Missy clenched at her knife, but her legs didn’t move, and her hands were shaking. She felt tears running down her cheeks but she c… moreouldn’t do anything, she just watched as Zereth slowly started to open the door. Before the door was even fully opened, the assassin turned his eyes to look back at Missy.
“Not even going to try?” He asked with a subtle smirk. “Smart girl.” With these words the man in black robes stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Missy let out a scream of rage, throwing her knife against the wall and falling on her knees. She punched the floor and screamed from the bottom of her lungs, not caring at all if someone would hear her. She let herself fall on her back, and tears kept welling on her eyes. I’ve been defeated, I’ve been broken.
Missy laid on the floor, staring at the ceiling, not moving an inch. She listened to her heart beat, as minutes went by, and then hours. Her tears dried, and noth… [view original content]
[Say that you love him] This is not my preferred choice here but it seems like the safest option after what has recently happened with Missy going behind Albin's back and Albin not liking it.
Missy clenched at her knife, but her legs didn’t move, and her hands were shaking. She felt tears running down her cheeks but she c… moreouldn’t do anything, she just watched as Zereth slowly started to open the door. Before the door was even fully opened, the assassin turned his eyes to look back at Missy.
“Not even going to try?” He asked with a subtle smirk. “Smart girl.” With these words the man in black robes stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Missy let out a scream of rage, throwing her knife against the wall and falling on her knees. She punched the floor and screamed from the bottom of her lungs, not caring at all if someone would hear her. She let herself fall on her back, and tears kept welling on her eyes. I’ve been defeated, I’ve been broken.
Missy laid on the floor, staring at the ceiling, not moving an inch. She listened to her heart beat, as minutes went by, and then hours. Her tears dried, and noth… [view original content]
And Missy will say that she loves Albin. In other words, we go with the same choice as in the beginning of the chapter. I can spoil that this is no life/death choice, but rather something that determines in what kind of state/situation does Missy's Chapter 2 begin.
The next part will be Myke PoV. However, due to the earlier problems I had with my Windows 10, and the fact that I've been spending a lot of time with my nephew and niece today have caused my writing to be a bit slower. I'm still on the first page, but I hope I'll get it done tomorrow. Because on Monday I'll start moving to my new apartment, and that will obviously take some time from writing.
Small recap: Ser Myke of the Marches and Ser Joran Storm are on a mission to find Kortney Caron, daughter of Lord Trevas Caron. This mission has lead them to Shepard's Path on the Kingdom of Blackmont. They encountered some unrest caused by the war at a small inn on the road, where two Gravesend soldiers came to arrest a bunch of deserters. This lead to a fight, where the other soldier died, but Myke and Joran helped the younger soldier, Seban. A mysterious young knight also helped, claiming his name was Ser Rai. Myke however noticed that he was a she - and the girl admitted she was really Raina Serviene, from former Yronwood vassal House that had been slaughtered by their rivals, House Marcant. Later the newly formed group continued their travel towards Gravesend, but before they reached it Myke noticed the one deserter that had escaped from the earlier fight, standing by the road. You voted for him to point out the deserter to his traveling companions.
Edit: Oh, and we'll be having another great H&L soon!
With a heavy heart, Gwendis stood at the window, looking out of her room and down onto the lands of her family, a family that had just gotten smaller. It was uncharacteristically cold, as if the land itself mourned for its queen. Shivering, not entirely out of the cold, Gwendis tightly clenched her thick coat. It was black, like everything she wore today.
“I'm doing it!”, Naemon's shaking voice sounded behind her. “I swear, this time I'm doing it!” Gwendis sighed and closed her eyes for a second. Usually, the sight from her window and down into the eerily beautiful lands below calmed her. Today, she found it hard to remain collected. The way the sun started to rise in the distance, its early rays hitting the mountain that gave her house its name, it reminded her of the Valaena Blackmont's pale beauty. The way the trees swayed gently in the breeze, it reminded her of her dark hair. The sky, slowly turning from blue to red, it reminded her of the purple eyes she inherited... The land itself seemed to wish to keep the memory of her mother alive, in the most painful way possible.
With a lump in her throat, she turned around. “Doing what?”, she asked, as she spotted Naemon, standing in the middle of her room, his fists clenched, his lanky body trembling. During the past months, he had grown considerably and now he was finally taller than her, though that didn't mean he was any less of a child. So was Gwendis, as she reluctantly had to admit, but right now, she had to be the adult of the two.
“He can't force me!”, Naemon spat, as he shook his head. Gwendis saw the tears forming in her little brother's eyes and she frowned. “Sit down”, she ordered him and slowly, he complied, sitting down onto her bed. Gwendis walked up to him without turning around for another look out of the window.
As she sat next to him, she put a hand onto his back and noticed how he immediately tensed up. “What is it?”, she asked again and her brother glanced at her, his eyes wet already. “It's Benedict”, he growled and the cold way he spoke their father's name sent a shiver down Gwendis' spine. Benedict... was that where they were standing at now?
“Father”, she corrected him gently, though he did not react to it. “He just told me whom I'm going to squire for”, Naemon spat and Gwendis raised an eyebrow. “Not Uncle Vorian, I presume?”, she asked. She didn't want to tease him, not in this situation. It simply came out of her mouth and in a strange way, she felt better, if only slightly, as it distracted of how she truly felt.
Naemon shook his head. “Lord Blackadder”, he revealed glumly. Gwendis affectionately patted his back. “Lord Blackadder is a war hero”, she tried to cheer him up. “During the Battle of the Wide Way, he lead the charge that crushed the Storm King's heavy cavalry. He personally killed a dozen knights on that day”
“He is seventy years old and he stinks”, Naemon interjected. “And the battle was fifty years ago. Who cares for that now?” Gwendis paused and tried to smile at her brother. But even that felt wrong today. “He does indeed stink”, she admitted.
“Benedict can't do that!”, Naemon protested. Of course he can, Gwendis knew it. Naemon was eight years old and the crown prince. Father wouldn't tolerate disobedience in this matter. “What are you going to do?”, she asked.
“I'm leaving”, Naemon proclaimed, with all the pride of an eight-year old boy who just made a decision he deemed important. “I'm taking our fastest horse and I'm riding down the Torrentine to Starfall. I'm going to live with Uncle Vorian from now on and with Malcolm. Even with Jamison if that means I'm getting away from here”
Against all odds, Gwendis' mouth formed a small smirk of disbelief. “You're not going to do anything like that”, she said softly, but sternly. “The stable master will notice that a horse is missing and then they will notice that you're missing. An hour later, they will catch you” Naemon shook his head. “Not if I'm going to pay the stable master for his silence”, he said slyly and Gwendis rose an eyebrow. “Paying him?”, she asked. “Now how do you want to do that?”
Now, a weak, grief-stricken grin appeared on Naemon's face. He opened his palm, revealing the brooch in it. It was golden, with a single ruby in the middle, as large as a human eye, shimmering as if a light was shining inside of it. Gwendis inhaled sharply. “Where do you got that from?”, she asked with a hint of anger in her voice and Naemon shrugged. “Mother's room”, he said casually and Gwendis immediately rose from the bed. Only narrowly did she suppress the urge to slap him.
“You want to give mother's jewelry to the stable master?”, she snapped at him and Naemon gave her a confused look. “Yes”, he said with hesitation. “It's what she would have wanted. She wouldn't have wanted me to remain here, with the man who...” Gwendis cut him off by grabbing the brooch from his hand.
“Give that to me!”, she barked. “I can't believe it... That is not what mother would have wanted! Do you have any idea what that is?” Instantly, she felt bad for scolding him. He had no idea what he had done wrong. She was just a year older, but in moments like this, Gwendis felt almost like a second mother to him. “A... brooch?”, he asked.
Gwendis shook her head. “Not just a simple brooch”, she explained, still sternly, but a lot softer than before. “Mother wore it, grandmother wore it and her mother before” She held it up so that he could easily see it. “It's a symbol of our greatest triumph, taken from the Hightower's treasury” Naemon's empty face proved to her that he had no idea what she was walking about. “When Barragan Blackmont sacked Oldtown together with Samwell Dayne?”, she tried it again and he still had no idea what she was talking about.
In frustration, Gwendis groaned. “Has Maester Mortin taught you anything about our house? Anything at all?”, she asked and Naemon shrugged. “Maester Mortin has told me many things”, he said indifferently. “Doesn't mean I have to listen. He's boring”
Gwendis rolled her eyes, though she had to admit that Naemon wasn't entirely wrong. There were more interesting things to do for a boy his age than listening to Maester Mortin. “You're the crown prince of Blackmont”, she reminded him. “You have to know more about our family if you want to lead one day”
“But I don't want to lead!”, Naemon protested and Gwendis sat down next to him again. “You're the only one that can. You are Benedict Blackmont's heir”, she said and her little brother sighed. “It should have been you”, he complained. Quietly, Gwendis gave him a nod. “It should have”, she agreed. “But it's not. I know it's hard, I know it's unfair and I know you don't want to, but you have to” She raised the brooch again and saw a sting of guilt appearing on Naemon's face. “And because of that, you have to know why you can't go around stealing family heirlooms. You have to know about their importance, you have to know about our history”, she explained. “Do you know anything about our house? How it got founded for example?”
The look on Naemon's face changed subtly. Instead of the sorrow and loss, she saw mild annoyance and that was a good thing. It helped him to ease his mind. Naemon always had a strong imagination and what he came up with after their mother died... Gwendis didn't even want to think about it. And this helped her. Keeping her mind preoccupied. Not thinking about what they had lost.
“The first Blackmont was raised by vultures...”, Naemon started and Gwendis shook her head. “Vulture's don't raise human children. They're birds of prey”, she corrected him. “Who told you that story?” Naemon bit his lower lip and gave her a sheepish look. “Ser Kegan”, he answered and Gwendis smiled. “Knowing Ser Kegan, he probably believes it himself”, she said. “Maester Mortin tells a different story”
“Maester Mortin tells a boring story”, Naemon argued, but Gwendis silenced him. “He tells the truth. Besides, this one is not boring”, she said. “It's a very dark story” Immediately, she saw Naemon giving her a curious look. Gwendis herself wasn't fond of this story, but for his sake, she would tell him regardless. Anything so that he would forget just for a little while.
“It happened long ago, during the Age of Heroes. Out of all the houses of Dorne, only House Dayne is older”, she explained. “Back then, these lands were ruled by the kings of House Faren” She saw Naemon's confused look. “I have never heard of House Faren before”, he said and Gwendis gave him a nod. “Precisely”, she answered. “The last King Faren was a cruel, greedy man, a king in name only and jealous of those who had more than him. Over the years, his family had lost most of their riches and the only thing he was truly proud of were his sons, five newborn children, healthy and strong”
“And what does that have to do with House Blackmont?”, Naemon asked impatiently and Gwendis sternly raised her finger. “The man who would become the first Blackmont was a farmer in service of King Faren. He came form a rich family, richer than the king's and his house was more like a keep, larger and stronger than the king's”, she continued. “It stood right here, where our castle is located today. The farmer had five sons, like the king, but his were even stronger and he loved them dearly”
“So, the king was jealous of him?”, Naemon deduced and Gwendis gave him a nod. “Very much so”, she answered. “He demanded of the farmer to give him half of his gold, half of his grain and half of his cattle. The farmer refused and then, in his wounded pride, the king did something terrible. He took four of the farmer's sons and sent only their heads back to their father, telling him that he would take the fifth son as well if he would have to wait any longer”
“And what did the farmer do?”, Naemon asked and Gwendis pressed her lips together. “Something equally terrible”, she answered. “With the help of his last living son, he snuck into the king's seat and abducted all five of his children. He left behind only a letter, telling the king to come and take them back all alone. He gave him five days and told him that on the fifth, his line would end”
By now she noticed how her brother was listening carefully. She had rarely seen him listening with such a level of attention. “The king waited. He thought the farmer would only bluff and he was afraid for his life if he would meet him alone in his house”, she continued. “But the farmer wasn't bluffing. On the evening of the first day, he slaughtered a sheep in front of his house, he lay one of the king's sons onto the carcass and he waited for the carrion-eaters. The last thing King Faren saw before the sun set was his son carried away by a vulture”
She paused and shivered as she thought of the gruesome story. Maester Mortin had told it to her when she had been six years old and it had caused her nightmares for days. When the memory of her mother softly rocking her to sleep flashed through her mind, she continued to speak. “King Faren waited four days and each day, he lost a son. On the fifth, the worry for his remaining son had grown stronger than his cowardice and he went to the farmer's house, alone”
“What happened then?”, Naemon asked and Gwendis sighed. “The farmer cut King Faren's throat and fed him to the vultures that helped him achieve his vengeance”, she said to get it over with. Naemon gulped. “And... the king's last son?”, he asked.
