was another punch came out of nowhere. It was about a minute tilll i realized they were all ganging up on me. After a few minutes the puncing stopped and i realized that only Sara was still hitting me. Then she started kicking me like a football, over and over again. I felt like i was going to pass out before i heard a car coming do… [view original content]
Zach Sheen
I couldn't just sit there and get beaten. I had to show them that they were messing with the wrong kid. I forward and saw Sara… more with her right fist clenched and a sick smile on her face.
"Open up" she said as her fist raced for my mouth. To her surprise i doged it and gave her one right in the chest. "Why you little..." she tried to finish but i gave her another one right in the face. With that she fell down. It felt good teaching her a leason. I guess mom was wrong about hitting girls.
I instantly regretted that thought as one of the guys hit me square in the face. Before i turned to see who it was another punch came out of nowhere. It was about a minute tilll i realized they were all ganging up on me. After a few minutes the puncing stopped and i realized that only Sara was still hitting me. Then she started kicking me like a football, over and over again. I felt like i was going to pass out before i heard a car coming do… [view original content]
Zach Sheen
I couldn't just sit there and get beaten. I had to show them that they were messing with the wrong kid. I forward and saw Sara… more with her right fist clenched and a sick smile on her face.
"Open up" she said as her fist raced for my mouth. To her surprise i doged it and gave her one right in the chest. "Why you little..." she tried to finish but i gave her another one right in the face. With that she fell down. It felt good teaching her a leason. I guess mom was wrong about hitting girls.
I instantly regretted that thought as one of the guys hit me square in the face. Before i turned to see who it was another punch came out of nowhere. It was about a minute tilll i realized they were all ganging up on me. After a few minutes the puncing stopped and i realized that only Sara was still hitting me. Then she started kicking me like a football, over and over again. I felt like i was going to pass out before i heard a car coming do… [view original content]
Zach Sheen
I couldn't just sit there and get beaten. I had to show them that they were messing with the wrong kid. I forward and saw Sara… more with her right fist clenched and a sick smile on her face.
"Open up" she said as her fist raced for my mouth. To her surprise i doged it and gave her one right in the chest. "Why you little..." she tried to finish but i gave her another one right in the face. With that she fell down. It felt good teaching her a leason. I guess mom was wrong about hitting girls.
I instantly regretted that thought as one of the guys hit me square in the face. Before i turned to see who it was another punch came out of nowhere. It was about a minute tilll i realized they were all ganging up on me. After a few minutes the puncing stopped and i realized that only Sara was still hitting me. Then she started kicking me like a football, over and over again. I felt like i was going to pass out before i heard a car coming do… [view original content]
Casey Miller
It was 8:00 when i woke up by the sound of the alarm clock. Originally it was supposed to be set to 6:00 but let's just say … moresomeone came into my room in the middle of the night and changed the settings because they wanted me to get a goodnight's rest. Sadly today was a day i REALLY did not want to wake up on. So when the clock started beeping i started blocking. But my brave efforts were for not since i suddenly faced an unstoppable threat. My roommate.
"Come on Casey its been 2 hours since you were supposed to be awake, were going to be late. I really, really, really don't want to miss this ok. This an opportunity will change our lives. Well it could. Might. Maybe. It could also be pointless. But i doubt it, i think." She paused suddenly and then went back to what she was doing "Anyway we have to go!"
That was my best friend and current roommate, Mary. And yes she was always like that, atleast for the 6 years i knew her… [view original content]
Ok guys both votes are finnaly done. And both were insanely close, only winning by a single vote.
First winner is the Riley will draw the crime scene. While i can't say wether this will be a good or bad choice yet i will say that it's a gamechanger for a few other characters and Riley herself. The second was that Charles and Samuel will Bet TWO MILLION DOLLARS and Zoey herself on wether she accepts the necklace as a gift or not. It goes without saying that the results of this will permanently affect both of them and Zoey and will have very intense long term concequences.
Anyway the new Part should be out later today and i can confirm Zoey and Riley will be a P.O.V's so the first effects of the last two choices will be immediate. So look forward to that and have a good day .
Anyway the new Part should be out later today and i can confirm Zoey and Riley will be a P.O.V's so the first effects of the last two choices will be immediate. So look forward to that and have a good day .
Best news of the day so far. It's 11:12 where I live and I just got home from work.
Can't wait for a new part, gotta say I'm a big fan of this.
Ok guys both votes are finnaly done. And both were insanely close, only winning by a single vote.
First winner is the Riley will draw the… more crime scene. While i can't say wether this will be a good or bad choice yet i will say that it's a gamechanger for a few other characters and Riley herself. The second was that Charles and Samuel will Bet TWO MILLION DOLLARS and Zoey herself on wether she accepts the necklace as a gift or not. It goes without saying that the results of this will permanently affect both of them and Zoey and will have very intense long term concequences.
Anyway the new Part should be out later today and i can confirm Zoey and Riley will be a P.O.V's so the first effects of the last two choices will be immediate. So look forward to that and have a good day .
Anyway the new Part should be out later today and i can confirm Zoey and Riley will be a P.O.V's so the first effects of the last two choice… mores will be immediate. So look forward to that and have a good day .
Best news of the day so far. It's 11:12 where I live and I just got home from work.
Can't wait for a new part, gotta say I'm a big fan of this.
"I'll do it" i said staring him right in the face. "You just lost that fancy necklace"
"Are you serious?!" Sadie said bewidered. "How could you ever do this? Do you have any...."
"Wait" Valentino interrupted. "Did i really just see you betting on a girl? Without her consent?"
"Hey guys relax, ok" i whispered with a smile on my face. "There is no way that she'll take that necklace as a gift. And it's crazy to think that she'll suddenly become Waynes personal brainwashed chearleader because her 'inner greed' will tell her to. I got this one in this one in the bag."
But Valentino was unconvinced. "And what if you don't? Two million dollars........"
"You really think i'm going to pay. Only Wayne is stupid enough to think i'll actually give him the money."
"Oh, i see. So either way you keep your money and can still try to get it on with Zoey." He answered. That took me a bit aback so i answered a bit madder than i should've.
"Hey, let's make one thing perfectly clear man. I am not into Zoey ok."
"Sure you're not" he answered with his typical smirk. "You just happened to want to bet two million dollars for her....."
"Ok, no." I said a bit defensive. "First, i'm not betting anything. Second, i only did it because i belive that Zoey is better than that. Third, eventhough i'm not keeping my end i KNOW for a fact Dellard is. So i either get a two million dollar necklace or lose NOTHING. So this has nothing to do with that. It's about me teaching Wayne a leason" i finished as i laid back on my seat.
"Well, Congrats Sparks. I did'nt think you had it in you" Sadie answered but i couldn't tell if she was proud, ashamed or being sarcastic.
