This might be the better choice because it shows that Nymeria values her husband's opinion. They are suppose to be partners in this campaign, after all. Also, more importantly going with Varyn's way might end up in an unnecessary conflict. What if Mors is right and Bloodspill is innocent? There could be a chance that Bloodspill is being framed.
The Princess looked at the pale dead body, laying on the table with closed eyes and a polished armor on. The burning candles on t… morehe corners of the table weren’t enough to veil the stench of a slowly rotting body, but Nymeria hid her disgust with a calm and serious expression. She let out a sad sigh, stepped closer and kissed the dead knight on the forehead.
“He was a hero.” She said with a calm tone, turning to look at the old chubby man who stood next to the body with tears in his eyes. They were on a small empty room in Sandship, light coming in from three round windows.
“He was.” The man, Alrah his name was, agreed with a lump in his throat. “Yandry said he’d defeat the men terrorizing his lands, and he bloody did it.” Alrah muttered, tears pouring from his eyes. “His family will be well compensated.” Nymeria promised quietly, and Alrah nodded. “Does he have an heir capable of taking care of the lands?” The Princess asked … [view original content]
The Princess looked at the pale dead body, laying on the table with closed eyes and a polished armor on. The burning candles on t… morehe corners of the table weren’t enough to veil the stench of a slowly rotting body, but Nymeria hid her disgust with a calm and serious expression. She let out a sad sigh, stepped closer and kissed the dead knight on the forehead.
“He was a hero.” She said with a calm tone, turning to look at the old chubby man who stood next to the body with tears in his eyes. They were on a small empty room in Sandship, light coming in from three round windows.
“He was.” The man, Alrah his name was, agreed with a lump in his throat. “Yandry said he’d defeat the men terrorizing his lands, and he bloody did it.” Alrah muttered, tears pouring from his eyes. “His family will be well compensated.” Nymeria promised quietly, and Alrah nodded. “Does he have an heir capable of taking care of the lands?” The Princess asked … [view original content]
This seems like an instance where Nymeria should definitely show strength. It is best to stop any defiance from her vassals as soon as possible before it can get any worse especially since it is still early in her war.
The Princess looked at the pale dead body, laying on the table with closed eyes and a polished armor on. The burning candles on t… morehe corners of the table weren’t enough to veil the stench of a slowly rotting body, but Nymeria hid her disgust with a calm and serious expression. She let out a sad sigh, stepped closer and kissed the dead knight on the forehead.
“He was a hero.” She said with a calm tone, turning to look at the old chubby man who stood next to the body with tears in his eyes. They were on a small empty room in Sandship, light coming in from three round windows.
“He was.” The man, Alrah his name was, agreed with a lump in his throat. “Yandry said he’d defeat the men terrorizing his lands, and he bloody did it.” Alrah muttered, tears pouring from his eyes. “His family will be well compensated.” Nymeria promised quietly, and Alrah nodded. “Does he have an heir capable of taking care of the lands?” The Princess asked … [view original content]
Admittedly I could've kept this open a bit longer, but the result seems to be clear anyway, Nymeria will choose Varyn's way. This means she will soon march with an army towards Redclif - should be interesting Obviously the choice is about how will Nymeria handle the conspiracy issue, and this is important choice regarding that, but this also affects on how Varyn and Mors think about Nymeria. Don't worry though, Mors won't suddenly hate Nym just because she didn't go with his plan this time. As we know, Nymeria is sort of carrying a plot armor, no reason to deny that, but think of her choices as something that determines how the world sees her and what kind of reputation you want her to have.
So, my workload is slowly starting to get lighter, though I still have couple uni projects taking some of my time. However, I have managed to already start the next part, which will be Dianna PoV. If you don't remember, the last time we saw Dianna, she was in Lemonwood, questioning people to get some leads on the Bandit Lord. In the end she decided to head towards the lands of House Granit, since there were rumors of Efran hiding in one of the abandoned forts of the Granits.
There had been some sort of skirmish here. A dozen bodies had been left to rot in the sand, next to a crumbled little sept in the desert. This was the second fort that Dianna’s group had visited on their travel towards Desertstone, though they hadn’t found anything from the first one. Most of the bodies were dressed in white tabards with the sigil of House Granit – black viper coiled around a red sword. However, most of their armory and weaponry had been taken, and judging by the condition of the bodies Dianna expected that they had been lying there at least a couple of days. She could see that Ser Dallin Dalt and his soldiers were furious of the sight, and she didn’t blame them.
Dianna commanded her soldiers to start digging graves for the dead, and walked inside the sept with Javor. It was clear that the sept itself had been abandoned for long, since there were no benches or chairs to be seen, the walls had crumbled on many places, as well as the roof. Even the stony altar had taken severe damage. However, next to the altar was a wooden hatch – and right next to it laid another body. He probably died protecting that hatch. With decisive steps Dianna walked through the small hall, stopping right next to the hatch and the body, and Javor followed her.
“What do you think?” Dianna asked with a calm voice, and Javor gave her a lazy shrug. “Most likely a wine cellar.” He said with a sigh. “There could be some fine vintage, who knows.” Dianna rolled her eyes for this. “You think the Bandit Lord’s men would’ve attacked here for some wine?” She asked with cynical tone, making Javor chuckle.
“How should I know?” He asked light-heartedly. “But honestly, I don’t think there needs to be much of a reason for them to strike.”
“Sure, and this man was ready to give his life to protect the fine vintage.” Dianna replied dryly, and Javor smirked at her. “I see you haven’t quite grasped how important wine can be for some of us.” He quipped, but Dianna ignored him and pulled the hatch open. What she saw was wooden stairs leading down into the darkness. On the first steps, the ones that could be seen, there were several drops of dried blood. “Looks like the protector of the wine didn’t go down without a fight.” Dianna said quietly, making Javor chuckle again.
“Alright, if we want to go down there we need a torch.” She said after looking down for a moment. “The soldiers should have means to make one. Grab the body to be buried and bring a torch, meanwhile I’ll look around if there is something more here.”
“Yes, your highness.” Javor said with a fake politeness, gave her a bow and walked out, dragging the body with him. Dianna let out a sigh and started to walk around the sept. She immediately noticed some dried blood behind the altar, as well as a piece of black clothing. Probably from the fight. Dianna kept looking around the sept, but there didn’t seem to be any more leads.
“Find anything?” Asked and old and melodic male voice, and Dianna turned her gaze to see the wanderer named Wylie step into the sept. He had traveled with Dianna’s convoy – apparently he was making his way towards the western Dorne. At first Dianna had been skeptical of this, but the old man had surprised her, and many of her soldiers seemed wearier of the traveling than this white-bearded man who had to be over ninety years old.
“Aye, dust and sand.” Dianna replied sarcastically, and Wylie flashed her a smile. “Apparently blood and bodies too.” He said calmly, and Dianna nodded with a sigh. “It seems Hors might have been correct after all.” Wylie spoke with a pondering tone. “The Bandit Lord might indeed be hiding somewhere in this desert.”
“I will find that bastard’s bastard soon enough, and put it him in his place.” Dianna muttered, and at the same time Javor returned, carrying with him a quickly crafted torch. “That was quick.” Dianna complimented, looking at Javor with a bit of surprise in her expression. “Some wood, fabric and lamp oil is all that is needed.” He replied with a grin, walking back to the hatch. Dianna followed him, as well as Wylie. Dianna opened the hatch, and so they walked down, Javor leading the way with his torch.
The size of the cellar surprised Dianna – it was actually bigger than the sept itself. The cellar had clearly been used as a storage. There were seven long lines of shelves in the hall, narrow passages between them, and against the stony walls were wooden crates and earthen jars. On top of one of the crates were several bottles.
“I knew there’d be wine here.” Javor said, approaching the bottles. But as he grabbed one of them it became clear that the bottles were empty. “Looks like you were wrong.” Dianna remarked quietly, while Javor kept observing the bottles.
“Some of these bottles have been emptied only recently.” He said after a moment, his tone now more serious. “There are even drops of wine still left in some of them.”
“So the Bandit Lord’s men did find some fine vintage after all.” Dianna said with a sigh. “How about we try to find something that could actually be useful?” Javor raised an eyebrow for this, but put down the bottle and kept searching the hall. There were dusty old books on the shelves, as well as scrolls and maps, but nothing particularly interesting. It didn’t look like the Bandit Lord’s men had really taken anything from the shelves, or at least they hadn’t left a mess behind.
“Take a look at this.” The calm voice of Wylie suddenly called from behind. Javor and Dianna quickly walked to him, and the old man pointed at an empty spot on the floor next to the wall. “Nothing there.” Javor stated, and Wylie nodded. “Indeed, but there used to be.” He said with a smile. “Look closely at the floor, there is a square area that is darker than floor around it.”
“So, you are saying the bandits took something with them.” Dianna narrowed her eyes as she spoke, because it took her a while to notice what Wylie meant. He has surprisingly sharp eyes.
“That’s what I would guess, yes.” Wylie replied smoothly. Javor scratched his head with a questioning look on his eyes. “But what could they want from a place like this?” He asked doubtingly.
“Who knows what the Granits had stored here.” Dianna answered quietly. She stepped away from the wall, turning to look at the shelves again. “But it’s clear that they have taken everything useful with them.” Her tone was frustrated. These bandits really seemed to be working with precise, and it made Dianna wonder if she really had any chance of taking them down. For a moment silence lingered in the air, until Javor cleared his throat.
“Ser Dallin said it’s about a day’s travel from here, both to Desertstone and to another one of these abandoned forts.” He spoke with calm and serious tone. “I guess it comes down to how we want to continue from here. Do you think we should go meet the Granits before continuing this mission?”
[Go to Desertstone to meet the Granits][Continue straight to the next abandoned fort]
I believe House Granit could have a personal interest in taking down these bandits. After all, one of the key members among the bandits is a disgraced member of their family and the bandits in general sound like a huge threat to their lands. They attack septs on the Granit lands, they kill people, they loot. All in all, maybe the Granits would be very willing to offer help, either in form of information (I mean, there has to be some kind of rumour they have heard), or in form of direct military aid. In any way, it sounds better to meet up with them first before blindly chasing the bandits from one abandoned fort to the next without any real lead.
There had been some sort of skirmish here. A dozen bodies had been left to rot in the sand, next to a crumbled little sept in the … moredesert. This was the second fort that Dianna’s group had visited on their travel towards Desertstone, though they hadn’t found anything from the first one. Most of the bodies were dressed in white tabards with the sigil of House Granit – black viper coiled around a red sword. However, most of their armory and weaponry had been taken, and judging by the condition of the bodies Dianna expected that they had been lying there at least a couple of days. She could see that Ser Dallin Dalt and his soldiers were furious of the sight, and she didn’t blame them.
Dianna commanded her soldiers to start digging graves for the dead, and walked inside the sept with Javor. It was clear that the sept itself had been abandoned for long, since there were no benches or chairs to be seen, the walls had crumbled on many pla… [view original content]
There had been some sort of skirmish here. A dozen bodies had been left to rot in the sand, next to a crumbled little sept in the … moredesert. This was the second fort that Dianna’s group had visited on their travel towards Desertstone, though they hadn’t found anything from the first one. Most of the bodies were dressed in white tabards with the sigil of House Granit – black viper coiled around a red sword. However, most of their armory and weaponry had been taken, and judging by the condition of the bodies Dianna expected that they had been lying there at least a couple of days. She could see that Ser Dallin Dalt and his soldiers were furious of the sight, and she didn’t blame them.
Dianna commanded her soldiers to start digging graves for the dead, and walked inside the sept with Javor. It was clear that the sept itself had been abandoned for long, since there were no benches or chairs to be seen, the walls had crumbled on many pla… [view original content]
There had been some sort of skirmish here. A dozen bodies had been left to rot in the sand, next to a crumbled little sept in the … moredesert. This was the second fort that Dianna’s group had visited on their travel towards Desertstone, though they hadn’t found anything from the first one. Most of the bodies were dressed in white tabards with the sigil of House Granit – black viper coiled around a red sword. However, most of their armory and weaponry had been taken, and judging by the condition of the bodies Dianna expected that they had been lying there at least a couple of days. She could see that Ser Dallin Dalt and his soldiers were furious of the sight, and she didn’t blame them.
Dianna commanded her soldiers to start digging graves for the dead, and walked inside the sept with Javor. It was clear that the sept itself had been abandoned for long, since there were no benches or chairs to be seen, the walls had crumbled on many pla… [view original content]
There had been some sort of skirmish here. A dozen bodies had been left to rot in the sand, next to a crumbled little sept in the … moredesert. This was the second fort that Dianna’s group had visited on their travel towards Desertstone, though they hadn’t found anything from the first one. Most of the bodies were dressed in white tabards with the sigil of House Granit – black viper coiled around a red sword. However, most of their armory and weaponry had been taken, and judging by the condition of the bodies Dianna expected that they had been lying there at least a couple of days. She could see that Ser Dallin Dalt and his soldiers were furious of the sight, and she didn’t blame them.
Dianna commanded her soldiers to start digging graves for the dead, and walked inside the sept with Javor. It was clear that the sept itself had been abandoned for long, since there were no benches or chairs to be seen, the walls had crumbled on many pla… [view original content]
There had been some sort of skirmish here. A dozen bodies had been left to rot in the sand, next to a crumbled little sept in the … moredesert. This was the second fort that Dianna’s group had visited on their travel towards Desertstone, though they hadn’t found anything from the first one. Most of the bodies were dressed in white tabards with the sigil of House Granit – black viper coiled around a red sword. However, most of their armory and weaponry had been taken, and judging by the condition of the bodies Dianna expected that they had been lying there at least a couple of days. She could see that Ser Dallin Dalt and his soldiers were furious of the sight, and she didn’t blame them.
Dianna commanded her soldiers to start digging graves for the dead, and walked inside the sept with Javor. It was clear that the sept itself had been abandoned for long, since there were no benches or chairs to be seen, the walls had crumbled on many pla… [view original content]
[Go to Desertstone to meet the Granits] I would have to agree with the others on this one. Meeting up with the Granits seem like the best way to get a lead rather than going from fort to fort.
There had been some sort of skirmish here. A dozen bodies had been left to rot in the sand, next to a crumbled little sept in the … moredesert. This was the second fort that Dianna’s group had visited on their travel towards Desertstone, though they hadn’t found anything from the first one. Most of the bodies were dressed in white tabards with the sigil of House Granit – black viper coiled around a red sword. However, most of their armory and weaponry had been taken, and judging by the condition of the bodies Dianna expected that they had been lying there at least a couple of days. She could see that Ser Dallin Dalt and his soldiers were furious of the sight, and she didn’t blame them.
