Naemon let out a small sigh, raising his eyes to look at the Uptons who sat opposed to him and Ser Myle. “We are going to Starfall… more to ask aid for the war.” He told the truth, and a smirk appeared on Lord Alester’s face.
“Benedict can’t win his own wars, aye?” He asked with a provocative tone, but his mother cleared her throat to interrupt him. “It’s a good thing that your father decided to ask aid from Vorian. Blackmonts and Daynes should support each other, like in the old days.” Lady Alerah spoke with gentle words, and Naemon turned his look down with slight embarrassment.
“I was actually sent on this mission by my sister Gwendis, without the approval of our father.” Naemon explained quietly. “That’s why we travel as hedge knights.” Alester let out a small laugh for this. “Oh, looks like we have a naughty runaway under our roof.” He said, hardly managing to restrain his laughter. “Don’t worry, Prince Naemon, I won’t tell you… [view original content]
House Upton
Motto: We Fear No Foes
Background Music: At the Sword's Edge
red bloodstains are barely visible on purple, this is the best result I got for the CoA
House Upton
Motto: We Fear No Foes
Background Music: At the Sword's Edge
red bloodstains are barely visible on purple, this is the best result I got for the CoA
*We Fear No Foes.
Not that "I" is any worse, but I'd like to respect CM3434's vision of the House
But otherwise, nice work! I at least really like the CoA, and you found a fitting song again
Well, even Alester is encouraging Naemon to finish this like a man, so why not? It was Upton who wanted the duel, it was Upton who tried to kill him (so we can't be sure that it won't happen again), it was Upton who severely lost. "There's is no reason to turn his House against Blackmonts", said JorianDrake - well, I'd say it just happened. With this attitude of Alester to Naemon, these two won't meet any alliance or agreement - so maybe it's better to weaken the situation of this House?
Naemon let out a small sigh, raising his eyes to look at the Uptons who sat opposed to him and Ser Myle. “We are going to Starfall… more to ask aid for the war.” He told the truth, and a smirk appeared on Lord Alester’s face.
“Benedict can’t win his own wars, aye?” He asked with a provocative tone, but his mother cleared her throat to interrupt him. “It’s a good thing that your father decided to ask aid from Vorian. Blackmonts and Daynes should support each other, like in the old days.” Lady Alerah spoke with gentle words, and Naemon turned his look down with slight embarrassment.
“I was actually sent on this mission by my sister Gwendis, without the approval of our father.” Naemon explained quietly. “That’s why we travel as hedge knights.” Alester let out a small laugh for this. “Oh, looks like we have a naughty runaway under our roof.” He said, hardly managing to restrain his laughter. “Don’t worry, Prince Naemon, I won’t tell you… [view original content]
Naemon let out a small sigh, raising his eyes to look at the Uptons who sat opposed to him and Ser Myle. “We are going to Starfall… more to ask aid for the war.” He told the truth, and a smirk appeared on Lord Alester’s face.
“Benedict can’t win his own wars, aye?” He asked with a provocative tone, but his mother cleared her throat to interrupt him. “It’s a good thing that your father decided to ask aid from Vorian. Blackmonts and Daynes should support each other, like in the old days.” Lady Alerah spoke with gentle words, and Naemon turned his look down with slight embarrassment.
“I was actually sent on this mission by my sister Gwendis, without the approval of our father.” Naemon explained quietly. “That’s why we travel as hedge knights.” Alester let out a small laugh for this. “Oh, looks like we have a naughty runaway under our roof.” He said, hardly managing to restrain his laughter. “Don’t worry, Prince Naemon, I won’t tell you… [view original content]
And Naemon will tell Alester that he already lost this duel. Interesting, for some reason I expected you to vote mostly for the punch, but it ended up with 0 votes Anyway, this choice will be just as nice to write, and it definitely gives Naemon a more honorable streak. Btw, FYI the "cut him" choice wouldn't have killed Alester, just severly injured him.
The next part is Jamison PoV, and it's under work. I have a completely free day tomorrow, and while I probably won't spend the entirety of it writing, the part will most likely be finished. Recap for Jamison: The last part was a return from Jamison after a long break. He was on his way to Hellgate Hall, on a mission his father gave him, to form an alliance with the Drylands against the Martells. During the visit in Sandstone, Lord Allar Qorgyle made Jamison promise to deliver his terms to King Lucifer: Qorgyles will stay out of the war if Lucifer leaves their lands in peace in the future, otherwise he'll help the Martells. Jamison made the promise, and so the Qorgyle soldier Korb Fyste, and Septon Anthor joined the convoy to make sure Jamison would keep his promise. After the tiresome travel to Hellgate Hall, Lewyn Tiddle welcomed the convoy, and there was the question of wheter Jamison's negotiations with the King would be right away, or postponed to next morning. Jamison chose to have rest and leave the negotiations for tomorrow.
Jamison observed the sunrise from the small window of the chambers given to him. He could see nothing in the east but desert. It was an absurd thought that somewhere there was supposed to be a threat so big that it had made even King Vorian worried. Jamison still thought the Martells weren’t a real threat, and never would be, but he would form this alliance with Drylands just to impress his father.
Jamison turned away from the window, taking in a deep breath and walking to the door. He left his room, and behind his door were two Dayne guards that followed him as he made his way towards the council chamber of Hellgate Hall.
As he walked through the hallway he noticed the eyes of the service maids and handmaidens turning on him, and he flashed the pretty ones a smirk, just to see them blush. The look on the eyes of the Dryland knights and soldiers were less warm. Jamison gave them a smirk too though, just to show how little he cared.
“My Prince.” Ser Laroy greeted him with a bow as he arrived to the door of the council chamber. “Should we go inside?” Jamison asked with a bored tone. “Not yet.” Laroy answered hastily. “We should wait for the septon, as well as Ser Rolan.”
“And what about Ser Aron?” Jamison asked, though in truth he had little interest. “Ser Aron prefers to stay away from these kinds of meetings… Says that he loathes politics.” Laroy explained, and Jamison raised an eyebrow. He knew hardly anything about Ser Aron of the Southpoint, only that he was a quiet man. And apparently not interested in politics. Jamison sighed and turned to look back at the hallway, where he saw Lewyn Tiddle walking towards them. The man was once again dressed in clean and simple black clothes, and he had his friendly smile on.
“Should we go to the meeting now?” He asked calmly, but Jamison shook his head. “We are still waiting for Septon Anthor, and Ser Rolan Nightfall.” A frustrated expression flashed on Lewyn’s face, but he quickly regained his polite smile and nodded.
They stood there in an awkward silence for couple minutes, until the septon arrived with his usual worried expression on. Not far behind him walked Ser Rolan with quick steps. “Sorry for being late, My Prince.” He apologized, catching his breath. “I had an important conversation with my nephew.” Jamison gave him a stern nod, wondering what had Lyreon done now.
“Alright then, follow me.” Lewyn said, as he walked to the door and opened it for them. It was a large room with high ceiling and red stone pillars. At the end of the room was a long table, and Jamison could see the King sitting at the middle on a chair that was taller than the others. On his left sat an old lord with red and yellow robes. And on his right sat a heavily tanned man on his fifties, with dark grey hair and beard, wearing black and white clothes.
“Lord Harrion Uller, King Lucifer, and my lord father Bedwyck Tiddle.” Lewyn listed as they walked closer to the table, and Jamison gave him a nod. When they arrived to the table Lewyn walked to the other side and sat next to his father, while Jamison and his companions took the seats opposed to the King.
“So, you finally decided to respect me with your presence, Sword of the Night.” Lucifer spoke with sour tone, eyeing Jamison with distrusting gaze. “I only know you by your reputation, and I can say I’m not expecting much.” The King said, and Jamison chuckled for this.
“And I know hardly anything about you, Your Grace.” Jamison answered with a smirk. “So forgive me if I have no expectations at all.” The King narrowed his eyes for this, but stayed quiet.
“May I ask, Ser Jamison, who are your companions?” Lord Uller asked with his lordly tone. “Sure.” Jamison said lazily. “The knights with me are Ser Laroy Ladybright and Ser Rolan Nightfall. And…”
“And I am Anthor, septon of Sandstone.” The Septon cut off Jamison, focusing his stare on King Lucifer, who looked slightly confused. “And why have you brought the septon of Sandstone with you, Prince Jamison?” Lucifer asked with stern tone, but the septon answered for him.
“I am here to make sure Jamison delivers the terms that Lord Allar Qorgyle has given.” Anthor’s words were determined, and Jamison could see Lord Uller rolling his eyes. “What terms are you talking about?” Lucifer asked quietly, glancing at Jamison as he spoke.
“Allar demands that you must keep your forces out of his lands during and after this war, or he will side with the Martells.” The septon said, and Lucifer sent him a glare. “Is this a threat?” He asked with anger in his voice.
“It’s an offer.” Anthor replied dryly. “We offer you freedom to fight your war without our interference, if you promise on the Seven Gods to leave our lands in peace.” Lucifer let out a small laugh, looking at Anthor and Jamison, as if he wasn’t sure whether this was a joke.