"Had what?" I asked her.
"Well look i know Wayne is a jerk and all but you basically just conned him off of two million dollars. Not to mention a family heirloom..."
"Oh cmon. If he really cared about that thing he wouldn't be willing to throw it away like that."
"Well maybe this Zoey girl just means more to him than you think" she answered turning around to look at her phone.
"Wait a minute, Sadie" Valentino said looking at her. "Are you telling him that if he wins he shouldn't take something worth TWO MILLION DOLLARS?"
"Look" she said turning to us. "I just don't think it's right. Any of it. You and Wayne betting on some girl you barely now. Then taking advantage of his honesty without a second thought...."
"Cmon Sade's" Valentino interrupted again "You keep talking like you wouldn't take it."
"I wouldn't" she said firmly. "Not even if was worth three million or twenty million or........"
"Are you crazy? Why wouldn't you?" He answered.
"Because it's not right Val!" She said almost screaming it. "Hell, none of it is right. I can't believe you would do something like that. What's all the money in the world when you had to betray your values to get it..."
"But he's the idiot that wanted to do this..."
"Stop, ok." She said clearly very dissapointed. "I just wish you had told Wayne off in the first place. It's clear you guys have made your choice and I don't want to have any part in it. So, just leave me alone....." Before we could say anything she put on her headphones and left this reality.
I stared at her for a while. Sadie had been my friend for years now but i had never seen her so upset about something i did. It made me wonder if i was doing the right thing at all. My doubt must have been seen on my face becouse i suddenly felt Valentinos hand on my shoulder. I turned and looked at him straight in the face.
"Dude, it's two million dollars."
"Yeah" i answered "i know......"
Riley Peters
I wanted to, no i NEEDED to draw whay is saw. I quickly took out my drawing pad, grabbed my pencill and started drawing. It suddenly became my most important work. I needed it to be exact, no omissions at all. It needed to be perfect. Just like the sky needed to be blue and the sun needed to be hot. Only somehow it needed it more than that. This drawing needed to be my hopes, my dreams, my fears. This drawing needed to be me, only more perfect. It needed to be more perfect and beutiful than anything else in reality.
It became my greatest obsession, an overwhelming addiction to dedicate everything i was to its glory. I don't think that in my eyes anything else existed anymore and if it did it was less important than this. For a moment i felt myself become both the one controling the pen and being lead by it. I wasn't Riley anymore. I was the artist and art itself making a masterpice which was also myself. I never felt anything like this in my life, infact i think i forgot what life was. The word that i kept thinking of was 'existance'. Yes, i existed to draw the picture in my head. It was my purpase in existance. To make myself, and yet something better than me in everyway.
It was hate and love, comfort and fear, joy and sadness, i was all those things too yet none of them. I felt like i was nothing making everything and everything making nothing. I wonder if i could have looked at anything else if i would have seen anything familiar to me. If i would find anything to remind me of who 'i' was or at least had been and would have found some happiness or if i would recognize nothing and be forever lost in fear to all of this unknown. I somehow think it would be both, as impossible as it sounds. Not that i could focus on anything else than 'it'. Even as i felt all this conflicts inside me i somehow ignored all of them. I felt mechanical, emotionless like the word 'feel' lost all meaning or comprehension. Emotions got in the way of it's perfection. And yet somehow at the same time i felt the opposite. I felt like i had every emotion, even ones i never felt before or even knew existed. This was the most passionate work of my life and my most hated. I think that if i had any sanity or sense of identity i would have gone insane.
But like i said before, nothing mattered anymore. Nothing but my masterpice. I felt compleatly out of my body, forgetting i had had one in the first place. I became everthing in it. The man, the aleway, the killer. I felt both my death and the sadistic satisfaction of having done the murderous deed.
However despite all of this my ears heard the buss arrive and my legs walked towards it and up its stairs. My lost self felt this as mearly a presence it could not understand. It was happy to not be alone in its existance but also afraid of this new 'being'. However it quickly ignored it and focused on its only purpase. To finish that drawing.
Adam Pierce
"Good day, Mr. Pierce" said Eden in her usually cheerful way.
"Good day Eden" i said with a smile as she went to the back and sat down. I was surprised for a moment about my attitude towards her, especially considering how i treated both Charlie and Zach. Maybe it had to do with the fact that i saw her more like a victim used by Charles for his own goals or maybe it was that i felt some regret over lying to her. Or it could have just been me calming down about the whole thing. As i looked at the street map i realized that the next student was Riley Peters. While i wasn't sure of my regret over Eden i was full of shame from what i did and almost did to Riley. I would have never acted towards any of my students in such a way if had been rational. Even with my apparent anger over the coffe i still felt like i went and acted compleately unlike myself. To think even for a second that i would have treated her the same way i treated Zach, i made me question what kind of person i was to suddenly lose my control like that. And the way i spoke to her. Like i was a monster in some horror movie. I was the guardian to these kids, someone they looked up to. And a sweet girl like Riley, i must have hurt her more than i thought. I needed to make it up. The second she spoke to me i would say how sorry i was for how i acted.
As we pulled up to the stop i saw her drawing on her pad. As she walked up to the buss i readied myself. I during my police years i had dealt with victims of intense trauma. If she was afraid of me or wanted to cry i knew how to react. As she walked up the steps i stood up and spoke to her.
"Riley i....." But she ignored me an kept walking. She sat down and kept drawing. It was then that i really knew how bad it was. She did'nt want to talk to me, probably out of anger. I wanted to go after her, but i knew it was best to leave her alone for the time being. So i sat back down, the look of concern clear on my face. I tried to take my mind of her by focusing on the next student on the list. Zoey Smith.............
Zoey Smith
After breakfest wat done Wilfred walked me towards the limousine. Once there he opened the backdoor to the car for me to enter. That was another thing i deeply hated. Why did they always feel the need to do that? Did they think i would hurt myself opening a door? My best guess was that they were used to doing it for people who felt superior to them and that it was supposed to give me some sort of happiness to have this man do everything for me. I didn't feel like that at all, it actualu always made me feel very uncomfortable. As he was holding the door for me i looked at him in the face.
"I'm not handicapped" i said. "You don't need to waste the energy for this. I can do it myself."
He smiled. "Yes i do my dear. It is my duty to ensure you don't have to be bothered with something so trivial."
"But it doesn't bother me" i answered. Then i though for a moment and looked at him in the eye. "You know, i'm not better than you Wilbert"
"I know my dear lady" he answered like it were an apology. "I mearly wish what is best for you"
I wanted to keep arguing with him, but i knew it was no use. So i sat down and he closed the door behind me. Then he opened the drivers seat and sat down. As he was starting the car i suddenly had a huge question in my mind.
"Wait a second." I said a bit worried. "Willbert where's the driver?"