Dianna commanded her soldiers to start digging graves for the dead, and walked inside the sept with Javor. It was clear that the sept itself had been abandoned for long, since there were no benches or chairs to be seen, the walls had crumbled on many pla… [view original content]
And Dianna and her convoy will go to Desertstone to meet the Granits, before continuing their search. Makes sense, and I did expect you to choose this. Dianna should have a very exciting storyline ahead of her in this chapter, despite this part being a bit boring
And the next part will be Verro PoV. If you've forgotten Verro, he was the guy who was washed ashore after the storm in the eastern coast. He used to be part of a pirate crew, but he was apparently the only one who survived the shipwreck. He was found from the beach by Ser Byrron Granit, the man who raised Efran Sand on the Stepstones. Byrron offered Verro a chance to join the Bandit Lord's rebellion, and he joined.
Anywhoo, next we will have H&L part from a character we haven't seen in a while - Princess Isabella
Princess Isabella Fowler stood on the shore, admiring the beauty of Starfall one more time before she would go back home to Skyreach. Starfall was a place that Isabella had visited quite often growing up but its beauty never faded to her. The Torrentine’s never ending waters flowing along with the Summer Sea that it merged with, and the beautiful white castle, the home of the royal family of Dayne, which had towers that stood so tall it looked as if the castle were among the clouds during the day and the stars at night.
It was all so breathtaking to Isabella, and even though she had many unforgettable memories of Starfall from her visits as a child, she could easily say that this week topped them all.
Not only had she got to witness the great tourney of Starfall firsthand, where she witnessed many great knights in their shining armors competing for gold, glory, and maybe even love along with many wonderful feasts, plays and performances that were nothing short of mesmerizing.
She had even witnessed the surprise return of King Vorian Dayne to tourney participation when he had outlasted fifty other knights to win the melee, wielding of course House Dayne’s legendary greatsword Dawn. This had brought everyone in attendance to their feet especially King Vorian’s wife Queen Arenna, who had admired her victorious husband with loving eyes, and Vorian had gazed upon her in the same manner.
Isabella thought about how that moment was just like in the stories she had read where the valiant knight would celebrate with their true love after a great victory, and ride off into the sunset. Isabella wondered if she would ever feel the same kind of love and admiration from someone she cared about and truthfully she wondered if all of those stories with happy endings she had dreamed about time and time again were nothing more than lies.
However even King Vorian’s great triumph would be overshadowed by what was to come when Isabella witnessed her longtime friend Prince Jamison Dayne unhorse Prince Naemon Blackmont to win the joust of the Tourney of Starfall, and along with that the respect and admiration of almost everyone in attendance. Isabella had known Jamison for nearly both of their entire lives and had admired him quietly for years, but figured that Jamison did not feel the same about her.
Sure, Jamison had always been kind to Isabella but she couldn’t help but wonder if Jamison only treated her as he did because she was a daughter of a king herself and Isabella had worried that Jamison just considered her a friend at best. She figured that Jamison would prefer a more outgoing girl like Ashara Nightfall or Madison Tarly with both of them claiming that Jamison only had eyes for them. So the moment when Jamison rode past both of those girls, along with countless others, on his all black destrier to crown Isabella the Queen of Love and Beauty, she was awestruck and could not believe that her dream just may come true. However, now she was heading home and she wondered what Jamison crowning her had truly meant. She hoped it would mean a betrothal and eventual marriage would follow, but she was trying not to get herself too excited, as she feared that it wouldn’t happen and she would only end up disappointed.
All at once however, Isabella was snapped out of her thoughts by two familiar voices – it sounded like they were arguing. Isabella’s older brother Prince Desmor and Prince Jamison were barking something at each other. Isabella wanted to have a conversation with Jamison before leaving, so she hurried towards the voices, also hoping she could stop the argument before it would turn violent. As she got closer she noticed most of the anger was coming from her older brother.
“You got lucky this time, Jamison.” Prince Desmor barked to Prince Jamison with anger in his words. “You won now, I admit that, but don’t stand here and talk down to me, acting as if I wasn’t even a competition for you.” Jamison rolled his eyes and smirked at him, only making Desmor angrier, and quickly retorted back. “To be honest you really weren’t much of a competition, Fowler.” He said coldly. “I almost feel sorry for you embarrassing yourself in front of everyone. Yet if I remember correctly I told you that you should drop out of the tournament and save yourself from the inevitable, but your foolish pride got in the way.” Jamison placed great emphasis on the last phrase. Jamison was about to continue insulting Desmor, but he had clearly had enough.
“Enough! I have had it with you, I am not going to stand here and take any more of this!” Isabella’s older brother bellowed, but Jamison just laughed, completely ignoring Desmor’s words and the anger behind them. “Fine, I am finished with you, Desmor. I have listened to your complaining long enough, so just get out of my face before I decide to put in your place yet again.” Jamison spoke with an arrogant smirk on his face, and with threatening words. “It’s not like I came here to listen to you cry about your defeats. I am here to see your sister or should I say my Queen.” Jamison said this with a calm tone and genuine smile, but Desmor now tensed up even more. “We are not finished here, Jamison. Oh, and you will not see my sister and she is certainly not your queen.” He said strictly, and Jamison took a step toward him and with a cold look in his eyes he said: “We’re not finished here you say? We’ll see about that.”
Right then, Isabella had enough of their non-sense. “Stop it now!” She shouted for them both, with strength that surprised even herself. “You are both acting like children.” With those words, Desmor and Jamison stopped and turned to look at her. Jamison looked slightly embarrassed about what had happened, and after briefly glancing away, he turned to look Isabella straight in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Isabella.” He said, embarrassment in his words. “It seems Desmor and I both got a bit worked up, we shouldn’t have acted this way.” Desmor still stared daggers at Jamison, but was also starting to calm down. “Yeah, Jamison is right.” He muttered. “We are both competitive, but we should leave it on the tourney field. I apologize as well, Bella.”
Isabella now calmed down herself and most of her previous courage gone, she shyly asked her brother: “Desmor, can I please have a moment with Jamison?” The look that Desmor gave her was clearly disapproving, but finally he let out a sigh and nodded. “Of course Bella, take all of the time that you need, father will certainly not leave without you.” He spoke with calm tone. “I’ll go talk to him and let him know that you will come in a moment.” With that Prince Desmor walked away to meet with their father King Garrison, older brother Prince Ferris, and their Aunt Obara along with the rest of the Fowler convoy. And so, Jamison and Isabella were left alone.
After a brief awkward silence Isabella was the first to speak up. “Why do you have to be so hard on my brother?” Isabella asked meekly, immediately regretting it. She had never said anything negative towards Jamison before. She was worried about how he would react, but Jamison looked at her with genuine regret in his eyes. “I’m sorry. I can be a bit harsh on people, but if you ask me to, I’ll never say a bad word about your brother again.” He said, and then a smirk appeared on his face. “Though Desmor has never really seemed to like me.” He remarked. “And I can admit that I kind of enjoy making him angry.” At this point, Isabella was quite disappointed in Jamison, but at the same time amused.
“Yes, you and Desmor have never gotten along very well.” She said with a little chuckle. “But could you please try to be nicer to him?” Isabella asked with a kind tone. “Desmor was so excited for this tourney, and he thought that he would have a chance to do well, not to get defeated by you in the first round.” Jamison sighed, but gave her an agreeing nod. “I suppose you’ve got a point.” He said smoothly. “It’s probably for the best that I get along with your brother, or better yet get along with all of your family.” Jamison said this with an amused smirk, and Isabella replicated it. For a moment they just looked at each other, with happiness and love in their eyes.
“So what did you think of the tournament?” Jamison finally asked. “It was amazing.” Isabella answered truthfully. “Pretty much all I could ask for, really. It was just like in the songs.” Isabella spoke with a dreamy look in her eyes. “Not only did I get to see your father win the melee, I also saw you win the joust at your own nameday tourney. I would imagine that this tourney will remembered in history.”
“As it should be.” Jamison replied with a cocky grin. “This was my tourney to win, and there was no way I was going to let anyone stop me.” He spoke with a proud and confident tone.
“I’m sure your father was very proud of you after your great victory.” Isabella said shyly, worrying that she may be prodding here, Jamison however just chuckled and smiled at her. “I suppose father may be proud of me, but he has a very funny way of showing it. After I won the tourney, Vorian gave me a lecture about how even though I won, he saw cousin Naemon as the true winner.” Jamison’s tone was slightly bitter, and he rolled his eyes at the thought. “Father said that Naemon fought with honor and handled his defeat with grace, while I was a sore winner. He said that I could learn something from Naemon especially how he lives up to how a knight should act in victory and defeat. That Naemon always carries himself with honor and dignity and that with my behavior that at times I should not even call myself a knight.” Jamison now had an outright upset look on his face. “I don’t know what it will take to impress that man. I don’t understand it, father expects me to live to up to these absurd standards he has, but that simply isn’t who I am.” Jamison said, sounding almost defeated. “I don’t care what father says, I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for something I’m not.” He spoke with underlying anger in his words. Isabella now felt awful for bringing up this topic, and did not know what to say.
“I’m sorry, I should not be acting this way.” Jamison said as he noticed her sad expression. “I have put a lot of pressure on myself to win and be the best. I am sure father will recognize the hard work that I have put in.” He said with slightly more positive tone, trying to hold his composure and hold back the disappointment he had shown earlier.
Isabella was starting to wonder if Jamison would mention him crowning her, but as soon as the thought crossed her mind, a charming smile appeared on Jamison’s face. “And at least I know that one thing couldn’t have gone better this week.” He said with a warm tone, though Isabella could also spot a touch of nervousness in it. “I have finally crowned my queen.” Jamison stated with a smile on his face, and immediately Isabella felt overwhelmed – and she was sure it showed. “I have waited a long time to do this and I hope you feel the same.” The Sword of the Night whispered, and Isabella immediately pulled him in with a hug, and Jamison pulled her in even closer, and kissed her. Isabella felt the Prince’s soft lips against hers, and it felt as if time stood still.
When they finally let go of one another, Isabella still could not believe what was happening. She looked up to Jamison’s dark purple eyes. “Ashara Nightfall told that you were going to crown her the Queen of Love & Beauty once you’d win the tourney.” She said quietly. Now Jamison just smirked and let out a hearty little laugh. “Oh Bella, Ashara surely wishes that would happen, but there was never a chance for it- she is not you.” Prince Jamison said with confident and adoring words.
As soon as Isabella was going to respond, she heard her brother Desmor’s voice calling for her. “It is time to go Bella, our ship is getting ready to set sail – time to go home!” He yelled, Prince Ferris standing next to him, and Isabella called back to her brothers with pleading words: “Please, can’t they wait?” She looked back at Jamison, and the Sword of the Night just laughed. “It's okay Isabella, I have crowned you my Queen of Love and Beauty. No one would get in the way of that. I will talk to my father, and soon enough, we will be betrothed. There is no way father will turn me down after this week.” Jamison spoke with determined words.
Isabella looked up at Jamison and let out a sigh. “I suppose I must go.” She said with a sad tone. “It seems that you must.” Jamison replied with a smile. “But you’ll be back, I will make sure of it”. And so Isabella turned toward the ship with all of House Fowler waiting on her, but all at once Jamison pulled her around and passionately kissed her again, in front of everyone, and Isabella just wanted that moment to last forever. “Of course I could not forget that.” Jamison said with great satisfaction, and Isabella blushed. “Jamison! You can’t do that in front of my brothers.” She said, but Jamison just looked at her with his passionate purple eyes and said. “Why not, you are my queen.” He said with a smirk and with passionate words Jamison proudly proclaimed to her. “Soon enough Starfall will be your home and no one not my family, not your family no one will be able to tell us what to do or keep us apart. With those words, Jamison confidently said "I will see you soon.”
And with that Isabella got on the ship to take her back to the Dornish mainland, and away from Starfall. She went back to thinking about her week. Before what just happened she had believed that it may have been the perfect week, but now she knew without a doubt that it had been. She would remember this forever.
I really like this H&L, because aside from giving us more insight to Isabella, it shows a very important moment between her and Jamison. And this moment is something that still affects very much on both of these characters motivations and actions. Good job!
Nymeria’s War Histories & Lore
Isabella Fowler – Tourney of Starfall
Princess Isabella Fowler stood on the shore, admiring the bea… moreuty of Starfall one more time before she would go back home to Skyreach. Starfall was a place that Isabella had visited quite often growing up but its beauty never faded to her. The Torrentine’s never ending waters flowing along with the Summer Sea that it merged with, and the beautiful white castle, the home of the royal family of Dayne, which had towers that stood so tall it looked as if the castle were among the clouds during the day and the stars at night.
It was all so breathtaking to Isabella, and even though she had many unforgettable memories of Starfall from her visits as a child, she could easily say that this week topped them all.
Not only had she got to witness the great tourney of Starfall firsthand, where she witnessed many great knights in their shining armors competing for gold, glor… [view original content]
This was an amazing H&L! I love the Fowler family (as if I don't have enough regrets over Gwendis' latest choice already), but this one gave me an even deeper appreciation for them. I've always liked Isabella and I've always liked Jamison, but this was the first time we've actually seen them together. And it was cute, it really caused me to ship them I really got a different vibe from Jamison here. I mean, I always knew that he had this different, softer side, but actually seeing it is something else entirely. Isabella has always been one of my favourites as well, but she has grown even more on me now. In any way, this was a great H&L, one of my favourites so far!
Nymeria’s War Histories & Lore
Isabella Fowler – Tourney of Starfall
Princess Isabella Fowler stood on the shore, admiring the bea… moreuty of Starfall one more time before she would go back home to Skyreach. Starfall was a place that Isabella had visited quite often growing up but its beauty never faded to her. The Torrentine’s never ending waters flowing along with the Summer Sea that it merged with, and the beautiful white castle, the home of the royal family of Dayne, which had towers that stood so tall it looked as if the castle were among the clouds during the day and the stars at night.
It was all so breathtaking to Isabella, and even though she had many unforgettable memories of Starfall from her visits as a child, she could easily say that this week topped them all.
Not only had she got to witness the great tourney of Starfall firsthand, where she witnessed many great knights in their shining armors competing for gold, glor… [view original content]
Thanks, I am glad to see that you enjoyed it! It was pretty fun writing out this interaction between Isabella and Jamison and it was certainly the toughest one to write yet trying to include conversations between characters and what not. Jamison does indeed have a softer side and it is not something that shows regularly because Jamison's normal personality is not an act so it was good getting to show what or in this case who is able to bring that side out of him. I also got to show some things that actually gets under Jamison's skin a bit as well. I also got to show some insight into Isabella's mind which was also super fun. Thanks for reading it!
