The Vent/Help Thread



  • I am so grateful that I was finally able to get Invisaline. There was a great deal going on, so they were the same price as normal braces.

    Now, I will admit it kind of sucks. I've been trying to put them back on after eating for almost two hours now. TWO HOURS!!! They just won't stick down on the back, and I can't put the bands on because they pulled it up even more. I figured it would be bad to only have a band on one side, so I took them both out.(After taking forever to put them in) I am so worried it will be like this everyday. I'm a pretty patient person, but at this point I just give up.

    They actually did hurt (when they were in right), and it took me forever to take them out also. My gums were bleeding and I can't talk right. This isn't a serious problem or anything (not comfortable with sharing those online), but man this is kind of annoying! At least I could get them in the first place.

  • The bleeding and pain makes it sound like you might be having problems due to inflammation. It's a common problem with orthodontic stuff, especially in the beginning.

    You might try bringing it down by using an ice pack and gargling with saltwater a few times a day.

    Kenny726 posted: »

    I am so grateful that I was finally able to get Invisaline. There was a great deal going on, so they were the same price as normal braces.

  • If there are any common themes, though, you can use them to figure out what to ask at your job interview. For example, "I've heard a lot of things about the Telltale Tool. Can you tell me more about that, and maybe give me a quick demo of how it works?" The interview is where you really decide if the company is a good match for you.

    That's just…

    We're not worthy! We're not worthy!


    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I don't usually put a lot of stock in Glassdoor reviews. No matter which company, most of them are posted by the angriest of employees, and

  • Thanks. I'll try that.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    The bleeding and pain makes it sound like you might be having problems due to inflammation. It's a common problem with orthodontic stuff, e

  • edited August 2016


    Hey @JonDee013...I have some bad news about your brother.

  • What do you mean? @SweetDee is fine, right!?

    Hey @JonDee013...I have some bad news about your brother.

  • edited August 2016

    He's fine, but...we just figured out that...he's doing drugs.

    Don't believe me, just go to the whatever's on your mind thread.

    JonDee013 posted: »

    What do you mean? @SweetDee is fine, right!?

  • I think some of my closest friends genuinely hate my guts at the moment, and one of my ex-friends is bullying and attacking the current friends who do care about me. Fucking hell man, I hate all of this drama. I terminated multiple social media accounts and told Haden (long and stupid story) to fuck off BECAUSE of drama. I did it to get away. But every single place I fucking go, drama seems to follow. Luckily it hasn't thrown me back into a depressive state and mentally I'm still alright, but it'll get there eventually if this shit continues.

    I hate drama so fucking much, it's such a fucking strain. And worst of all it's always other people's drama I'm dealing with, because I'm always the fucking nice friend who's like "Oh, you're dealing with something I want no involvement in what-so-ever because the topic/person pisses me off and/or I have no idea how to handle that shit? LET ME HELP YOU OUT, FRIEND!!" and then after I help em the fuckin' cunts don't do a god damn thing to help me.

    What about me, huh? What about my petty, pointless and annoying bullshit that I can take care of by myself? Like fuck man, help me for once you ungrateful fucking pricks. I know that's selfish but like, I've spent the past 6 years thinking about nothing but being good to the people around me and not one mother fucker has returned the favor. Like, fuck dude, I just want to get help from my friends. But NOOOOOOOOOO they're never around for me. Like, black hell.

    And yeah, I guess some of that stems from whenever a friend asks if I need help I sub-consciously go "Nah man, I'm fine" purely because I don't want to burden people, but like, I've spent a lot of time being unsure about everything and I've been on and off in a suicidal depressive slump for, oh, I don't know, the better part of FOUR FUCKING YEARS?! You think by now my chummos would know that I don't know what the fuck I'm saying and force help on me.

    Which again, I know, is fucking selfish. But I am sick and god damn tired of openly dealing with everyone else's drama. And since that's the kind of friend I've been for so long, I'm so fucking afraid that if I tell them "No, I'm not helping you anymore" or "No, I don't want to get involved with this", they'll get pissed at me, say I've changed, spit in my face, kick me in my jingle bells and tell me to fuck off and never speak to me again. It's stupid, I know, but hey, ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNXIETY DOES THAT. WOOOOOOOO.

    Sorry, just felt a need to rant for a bit.

  • I blame Xbox for Playstation becoming a bunch of greedy, money hungry cunts.