This time Gwendis hesitated. Though she was only a year older, she considered herself far more of an adult than her brother, who was only a child. “That has been lost to history”, she lied. “After Faren's line was ended, the farmer remained in his house, turning it into a formidable keep. After killing the king, the people stayed away from him and the mountain he lived on was known as the 'Black Mountain' ever since, or Blackmont as it was soon called by the smallfolk”
“So, the first Blackmont was a bad man?”, Naemon deduced and Gwendis shook her head. “He was a man who had no mercy for his enemies”, she explained. “But when winter came and the smallfolk were starving, he opened the gates to his keep, invited them to his table and generously shared his supplies with them. When spring came, they named him their king and they loved him. House Blackmont has ruled over these lands ever since and our kings have been among the most powerful in Dorne”
She hesitated a little bit too long to continue her story and noticed that Naemon's thoughts drifted off to the matter she hoped to get out of his head. His expression grew darker again. “And how many Blackmont kings have dabbled in black magic?”, he asked with a voice that had a far too bitter streak for such a young boy. “How many of them have murdered their own wife?”
Gwendis closed her eyes. “None”, she said firmly. “Not even father” Naemon glared at her. “And how can you know that?”, he spat. “Mother has been fine before we left for Starfall! You know Benedict never wanted us to leave. How can you know for sure that he had nothing to do with her death?”
Memories flashed through Gwendis' mind. A kind, warm smile, strong arms that lifted her up, sitting on his shoulders and slowly falling asleep on them, how she always woke up when he put her into her bed, no matter how gentle he tried to be. “Gwen?”, Naemon asked. Once she opened her eyes again, sadness was visible in them. “I just know”, she said.
Naemon averted his eyes and Gwendis put a hand onto his shoulder. “Are you afraid of him?”, she asked and he gave her a nod. “Don't be. Always remember, you're a Blackmont” As she spoke she put her arm around her brother's shoulder. “And what if he kills me next?”, Naemon asked, obvious fear in his high-pitched voice.
“We conquer the Heavens”, she said the words of their house. “These words were meant to intimidate, back in the days when even the Yronwoods feared us. But they are more than just a threat and a boast” Her hand softly caressed his cheek, wiping away the tears that continued to pour down his face. “They are meant to encourage. A man who is ready to conquer the heavens fears nothing”, she reminded him. “Nothing at all in the whole world. Especially not his own father”
“But he...”, Naemon protested, though Gwendis cut him off. “He is your father. You're from his line”, she said. “But you're also from the line of Barragan Blackmont, who almost burned the entire city of Oldtown to the ground, together with Samwell Dayne. Firebrand, they called him, just like Samwell was known as the Starfire” She raised the brooch in her hand. “He took this gem and a thousand more from the vaults of the Hightower, in exchange for the lives of Lord Hightower's family. When he returned to Dorne, he took Starfire's sister as his queen and he gave her this brooch, the most beautiful gem in Dorne”, she explained. “Ever since, House Dayne has been a friend in need”
Naemon's head hung low and Gwendis continued. “You're from the line of Torrhen Blackmont, who resisted the Andals longer than all the other houses of Dorne. When Dayne and even Yronwood had already submitted to the foreign warlords, he was still fighting and he only laid down his arms when they gave him an Andal princess as his bride”
“You're from the line of Ynis Blackmont, who picked up her father's sword after he got killed in battle. While her brothers were too wounded to even stand, she led the fight against the Manwoody invaders until they retreated to Kingsgrave”, she reminded him of her favourite story. “Her bravery on that day spared all of Blackmont the tyranny of House Manwoody”
Still sensing Naemon's fear as if it was her own, she decided to mention his favourite story, one of the few where he even listened to Maester Mortin. “And you're from the line of Andros the Kingsbane, who killed two Storm Kings in a single battle and came closer to end Durran's line than even the gods ever did”, she spoke. “You come from a line of fearsome warriors, noble knights and wise rulers. One day, you're going to be all three, warrior, knight, ruler” Still a hand on Naemon's cheek, she looked him in the eyes. “And you will not be afraid of your own father”
Slowly, the look on Naemon's face changed. He was still very much a scared little boy, mourning for his mother, but she saw a hint of the determination she tried her best to feel as well right now. “Then what do you think I should do now?”, he asked, his voice still a bit weak from the crying. Gwendis forced herself to smile at him. “You go to father and you tell him you don't want to squire for Lord Blackadder”, she advised him. “And if he still sends me there?”, Naemon asked. “Then you follow his wish”, Gwendis answered.
Naemon gave her a look as if she was out of her mind. “Because he is such a loving father?”, he asked with bitterness. Gwendis shook her head. “Because you are our future ruler. Because you have a duty not to him, but to your family. To every Blackmont since the days of the first king of the Black Mountain. To Barragan and Torrhen and Ynis and Andros”, she answered and waited a second before she continued. “You don't want to, but you have to. If I could, then I would do it in your place”
Finally, Naemon gave in. “I'm doing it”, he said, not in the stubborn, defiant tone he spoke with at the beginning of their talk, but humbly, almost defeated. Gwendis smiled at him, though she felt no joy. He shouldn't be forced to do all these things and she shouldn't be forced to stay away from them. “But I'm not doing it for all of these people”, Naemon said as he rose from the bed. “They don't matter to me” Gwendis looked up and their eyes met. “I'm doing it for you”
His words shattered the carefully constructed walls Gwendis tried to hide her feelings behind. Her smile grew weaker, though the look in her eyes was thankful. Wordlessly, she handed Naemon the brooch and he looked at it. “I'm going to bring it back to mother's room”, he said and his voice shivered as he said the final two words. “And then I will go to our father and I will tell him I am not afraid of him. I will squire for Lord Blackadder and when I return, I will be a better knight than Benedict ever was!”
“Then conquer the heavens”, Gwendis said in a gentle tone. “Show him your worth” Naemon smiled at her and his smile looked more convincing than her's. “I will. See you soon, Gwen”, he answered and turned around. He was already halfway through her room, when he stopped. “It's just...” His voice sounded glum and mournful again. “I just wish mother could be here... to see me becoming a knight, the best knight in Dorne, and...”
While Naemon spoke, Gwendis glanced to the window of her room. The lands of Blackmont as far as she could see, the almost purple sky, the cold wind gently whispering through the dark trees below. “And I wish she could see you, Gwen”, Naemon said. “She'd be so proud”
And in that moment, it all came crashing down. Gwendis wished she could be stronger, she wished she could conquer the heavens on her own, could be brave like Ynis, or strong like Barragan. But she wasn't, not now. Maybe she shouldn't. Right now, she simply felt like the nine-years old girl she was. Tears welled up in her eyes as Gwendis turned towards her brother. “Oh Naemon”, she whispered with a shaky, tearful voice and almost fell into his open arms, as they gently wrapped around her. “I miss her as well, I miss her so much...”
The sun fully rose, shining upon a Castle Blackmont that felt more empty than before, now that its queen was gone. Clinging to her brother and crying into his shoulder without restraint, Gwendis knew that the proudest history couldn't change that she felt more alone than ever.
This was an amazing read! I really love the origin story you made for the Blackmonts, and beside that we get a great peek to the childhood of Gwendis and Naemon, and an important moment on their lives.
Nymeria's War Histories & Lore
Gwendis Blackmont – History of House Blackmont
With a heavy heart, Gwendis stood at the window, loo… moreking out of her room and down onto the lands of her family, a family that had just gotten smaller. It was uncharacteristically cold, as if the land itself mourned for its queen. Shivering, not entirely out of the cold, Gwendis tightly clenched her thick coat. It was black, like everything she wore today.
“I'm doing it!”, Naemon's shaking voice sounded behind her. “I swear, this time I'm doing it!” Gwendis sighed and closed her eyes for a second. Usually, the sight from her window and down into the eerily beautiful lands below calmed her. Today, she found it hard to remain collected. The way the sun started to rise in the distance, its early rays hitting the mountain that gave her house its name, it reminded her of the Valaena Blackmont's pale beauty. The way the trees swayed gently in the breeze, it re… [view original content]
Wow, this was excellent! An H&L part from the Blackmonts was something that I was really looking forward to and it definitely did not disappoint. I loved the flashback to it with Gwendis and Naemon being children and learning more about their past along with it. I can say nothing but great things about it, Great Job Liquid!
Nymeria's War Histories & Lore
Gwendis Blackmont – History of House Blackmont
With a heavy heart, Gwendis stood at the window, loo… moreking out of her room and down onto the lands of her family, a family that had just gotten smaller. It was uncharacteristically cold, as if the land itself mourned for its queen. Shivering, not entirely out of the cold, Gwendis tightly clenched her thick coat. It was black, like everything she wore today.
“I'm doing it!”, Naemon's shaking voice sounded behind her. “I swear, this time I'm doing it!” Gwendis sighed and closed her eyes for a second. Usually, the sight from her window and down into the eerily beautiful lands below calmed her. Today, she found it hard to remain collected. The way the sun started to rise in the distance, its early rays hitting the mountain that gave her house its name, it reminded her of the Valaena Blackmont's pale beauty. The way the trees swayed gently in the breeze, it re… [view original content]
A great intro, but somehow I really don't feel like the words fit the vulture dynasty. Honestly, if I wouldn't use a very similar motto for House Manderly already I would propose "We Devour" and WK dismissed "Birds of Prey". 'Heavens' is also a religiously loaded word and GRRM usually avoids these.
Except this detail which doesn't give me rest I did really enjoy it though
edit: and it was extremely, extremely long, what is a bonus
Nymeria's War Histories & Lore
Gwendis Blackmont – History of House Blackmont
With a heavy heart, Gwendis stood at the window, loo… moreking out of her room and down onto the lands of her family, a family that had just gotten smaller. It was uncharacteristically cold, as if the land itself mourned for its queen. Shivering, not entirely out of the cold, Gwendis tightly clenched her thick coat. It was black, like everything she wore today.
“I'm doing it!”, Naemon's shaking voice sounded behind her. “I swear, this time I'm doing it!” Gwendis sighed and closed her eyes for a second. Usually, the sight from her window and down into the eerily beautiful lands below calmed her. Today, she found it hard to remain collected. The way the sun started to rise in the distance, its early rays hitting the mountain that gave her house its name, it reminded her of the Valaena Blackmont's pale beauty. The way the trees swayed gently in the breeze, it re… [view original content]
Vultures fly though, and Blackmont is a mountain that reaches the heavens, so to speak. And them being birds of prey is what brings the "conquering" part to it. And heavens can be seen as religious but it's also just a synonym to skies, and "We Conquer Heavens" just sounds better than "We Conquer Skies".
I know it can be explained, but it just somehow doesn't feel right to me (it's just my personal opinion), not with the vulture grabbing the baby as coat of arms. This family is one of the few where I wish we could get a canon motto to make better sense of the coat of arms as well.
Vultures fly though, and Blackmont is a mountain that reaches the heavens, so to speak. And them being birds of prey is what brings the "con… morequering" part to it. And heavens can be seen as religious but it's also just a synonym to skies, and "We Conquer Heavens" just sounds better than "We Conquer Skies".