This was an amazing H&L! I love the Fowler family (as if I don't have enough regrets over Gwendis' latest choice already), but this one … moregave me an even deeper appreciation for them. I've always liked Isabella and I've always liked Jamison, but this was the first time we've actually seen them together. And it was cute, it really caused me to ship them I really got a different vibe from Jamison here. I mean, I always knew that he had this different, softer side, but actually seeing it is something else entirely. Isabella has always been one of my favourites as well, but she has grown even more on me now. In any way, this was a great H&L, one of my favourites so far!
Nymeria’s War Histories & Lore
Isabella Fowler – Tourney of Starfall
Princess Isabella Fowler stood on the shore, admiring the bea… moreuty of Starfall one more time before she would go back home to Skyreach. Starfall was a place that Isabella had visited quite often growing up but its beauty never faded to her. The Torrentine’s never ending waters flowing along with the Summer Sea that it merged with, and the beautiful white castle, the home of the royal family of Dayne, which had towers that stood so tall it looked as if the castle were among the clouds during the day and the stars at night.
It was all so breathtaking to Isabella, and even though she had many unforgettable memories of Starfall from her visits as a child, she could easily say that this week topped them all.
Not only had she got to witness the great tourney of Starfall firsthand, where she witnessed many great knights in their shining armors competing for gold, glor… [view original content]
Thank you! I would be lying to you though if I didn't mention that Wildling edits my H&L's to help make them better since I struggle showing character emotions and stuff like that. However, I will happily take the compliment! When it comes to starting my own story, I don't know if I would be dedicated enough to do that but I know I will be writing more H&L's for Nymeria's War and for Stigz's story the Invasion with hopefully one for it being finished within the next week or two!
The sounds of the sea could be heard to the large cave where almost a hundred men kept their camp. Today Verro had been promoted from washing dishes and gutting fishes to helping the blacksmith with keeping the arms and armors in good shape. He sat on a flat rock, cleaning the fifteenth sword with a bored expression on his face – there were at least ten more to go.
It had been more than two weeks now from the storm that had wrecked the ship of Captain Scar, along with Verro’s old life. He had tried to just forget and adapt to the new situation, and it worked well in the days that were full of chores, but every night when he tried to sleep he remembered Donillos. I have lost my only friend, he thought, and it kept him awake. During days Verro was quiet, and did the jobs he was told to do with no complaints. He had made no friends, and he didn’t care to.
The only people who actually stayed in the cave from day to day were the ones that the soldiers liked to call “lackeys” – craftsmen, cooks, and other people who took care of the everyday things in the camp – and obviously Verro was one of them. The soldiers rode off to their raids and only returned to sleep at the cave now and then. After being recruited Verro had seen Ser Byrron Granit only three times. The Bandit Lord himself he hadn’t seen even once, though he had heard rumors that Efran would soon return from a visit to the desert. Apparently one of his allies was keeping a stronghold there, but that was all Verro knew.
“Are you done with them yet?” Verro heard the coarse voice of Greg the Blacksmith asking. Greg was a stocky man on his late forties, with dark eyes and bushy black beard. Apparently he had served House Gargalen in the past.
“No.” Verro replied laconically. The blacksmith walked to him with a tense expression on his face. “Well you better quicken the pace then; the soldiers will leave soon.” He spoke with calm but commanding words, and Verro nodded to him. “Where will they go?” He asked quietly, making Greg let out a sigh. “Lord Efran is coming, they will go to escort him.” The blacksmith answered, keeping his voice down. Without saying anything more he turned away, leaving Verro to continue his work. Finally, I’ll meet my new captain.
Verro felt someone kicking him softly to the ribs, and he opened his eyes. The cave was illuminated by the dozens of torches, but it was clear that the sun had already set outside. “Better get up, unless you want to miss Lord Efran’s speech.” Greg said down to Verro, who nodded to him with a yawn. He could see the soldiers and lackeys all gathering around large rock close to the entrance of the cave. Two men were standing on that rock, but it was hard to recognize them from this far. “Let’s go then.” Verro muttered to the blacksmith as he stood up, and they made their way closer.
Verro could see that the other man was Ser Byrron Granit, who was eyeing the crowd with his stern dark eyes, and scratching his bushy beard. Next to him stood a young man with a confident grin on his tanned face. His hair had been dyed blue, though it was wearing off, unveiling his natural dark brown hair. An eyepatch made of red leather covered the young man’s left eye, and he was wearing black coat with purple sash and collar. In his hand the blue-haired man was holding a beautiful curved sword that glimmered magically. Valyrian steel.
This was Efran the Bandit Lord – a handsome young man with stylish clothing. I wonder if he is any good with that fancy sword, Verro thought as he and Greg arrived next to one of the soldiers – a young woman with short brown hair, and a doubtful look on her brown eyes. Verro had never spoke with this woman, but he knew that she was part of a small sellsword company called Thunder Crew, which had apparently been under the Bandit Lord’s command for couple of months now. It had come clear to Verro that Efran got his support from very mixed group of people. There were several small sellsword companies like the Thunder Crew, there were at least couple of pirate crews, there were peasants that had been recruited from the lands of Dalts, there were hedge knights, there were lowlife bandits and thieves that saw this rebellion as a way of getting rich. Verro had even heard of an Ironborn crew working with the Bandit Lord, though he had no idea if there was any truth to that rumor.
Verro turned his gaze back to Efran, who was now gazing at a beautiful blonde lady who stood right next to the rock, and the lady was looking right back at him with lustful eyes. Verro let out a sigh and shook his head subtly. “Are you jealous?” He heard the woman next to him asking with quiet but sharp words. With confusion he turned to look at her. “The way you look at Efran, it’s easy to see that you are jealous.” The woman went on, leaning against her spear.
“And who are you?” Verro asked with lazy tone, making the woman narrow her eyes. “Name is Nesila.” She said coldly. “And you?”
“I’m Verro.” He answered with a sigh. “And I’m not jealous… I wouldn’t want to be like him.” Nesila raised an eyebrow for this. “Like him? What do you even know about him?” Her words were serious, almost aggressive. “I heard enough about him when I was in Captain Scar’s crew.” Verro answered sternly, and Nesila nodded to him slowly. “Well, I can tell you something, Verro. Efran Dalt is not a monster, just a bit too ambitious with his goals.” With these words Nesila turned her eyes away from Verro.
“Hear me, brothers!” Efran yelled suddenly, his voice booming majestically in the cave, making the soldiers cheer. “Tonight, I return from a very successful journey to the deserts – a journey that has made our rebellion even more threatening in the eyes of the false lord Darin.” He spoke with a constant grin on his face, making grandiose gestures with his hands. “Soon we will take all these lands, and anyone who opposes us will fall!” Another wave of cheers went through the crowd.
“As I said, a bit too ambitious.” Nesila stated quietly, and Verro turned to look at her again, whilst the Bandit Lord continued his speech. “I know you are part of the Thunder Crew, but… where do you come from? You don’t look like Westerosi.” For the first time, a small smile appeared on Nesila’s face. “You have keen eyes, Verro.” She said dryly. “I come from Myr. And if I have to guess, you have some Dothraki blood in you, am I correct?”
“Yes, you are.” Verro answered, a bit of grief surfacing on his voice. “I was born in Dothraki Sea, but I’ve been to lot of places in my life after that.” This made Nesila chuckle. “And now you are cleaning the swords of bandits and sellswords in a damp cave.” She said with a subtle hint of mockery.
“Well, it’s not like my life on Captain Scar’s crew was any more luxurious… Not much at least.” Verro spoke with toneless words.
“We bring with us gold, taken from the traitors of House Granit!” Efran’s words shifted Verro’s and Nesila’s attention back to him. “Every man and woman here will be handsomely rewarded for their loyalty!”
“EFRAN! EFRAN! EFRAN!” The crowd started chanting, as the Bandit Lord stepped down from the rock, a confident grin on his face. Verro turned to look at Nesila again, but she had already turned her back to him and walked away.
Verro was sitting with Greg and bunch of other lackeys by the fire, sipping ale, listening to the others talk about Efran’s speech. Greg turned his gaze to Verro. “You didn’t hear much of the speech, did you?” He asked with a drunken grin. “Too busy hitting on that bitch from Myr, aye?” Some of the other lackeys let out a little laugh, but Vero just gave the old blacksmith a stern glare. Before he could say anything, Jabar – one of the ebony skinned warriors – walked to them.
“You are the one from Scar’s crew, correct?” He asked from Verro with his deep voice. “Yes.” Verro answered shortly, and the man gestured him to stand up. “Lord Efran wants to meet you.” He stated with no emotion, and Verro gulped subtly. “Why?” He asked with a touch of nervousness, but Jabar just shook his head. “No questions.” He said, and started to walk. Verro stood up quickly, and followed the man.
They walked past several groups of soldiers that were enjoying the night, drinking and singing. Jabar had a stony expression on his face as they approached the end of the cave, where Lord Efran himself sat on a comfortable chair, the beautiful blonde lady on his lap, the other ebony skinned warrior – Zhobho – standing behind him in guard, and Ser Byrron sitting on another chair near them. As they got closer, Efran focused his eyes on Verro.
“You are the one from Captain Scar’s crew, aye?” He asked with a friendly tone, though the look on his light brown eye was somehow cold. “Yeah, my name is Verro.” Verro answered, trying to sound relaxed, and Efran nodded to him with a smirk. “Jabar, get him a chair.” He ordered the warrior, who obeyed and fetched a simple wooden chair. Verro sat down, eyeing all these people with nervous eyes.
“Why so nervous, boy?” Asked the blonde lady with a sharp look on her dark blue eyes, and Efran tapped her on the shoulder. “Easy now, Elise. Let’s not be rude to Verro, he is a loyal servant. Isn’t that right, Verro?” Efran’s smile was replaced by a dead serious expression as he asked this.
“Of course.” Verro answered immediately, wondering if he had done something wrong. “Good.” Efran said, the smile returning to his face. “Now, the reason I’ve asked you to come here is simply because I’m curious. You see, Captain Scar was someone I wanted dead for a long time. Now he is dead, and one of his men is working for me. However, who is this man that is working for me? Who is Verro?”
“You… want to learn more about me?” Verro asked, and Efran gave him a nod. “Precisely.” He replied with a grin. “Oh… Well, I was born to a Dothraki horde, it was over twenty years ago. I lived with my horde, learned to ride and to fight. I would’ve become a great Dothraki warrior, but when I was fifteen years old I was captured by a band of slavers, who took me to the fighting pits of Meereen. I’m not sure how long I was there, but it was years. I fought for the entertainment of the masters, and I was treated like shit. Then, one day my master took me to the sea, perhaps to sell me somewhere else, and I was saved by Captain Scar’s crew as they attacked the ship.”
“And after that you worked for Scar.” Efran concluded the story, and Verro nodded. “Very interesting story.” The Bandit Lord said, his one eye studying the face of Verro. “So, you are a Dothraki screamer, a pit fighter, and a pirate. Tell me again, why haven’t you been given a sword yet?” It sounded like the question was genuine, so Verro answered with a shrug. “Nobody asked me if I can fight.” He said truthfully, and Efran let out a little laugh.
“Well, I don’t need to ask that, because I know that you can.” He said smoothly. “Otherwise you’d be dead by now. Well, you are not a lackey anymore, Verro, from here on you will be a soldier.” Efran announced, and Verro nodded. “Thank you.” He said clumsily, as he wasn’t sure what should he say.
“Don’t thank me yet.” Efran replied with a cold smirk. “It’ll be hard work; I can promise that much. And from now on, you’ll address me as Lord.”
“Yes, my Lord.” Verro said immediately, and Efran chuckled. “Let me ask you something, Verro. Do you believe in my rebellion? Do you believe it can be successful?” The look on the Bandit Lord’s eye was serious as he asked this, and Verro gulped. Does he expect an honest answer? In all honesty, Verro wasn't really sure if he believed in this rebellion or not.
So it would appear that Efran the Swaglord and his bandit lackeys are located by the sea, and that House Granit has suffered rather recently as we've seen a little from Dianna's perspective. An interesting part, and something which has certainly grabbed my full attention. I'll be interested to read more of this Efran Sand, in the flesh that is.
[Say no]
This choice I think is more difficult than it may appear, because it really sets the image of what Efran is going to perceive Verro as. I feel like saying yes would almost be too expected, and somewhat a disappointing answer in the eyes of this Bandit Lord, yet in another light it may be the safer option out of the three. Saying that Verro is unsure leaves uncertainty, and perhaps deception in some places, which could make Efran either doubtful or hesitant with Verro which is certainly something which wouldn't be good. Finally, saying no could end out in one of two ways. One, which I'm leaning for, is that Efran will take interest to Verro being more than just a mindless order-following soldier, and someone that could have potential in rising higher. He may also respect and listen to Verro's opinions as a consequence of this. Or there is the more grim and second alternative, which could result in the disposal of Verro through some sort of suicide mission.
So I'm voting for Verro to say no, mainly because I want to leave what I hope will be a positive impact on Efran, which has already made an attempt to get to know Verro better (which I have my doubts he does this for every lackey he promotes to a soldier). I think the opportunity is risky, but one that if not ceased will likely never return. Anyway, I could be entirely wrong here, but you have my reasoning's.
The sounds of the sea could be heard to the large cave where almost a hundred men kept their camp. Today Verro had been promoted fr… moreom washing dishes and gutting fishes to helping the blacksmith with keeping the arms and armors in good shape. He sat on a flat rock, cleaning the fifteenth sword with a bored expression on his face – there were at least ten more to go.
It had been more than two weeks now from the storm that had wrecked the ship of Captain Scar, along with Verro’s old life. He had tried to just forget and adapt to the new situation, and it worked well in the days that were full of chores, but every night when he tried to sleep he remembered Donillos. I have lost my only friend, he thought, and it kept him awake. During days Verro was quiet, and did the jobs he was told to do with no complaints. He had made no friends, and he didn’t care to.
The only people who actually stayed in the cave from day to day were the one… [view original content]
This is a choice I found surprisingly hard to make. Efran is that kind of person where I absolutely don't know how he would react to such a situation. He is certainly a cool guy, but something about him seems a bit unstable. The Euron vibes are not as strong as expected, but still there. So... I don't want to say yes. I don't really believe in his rebellion and I doubt Verro does either, at least not fully. I also don't want for him to become a sycophant, of which I think Efran already has enough in his ranks. Outright saying no is bold and he might appreciate it, as honest criticism. However, I am really not sure if Efran would possibly accept such a thing, so saying that he doesn't know sounds like the safer choice. And until I have seen more of Efran, I will keep it on the safe side, until I have a better idea what a kind of person he is. Though I am also in favour of saying no, at least a little bit. I just don't know if it will be worth the risk.