“Lord Allar has got some nerve, I admit that.” He muttered, shaking his head. “Or perhaps he is just a coward… Sending a septon and a Dayne to deliver his threats.”
“As the septon said, this is not a threat.” Jamison said calmly. “It’s just something you need to agree to, if we want to make this alliance work. Qorgyles hold the routes through the southern desert, as well as all the wells and oases on those lands.” The King clenched his teeth, tapping his fingers on the table.
“You are not the first Dayne to visit my halls lately, you know.” He suddenly said, and Jamison raised his eyebrow in surprise. “In a way, I already have an alliance with the Daynes – one of you is already under my command.”
“What in Seven Hells are you talking about?” Ser Laroy asked with slightly angered tone, and a grin appeared on the King’s face. “Your sister, Prince Jamison. She was here a couple days ago, Nealia, I think her name is. She works with a man named Tryden Flowers, who happens to be under my command.” The Bastard Princess, Jamison thought, a smile flashing on his face as the happy memories surfaced. He quickly regained his serious expression though, putting his feelings aside.
“She is my sister, yes, but she is no Dayne – she is Sand.” Jamison spoke coldly, and Lucifer narrowed his eyes. “No love for you half-sister, huh?” His words were sour. “No wonder he prefers the company of scum like Tryden… Though perhaps you are right on this, I know from my own experience that giving too much attention for bastards is a waste of time.” The King said, and Jamison gulped subtly. It was hard to act as if he had no warm feelings for Nealia. He had many friends in his childhood, from tough guys like Alester Upton to fools like Rickar Nightfall, but Nealia had been the only one whom Jamison could really show all his sides – including the weaknesses.
“If your intention was to somehow blackmail me with Nealia, you can forget that.” Jamison said with a lazy tone and an emotionless smirk. “So, how about you make the promise to the septon, and then we can move on with the negotiations.” Lucifer’s expression was at the same time amused and frustrated. “Fine then.” He grunted. “Get on with it, septon, before I change my mind.” He rushed, glaring at Anthor, who gave him a small nod.
“Here, under the eyes of the Seven Gods, do you, King Lucifer of House Dryland promise to leave the Qorgyles and their lands in peace, from this day forward?” Anthor spoke with zealous words. “I do.” The King said sternly. “But if the Qorgyles ever violate this peace, or insult me in any way, this promise won’t mean anything – I promise you that as well.” The underlying threat in Lucifer’s words made the septon sigh. “So be it.” He said with slightly tired tone. “I suppose my part in this negotiation is over, farewell.” Anthor stood up from the table, gave them a bow and walked away.
“Now that we are done with that mummer’s farce, how about we move on with the negotiations?” Lord Bedwyck asked with a subtle smile. “Sounds good to me.” Jamison spoke quietly, focusing his eyes on Lucifer.
“The real question here is why would I even want an alliance with the Daynes?” Lucifer spoke with arrogant tone, looking down at Jamison. “Careful, Lucifer.” Jamison replied with a smirk. “I know you are surrounded by enemies, just waiting to attack when the time is right. I have heard myself how Lord Qorgyle spoke of you, and I doubt Lords Vaith, Gargalen and Allyrion have a much better opinion on you. You may have just avoided making Qorgyles your enemies, thanks to me, but the other ones might still side with the Martells. I’m not even sure why father wants to help you, but if you want that help, you better be respectful towards me.”
“Your father doesn’t want to help King Lucifer.” Bedwyck snarled. “He wants back territories that his ancestors lost to the Drylands. That’s what you have come here to negotiate for, right?” Jamison sent a glare at Lord Tiddle before answering. “I am also here to offer financial aid for defeating the Martells – supplies, weapons, crops, gold.” He explained, trying to keep his voice calm. “I have to wonder though, is there sense in aiding a dynasty with no heir?”
“You don’t have to worry about that, Prince Jamison.” Bedwyck answered with a grin. “Lucifer’s earlier wife was incapable of giving him an heir, but she died a couple months ago. Soon His Grace will have a new, young and fertile wife – my beautiful daughter Gwyneth.” Lord Tiddle looked very proud of himself as he said this, but the look on the King’s face was sullen.
“Congratulations.” Jamison said dryly. “But I’m still not sure whether it’s a wise move for the Kingdom of Torrentine to support Kingdom of Brimstone. Go on Lucifer, give me a reason to support you.” Jamison spoke with laid back tone, and his words seemed to annoy the King.
“Just tell me what are you asking for.” Lucifer grunted, and Jamison let out a sigh. “Alright then, we want the Clearhaven, and all of the coast west from it.” He said, and the King furrowed his eyebrows.
“Clearhaven?” He asked with agitated tone. “It’s one of the few ports on the southern coast and you think I’ll just give it to you for some trivial financial support!” Jamison chuckled at the King’s reaction. “Clearhaven belongs to the Daynes, we are only being nice for taking it this way, rather than by force.”
“May the Others take you and your offers!" Lucifer shouted. "If you are not going to offer at least military support, these negotiations are over!” The King seemed to be serious, and Jamison gulped. His father had sent him to negotiate for giving financial support, not military, but returning home with empty hands would be just as bad, if not worse. Perhaps he’s just bluffing.
As he walked through the hallway he noticed the eyes of the service maids and handmaidens turning on him, and he flashed the pretty ones a smirk, just to see them blush. The look on the eyes of the Dryland knights and soldiers were less warm. Jamison gave them a smirk too though, just to show how little he cared.
Ha, and then some of them blushed too!
[Call his bluff]
Not because I believe he is bluffing, but because I doubt Jamison has a right to promise armed involvement in the war on Dryland side for King Dayne without at least asking at home about it
edit: King Dryland can use the gold and weapons to equip and train new soldiers, or hire entire mercenary companies (and use supplies, food to maintain them). No need for Jamison to offer military support even if the King isn't bluffing, and House Dayne isn't desperate for the Dryland alliance, while the opposite of this is likely to be true for House Dryland which is more closer to the conquests of House Martell.
Jamison observed the sunrise from the small window of the chambers given to him. He could see nothing in the east but desert. It … morewas an absurd thought that somewhere there was supposed to be a threat so big that it had made even King Vorian worried. Jamison still thought the Martells weren’t a real threat, and never would be, but he would form this alliance with Drylands just to impress his father.
Jamison turned away from the window, taking in a deep breath and walking to the door. He left his room, and behind his door were two Dayne guards that followed him as he made his way towards the council chamber of Hellgate Hall.
As he walked through the hallway he noticed the eyes of the service maids and handmaidens turning on him, and he flashed the pretty ones a smirk, just to see them blush. The look on the eyes of the Dryland knights and soldiers were less warm. Jamison gave them a smirk too though, just to show how little he … [view original content]
Jamison observed the sunrise from the small window of the chambers given to him. He could see nothing in the east but desert. It … morewas an absurd thought that somewhere there was supposed to be a threat so big that it had made even King Vorian worried. Jamison still thought the Martells weren’t a real threat, and never would be, but he would form this alliance with Drylands just to impress his father.
Jamison turned away from the window, taking in a deep breath and walking to the door. He left his room, and behind his door were two Dayne guards that followed him as he made his way towards the council chamber of Hellgate Hall.
As he walked through the hallway he noticed the eyes of the service maids and handmaidens turning on him, and he flashed the pretty ones a smirk, just to see them blush. The look on the eyes of the Dryland knights and soldiers were less warm. Jamison gave them a smirk too though, just to show how little he … [view original content]
[Promise military support]
I feel he's not bluffing. This alliance probably won't happen if we disagree. We need to make some sacrifices, don't we?
Also, I'm so pumped of what you thought up for Gwyneth, omigod
Jamison calling the bluff (possibility in reaction):
"Well then, House Dayne may had been mistaken that your highness needs food, supplies, gold, and weapons." He stands up ready to leave. "As said, we just politely offered to pay for what we can take by force, and I believe the offer was quite magnanimous. I see House Dryland rather chooses two enemies on two fronts than friends on one." Jamison takes a step towards the door. "What a shame, that amount of resources would've easily allowed hiring a couple whole armies against the Martells, perhaps we will have to offer something else to Vaith."
As he walked through the hallway he noticed the eyes of the service maids and handmaidens turning on him, and he flashed the pretty ones a s… moremirk, just to see them blush. The look on the eyes of the Dryland knights and soldiers were less warm. Jamison gave them a smirk too though, just to show how little he cared.
Ha, and then some of them blushed too!
[Call his bluff]
Not because I believe he is bluffing, but because I doubt Jamison has a right to promise armed involvement in the war on Dryland side for King Dayne without at least asking at home about it
edit: King Dryland can use the gold and weapons to equip and train new soldiers, or hire entire mercenary companies (and use supplies, food to maintain them). No need for Jamison to offer military support even if the King isn't bluffing, and House Dayne isn't desperate for the Dryland alliance, while the opposite of this is likely to be true for House Dryland which is more closer to the conquests of House Martell.