The problem I encountered while thinking about the Blackmont words were that I was pretty sure they needed their words to be related to skies and heights in general, considering their seat and sigil. Unfortunately, some of the best height-related words were already taken. Mallisters "Above the Rest", or Whitehills "Ever Higher" are probably the best examples. "Let Me Soar" from House Fowler is another prominent motto related to flying. My idea, especially in the context of the H&L part itself, was to express ambition and especially pride, which the words of House Mallister and Whitehill already perfectly show and I struggled quite a bit to find house words for House Blackmont that not completely copied them. Originally, my idea was a rather plain "To the Top", followed by "Rise Above", which sounds a bit nicer, but also includes the word 'above', which is a prominent part of the Mallister words. Wildling had a few ideas of his own, among them "We Conquer the Heavens", which I certainly liked a lot. It sounds more original than "Rise Above" and perfectly embodies the meaning I wanted it to have in the H&L part, as a means for Gwendis to cheer Naemon up.
The problem I encountered while thinking about the Blackmont words were that I was pretty sure they needed their words to be related to skie… mores and heights in general, considering their seat and sigil. Unfortunately, some of the best height-related words were already taken. Mallisters "Above the Rest", or Whitehills "Ever Higher" are probably the best examples. "Let Me Soar" from House Fowler is another prominent motto related to flying. My idea, especially in the context of the H&L part itself, was to express ambition and especially pride, which the words of House Mallister and Whitehill already perfectly show and I struggled quite a bit to find house words for House Blackmont that not completely copied them. Originally, my idea was a rather plain "To the Top", followed by "Rise Above", which sounds a bit nicer, but also includes the word 'above', which is a prominent part of the Mallister words. Wildling had a few ideas of his own, among … [view original content]
As soon as Myke pointed out the deserter Ser Joran dismounted his horse. “Son of a bitch.” He muttered, unsheathing his sword and starting to walk towards the man. It didn’t take long for Seban to follow in his lead. Myke glanced at Raina, before dismounting his horse and following Joran and Seban.
Myke didn’t even reach for his weapon, there was no need for it. The deserter was clearly exhausted; Ser Joran alone would be enough to put him down.
“Please.” The man spoke with powerless words as they arrived to him. “Please, just, let me go…” It was hard to see this as the same man that had been swinging the axe at the tavern.
“You tried to kill me.” Seban spoke with more power in his words than Myke would’ve expected. The bald man threw his axe down. “You have to understand; I was just protecting myself.” He tried to explain, but Joran let out a mocking laugh.
“What’s your name?” Myke asked calmly, and the man turned to look at him. “It’s Brack.” The man said with a tired tone. “Have you killed anyone, Brack?” Myke asked, but Joran shook his head for Myke. “This man is a deserter, Myke. We take him to Gravesend, and there he will hang.” Joran’s words were decisive, and Myke gave him a small nod, but then turned to Seban, who kept staring at Brack with stern expression.
“I… I didn’t kill anyone.” Brack said, but his voice was unconvincing. Myke let out a sigh. “Let’s take him to Gravesend.” He said grimly, and turned around to walk back to his horse.
In a couple hours the group arrived to Gravesend. The town was built on a small hill right next to the river, and on top of the hill was the stony sept. The cobbled main street of the town was almost empty as Myke, Joran, Seban, Raina and Brack rode in. “Looks like the forces have marched to Blackmont while we were gone.” Seban muttered, glancing around himself. The buildings of the town were old and not in a good shape. People eyed them from their windows as they walked through the street with the shackled deserter.
“Three deserters were hanged last week.” Seban said quietly. “A riot almost broke free at the town square back then.” The tone on the boy’s words made clear that he didn’t want to see that happen again.
“People don’t like to see those that they deem innocent being hanged.” Raina spoke calmly, giving a glance at Brack. “They were not innocent.” Seban grunted. “They were deserters, armed men preying on the truly innocent.” Raina nodded to the young guard’s words. “I never said they were innocent, but they may seem innocent in some people’s eyes.”
“Then those people better open their eyes.” Seban snapped, and the deserter gave him a glare but stayed silent. The main street took them past the town square, where market stalls were standing, though there weren’t much customers. After the town square the sept was right in front of them, but Seban gestured them to turn to another street on left. “Septon Kevan doesn’t actually live in the sept.” He explained dryly, and led them to a small mansion about hundred feet away from the sept. On the other side of the street looked to be the headquarters of the town guard.
At the gate of the Septon’s mansion stood one guard, lanky guy with long dirty blonde hair and green eyes, dressed in iron hauberk and armed with spear. He eyed Myke and his companions with interest as they arrived with the arrested deserter. “I thought you were supposed to bring more of ‘em, Seban.” The guard said with a laid back tone. “And where is Lanner?”
“Lanner is dead, Alan.” Seban answered with quiet and serious words, and the other guard visibly tensed up. “Oh… Well, take that deserter to the commander, I’ll bring Kevan there.” Alan’s tone was more serious now, and Seban gave him a small nod. They turned around and walked the deserter to the building on the other side of the street, while Alan walked into the Septon’s mansion
As they stepped into the building, the first thing they saw was an old but fit man sitting behind a desk, going through some sort of letter. Slowly he raised his eyes, and as he saw them his eyes widened in surprise.
“Commander Brennin.” Seban said with a respectful tone, and brought Brack closer to him. “We found the group of deserters at an inn. A fight happened, Lanner died, as well as the rest of the deserters.” Seban now turned towards Myke, Joran and Raina. “These knights helped me with arresting this man.”
“I am Ser Myke, from the Nightsong.” Myke introduced himself with his calm voice before the old commander even asked. “Ser Joran Storm.” Joran said sternly. Raina stayed quiet for a moment. “Ser Rai.” She finally said with muffled tone, and the commander gave them a nod.
“Well, I thank you sers for helping my men with this deserter.” He said with slightly baffled tone. “I am Commander Brennin Kell, served the Gravesend city guard for almost three decades now.” Myke gave the man a respectful nod. “And what is your opinion on this war? If I may ask.”
“I’m not one to question the decision of the King, but it sure has caused havoc here. The times weren’t best possible either way, but after the call to arms things have truly gone sour. I have lost too many brothers who have just tried to do their duty… And now Lanner. I knew that man for almost twenty years, and he was truly one of the best people that have come my way.” Brennin let out a tired sigh as he finished speaking. “But I have digressed, Seban, take the deserter to the cells. I’ll keep company for these fine knights.” Seban saluted his commander and started to drag Brack away from the room.
“You said you were from Nightsong, so I assume you are not King Benedict’s knights?” Brennin narrowed his eyes, looking at Joran and Myke. “We are Stormlanders, here on a mission to find the daughter of Lord Trevas Caron.” Joran explained simply, and the commander nodded to him. Before he could say anything more the door was opened again. They all turned to look, and saw a slightly plump and balding man with brown robes and golden medallion with the seven-pointed star.
“Septon Kevan.” Brennin greeted the man with a bow. “These are the good knights who brought us the deserter?” The septon asked, glancing at them with a small smile on his face. Myke estimated that Kevan was at least on his early fifties, and he looked to be a tired and stressed man.
“Aye.” Ser Joran grunted. “As I said to the commander here, we are on a mission to find the daughter of Lord Trevas Caron.” This made the septon raise an eyebrow. “How long has she been missing?” He asked calmly.
“About a year.” Myke answered, remembering again how hopeless their mission actually was. The septon gave him an understanding nod. “Well, there have not been any Carons here, and as far as I know, not in the court of Blackmont either.”
“How much do you actually know about the court of Blackmont?” Myke asked with interested tone, and Septon Kevan shrugged. “I visit couple times a year. I used to visit more, but that place… Let’s just say that an honest servant of the Seven doesn’t always feel at home there.”
“Because the King worships a dark god?” Joran asked bluntly, and Kevan gulped visibly. “I don’t want to speak ill of my King, or take part in gossiping.” His words were uncertain and muffled. “I understand.” Myke said to calm him down. For a moment the room was silent.
“Oh, well, I think I should offer a bed for you tonight.” The septon now spoke with a forced smile. “There should be enough free rooms in the mansion, especially now that my son Hugor marched to war.”
“I think we would be more comfortable at an inn.” Joran said coldly, now turning to Myke. “Right, Myke?”
As soon as Myke pointed out the deserter Ser Joran dismounted his horse. “Son of a bitch.” He muttered, unsheathing his sword and st… morearting to walk towards the man. It didn’t take long for Seban to follow in his lead. Myke glanced at Raina, before dismounting his horse and following Joran and Seban.
Myke didn’t even reach for his weapon, there was no need for it. The deserter was clearly exhausted; Ser Joran alone would be enough to put him down.
“Please.” The man spoke with powerless words as they arrived to him. “Please, just, let me go…” It was hard to see this as the same man that had been swinging the axe at the tavern.
“You tried to kill me.” Seban spoke with more power in his words than Myke would’ve expected. The bald man threw his axe down. “You have to understand; I was just protecting myself.” He tried to explain, but Joran let out a mocking laugh.
“What’s your name?” Myke asked calmly, and the man turned to look… [view original content]
[The inn] They all have a pretty long mission ahead I imagine and they should probably not get too comfortable sleeping in a mansion. Sleeping in an inn is probably best and they may even be able to learn some important things in regards to the war and things of that sort there.
As soon as Myke pointed out the deserter Ser Joran dismounted his horse. “Son of a bitch.” He muttered, unsheathing his sword and st… morearting to walk towards the man. It didn’t take long for Seban to follow in his lead. Myke glanced at Raina, before dismounting his horse and following Joran and Seban.
Myke didn’t even reach for his weapon, there was no need for it. The deserter was clearly exhausted; Ser Joran alone would be enough to put him down.
“Please.” The man spoke with powerless words as they arrived to him. “Please, just, let me go…” It was hard to see this as the same man that had been swinging the axe at the tavern.
“You tried to kill me.” Seban spoke with more power in his words than Myke would’ve expected. The bald man threw his axe down. “You have to understand; I was just protecting myself.” He tried to explain, but Joran let out a mocking laugh.
“What’s your name?” Myke asked calmly, and the man turned to look… [view original content]
As soon as Myke pointed out the deserter Ser Joran dismounted his horse. “Son of a bitch.” He muttered, unsheathing his sword and st… morearting to walk towards the man. It didn’t take long for Seban to follow in his lead. Myke glanced at Raina, before dismounting his horse and following Joran and Seban.
Myke didn’t even reach for his weapon, there was no need for it. The deserter was clearly exhausted; Ser Joran alone would be enough to put him down.
“Please.” The man spoke with powerless words as they arrived to him. “Please, just, let me go…” It was hard to see this as the same man that had been swinging the axe at the tavern.
“You tried to kill me.” Seban spoke with more power in his words than Myke would’ve expected. The bald man threw his axe down. “You have to understand; I was just protecting myself.” He tried to explain, but Joran let out a mocking laugh.
“What’s your name?” Myke asked calmly, and the man turned to look… [view original content]
As soon as Myke pointed out the deserter Ser Joran dismounted his horse. “Son of a bitch.” He muttered, unsheathing his sword and st… morearting to walk towards the man. It didn’t take long for Seban to follow in his lead. Myke glanced at Raina, before dismounting his horse and following Joran and Seban.
Myke didn’t even reach for his weapon, there was no need for it. The deserter was clearly exhausted; Ser Joran alone would be enough to put him down.
“Please.” The man spoke with powerless words as they arrived to him. “Please, just, let me go…” It was hard to see this as the same man that had been swinging the axe at the tavern.
“You tried to kill me.” Seban spoke with more power in his words than Myke would’ve expected. The bald man threw his axe down. “You have to understand; I was just protecting myself.” He tried to explain, but Joran let out a mocking laugh.
“What’s your name?” Myke asked calmly, and the man turned to look… [view original content]
As soon as Myke pointed out the deserter Ser Joran dismounted his horse. “Son of a bitch.” He muttered, unsheathing his sword and st… morearting to walk towards the man. It didn’t take long for Seban to follow in his lead. Myke glanced at Raina, before dismounting his horse and following Joran and Seban.
Myke didn’t even reach for his weapon, there was no need for it. The deserter was clearly exhausted; Ser Joran alone would be enough to put him down.
“Please.” The man spoke with powerless words as they arrived to him. “Please, just, let me go…” It was hard to see this as the same man that had been swinging the axe at the tavern.