    So PSN Plus is getting a meaningless price hike next month and that's a 20 dollar increase for Canadians. 70 dollars to pay for online multi

  • Why don't you tell her that in face then?

    ralo229 posted: »

    You go on and on about how all of us should do our own dishes and put them in the dishwasher to help out Mom, but yet, while all of us do, y

  • Sorry to vent again so soon, but this has definitely gotten under my skin.

    Onision is a god damn fucking cunt. He's such a fucking moronic, arrogant, lying prick who probably has never done anything fucking positive in his entire life.

    "Pretty sure Onision has come out like 10 different times" ~ Leafy clearly making a joke/jab at Onion boy for being an asshole fuck face.

    "WHERE'S YOUR PROOF, HUH?!?!?! HUH WHERE'S YOUR PROOF?!?! YOU HAVE NO PROOF, DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT. AAAAHHHGHHHHHH" ~ Onision, being a giant cunt over literally fucking nothing.

    And not to mention he always has the same 3 dumbshit excuses for when someone calls him on his shit, and all 3 of which are complete bullshit and pretty much hold about as much weight as a fucking feather.

    "It was a joke on my joke channel! The one where it's only jokes!!"

    Your "joke channel" is 40% serious videos meant to be taken seriously.

    "I apologized later!"

    So?! If you do dumb fucking shit and act like a god damn cunt, and then say people are fucking idiots for being suicidal over a situation that normal people WOULD FEEL SUICIDAL FROM, apologizing doesn't make it fucking better! Yeah, you're, heavy quotation, "sorry", but that doesn't mean the shit you pulled didn't happen.

    "Well I mean, I'm right and they're wrong"

    No, you're an arrogant cunt and you deserve to fucking die a horrible, slow and painful death.

    Seriously, who fucking believes this guy?! Oh, right, his dumbshit fans. And sadly my fucking mother and sister believe him as well. Fucking unbelievable. Fuck Onision.

    I have made it my god damn goal in life since the start of all this YouTube drama to avoid it in any way possible and not get involved at all, but Onision is genuinely making me want to break that goal in two and tear him a fucking new one. The only reason I won't is because I'm genuinely sure Onion Boy isn't above suing 17 year old fucking teenagers on the internet for being a well-justified dick.

  • edited August 2016

    It's not Leafy's fault first off. Secondly, the post isn't about Leafy. Drama or not, Onision is a fucking psychopathic cunt who I hate with all of my being, and I feel like I have every damn right to rant about him. Third, I literally mentioned in my comment that I've been trying not to go there, but he's a fucking nuisance, and a big one at that. It's hard to ignore him. I think I have a right to rant about it because it is a topic that is on my mind and frustrates me considering all of the people he's hurting in the process of being a cunt, this is the vent thread, you vent and rant here. Of course some people are going to rant about petty bullshit, including me. Also,

    A Youtuber you've never met or talked to in real life or the internet is not important to you.

    That's not true at all. People may not be important to you, but some of my close friends are YouTubers whom I've never met in real life. Some of my biggest inspirations in life and people I look up to are YouTubers I have never met. And just like those previous 2, people who are the absolute scum of the fucking planet to me and do nothing but hurt people and act like a cunt is important to me in a certain way, that certain way being their toxicity and cancerous fanbase are both so large that it gets to me. And then some of the people I look up to are being attacked by this asshole for no valid reason. Some things might not matter to you, per-say, but they matter to others. This matters to me because I genuinely want the dude to stop being a cunt and hurting people.

    Don't be this person ^

    Don't be the kind of person to complain about a petty rant on a thread mostly filled with petty rants then. Yeah, I agree I was a bit overboard with that comment, but if you viewed the guy and see what he's done, you'd pretty much have a similar outlook, and if not that, a very negative one.

  • Very sorry if I came off as rude by the way, I've just been doing a good job avoiding drama for so long and now I'm pissed off at myself because I finally cracked, and I'm pissed off at Onision for being, well, Onision. I literally have nothing personal against you, I'm sure you're swell. All of my anger right now stems from myself and Onision.

  • No problem and good luck.

    Kenny726 posted: »

    Thanks. I'll try that.

  • Shit. My lawyer is literally a pencil.

  • Well im going to move on from my ex were never getting back together im gonna get a car and find a real girl who actually cares

  • I should make my inscription in university and find a new appartement someday, the start of the new term is up to 14/09.

    I'm lazy as fuck.