[Call his bluff] In my opinion, King Lucifer is definitely bluffing here. Even if it were just financial support, aid from the Daynes would help the Drylands immensely since House Dayne is not a minor bannerman rather they are a Dornish great house and have a strong kingdom of their own. King Vorian and House Dayne in general are playing it smart here by just wanting to give financial aid and see how the war with the Drylands and Martells goes before they commit Dayne troops to the cause. I imagine Lucifer knows it is a more than fair deal and he is just hoping he can outsmart Jamison by bluffing him here and it seems Jamison may realize this as well. If the Daynes don't get this alliance, they just lose out on land that they could probably conquer anyway if Vorian chose to at this point while if the Drylands don't get this alliance, House Dryland could be in big trouble and Lucifer would have to hope that his bannerman stay loyal to the cause.
By the way, this was an excellent part! The Jamison and Lucifer negotiation was amazing and one of if not my favorite part of the story so far. Great Job
Jamison observed the sunrise from the small window of the chambers given to him. He could see nothing in the east but desert. It … morewas an absurd thought that somewhere there was supposed to be a threat so big that it had made even King Vorian worried. Jamison still thought the Martells weren’t a real threat, and never would be, but he would form this alliance with Drylands just to impress his father.
Jamison turned away from the window, taking in a deep breath and walking to the door. He left his room, and behind his door were two Dayne guards that followed him as he made his way towards the council chamber of Hellgate Hall.
As he walked through the hallway he noticed the eyes of the service maids and handmaidens turning on him, and he flashed the pretty ones a smirk, just to see them blush. The look on the eyes of the Dryland knights and soldiers were less warm. Jamison gave them a smirk too though, just to show how little he … [view original content]
[Call his bluff] In my opinion, King Lucifer is definitely bluffing here. Even if it were just financial support, aid from the Daynes would … morehelp the Drylands immensely since House Dayne is not a minor bannerman rather they are a Dornish great house and have a strong kingdom of their own. King Vorian and House Dayne in general are playing it smart here by just wanting to give financial aid and see how the war with the Drylands and Martells goes before they commit Dayne troops to the cause. I imagine Lucifer knows it is a more than fair deal and he is just hoping he can outsmart Jamison by bluffing him here and it seems Jamison may realize this as well. If the Daynes don't get this alliance, they just lose out on land that they could probably conquer anyway if Vorian chose to at this point while if the Drylands don't get this alliance, House Dryland could be in big trouble and Lucifer would have to hope that his bannerman stay loyal to the caus… [view original content]
Lucifer’s earlier wife was incapable of giving him an heir, but she died a couple months ago. Soon His Grace will have a new, young and fertile wife – my beautiful daughter Gwyneth.”
Not going to lie here, the entire time while reading this sentence, I was like "Oh shit, oh shit, not that guy, not that guy" until I noticed that they were, thank the Great Other, not talking about him marrying Gwendis. Gwyneth and Gwendis are just too similar in terms of names XD I haven't even thought about such a possibility before, even though technically, Lucifer would probably be a very suitable husband for her, even if he's more than two times her age. But considering his temper and general personality, he's also probably the second worst husband in Dorne, only second to Albin Manwoody. That means, I'm feeling sorry for the Tiddle girl, because I can't imagine that to be a happy marriage for her.
[Call his bluff]
This was another choice I found to be very hard. Ultimately, I believe the arguments the others have brought up are strong enough to make me decide in favour of calling his bluff. First of all, Jamison has been sent to offer financial support, not military. He's been sent to prove himself and he can't do it if he goes against his father's wishes and puts Vorian into a situation where he might have to sent military aid in a situation where he doesn't even want to. Aside from that, the Dayne troops are needed in the north, to fight Albin Manwoody. Meanwhile, I also think Lucifer is bluffing. He's not in a position to refuse such aid, not from a house as powerful as Dayne. He not only needs their financial support, he needs them to stay calm while he fights his war, because if he's in the east battling his enemies, they could easily go and take their lands back if he does not strike a deal with them now.
Jamison observed the sunrise from the small window of the chambers given to him. He could see nothing in the east but desert. It … morewas an absurd thought that somewhere there was supposed to be a threat so big that it had made even King Vorian worried. Jamison still thought the Martells weren’t a real threat, and never would be, but he would form this alliance with Drylands just to impress his father.
Jamison turned away from the window, taking in a deep breath and walking to the door. He left his room, and behind his door were two Dayne guards that followed him as he made his way towards the council chamber of Hellgate Hall.
As he walked through the hallway he noticed the eyes of the service maids and handmaidens turning on him, and he flashed the pretty ones a smirk, just to see them blush. The look on the eyes of the Dryland knights and soldiers were less warm. Jamison gave them a smirk too though, just to show how little he … [view original content]
Hehe, the thought of that (Gwendis marrying Lucifer) did cross my mind a while ago, but the Blackmonts don't really have any kind of connection to Drylands. And anyway, the plans of Gwyneth marrying Lucifer are much older and I didn't want to ditch them
For Lucifer the most important thing atm is to just get an heir - so important that it doesn't even matter if the wife comes from a house as minor as the Tiddles.
Lucifer’s earlier wife was incapable of giving him an heir, but she died a couple months ago. Soon His Grace will have a new, young and fert… moreile wife – my beautiful daughter Gwyneth.”
Not going to lie here, the entire time while reading this sentence, I was like "Oh shit, oh shit, not that guy, not that guy" until I noticed that they were, thank the Great Other, not talking about him marrying Gwendis. Gwyneth and Gwendis are just too similar in terms of names XD I haven't even thought about such a possibility before, even though technically, Lucifer would probably be a very suitable husband for her, even if he's more than two times her age. But considering his temper and general personality, he's also probably the second worst husband in Dorne, only second to Albin Manwoody. That means, I'm feeling sorry for the Tiddle girl, because I can't imagine that to be a happy marriage for her.
[Call his bluff]
This was another choice I fo… [view original content]
Jamison observed the sunrise from the small window of the chambers given to him. He could see nothing in the east but desert. It … morewas an absurd thought that somewhere there was supposed to be a threat so big that it had made even King Vorian worried. Jamison still thought the Martells weren’t a real threat, and never would be, but he would form this alliance with Drylands just to impress his father.
Jamison turned away from the window, taking in a deep breath and walking to the door. He left his room, and behind his door were two Dayne guards that followed him as he made his way towards the council chamber of Hellgate Hall.
As he walked through the hallway he noticed the eyes of the service maids and handmaidens turning on him, and he flashed the pretty ones a smirk, just to see them blush. The look on the eyes of the Dryland knights and soldiers were less warm. Jamison gave them a smirk too though, just to show how little he … [view original content]
Jamison observed the sunrise from the small window of the chambers given to him. He could see nothing in the east but desert. It … morewas an absurd thought that somewhere there was supposed to be a threat so big that it had made even King Vorian worried. Jamison still thought the Martells weren’t a real threat, and never would be, but he would form this alliance with Drylands just to impress his father.
Jamison turned away from the window, taking in a deep breath and walking to the door. He left his room, and behind his door were two Dayne guards that followed him as he made his way towards the council chamber of Hellgate Hall.
As he walked through the hallway he noticed the eyes of the service maids and handmaidens turning on him, and he flashed the pretty ones a smirk, just to see them blush. The look on the eyes of the Dryland knights and soldiers were less warm. Jamison gave them a smirk too though, just to show how little he … [view original content]
The thought hasn't crossed my mind before, which made it all the more shocking for me and all the more relieving when I realized that they were not talking about Gwendis. But it would have made sense for sure. Even if Benedict manages to get Gwendis a crown prince, of which there are only two unmarried in Dorne if I'm not mistaken, a king would be undoubtedly even more worthy of her royal name, especially an older king without a prior heir, who might even be unable to father children, because that would mean that Gwendis would get a claim to his lands after his death. It's really good that Lucifer already made plans to marry Gwyneth Tiddle long before Benedict realized how beneficial such a union could be for him and his house. I'm certainly relieved it ended up this way, because Lucifer doesn't sound like a loving husband. Poor Gwyneth might be in for a very bad time, but I really hope she'll be fine.
Hehe, the thought of that (Gwendis marrying Lucifer) did cross my mind a while ago, but the Blackmonts don't really have any kind of connect… moreion to Drylands. And anyway, the plans of Gwyneth marrying Lucifer are much older and I didn't want to ditch them
For Lucifer the most important thing atm is to just get an heir - so important that it doesn't even matter if the wife comes from a house as minor as the Tiddles.
Don't worry Liquid, I'm sure Gwendis will find someone. Perhaps Obara Fowler could be her matchmaker. She did tell Isabella that there was a Yronwood heir around her (Isabella's) age. Since that union wasn't pursued, perhaps he will be available for Gwendis.
The thought hasn't crossed my mind before, which made it all the more shocking for me and all the more relieving when I realized that they w… moreere not talking about Gwendis. But it would have made sense for sure. Even if Benedict manages to get Gwendis a crown prince, of which there are only two unmarried in Dorne if I'm not mistaken, a king would be undoubtedly even more worthy of her royal name, especially an older king without a prior heir, who might even be unable to father children, because that would mean that Gwendis would get a claim to his lands after his death. It's really good that Lucifer already made plans to marry Gwyneth Tiddle long before Benedict realized how beneficial such a union could be for him and his house. I'm certainly relieved it ended up this way, because Lucifer doesn't sound like a loving husband. Poor Gwyneth might be in for a very bad time, but I really hope she'll be fine.