“You tried to kill me.” Seban spoke with more power in his words than Myke would’ve expected. The bald man threw his axe down. “You have to understand; I was just protecting myself.” He tried to explain, but Joran let out a mocking laugh.
“What’s your name?” Myke asked calmly, and the man turned to look… [view original content]
Aside from the bandwagon, there is also something about this whole town that seems a bit... off to me. I can't really say what it is and it's probably nothing, but I don't really have the best feeling about it. On the one hand, the Septon's friendliness appeared to me as forced, especially towards the end of the conversation. On the other hand, he seemed genuine when he criticized the court of Blackmont. I don't know what to think of this man yet and because of that, I feel like declining the offer to sleep in his mansion will be the better option. If he is planning anything bad for Myke and the others, then it can't hurt to stay away from him in the night.
As soon as Myke pointed out the deserter Ser Joran dismounted his horse. “Son of a bitch.” He muttered, unsheathing his sword and st… morearting to walk towards the man. It didn’t take long for Seban to follow in his lead. Myke glanced at Raina, before dismounting his horse and following Joran and Seban.
Myke didn’t even reach for his weapon, there was no need for it. The deserter was clearly exhausted; Ser Joran alone would be enough to put him down.
“Please.” The man spoke with powerless words as they arrived to him. “Please, just, let me go…” It was hard to see this as the same man that had been swinging the axe at the tavern.
“You tried to kill me.” Seban spoke with more power in his words than Myke would’ve expected. The bald man threw his axe down. “You have to understand; I was just protecting myself.” He tried to explain, but Joran let out a mocking laugh.
“What’s your name?” Myke asked calmly, and the man turned to look… [view original content]
I know this isn't the popular opinion, but I think it would be extremely rude to reject the hospitality of basically "the lord" of the area. Also, they would probably get better rest staying at the mansion. Also, I doubt this septon would damage his reputation by harming them. This is especially true because by inviting them to stay, he enacted the westerosi rules of hospitality that he would most likely be reluctant to break.
As soon as Myke pointed out the deserter Ser Joran dismounted his horse. “Son of a bitch.” He muttered, unsheathing his sword and st… morearting to walk towards the man. It didn’t take long for Seban to follow in his lead. Myke glanced at Raina, before dismounting his horse and following Joran and Seban.
Myke didn’t even reach for his weapon, there was no need for it. The deserter was clearly exhausted; Ser Joran alone would be enough to put him down.
“Please.” The man spoke with powerless words as they arrived to him. “Please, just, let me go…” It was hard to see this as the same man that had been swinging the axe at the tavern.
“You tried to kill me.” Seban spoke with more power in his words than Myke would’ve expected. The bald man threw his axe down. “You have to understand; I was just protecting myself.” He tried to explain, but Joran let out a mocking laugh.
“What’s your name?” Myke asked calmly, and the man turned to look… [view original content]
Myke & co. will sleep at the inn. It's not the most important choice of the story, but it does determine how exactly will Myke's next part go - which should be his last one on this chapter.
Due to me moving to a new apartment, there hasn't been much time for writing, but I have managed to make some progress. I'm writing a Naemon PoV part, and while I have a lot to do tomorrow, I believe I'll get it ready anyway.
Recap for Naemon: Naemon left with his friend Ser Myle to a mission given by his sister Gwendis: ask aid to war from King Vorian Dayne. Naemon and Myle travelled posing as hedge knights, and they made it quite far to the Kingdom of Torrentine with no problem, until they arrived to the Upton lands where the patrolling soldiers, led by Ser Orwen Wythmail, wanted know their business. One of the soldiers recognized Naemon, which led to them being taken to House Upton's keep, Sword's Edge, where young Lord Alester Upton received them. Alester invited them to dinner, and his mother Alerah, his wife Catelyn and his uncle Stanler also took part. The conversation quickly went on to the question why exactly was Naemon here. Alerah accurately guessed it had something to do with the war, and you voted for Naemon to tell the truth - that he is there to ask aid from Vorian.
Heh, I just found out I have made a pretty embarrassing mistake, though one that shouldn't really change anything important. You see, so far in the OP there has been "this story takes place ~400 years before Aegon's Conquest", but actually it should be ~700 years
You see, I had taken the -700 from 300 AC (the current timeline of aSoIaF), when it should have been taken from 0 AC - I noticed this as I checked the wiki page for Second Spice War (the war between Rhoynar and Valyrians that drove Nymeria away from Rhoyne). Whoops. As I said though, this shouldn't affect anything, and there shouldn't be anything contradicting in the story that would prevent me from correcting the timeline. So, in short, nothing really changes, just the number at the beginning of the OP
Attention, attention!
Heh, I just found out I have made a pretty embarrassing mistake, though one that shouldn't really change anything i… moremportant. You see, so far in the OP there has been "this story takes place ~400 years before Aegon's Conquest", but actually it should be ~700 years
You see, I had taken the -700 from 300 AC (the current timeline of aSoIaF), when it should have been taken from 0 AC - I noticed this as I checked the wiki page for Second Spice War (the war between Rhoynar and Valyrians that drove Nymeria away from Rhoyne). Whoops. As I said though, this shouldn't affect anything, and there shouldn't be anything contradicting in the story that would prevent me from correcting the timeline. So, in short, nothing really changes, just the number at the beginning of the OP
Naemon let out a small sigh, raising his eyes to look at the Uptons who sat opposed to him and Ser Myle. “We are going to Starfall to ask aid for the war.” He told the truth, and a smirk appeared on Lord Alester’s face.
“Benedict can’t win his own wars, aye?” He asked with a provocative tone, but his mother cleared her throat to interrupt him. “It’s a good thing that your father decided to ask aid from Vorian. Blackmonts and Daynes should support each other, like in the old days.” Lady Alerah spoke with gentle words, and Naemon turned his look down with slight embarrassment.
“I was actually sent on this mission by my sister Gwendis, without the approval of our father.” Naemon explained quietly. “That’s why we travel as hedge knights.” Alester let out a small laugh for this. “Oh, looks like we have a naughty runaway under our roof.” He said, hardly managing to restrain his laughter. “Don’t worry, Prince Naemon, I won’t tell your father.” Naemon sent a glare at Alester, but decided to stay quiet.
“Don’t worry, Prince Naemon.” Alerah said softly. “We will let you continue your travel tomorrow, and for tonight you’ll have comfortable chambers to stay in.” Naemon nodded to her. “We are very thankful, my Lady.” He said quietly. “Absolutely.” Myle confirmed with a grin, chewing on his food and receiving a disapproving stare from Stanler Upton.
“So, how is your sister?” Lady Catelyn asked with a polite but also genuinely interested tone. Naemon thought about his answer for a while. How is my sister? Gwendis had always been the rational one, and the one to help others, but sometimes it was hard to tell how she was feeling herself.
“My sister… is doing well.” Naemon spoke with uncertainty. “She sits at the head of our council, managing the kingdom along with other advisors of the King.” Catelyn and Alerah smiled politely, Stanler frowned, and Alester had his annoying smirk on. “Sits at the head of the council, aye? That’s impressive.” The young lord spoke with fake admiration, small grin behind his red beard. “But shouldn’t that be you?” He asked with sly tone.
“I have no interest in politics.” Naemon answered sharply, and Alester chuckled. “What you mean to say is that you have no ambition. You were born to be the King, but somehow the gods gave you the personality of a lackey.”
Naemon narrowed his eyes, glaring at Alester, but the confident and arrogant gaze stayed on the piercing green eyes of the young lord.
“I believe what my son wants to say…” Alerah started, but was cut off by Ser Myle. “Your son wants to say Prince Naemon of Blackmont is a useless piece of shit.” His tone was laid back, even if a bit cold. “He is wrong though – Naemon is one of the finest knights in Dorne. There are only few men who could face him one on one without being completely humiliated, and Lord Alester here is not one of them.” Now Naemon saw an irritated expression forming on Alester’s face, and he couldn’t help but flash a smirk.
“I’m sorry about my son’s rudeness.” Alerah said with an apologetic tone, glancing at Alester who still looked annoyed. “And I’m sorry about my friend’s… outspokenness.” Naemon replied with a smile, and Alerah gave him an approving nod. “Anyway, this wine, is it from Dorne or Reach?” Naemon changed the topic, and the rest of the dinner went on with a conversation about the wine and the food.
Naemon woke up early in the morning with a mild headache. Damn Myle made me drink too much. He stood up from his bed, looking around the guest chambers that had been given to him. It was a fine room for sure, probably the best that Sword’s Edge had to offer for their guests, but at the same time it felt a bit dull when compared to the colorful and lavishly decorated chambers of Blackmont. This didn’t matter at all though, it was easily the best bed Naemon had so far had on this journey, and he would be on his way to Starfall soon.
Naemon managed to get himself dressed up before the door was knocked. “It’s open!” He yelled, and inside stepped Ser Myle. He was carrying a platter with a breakfast on it – quail eggs, bread, bacon and mead.
“Decided to become a servant for the Uptons, aye?” Naemon asked jokingly as Myle put the platter on the wooden table. “Nah, just a servant for you, My Prince.” He replied with a smirk. “Though I do serve some hard reality for cocky little lordlings too now and then.” Naemon let out a chuckle for this. “And I’m thankful for that.” He said with a smile, looking at Myle, and actually feeling thankful for having such a friend.
“I didn’t only come here to serve the breakfast though.” Myle said, his tone a bit more serious now. “I saw Lord Alester… He is seriously pissed from yesterday, and I think he is planning something.” Naemon raised his eyebrow. “You don’t think he would…” He started, but Myle shook his head. “No, even he isn’t that stupid, at least I don’t think he is.” Naemon let out a tired sigh. “Well… What do you suggest me to do?” He asked, but Myle just answered with a shrug.
“Just be ready, he might try something nasty.” He said, and Naemon wasn’t sure how seriously should he take this. He ate his breakfast, and after that they headed towards the courtyard.
At the courtyard an interesting sight waited for them. It was almost completely silent, and the center of the courtyard was empty - all the soldiers and servants were on the sides. However, in the middle of the yard stood Lord Alester, Ser Orwen behind him. Alester had two swords in his hands, and his eyes immediately focused on the Prince. He wants a duel, Naemon realized immediately. He turned to Myle, who looked slightly terrified of the sight, but regained his composure quickly. “Go kick his ass.” He whispered, and Naemon gave him a stern nod.
He walked through the yard to Alester, who offered him the other one of the swords. “It’s sharp.” Naemon noted, and a cold grin was formed on Alester’s face. “We are not children, are we?” He asked, and Naemon shook his head, taking the sword and twiddling it in his hands to get a good grip.
“Ready?” Alester asked while Naemon corrected his footing. “Ready.” He confirmed with a calm tone.
Alester made the first strike, and Naemon parried it with ease. At first it was like any sparring match, Alester gave easy strikes, and Naemon parried them with no trouble. Slowly Alester started to give more and more strength to his swings, and Naemon had to back away faster and faster. Alester’s moves were easy to predict, but Naemon had to admit that his swings were really heavy, and wearing to parry.
Naemon dodged one of Alester’s strikes, taking quick steps and gaining a position where he could’ve freely hit Alester to the back of his legs. But Naemon hesitated, and Alester regained his defensive position. Naemon looked at Alester’s eyes, and what he saw there was pure rage and determination.
Alester rushed towards Naemon, attacking with reckless strikes. Naemon concentrated on dodging and parrying, even if he saw couple openings for an attack. Let him tire himself out, Naemon thought, watching the Upton lord clenching his teeth with every swing.
Alester striked from the left, and while Naemon managed to parry it, for a moment his balance was shaken, opening a chance for Alester. The red-bearded lord took a great swing, straight towards the defenseless Naemon. On the very last moment Naemon managed to move away from the swing. That would’ve killed me, he thought, anger flowing through him. He looked at his opponent, and what he saw was the annoying cocky grin. Fuck this.