The headbutler seemed stun with the question at first but quickly came up with an answer. "Oh, Tomas? Well he called in sick. Bad case of the whimsies or something. I'm afraid i will have to fill in his role as well. I hope my company does not bother you"
As he said this my sudden worry faded into a smile. "Not at all. I think i enjoy talking to you."
"Thank you Miss Smith" he said tipping his drivers hat.
"Can you please stop calling me 'Miss Smith'. I'm not my mom you know."
"As you wish Miss....Zoey"
"Thank you" i said nodding politely. As i looked at the window i saw our beutiful garden. It was a huge bunch of rosebushes all massive enough that one could hide there for days. I remembered a few days ago when Lizzie Fluntz and her sisters came to visit i hid there almost the entire day. I could barely stand those girls. They always acted like they liked me but then gossiped lies about me to others. It made me even more sad about the partneship Mr. Fluntz and dad were making. I wish he went to Vicente Carmine instead, despite the rumors about him. Anyway, i always enjoyed just looking at all the different colors the flowers had. Thought just looking at them i notice a few were badly trimmed. Luckly the gardener would be here in about an hour so by the time i got back it should be fine.
Sadly the garden did'nt last long and i had to spend a few minutes staring at the fields of our property. Once a friend told me that 'normal' people dreamed of having fields as big as that. I could never really get why. All they did was look nice and make us have to be driven to the gate. It made me wish that i lived in one of those suburban houses where the stree was right outside and i could just walk there on my own two feet.
After what seemed like forever we finally got to the gate. The buss was right outside it. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself, thne somehow i suddenly though that the buss would smell horrible on the inside. The though made me even more nervous and i had to to take another deep breath. 'Ok, its just a buss. You can do this' i thought to myself. Wilbert opened the door to me but this time i didn't complain. I was to busy wondering if the buss always looked this small or if my mind was playing tricks on me. Again i closed my eyes and took another deep breath. This time i seemed to calm down. I said goodbye to Willfred and gathered the bravery to walk towards it. Before i could finnish though Willbert suddenly spoke to me.
"Miss Zoey" i turned around to look at him. He was sitting in the limo with the door closed. He looked at me and smiled. "If you ever feel alone. Like everyone in your life is gone. Remember......i'm here for you".
I smile and nodded "Thank you, Willbert. I will never forget you."
Then i turned around and walked towards the buss.
As i went inside it felt....different. Not bad exactly just, not normal. It was like my mind haddn't processed that such a thing could exist. As i went inside i saw this guy driving the buss. I almost instictively wanted to cover my nose. The guy looked like he forgot to take a shower the last few days. I quickly pretended he didn't exist and instead looked at Mr. Piercen. He looked like a true profesional. Definately a step up from my last two teachers. I kept walking but suddenly he spoke to me.
"Good morning Zoey".
I was taken a back from it a bit but i forced a smile and answered. "Good morning" then i turned back and looked at the seats.
I don't really now why but i somehow hated all of them. Some looked dirty, others overused and some.....smelled really off. I eventually realiezed i had to conform with 'least dirty' so i looked and saw a neerly decent one near a few of the other students before i sat down though one of the guys spoke to me.
"Hi there Miss Smith" he said as if i were royalty. "I have a gift for you my dear." suddenly he pulled a golden necklace out of his pocket. It looked really beutiful, especially with all the different jewels it had.
I spent a bit looking at it. But to be honest i was trying really hard to remember the guys name. Suddenly he spoke again. "It's two million dollars". He said with a smile.
What?! He spent that much on a gift for me. No, i could possibly take it without feeling bad. "I'm sorry, i can't" i said with sadness.
"You, you can't? Why? Don't you like it?" he said, i think a bit desperate.
"No, don't get me wrong it looks amazing. But i can't take it. It cost you too much..."
"No, no please take it" he said now clearly very desperate. "It's nothing, honest."
This whole thing was making me nervous but then i suddenly remembered his name. That gave me the confidence to answer back. "Look Whine, i..."
Then everyone in the buss started laughthing. I was shocked at first but then i wondered what was so funny. Then i turned back to Whine and he started to cry. Why was he.......oh no. Oh God no. What had i just done. I had just humiliated this poor guy who spent so much just to make me happy. I.....i..............i couldn't take it anymore. I ran as fast as i could from there.
I made it to the front of the buss and sat down. I put on my headphones to dry out the laughts. But it didn't help. I was so ashamed of myself. I had always hated people who made fun of others. Now i had done it. To someone who was just being nice to me. For the first time in months tears rolled from my eyes.
I hated myself.
Charles Sparks
I knew it was wrong but i just kept on laughthing.
"How did it feel getting shown up like that Whine?" i said before i kept laughthing.
He looked like a mixture of anger and sadness. But most of all dissapointment.
Suddenly his face turned serious. He turned to me. "Here" he said clearly still mad "Take it"
Then he extended his arm towards me. In it he was holding the necklace. I was shocked. Instantly my laughter stopped and i looked at him dumbfounded.
"You're still going to give it to me? After all that?" i said.
He looked at me full of hatred. "Deals a deal, dumbass"
He was serious. Two million dollars, just like that. I looked to my back and saw Saddie and Valentino. Both just staring at me. Just waiting for me to make a choice. I turned back to Wayne.
Charles Sparks
"I'll do it" i said staring him right in the face. "You just lost that fancy necklace"
"Are you serious?!" Sadie said b… moreewidered. "How could you ever do this? Do you have any...."
"Wait" Valentino interrupted. "Did i really just see you betting on a girl? Without her consent?"
"Hey guys relax, ok" i whispered with a smile on my face. "There is no way that she'll take that necklace as a gift. And it's crazy to think that she'll suddenly become Waynes personal brainwashed chearleader because her 'inner greed' will tell her to. I got this one in this one in the bag."
But Valentino was unconvinced. "And what if you don't? Two million dollars........"
"You really think i'm going to pay. Only Wayne is stupid enough to think i'll actually give him the money."
"Oh, i see. So either way you keep your money and can still try to get it on with Zoey." He answered. That took me a bit aback so i answered a bit madder than… [view original content]
Charles Sparks
"I'll do it" i said staring him right in the face. "You just lost that fancy necklace"
"Are you serious?!" Sadie said b… moreewidered. "How could you ever do this? Do you have any...."
"Wait" Valentino interrupted. "Did i really just see you betting on a girl? Without her consent?"
"Hey guys relax, ok" i whispered with a smile on my face. "There is no way that she'll take that necklace as a gift. And it's crazy to think that she'll suddenly become Waynes personal brainwashed chearleader because her 'inner greed' will tell her to. I got this one in this one in the bag."
But Valentino was unconvinced. "And what if you don't? Two million dollars........"
"You really think i'm going to pay. Only Wayne is stupid enough to think i'll actually give him the money."