Jamison observed the sunrise from the small window of the chambers given to him. He could see nothing in the east but desert. It … morewas an absurd thought that somewhere there was supposed to be a threat so big that it had made even King Vorian worried. Jamison still thought the Martells weren’t a real threat, and never would be, but he would form this alliance with Drylands just to impress his father.
Jamison turned away from the window, taking in a deep breath and walking to the door. He left his room, and behind his door were two Dayne guards that followed him as he made his way towards the council chamber of Hellgate Hall.
As he walked through the hallway he noticed the eyes of the service maids and handmaidens turning on him, and he flashed the pretty ones a smirk, just to see them blush. The look on the eyes of the Dryland knights and soldiers were less warm. Jamison gave them a smirk too though, just to show how little he … [view original content]
I'm half expecting Obara to marry herself off to the Yronwoods, considering how eager she seems to make ties between their houses. Perhaps King Yorick could need a new bride XD But in all seriousness, I wouldn't be too surprised if she actually finds a way to go against Garrison's wishes after all, I consider her crafty enough for that. At the same time, the Yronwood heir is still my strongest bet for the kind of husband Benedict has in mind for Gwendis. But aside from that guy, there aren't many suitable husbands in Dorne, at least when it comes to royalty. If Obara somehow messes up a potential marriage between Naemon and Isabella, then it would leave an opening for Gwendis to marry one of Isabella's brothers to seal the Fowler-Blackmont alliance.
I'm just happy it's not going to be Lucifer Dryland. Only Albin Manwoody would be worse
Don't worry Liquid, I'm sure Gwendis will find someone. Perhaps Obara Fowler could be her matchmaker. She did tell Isabella that there was a… more Yronwood heir around her (Isabella's) age. Since that union wasn't pursued, perhaps he will be available for Gwendis.
I'm just kidding, don't worry!
I'm loving that drawing. He looks so fabulous, with his tiny twirled moustache and purple turban! I'm clearly going to miss him, the most stylish assassin ever
Purple Ocelot? More like the Magnificent Swag-a-lot Nah, but in all seriousness this is a great drawing, and he's a character that was taken away so soon. I've once again caught up!
Purple Ocelot? More like the Magnificent Swag-a-lot Nah, but in all seriousness this is a great drawing, and he's a character that was taken away so soon. I've once again caught up!
Being a high supporter of Dayne's here, I really don't want them getting involved in this war. Not yet at least, and certainly not with the Dryland's. With the Blackmont's, Fowler's or Yronwood's, yes. With the Dryland's, no. I think it's a bad investment, especially with Lucifer having nothing to offer but land that already was once in possession to House Dayne. He's backed himself into a corner here, I don't think it's wise to fall for his final stand. Great part by the way!
Jamison observed the sunrise from the small window of the chambers given to him. He could see nothing in the east but desert. It … morewas an absurd thought that somewhere there was supposed to be a threat so big that it had made even King Vorian worried. Jamison still thought the Martells weren’t a real threat, and never would be, but he would form this alliance with Drylands just to impress his father.
Jamison turned away from the window, taking in a deep breath and walking to the door. He left his room, and behind his door were two Dayne guards that followed him as he made his way towards the council chamber of Hellgate Hall.
As he walked through the hallway he noticed the eyes of the service maids and handmaidens turning on him, and he flashed the pretty ones a smirk, just to see them blush. The look on the eyes of the Dryland knights and soldiers were less warm. Jamison gave them a smirk too though, just to show how little he … [view original content]
Jamison will call Lucifer's bluff. It will be interesting to see how Lucifer reacts, as he seems quite pissed at the moment. In one way at least this probably was a good choice: Vorian wouldn't have been thrilled about Jamison making such promises.
The next part will probably be ready tomorrow, and it will be a Dianna PoV. Last time we saw Dianna she was escorting Adian Dalt - the nephew of Lord Darin Dalt - back to Lemonwood, along with a convoy of 50 soldiers. There was an obstacle on their road, as the Bandit Lord's men had destroyed the bridge and they had to make a detour to west. Dianna had a small confrontation with Adian, who explained her that his uncle didn't want Nymeria to know about the Bandit Lord because he refuses to recognize Efran Sand as anything more than minor annoyance. Dianna however sent Captain Sanyra back to Sandship to inform Nymeria about the situation. Later they arrived to a village where the Bandit Lord's men had visited earlier - collecting taxes for Efran, killing two who refused, and recruiting two young men to join them. Adian explained that things like this had been happening for a while now, and they are incapable to do anything because the Bandit Lord hides and strikes in the night rather than facing the Dalts on the field. They still had couple hours before sunset, but as they saw a storm coming from the east, they decided to stay in the village for the night.
It was clear that staying the night on the village had been a good choice, as Dianna heard the storm bashing the roof. They sat inside one of the village’s shacks, most of them sleeping, but Dianna couldn’t. She could see and hear Javor snoring, like most of the soldiers, but Adian Dalt was awake, sitting quietly in the corner next to his sleeping guards.
“Can’t get sleep, huh?” Dianna asked quietly, and the noble boy gave her a shy nod. “And why is that?” She asked with genuine interest.
“It’s this whole situation.” Adian muttered, avoiding eye contact with Dianna. “And this storm… It’s a sign of worse things to come.” Dianna raised an eyebrow. “You mean the Bandit Lord?” She asked, and Adian shrugged. “Perhaps… Or perhaps something else, something even worse.” He answered with sullen tone.
“If there is something more you haven’t told…”
“No.” Adian cut her off with sharp tone. “That’s not what I meant… But we both know a war is coming soon. Now, I might not be an expert on the subject, but I’ve read enough history to know that war means death, and lots of it.” Dianna sighed and gave the boy a nod of agreement. “You are right on that…” She said quietly, thinking about all the friends she had lost on the war against the Valyrians, including the man who had once saved her from terrible life.
“You have experience on this?” Adian asked with gentle tone, and now it was Dianna who avoided the eye contact. “Every Rhoynar does.” She answered shortly, turning her eyes away. “The dragons… They devoured so much beauty and goodness from this world.” Dianna spoke more to herself than to the Dalt boy.
“I’ve read about the Valyrians and heard about their… reputation.” Adian said calmly. “I’m sorry for what happened to your people. I just hope the tragedy won’t be repeated here in Dorne.” Dianna let out a joyless chuckle. “It’s an endless circle, boy.” She stated with cynical tone. “The tragedy will always be repeated, as long as there are men to fight wars.”
“Or women.” Adian remarked quietly, glancing at Dianna, who gave him a small smirk. Then silence took over the shack, and after a while both of them fell asleep.
Later next day the sky was clear again, and the convoy was closing Lemonwood. Dianna could already see the yellow fortress, the lemon trees, the sea, and the small harbor and the market fair next to it. She could smell the fresh air of the ocean, and hear the merchants selling their products on the market.
“Here we are.” Adian said quietly, keeping his eyes at the tallest tower of the fortress. Lemonwood was about the same size as Sandship, perhaps even slightly larger.
As they walked through the market Dianna noticed that almost no one was smiling. The merchants looked nervous, as did the customers. Perhaps it was the soldiers that intimidated them, or perhaps the threat of the Bandit Lord creeped on their minds. Dianna kept a stern expression on as they walked through the dusty alleyways of the small town.
As they arrived to the gates of Lemonwood, the drawbridge was lowered and the portcullis raised. They made their way into the courtyard, where yellow and purple banners hung on the walls. In the middle of the courtyard was a well, next to the forge. The doors of the main keep were opened, and a tall and muscular man on his early forties walked to them through the courtyard. The man had a simple green tunic and trousers, but the gold on his fingers revealed he was indeed a nobleman.
“Adian, welcome home!” The man said as he arrived to them, a touch of relief in his words. “Thank you, father.” Adian replied with a smile. “These are Captains Dianna and Javor, they bring with them thirty soldiers from Princess Nymeria’s army.” The muscular man turned to look at Dianna and Javor.
“Nice to meet you.” He said with a polite tone. “I am Ser Dallin Dalt, brother of Lord Darin.”
“Nice to meet you too.” Dianna replied dryly. “We heard about the problems you are having with this… Efran Sand.” The mention of this name instantly killed the smile on Dallin’s face. “Indeed.” He said grimly. “I was hoping we’d get more than thirty soldiers, Efran is a bigger problem than my brother likes to admit.”
“Your son didn’t tell about how severe the situation is when he met Nymeria.” Javor said, glancing at Adian, and Dallin gave him a nod. “Yes, my brother’s foolish orders to him.” He answered with a sigh. “Adian, you can go rest now, I’ll take our guests to Darin.” Adian gave one more glance at Dianna, before walking away.