Naemon regained his composure and moved for an attack. Alester was clearly surprised, but he managed to parry the first two strikes of Naemon nonetheless. However, it was easy to see that he was tired from earlier, and Naemon could move faster than him. He gave one strike to the right, Alester parried it, but couldn’t move fast enough for the next attack. Naemon slammed Alester’s right knee with the flat of the sword, managing to make him loose his footing. Next the Prince took a careful and accurate strike at the Lord’s right hand, making him drop his sword. Naemon kicked the sword away, and gave one more slam on Alester’s ribs.
Alester took a couple steps back, shaking his right hand in pain. “You fucking bastard.” He muttered, and Naemon felt the urge to shut the cocky lord's mouth, but he stayed calm. He glanced at the soldiers around them, and they had all stayed on their posts without taking a single step closer. Then he looked back to Ser Myle, who just gave him a thumbs up and a wide grin.
Naemon turned back to Alester, looking as the cocky smirk slowly started to appear on the lord’s face again. “You have no balls to end this fight like a man.” Alester said mockingly, sneering at Naemon.
[Tell him that he already lost][Punch him][Cut him]
Naemon let out a small sigh, raising his eyes to look at the Uptons who sat opposed to him and Ser Myle. “We are going to Starfall… more to ask aid for the war.” He told the truth, and a smirk appeared on Lord Alester’s face.
“Benedict can’t win his own wars, aye?” He asked with a provocative tone, but his mother cleared her throat to interrupt him. “It’s a good thing that your father decided to ask aid from Vorian. Blackmonts and Daynes should support each other, like in the old days.” Lady Alerah spoke with gentle words, and Naemon turned his look down with slight embarrassment.
“I was actually sent on this mission by my sister Gwendis, without the approval of our father.” Naemon explained quietly. “That’s why we travel as hedge knights.” Alester let out a small laugh for this. “Oh, looks like we have a naughty runaway under our roof.” He said, hardly managing to restrain his laughter. “Don’t worry, Prince Naemon, I won’t tell you… [view original content]
Naemon let out a small sigh, raising his eyes to look at the Uptons who sat opposed to him and Ser Myle. “We are going to Starfall… more to ask aid for the war.” He told the truth, and a smirk appeared on Lord Alester’s face.
“Benedict can’t win his own wars, aye?” He asked with a provocative tone, but his mother cleared her throat to interrupt him. “It’s a good thing that your father decided to ask aid from Vorian. Blackmonts and Daynes should support each other, like in the old days.” Lady Alerah spoke with gentle words, and Naemon turned his look down with slight embarrassment.
“I was actually sent on this mission by my sister Gwendis, without the approval of our father.” Naemon explained quietly. “That’s why we travel as hedge knights.” Alester let out a small laugh for this. “Oh, looks like we have a naughty runaway under our roof.” He said, hardly managing to restrain his laughter. “Don’t worry, Prince Naemon, I won’t tell you… [view original content]
Naemon quote suggestion for next scene: "My sister reigns at home, tends to the realm. This allows me to go forth and defeat the enemies of our House. Which path will you choose young Lord?" Naemon didn't say which paths he meant, being a good steward, a good warrior, or a defeated foe.
also, what was their CoA again? House Upton's I mean.
It's a nice quote I might use a version of it - depends also on which choice wins the voting
And Upton CoA is two clashing silver swords (with blood stains) on a purple field, and four white stars around them. Motto is "We Fear No Foes" if you happen to be interested.
I agree with jorian. Alester has already lost, there is no need to humiliate and enrage him further. If he sees it as a sign of weakness from Naemon, so be it. Naemon is here for a mission and not to impress some cocky lord. He doesn't have to prove anything and he clearly won. So, with this choice I think Naemon would keep it simple, but elegant, showing some restraint, while still making his point clear. After he outright tried to kill him in the duel, Alester can be lucky he got away with such a slap on the wrist. Aside from that, it is the honourable thing to do and it might impress the Upton men that Naemon displayed honour in a situation where Alester himself showed at best very shady and petty behaviour.
Naemon let out a small sigh, raising his eyes to look at the Uptons who sat opposed to him and Ser Myle. “We are going to Starfall… more to ask aid for the war.” He told the truth, and a smirk appeared on Lord Alester’s face.
“Benedict can’t win his own wars, aye?” He asked with a provocative tone, but his mother cleared her throat to interrupt him. “It’s a good thing that your father decided to ask aid from Vorian. Blackmonts and Daynes should support each other, like in the old days.” Lady Alerah spoke with gentle words, and Naemon turned his look down with slight embarrassment.
“I was actually sent on this mission by my sister Gwendis, without the approval of our father.” Naemon explained quietly. “That’s why we travel as hedge knights.” Alester let out a small laugh for this. “Oh, looks like we have a naughty runaway under our roof.” He said, hardly managing to restrain his laughter. “Don’t worry, Prince Naemon, I won’t tell you… [view original content]
[Tell him that he already lost] I will have to agree with the others on this. Naemon has already decisively put Alester in his place and while I would like to see Naemon shut him up, it is probably not best for him to get too rough on Alester within his own halls. With that said, I imagine that House Upton respects strength and I believe Naemon ending the fight honorably and fairly would probably be the best route to go here. Great Part!
Naemon let out a small sigh, raising his eyes to look at the Uptons who sat opposed to him and Ser Myle. “We are going to Starfall… more to ask aid for the war.” He told the truth, and a smirk appeared on Lord Alester’s face.
“Benedict can’t win his own wars, aye?” He asked with a provocative tone, but his mother cleared her throat to interrupt him. “It’s a good thing that your father decided to ask aid from Vorian. Blackmonts and Daynes should support each other, like in the old days.” Lady Alerah spoke with gentle words, and Naemon turned his look down with slight embarrassment.
“I was actually sent on this mission by my sister Gwendis, without the approval of our father.” Naemon explained quietly. “That’s why we travel as hedge knights.” Alester let out a small laugh for this. “Oh, looks like we have a naughty runaway under our roof.” He said, hardly managing to restrain his laughter. “Don’t worry, Prince Naemon, I won’t tell you… [view original content]
Naemon let out a small sigh, raising his eyes to look at the Uptons who sat opposed to him and Ser Myle. “We are going to Starfall… more to ask aid for the war.” He told the truth, and a smirk appeared on Lord Alester’s face.
“Benedict can’t win his own wars, aye?” He asked with a provocative tone, but his mother cleared her throat to interrupt him. “It’s a good thing that your father decided to ask aid from Vorian. Blackmonts and Daynes should support each other, like in the old days.” Lady Alerah spoke with gentle words, and Naemon turned his look down with slight embarrassment.
“I was actually sent on this mission by my sister Gwendis, without the approval of our father.” Naemon explained quietly. “That’s why we travel as hedge knights.” Alester let out a small laugh for this. “Oh, looks like we have a naughty runaway under our roof.” He said, hardly managing to restrain his laughter. “Don’t worry, Prince Naemon, I won’t tell you… [view original content]
I thought it up as an option that could be said in all three results, especially in the first one where Naemon doesn't attack him physically, it could still be considered a 'mental attack'.
It's a nice quote I might use a version of it - depends also on which choice wins the voting
And Upton CoA is two clashing silver sword… mores (with blood stains) on a purple field, and four white stars around them. Motto is "We Fear No Foes" if you happen to be interested.
Naemon let out a small sigh, raising his eyes to look at the Uptons who sat opposed to him and Ser Myle. “We are going to Starfall… more to ask aid for the war.” He told the truth, and a smirk appeared on Lord Alester’s face.
“Benedict can’t win his own wars, aye?” He asked with a provocative tone, but his mother cleared her throat to interrupt him. “It’s a good thing that your father decided to ask aid from Vorian. Blackmonts and Daynes should support each other, like in the old days.” Lady Alerah spoke with gentle words, and Naemon turned his look down with slight embarrassment.
“I was actually sent on this mission by my sister Gwendis, without the approval of our father.” Naemon explained quietly. “That’s why we travel as hedge knights.” Alester let out a small laugh for this. “Oh, looks like we have a naughty runaway under our roof.” He said, hardly managing to restrain his laughter. “Don’t worry, Prince Naemon, I won’t tell you… [view original content]
[Stay quiet]
I just changed to stay quiet, it has a better chance to win than to say she hates him, and anything is better than to say she loves him
Sounds good to me.
[Say that you love him] This is not my preferred choice here but it seems like the safest option after what has recently happened with Missy going behind Albin's back and Albin not liking it.
Voting is closed!
And Missy will say that she loves Albin. In other words, we go with the same choice as in the beginning of the chapter. I can spoil that this is no life/death choice, but rather something that determines in what kind of state/situation does Missy's Chapter 2 begin.
The next part will be Myke PoV. However, due to the earlier problems I had with my Windows 10, and the fact that I've been spending a lot of time with my nephew and niece today have caused my writing to be a bit slower. I'm still on the first page, but I hope I'll get it done tomorrow. Because on Monday I'll start moving to my new apartment, and that will obviously take some time from writing.
Small recap: Ser Myke of the Marches and Ser Joran Storm are on a mission to find Kortney Caron, daughter of Lord Trevas Caron. This mission has lead them to Shepard's Path on the Kingdom of Blackmont. They encountered some unrest caused by the war at a small inn on the road, where two Gravesend soldiers came to arrest a bunch of deserters. This lead to a fight, where the other soldier died, but Myke and Joran helped the younger soldier, Seban. A mysterious young knight also helped, claiming his name was Ser Rai. Myke however noticed that he was a she - and the girl admitted she was really Raina Serviene, from former Yronwood vassal House that had been slaughtered by their rivals, House Marcant. Later the newly formed group continued their travel towards Gravesend, but before they reached it Myke noticed the one deserter that had escaped from the earlier fight, standing by the road. You voted for him to point out the deserter to his traveling companions.
Edit: Oh, and we'll be having another great H&L soon!
Nymeria's War Histories & Lore
Gwendis Blackmont – History of House Blackmont
With a heavy heart, Gwendis stood at the window, looking out of her room and down onto the lands of her family, a family that had just gotten smaller. It was uncharacteristically cold, as if the land itself mourned for its queen. Shivering, not entirely out of the cold, Gwendis tightly clenched her thick coat. It was black, like everything she wore today.
“I'm doing it!”, Naemon's shaking voice sounded behind her. “I swear, this time I'm doing it!” Gwendis sighed and closed her eyes for a second. Usually, the sight from her window and down into the eerily beautiful lands below calmed her. Today, she found it hard to remain collected. The way the sun started to rise in the distance, its early rays hitting the mountain that gave her house its name, it reminded her of the Valaena Blackmont's pale beauty. The way the trees swayed gently in the breeze, it reminded her of her dark hair. The sky, slowly turning from blue to red, it reminded her of the purple eyes she inherited... The land itself seemed to wish to keep the memory of her mother alive, in the most painful way possible.
With a lump in her throat, she turned around. “Doing what?”, she asked, as she spotted Naemon, standing in the middle of her room, his fists clenched, his lanky body trembling. During the past months, he had grown considerably and now he was finally taller than her, though that didn't mean he was any less of a child. So was Gwendis, as she reluctantly had to admit, but right now, she had to be the adult of the two.
“He can't force me!”, Naemon spat, as he shook his head. Gwendis saw the tears forming in her little brother's eyes and she frowned. “Sit down”, she ordered him and slowly, he complied, sitting down onto her bed. Gwendis walked up to him without turning around for another look out of the window.
As she sat next to him, she put a hand onto his back and noticed how he immediately tensed up. “What is it?”, she asked again and her brother glanced at her, his eyes wet already. “It's Benedict”, he growled and the cold way he spoke their father's name sent a shiver down Gwendis' spine. Benedict... was that where they were standing at now?
“Father”, she corrected him gently, though he did not react to it. “He just told me whom I'm going to squire for”, Naemon spat and Gwendis raised an eyebrow. “Not Uncle Vorian, I presume?”, she asked. She didn't want to tease him, not in this situation. It simply came out of her mouth and in a strange way, she felt better, if only slightly, as it distracted of how she truly felt.
Naemon shook his head. “Lord Blackadder”, he revealed glumly. Gwendis affectionately patted his back. “Lord Blackadder is a war hero”, she tried to cheer him up. “During the Battle of the Wide Way, he lead the charge that crushed the Storm King's heavy cavalry. He personally killed a dozen knights on that day”
“He is seventy years old and he stinks”, Naemon interjected. “And the battle was fifty years ago. Who cares for that now?” Gwendis paused and tried to smile at her brother. But even that felt wrong today. “He does indeed stink”, she admitted.
