Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Gosh, she's such a cutie.

    torcrux posted: »

    It's possible I traveled via Wonka vision, though I cannot say for certain.

  • I will strangle you with all 10 of my beautiful broken fingers!

    Deltino posted: »

    In the Michonne miniseries, if you keep Randall alive and make the trade, he tries to kill you, which leads to a QTE. He can die in two ways

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    You know, now that you mention it, how Randall pins Michonne down changes based on how much you messed up his fingers; if you didn't tighten the vice, he actually has a decent grip on Michonne. If you tightened the vice, however, his fingers will be broken and bent out of place, and he's barely able to wrap his hands around her.

    I posted about it months ago, even had pictures of it. It's kind of cool they actually paid enough attention to change his animations slightly.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I will strangle you with all 10 of my beautiful broken fingers!

  • Apparently, Carver really was planning on leaving the moment Rebecca and Alvin reveal themselves.

  • Whaddya know. Something about Arvo that I didn't know: if you offer to make a deal with Arvo to repay his group for what was stolen, Buricko (who apparently understands some English) tells Arvo that they're nott here to make deals and that they will take everything.

  • she dieded

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    And whatever happened to that cow? o.o it just, disappears.

  • Maybe it's also because Clementine calls him Lee and not dad.

    Murmle22 posted: »

    Just wondering. Lee can say to Vernon Clem is daughter Lee. And after escaping from Crawford Vernon says: "I would not have this conversa

  • Did you know there was an unused line where Bonnie tells Sarah to stay with Rebecca during the Observation Deck scene?

    Well turns out, it actually was used in the game.

    What. the FUCK?

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Well, technically she said "stay out of the way"

    Standing near the ass end of the observation deck definitely counts as 'out of the way'

    DabigRG posted: »

    Did you know there was an unused line where Bonnie tells Sarah to stay with Rebecca during the Observation Deck scene? Well turns out, it actually was used in the game. What. the FUCK?

  • Oh....:joy: [Goes to doublecheck] Whaddya know, that is 100% true.

    Guess I confused what she said for what that most logically meant (staying out of the way=inside where she can't be shot or groped). Really, I was trying to emphasize that I thought that was an unused line for something that may have been originally intended that ended up being used after all, I just don't recall hearing it before.

    Guess whoever made that collection of unused clips should reevaluate which ones were used.

    Deltino posted: »

    Well, technically she said "stay out of the way" Standing near the ass end of the observation deck definitely counts as 'out of the way'

  • Good call

    DabigRG posted: »

    I just occurred to me that Sarah's "canon" death could've been a serious callback to Shawn's.

  • edited March 2017

    And it would've been a actual good call had Clementine taken Bonnie's gun and went Rambo for a bit on the dog pile with that sullen look on her face, said that angry line she can say to Jane, and, oh I don't know, actually be allowed to show emotion and simultaneously have Jane face actual consequences for her screw up.

    THEN it would've been a good call.

    SuperZay7 posted: »

    Good call

  • edited October 2016


    Donald Trump.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh.... [Goes to doublecheck] Whaddya know, that is 100% true. Guess I confused what she said for what that most logically meant (staying

  • edited October 2016

    Um...sure, let's go wit that. EDIT:Then again, on second thought, let's not.

    Havin' a Gay Old Time!

  • Idk. Something about pretty politicians buying souls from us.


  • Well, Trump wouldn't do that. He rocks.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Idk. Something about pretty politicians buying souls from us.

  • Clem standing on the rooftop with Carver and watching the horde, was that not in the game?

  • A lot of what you see on the next time sequences don't actually make the game. They just give you an idea of what to expect in the next episode.

    NorthStars posted: »

    Clem standing on the rooftop with Carver and watching the horde, was that not in the game?

  • It would have been a cool scene.

    NOHATCLEM posted: »

    A lot of what you see on the next time sequences don't actually make the game. They just give you an idea of what to expect in the next episode.

  • True. It also would've apparently been a sign of a supposed kinship between the two that got boiled down to "we're more alike than you think."