The sounds of the sea could be heard to the large cave where almost a hundred men kept their camp. Today Verro had been promoted fr… moreom washing dishes and gutting fishes to helping the blacksmith with keeping the arms and armors in good shape. He sat on a flat rock, cleaning the fifteenth sword with a bored expression on his face – there were at least ten more to go.
It had been more than two weeks now from the storm that had wrecked the ship of Captain Scar, along with Verro’s old life. He had tried to just forget and adapt to the new situation, and it worked well in the days that were full of chores, but every night when he tried to sleep he remembered Donillos. I have lost my only friend, he thought, and it kept him awake. During days Verro was quiet, and did the jobs he was told to do with no complaints. He had made no friends, and he didn’t care to.
The only people who actually stayed in the cave from day to day were the one… [view original content]
This was a hard choice for me. It was between this and saying yes. I did not want to outright say no because I don't know how Efran will take it or what he will do. That is the least safe choice in my opinion. Saying yes is the safest choice, but I'm not certain if it is the right one... Saying that you don't know will show Efran that you are trying to be honest. Which might show him that he can always trust Verro's opinion. This might lead to some dialogue in which he tries to convince Verro that his rebellion can be successful. I'm not completely certain about this choice, and I might change it to "say yes" later.
The sounds of the sea could be heard to the large cave where almost a hundred men kept their camp. Today Verro had been promoted fr… moreom washing dishes and gutting fishes to helping the blacksmith with keeping the arms and armors in good shape. He sat on a flat rock, cleaning the fifteenth sword with a bored expression on his face – there were at least ten more to go.
It had been more than two weeks now from the storm that had wrecked the ship of Captain Scar, along with Verro’s old life. He had tried to just forget and adapt to the new situation, and it worked well in the days that were full of chores, but every night when he tried to sleep he remembered Donillos. I have lost my only friend, he thought, and it kept him awake. During days Verro was quiet, and did the jobs he was told to do with no complaints. He had made no friends, and he didn’t care to.
The only people who actually stayed in the cave from day to day were the one… [view original content]
The sounds of the sea could be heard to the large cave where almost a hundred men kept their camp. Today Verro had been promoted fr… moreom washing dishes and gutting fishes to helping the blacksmith with keeping the arms and armors in good shape. He sat on a flat rock, cleaning the fifteenth sword with a bored expression on his face – there were at least ten more to go.
It had been more than two weeks now from the storm that had wrecked the ship of Captain Scar, along with Verro’s old life. He had tried to just forget and adapt to the new situation, and it worked well in the days that were full of chores, but every night when he tried to sleep he remembered Donillos. I have lost my only friend, he thought, and it kept him awake. During days Verro was quiet, and did the jobs he was told to do with no complaints. He had made no friends, and he didn’t care to.
The only people who actually stayed in the cave from day to day were the one… [view original content]
The sounds of the sea could be heard to the large cave where almost a hundred men kept their camp. Today Verro had been promoted fr… moreom washing dishes and gutting fishes to helping the blacksmith with keeping the arms and armors in good shape. He sat on a flat rock, cleaning the fifteenth sword with a bored expression on his face – there were at least ten more to go.
It had been more than two weeks now from the storm that had wrecked the ship of Captain Scar, along with Verro’s old life. He had tried to just forget and adapt to the new situation, and it worked well in the days that were full of chores, but every night when he tried to sleep he remembered Donillos. I have lost my only friend, he thought, and it kept him awake. During days Verro was quiet, and did the jobs he was told to do with no complaints. He had made no friends, and he didn’t care to.
The only people who actually stayed in the cave from day to day were the one… [view original content]
The sounds of the sea could be heard to the large cave where almost a hundred men kept their camp. Today Verro had been promoted fr… moreom washing dishes and gutting fishes to helping the blacksmith with keeping the arms and armors in good shape. He sat on a flat rock, cleaning the fifteenth sword with a bored expression on his face – there were at least ten more to go.
It had been more than two weeks now from the storm that had wrecked the ship of Captain Scar, along with Verro’s old life. He had tried to just forget and adapt to the new situation, and it worked well in the days that were full of chores, but every night when he tried to sleep he remembered Donillos. I have lost my only friend, he thought, and it kept him awake. During days Verro was quiet, and did the jobs he was told to do with no complaints. He had made no friends, and he didn’t care to.
The only people who actually stayed in the cave from day to day were the one… [view original content]
So it would appear that Efran the Swaglord and his bandit lackeys are located by the sea, and that House Granit has suffered rather recently as we've seen a little from Dianna's perspective. An interesting part, and something which has certainly grabbed my full attention. I'll be interested to read more of this Efran Sand, in the flesh that is.
Indeed, this camp of Efran that Verro is residing at is by the sea, though it is not the only camp of the Bandit Lord. And don't worry, we should be seeing plenty of Efran in this chapter.
So I'm voting for Verro to say no, mainly because I want to leave what I hope will be a positive impact on Efran, which has already made an attempt to get to know Verro better (which I have my doubts he does this for every lackey he promotes to a soldier). I think the opportunity is risky, but one that if not ceased will likely never return. Anyway, I could be entirely wrong here, but you have my reasoning's.
Yeah, Efran definitely doesn't get to know to all of his men like this. It was the fact that Verro used to be in the crew of Captain Scar, whom Efran hated, that sparked his interest. And this choice definitely is very much about giving the first impression to Efran.
So it would appear that Efran the Swaglord and his bandit lackeys are located by the sea, and that House Granit has suffered rather recently… more as we've seen a little from Dianna's perspective. An interesting part, and something which has certainly grabbed my full attention. I'll be interested to read more of this Efran Sand, in the flesh that is.
[Say no]
This choice I think is more difficult than it may appear, because it really sets the image of what Efran is going to perceive Verro as. I feel like saying yes would almost be too expected, and somewhat a disappointing answer in the eyes of this Bandit Lord, yet in another light it may be the safer option out of the three. Saying that Verro is unsure leaves uncertainty, and perhaps deception in some places, which could make Efran either doubtful or hesitant with Verro which is certainly something which wouldn't be good. Finally, saying no could end out in one of two ways. One, which I'm l… [view original content]
This is a choice I found surprisingly hard to make. Efran is that kind of person where I absolutely don't know how he would react to such a situation. He is certainly a cool guy, but something about him seems a bit unstable. The Euron vibes are not as strong as expected, but still there.
Aha, I can see that it's hard to know at this point how will Efran react. Nesila was at least to some degree right with saying that Efran isn't a monster, though obviously he has been raised in an environment that has roughed him up. More than anything though he is an ambitious young man, with some swag on his side
However, I am really not sure if Efran would possibly accept such a thing, so saying that he doesn't know sounds like the safer choice. And until I have seen more of Efran, I will keep it on the safe side, until I have a better idea what a kind of person he is.
I definitely understand the reasoning. Saying you don't know is definitely the neutral choice here, which often tends to be the safe way
[Say that you don't know]
This is a choice I found surprisingly hard to make. Efran is that kind of person where I absolutely don't know … morehow he would react to such a situation. He is certainly a cool guy, but something about him seems a bit unstable. The Euron vibes are not as strong as expected, but still there. So... I don't want to say yes. I don't really believe in his rebellion and I doubt Verro does either, at least not fully. I also don't want for him to become a sycophant, of which I think Efran already has enough in his ranks. Outright saying no is bold and he might appreciate it, as honest criticism. However, I am really not sure if Efran would possibly accept such a thing, so saying that he doesn't know sounds like the safer choice. And until I have seen more of Efran, I will keep it on the safe side, until I have a better idea what a kind of person he is. Though I am also in favour of saying no, at least a little bit. I just don't know if it will be worth the risk.
Saying yes is the safest choice, but I'm not certain if it is the right one... Saying that you don't know will show Efran that you are trying to be honest. Which might show him that he can always trust Verro's opinion.
That's a good point, because Verro truly isn't sure what to think about this rebellion, so saying that he doesn't know would come off as a very honest answer from him. How Efran reacts to it is another question of course.
[Say that you don't know]
This was a hard choice for me. It was between this and saying yes. I did not want to outright say no because I … moredon't know how Efran will take it or what he will do. That is the least safe choice in my opinion. Saying yes is the safest choice, but I'm not certain if it is the right one... Saying that you don't know will show Efran that you are trying to be honest. Which might show him that he can always trust Verro's opinion. This might lead to some dialogue in which he tries to convince Verro that his rebellion can be successful. I'm not completely certain about this choice, and I might change it to "say yes" later.
I would have to agree with Stigz on this one. I really believe that choosing to say no is best here largely because it shows that Verro is more that a simple yes man who will always tell Efran what he wants to hear. I think choosing this could also lead to Verro possibly becoming an important member of Efran's council at some point. I could be perceiving this wrong but regardless it does seem like a pretty interesting choice nonetheless. Great intro on Efran by the way, I definitely look forward to seeing more of him.
The sounds of the sea could be heard to the large cave where almost a hundred men kept their camp. Today Verro had been promoted fr… moreom washing dishes and gutting fishes to helping the blacksmith with keeping the arms and armors in good shape. He sat on a flat rock, cleaning the fifteenth sword with a bored expression on his face – there were at least ten more to go.
It had been more than two weeks now from the storm that had wrecked the ship of Captain Scar, along with Verro’s old life. He had tried to just forget and adapt to the new situation, and it worked well in the days that were full of chores, but every night when he tried to sleep he remembered Donillos. I have lost my only friend, he thought, and it kept him awake. During days Verro was quiet, and did the jobs he was told to do with no complaints. He had made no friends, and he didn’t care to.
The only people who actually stayed in the cave from day to day were the one… [view original content]
Verro is going to say that he doesn't know wheter he believes in this rebellion or not. This choice was mostly about giving the first impression to Efran, which will affect on how he treats Verro from now on. Anyway, I'm closing this voting so early because 1) it's dangerously close to a tie, and 2) I've made pretty good progress with the next part, and it will probably be ready later today.'
And speaking of the next part, it will be a new PoV, but I think that's all I'm going to tell. It should be an interesting one
O no, I think I made a mistake with my choice! I think I should have changed my answer to say yes instead. Which, I was still considering on doing. However this choice was more difficult than many might assume at first.
Voting is closed!
Verro is going to say that he doesn't know wheter he believes in this rebellion or not. This choice was mostly about gi… moreving the first impression to Efran, which will affect on how he treats Verro from now on. Anyway, I'm closing this voting so early because 1) it's dangerously close to a tie, and 2) I've made pretty good progress with the next part, and it will probably be ready later today.'
And speaking of the next part, it will be a new PoV, but I think that's all I'm going to tell. It should be an interesting one
Dalia Sand stood at the bow of the ship, looking north, where the river Brimstone continued deep into the desert. She turned around, seeing the eleven other ships following. All of them had similar sails – red sun on a black field, the sigil of the Wild Suns. Dalia was the Wild Sun herself, and all these ships and the men sailing them were under her command.
They had sailed up the Brimstone for two days now, and Dalia knew they would soon arrive to a small town called Brimstone Well. There they would land, and continue their way on foot. The company was thousand men strong, over a hundred of them being Unsullied. This should be enough, Dalia thought, letting out a sigh and making her way to the lower deck. Standing well over six feet tall, Dalia towered most of the men in her company, and this was also the case with her second-in-command, Mizro the Sharp. Mizro was a Tyroshi man on his early thirties, with wolfish facial features, sharp blue eyes and dark hair that he kept short. He was also Dalia’s former lover, and the father of her only child.
“Have you seen Desi?” Dalia asked with calm tone as she walked down to the lower deck, and Mizro flashed her a smile. “She is in her cabin, reading a book.” He answered softly, and Dalia gave him a small nod. “You know, perhaps we should leave her to Brimstone Well, with some soldiers to keep her safe – war isn’t a place for a thirteen-year-old.” Mizro suggested, but Dalia shook her head immediately.
“She is not some helpless little girl, Mizro, you know that.” The Wild Sun replied with strict words, and Mizro raised his hands up in sign of giving up. “You’re the boss.” He said with a chuckle. “Though you should understand that this is not the right way to make up for all the years you were away from her life.” This made Dalia frown, and the way she glared at Mizro would’ve made most men wet themselves. “Do not act as if you were any better.” She hissed, and Mizro nodded in agreement.
“You are right.” He said calmly. “I wasn’t any better, but that does not change what I just said.” Dalia had heard enough – she turned away from Mizro without any more words, making her way inside. She took in a deep breath to calm down, and knocked on the door of her daughter’s cabin.
“Who is it?” Asked the sweet but powerful voice of Desirea. “It’s me, Dalia.” Dalia answered, slowly opening the door. Desirea was sitting on her bed, reading a massive old book. She was still a small child, only beginning to grow into a woman’s body, but she had a beautiful face with wise dark eyes, and the curly red hair of her mother. My sweet little girl. “Can I come in?” Dalia asked, standing by the doorway, and Desirea nodded. The cabin’s ceiling was too low for Dalia, so she had to walk in slightly bowed. She made her way to the bed, and sat next to Desirea, who gave her a shy little smile.
“What’s the book about?” Dalia started the conversation awkwardly, and Desirea showed her the cover. “’The eternal enemies’. What does that mean?”
“The book tells about the sorcerers of the Great Other.” Desirea explained softly. “What kind of magic they use, how their secret organization works, and so on.”
“And I assume, R’hllor hates them very much, right?” Dalia asked, her voice a bit amused, but Desirea didn’t smile. “Yes, he does.” She answered strictly. “And there is good reason for it. You are now the Firebearer, mother, you are a warrior of R’hllor, you should take these things seriously.”
“Of course, dear.” Dalia answered with a smile. “If you see a sorcerer of the Great Other, just point at it and I’ll kill it for you.” Desirea rolled her eyes for this, and Dalia let out a little chuckle, ruffling the curly red hair of her daughter. For a moment they were both quiet, until Dalia let out a little sigh.
“Desi…” She started uncomfortably, scratching her hair as she spoke. “Your father suggested that maybe it would be wise if you stayed at Brimstone Well. We would leave some of the soldiers to protect you while we’d march to Hellgate Hall.” Desirea’s eyes widened as Dalia said this. “No.” She answered strictly, and Dalia couldn’t help but let out a little laugh.
“That’s what I expected.” She said with a small smile. “But… I just want you to know that you don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”
“Yes, I do have to.” Desirea answered decisively. “I’m a servant of R’hllor, and I’m on a mission here. I can’t just abandon the Lord of Light because I’m scared.” Dalia nodded understandingly to her daughter’s words. “And are you scared?” She asked softly, and Desirea gulped.