"Oh, i see. So either way you keep your money and can still try to get it on with Zoey." He answered. That took me a bit aback so i answered a bit madder than… [view original content]
Well, cry me a river, Whine. Charles won this necklace fairly and it is Wayne's fault for betting it in the first place. Can't hurt to show him the consequences for being an arrogant douchebag. He has it coming, he has it coming so much.
And well, I called it. Drawing that crime scene was a huge mistake, perhaps even worse than this insanely stupid choice in Nick's part. I guess she's on her way to become a serial killer now. Like, seriously. I knew she'd react badly to this, although I did not expect her to immediately identify with the killer. Looks like she's going to start murdering people now, in order to draw them.
Charles Sparks
"I'll do it" i said staring him right in the face. "You just lost that fancy necklace"
"Are you serious?!" Sadie said b… moreewidered. "How could you ever do this? Do you have any...."
"Wait" Valentino interrupted. "Did i really just see you betting on a girl? Without her consent?"
"Hey guys relax, ok" i whispered with a smile on my face. "There is no way that she'll take that necklace as a gift. And it's crazy to think that she'll suddenly become Waynes personal brainwashed chearleader because her 'inner greed' will tell her to. I got this one in this one in the bag."
But Valentino was unconvinced. "And what if you don't? Two million dollars........"
"You really think i'm going to pay. Only Wayne is stupid enough to think i'll actually give him the money."
"Oh, i see. So either way you keep your money and can still try to get it on with Zoey." He answered. That took me a bit aback so i answered a bit madder than… [view original content]
[Accept the necklace]
Well, cry me a river, Whine. Charles won this necklace fairly and it is Wayne's fault for betting it in the first p… morelace. Can't hurt to show him the consequences for being an arrogant douchebag. He has it coming, he has it coming so much.
And well, I called it. Drawing that crime scene was a huge mistake, perhaps even worse than this insanely stupid choice in Nick's part. I guess she's on her way to become a serial killer now. Like, seriously. I knew she'd react badly to this, although I did not expect her to immediately identify with the killer. Looks like she's going to start murdering people now, in order to draw them.
[Refuse the necklace] - It seems to me his friendship with Sadie is on the line. I mean, yeah, it's two million dollars. Still, I smell something fishy about this.
And... Whoops, it appears I've goofed I really hoped Adam had picked up more on Reily's behavior than he did. Though hopefully he realizes something's up.
Charles Sparks
"I'll do it" i said staring him right in the face. "You just lost that fancy necklace"
"Are you serious?!" Sadie said b… moreewidered. "How could you ever do this? Do you have any...."
"Wait" Valentino interrupted. "Did i really just see you betting on a girl? Without her consent?"
"Hey guys relax, ok" i whispered with a smile on my face. "There is no way that she'll take that necklace as a gift. And it's crazy to think that she'll suddenly become Waynes personal brainwashed chearleader because her 'inner greed' will tell her to. I got this one in this one in the bag."
But Valentino was unconvinced. "And what if you don't? Two million dollars........"
"You really think i'm going to pay. Only Wayne is stupid enough to think i'll actually give him the money."
"Oh, i see. So either way you keep your money and can still try to get it on with Zoey." He answered. That took me a bit aback so i answered a bit madder than… [view original content]
[Refuse the necklace] - It seems to me his friendship with Sadie is on the line. I mean, yeah, it's two million dollars. Still, I smell some… morething fishy about this.
And... Whoops, it appears I've goofed I really hoped Adam had picked up more on Reily's behavior than he did. Though hopefully he realizes something's up.
Certainly. I'm still hopeful he will realize something is wrong, but in all likelihood, I think it might be a while before such a thing occurs or an opportunity is given.
Charles Sparks
"I'll do it" i said staring him right in the face. "You just lost that fancy necklace"
"Are you serious?!" Sadie said b… moreewidered. "How could you ever do this? Do you have any...."
"Wait" Valentino interrupted. "Did i really just see you betting on a girl? Without her consent?"
"Hey guys relax, ok" i whispered with a smile on my face. "There is no way that she'll take that necklace as a gift. And it's crazy to think that she'll suddenly become Waynes personal brainwashed chearleader because her 'inner greed' will tell her to. I got this one in this one in the bag."
But Valentino was unconvinced. "And what if you don't? Two million dollars........"
"You really think i'm going to pay. Only Wayne is stupid enough to think i'll actually give him the money."
"Oh, i see. So either way you keep your money and can still try to get it on with Zoey." He answered. That took me a bit aback so i answered a bit madder than… [view original content]
Thank you. Thought i think you forgot to vote (if you want to that is).
Also it was Wilfred, though i can understand why you were confused. Zoey kept forgetting and confusing his name over and over again. It's a problem she has due to her barely interacting with people.
Happy 600th comment everybody. See you next year when we hit 1,000,000. Goodbye ;_;
Are you leaving?
Nah. I was just bored so I posted.
Oh ok.
Happy 604th comment.
FINALLY IT'S DONE. The Part is finished
. Sorry for the wait guys. I was finishing up school and that took sometime but its finally up. Sorry again for the wait. Hopefully that won't happen again. Anyway enjoy the update....eventhought the parts are preatty damn depressing.
Great that the new part is finally up and complete! Though I'm still quite pissed at the Nick choice a few people made last year, that led to this part. It was so obviously a bad choice to punch the guy with the gun that I can't even begin to imagine why anyone would deliberately choose it. Like, seriously? Punching the guy with the gun? You got to be kidding me, people. Though, while I can say that I utterly hated the Nick part, I really liked the other parts a lot! Can't wait for the next parts, I hope the wait won't be long
[Resist The Urge To Draw It]
It can't be a healthy thing to draw the crime scene. Leave that to mentally stable people from the police, not to a girl on the verge of a breakdown. This will only remind her of what she saw, which is definitely not a good thing.
[Resist The Urge To Draw It] YAY you're back XD
[Make a Drawing Of The Crime Scene]
For a second, I thought I'd missed a part from almost a month ago. Gave me quite the scare :P Anyway, it's great to see it return!
As for the choice, I've chosen this hoping that someone will actually notice and get Riley the help she needs since it has clearly traumatized her into not talking about it, despite the unhealthy nature of drawing the crime scene.
[Make a Drawing Of The Crime Scene] what NoHopeLeft said
[Resist The Urge To Draw It] She wants to feel happiness again but her first urge is to draw a violent crime scene. I dont want her to get so messed up that she associates this crime scene with happiness.
So happy to see new choices to make :P
[Make a Drawing Of The Crime Scene]
Man... I don't know. Maybe it'll help later, like getting some help or something.
[Resist the Urge to Draw it]
Definitely not a key to happiness. Glad to see this is back
[Make a Drawing Of The Crime Scene]
Might as well. So glad this is back.