    NorthStars posted: »

    It would have been a cool scene.

  • Gabby and Renee Montoya from Batman are both voiced by Krizia Bajos, and the two are volatile and resentful Hispanic-American women.

    Gabby Renee

  • Da fug happened to Montoya?!

    Gabby and Renee Montoya from Batman are both voiced by Krizia Bajos, and the two are volatile and resentful Hispanic-American women.

  • what

    “I don't understand!”

    DabigRG posted: »

    Da fug happened to Montoya?!

  • enter image description here

    Clementine's face

    Must! Resist! Kevin Hart! Joke!:joy:

    “I don't understand!”

  • I don't understand either of your comments now.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Clementine's face Must! Resist! Kevin Hart! Joke!

  • The picture is Renee Montaya in her original incarnation on BTAS. I was pointing out the noticeable differences between that and her Telltale design(which I haven't experienced yet).

    As for the Kevin Hart reference...look at Clementine's mouth. Nuff said.

    I don't understand either of your comments now.

  • Ah, gotcha!

    DabigRG posted: »

    The picture is Renee Montaya in her original incarnation on BTAS. I was pointing out the noticeable differences between that and her Telltal

  • The arrow that hit Mark was white, while the bandit's arrows were red.

  • Therefore, Mark shot himself with an arrow.

    DabigRG posted: »

    The arrow that hit Mark was white, while the bandit's arrows were red.

  • Um, simply implies that the bandit's may not have been the ones who shot him.

    (How do you shot yourself in the back of shoulder?)

    Therefore, Mark shot himself with an arrow.

  • I was only kidding.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Um, simply implies that the bandit's may not have been the ones who shot him. (How do you shot yourself in the back of shoulder?)

  • so it was Sarah's own fault she died. I knew she should have been left in the mobile home.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh.... [Goes to doublecheck] Whaddya know, that is 100% true. Guess I confused what she said for what that most logically meant (staying

  • Missed opportunities...Clementine could have seen things from his point of views.

    DabigRG posted: »

    True. It also would've apparently been a sign of a supposed kinship between the two that got boiled down to "we're more alike than you think."

  • enter image description here
    enter image description here
    Silly BetterToSleep, you know it's not a good idea to bluff your way through these situations, evidence is all that matters. The victim shot himself? How ludicrous! Despite there being no motive, in what conceivable universe could he have shot himself?
    enter image description here enter image description here

    Perhaps you'd like to explain this logical leap in your theory?

    Therefore, Mark shot himself with an arrow.

  • Eh, I don't think I want to.

    Missed opportunities...Clementine could have seen things from his point of views.

  • I feel humiliated by you.

    I'd like to speak to my attorney.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Silly BetterToSleep, you know it's not a good idea to bluff your way through these situations, evidence is all that matters. The victim shot

  • Sometimes seeing things from someone else's perspective help...then you can understand that Carver was right to take the group as prisoners...if they had stayed, then Rebecca would still be alive and Carlos and..everybody.

    Carver was right when he called them ungrateful and they did not know how good they had it.

    Now of course Carver was a piece of shit and his methods were too extreme...but perhaps running off with a pregnant woman who was about to give birth was a pissed poor idea.

    AChicken posted: »

    Eh, I don't think I want to.

  • enter image description here
    You wanted to see me?
    enter image description here
    Not sure what you'd like my help with but you may as well give it a whirl.

    I feel humiliated by you. I'd like to speak to my attorney.

  • edited October 2016

    Eeeh...not necessarily. As I point out when the notion of Arvo somehow killing Luke is brought up, Sarah fell victim to an unexpected environmental hazard (that also nearly got Jane had Luke not caught her) and was more in the wrong place at the wrong time. As Deltino points out, Bonnie never specified where Sarah should be, only saying to stay out of the way, which staying behind the cannon does fit in with.

    Nonetheless, it's yet another factor into how that scene could've been twerked to actually fit into the story better and, if it was truly absolutely necessary, given Sarah a proper send off. Along with this, of course.

    so it was Sarah's own fault she died. I knew she should have been left in the mobile home.

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