Ser Dallin walked Dianna and Javor into the main keep, while the soldiers stayed in the courtyard. The lords, knights and ladies of the court looked at Dianna and Javor with interest, some of them whispering to each other as they walked by.
“People have waited for your arrival.” Ser Dallin said with casual tone. “Some agree with Darin’s decision to bend the knee to Nymeria and Mors, others think we should’ve done what the Tolands did.”
“And what do you think?” Dianna asked with calm words, and Dallin shrugged. “I know that Mors is a good man, I know nothing about Nymeria. But if this helps us with rooting out Efran…” Dallin stopped his sentence as they arrived to the doors of the great hall. Above the wooden doors was an old shield, painted purple, with nine lemons on it.
“I apologize in advance if my brother’s behavior is disrespectful… He is under a lot of stress.” Dallin spoke with concern in his words. “But this House really needs help, even if he might not admit it.”
“We understand.” Javor said with a friendly tone, and Dianna also gave him a nod. Then they opened the doors and walked in. The hall was almost empty, only few guards stood by the walls, and of course Lord Darin himself sat behind the high table with a stern look on his face.
“You are the warriors of the Martells, aren’t you?” Darin’s voice was tired, and he took a sip from the mug in front of him.
“They are.” Ser Dallin answered for his brother. “Captains Javor and…”
“Dianna.” Dianna helped, as Dallin didn’t remember her name. “We escorted your nephew back home, and brought thirty soldiers with us, to help you with the problem you have with bandits on your lands. It’s not much, but Nymeria wasn’t aware of how bad the situation is, so…” The Lord raised his hand, and Dianna stopped talking.
“I assume my brother and nephew have talked about their… concerns.” Darin took another sip from the mug before continuing. “However, there is no war on my lands, just a band of scum running around and terrorizing innocent people.”
“Sounds like a war to me.” Javor remarked, and Lord Dalt sent a glare to him. “Well I guess you could call it war, but it’s a stretch.” Daris spoke with dismissive tone. “I defeated Jaxar, who was supported by some of my vassals. I can damn well defeat his bastard, who is supported only by bandits and other lowlifes.”
“As you say.” Dianna replied sternly. “But you asked for aid, what do you want us to do?”
“There are couple things you could do at first.” Darin said casually, taking another gulp from his mug. “First of all, I know that supporters of that bastard are in that town and harbor outside my walls.” The Lord clenched his fists as he said this. “If I send my own men to root them out, that will only make people angry.”
“So you want us to go there and take the blame?” Dianna asked, raising an eyebrow. “This is also your problem now.” Darin replied coldly. “We submitted to Nymeria, and now we are asking for a favor.” Dianna let out a sigh.
“So, what are we looking for?” She asked with monotone words, and Darin smiled at her. “That’s more like it.” He said with a chuckle. “I want you to go through the town and harbors, question people, ask what they know, rumors, stories, anything. And if someone acts strangely, seize them and bring them to me.”
Dianna glanced at Javor, who gave her a subtle nod. “Understood.” Dianna said as he turned back to Darin.
“I have one more question, Captain Dianna.” Lord Darin spoke, twiddling the mug on his hand. “I’ve understood most of your soldiers are women… But can a bunch of women really be trusted with such an important mission?” Dianna narrowed her eyes. She wasn’t sure if Lord Darin was trying to mock her, or if he was serious with his question.
[Give him a polite answer][Give him a rude answer]
It was clear that staying the night on the village had been a good choice, as Dianna heard the storm bashing the roof. They sat in… moreside one of the village’s shacks, most of them sleeping, but Dianna couldn’t. She could see and hear Javor snoring, like most of the soldiers, but Adian Dalt was awake, sitting quietly in the corner next to his sleeping guards.
“Can’t get sleep, huh?” Dianna asked quietly, and the noble boy gave her a shy nod. “And why is that?” She asked with genuine interest.
“It’s this whole situation.” Adian muttered, avoiding eye contact with Dianna. “And this storm… It’s a sign of worse things to come.” Dianna raised an eyebrow. “You mean the Bandit Lord?” She asked, and Adian shrugged. “Perhaps… Or perhaps something else, something even worse.” He answered with sullen tone.
“If there is something more you haven’t told…”
“No.” Adian cut her off with sharp tone. “That’s not what I meant… But we both know … [view original content]
It was clear that staying the night on the village had been a good choice, as Dianna heard the storm bashing the roof. They sat in… moreside one of the village’s shacks, most of them sleeping, but Dianna couldn’t. She could see and hear Javor snoring, like most of the soldiers, but Adian Dalt was awake, sitting quietly in the corner next to his sleeping guards.
“Can’t get sleep, huh?” Dianna asked quietly, and the noble boy gave her a shy nod. “And why is that?” She asked with genuine interest.
“It’s this whole situation.” Adian muttered, avoiding eye contact with Dianna. “And this storm… It’s a sign of worse things to come.” Dianna raised an eyebrow. “You mean the Bandit Lord?” She asked, and Adian shrugged. “Perhaps… Or perhaps something else, something even worse.” He answered with sullen tone.
“If there is something more you haven’t told…”
“No.” Adian cut her off with sharp tone. “That’s not what I meant… But we both know … [view original content]
You know what, screw that guy. It's definitely not a serious question, because I mean, what kind of question is that? He is a Martell bannerman now and that means he better gets used to the rhoynish culture. I don't want to piss him off, but he apparently wants to piss Dianna off, so I think it is time to show him that this is not a great time to question the decisions of his princess. With such a move, it might even be possible for Dianna to win his respect.
It was clear that staying the night on the village had been a good choice, as Dianna heard the storm bashing the roof. They sat in… moreside one of the village’s shacks, most of them sleeping, but Dianna couldn’t. She could see and hear Javor snoring, like most of the soldiers, but Adian Dalt was awake, sitting quietly in the corner next to his sleeping guards.
“Can’t get sleep, huh?” Dianna asked quietly, and the noble boy gave her a shy nod. “And why is that?” She asked with genuine interest.
“It’s this whole situation.” Adian muttered, avoiding eye contact with Dianna. “And this storm… It’s a sign of worse things to come.” Dianna raised an eyebrow. “You mean the Bandit Lord?” She asked, and Adian shrugged. “Perhaps… Or perhaps something else, something even worse.” He answered with sullen tone.
“If there is something more you haven’t told…”
“No.” Adian cut her off with sharp tone. “That’s not what I meant… But we both know … [view original content]
It was clear that staying the night on the village had been a good choice, as Dianna heard the storm bashing the roof. They sat in… moreside one of the village’s shacks, most of them sleeping, but Dianna couldn’t. She could see and hear Javor snoring, like most of the soldiers, but Adian Dalt was awake, sitting quietly in the corner next to his sleeping guards.
“Can’t get sleep, huh?” Dianna asked quietly, and the noble boy gave her a shy nod. “And why is that?” She asked with genuine interest.
“It’s this whole situation.” Adian muttered, avoiding eye contact with Dianna. “And this storm… It’s a sign of worse things to come.” Dianna raised an eyebrow. “You mean the Bandit Lord?” She asked, and Adian shrugged. “Perhaps… Or perhaps something else, something even worse.” He answered with sullen tone.
“If there is something more you haven’t told…”
“No.” Adian cut her off with sharp tone. “That’s not what I meant… But we both know … [view original content]
It was clear that staying the night on the village had been a good choice, as Dianna heard the storm bashing the roof. They sat in… moreside one of the village’s shacks, most of them sleeping, but Dianna couldn’t. She could see and hear Javor snoring, like most of the soldiers, but Adian Dalt was awake, sitting quietly in the corner next to his sleeping guards.
“Can’t get sleep, huh?” Dianna asked quietly, and the noble boy gave her a shy nod. “And why is that?” She asked with genuine interest.
“It’s this whole situation.” Adian muttered, avoiding eye contact with Dianna. “And this storm… It’s a sign of worse things to come.” Dianna raised an eyebrow. “You mean the Bandit Lord?” She asked, and Adian shrugged. “Perhaps… Or perhaps something else, something even worse.” He answered with sullen tone.
“If there is something more you haven’t told…”
“No.” Adian cut her off with sharp tone. “That’s not what I meant… But we both know … [view original content]
[Tell him that he already lost]
House Upton

Motto: We Fear No Foes
Background Music: At the Sword's Edge

red bloodstains are barely visible on purple, this is the best result I got for the CoA
This is how the Coat of Arms looked like on large scale without the bloodstains and bloodstones on the sword crossguards
Both silver/white & purple/red are clashing colors on shields, that's why the differences are almost fully gone on the end result
*We Fear No Foes.
Not that "I" is any worse, but I'd like to respect CM3434's vision of the House
But otherwise, nice work! I at least really like the CoA, and you found a fitting song again
Just a typo
Alright
[Cut him]
Well, even Alester is encouraging Naemon to finish this like a man, so why not? It was Upton who wanted the duel, it was Upton who tried to kill him (so we can't be sure that it won't happen again), it was Upton who severely lost. "There's is no reason to turn his House against Blackmonts", said JorianDrake - well, I'd say it just happened. With this attitude of Alester to Naemon, these two won't meet any alliance or agreement - so maybe it's better to weaken the situation of this House?