Glad this is back.
Thank you
Ok so i was about to say voting was closed but it appears we have a tie. Lucky for you guys the next part (which might be out TODAY) didn't need to have her. The next Part will have atleast 4 P.O.V's but i can currently only confirm Zack and Eden as 100% going to appear. I will also confirm that Samuel will finally return but not as a P.o.v
Now im going to take a page from Forum Of Thrones to remind you guys what has happened to the P.O.V's. Zack had just recently decided not to to to Sadies house and attack her. Afterwords he came across his older brother and his gang. His brothers girlfriend decided to beate him up because she's evil and sadistic. You guys voted for him to try and fight back. Meanwhile Eden was having an argument with her sister Alex about how they should treat their father after he got out of jail. Most of you voted for Eden to convince her sister that they should give him a chance to be their father again.
I would also like to remind you that Samuel nearly got beaten to death by two psychotic teenagers who also gained the location of the research facility. Before being scared by a couple of cop cars they swore they would go there and torture and kill everyone. Sam opted to keep quiet and reveal it to the others in the buss.
Zach Sheen
I couldn't just sit there and get beaten. I had to show them that they were messing with the wrong kid. I forward and saw Sara with her right fist clenched and a sick smile on her face.
"Open up" she said as her fist raced for my mouth. To her surprise i doged it and gave her one right in the chest. "Why you little..." she tried to finish but i gave her another one right in the face. With that she fell down. It felt good teaching her a leason. I guess mom was wrong about hitting girls.
I instantly regretted that thought as one of the guys hit me square in the face. Before i turned to see who it was another punch came out of nowhere. It was about a minute tilll i realized they were all ganging up on me. After a few minutes the puncing stopped and i realized that only Sara was still hitting me. Then she started kicking me like a football, over and over again. I felt like i was going to pass out before i heard a car coming down street.
"Fuck!!!" my brother screamed as he and all his 'friends' started running. Sara was again the last one. "I'll be seeing you kid. And next time, ill take it all the way" with that she kicked me agan and ran off.
I stayed there, lying in the street. Just...thinking. It was a few minutes till i realized they almost killed me or atleast tried to. My own damn brother wanted to see me dead because i pissed off his girlfriend. After a few minutes i got up, looking at myself i didn't really look that bruised. The kicks had made a few noticable hits on my chest but that was it. I think i also had a black eye but i didn't realize it was there. I really just wanted to get this done with, so i just waited for the buss.....
Aiden Pierce
Well the rest of the morning was bery uneventfull. I stayed sitting down watching as we came along. After Mike the first one was Sadie Robbins. She was a good kid, she had decent grades and she was very good at solving problems. Right now she was lisening to something on her earphones so i doubt she could hear me.
"Good day Mr. Pierce!" She said louder than necesary. I would have said the same but again she wouldn't have heard me so i remained silent. Next was Samuel. He seemed......odd. First thing was the fact he wore his hoodie like he was hidding something. Next was the fact he was acting disstant, almost apprehensive. Then he walked past me like i wasn't there.
"Samuel" i said as he walked past. "Are you ok?"
His response seemed very forced "I'm fine Mr.Pierce" i was about to question it but he moved to the back. I decide that i would question him about it later. For now he just looked like he wanted some space. Next up was...............Zach. That irritating, abusive kid. I knew exactly what he would do. He would do his best to seem remorseful and sad, but i knew that kid wasn't going to change. He was very slowly becoming like his brother and god help me if i could stop another Scott Sheen i would have done the world a favor. As he went up the stairs i avoided looking at him. To my irritation he stoped to talk to me.
"Good morning Mr. Pier..."
"Good morning Mr. Sheen. Please join your fellow students in the back of the buss" i responded.
He stood there for a second before walking off and sitting down. 'Good' i thought 'on to the next student'
Eden McCoy
"I think we should give him a chance" i said.
"Eden, i just......."
"No i reallly think that it's not fair that he hasn't been out a day and were already judging him." I answered quickly "We can't treat him like this, he deserves to atleast try"
My siseter took a deep breath and then her eyes turned towards her pancakes. "You know what i've always admired about you sis?" She said turning back to me. "The way you always look for the best in people. Even after all these years you still haven't lost that." She looked at me straight in the eye. "Promise me you'll never change".
"I promise" i said as i hugged her. Then i finished my breakfest, went outside and waited for the buss.
Ellie Miller
The Commander walked forward and looked at Archer in the face. "Archer, explain yourself. Now!!!"
Archer clumsily stood forward and turned to the commanders face. The fear on his eyes clearer that the moon on a starless night. "Sir, squad member Kerrick was threatning the others with extreme force..."
"So you decided to make certain he was dealt with in the most risky way possible." He said as he walked to his side. "You surprise me, boy. A move this rash and thoughtless is unlike you. Hopefully this will be the last time you EVER do anything of the sort."
He turned to Archer again. I could see the kid was already pissing his pants. "No, sir. Never again will i..."
"Good, because in your next assingment mistakes wont be risked .....or tolerated. Jeff could you please conduct the breifing"
Just then Mervis interupted. "And what about him Sir?" He said pointing at the uncouncious squadmate Kerrick.
"Take him to the infirmery. Then send out a comm for a code 369. Watch him till the one doctors gets there."
"Aye, Sir" he responded and after saluting carried our fallen commarade towards the building. After he left Squadmate leader Jeff walked to the center where everyone else was looking.
"As you are most likely are aware this facility will now be housing an inmate. You are to intercept his transport at the desingnated drop point and bring him here to test out a new unescapable containment unit. What you may or my not now is that this individual is none other that your former Squadmate, Sparker....." As soon as he finished that sentece the atmosphere dropped. Suddenly i forgot why i was mad at Archer or that he even existed. Luckly the commander took control of the the room before it got out of hand.
"I suppose you should then be fully awere of what this individual is capable of. You are the only ones qualified to detain him and if absolutely necesary.......execute him"
Jeff immediatelly interupted. "But the PRIORITY is to bring him here unharmed and alive. It doesn't matter who he is or what he did you can't let your emotions get out of hand..."
"And i have full trust they wont." The Commander interupt again "Which is why today i would like to reward you for your competency. After the objective is incarcerated i will chose two of you based on your performance records. Those two individuals will accompany me and Jeff to a private hearing where the four of us will determine which research projects shall be funded and which will be...terminated. Now i would like to state that you ALL have equal state in the matter..."
Instantly we all looked at Nick. It seemed one of us was already nearly out of the running. Not that it was any of my consern, that idiot earned it pulling a stunt like that.