“Benedict can't do that!”, Naemon protested. Of course he can, Gwendis knew it. Naemon was eight years old and the crown prince. Father wouldn't tolerate disobedience in this matter. “What are you going to do?”, she asked.
“I'm leaving”, Naemon proclaimed, with all the pride of an eight-year old boy who just made a decision he deemed important. “I'm taking our fastest horse and I'm riding down the Torrentine to Starfall. I'm going to live with Uncle Vorian from now on and with Malcolm. Even with Jamison if that means I'm getting away from here”
Against all odds, Gwendis' mouth formed a small smirk of disbelief. “You're not going to do anything like that”, she said softly, but sternly. “The stable master will notice that a horse is missing and then they will notice that you're missing. An hour later, they will catch you” Naemon shook his head. “Not if I'm going to pay the stable master for his silence”, he said slyly and Gwendis rose an eyebrow. “Paying him?”, she asked. “Now how do you want to do that?”
Now, a weak, grief-stricken grin appeared on Naemon's face. He opened his palm, revealing the brooch in it. It was golden, with a single ruby in the middle, as large as a human eye, shimmering as if a light was shining inside of it. Gwendis inhaled sharply. “Where do you got that from?”, she asked with a hint of anger in her voice and Naemon shrugged. “Mother's room”, he said casually and Gwendis immediately rose from the bed. Only narrowly did she suppress the urge to slap him.
“You want to give mother's jewelry to the stable master?”, she snapped at him and Naemon gave her a confused look. “Yes”, he said with hesitation. “It's what she would have wanted. She wouldn't have wanted me to remain here, with the man who...” Gwendis cut him off by grabbing the brooch from his hand.
“Give that to me!”, she barked. “I can't believe it... That is not what mother would have wanted! Do you have any idea what that is?” Instantly, she felt bad for scolding him. He had no idea what he had done wrong. She was just a year older, but in moments like this, Gwendis felt almost like a second mother to him. “A... brooch?”, he asked.
Gwendis shook her head. “Not just a simple brooch”, she explained, still sternly, but a lot softer than before. “Mother wore it, grandmother wore it and her mother before” She held it up so that he could easily see it. “It's a symbol of our greatest triumph, taken from the Hightower's treasury” Naemon's empty face proved to her that he had no idea what she was walking about. “When Barragan Blackmont sacked Oldtown together with Samwell Dayne?”, she tried it again and he still had no idea what she was talking about.
In frustration, Gwendis groaned. “Has Maester Mortin taught you anything about our house? Anything at all?”, she asked and Naemon shrugged. “Maester Mortin has told me many things”, he said indifferently. “Doesn't mean I have to listen. He's boring”
Gwendis rolled her eyes, though she had to admit that Naemon wasn't entirely wrong. There were more interesting things to do for a boy his age than listening to Maester Mortin. “You're the crown prince of Blackmont”, she reminded him. “You have to know more about our family if you want to lead one day”
“But I don't want to lead!”, Naemon protested and Gwendis sat down next to him again. “You're the only one that can. You are Benedict Blackmont's heir”, she said and her little brother sighed. “It should have been you”, he complained. Quietly, Gwendis gave him a nod. “It should have”, she agreed. “But it's not. I know it's hard, I know it's unfair and I know you don't want to, but you have to” She raised the brooch again and saw a sting of guilt appearing on Naemon's face. “And because of that, you have to know why you can't go around stealing family heirlooms. You have to know about their importance, you have to know about our history”, she explained. “Do you know anything about our house? How it got founded for example?”
The look on Naemon's face changed subtly. Instead of the sorrow and loss, she saw mild annoyance and that was a good thing. It helped him to ease his mind. Naemon always had a strong imagination and what he came up with after their mother died... Gwendis didn't even want to think about it. And this helped her. Keeping her mind preoccupied. Not thinking about what they had lost.
“The first Blackmont was raised by vultures...”, Naemon started and Gwendis shook her head. “Vulture's don't raise human children. They're birds of prey”, she corrected him. “Who told you that story?” Naemon bit his lower lip and gave her a sheepish look. “Ser Kegan”, he answered and Gwendis smiled. “Knowing Ser Kegan, he probably believes it himself”, she said. “Maester Mortin tells a different story”
“Maester Mortin tells a boring story”, Naemon argued, but Gwendis silenced him. “He tells the truth. Besides, this one is not boring”, she said. “It's a very dark story” Immediately, she saw Naemon giving her a curious look. Gwendis herself wasn't fond of this story, but for his sake, she would tell him regardless. Anything so that he would forget just for a little while.
“It happened long ago, during the Age of Heroes. Out of all the houses of Dorne, only House Dayne is older”, she explained. “Back then, these lands were ruled by the kings of House Faren” She saw Naemon's confused look. “I have never heard of House Faren before”, he said and Gwendis gave him a nod. “Precisely”, she answered. “The last King Faren was a cruel, greedy man, a king in name only and jealous of those who had more than him. Over the years, his family had lost most of their riches and the only thing he was truly proud of were his sons, five newborn children, healthy and strong”
“And what does that have to do with House Blackmont?”, Naemon asked impatiently and Gwendis sternly raised her finger. “The man who would become the first Blackmont was a farmer in service of King Faren. He came form a rich family, richer than the king's and his house was more like a keep, larger and stronger than the king's”, she continued. “It stood right here, where our castle is located today. The farmer had five sons, like the king, but his were even stronger and he loved them dearly”
“So, the king was jealous of him?”, Naemon deduced and Gwendis gave him a nod. “Very much so”, she answered. “He demanded of the farmer to give him half of his gold, half of his grain and half of his cattle. The farmer refused and then, in his wounded pride, the king did something terrible. He took four of the farmer's sons and sent only their heads back to their father, telling him that he would take the fifth son as well if he would have to wait any longer”
“And what did the farmer do?”, Naemon asked and Gwendis pressed her lips together. “Something equally terrible”, she answered. “With the help of his last living son, he snuck into the king's seat and abducted all five of his children. He left behind only a letter, telling the king to come and take them back all alone. He gave him five days and told him that on the fifth, his line would end”
By now she noticed how her brother was listening carefully. She had rarely seen him listening with such a level of attention. “The king waited. He thought the farmer would only bluff and he was afraid for his life if he would meet him alone in his house”, she continued. “But the farmer wasn't bluffing. On the evening of the first day, he slaughtered a sheep in front of his house, he lay one of the king's sons onto the carcass and he waited for the carrion-eaters. The last thing King Faren saw before the sun set was his son carried away by a vulture”
She paused and shivered as she thought of the gruesome story. Maester Mortin had told it to her when she had been six years old and it had caused her nightmares for days. When the memory of her mother softly rocking her to sleep flashed through her mind, she continued to speak. “King Faren waited four days and each day, he lost a son. On the fifth, the worry for his remaining son had grown stronger than his cowardice and he went to the farmer's house, alone”
“What happened then?”, Naemon asked and Gwendis sighed. “The farmer cut King Faren's throat and fed him to the vultures that helped him achieve his vengeance”, she said to get it over with. Naemon gulped. “And... the king's last son?”, he asked.
This time Gwendis hesitated. Though she was only a year older, she considered herself far more of an adult than her brother, who was only a child. “That has been lost to history”, she lied. “After Faren's line was ended, the farmer remained in his house, turning it into a formidable keep. After killing the king, the people stayed away from him and the mountain he lived on was known as the 'Black Mountain' ever since, or Blackmont as it was soon called by the smallfolk”
“So, the first Blackmont was a bad man?”, Naemon deduced and Gwendis shook her head. “He was a man who had no mercy for his enemies”, she explained. “But when winter came and the smallfolk were starving, he opened the gates to his keep, invited them to his table and generously shared his supplies with them. When spring came, they named him their king and they loved him. House Blackmont has ruled over these lands ever since and our kings have been among the most powerful in Dorne”
She hesitated a little bit too long to continue her story and noticed that Naemon's thoughts drifted off to the matter she hoped to get out of his head. His expression grew darker again. “And how many Blackmont kings have dabbled in black magic?”, he asked with a voice that had a far too bitter streak for such a young boy. “How many of them have murdered their own wife?”
Gwendis closed her eyes. “None”, she said firmly. “Not even father” Naemon glared at her. “And how can you know that?”, he spat. “Mother has been fine before we left for Starfall! You know Benedict never wanted us to leave. How can you know for sure that he had nothing to do with her death?”
Memories flashed through Gwendis' mind. A kind, warm smile, strong arms that lifted her up, sitting on his shoulders and slowly falling asleep on them, how she always woke up when he put her into her bed, no matter how gentle he tried to be. “Gwen?”, Naemon asked. Once she opened her eyes again, sadness was visible in them. “I just know”, she said.
Naemon averted his eyes and Gwendis put a hand onto his shoulder. “Are you afraid of him?”, she asked and he gave her a nod. “Don't be. Always remember, you're a Blackmont” As she spoke she put her arm around her brother's shoulder. “And what if he kills me next?”, Naemon asked, obvious fear in his high-pitched voice.
“We conquer the Heavens”, she said the words of their house. “These words were meant to intimidate, back in the days when even the Yronwoods feared us. But they are more than just a threat and a boast” Her hand softly caressed his cheek, wiping away the tears that continued to pour down his face. “They are meant to encourage. A man who is ready to conquer the heavens fears nothing”, she reminded him. “Nothing at all in the whole world. Especially not his own father”
“But he...”, Naemon protested, though Gwendis cut him off. “He is your father. You're from his line”, she said. “But you're also from the line of Barragan Blackmont, who almost burned the entire city of Oldtown to the ground, together with Samwell Dayne. Firebrand, they called him, just like Samwell was known as the Starfire” She raised the brooch in her hand. “He took this gem and a thousand more from the vaults of the Hightower, in exchange for the lives of Lord Hightower's family. When he returned to Dorne, he took Starfire's sister as his queen and he gave her this brooch, the most beautiful gem in Dorne”, she explained. “Ever since, House Dayne has been a friend in need”
Naemon's head hung low and Gwendis continued. “You're from the line of Torrhen Blackmont, who resisted the Andals longer than all the other houses of Dorne. When Dayne and even Yronwood had already submitted to the foreign warlords, he was still fighting and he only laid down his arms when they gave him an Andal princess as his bride”
“You're from the line of Ynis Blackmont, who picked up her father's sword after he got killed in battle. While her brothers were too wounded to even stand, she led the fight against the Manwoody invaders until they retreated to Kingsgrave”, she reminded him of her favourite story. “Her bravery on that day spared all of Blackmont the tyranny of House Manwoody”
Still sensing Naemon's fear as if it was her own, she decided to mention his favourite story, one of the few where he even listened to Maester Mortin. “And you're from the line of Andros the Kingsbane, who killed two Storm Kings in a single battle and came closer to end Durran's line than even the gods ever did”, she spoke. “You come from a line of fearsome warriors, noble knights and wise rulers. One day, you're going to be all three, warrior, knight, ruler” Still a hand on Naemon's cheek, she looked him in the eyes. “And you will not be afraid of your own father”
Slowly, the look on Naemon's face changed. He was still very much a scared little boy, mourning for his mother, but she saw a hint of the determination she tried her best to feel as well right now. “Then what do you think I should do now?”, he asked, his voice still a bit weak from the crying. Gwendis forced herself to smile at him. “You go to father and you tell him you don't want to squire for Lord Blackadder”, she advised him. “And if he still sends me there?”, Naemon asked. “Then you follow his wish”, Gwendis answered.