[Tell him that he already lost]
Voting is closed!
And Naemon will tell Alester that he already lost this duel. Interesting, for some reason I expected you to vote mostly for the punch, but it ended up with 0 votes
Anyway, this choice will be just as nice to write, and it definitely gives Naemon a more honorable streak. Btw, FYI the "cut him" choice wouldn't have killed Alester, just severly injured him.
The next part is Jamison PoV, and it's under work. I have a completely free day tomorrow, and while I probably won't spend the entirety of it writing, the part will most likely be finished. Recap for Jamison: The last part was a return from Jamison after a long break. He was on his way to Hellgate Hall, on a mission his father gave him, to form an alliance with the Drylands against the Martells. During the visit in Sandstone, Lord Allar Qorgyle made Jamison promise to deliver his terms to King Lucifer: Qorgyles will stay out of the war if Lucifer leaves their lands in peace in the future, otherwise he'll help the Martells. Jamison made the promise, and so the Qorgyle soldier Korb Fyste, and Septon Anthor joined the convoy to make sure Jamison would keep his promise. After the tiresome travel to Hellgate Hall, Lewyn Tiddle welcomed the convoy, and there was the question of wheter Jamison's negotiations with the King would be right away, or postponed to next morning. Jamison chose to have rest and leave the negotiations for tomorrow.
Jamison observed the sunrise from the small window of the chambers given to him. He could see nothing in the east but desert. It was an absurd thought that somewhere there was supposed to be a threat so big that it had made even King Vorian worried. Jamison still thought the Martells weren’t a real threat, and never would be, but he would form this alliance with Drylands just to impress his father.
Jamison turned away from the window, taking in a deep breath and walking to the door. He left his room, and behind his door were two Dayne guards that followed him as he made his way towards the council chamber of Hellgate Hall.
As he walked through the hallway he noticed the eyes of the service maids and handmaidens turning on him, and he flashed the pretty ones a smirk, just to see them blush. The look on the eyes of the Dryland knights and soldiers were less warm. Jamison gave them a smirk too though, just to show how little he cared.
“My Prince.” Ser Laroy greeted him with a bow as he arrived to the door of the council chamber. “Should we go inside?” Jamison asked with a bored tone. “Not yet.” Laroy answered hastily. “We should wait for the septon, as well as Ser Rolan.”
“And what about Ser Aron?” Jamison asked, though in truth he had little interest. “Ser Aron prefers to stay away from these kinds of meetings… Says that he loathes politics.” Laroy explained, and Jamison raised an eyebrow. He knew hardly anything about Ser Aron of the Southpoint, only that he was a quiet man. And apparently not interested in politics. Jamison sighed and turned to look back at the hallway, where he saw Lewyn Tiddle walking towards them. The man was once again dressed in clean and simple black clothes, and he had his friendly smile on.
“Should we go to the meeting now?” He asked calmly, but Jamison shook his head. “We are still waiting for Septon Anthor, and Ser Rolan Nightfall.” A frustrated expression flashed on Lewyn’s face, but he quickly regained his polite smile and nodded.
They stood there in an awkward silence for couple minutes, until the septon arrived with his usual worried expression on. Not far behind him walked Ser Rolan with quick steps. “Sorry for being late, My Prince.” He apologized, catching his breath. “I had an important conversation with my nephew.” Jamison gave him a stern nod, wondering what had Lyreon done now.
“Alright then, follow me.” Lewyn said, as he walked to the door and opened it for them. It was a large room with high ceiling and red stone pillars. At the end of the room was a long table, and Jamison could see the King sitting at the middle on a chair that was taller than the others. On his left sat an old lord with red and yellow robes. And on his right sat a heavily tanned man on his fifties, with dark grey hair and beard, wearing black and white clothes.
“Lord Harrion Uller, King Lucifer, and my lord father Bedwyck Tiddle.” Lewyn listed as they walked closer to the table, and Jamison gave him a nod. When they arrived to the table Lewyn walked to the other side and sat next to his father, while Jamison and his companions took the seats opposed to the King.
“So, you finally decided to respect me with your presence, Sword of the Night.” Lucifer spoke with sour tone, eyeing Jamison with distrusting gaze. “I only know you by your reputation, and I can say I’m not expecting much.” The King said, and Jamison chuckled for this.
“And I know hardly anything about you, Your Grace.” Jamison answered with a smirk. “So forgive me if I have no expectations at all.” The King narrowed his eyes for this, but stayed quiet.
“May I ask, Ser Jamison, who are your companions?” Lord Uller asked with his lordly tone. “Sure.” Jamison said lazily. “The knights with me are Ser Laroy Ladybright and Ser Rolan Nightfall. And…”
“And I am Anthor, septon of Sandstone.” The Septon cut off Jamison, focusing his stare on King Lucifer, who looked slightly confused. “And why have you brought the septon of Sandstone with you, Prince Jamison?” Lucifer asked with stern tone, but the septon answered for him.
“I am here to make sure Jamison delivers the terms that Lord Allar Qorgyle has given.” Anthor’s words were determined, and Jamison could see Lord Uller rolling his eyes. “What terms are you talking about?” Lucifer asked quietly, glancing at Jamison as he spoke.
“Allar demands that you must keep your forces out of his lands during and after this war, or he will side with the Martells.” The septon said, and Lucifer sent him a glare. “Is this a threat?” He asked with anger in his voice.
“It’s an offer.” Anthor replied dryly. “We offer you freedom to fight your war without our interference, if you promise on the Seven Gods to leave our lands in peace.” Lucifer let out a small laugh, looking at Anthor and Jamison, as if he wasn’t sure whether this was a joke.
“Lord Allar has got some nerve, I admit that.” He muttered, shaking his head. “Or perhaps he is just a coward… Sending a septon and a Dayne to deliver his threats.”
“As the septon said, this is not a threat.” Jamison said calmly. “It’s just something you need to agree to, if we want to make this alliance work. Qorgyles hold the routes through the southern desert, as well as all the wells and oases on those lands.” The King clenched his teeth, tapping his fingers on the table.
“You are not the first Dayne to visit my halls lately, you know.” He suddenly said, and Jamison raised his eyebrow in surprise. “In a way, I already have an alliance with the Daynes – one of you is already under my command.”
“What in Seven Hells are you talking about?” Ser Laroy asked with slightly angered tone, and a grin appeared on the King’s face. “Your sister, Prince Jamison. She was here a couple days ago, Nealia, I think her name is. She works with a man named Tryden Flowers, who happens to be under my command.” The Bastard Princess, Jamison thought, a smile flashing on his face as the happy memories surfaced. He quickly regained his serious expression though, putting his feelings aside.
“She is my sister, yes, but she is no Dayne – she is Sand.” Jamison spoke coldly, and Lucifer narrowed his eyes. “No love for you half-sister, huh?” His words were sour. “No wonder he prefers the company of scum like Tryden… Though perhaps you are right on this, I know from my own experience that giving too much attention for bastards is a waste of time.” The King said, and Jamison gulped subtly. It was hard to act as if he had no warm feelings for Nealia. He had many friends in his childhood, from tough guys like Alester Upton to fools like Rickar Nightfall, but Nealia had been the only one whom Jamison could really show all his sides – including the weaknesses.
“If your intention was to somehow blackmail me with Nealia, you can forget that.” Jamison said with a lazy tone and an emotionless smirk. “So, how about you make the promise to the septon, and then we can move on with the negotiations.” Lucifer’s expression was at the same time amused and frustrated. “Fine then.” He grunted. “Get on with it, septon, before I change my mind.” He rushed, glaring at Anthor, who gave him a small nod.
“Here, under the eyes of the Seven Gods, do you, King Lucifer of House Dryland promise to leave the Qorgyles and their lands in peace, from this day forward?” Anthor spoke with zealous words. “I do.” The King said sternly. “But if the Qorgyles ever violate this peace, or insult me in any way, this promise won’t mean anything – I promise you that as well.” The underlying threat in Lucifer’s words made the septon sigh. “So be it.” He said with slightly tired tone. “I suppose my part in this negotiation is over, farewell.” Anthor stood up from the table, gave them a bow and walked away.
“Now that we are done with that mummer’s farce, how about we move on with the negotiations?” Lord Bedwyck asked with a subtle smile. “Sounds good to me.” Jamison spoke quietly, focusing his eyes on Lucifer.
“The real question here is why would I even want an alliance with the Daynes?” Lucifer spoke with arrogant tone, looking down at Jamison. “Careful, Lucifer.” Jamison replied with a smirk. “I know you are surrounded by enemies, just waiting to attack when the time is right. I have heard myself how Lord Qorgyle spoke of you, and I doubt Lords Vaith, Gargalen and Allyrion have a much better opinion on you. You may have just avoided making Qorgyles your enemies, thanks to me, but the other ones might still side with the Martells. I’m not even sure why father wants to help you, but if you want that help, you better be respectful towards me.”