"In any regards the trasports drop location should be arriving in you coded comunication devices, now." As he said this is reached out and saw the coodinates for the drop off. "Report to to once the inmate reaches the facility. You have been briefed" he said walking off, Jeff closely behind him. I quickly went over to my bag and checked my weaponry. I made sure all were loaded with non-lethal ammunition. The others did the same after which we all went inside our covert vehicles and drove off to the designated location.
Charles Sparks
"And i am being serious. He just drove off. He really just stopped to tell me i was an idiot." Valentino continued.
"Well" Sadie interrupted. "What did you expect from Donnie's dad?"
"I don't know...maturity? I was just kidding about his cars front bumper sticker. I knew it was a panda..."
"Then why did ask him why he painted a polar bear?"
"Because i thought it was funny," he said "A painted polar bear, come on it's comedy gold"
"Yeah more like copper" she answered annoyed.
As they kept talking i looked at Mike a few seats away. He seemed.......weird like he was mad about something. And that something must have been Valentino since he was looking straight at him. I heard rumors that Mike wanted payback for something or other Valentino did, but i didn't think it was this serious. He looked like he was going to attack him right there. I almost said something till Valentino spoke up.
"Hey Wayne, what do you have there?" He was looking at that jerk Wayne Dellard who was holding something i couldn't see. He was asshole to me earlier but had been quiet for a while now.
"This, my dear friend, is my ticket to hooking up with Zoey Smith...."
"THE Zoey Smith." Valentino answered in shock. "Better be careful there Wayne. Charlie here also has his eyes set on her"
What the fuck? Why would he say that? I was about to deny it when Wayne started laughting.
"Hahahahaha. You, with a girl like Smith. Hahahaahah. She too high class for your ilk."
"Oh, yeah." I answere tired of this guy pissing me off "I didn't know you were a millionare. It kinda takes me off when your dad drives a used truck."
"It doesn't matter. Because i hold right here the key to her heart. You see all these rich girls are pampered to the point in which they only care about the value of things and not their purpase. Behold" he said as he raised a necklace up. "Two million dollars!!!"
The necklace was made out of what looked like solid gold. It was embroidered with several decorations and even had some jewles encrusted in it.
"Are you insane?!" Valentino yelled. "How the hell did you get two million dollars?!!!!!"
"Its a family heirloom. One of many i'm entiteled to by birth right. You see 'Charlie' it won't matter who i am, what i look like or even how i treat her. As long as i can provide her with what her inner selfiness craves she'll treat me like i'm her god"
"YOU'RE INSANE!!!!!" I screamed almost killing my lungs. "I refuse to belive anyone ESPECIALLY Zoey is that shallow"
Wayne looked at me and smilled. "Are you willing to bet on it?"
"What?" I said confused.
"Are You. Willing. To. Bet. On. It?" he said with a smile "If you really believe you know her so well then lets make a gentelmans bet. If she refuses my gift then i will leave her to you and give YOU the necklace. If she accepts i KEEP Miss Smith free from your intervention .....and you give me two million dollars"
"You're crazy!!" Sadie yelled. "How could you even think of doing something like that? Who the hell would be willing to risk that much money?"
He ignored her and looked to me "Then again...thats if you really think you know her at all......"
[Accept the Bet]
[Refuse the Bet]
I loved it, all 5 POV's were superb.
As for the choice... Uh...
[Refuse the bet]
I don't know, but I'm pretty sure this could backfire if he accepts.
[Refuse the Bet] I, personally, would never risk two million dollars, even if I had a trillion more.
Loved the part, by the way
[Refuse the Bet] Family heirloom? What he have in his head instead of brain? :-p
[Accept the Bet]
Well, that might backfire but then again, it's a bet between two kids who are not even legally allowed to make business deals yet, especially not deals like this. What is Wayne going to do if Charles won't give him the money, huh? Sue him, over a legally not binding contract between two minors that has never been written down?
[Accept the Bet]
Like Liquid said. What are they going to do about it if he doesn't fork over the money? Cry a little?
Great part once again
Nvm I'm gonna change my vote to [Accept the bet]
[Refuse the Bet] - I don't anyone would appreciate having someone bet on them like this.
[Accept the Bet]
Well whats the worst that can happen?
Make a Drawing of The Crime Scene
Good job! Might help... you never know
Ok guys both votes are finnaly done. And both were insanely close, only winning by a single vote.
First winner is the Riley will draw the crime scene. While i can't say wether this will be a good or bad choice yet i will say that it's a gamechanger for a few other characters and Riley herself. The second was that Charles and Samuel will Bet TWO MILLION DOLLARS and Zoey herself on wether she accepts the necklace as a gift or not. It goes without saying that the results of this will permanently affect both of them and Zoey and will have very intense long term concequences.
Anyway the new Part should be out later today and i can confirm Zoey and Riley will be a P.O.V's so the first effects of the last two choices will be immediate. So look forward to that and have a good day
Best news of the day so far. It's 11:12 where I live and I just got home from work.
Can't wait for a new part, gotta say I'm a big fan of this.
Thank you. I'm finishing right now
Charles Sparks
"I'll do it" i said staring him right in the face. "You just lost that fancy necklace"
"Are you serious?!" Sadie said bewidered. "How could you ever do this? Do you have any...."
"Wait" Valentino interrupted. "Did i really just see you betting on a girl? Without her consent?"
"Hey guys relax, ok" i whispered with a smile on my face. "There is no way that she'll take that necklace as a gift. And it's crazy to think that she'll suddenly become Waynes personal brainwashed chearleader because her 'inner greed' will tell her to. I got this one in this one in the bag."
But Valentino was unconvinced. "And what if you don't? Two million dollars........"
"You really think i'm going to pay. Only Wayne is stupid enough to think i'll actually give him the money."
"Oh, i see. So either way you keep your money and can still try to get it on with Zoey." He answered. That took me a bit aback so i answered a bit madder than i should've.
"Hey, let's make one thing perfectly clear man. I am not into Zoey ok."
"Sure you're not" he answered with his typical smirk. "You just happened to want to bet two million dollars for her....."
"Ok, no." I said a bit defensive. "First, i'm not betting anything. Second, i only did it because i belive that Zoey is better than that. Third, eventhough i'm not keeping my end i KNOW for a fact Dellard is. So i either get a two million dollar necklace or lose NOTHING. So this has nothing to do with that. It's about me teaching Wayne a leason" i finished as i laid back on my seat.
"Well, Congrats Sparks. I did'nt think you had it in you" Sadie answered but i couldn't tell if she was proud, ashamed or being sarcastic.
"Had what?" I asked her.
"Well look i know Wayne is a jerk and all but you basically just conned him off of two million dollars. Not to mention a family heirloom..."
"Oh cmon. If he really cared about that thing he wouldn't be willing to throw it away like that."
"Well maybe this Zoey girl just means more to him than you think" she answered turning around to look at her phone.