  • edited August 2016

    I did. And I didn't act angry or anything. I calmly told her that I thought it was a little unfair and hypocritical for her to get mad at us for not cleaning up after her and she took that as an opportunity to call me a sorry excuse for a man (not even exaggerating) and point out all of my flaws. I don't even think I need to rant about this. I think the bitchiness of that speaks for itself.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Why don't you tell her that in face then?

  • Just imagine how comfortable you'll be waking up on the pavement.

    Euron posted: »

    I should make my inscription in university and find a new appartement someday, the start of the new term is up to 14/09. I'm lazy as fuck.

  • So there's this senior who goes to my school... he's pretty cute. I decided to look him up on Instagram. You know get to know him a bit. I went to see who he followed. Well... let's just say I found out what he likes to do in his freetime.

    Oh boy...

  • This kid's got the right ideal. Women need to lower their standards so that I can fulfill my self-entitled power fantasies and not have to do shit in order to obtain it.

    Cuckboi of the year.

  • I like this guy already.

    Vape nate yo

    enter image description here

    So there's this senior who goes to my school... he's pretty cute. I decided to look him up on Instagram. You know get to know him a bit. I w

  • I like this guy already. Vape nate yo

  • edited August 2016
  • She can't take a citism, that's bad. Well, you did good, it is jer fault. I hope she realizes it.

    ralo229 posted: »

    I did. And I didn't act angry or anything. I calmly told her that I thought it was a little unfair and hypocritical for her to get mad at us

  • That doesn't help.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Just imagine how comfortable you'll be waking up on the pavement.

  • Who does the cooking

    ralo229 posted: »

    You go on and on about how all of us should do our own dishes and put them in the dishwasher to help out Mom, but yet, while all of us do, y

  • So?

    He's fine, but...we just figured out that...he's doing drugs. Don't believe me, just go to the whatever's on your mind thread.

  • I live in a 300 year old house that has been converted into flats, its taken 4 hours so far to have a new door built because the frames are all wonky and wierd, damn fire safety regulations.

  • We just made up a little bit ago. We're good.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    She can't take a citism, that's bad. Well, you did good, it is jer fault. I hope she realizes it.

  • edited August 2016

    Was gonna make a thread about it but I think this might be the right place:

    Man, just saw one of the most disappointing (and awful) movies I ever seen in my life (that was supposed to be good) "The Warriors" (1979).

    • Terrible in almost every aspect.
    • Little to no storyline or narrative (The Warriors running around and meeting random gang members, cops and girls)
    • Generic dialogue for the most part.
    • The main character having nothing to do apart from look tough and deliver his generic lines in a really monotone voice (so basically shit acting to add to this fucking shit movie's problems)

    Had it not been for decent cinematography and alrightish action, then this would be undoubtedly thee worst movie i've ever seen. I can only imagine that those from the late 70s/80s generation were a little too drugged up if the thought this movie was anything near great.

  • The best guy to date is the guy who doesn't have social media

    So there's this senior who goes to my school... he's pretty cute. I decided to look him up on Instagram. You know get to know him a bit. I w

  • The Warriors would actually be a fairly interesting ideal for a remake, considering someone at the helm knows what they're doing.

    wdfan posted: »

    Was gonna make a thread about it but I think this might be the right place: Man, just saw one of the most disappointing (and awful) movie

  • Feel so detached from the real world. I think more about fictional characters and stuff more than real life people. Every day is just a wait to get home so I can watch and play stuff.

  • I relate so hard to this.

    Feel so detached from the real world. I think more about fictional characters and stuff more than real life people. Every day is just a wait to get home so I can watch and play stuff.

  • edited August 2016

    Think my soul has left me today, feel like nothing but an empty shell. It's been a while since I've felt like this. I feel heavy, yet weightless in my own body. I'm happy that I'm getting a 3 day weekend. I need to relax.

    Days like this is where I fucking destory myself, kill any confidence - If I even had any..

  • please no remakes, no remakes of anything at all

    The Warriors would actually be a fairly interesting ideal for a remake, considering someone at the helm knows what they're doing.

  • yay me, having a fucked up week and making it fucked up for others too.... damn it

  • Wow, I am (nearly) exactly the same.

    Feel so detached from the real world. I think more about fictional characters and stuff more than real life people. Every day is just a wait to get home so I can watch and play stuff.

  • Warriors is a fantastic movie next you will be dissing clockwork orange.

    Warriors would be a terrible candidate for a remake it was a film of its time young'uns dont get the classics I guess.

    wdfan posted: »

    Was gonna make a thread about it but I think this might be the right place: Man, just saw one of the most disappointing (and awful) movie

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