“Your father doesn’t want to help King Lucifer.” Bedwyck snarled. “He wants back territories that his ancestors lost to the Drylands. That’s what you have come here to negotiate for, right?” Jamison sent a glare at Lord Tiddle before answering. “I am also here to offer financial aid for defeating the Martells – supplies, weapons, crops, gold.” He explained, trying to keep his voice calm. “I have to wonder though, is there sense in aiding a dynasty with no heir?”
“You don’t have to worry about that, Prince Jamison.” Bedwyck answered with a grin. “Lucifer’s earlier wife was incapable of giving him an heir, but she died a couple months ago. Soon His Grace will have a new, young and fertile wife – my beautiful daughter Gwyneth.” Lord Tiddle looked very proud of himself as he said this, but the look on the King’s face was sullen.
“Congratulations.” Jamison said dryly. “But I’m still not sure whether it’s a wise move for the Kingdom of Torrentine to support Kingdom of Brimstone. Go on Lucifer, give me a reason to support you.” Jamison spoke with laid back tone, and his words seemed to annoy the King.
“Just tell me what are you asking for.” Lucifer grunted, and Jamison let out a sigh. “Alright then, we want the Clearhaven, and all of the coast west from it.” He said, and the King furrowed his eyebrows.
“Clearhaven?” He asked with agitated tone. “It’s one of the few ports on the southern coast and you think I’ll just give it to you for some trivial financial support!” Jamison chuckled at the King’s reaction. “Clearhaven belongs to the Daynes, we are only being nice for taking it this way, rather than by force.”
“May the Others take you and your offers!" Lucifer shouted. "If you are not going to offer at least military support, these negotiations are over!” The King seemed to be serious, and Jamison gulped. His father had sent him to negotiate for giving financial support, not military, but returning home with empty hands would be just as bad, if not worse. Perhaps he’s just bluffing.
[Promise military support] [Call his bluff]
Ha, and then some of them blushed too!
[Call his bluff]
Not because I believe he is bluffing, but because I doubt Jamison has a right to promise armed involvement in the war on Dryland side for King Dayne without at least asking at home about it
edit: King Dryland can use the gold and weapons to equip and train new soldiers, or hire entire mercenary companies (and use supplies, food to maintain them). No need for Jamison to offer military support even if the King isn't bluffing, and House Dayne isn't desperate for the Dryland alliance, while the opposite of this is likely to be true for House Dryland which is more closer to the conquests of House Martell.
[Promise military support]
I feel he's not bluffing. This alliance probably won't happen if we disagree. We need to make some sacrifices, don't we?
Also, I'm so pumped of what you thought up for Gwyneth, omigod
I expanded my comment on the choice, please read it and consider what I wrote.
Jamison calling the bluff (possibility in reaction):
"Well then, House Dayne may had been mistaken that your highness needs food, supplies, gold, and weapons." He stands up ready to leave. "As said, we just politely offered to pay for what we can take by force, and I believe the offer was quite magnanimous. I see House Dryland rather chooses two enemies on two fronts than friends on one." Jamison takes a step towards the door. "What a shame, that amount of resources would've easily allowed hiring a couple whole armies against the Martells, perhaps we will have to offer something else to Vaith."
House Tiddle

Motto: Blooming After Rainfall
Background Music (use speed 1.25): Desert Flowers

That theme is soooo good.
[Call his bluff] In my opinion, King Lucifer is definitely bluffing here. Even if it were just financial support, aid from the Daynes would help the Drylands immensely since House Dayne is not a minor bannerman rather they are a Dornish great house and have a strong kingdom of their own. King Vorian and House Dayne in general are playing it smart here by just wanting to give financial aid and see how the war with the Drylands and Martells goes before they commit Dayne troops to the cause. I imagine Lucifer knows it is a more than fair deal and he is just hoping he can outsmart Jamison by bluffing him here and it seems Jamison may realize this as well. If the Daynes don't get this alliance, they just lose out on land that they could probably conquer anyway if Vorian chose to at this point while if the Drylands don't get this alliance, House Dryland could be in big trouble and Lucifer would have to hope that his bannerman stay loyal to the cause.
By the way, this was an excellent part! The Jamison and Lucifer negotiation was amazing and one of if not my favorite part of the story so far. Great Job
I'm glad you liked it - I really enjoyed writing this negotiation, because they are both such strong characters.
Not going to lie here, the entire time while reading this sentence, I was like "Oh shit, oh shit, not that guy, not that guy" until I noticed that they were, thank the Great Other, not talking about him marrying Gwendis. Gwyneth and Gwendis are just too similar in terms of names XD I haven't even thought about such a possibility before, even though technically, Lucifer would probably be a very suitable husband for her, even if he's more than two times her age. But considering his temper and general personality, he's also probably the second worst husband in Dorne, only second to Albin Manwoody. That means, I'm feeling sorry for the Tiddle girl, because I can't imagine that to be a happy marriage for her.
[Call his bluff]
This was another choice I found to be very hard. Ultimately, I believe the arguments the others have brought up are strong enough to make me decide in favour of calling his bluff. First of all, Jamison has been sent to offer financial support, not military. He's been sent to prove himself and he can't do it if he goes against his father's wishes and puts Vorian into a situation where he might have to sent military aid in a situation where he doesn't even want to. Aside from that, the Dayne troops are needed in the north, to fight Albin Manwoody. Meanwhile, I also think Lucifer is bluffing. He's not in a position to refuse such aid, not from a house as powerful as Dayne. He not only needs their financial support, he needs them to stay calm while he fights his war, because if he's in the east battling his enemies, they could easily go and take their lands back if he does not strike a deal with them now.
Hehe, the thought of that (Gwendis marrying Lucifer) did cross my mind a while ago, but the Blackmonts don't really have any kind of connection to Drylands. And anyway, the plans of Gwyneth marrying Lucifer are much older and I didn't want to ditch them
For Lucifer the most important thing atm is to just get an heir - so important that it doesn't even matter if the wife comes from a house as minor as the Tiddles.
[Call his bluff]
[Call his bluff]
I was considering going with the other option, but the reasons given by the other posts convinced me to go with this one.
The thought hasn't crossed my mind before, which made it all the more shocking for me and all the more relieving when I realized that they were not talking about Gwendis. But it would have made sense for sure. Even if Benedict manages to get Gwendis a crown prince, of which there are only two unmarried in Dorne if I'm not mistaken, a king would be undoubtedly even more worthy of her royal name, especially an older king without a prior heir, who might even be unable to father children, because that would mean that Gwendis would get a claim to his lands after his death. It's really good that Lucifer already made plans to marry Gwyneth Tiddle long before Benedict realized how beneficial such a union could be for him and his house. I'm certainly relieved it ended up this way, because Lucifer doesn't sound like a loving husband. Poor Gwyneth might be in for a very bad time, but I really hope she'll be fine.
Don't worry Liquid, I'm sure Gwendis will find someone. Perhaps Obara Fowler could be her matchmaker. She did tell Isabella that there was a Yronwood heir around her (Isabella's) age. Since that union wasn't pursued, perhaps he will be available for Gwendis.
I'm just kidding, don't worry!
[Call his bluff]
I'm half expecting Obara to marry herself off to the Yronwoods, considering how eager she seems to make ties between their houses. Perhaps King Yorick could need a new bride XD But in all seriousness, I wouldn't be too surprised if she actually finds a way to go against Garrison's wishes after all, I consider her crafty enough for that. At the same time, the Yronwood heir is still my strongest bet for the kind of husband Benedict has in mind for Gwendis. But aside from that guy, there aren't many suitable husbands in Dorne, at least when it comes to royalty. If Obara somehow messes up a potential marriage between Naemon and Isabella, then it would leave an opening for Gwendis to marry one of Isabella's brothers to seal the Fowler-Blackmont alliance.
I'm just happy it's not going to be Lucifer Dryland. Only Albin Manwoody would be worse
I'll probably close the voting later today, but before that....
RIP Purple Ocelot
I'm loving that drawing. He looks so fabulous, with his tiny twirled moustache and purple turban! I'm clearly going to miss him, the most stylish assassin ever
Purple Ocelot? More like the Magnificent Swag-a-lot
Nah, but in all seriousness this is a great drawing, and he's a character that was taken away so soon. I've once again caught up! 
A new part should be coming during the weekend.
[Call his bluff]
Being a high supporter of Dayne's here, I really don't want them getting involved in this war. Not yet at least, and certainly not with the Dryland's. With the Blackmont's, Fowler's or Yronwood's, yes. With the Dryland's, no. I think it's a bad investment, especially with Lucifer having nothing to offer but land that already was once in possession to House Dayne. He's backed himself into a corner here, I don't think it's wise to fall for his final stand. Great part by the way!
Voting is closed!
Jamison will call Lucifer's bluff. It will be interesting to see how Lucifer reacts, as he seems quite pissed at the moment. In one way at least this probably was a good choice: Vorian wouldn't have been thrilled about Jamison making such promises.