"Wait a minute, Sadie" Valentino said looking at her. "Are you telling him that if he wins he shouldn't take something worth TWO MILLION DOLLARS?"
"Look" she said turning to us. "I just don't think it's right. Any of it. You and Wayne betting on some girl you barely now. Then taking advantage of his honesty without a second thought...."
"Cmon Sade's" Valentino interrupted again "You keep talking like you wouldn't take it."
"I wouldn't" she said firmly. "Not even if was worth three million or twenty million or........"
"Are you crazy? Why wouldn't you?" He answered.
"Because it's not right Val!" She said almost screaming it. "Hell, none of it is right. I can't believe you would do something like that. What's all the money in the world when you had to betray your values to get it..."
"But he's the idiot that wanted to do this..."
"Stop, ok." She said clearly very dissapointed. "I just wish you had told Wayne off in the first place. It's clear you guys have made your choice and I don't want to have any part in it. So, just leave me alone....." Before we could say anything she put on her headphones and left this reality.
I stared at her for a while. Sadie had been my friend for years now but i had never seen her so upset about something i did. It made me wonder if i was doing the right thing at all. My doubt must have been seen on my face becouse i suddenly felt Valentinos hand on my shoulder. I turned and looked at him straight in the face.
"Dude, it's two million dollars."
"Yeah" i answered "i know......"
Riley Peters
I wanted to, no i NEEDED to draw whay is saw. I quickly took out my drawing pad, grabbed my pencill and started drawing. It suddenly became my most important work. I needed it to be exact, no omissions at all. It needed to be perfect. Just like the sky needed to be blue and the sun needed to be hot. Only somehow it needed it more than that. This drawing needed to be my hopes, my dreams, my fears. This drawing needed to be me, only more perfect. It needed to be more perfect and beutiful than anything else in reality.
It became my greatest obsession, an overwhelming addiction to dedicate everything i was to its glory. I don't think that in my eyes anything else existed anymore and if it did it was less important than this. For a moment i felt myself become both the one controling the pen and being lead by it. I wasn't Riley anymore. I was the artist and art itself making a masterpice which was also myself. I never felt anything like this in my life, infact i think i forgot what life was. The word that i kept thinking of was 'existance'. Yes, i existed to draw the picture in my head. It was my purpase in existance. To make myself, and yet something better than me in everyway.
It was hate and love, comfort and fear, joy and sadness, i was all those things too yet none of them. I felt like i was nothing making everything and everything making nothing. I wonder if i could have looked at anything else if i would have seen anything familiar to me. If i would find anything to remind me of who 'i' was or at least had been and would have found some happiness or if i would recognize nothing and be forever lost in fear to all of this unknown. I somehow think it would be both, as impossible as it sounds. Not that i could focus on anything else than 'it'. Even as i felt all this conflicts inside me i somehow ignored all of them. I felt mechanical, emotionless like the word 'feel' lost all meaning or comprehension. Emotions got in the way of it's perfection. And yet somehow at the same time i felt the opposite. I felt like i had every emotion, even ones i never felt before or even knew existed. This was the most passionate work of my life and my most hated. I think that if i had any sanity or sense of identity i would have gone insane.
But like i said before, nothing mattered anymore. Nothing but my masterpice. I felt compleatly out of my body, forgetting i had had one in the first place. I became everthing in it. The man, the aleway, the killer. I felt both my death and the sadistic satisfaction of having done the murderous deed.
However despite all of this my ears heard the buss arrive and my legs walked towards it and up its stairs. My lost self felt this as mearly a presence it could not understand. It was happy to not be alone in its existance but also afraid of this new 'being'. However it quickly ignored it and focused on its only purpase. To finish that drawing.
Adam Pierce
"Good day, Mr. Pierce" said Eden in her usually cheerful way.
"Good day Eden" i said with a smile as she went to the back and sat down. I was surprised for a moment about my attitude towards her, especially considering how i treated both Charlie and Zach. Maybe it had to do with the fact that i saw her more like a victim used by Charles for his own goals or maybe it was that i felt some regret over lying to her. Or it could have just been me calming down about the whole thing. As i looked at the street map i realized that the next student was Riley Peters. While i wasn't sure of my regret over Eden i was full of shame from what i did and almost did to Riley. I would have never acted towards any of my students in such a way if had been rational. Even with my apparent anger over the coffe i still felt like i went and acted compleately unlike myself. To think even for a second that i would have treated her the same way i treated Zach, i made me question what kind of person i was to suddenly lose my control like that. And the way i spoke to her. Like i was a monster in some horror movie. I was the guardian to these kids, someone they looked up to. And a sweet girl like Riley, i must have hurt her more than i thought. I needed to make it up. The second she spoke to me i would say how sorry i was for how i acted.
As we pulled up to the stop i saw her drawing on her pad. As she walked up to the buss i readied myself. I during my police years i had dealt with victims of intense trauma. If she was afraid of me or wanted to cry i knew how to react. As she walked up the steps i stood up and spoke to her.
"Riley i....." But she ignored me an kept walking. She sat down and kept drawing. It was then that i really knew how bad it was. She did'nt want to talk to me, probably out of anger. I wanted to go after her, but i knew it was best to leave her alone for the time being. So i sat back down, the look of concern clear on my face. I tried to take my mind of her by focusing on the next student on the list. Zoey Smith.............
Zoey Smith
After breakfest wat done Wilfred walked me towards the limousine. Once there he opened the backdoor to the car for me to enter. That was another thing i deeply hated. Why did they always feel the need to do that? Did they think i would hurt myself opening a door? My best guess was that they were used to doing it for people who felt superior to them and that it was supposed to give me some sort of happiness to have this man do everything for me. I didn't feel like that at all, it actualu always made me feel very uncomfortable. As he was holding the door for me i looked at him in the face.
"I'm not handicapped" i said. "You don't need to waste the energy for this. I can do it myself."
He smiled. "Yes i do my dear. It is my duty to ensure you don't have to be bothered with something so trivial."
"But it doesn't bother me" i answered. Then i though for a moment and looked at him in the eye. "You know, i'm not better than you Wilbert"
"I know my dear lady" he answered like it were an apology. "I mearly wish what is best for you"
I wanted to keep arguing with him, but i knew it was no use. So i sat down and he closed the door behind me. Then he opened the drivers seat and sat down. As he was starting the car i suddenly had a huge question in my mind.
"Wait a second." I said a bit worried. "Willbert where's the driver?"
The headbutler seemed stun with the question at first but quickly came up with an answer. "Oh, Tomas? Well he called in sick. Bad case of the whimsies or something. I'm afraid i will have to fill in his role as well. I hope my company does not bother you"
As he said this my sudden worry faded into a smile. "Not at all. I think i enjoy talking to you."
"Thank you Miss Smith" he said tipping his drivers hat.
"Can you please stop calling me 'Miss Smith'. I'm not my mom you know."