Naemon gave her a look as if she was out of her mind. “Because he is such a loving father?”, he asked with bitterness. Gwendis shook her head. “Because you are our future ruler. Because you have a duty not to him, but to your family. To every Blackmont since the days of the first king of the Black Mountain. To Barragan and Torrhen and Ynis and Andros”, she answered and waited a second before she continued. “You don't want to, but you have to. If I could, then I would do it in your place”
Finally, Naemon gave in. “I'm doing it”, he said, not in the stubborn, defiant tone he spoke with at the beginning of their talk, but humbly, almost defeated. Gwendis smiled at him, though she felt no joy. He shouldn't be forced to do all these things and she shouldn't be forced to stay away from them. “But I'm not doing it for all of these people”, Naemon said as he rose from the bed. “They don't matter to me” Gwendis looked up and their eyes met. “I'm doing it for you”
His words shattered the carefully constructed walls Gwendis tried to hide her feelings behind. Her smile grew weaker, though the look in her eyes was thankful. Wordlessly, she handed Naemon the brooch and he looked at it. “I'm going to bring it back to mother's room”, he said and his voice shivered as he said the final two words. “And then I will go to our father and I will tell him I am not afraid of him. I will squire for Lord Blackadder and when I return, I will be a better knight than Benedict ever was!”
“Then conquer the heavens”, Gwendis said in a gentle tone. “Show him your worth” Naemon smiled at her and his smile looked more convincing than her's. “I will. See you soon, Gwen”, he answered and turned around. He was already halfway through her room, when he stopped. “It's just...” His voice sounded glum and mournful again. “I just wish mother could be here... to see me becoming a knight, the best knight in Dorne, and...”
While Naemon spoke, Gwendis glanced to the window of her room. The lands of Blackmont as far as she could see, the almost purple sky, the cold wind gently whispering through the dark trees below. “And I wish she could see you, Gwen”, Naemon said. “She'd be so proud”
And in that moment, it all came crashing down. Gwendis wished she could be stronger, she wished she could conquer the heavens on her own, could be brave like Ynis, or strong like Barragan. But she wasn't, not now. Maybe she shouldn't. Right now, she simply felt like the nine-years old girl she was. Tears welled up in her eyes as Gwendis turned towards her brother. “Oh Naemon”, she whispered with a shaky, tearful voice and almost fell into his open arms, as they gently wrapped around her. “I miss her as well, I miss her so much...”
The sun fully rose, shining upon a Castle Blackmont that felt more empty than before, now that its queen was gone. Clinging to her brother and crying into his shoulder without restraint, Gwendis knew that the proudest history couldn't change that she felt more alone than ever.
This was an amazing read! I really love the origin story you made for the Blackmonts, and beside that we get a great peek to the childhood of Gwendis and Naemon, and an important moment on their lives.
Wow, this was excellent! An H&L part from the Blackmonts was something that I was really looking forward to and it definitely did not disappoint. I loved the flashback to it with Gwendis and Naemon being children and learning more about their past along with it. I can say nothing but great things about it, Great Job Liquid!
A great intro, but somehow I really don't feel like the words fit the vulture dynasty. Honestly, if I wouldn't use a very similar motto for House Manderly already I would propose "We Devour" and WK dismissed "Birds of Prey". 'Heavens' is also a religiously loaded word and GRRM usually avoids these.
Except this detail which doesn't give me rest I did really enjoy it though
edit: and it was extremely, extremely long, what is a bonus
Vultures fly though, and Blackmont is a mountain that reaches the heavens, so to speak. And them being birds of prey is what brings the "conquering" part to it. And heavens can be seen as religious but it's also just a synonym to skies, and "We Conquer Heavens" just sounds better than "We Conquer Skies".
I know it can be explained, but it just somehow doesn't feel right to me (it's just my personal opinion), not with the vulture grabbing the baby as coat of arms. This family is one of the few where I wish we could get a canon motto to make better sense of the coat of arms as well.
The problem I encountered while thinking about the Blackmont words were that I was pretty sure they needed their words to be related to skies and heights in general, considering their seat and sigil. Unfortunately, some of the best height-related words were already taken. Mallisters "Above the Rest", or Whitehills "Ever Higher" are probably the best examples. "Let Me Soar" from House Fowler is another prominent motto related to flying. My idea, especially in the context of the H&L part itself, was to express ambition and especially pride, which the words of House Mallister and Whitehill already perfectly show and I struggled quite a bit to find house words for House Blackmont that not completely copied them. Originally, my idea was a rather plain "To the Top", followed by "Rise Above", which sounds a bit nicer, but also includes the word 'above', which is a prominent part of the Mallister words. Wildling had a few ideas of his own, among them "We Conquer the Heavens", which I certainly liked a lot. It sounds more original than "Rise Above" and perfectly embodies the meaning I wanted it to have in the H&L part, as a means for Gwendis to cheer Naemon up.
I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of the part though
Seriously, again with these double posts? What is it today?
Day of the lagging server
btw, I hope you like the Blackmont coat of arms, it's one I made for the CK2 GoT mod and still had the clean version on my PC
edit: also the theme song may give you ideas
For me Blackmonts bring me the image of ...well, vultures tearing a cadaver apart
As soon as Myke pointed out the deserter Ser Joran dismounted his horse. “Son of a bitch.” He muttered, unsheathing his sword and starting to walk towards the man. It didn’t take long for Seban to follow in his lead. Myke glanced at Raina, before dismounting his horse and following Joran and Seban.
Myke didn’t even reach for his weapon, there was no need for it. The deserter was clearly exhausted; Ser Joran alone would be enough to put him down.
“Please.” The man spoke with powerless words as they arrived to him. “Please, just, let me go…” It was hard to see this as the same man that had been swinging the axe at the tavern.
“You tried to kill me.” Seban spoke with more power in his words than Myke would’ve expected. The bald man threw his axe down. “You have to understand; I was just protecting myself.” He tried to explain, but Joran let out a mocking laugh.
“What’s your name?” Myke asked calmly, and the man turned to look at him. “It’s Brack.” The man said with a tired tone. “Have you killed anyone, Brack?” Myke asked, but Joran shook his head for Myke. “This man is a deserter, Myke. We take him to Gravesend, and there he will hang.” Joran’s words were decisive, and Myke gave him a small nod, but then turned to Seban, who kept staring at Brack with stern expression.
“I… I didn’t kill anyone.” Brack said, but his voice was unconvincing. Myke let out a sigh. “Let’s take him to Gravesend.” He said grimly, and turned around to walk back to his horse.
In a couple hours the group arrived to Gravesend. The town was built on a small hill right next to the river, and on top of the hill was the stony sept. The cobbled main street of the town was almost empty as Myke, Joran, Seban, Raina and Brack rode in. “Looks like the forces have marched to Blackmont while we were gone.” Seban muttered, glancing around himself. The buildings of the town were old and not in a good shape. People eyed them from their windows as they walked through the street with the shackled deserter.
“Three deserters were hanged last week.” Seban said quietly. “A riot almost broke free at the town square back then.” The tone on the boy’s words made clear that he didn’t want to see that happen again.
“People don’t like to see those that they deem innocent being hanged.” Raina spoke calmly, giving a glance at Brack. “They were not innocent.” Seban grunted. “They were deserters, armed men preying on the truly innocent.” Raina nodded to the young guard’s words. “I never said they were innocent, but they may seem innocent in some people’s eyes.”
“Then those people better open their eyes.” Seban snapped, and the deserter gave him a glare but stayed silent. The main street took them past the town square, where market stalls were standing, though there weren’t much customers. After the town square the sept was right in front of them, but Seban gestured them to turn to another street on left. “Septon Kevan doesn’t actually live in the sept.” He explained dryly, and led them to a small mansion about hundred feet away from the sept. On the other side of the street looked to be the headquarters of the town guard.
At the gate of the Septon’s mansion stood one guard, lanky guy with long dirty blonde hair and green eyes, dressed in iron hauberk and armed with spear. He eyed Myke and his companions with interest as they arrived with the arrested deserter. “I thought you were supposed to bring more of ‘em, Seban.” The guard said with a laid back tone. “And where is Lanner?”
“Lanner is dead, Alan.” Seban answered with quiet and serious words, and the other guard visibly tensed up. “Oh… Well, take that deserter to the commander, I’ll bring Kevan there.” Alan’s tone was more serious now, and Seban gave him a small nod. They turned around and walked the deserter to the building on the other side of the street, while Alan walked into the Septon’s mansion
As they stepped into the building, the first thing they saw was an old but fit man sitting behind a desk, going through some sort of letter. Slowly he raised his eyes, and as he saw them his eyes widened in surprise.
“Commander Brennin.” Seban said with a respectful tone, and brought Brack closer to him. “We found the group of deserters at an inn. A fight happened, Lanner died, as well as the rest of the deserters.” Seban now turned towards Myke, Joran and Raina. “These knights helped me with arresting this man.”
“I am Ser Myke, from the Nightsong.” Myke introduced himself with his calm voice before the old commander even asked. “Ser Joran Storm.” Joran said sternly. Raina stayed quiet for a moment. “Ser Rai.” She finally said with muffled tone, and the commander gave them a nod.
“Well, I thank you sers for helping my men with this deserter.” He said with slightly baffled tone. “I am Commander Brennin Kell, served the Gravesend city guard for almost three decades now.” Myke gave the man a respectful nod. “And what is your opinion on this war? If I may ask.”
“I’m not one to question the decision of the King, but it sure has caused havoc here. The times weren’t best possible either way, but after the call to arms things have truly gone sour. I have lost too many brothers who have just tried to do their duty… And now Lanner. I knew that man for almost twenty years, and he was truly one of the best people that have come my way.” Brennin let out a tired sigh as he finished speaking. “But I have digressed, Seban, take the deserter to the cells. I’ll keep company for these fine knights.” Seban saluted his commander and started to drag Brack away from the room.
“You said you were from Nightsong, so I assume you are not King Benedict’s knights?” Brennin narrowed his eyes, looking at Joran and Myke. “We are Stormlanders, here on a mission to find the daughter of Lord Trevas Caron.” Joran explained simply, and the commander nodded to him. Before he could say anything more the door was opened again. They all turned to look, and saw a slightly plump and balding man with brown robes and golden medallion with the seven-pointed star.
“Septon Kevan.” Brennin greeted the man with a bow. “These are the good knights who brought us the deserter?” The septon asked, glancing at them with a small smile on his face. Myke estimated that Kevan was at least on his early fifties, and he looked to be a tired and stressed man.
“Aye.” Ser Joran grunted. “As I said to the commander here, we are on a mission to find the daughter of Lord Trevas Caron.” This made the septon raise an eyebrow. “How long has she been missing?” He asked calmly.
“About a year.” Myke answered, remembering again how hopeless their mission actually was. The septon gave him an understanding nod. “Well, there have not been any Carons here, and as far as I know, not in the court of Blackmont either.”
“How much do you actually know about the court of Blackmont?” Myke asked with interested tone, and Septon Kevan shrugged. “I visit couple times a year. I used to visit more, but that place… Let’s just say that an honest servant of the Seven doesn’t always feel at home there.”
“Because the King worships a dark god?” Joran asked bluntly, and Kevan gulped visibly. “I don’t want to speak ill of my King, or take part in gossiping.” His words were uncertain and muffled. “I understand.” Myke said to calm him down. For a moment the room was silent.
“Oh, well, I think I should offer a bed for you tonight.” The septon now spoke with a forced smile. “There should be enough free rooms in the mansion, especially now that my son Hugor marched to war.”
“I think we would be more comfortable at an inn.” Joran said coldly, now turning to Myke. “Right, Myke?”
[The mansion] [The inn]
[The inn]
[The inn] They all have a pretty long mission ahead I imagine and they should probably not get too comfortable sleeping in a mansion. Sleeping in an inn is probably best and they may even be able to learn some important things in regards to the war and things of that sort there.
[The inn] 'Ser Rai' needs the inn
[The inn]
Otherwise they'll get too comfortable
[The inn]
[The inn]
Aside from the bandwagon, there is also something about this whole town that seems a bit... off to me. I can't really say what it is and it's probably nothing, but I don't really have the best feeling about it. On the one hand, the Septon's friendliness appeared to me as forced, especially towards the end of the conversation. On the other hand, he seemed genuine when he criticized the court of Blackmont. I don't know what to think of this man yet and because of that, I feel like declining the offer to sleep in his mansion will be the better option. If he is planning anything bad for Myke and the others, then it can't hurt to stay away from him in the night.