The next part will probably be ready tomorrow, and it will be a Dianna PoV. Last time we saw Dianna she was escorting Adian Dalt - the nephew of Lord Darin Dalt - back to Lemonwood, along with a convoy of 50 soldiers. There was an obstacle on their road, as the Bandit Lord's men had destroyed the bridge and they had to make a detour to west. Dianna had a small confrontation with Adian, who explained her that his uncle didn't want Nymeria to know about the Bandit Lord because he refuses to recognize Efran Sand as anything more than minor annoyance. Dianna however sent Captain Sanyra back to Sandship to inform Nymeria about the situation. Later they arrived to a village where the Bandit Lord's men had visited earlier - collecting taxes for Efran, killing two who refused, and recruiting two young men to join them. Adian explained that things like this had been happening for a while now, and they are incapable to do anything because the Bandit Lord hides and strikes in the night rather than facing the Dalts on the field. They still had couple hours before sunset, but as they saw a storm coming from the east, they decided to stay in the village for the night.
Decided to also draw the asshole who killed this magnificent guy - here we have Zereth:
Much less swag.
I love it! I also love how his face's shape looks like the symbol of assassins from Assassin's Creed games haha.
It was clear that staying the night on the village had been a good choice, as Dianna heard the storm bashing the roof. They sat inside one of the village’s shacks, most of them sleeping, but Dianna couldn’t. She could see and hear Javor snoring, like most of the soldiers, but Adian Dalt was awake, sitting quietly in the corner next to his sleeping guards.
“Can’t get sleep, huh?” Dianna asked quietly, and the noble boy gave her a shy nod. “And why is that?” She asked with genuine interest.
“It’s this whole situation.” Adian muttered, avoiding eye contact with Dianna. “And this storm… It’s a sign of worse things to come.” Dianna raised an eyebrow. “You mean the Bandit Lord?” She asked, and Adian shrugged. “Perhaps… Or perhaps something else, something even worse.” He answered with sullen tone.
“If there is something more you haven’t told…”
“No.” Adian cut her off with sharp tone. “That’s not what I meant… But we both know a war is coming soon. Now, I might not be an expert on the subject, but I’ve read enough history to know that war means death, and lots of it.” Dianna sighed and gave the boy a nod of agreement. “You are right on that…” She said quietly, thinking about all the friends she had lost on the war against the Valyrians, including the man who had once saved her from terrible life.
“You have experience on this?” Adian asked with gentle tone, and now it was Dianna who avoided the eye contact. “Every Rhoynar does.” She answered shortly, turning her eyes away. “The dragons… They devoured so much beauty and goodness from this world.” Dianna spoke more to herself than to the Dalt boy.
“I’ve read about the Valyrians and heard about their… reputation.” Adian said calmly. “I’m sorry for what happened to your people. I just hope the tragedy won’t be repeated here in Dorne.” Dianna let out a joyless chuckle. “It’s an endless circle, boy.” She stated with cynical tone. “The tragedy will always be repeated, as long as there are men to fight wars.”
“Or women.” Adian remarked quietly, glancing at Dianna, who gave him a small smirk. Then silence took over the shack, and after a while both of them fell asleep.
Later next day the sky was clear again, and the convoy was closing Lemonwood. Dianna could already see the yellow fortress, the lemon trees, the sea, and the small harbor and the market fair next to it. She could smell the fresh air of the ocean, and hear the merchants selling their products on the market.
“Here we are.” Adian said quietly, keeping his eyes at the tallest tower of the fortress. Lemonwood was about the same size as Sandship, perhaps even slightly larger.
As they walked through the market Dianna noticed that almost no one was smiling. The merchants looked nervous, as did the customers. Perhaps it was the soldiers that intimidated them, or perhaps the threat of the Bandit Lord creeped on their minds. Dianna kept a stern expression on as they walked through the dusty alleyways of the small town.
As they arrived to the gates of Lemonwood, the drawbridge was lowered and the portcullis raised. They made their way into the courtyard, where yellow and purple banners hung on the walls. In the middle of the courtyard was a well, next to the forge. The doors of the main keep were opened, and a tall and muscular man on his early forties walked to them through the courtyard. The man had a simple green tunic and trousers, but the gold on his fingers revealed he was indeed a nobleman.
“Adian, welcome home!” The man said as he arrived to them, a touch of relief in his words. “Thank you, father.” Adian replied with a smile. “These are Captains Dianna and Javor, they bring with them thirty soldiers from Princess Nymeria’s army.” The muscular man turned to look at Dianna and Javor.
“Nice to meet you.” He said with a polite tone. “I am Ser Dallin Dalt, brother of Lord Darin.”
“Nice to meet you too.” Dianna replied dryly. “We heard about the problems you are having with this… Efran Sand.” The mention of this name instantly killed the smile on Dallin’s face. “Indeed.” He said grimly. “I was hoping we’d get more than thirty soldiers, Efran is a bigger problem than my brother likes to admit.”
“Your son didn’t tell about how severe the situation is when he met Nymeria.” Javor said, glancing at Adian, and Dallin gave him a nod. “Yes, my brother’s foolish orders to him.” He answered with a sigh. “Adian, you can go rest now, I’ll take our guests to Darin.” Adian gave one more glance at Dianna, before walking away.
Ser Dallin walked Dianna and Javor into the main keep, while the soldiers stayed in the courtyard. The lords, knights and ladies of the court looked at Dianna and Javor with interest, some of them whispering to each other as they walked by.
“People have waited for your arrival.” Ser Dallin said with casual tone. “Some agree with Darin’s decision to bend the knee to Nymeria and Mors, others think we should’ve done what the Tolands did.”
“And what do you think?” Dianna asked with calm words, and Dallin shrugged. “I know that Mors is a good man, I know nothing about Nymeria. But if this helps us with rooting out Efran…” Dallin stopped his sentence as they arrived to the doors of the great hall. Above the wooden doors was an old shield, painted purple, with nine lemons on it.
“I apologize in advance if my brother’s behavior is disrespectful… He is under a lot of stress.” Dallin spoke with concern in his words. “But this House really needs help, even if he might not admit it.”
“We understand.” Javor said with a friendly tone, and Dianna also gave him a nod. Then they opened the doors and walked in. The hall was almost empty, only few guards stood by the walls, and of course Lord Darin himself sat behind the high table with a stern look on his face.
“You are the warriors of the Martells, aren’t you?” Darin’s voice was tired, and he took a sip from the mug in front of him.
“They are.” Ser Dallin answered for his brother. “Captains Javor and…”
“Dianna.” Dianna helped, as Dallin didn’t remember her name. “We escorted your nephew back home, and brought thirty soldiers with us, to help you with the problem you have with bandits on your lands. It’s not much, but Nymeria wasn’t aware of how bad the situation is, so…” The Lord raised his hand, and Dianna stopped talking.
“I assume my brother and nephew have talked about their… concerns.” Darin took another sip from the mug before continuing. “However, there is no war on my lands, just a band of scum running around and terrorizing innocent people.”
“Sounds like a war to me.” Javor remarked, and Lord Dalt sent a glare to him. “Well I guess you could call it war, but it’s a stretch.” Daris spoke with dismissive tone. “I defeated Jaxar, who was supported by some of my vassals. I can damn well defeat his bastard, who is supported only by bandits and other lowlifes.”
“As you say.” Dianna replied sternly. “But you asked for aid, what do you want us to do?”
“There are couple things you could do at first.” Darin said casually, taking another gulp from his mug. “First of all, I know that supporters of that bastard are in that town and harbor outside my walls.” The Lord clenched his fists as he said this. “If I send my own men to root them out, that will only make people angry.”
“So you want us to go there and take the blame?” Dianna asked, raising an eyebrow. “This is also your problem now.” Darin replied coldly. “We submitted to Nymeria, and now we are asking for a favor.” Dianna let out a sigh.
“So, what are we looking for?” She asked with monotone words, and Darin smiled at her. “That’s more like it.” He said with a chuckle. “I want you to go through the town and harbors, question people, ask what they know, rumors, stories, anything. And if someone acts strangely, seize them and bring them to me.”
Dianna glanced at Javor, who gave her a subtle nod. “Understood.” Dianna said as he turned back to Darin.
“I have one more question, Captain Dianna.” Lord Darin spoke, twiddling the mug on his hand. “I’ve understood most of your soldiers are women… But can a bunch of women really be trusted with such an important mission?” Dianna narrowed her eyes. She wasn’t sure if Lord Darin was trying to mock her, or if he was serious with his question.
[Give him a polite answer] [Give him a rude answer]
[Give him a rude answer] Better to make it clear to him right at start what being under the rule of the daughters of Rhoyne means.
[Give him a rude answer]
[Give him a rude answer]
You know what, screw that guy. It's definitely not a serious question, because I mean, what kind of question is that? He is a Martell bannerman now and that means he better gets used to the rhoynish culture. I don't want to piss him off, but he apparently wants to piss Dianna off, so I think it is time to show him that this is not a great time to question the decisions of his princess. With such a move, it might even be possible for Dianna to win his respect.
[Give him a rude answer]
[Give him a rude answer]
Daris or Darin?
Great part btw 