“Of course I am.” She admitted quietly. Dalia put her right arm around her daughter, pulling her to a hug. “I will protect you, my little flame.” She assured, meaning it from the bottom of her heart. “Don’t be afraid.”
“And… Are you afraid, mother?” Desirea asked as they slowly separated from the hug. “I’m not afraid of the battles, Desi, but I am afraid of losing you.” Dalia answered, grief surfacing on her voice. “I don’t want to abandon you ever again.” She added, looking her daughter to the eyes, and Desirea nodded shyly.
“What about your father?” Desirea asked suddenly, and Dalia slightly raised her eyebrow. “What about him?” She asked calmly.
“You said earlier that he didn’t think highly of you… So, how will he react to this? And what will he think about me?” Desirea sounded genuinely worried, so Dalia put on a calm and soft smile. “It doesn’t matter what Lucifer thinks about you, Desi, I’d never let him treat you badly. And what comes to me, the last time he saw me was over fifteen years ago… I am stronger now than I was then.” Dalia let out a small sigh as she said this. “Besides, an addition of thousand men to his army should make him thankful.”
“But you must remember that your father’s war is not the only reason why we are here.” Desirea said, and Dalia gave her a small nod. “My army is here for the war,” Dalia made clear, “but if there is a way I can help you with your mission, I will do it.”
“So if the mission demands that we separate from the army, do you promise to come with me?” Desirea asked with a serious voice, looking Dalia straight to the eyes.
The enemy! I'm calling it now, this is Aisha's enemy! R'hllor followers in Dorne, that is unexpected, but I am certain that they are this mysterious enemy Aisha mentioned. More specifically, Desirea, who has a mysterious mission of her own. It makes a serious amount of sense. And it seems that at least their immediate goal will be to support Lucifer Dryland. That said, I have no idea how Gwendis could ever be of help against an army of a thousand and I am still very sure that I made a terrible mistake by following Aisha, now more than ever. I mean, Aisha probably has a plan, but I can't see how Gwendis could possibly assist her with it. This in turn makes me nervous. I mean, is Aisha's enemy seriously a child? Does she plan to using Gwendis to harm a child? And why can't she do it herself? It now seems we indeed made the terrible mistake of following Aisha down the path that could lead to Gwendis encountering this warrior she dreamt of and I can only hope that there will be ways to end this confrontation without getting her killed.
[Don't promise]
I mostly choose this because, well, if Desirea is Aisha's enemy, then having Dalia around her will make things way harder for Gwendis. Hell, at worst Dalia could be this warrior she has seen and I doubt she's going to react kindly to anyone who is a threat to her daughter. So, keeping Dalia and Gwendis apart from each other will be a big goal for me. If that means that Desirea has to leave on her own, without any warrior to protect her, then so be it. That said, I hope there will be a way for Gwendis to support them instead, because the followers of R'hllor at least serve a morally ambigous deity, as opposed to the pure evil that is the Great Other. Maybe there will be a way for Gwendis not to oppose Desirea or Dalia, so that she won't get into the danger of being killed by the latter. That means, getting on Dalia's good side is important, very important. But again, if things go wrong, then not having a warrior of R'hllor around can only be for the best. Seriously, Gwendis should just get the hell out of there in general instead of assisting Aisha in whatever scheme it is she pursues, but I hope there will at least be the chance not to make Dalia attack her. That said, the implication that she is the warrior from Gwendis' vision is making Dalia by far my least favourite PoV already, even if she seems very interesting as a character, with her being the daughter of Lucifer Dryland and everything. I don't want to dislike her though, so I hope I am wrong here or that we at least will chose the right options to prevent anything bad from happening.
Dalia Sand stood at the bow of the ship, looking north, where the river Brimstone continued deep into the desert. She turned around… more, seeing the eleven other ships following. All of them had similar sails – red sun on a black field, the sigil of the Wild Suns. Dalia was the Wild Sun herself, and all these ships and the men sailing them were under her command.
They had sailed up the Brimstone for two days now, and Dalia knew they would soon arrive to a small town called Brimstone Well. There they would land, and continue their way on foot. The company was thousand men strong, over a hundred of them being Unsullied. This should be enough, Dalia thought, letting out a sigh and making her way to the lower deck. Standing well over six feet tall, Dalia towered most of the men in her company, and this was also the case with her second-in-command, Mizro the Sharp. Mizro was a Tyroshi man on his early thirties, with wolfish facial features,… [view original content]
The enemy! I'm calling it now, this is Aisha's enemy! R'hllor followers in Dorne, that is unexpected, but I am certain that they are this mysterious enemy Aisha mentioned. More specifically, Desirea, who has a mysterious mission of her own. It makes a serious amount of sense.
Haha, these are people who Aisha definitely would see as an enemy, so yeah, maybe they are the enemy.
I mean, Aisha probably has a plan, but I can't see how Gwendis could possibly assist her with it. This in turn makes me nervous. I mean, is Aisha's enemy seriously a child? Does she plan to using Gwendis to harm a child? And why can't she do it herself? It now seems we indeed made the terrible mistake of following Aisha down the path that could lead to Gwendis encountering this warrior she dreamt of and I can only hope that there will be ways to end this confrontation without getting her killed.
Aisha definitely has a plan, but she also follows the signs given by the Great Other pretty spontaniously - meaning the plan might change in the fly. What comes to Desirea, yeah, she indeed is a child, though definitely not the ordinary thirteen-year-old.
That said, the implication that she is the warrior from Gwendis' vision is making Dalia by far my least favourite PoV already, even if she seems very interesting as a character, with her being the daughter of Lucifer Dryland and everything. I don't want to dislike her though, so I hope I am wrong here or that we at least will chose the right options to prevent anything bad from happening.
Oh well, I can definitely understand you here However, I hope you will find at least some liking for Dalia in the future though, or at least can enjoy her parts, because as you said she is a pretty interesting character
The enemy! I'm calling it now, this is Aisha's enemy! R'hllor followers in Dorne, that is unexpected, but I am certain that they are this my… moresterious enemy Aisha mentioned. More specifically, Desirea, who has a mysterious mission of her own. It makes a serious amount of sense. And it seems that at least their immediate goal will be to support Lucifer Dryland. That said, I have no idea how Gwendis could ever be of help against an army of a thousand and I am still very sure that I made a terrible mistake by following Aisha, now more than ever. I mean, Aisha probably has a plan, but I can't see how Gwendis could possibly assist her with it. This in turn makes me nervous. I mean, is Aisha's enemy seriously a child? Does she plan to using Gwendis to harm a child? And why can't she do it herself? It now seems we indeed made the terrible mistake of following Aisha down the path that could lead to Gwendis encountering this warrior she dreamt of and I … [view original content]
Desi is still a young lady. It's best for her mother to be by her side if she is really planning to split from the army. If this girl/her mother is supposed to face Aisha/Gwendis, I believe it's best when they meet 2 vs 2 instead of 2 vs the whole army.
Seeing Liquid in his analysing and cautious mood is such adorable, especially when he already hate newest PoV, assuming that it's danger for his own character! Awww, that's so funny and sweet at once. :-)
Dalia Sand stood at the bow of the ship, looking north, where the river Brimstone continued deep into the desert. She turned around… more, seeing the eleven other ships following. All of them had similar sails – red sun on a black field, the sigil of the Wild Suns. Dalia was the Wild Sun herself, and all these ships and the men sailing them were under her command.
They had sailed up the Brimstone for two days now, and Dalia knew they would soon arrive to a small town called Brimstone Well. There they would land, and continue their way on foot. The company was thousand men strong, over a hundred of them being Unsullied. This should be enough, Dalia thought, letting out a sigh and making her way to the lower deck. Standing well over six feet tall, Dalia towered most of the men in her company, and this was also the case with her second-in-command, Mizro the Sharp. Mizro was a Tyroshi man on his early thirties, with wolfish facial features,… [view original content]
Well it seems we have encountered Aisha's enemy! If it turns out that Dalia and Desirea are indeed the enemies of Aisha and Gwendis, it will be interesting to see just how Aisha plans on going up against a one thousand strong army. I am also probably even more so intrigued to see what Gwendis' role will be in this because I also don't see what kind of importance she would be in a fight between R'hllor and Great Other followers. The whole situation seems pretty shady to me but also very interesting at the same time! At this point, it certainly does seem that Gwendis' storyline is going to have a ton of action in store and it is pretty awesome seeing all of these pieces that were previously mysteries in the story now come together and it gives us readers the choice on whose side we are going to root for.
When it comes to the choice, I have to admit this is a very tough one since on one hand you have Dalia who seems very serious about helping her father in his war but on the other hand you see her guilt for not being there for her daughter in the past few years. So safe to say that I am pretty torn on what to choose here. However, I think at this point it may be best if Dalia [Don't promise] Desirea.
I am choosing this largely because I think it is better not to promise anything at this point. Dalia is the leader of this army and this army no doubt needs her and from what I gather this choice seems more like saying if or not you will leave with Desirea not actually doing it. So at this point, I believe it is best for Dalia not to make any promises and for her to determine the situation with her father so she can hear from both sides before making such a huge decision.
Dalia Sand stood at the bow of the ship, looking north, where the river Brimstone continued deep into the desert. She turned around… more, seeing the eleven other ships following. All of them had similar sails – red sun on a black field, the sigil of the Wild Suns. Dalia was the Wild Sun herself, and all these ships and the men sailing them were under her command.
They had sailed up the Brimstone for two days now, and Dalia knew they would soon arrive to a small town called Brimstone Well. There they would land, and continue their way on foot. The company was thousand men strong, over a hundred of them being Unsullied. This should be enough, Dalia thought, letting out a sigh and making her way to the lower deck. Standing well over six feet tall, Dalia towered most of the men in her company, and this was also the case with her second-in-command, Mizro the Sharp. Mizro was a Tyroshi man on his early thirties, with wolfish facial features,… [view original content]
Well, this is certainly an interesting change of events. For some reason, I thought that Lucifer Dryland could not have kids. I'm very interested in learning more about these characters. For example, how did Dalia become so powerful, why did they become followers of R'hllor, and why is Dalia's daughter so significant? These characters are very mysterious. For the choice, I would say [Don't promise]. This is mainly because, we don't know what Dalia's father will want her to do and he might require her to stay with him. Anyways, she shouldn't promise her that she will leave her army at a moments notice. Even though, she might choose to do this later. She should try to leave her options open for later, when there is a chance to separate from them, so she would not feel obligated to leave with her daughter. Anyways, she could send some of her men to accompany Desirea for her protection if she needed too.
Dalia Sand stood at the bow of the ship, looking north, where the river Brimstone continued deep into the desert. She turned around… more, seeing the eleven other ships following. All of them had similar sails – red sun on a black field, the sigil of the Wild Suns. Dalia was the Wild Sun herself, and all these ships and the men sailing them were under her command.
They had sailed up the Brimstone for two days now, and Dalia knew they would soon arrive to a small town called Brimstone Well. There they would land, and continue their way on foot. The company was thousand men strong, over a hundred of them being Unsullied. This should be enough, Dalia thought, letting out a sigh and making her way to the lower deck. Standing well over six feet tall, Dalia towered most of the men in her company, and this was also the case with her second-in-command, Mizro the Sharp. Mizro was a Tyroshi man on his early thirties, with wolfish facial features,… [view original content]
[Mors' Way]
This might be the better choice because it shows that Nymeria values her husband's opinion. They are suppose to be partners in this campaign, after all. Also, more importantly going with Varyn's way might end up in an unnecessary conflict. What if Mors is right and Bloodspill is innocent? There could be a chance that Bloodspill is being framed.
[Varyn's way]
[Varyn's way]
This seems like an instance where Nymeria should definitely show strength. It is best to stop any defiance from her vassals as soon as possible before it can get any worse especially since it is still early in her war.
Voting is closed!
Admittedly I could've kept this open a bit longer, but the result seems to be clear anyway, Nymeria will choose Varyn's way. This means she will soon march with an army towards Redclif - should be interesting
Obviously the choice is about how will Nymeria handle the conspiracy issue, and this is important choice regarding that, but this also affects on how Varyn and Mors think about Nymeria. Don't worry though, Mors won't suddenly hate Nym just because she didn't go with his plan this time. As we know, Nymeria is sort of carrying a plot armor, no reason to deny that, but think of her choices as something that determines how the world sees her and what kind of reputation you want her to have.
So, my workload is slowly starting to get lighter, though I still have couple uni projects taking some of my time. However, I have managed to already start the next part, which will be Dianna PoV. If you don't remember, the last time we saw Dianna, she was in Lemonwood, questioning people to get some leads on the Bandit Lord. In the end she decided to head towards the lands of House Granit, since there were rumors of Efran hiding in one of the abandoned forts of the Granits.
There had been some sort of skirmish here. A dozen bodies had been left to rot in the sand, next to a crumbled little sept in the desert. This was the second fort that Dianna’s group had visited on their travel towards Desertstone, though they hadn’t found anything from the first one. Most of the bodies were dressed in white tabards with the sigil of House Granit – black viper coiled around a red sword. However, most of their armory and weaponry had been taken, and judging by the condition of the bodies Dianna expected that they had been lying there at least a couple of days. She could see that Ser Dallin Dalt and his soldiers were furious of the sight, and she didn’t blame them.
Dianna commanded her soldiers to start digging graves for the dead, and walked inside the sept with Javor. It was clear that the sept itself had been abandoned for long, since there were no benches or chairs to be seen, the walls had crumbled on many places, as well as the roof. Even the stony altar had taken severe damage. However, next to the altar was a wooden hatch – and right next to it laid another body. He probably died protecting that hatch. With decisive steps Dianna walked through the small hall, stopping right next to the hatch and the body, and Javor followed her.
“What do you think?” Dianna asked with a calm voice, and Javor gave her a lazy shrug. “Most likely a wine cellar.” He said with a sigh. “There could be some fine vintage, who knows.” Dianna rolled her eyes for this. “You think the Bandit Lord’s men would’ve attacked here for some wine?” She asked with cynical tone, making Javor chuckle.
“How should I know?” He asked light-heartedly. “But honestly, I don’t think there needs to be much of a reason for them to strike.”
“Sure, and this man was ready to give his life to protect the fine vintage.” Dianna replied dryly, and Javor smirked at her. “I see you haven’t quite grasped how important wine can be for some of us.” He quipped, but Dianna ignored him and pulled the hatch open. What she saw was wooden stairs leading down into the darkness. On the first steps, the ones that could be seen, there were several drops of dried blood. “Looks like the protector of the wine didn’t go down without a fight.” Dianna said quietly, making Javor chuckle again.