[The Mansion]
I know this isn't the popular opinion, but I think it would be extremely rude to reject the hospitality of basically "the lord" of the area. Also, they would probably get better rest staying at the mansion. Also, I doubt this septon would damage his reputation by harming them. This is especially true because by inviting them to stay, he enacted the westerosi rules of hospitality that he would most likely be reluctant to break.
Voting is closed!
Myke & co. will sleep at the inn. It's not the most important choice of the story, but it does determine how exactly will Myke's next part go - which should be his last one on this chapter.
Due to me moving to a new apartment, there hasn't been much time for writing, but I have managed to make some progress. I'm writing a Naemon PoV part, and while I have a lot to do tomorrow, I believe I'll get it ready anyway.
Recap for Naemon: Naemon left with his friend Ser Myle to a mission given by his sister Gwendis: ask aid to war from King Vorian Dayne. Naemon and Myle travelled posing as hedge knights, and they made it quite far to the Kingdom of Torrentine with no problem, until they arrived to the Upton lands where the patrolling soldiers, led by Ser Orwen Wythmail, wanted know their business. One of the soldiers recognized Naemon, which led to them being taken to House Upton's keep, Sword's Edge, where young Lord Alester Upton received them. Alester invited them to dinner, and his mother Alerah, his wife Catelyn and his uncle Stanler also took part. The conversation quickly went on to the question why exactly was Naemon here. Alerah accurately guessed it had something to do with the war, and you voted for Naemon to tell the truth - that he is there to ask aid from Vorian.
Attention, attention!
Heh, I just found out I have made a pretty embarrassing mistake, though one that shouldn't really change anything important. You see, so far in the OP there has been "this story takes place ~400 years before Aegon's Conquest", but actually it should be ~700 years
You see, I had taken the -700 from 300 AC (the current timeline of aSoIaF), when it should have been taken from 0 AC - I noticed this as I checked the wiki page for Second Spice War (the war between Rhoynar and Valyrians that drove Nymeria away from Rhoyne). Whoops. As I said though, this shouldn't affect anything, and there shouldn't be anything contradicting in the story that would prevent me from correcting the timeline. So, in short, nothing really changes, just the number at the beginning of the OP
hm, for me this really only affects Wylie, but I think the longer time only explains his younger look far better
Yes, Wylie was the only thing that came to my mind as well, but I figured that in his case 300 years doesn't mean that much.
wibbly wobbly, timey wimey
Naemon let out a small sigh, raising his eyes to look at the Uptons who sat opposed to him and Ser Myle. “We are going to Starfall to ask aid for the war.” He told the truth, and a smirk appeared on Lord Alester’s face.
“Benedict can’t win his own wars, aye?” He asked with a provocative tone, but his mother cleared her throat to interrupt him. “It’s a good thing that your father decided to ask aid from Vorian. Blackmonts and Daynes should support each other, like in the old days.” Lady Alerah spoke with gentle words, and Naemon turned his look down with slight embarrassment.
“I was actually sent on this mission by my sister Gwendis, without the approval of our father.” Naemon explained quietly. “That’s why we travel as hedge knights.” Alester let out a small laugh for this. “Oh, looks like we have a naughty runaway under our roof.” He said, hardly managing to restrain his laughter. “Don’t worry, Prince Naemon, I won’t tell your father.” Naemon sent a glare at Alester, but decided to stay quiet.
“Don’t worry, Prince Naemon.” Alerah said softly. “We will let you continue your travel tomorrow, and for tonight you’ll have comfortable chambers to stay in.” Naemon nodded to her. “We are very thankful, my Lady.” He said quietly. “Absolutely.” Myle confirmed with a grin, chewing on his food and receiving a disapproving stare from Stanler Upton.
“So, how is your sister?” Lady Catelyn asked with a polite but also genuinely interested tone. Naemon thought about his answer for a while. How is my sister? Gwendis had always been the rational one, and the one to help others, but sometimes it was hard to tell how she was feeling herself.
“My sister… is doing well.” Naemon spoke with uncertainty. “She sits at the head of our council, managing the kingdom along with other advisors of the King.” Catelyn and Alerah smiled politely, Stanler frowned, and Alester had his annoying smirk on. “Sits at the head of the council, aye? That’s impressive.” The young lord spoke with fake admiration, small grin behind his red beard. “But shouldn’t that be you?” He asked with sly tone.
“I have no interest in politics.” Naemon answered sharply, and Alester chuckled. “What you mean to say is that you have no ambition. You were born to be the King, but somehow the gods gave you the personality of a lackey.”
Naemon narrowed his eyes, glaring at Alester, but the confident and arrogant gaze stayed on the piercing green eyes of the young lord.
“I believe what my son wants to say…” Alerah started, but was cut off by Ser Myle. “Your son wants to say Prince Naemon of Blackmont is a useless piece of shit.” His tone was laid back, even if a bit cold. “He is wrong though – Naemon is one of the finest knights in Dorne. There are only few men who could face him one on one without being completely humiliated, and Lord Alester here is not one of them.” Now Naemon saw an irritated expression forming on Alester’s face, and he couldn’t help but flash a smirk.
“I’m sorry about my son’s rudeness.” Alerah said with an apologetic tone, glancing at Alester who still looked annoyed. “And I’m sorry about my friend’s… outspokenness.” Naemon replied with a smile, and Alerah gave him an approving nod. “Anyway, this wine, is it from Dorne or Reach?” Naemon changed the topic, and the rest of the dinner went on with a conversation about the wine and the food.
Naemon woke up early in the morning with a mild headache. Damn Myle made me drink too much. He stood up from his bed, looking around the guest chambers that had been given to him. It was a fine room for sure, probably the best that Sword’s Edge had to offer for their guests, but at the same time it felt a bit dull when compared to the colorful and lavishly decorated chambers of Blackmont. This didn’t matter at all though, it was easily the best bed Naemon had so far had on this journey, and he would be on his way to Starfall soon.
Naemon managed to get himself dressed up before the door was knocked. “It’s open!” He yelled, and inside stepped Ser Myle. He was carrying a platter with a breakfast on it – quail eggs, bread, bacon and mead.
“Decided to become a servant for the Uptons, aye?” Naemon asked jokingly as Myle put the platter on the wooden table. “Nah, just a servant for you, My Prince.” He replied with a smirk. “Though I do serve some hard reality for cocky little lordlings too now and then.” Naemon let out a chuckle for this. “And I’m thankful for that.” He said with a smile, looking at Myle, and actually feeling thankful for having such a friend.
“I didn’t only come here to serve the breakfast though.” Myle said, his tone a bit more serious now. “I saw Lord Alester… He is seriously pissed from yesterday, and I think he is planning something.” Naemon raised his eyebrow. “You don’t think he would…” He started, but Myle shook his head. “No, even he isn’t that stupid, at least I don’t think he is.” Naemon let out a tired sigh. “Well… What do you suggest me to do?” He asked, but Myle just answered with a shrug.
“Just be ready, he might try something nasty.” He said, and Naemon wasn’t sure how seriously should he take this. He ate his breakfast, and after that they headed towards the courtyard.
At the courtyard an interesting sight waited for them. It was almost completely silent, and the center of the courtyard was empty - all the soldiers and servants were on the sides. However, in the middle of the yard stood Lord Alester, Ser Orwen behind him. Alester had two swords in his hands, and his eyes immediately focused on the Prince. He wants a duel, Naemon realized immediately. He turned to Myle, who looked slightly terrified of the sight, but regained his composure quickly. “Go kick his ass.” He whispered, and Naemon gave him a stern nod.
He walked through the yard to Alester, who offered him the other one of the swords. “It’s sharp.” Naemon noted, and a cold grin was formed on Alester’s face. “We are not children, are we?” He asked, and Naemon shook his head, taking the sword and twiddling it in his hands to get a good grip.
“Ready?” Alester asked while Naemon corrected his footing. “Ready.” He confirmed with a calm tone.
Alester made the first strike, and Naemon parried it with ease. At first it was like any sparring match, Alester gave easy strikes, and Naemon parried them with no trouble. Slowly Alester started to give more and more strength to his swings, and Naemon had to back away faster and faster. Alester’s moves were easy to predict, but Naemon had to admit that his swings were really heavy, and wearing to parry.
Naemon dodged one of Alester’s strikes, taking quick steps and gaining a position where he could’ve freely hit Alester to the back of his legs. But Naemon hesitated, and Alester regained his defensive position. Naemon looked at Alester’s eyes, and what he saw there was pure rage and determination.
Alester rushed towards Naemon, attacking with reckless strikes. Naemon concentrated on dodging and parrying, even if he saw couple openings for an attack. Let him tire himself out, Naemon thought, watching the Upton lord clenching his teeth with every swing.
Alester striked from the left, and while Naemon managed to parry it, for a moment his balance was shaken, opening a chance for Alester. The red-bearded lord took a great swing, straight towards the defenseless Naemon. On the very last moment Naemon managed to move away from the swing. That would’ve killed me, he thought, anger flowing through him. He looked at his opponent, and what he saw was the annoying cocky grin. Fuck this.
Naemon regained his composure and moved for an attack. Alester was clearly surprised, but he managed to parry the first two strikes of Naemon nonetheless. However, it was easy to see that he was tired from earlier, and Naemon could move faster than him. He gave one strike to the right, Alester parried it, but couldn’t move fast enough for the next attack. Naemon slammed Alester’s right knee with the flat of the sword, managing to make him loose his footing. Next the Prince took a careful and accurate strike at the Lord’s right hand, making him drop his sword. Naemon kicked the sword away, and gave one more slam on Alester’s ribs.
Alester took a couple steps back, shaking his right hand in pain. “You fucking bastard.” He muttered, and Naemon felt the urge to shut the cocky lord's mouth, but he stayed calm. He glanced at the soldiers around them, and they had all stayed on their posts without taking a single step closer. Then he looked back to Ser Myle, who just gave him a thumbs up and a wide grin.
Naemon turned back to Alester, looking as the cocky smirk slowly started to appear on the lord’s face again. “You have no balls to end this fight like a man.” Alester said mockingly, sneering at Naemon.
[Tell him that he already lost] [Punch him] [Cut him]
I was a bit faster with this than I thought
[Tell him that he already lost] He lost, don't give him reason to turn his House against Naemon's.
Then just write another part, right now!
Of course!
I write always when I have spare time XD
Naemon quote suggestion for next scene: "My sister reigns at home, tends to the realm. This allows me to go forth and defeat the enemies of our House. Which path will you choose young Lord?" Naemon didn't say which paths he meant, being a good steward, a good warrior, or a defeated foe.
also, what was their CoA again? House Upton's I mean.
It's a nice quote
I might use a version of it - depends also on which choice wins the voting 
And Upton CoA is two clashing silver swords (with blood stains) on a purple field, and four white stars around them. Motto is "We Fear No Foes" if you happen to be interested.
[Tell him that he already lost]
I agree with jorian. Alester has already lost, there is no need to humiliate and enrage him further. If he sees it as a sign of weakness from Naemon, so be it. Naemon is here for a mission and not to impress some cocky lord. He doesn't have to prove anything and he clearly won. So, with this choice I think Naemon would keep it simple, but elegant, showing some restraint, while still making his point clear. After he outright tried to kill him in the duel, Alester can be lucky he got away with such a slap on the wrist. Aside from that, it is the honourable thing to do and it might impress the Upton men that Naemon displayed honour in a situation where Alester himself showed at best very shady and petty behaviour.
[Tell him that he already lost] I will have to agree with the others on this. Naemon has already decisively put Alester in his place and while I would like to see Naemon shut him up, it is probably not best for him to get too rough on Alester within his own halls. With that said, I imagine that House Upton respects strength and I believe Naemon ending the fight honorably and fairly would probably be the best route to go here. Great Part!
[Tell him that he already lost]
I was gonna vote to punch him, but I read Liquid's statement and changed my mind.
I thought it up as an option that could be said in all three results, especially in the first one where Naemon doesn't attack him physically, it could still be considered a 'mental attack'.
[Cut him]
This is how i see what would happen with this result except for the final part of the vid.