"As you wish Miss....Zoey"
"Thank you" i said nodding politely. As i looked at the window i saw our beutiful garden. It was a huge bunch of rosebushes all massive enough that one could hide there for days. I remembered a few days ago when Lizzie Fluntz and her sisters came to visit i hid there almost the entire day. I could barely stand those girls. They always acted like they liked me but then gossiped lies about me to others. It made me even more sad about the partneship Mr. Fluntz and dad were making. I wish he went to Vicente Carmine instead, despite the rumors about him. Anyway, i always enjoyed just looking at all the different colors the flowers had. Thought just looking at them i notice a few were badly trimmed. Luckly the gardener would be here in about an hour so by the time i got back it should be fine.
Sadly the garden did'nt last long and i had to spend a few minutes staring at the fields of our property. Once a friend told me that 'normal' people dreamed of having fields as big as that. I could never really get why. All they did was look nice and make us have to be driven to the gate. It made me wish that i lived in one of those suburban houses where the stree was right outside and i could just walk there on my own two feet.
After what seemed like forever we finally got to the gate. The buss was right outside it. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself, thne somehow i suddenly though that the buss would smell horrible on the inside. The though made me even more nervous and i had to to take another deep breath. 'Ok, its just a buss. You can do this' i thought to myself. Wilbert opened the door to me but this time i didn't complain. I was to busy wondering if the buss always looked this small or if my mind was playing tricks on me. Again i closed my eyes and took another deep breath. This time i seemed to calm down. I said goodbye to Willfred and gathered the bravery to walk towards it. Before i could finnish though Willbert suddenly spoke to me.
"Miss Zoey" i turned around to look at him. He was sitting in the limo with the door closed. He looked at me and smiled. "If you ever feel alone. Like everyone in your life is gone. Remember......i'm here for you".
I smile and nodded "Thank you, Willbert. I will never forget you."
Then i turned around and walked towards the buss.
As i went inside it felt....different. Not bad exactly just, not normal. It was like my mind haddn't processed that such a thing could exist. As i went inside i saw this guy driving the buss. I almost instictively wanted to cover my nose. The guy looked like he forgot to take a shower the last few days. I quickly pretended he didn't exist and instead looked at Mr. Piercen. He looked like a true profesional. Definately a step up from my last two teachers. I kept walking but suddenly he spoke to me.
"Good morning Zoey".
I was taken a back from it a bit but i forced a smile and answered. "Good morning" then i turned back and looked at the seats.
I don't really now why but i somehow hated all of them. Some looked dirty, others overused and some.....smelled really off. I eventually realiezed i had to conform with 'least dirty' so i looked and saw a neerly decent one near a few of the other students before i sat down though one of the guys spoke to me.
"Hi there Miss Smith" he said as if i were royalty. "I have a gift for you my dear." suddenly he pulled a golden necklace out of his pocket. It looked really beutiful, especially with all the different jewels it had.
I spent a bit looking at it. But to be honest i was trying really hard to remember the guys name. Suddenly he spoke again. "It's two million dollars". He said with a smile.
What?! He spent that much on a gift for me. No, i could possibly take it without feeling bad. "I'm sorry, i can't" i said with sadness.
"You, you can't? Why? Don't you like it?" he said, i think a bit desperate.
"No, don't get me wrong it looks amazing. But i can't take it. It cost you too much..."
"No, no please take it" he said now clearly very desperate. "It's nothing, honest."
This whole thing was making me nervous but then i suddenly remembered his name. That gave me the confidence to answer back. "Look Whine, i..."
Then everyone in the buss started laughthing. I was shocked at first but then i wondered what was so funny. Then i turned back to Whine and he started to cry. Why was he.......oh no. Oh God no. What had i just done. I had just humiliated this poor guy who spent so much just to make me happy. I.....i..............i couldn't take it anymore. I ran as fast as i could from there.
I made it to the front of the buss and sat down. I put on my headphones to dry out the laughts. But it didn't help. I was so ashamed of myself. I had always hated people who made fun of others. Now i had done it. To someone who was just being nice to me. For the first time in months tears rolled from my eyes.
I hated myself.
Charles Sparks
I knew it was wrong but i just kept on laughthing.
"How did it feel getting shown up like that Whine?" i said before i kept laughthing.
He looked like a mixture of anger and sadness. But most of all dissapointment.
Suddenly his face turned serious. He turned to me. "Here" he said clearly still mad "Take it"
Then he extended his arm towards me. In it he was holding the necklace. I was shocked. Instantly my laughter stopped and i looked at him dumbfounded.
"You're still going to give it to me? After all that?" i said.
He looked at me full of hatred. "Deals a deal, dumbass"
He was serious. Two million dollars, just like that. I looked to my back and saw Saddie and Valentino. Both just staring at me. Just waiting for me to make a choice. I turned back to Wayne.
[Accept the necklace]
[Refuse the necklace]
[Refuse the necklace] oh Zoey... I guess she just literally crushed her crush.
[Refuse the necklace] nah man. He got what he got, no need to rub salt in an open wound.
Great part! Though Riley seems a little messed up at the moment
[Accept the necklace]
Well, cry me a river, Whine. Charles won this necklace fairly and it is Wayne's fault for betting it in the first place. Can't hurt to show him the consequences for being an arrogant douchebag. He has it coming, he has it coming so much.
And well, I called it. Drawing that crime scene was a huge mistake, perhaps even worse than this insanely stupid choice in Nick's part. I guess she's on her way to become a serial killer now. Like, seriously. I knew she'd react badly to this, although I did not expect her to immediately identify with the killer. Looks like she's going to start murdering people now, in order to draw them.
Thanks for reading Liquid. Thought i'm surprised you didn't mention Sadie's opinion in this argument.
And about the drawing. Perhaps you were right. But i will admit there maybe more to it than it seems......
[Refuse the necklace] - It seems to me his friendship with Sadie is on the line. I mean, yeah, it's two million dollars. Still, I smell something fishy about this.
And... Whoops, it appears I've goofed
I really hoped Adam had picked up more on Reily's behavior than he did. Though hopefully he realizes something's up.
Well to be fair to Adam, Riley's attitude is really bizzare. Even in all his years i'm preatty sure he never saw something like this.
Certainly. I'm still hopeful he will realize something is wrong, but in all likelihood, I think it might be a while before such a thing occurs or an opportunity is given.
Great part, but man, that goodbye to Wilbert made it seem like they'll never see each other again.
Thank you. Thought i think you forgot to vote (if you want to that is).
Also it was Wilfred, though i can understand why you were confused. Zoey kept forgetting and confusing his name over and over again. It's a problem she has due to her barely interacting with people.
And as much as I hate to say this, [Accept the necklace]. Sorry Wayne, but you had this coming.