“Alright, if we want to go down there we need a torch.” She said after looking down for a moment. “The soldiers should have means to make one. Grab the body to be buried and bring a torch, meanwhile I’ll look around if there is something more here.”
“Yes, your highness.” Javor said with a fake politeness, gave her a bow and walked out, dragging the body with him. Dianna let out a sigh and started to walk around the sept. She immediately noticed some dried blood behind the altar, as well as a piece of black clothing. Probably from the fight. Dianna kept looking around the sept, but there didn’t seem to be any more leads.
“Find anything?” Asked and old and melodic male voice, and Dianna turned her gaze to see the wanderer named Wylie step into the sept. He had traveled with Dianna’s convoy – apparently he was making his way towards the western Dorne. At first Dianna had been skeptical of this, but the old man had surprised her, and many of her soldiers seemed wearier of the traveling than this white-bearded man who had to be over ninety years old.
“Aye, dust and sand.” Dianna replied sarcastically, and Wylie flashed her a smile. “Apparently blood and bodies too.” He said calmly, and Dianna nodded with a sigh. “It seems Hors might have been correct after all.” Wylie spoke with a pondering tone. “The Bandit Lord might indeed be hiding somewhere in this desert.”
“I will find that bastard’s bastard soon enough, and put it him in his place.” Dianna muttered, and at the same time Javor returned, carrying with him a quickly crafted torch. “That was quick.” Dianna complimented, looking at Javor with a bit of surprise in her expression. “Some wood, fabric and lamp oil is all that is needed.” He replied with a grin, walking back to the hatch. Dianna followed him, as well as Wylie. Dianna opened the hatch, and so they walked down, Javor leading the way with his torch.
The size of the cellar surprised Dianna – it was actually bigger than the sept itself. The cellar had clearly been used as a storage. There were seven long lines of shelves in the hall, narrow passages between them, and against the stony walls were wooden crates and earthen jars. On top of one of the crates were several bottles.
“I knew there’d be wine here.” Javor said, approaching the bottles. But as he grabbed one of them it became clear that the bottles were empty. “Looks like you were wrong.” Dianna remarked quietly, while Javor kept observing the bottles.
“Some of these bottles have been emptied only recently.” He said after a moment, his tone now more serious. “There are even drops of wine still left in some of them.”
“So the Bandit Lord’s men did find some fine vintage after all.” Dianna said with a sigh. “How about we try to find something that could actually be useful?” Javor raised an eyebrow for this, but put down the bottle and kept searching the hall. There were dusty old books on the shelves, as well as scrolls and maps, but nothing particularly interesting. It didn’t look like the Bandit Lord’s men had really taken anything from the shelves, or at least they hadn’t left a mess behind.
“Take a look at this.” The calm voice of Wylie suddenly called from behind. Javor and Dianna quickly walked to him, and the old man pointed at an empty spot on the floor next to the wall. “Nothing there.” Javor stated, and Wylie nodded. “Indeed, but there used to be.” He said with a smile. “Look closely at the floor, there is a square area that is darker than floor around it.”
“So, you are saying the bandits took something with them.” Dianna narrowed her eyes as she spoke, because it took her a while to notice what Wylie meant. He has surprisingly sharp eyes.
“That’s what I would guess, yes.” Wylie replied smoothly. Javor scratched his head with a questioning look on his eyes. “But what could they want from a place like this?” He asked doubtingly.
“Who knows what the Granits had stored here.” Dianna answered quietly. She stepped away from the wall, turning to look at the shelves again. “But it’s clear that they have taken everything useful with them.” Her tone was frustrated. These bandits really seemed to be working with precise, and it made Dianna wonder if she really had any chance of taking them down. For a moment silence lingered in the air, until Javor cleared his throat.
“Ser Dallin said it’s about a day’s travel from here, both to Desertstone and to another one of these abandoned forts.” He spoke with calm and serious tone. “I guess it comes down to how we want to continue from here. Do you think we should go meet the Granits before continuing this mission?”
[Go to Desertstone to meet the Granits] [Continue straight to the next abandoned fort]
[Go to Desertstone to meet the Granits]
I believe House Granit could have a personal interest in taking down these bandits. After all, one of the key members among the bandits is a disgraced member of their family and the bandits in general sound like a huge threat to their lands. They attack septs on the Granit lands, they kill people, they loot. All in all, maybe the Granits would be very willing to offer help, either in form of information (I mean, there has to be some kind of rumour they have heard), or in form of direct military aid. In any way, it sounds better to meet up with them first before blindly chasing the bandits from one abandoned fort to the next without any real lead.
[Go to Desertstone to meet the Granits]
[Go to Desertstone to meet the Granits]
[Go to Desertstone to meet the Granits]
[Go to Desertstone to meet the Granits]
[Go to Desertstone to meet the Granits] I would have to agree with the others on this one. Meeting up with the Granits seem like the best way to get a lead rather than going from fort to fort.
Voting is closed!
And Dianna and her convoy will go to Desertstone to meet the Granits, before continuing their search. Makes sense, and I did expect you to choose this. Dianna should have a very exciting storyline ahead of her in this chapter, despite this part being a bit boring
And the next part will be Verro PoV. If you've forgotten Verro, he was the guy who was washed ashore after the storm in the eastern coast. He used to be part of a pirate crew, but he was apparently the only one who survived the shipwreck. He was found from the beach by Ser Byrron Granit, the man who raised Efran Sand on the Stepstones. Byrron offered Verro a chance to join the Bandit Lord's rebellion, and he joined.
Anywhoo, next we will have H&L part from a character we haven't seen in a while - Princess Isabella
Nymeria’s War Histories & Lore
Isabella Fowler – Tourney of Starfall
Princess Isabella Fowler stood on the shore, admiring the beauty of Starfall one more time before she would go back home to Skyreach. Starfall was a place that Isabella had visited quite often growing up but its beauty never faded to her. The Torrentine’s never ending waters flowing along with the Summer Sea that it merged with, and the beautiful white castle, the home of the royal family of Dayne, which had towers that stood so tall it looked as if the castle were among the clouds during the day and the stars at night.
It was all so breathtaking to Isabella, and even though she had many unforgettable memories of Starfall from her visits as a child, she could easily say that this week topped them all.
Not only had she got to witness the great tourney of Starfall firsthand, where she witnessed many great knights in their shining armors competing for gold, glory, and maybe even love along with many wonderful feasts, plays and performances that were nothing short of mesmerizing.
She had even witnessed the surprise return of King Vorian Dayne to tourney participation when he had outlasted fifty other knights to win the melee, wielding of course House Dayne’s legendary greatsword Dawn. This had brought everyone in attendance to their feet especially King Vorian’s wife Queen Arenna, who had admired her victorious husband with loving eyes, and Vorian had gazed upon her in the same manner.
Isabella thought about how that moment was just like in the stories she had read where the valiant knight would celebrate with their true love after a great victory, and ride off into the sunset. Isabella wondered if she would ever feel the same kind of love and admiration from someone she cared about and truthfully she wondered if all of those stories with happy endings she had dreamed about time and time again were nothing more than lies.
However even King Vorian’s great triumph would be overshadowed by what was to come when Isabella witnessed her longtime friend Prince Jamison Dayne unhorse Prince Naemon Blackmont to win the joust of the Tourney of Starfall, and along with that the respect and admiration of almost everyone in attendance. Isabella had known Jamison for nearly both of their entire lives and had admired him quietly for years, but figured that Jamison did not feel the same about her.
Sure, Jamison had always been kind to Isabella but she couldn’t help but wonder if Jamison only treated her as he did because she was a daughter of a king herself and Isabella had worried that Jamison just considered her a friend at best. She figured that Jamison would prefer a more outgoing girl like Ashara Nightfall or Madison Tarly with both of them claiming that Jamison only had eyes for them. So the moment when Jamison rode past both of those girls, along with countless others, on his all black destrier to crown Isabella the Queen of Love and Beauty, she was awestruck and could not believe that her dream just may come true. However, now she was heading home and she wondered what Jamison crowning her had truly meant. She hoped it would mean a betrothal and eventual marriage would follow, but she was trying not to get herself too excited, as she feared that it wouldn’t happen and she would only end up disappointed.
All at once however, Isabella was snapped out of her thoughts by two familiar voices – it sounded like they were arguing. Isabella’s older brother Prince Desmor and Prince Jamison were barking something at each other. Isabella wanted to have a conversation with Jamison before leaving, so she hurried towards the voices, also hoping she could stop the argument before it would turn violent. As she got closer she noticed most of the anger was coming from her older brother.
“You got lucky this time, Jamison.” Prince Desmor barked to Prince Jamison with anger in his words. “You won now, I admit that, but don’t stand here and talk down to me, acting as if I wasn’t even a competition for you.” Jamison rolled his eyes and smirked at him, only making Desmor angrier, and quickly retorted back. “To be honest you really weren’t much of a competition, Fowler.” He said coldly. “I almost feel sorry for you embarrassing yourself in front of everyone. Yet if I remember correctly I told you that you should drop out of the tournament and save yourself from the inevitable, but your foolish pride got in the way.” Jamison placed great emphasis on the last phrase. Jamison was about to continue insulting Desmor, but he had clearly had enough.
“Enough! I have had it with you, I am not going to stand here and take any more of this!” Isabella’s older brother bellowed, but Jamison just laughed, completely ignoring Desmor’s words and the anger behind them. “Fine, I am finished with you, Desmor. I have listened to your complaining long enough, so just get out of my face before I decide to put in your place yet again.” Jamison spoke with an arrogant smirk on his face, and with threatening words. “It’s not like I came here to listen to you cry about your defeats. I am here to see your sister or should I say my Queen.” Jamison said this with a calm tone and genuine smile, but Desmor now tensed up even more. “We are not finished here, Jamison. Oh, and you will not see my sister and she is certainly not your queen.” He said strictly, and Jamison took a step toward him and with a cold look in his eyes he said: “We’re not finished here you say? We’ll see about that.”
Right then, Isabella had enough of their non-sense. “Stop it now!” She shouted for them both, with strength that surprised even herself. “You are both acting like children.” With those words, Desmor and Jamison stopped and turned to look at her. Jamison looked slightly embarrassed about what had happened, and after briefly glancing away, he turned to look Isabella straight in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Isabella.” He said, embarrassment in his words. “It seems Desmor and I both got a bit worked up, we shouldn’t have acted this way.” Desmor still stared daggers at Jamison, but was also starting to calm down. “Yeah, Jamison is right.” He muttered. “We are both competitive, but we should leave it on the tourney field. I apologize as well, Bella.”
Isabella now calmed down herself and most of her previous courage gone, she shyly asked her brother: “Desmor, can I please have a moment with Jamison?” The look that Desmor gave her was clearly disapproving, but finally he let out a sigh and nodded. “Of course Bella, take all of the time that you need, father will certainly not leave without you.” He spoke with calm tone. “I’ll go talk to him and let him know that you will come in a moment.” With that Prince Desmor walked away to meet with their father King Garrison, older brother Prince Ferris, and their Aunt Obara along with the rest of the Fowler convoy. And so, Jamison and Isabella were left alone.
After a brief awkward silence Isabella was the first to speak up. “Why do you have to be so hard on my brother?” Isabella asked meekly, immediately regretting it. She had never said anything negative towards Jamison before. She was worried about how he would react, but Jamison looked at her with genuine regret in his eyes. “I’m sorry. I can be a bit harsh on people, but if you ask me to, I’ll never say a bad word about your brother again.” He said, and then a smirk appeared on his face. “Though Desmor has never really seemed to like me.” He remarked. “And I can admit that I kind of enjoy making him angry.” At this point, Isabella was quite disappointed in Jamison, but at the same time amused.
“Yes, you and Desmor have never gotten along very well.” She said with a little chuckle. “But could you please try to be nicer to him?” Isabella asked with a kind tone. “Desmor was so excited for this tourney, and he thought that he would have a chance to do well, not to get defeated by you in the first round.” Jamison sighed, but gave her an agreeing nod. “I suppose you’ve got a point.” He said smoothly. “It’s probably for the best that I get along with your brother, or better yet get along with all of your family.” Jamison said this with an amused smirk, and Isabella replicated it. For a moment they just looked at each other, with happiness and love in their eyes.
“So what did you think of the tournament?” Jamison finally asked. “It was amazing.” Isabella answered truthfully. “Pretty much all I could ask for, really. It was just like in the songs.” Isabella spoke with a dreamy look in her eyes. “Not only did I get to see your father win the melee, I also saw you win the joust at your own nameday tourney. I would imagine that this tourney will remembered in history.”
“As it should be.” Jamison replied with a cocky grin. “This was my tourney to win, and there was no way I was going to let anyone stop me.” He spoke with a proud and confident tone.
“I’m sure your father was very proud of you after your great victory.” Isabella said shyly, worrying that she may be prodding here, Jamison however just chuckled and smiled at her. “I suppose father may be proud of me, but he has a very funny way of showing it. After I won the tourney, Vorian gave me a lecture about how even though I won, he saw cousin Naemon as the true winner.” Jamison’s tone was slightly bitter, and he rolled his eyes at the thought. “Father said that Naemon fought with honor and handled his defeat with grace, while I was a sore winner. He said that I could learn something from Naemon especially how he lives up to how a knight should act in victory and defeat. That Naemon always carries himself with honor and dignity and that with my behavior that at times I should not even call myself a knight.” Jamison now had an outright upset look on his face. “I don’t know what it will take to impress that man. I don’t understand it, father expects me to live to up to these absurd standards he has, but that simply isn’t who I am.” Jamison said, sounding almost defeated. “I don’t care what father says, I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for something I’m not.” He spoke with underlying anger in his words. Isabella now felt awful for bringing up this topic, and did not know what to say.
“I’m sorry, I should not be acting this way.” Jamison said as he noticed her sad expression. “I have put a lot of pressure on myself to win and be the best. I am sure father will recognize the hard work that I have put in.” He said with slightly more positive tone, trying to hold his composure and hold back the disappointment he had shown earlier.
Isabella was starting to wonder if Jamison would mention him crowning her, but as soon as the thought crossed her mind, a charming smile appeared on Jamison’s face. “And at least I know that one thing couldn’t have gone better this week.” He said with a warm tone, though Isabella could also spot a touch of nervousness in it. “I have finally crowned my queen.” Jamison stated with a smile on his face, and immediately Isabella felt overwhelmed – and she was sure it showed. “I have waited a long time to do this and I hope you feel the same.” The Sword of the Night whispered, and Isabella immediately pulled him in with a hug, and Jamison pulled her in even closer, and kissed her. Isabella felt the Prince’s soft lips against hers, and it felt as if time stood still.
When they finally let go of one another, Isabella still could not believe what was happening. She looked up to Jamison’s dark purple eyes. “Ashara Nightfall told that you were going to crown her the Queen of Love & Beauty once you’d win the tourney.” She said quietly. Now Jamison just smirked and let out a hearty little laugh. “Oh Bella, Ashara surely wishes that would happen, but there was never a chance for it- she is not you.” Prince Jamison said with confident and adoring words.
As soon as Isabella was going to respond, she heard her brother Desmor’s voice calling for her. “It is time to go Bella, our ship is getting ready to set sail – time to go home!” He yelled, Prince Ferris standing next to him, and Isabella called back to her brothers with pleading words: “Please, can’t they wait?” She looked back at Jamison, and the Sword of the Night just laughed. “It's okay Isabella, I have crowned you my Queen of Love and Beauty. No one would get in the way of that. I will talk to my father, and soon enough, we will be betrothed. There is no way father will turn me down after this week.” Jamison spoke with determined words.
Isabella looked up at Jamison and let out a sigh. “I suppose I must go.” She said with a sad tone. “It seems that you must.” Jamison replied with a smile. “But you’ll be back, I will make sure of it”. And so Isabella turned toward the ship with all of House Fowler waiting on her, but all at once Jamison pulled her around and passionately kissed her again, in front of everyone, and Isabella just wanted that moment to last forever. “Of course I could not forget that.” Jamison said with great satisfaction, and Isabella blushed. “Jamison! You can’t do that in front of my brothers.” She said, but Jamison just looked at her with his passionate purple eyes and said. “Why not, you are my queen.” He said with a smirk and with passionate words Jamison proudly proclaimed to her. “Soon enough Starfall will be your home and no one not my family, not your family no one will be able to tell us what to do or keep us apart. With those words, Jamison confidently said "I will see you soon.”
And with that Isabella got on the ship to take her back to the Dornish mainland, and away from Starfall. She went back to thinking about her week. Before what just happened she had believed that it may have been the perfect week, but now she knew without a doubt that it had been. She would remember this forever.
I really like this H&L, because aside from giving us more insight to Isabella, it shows a very important moment between her and Jamison. And this moment is something that still affects very much on both of these characters motivations and actions. Good job!
This was an amazing H&L! I love the Fowler family (as if I don't have enough regrets over Gwendis' latest choice already), but this one gave me an even deeper appreciation for them. I've always liked Isabella and I've always liked Jamison, but this was the first time we've actually seen them together. And it was cute, it really caused me to ship them
I really got a different vibe from Jamison here. I mean, I always knew that he had this different, softer side, but actually seeing it is something else entirely. Isabella has always been one of my favourites as well, but she has grown even more on me now. In any way, this was a great H&L, one of my favourites so far!
Thanks, I am glad to see that you enjoyed it! It was pretty fun writing out this interaction between Isabella and Jamison and it was certainly the toughest one to write yet trying to include conversations between characters and what not. Jamison does indeed have a softer side and it is not something that shows regularly because Jamison's normal personality is not an act so it was good getting to show what or in this case who is able to bring that side out of him. I also got to show some things that actually gets under Jamison's skin a bit as well. I also got to show some insight into Isabella's mind which was also super fun. Thanks for reading it!
That was pleasuring to read, really. You are really good writer - why not to start your own story??
Thank you! I would be lying to you though if I didn't mention that Wildling edits my H&L's to help make them better since I struggle showing character emotions and stuff like that. However, I will happily take the compliment!
When it comes to starting my own story, I don't know if I would be dedicated enough to do that but I know I will be writing more H&L's for Nymeria's War and for Stigz's story the Invasion with hopefully one for it being finished within the next week or two!
So, the part is not ready yet (probably will be tomorrow), but to keep the thread alive, here is a portrait of Verro
Reminds me of Jamison Dayne and Jaron the Bastard from this drawing
He looks great! Eager to read the new part 
I think you did a good job drawing him. I wonder what he will be doing in this next part.
The sounds of the sea could be heard to the large cave where almost a hundred men kept their camp. Today Verro had been promoted from washing dishes and gutting fishes to helping the blacksmith with keeping the arms and armors in good shape. He sat on a flat rock, cleaning the fifteenth sword with a bored expression on his face – there were at least ten more to go.
It had been more than two weeks now from the storm that had wrecked the ship of Captain Scar, along with Verro’s old life. He had tried to just forget and adapt to the new situation, and it worked well in the days that were full of chores, but every night when he tried to sleep he remembered Donillos. I have lost my only friend, he thought, and it kept him awake. During days Verro was quiet, and did the jobs he was told to do with no complaints. He had made no friends, and he didn’t care to.
The only people who actually stayed in the cave from day to day were the ones that the soldiers liked to call “lackeys” – craftsmen, cooks, and other people who took care of the everyday things in the camp – and obviously Verro was one of them. The soldiers rode off to their raids and only returned to sleep at the cave now and then. After being recruited Verro had seen Ser Byrron Granit only three times. The Bandit Lord himself he hadn’t seen even once, though he had heard rumors that Efran would soon return from a visit to the desert. Apparently one of his allies was keeping a stronghold there, but that was all Verro knew.
“Are you done with them yet?” Verro heard the coarse voice of Greg the Blacksmith asking. Greg was a stocky man on his late forties, with dark eyes and bushy black beard. Apparently he had served House Gargalen in the past.
“No.” Verro replied laconically. The blacksmith walked to him with a tense expression on his face. “Well you better quicken the pace then; the soldiers will leave soon.” He spoke with calm but commanding words, and Verro nodded to him. “Where will they go?” He asked quietly, making Greg let out a sigh. “Lord Efran is coming, they will go to escort him.” The blacksmith answered, keeping his voice down. Without saying anything more he turned away, leaving Verro to continue his work. Finally, I’ll meet my new captain.
Verro felt someone kicking him softly to the ribs, and he opened his eyes. The cave was illuminated by the dozens of torches, but it was clear that the sun had already set outside. “Better get up, unless you want to miss Lord Efran’s speech.” Greg said down to Verro, who nodded to him with a yawn. He could see the soldiers and lackeys all gathering around large rock close to the entrance of the cave. Two men were standing on that rock, but it was hard to recognize them from this far. “Let’s go then.” Verro muttered to the blacksmith as he stood up, and they made their way closer.
Verro could see that the other man was Ser Byrron Granit, who was eyeing the crowd with his stern dark eyes, and scratching his bushy beard. Next to him stood a young man with a confident grin on his tanned face. His hair had been dyed blue, though it was wearing off, unveiling his natural dark brown hair. An eyepatch made of red leather covered the young man’s left eye, and he was wearing black coat with purple sash and collar. In his hand the blue-haired man was holding a beautiful curved sword that glimmered magically. Valyrian steel.
This was Efran the Bandit Lord – a handsome young man with stylish clothing. I wonder if he is any good with that fancy sword, Verro thought as he and Greg arrived next to one of the soldiers – a young woman with short brown hair, and a doubtful look on her brown eyes. Verro had never spoke with this woman, but he knew that she was part of a small sellsword company called Thunder Crew, which had apparently been under the Bandit Lord’s command for couple of months now. It had come clear to Verro that Efran got his support from very mixed group of people. There were several small sellsword companies like the Thunder Crew, there were at least couple of pirate crews, there were peasants that had been recruited from the lands of Dalts, there were hedge knights, there were lowlife bandits and thieves that saw this rebellion as a way of getting rich. Verro had even heard of an Ironborn crew working with the Bandit Lord, though he had no idea if there was any truth to that rumor.
Verro turned his gaze back to Efran, who was now gazing at a beautiful blonde lady who stood right next to the rock, and the lady was looking right back at him with lustful eyes. Verro let out a sigh and shook his head subtly. “Are you jealous?” He heard the woman next to him asking with quiet but sharp words. With confusion he turned to look at her. “The way you look at Efran, it’s easy to see that you are jealous.” The woman went on, leaning against her spear.
“And who are you?” Verro asked with lazy tone, making the woman narrow her eyes. “Name is Nesila.” She said coldly. “And you?”
“I’m Verro.” He answered with a sigh. “And I’m not jealous… I wouldn’t want to be like him.” Nesila raised an eyebrow for this. “Like him? What do you even know about him?” Her words were serious, almost aggressive. “I heard enough about him when I was in Captain Scar’s crew.” Verro answered sternly, and Nesila nodded to him slowly. “Well, I can tell you something, Verro. Efran Dalt is not a monster, just a bit too ambitious with his goals.” With these words Nesila turned her eyes away from Verro.
“Hear me, brothers!” Efran yelled suddenly, his voice booming majestically in the cave, making the soldiers cheer. “Tonight, I return from a very successful journey to the deserts – a journey that has made our rebellion even more threatening in the eyes of the false lord Darin.” He spoke with a constant grin on his face, making grandiose gestures with his hands. “Soon we will take all these lands, and anyone who opposes us will fall!” Another wave of cheers went through the crowd.
“As I said, a bit too ambitious.” Nesila stated quietly, and Verro turned to look at her again, whilst the Bandit Lord continued his speech. “I know you are part of the Thunder Crew, but… where do you come from? You don’t look like Westerosi.” For the first time, a small smile appeared on Nesila’s face. “You have keen eyes, Verro.” She said dryly. “I come from Myr. And if I have to guess, you have some Dothraki blood in you, am I correct?”
“Yes, you are.” Verro answered, a bit of grief surfacing on his voice. “I was born in Dothraki Sea, but I’ve been to lot of places in my life after that.” This made Nesila chuckle. “And now you are cleaning the swords of bandits and sellswords in a damp cave.” She said with a subtle hint of mockery.
“Well, it’s not like my life on Captain Scar’s crew was any more luxurious… Not much at least.” Verro spoke with toneless words.
“We bring with us gold, taken from the traitors of House Granit!” Efran’s words shifted Verro’s and Nesila’s attention back to him. “Every man and woman here will be handsomely rewarded for their loyalty!”
“EFRAN! EFRAN! EFRAN!” The crowd started chanting, as the Bandit Lord stepped down from the rock, a confident grin on his face. Verro turned to look at Nesila again, but she had already turned her back to him and walked away.
Verro was sitting with Greg and bunch of other lackeys by the fire, sipping ale, listening to the others talk about Efran’s speech. Greg turned his gaze to Verro. “You didn’t hear much of the speech, did you?” He asked with a drunken grin. “Too busy hitting on that bitch from Myr, aye?” Some of the other lackeys let out a little laugh, but Vero just gave the old blacksmith a stern glare. Before he could say anything, Jabar – one of the ebony skinned warriors – walked to them.
“You are the one from Scar’s crew, correct?” He asked from Verro with his deep voice. “Yes.” Verro answered shortly, and the man gestured him to stand up. “Lord Efran wants to meet you.” He stated with no emotion, and Verro gulped subtly. “Why?” He asked with a touch of nervousness, but Jabar just shook his head. “No questions.” He said, and started to walk. Verro stood up quickly, and followed the man.
They walked past several groups of soldiers that were enjoying the night, drinking and singing. Jabar had a stony expression on his face as they approached the end of the cave, where Lord Efran himself sat on a comfortable chair, the beautiful blonde lady on his lap, the other ebony skinned warrior – Zhobho – standing behind him in guard, and Ser Byrron sitting on another chair near them. As they got closer, Efran focused his eyes on Verro.
“You are the one from Captain Scar’s crew, aye?” He asked with a friendly tone, though the look on his light brown eye was somehow cold. “Yeah, my name is Verro.” Verro answered, trying to sound relaxed, and Efran nodded to him with a smirk. “Jabar, get him a chair.” He ordered the warrior, who obeyed and fetched a simple wooden chair. Verro sat down, eyeing all these people with nervous eyes.
“Why so nervous, boy?” Asked the blonde lady with a sharp look on her dark blue eyes, and Efran tapped her on the shoulder. “Easy now, Elise. Let’s not be rude to Verro, he is a loyal servant. Isn’t that right, Verro?” Efran’s smile was replaced by a dead serious expression as he asked this.
“Of course.” Verro answered immediately, wondering if he had done something wrong. “Good.” Efran said, the smile returning to his face. “Now, the reason I’ve asked you to come here is simply because I’m curious. You see, Captain Scar was someone I wanted dead for a long time. Now he is dead, and one of his men is working for me. However, who is this man that is working for me? Who is Verro?”
“You… want to learn more about me?” Verro asked, and Efran gave him a nod. “Precisely.” He replied with a grin. “Oh… Well, I was born to a Dothraki horde, it was over twenty years ago. I lived with my horde, learned to ride and to fight. I would’ve become a great Dothraki warrior, but when I was fifteen years old I was captured by a band of slavers, who took me to the fighting pits of Meereen. I’m not sure how long I was there, but it was years. I fought for the entertainment of the masters, and I was treated like shit. Then, one day my master took me to the sea, perhaps to sell me somewhere else, and I was saved by Captain Scar’s crew as they attacked the ship.”
“And after that you worked for Scar.” Efran concluded the story, and Verro nodded. “Very interesting story.” The Bandit Lord said, his one eye studying the face of Verro. “So, you are a Dothraki screamer, a pit fighter, and a pirate. Tell me again, why haven’t you been given a sword yet?” It sounded like the question was genuine, so Verro answered with a shrug. “Nobody asked me if I can fight.” He said truthfully, and Efran let out a little laugh.
“Well, I don’t need to ask that, because I know that you can.” He said smoothly. “Otherwise you’d be dead by now. Well, you are not a lackey anymore, Verro, from here on you will be a soldier.” Efran announced, and Verro nodded. “Thank you.” He said clumsily, as he wasn’t sure what should he say.
“Don’t thank me yet.” Efran replied with a cold smirk. “It’ll be hard work; I can promise that much. And from now on, you’ll address me as Lord.”
“Yes, my Lord.” Verro said immediately, and Efran chuckled. “Let me ask you something, Verro. Do you believe in my rebellion? Do you believe it can be successful?” The look on the Bandit Lord’s eye was serious as he asked this, and Verro gulped. Does he expect an honest answer? In all honesty, Verro wasn't really sure if he believed in this rebellion or not.
[Say yes] [Say no] [Say that you don't know]
So it would appear that Efran the Swaglord and his bandit lackeys are located by the sea, and that House Granit has suffered rather recently as we've seen a little from Dianna's perspective. An interesting part, and something which has certainly grabbed my full attention. I'll be interested to read more of this Efran Sand, in the flesh that is.
[Say no]
This choice I think is more difficult than it may appear, because it really sets the image of what Efran is going to perceive Verro as. I feel like saying yes would almost be too expected, and somewhat a disappointing answer in the eyes of this Bandit Lord, yet in another light it may be the safer option out of the three. Saying that Verro is unsure leaves uncertainty, and perhaps deception in some places, which could make Efran either doubtful or hesitant with Verro which is certainly something which wouldn't be good. Finally, saying no could end out in one of two ways. One, which I'm leaning for, is that Efran will take interest to Verro being more than just a mindless order-following soldier, and someone that could have potential in rising higher. He may also respect and listen to Verro's opinions as a consequence of this. Or there is the more grim and second alternative, which could result in the disposal of Verro through some sort of suicide mission.
So I'm voting for Verro to say no, mainly because I want to leave what I hope will be a positive impact on Efran, which has already made an attempt to get to know Verro better (which I have my doubts he does this for every lackey he promotes to a soldier). I think the opportunity is risky, but one that if not ceased will likely never return. Anyway, I could be entirely wrong here, but you have my reasoning's.
[Say that you don't know]
This is a choice I found surprisingly hard to make. Efran is that kind of person where I absolutely don't know how he would react to such a situation. He is certainly a cool guy, but something about him seems a bit unstable. The Euron vibes are not as strong as expected, but still there. So... I don't want to say yes. I don't really believe in his rebellion and I doubt Verro does either, at least not fully. I also don't want for him to become a sycophant, of which I think Efran already has enough in his ranks. Outright saying no is bold and he might appreciate it, as honest criticism. However, I am really not sure if Efran would possibly accept such a thing, so saying that he doesn't know sounds like the safer choice. And until I have seen more of Efran, I will keep it on the safe side, until I have a better idea what a kind of person he is. Though I am also in favour of saying no, at least a little bit. I just don't know if it will be worth the risk.
[Say that you don't know]
This was a hard choice for me. It was between this and saying yes. I did not want to outright say no because I don't know how Efran will take it or what he will do. That is the least safe choice in my opinion. Saying yes is the safest choice, but I'm not certain if it is the right one... Saying that you don't know will show Efran that you are trying to be honest. Which might show him that he can always trust Verro's opinion. This might lead to some dialogue in which he tries to convince Verro that his rebellion can be successful. I'm not completely certain about this choice, and I might change it to "say yes" later.
[Say that you don't know]
[Say yes] Let's not make a bad impression right away.
[Say yes]
Indeed, this camp of Efran that Verro is residing at is by the sea, though it is not the only camp of the Bandit Lord. And don't worry, we should be seeing plenty of Efran in this chapter.
Yeah, Efran definitely doesn't get to know to all of his men like this. It was the fact that Verro used to be in the crew of Captain Scar, whom Efran hated, that sparked his interest. And this choice definitely is very much about giving the first impression to Efran.
Aha, I can see that it's hard to know at this point how will Efran react. Nesila was at least to some degree right with saying that Efran isn't a monster, though obviously he has been raised in an environment that has roughed him up. More than anything though he is an ambitious young man, with some swag on his side
I definitely understand the reasoning. Saying you don't know is definitely the neutral choice here, which often tends to be the safe way
That's a good point, because Verro truly isn't sure what to think about this rebellion, so saying that he doesn't know would come off as a very honest answer from him. How Efran reacts to it is another question of course.
[Say no]
I would have to agree with Stigz on this one. I really believe that choosing to say no is best here largely because it shows that Verro is more that a simple yes man who will always tell Efran what he wants to hear. I think choosing this could also lead to Verro possibly becoming an important member of Efran's council at some point. I could be perceiving this wrong but regardless it does seem like a pretty interesting choice nonetheless. Great intro on Efran by the way, I definitely look forward to seeing more of him.
Voting is closed!
Verro is going to say that he doesn't know wheter he believes in this rebellion or not. This choice was mostly about giving the first impression to Efran, which will affect on how he treats Verro from now on. Anyway, I'm closing this voting so early because 1) it's dangerously close to a tie, and 2) I've made pretty good progress with the next part, and it will probably be ready later today.'
And speaking of the next part, it will be a new PoV, but I think that's all I'm going to tell. It should be an interesting one
O no, I think I made a mistake with my choice! I think I should have changed my answer to say yes instead. Which, I was still considering on doing. However this choice was more difficult than many might assume at first.
Dalia Sand stood at the bow of the ship, looking north, where the river Brimstone continued deep into the desert. She turned around, seeing the eleven other ships following. All of them had similar sails – red sun on a black field, the sigil of the Wild Suns. Dalia was the Wild Sun herself, and all these ships and the men sailing them were under her command.
They had sailed up the Brimstone for two days now, and Dalia knew they would soon arrive to a small town called Brimstone Well. There they would land, and continue their way on foot. The company was thousand men strong, over a hundred of them being Unsullied. This should be enough, Dalia thought, letting out a sigh and making her way to the lower deck. Standing well over six feet tall, Dalia towered most of the men in her company, and this was also the case with her second-in-command, Mizro the Sharp. Mizro was a Tyroshi man on his early thirties, with wolfish facial features, sharp blue eyes and dark hair that he kept short. He was also Dalia’s former lover, and the father of her only child.
“Have you seen Desi?” Dalia asked with calm tone as she walked down to the lower deck, and Mizro flashed her a smile. “She is in her cabin, reading a book.” He answered softly, and Dalia gave him a small nod. “You know, perhaps we should leave her to Brimstone Well, with some soldiers to keep her safe – war isn’t a place for a thirteen-year-old.” Mizro suggested, but Dalia shook her head immediately.
“She is not some helpless little girl, Mizro, you know that.” The Wild Sun replied with strict words, and Mizro raised his hands up in sign of giving up. “You’re the boss.” He said with a chuckle. “Though you should understand that this is not the right way to make up for all the years you were away from her life.” This made Dalia frown, and the way she glared at Mizro would’ve made most men wet themselves. “Do not act as if you were any better.” She hissed, and Mizro nodded in agreement.
“You are right.” He said calmly. “I wasn’t any better, but that does not change what I just said.” Dalia had heard enough – she turned away from Mizro without any more words, making her way inside. She took in a deep breath to calm down, and knocked on the door of her daughter’s cabin.
“Who is it?” Asked the sweet but powerful voice of Desirea. “It’s me, Dalia.” Dalia answered, slowly opening the door. Desirea was sitting on her bed, reading a massive old book. She was still a small child, only beginning to grow into a woman’s body, but she had a beautiful face with wise dark eyes, and the curly red hair of her mother. My sweet little girl. “Can I come in?” Dalia asked, standing by the doorway, and Desirea nodded. The cabin’s ceiling was too low for Dalia, so she had to walk in slightly bowed. She made her way to the bed, and sat next to Desirea, who gave her a shy little smile.
“What’s the book about?” Dalia started the conversation awkwardly, and Desirea showed her the cover. “’The eternal enemies’. What does that mean?”
“The book tells about the sorcerers of the Great Other.” Desirea explained softly. “What kind of magic they use, how their secret organization works, and so on.”
“And I assume, R’hllor hates them very much, right?” Dalia asked, her voice a bit amused, but Desirea didn’t smile. “Yes, he does.” She answered strictly. “And there is good reason for it. You are now the Firebearer, mother, you are a warrior of R’hllor, you should take these things seriously.”
“Of course, dear.” Dalia answered with a smile. “If you see a sorcerer of the Great Other, just point at it and I’ll kill it for you.” Desirea rolled her eyes for this, and Dalia let out a little chuckle, ruffling the curly red hair of her daughter. For a moment they were both quiet, until Dalia let out a little sigh.
“Desi…” She started uncomfortably, scratching her hair as she spoke. “Your father suggested that maybe it would be wise if you stayed at Brimstone Well. We would leave some of the soldiers to protect you while we’d march to Hellgate Hall.” Desirea’s eyes widened as Dalia said this. “No.” She answered strictly, and Dalia couldn’t help but let out a little laugh.
“That’s what I expected.” She said with a small smile. “But… I just want you to know that you don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”
“Yes, I do have to.” Desirea answered decisively. “I’m a servant of R’hllor, and I’m on a mission here. I can’t just abandon the Lord of Light because I’m scared.” Dalia nodded understandingly to her daughter’s words. “And are you scared?” She asked softly, and Desirea gulped.
“Of course I am.” She admitted quietly. Dalia put her right arm around her daughter, pulling her to a hug. “I will protect you, my little flame.” She assured, meaning it from the bottom of her heart. “Don’t be afraid.”
“And… Are you afraid, mother?” Desirea asked as they slowly separated from the hug. “I’m not afraid of the battles, Desi, but I am afraid of losing you.” Dalia answered, grief surfacing on her voice. “I don’t want to abandon you ever again.” She added, looking her daughter to the eyes, and Desirea nodded shyly.
“What about your father?” Desirea asked suddenly, and Dalia slightly raised her eyebrow. “What about him?” She asked calmly.
“You said earlier that he didn’t think highly of you… So, how will he react to this? And what will he think about me?” Desirea sounded genuinely worried, so Dalia put on a calm and soft smile. “It doesn’t matter what Lucifer thinks about you, Desi, I’d never let him treat you badly. And what comes to me, the last time he saw me was over fifteen years ago… I am stronger now than I was then.” Dalia let out a small sigh as she said this. “Besides, an addition of thousand men to his army should make him thankful.”
“But you must remember that your father’s war is not the only reason why we are here.” Desirea said, and Dalia gave her a small nod. “My army is here for the war,” Dalia made clear, “but if there is a way I can help you with your mission, I will do it.”
“So if the mission demands that we separate from the army, do you promise to come with me?” Desirea asked with a serious voice, looking Dalia straight to the eyes.
[Promise] [Don't promise]
The enemy! I'm calling it now, this is Aisha's enemy! R'hllor followers in Dorne, that is unexpected, but I am certain that they are this mysterious enemy Aisha mentioned. More specifically, Desirea, who has a mysterious mission of her own. It makes a serious amount of sense. And it seems that at least their immediate goal will be to support Lucifer Dryland. That said, I have no idea how Gwendis could ever be of help against an army of a thousand and I am still very sure that I made a terrible mistake by following Aisha, now more than ever. I mean, Aisha probably has a plan, but I can't see how Gwendis could possibly assist her with it. This in turn makes me nervous. I mean, is Aisha's enemy seriously a child? Does she plan to using Gwendis to harm a child? And why can't she do it herself? It now seems we indeed made the terrible mistake of following Aisha down the path that could lead to Gwendis encountering this warrior she dreamt of and I can only hope that there will be ways to end this confrontation without getting her killed.
[Don't promise]
I mostly choose this because, well, if Desirea is Aisha's enemy, then having Dalia around her will make things way harder for Gwendis. Hell, at worst Dalia could be this warrior she has seen and I doubt she's going to react kindly to anyone who is a threat to her daughter. So, keeping Dalia and Gwendis apart from each other will be a big goal for me. If that means that Desirea has to leave on her own, without any warrior to protect her, then so be it. That said, I hope there will be a way for Gwendis to support them instead, because the followers of R'hllor at least serve a morally ambigous deity, as opposed to the pure evil that is the Great Other. Maybe there will be a way for Gwendis not to oppose Desirea or Dalia, so that she won't get into the danger of being killed by the latter. That means, getting on Dalia's good side is important, very important. But again, if things go wrong, then not having a warrior of R'hllor around can only be for the best. Seriously, Gwendis should just get the hell out of there in general instead of assisting Aisha in whatever scheme it is she pursues, but I hope there will at least be the chance not to make Dalia attack her. That said, the implication that she is the warrior from Gwendis' vision is making Dalia by far my least favourite PoV already, even if she seems very interesting as a character, with her being the daughter of Lucifer Dryland and everything. I don't want to dislike her though, so I hope I am wrong here or that we at least will chose the right options to prevent anything bad from happening.
Haha, these are people who Aisha definitely would see as an enemy, so yeah, maybe they are the enemy.
Aisha definitely has a plan, but she also follows the signs given by the Great Other pretty spontaniously - meaning the plan might change in the fly. What comes to Desirea, yeah, she indeed is a child, though definitely not the ordinary thirteen-year-old.
Oh well, I can definitely understand you here
However, I hope you will find at least some liking for Dalia in the future though, or at least can enjoy her parts, because as you said she is a pretty interesting character 
Desi is still a young lady. It's best for her mother to be by her side if she is really planning to split from the army. If this girl/her mother is supposed to face Aisha/Gwendis, I believe it's best when they meet 2 vs 2 instead of 2 vs the whole army.
Seeing Liquid in his analysing and cautious mood is such adorable, especially when he already hate newest PoV, assuming that it's danger for his own character! Awww, that's so funny and sweet at once. :-)
Well it seems we have encountered Aisha's enemy! If it turns out that Dalia and Desirea are indeed the enemies of Aisha and Gwendis, it will be interesting to see just how Aisha plans on going up against a one thousand strong army. I am also probably even more so intrigued to see what Gwendis' role will be in this because I also don't see what kind of importance she would be in a fight between R'hllor and Great Other followers. The whole situation seems pretty shady to me but also very interesting at the same time! At this point, it certainly does seem that Gwendis' storyline is going to have a ton of action in store and it is pretty awesome seeing all of these pieces that were previously mysteries in the story now come together and it gives us readers the choice on whose side we are going to root for.
When it comes to the choice, I have to admit this is a very tough one since on one hand you have Dalia who seems very serious about helping her father in his war but on the other hand you see her guilt for not being there for her daughter in the past few years. So safe to say that I am pretty torn on what to choose here. However, I think at this point it may be best if Dalia [Don't promise] Desirea.
I am choosing this largely because I think it is better not to promise anything at this point. Dalia is the leader of this army and this army no doubt needs her and from what I gather this choice seems more like saying if or not you will leave with Desirea not actually doing it. So at this point, I believe it is best for Dalia not to make any promises and for her to determine the situation with her father so she can hear from both sides before making such a huge decision.
Well, this is certainly an interesting change of events. For some reason, I thought that Lucifer Dryland could not have kids. I'm very interested in learning more about these characters. For example, how did Dalia become so powerful, why did they become followers of R'hllor, and why is Dalia's daughter so significant? These characters are very mysterious. For the choice, I would say [Don't promise]. This is mainly because, we don't know what Dalia's father will want her to do and he might require her to stay with him. Anyways, she shouldn't promise her that she will leave her army at a moments notice. Even though, she might choose to do this later. She should try to leave her options open for later, when there is a chance to separate from them, so she would not feel obligated to leave with her daughter. Anyways, she could send some of her men to accompany Desirea for her protection if she needed too.